(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Hi Tracy, bblim & miu

Thanks for your feedback.. bought the bovril yesterday and yes, realised that it contains msg.. anyway.. gave a little bit to my girl yesterday and she kinda love her porridge.. fiished her meal in 30 mins instead of the usual 1 hour.. but dont think I will give it to her often.. thinking of trying appeton to help boost her appetite.. I am really at my wit's end about her fussiness


Yeah lor the crayons I got from ELC is non toxic.. they have non toxic chalks as well, same price.. cheap right? Only 10 cents per piece.. I can let you take a look when you come over to my place next week?
I always come in...but seldom post...

Not yet...but i plan to bring her over around Oct/Nov...By Sept, i will check any vacancy at childcare first...hopefully everything goes smooth...

By then, i can join all the gathering !!!!!

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.....counting down...
Mrs Ho,

Finally you can have her here with you. Really looking forward right? As for childcare centre, you better start sourcing now. If not, they might not have any vacancy.

I'm right now looking out for playgroup for Enya as she is not going childcare when she reach 18 mths.
Mrs Ho
Yup..long time since i seen your posts. So how long will ur girl be stayinf w u or will it be a perm situation already? I can feel for u..definitely very happy to be w her after being seperated for so long!

RE: Child Care
Ivec is confirmed for his full day CC with MMI. Starting his class on 5 Nov & we will be taking leave for 3 days to accompany him thru out his 1st 3 days..really excited for him as well
<font color="ff6000">playgroup</font>
i'm also looking for a playgroup for my daughter, maybe start with 2 hrs twice a week and then see how. i just took her for a trial at julia gabriel this week, very enjoyable but not cheap. also, i have to drive there, so i'm now seeing if there are any good ones near my place.
I am having a boy this Jan =P

Oh yes, I am also looking out for some playgroup for my gal. But I working full time so dunno how to arr.

shylyn, how much is full day CC at MMI? Their lessons good?
hey babe, congrats!! i will be having a girl, also in jan
<font color="0000ff">Babe & miu66</font>, Nice meeting you. Congrats!! Now you can close 'shop'.

I found another Childcare at Katong Mall, also MMI. Full day is $850 after Sub.

Maybe I will be putting Riz there instead Babies Inc. The prob I hv is they cannot accept Him at 17mths. The lady was kind enough to check with MCYS if is allow. Keep my finngers cross.

Tentative Date : 5th Sept (Wed)
Tentative Time : 2pm (possible to be later say 2.30pm or 3pm?)

1) Rach
2) Cheers
3) Draik
4) miu66 (tentatively yes!)
5) shylyn ( tentatively yes!)
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
7) hunniepot (tentatively yes!)
8) terrier (tentatively yes)
9) Petite_chose(tentatively yes)

I forgot whom wants to share cab with me ah?
I nod Draik is staying near me. Was thinking to take cab straight from my house. Ay least bb can sleep in the taxi for a while.
Congrats Babe & Miu..sure both of u looking forward to ur 2nd bb ^_^

Full day cc is $600 after working mother subsidy..initially wanted to start with half day but their half day is $575..not much diff..so might as well sign up for full day..
I hv yet to start the class..but from what i c, should b pretty gd bah..hmm..in fact, i'm asking around for feedback..hee
shylyn, where is yours? So cheap..I went to find out from great world kinderland. Before sub is about $1k/mth full day. Wonder how come these are so ex...

Anyone wanna share cab too? or can get a lift? I staying at novena..
I got mix up. Is actually $650 for full day and $495 for half day. Wat I like abt MMI is they really teaches the kids to be independent. And the playgroup area is seprated from the Nursery & K1 /2.

<font color="0000ff">shylyn</font>, Looks like there is realy a price different. My side half day is cheaper. They also have 4 days full days, etc...

<font color="0000ff">Babe</font>, Babies Inc after sub is $1200. I went to take a look at the place, Very big. But look like abit disorganise. Many be too many kids there. But I do like their toilet for bathing the kids. That I must say is well organise.

Ethan House is so small. Pratically no rooms to run abt. Best part they charge $1000+ too.

<font color="0000ff">Draik</font>, yes can, Will cfm again when the days are nearer ok? Anybody else?
Hi tracy,

oh really i saw a playgroup banner at Blk 13 few weeks back. maybe can go to the RC and ask.

I went to star learner to check out , i think i will not enrol there.
Its a new centre..MMI at Jurong West Sports Complex..they just started their biz in early August..yaloh..in fact, even $600 is rather expensive leh..not cheap cos its a fixed expense monthly..even NTUC cost abt $500 after subsidy..which is also expensive for a mass mkt CC! In the past, it only cost $100 plus..cost of living definitely increase...how come our income didn't increase just as much..heheh

Yup..to me, MMI is a reliable brand..at least i can b assured that Ivec will be in gd hands..like u, i also went to the centre to take a look..I like the area, which is big & new, they divided the area such that the bigger kids are away from the younger ones, even the toilets caterred to both bigger & younger children..must see when i can pop by to see how they conduct their classes though..
I'll be signing up for the 2 weeks trial 1st..your side got trial sessions as well? I'm glad they did cos it gives both the parents & the child a feel of how things will be like.

RE: Share cab
sighh...think once again, i'm the only one from Jurong..so no one to share cab :p

Ya ya, my mistake. Saw the banner over the weekend. Will call and check tonight.

I went to star learner too. But I will enrol Enya for the CC not playgroup. I dun really hv much choice as my mum will be the one fetching her. So I can't send her to CC that needs transport. Star learner will be my only choice unless there is something new around our place.

Why you dun like star learner? Can share?
Dear mommies,

most of you will be sending your lil' ones to playgroup soon. Am wondering whether you will be sending them to half day or full day playgroup?

I am probably going to send Shawn to half day play group at Pat's Schoolhouse during the weekdays. For the other half of the day, will be getting my fil to come over and he will be assisted by my maid (whom I have reserved but has only arriving in Nov). Reason why I am not sending him to full day is bacause based on my sisters's and some colleagues' comment, a half day playgroup is less tiring, and to let them go home for the other half day is more balanced. But it does seem alot more convenient to send them to full day playgroup... I don't know...

any comments?
hi tracy,

i find the grp too big, they hv PG and N1 combined together. Although they follow MCYS teacher ratio but 2 teachers for sucha big group i not very comfortable leh. There are a few CC around walking distance abt 10-15mins. later i pm u the list.

Accordingly to the CC that i'm sending she says actually is no point putting them whole day there unless u dont have anyone to take care. Reason morn the class will only start at 9.30am and 1 to 3pm will be nap time (which i wonder how they make every child to go to slp at the same time).

I'm putting Isaac 1/2 day only and as the cc advice i will put him on 1/2 am till he is bigger.
hey momyam,

Thanks for your comments.
Who's helping you to look after Isaac for the other half of the day? How old is a good time then to put them there for full day? ...

My sis sends all her 3 kids for half day classes , even for her oldest one then, who is now 7 and in primary one already. He was complained of tiredness when they tried putting him there for full day.

I just called Pat's Schoolhouse to check on registration and apparently, it's best that I register Shawn only in Oct 08 so that he will not have to go through the same playgroup syllabus if he joins earlier. Don't know if my FIL can cope and take care of him full day until then... sigh

btw, have you moved to Sengkang already?!
we can meet up with the boys, and I can finally pass you your book! paiseh for keeping it this long! :p

My view: Hmm pri one dont need CC already unless nobody is at home to look after for yr Sis.. that's what i thot. She can opt for after school care that will be less stress for the kid and usually they kid will need some rest after a day at sch.

For whole day, the principal says depends a lot of the kid. Prefer when they reach 3 to 5 when they can interact better to tell u what they want and what they dislike etcs. Also most impt by then they are toilet train.

For our kids too young to put whole day coz' they will be sleeping most of the time.

The book har.. is ok la, is not urgent and i fully understand that u r super busy mommy and very hands on mom. I'm moving there VERY VERY VERY soon hahahaa...

we can meet at punggol park very soon also. once i've settle i will let u kw we go mum mum or just sit and rot hahaha
<font color="ff6000">playgroup</font>
i am planning to sign K up for a twice weekly playgroup that is prob only abt 2 hrs long and i will go along with her. this is so that the transition to half-day playgroup (which is also only abt 3hrs and is without me) when she is 2 will be easier, i think. i'm also planning to send her to pat's schoolhouse. i visited it a few wks ago and they said they can take her in only the year she turns 2, which is next year.
<font color="0000ff">MomYam</font>, Punggol park so far... Might as well meet st Compass pt. Ha ha!

<font color="0000ff">shylyn</font>, I did nt know they hv trial classes. I called the today and enquiry. I got to pay half of the half day program. Waht abt yr side. As for me, They cannnot take Riz in till he is 18mths. But the principle was kind enough to think of a way for me. Guess no subs for a mth lor.

<font color="ff6000">Half day or full day programm</font>

I wanted to put Ris 1 week full day and the other week half day. But I was told that is not good for the child. Routine Upside dw, he won't get use to it.

Then I thought of putting him when I am not around or half day when My HB had to leave for work, etc... They suggested not good too. Aiya! Must put full day?? I pity my son...

Still thinking what I should I should do.

Any suggestion?

I will be placing my girl in full day childcare when she turns 20 months. Basically I wouldnt want her to be placed in CC for the entire day and I asked my parents to pick her up at half day when they are free.. cos, like you, I cant bear the thought of placing her in full day CC leh.. the principal has no issues with that though

Yeah, it is the MYCS regulation that no child younger than 18 months is allowed to enter childcare, but if really no choice, then the CC will have to make a special request to the Ministry

Which pat's schoolhouse are you looking at? I am at Sengkang, so will be sending Shawn to the one at Lim Ah Pin.

I called them yesterday. They confirmed that they can take in children when they turns 2, but the official term starts in January, and they open registration in Oct. They recommended that Shawn only register in Oct 08, so that he won't go through a repeated syallbus from Apr (when Shawn turns 2), to Dec. Wonder if the process is the same for all Pat's schoolhouses?
Babe / Miu,
congratulation on bb#2...

yes...finally can be with her if she behave in cc.
actually i very kiasu, already registered since last year Nov. But i told them i will only send my girl in when she reach 18months onwards...
Will go down and check the availability within this few weeks.

if my girl can behave well in CC, she will be perm in Sing...
Hi Su

Can you enlighten why you choose Pat's schoolhouse over other Childcares, such as MMI, which i hear many rave abt it? Can share your view? In what ways they are good and charges higher than others?

BTW, Have you registered Shawn? Any waiting list? When is Shawn starting? Pai sei to ask so much, as I am really interested too.

I am also looking into a reasonably good childcare. If pat's is my choice, Lim Ah Pin will also be my chosen location as I stay very near there.

Hi Tifanny,

If you are considering a Montessori school, you may want to consider Brighton Montessori at Fort Road. I have actually initially registered Shawn there earlier and even paid $200 for the registration fees. Brighton is a very good school and they have many good feedback. My sister sends all her 3 children there. She's very fussy with education as she's an educator herself. So I trust her judgement when she sends all her children there.
Unfortunately, later we realised the logistics of sending Shawn there really won't work, so we were forfeited the fees.

Thankful we have Pat's schoolhouse near my home and we are sending him there in place of Brighton Montessori.
It's approach is really quite different to the montessori way of teaching (both about the same fees), but I personally think that Pat's schoolhouse more creative, active and social environment is more suitable for Shawn. I like Pat's schoolhouse for their programmes, and of course, many parents have also recommended Pat's sh to me. Their teacher/ child ratio is pretty good (can't remember the ratio now, but I think it is 1 teacher to 6 children).

I could not register Shawn directly on the waiting list. I have enquired about their waiting list but they said that there is no need to register so early, can do so closer to Oct (08!). Anyway, they said that toddlers registered on their D'story club has priority on the playgroup programme. I am bringing Shawn to a trial of their d'story club this sat and if it's good, will register him for it. Think he will need that esp now that he can't start playgroup there even by the time he turns 2 yrs old (more due to the registration period more than age, as I have mentioned in my earlier post).

My sister was looking at obtaining an MMI franchise earlier as she thought that MMI is a reputable and good school. However, in the end, she changed her mind as she felt that they aren't really dedicated to nurturing the children, more so for financial interests... so I removed MMI from my list. Anyway, if anyone here already considered MMI, please don't base your decision on my sister's feedback. You should check out MMI for yourself and use your own judgement. I'm lazy, so uses my sister's judgement to decide. :p

Tiffany, hope these help.
Wow, realised u all so hardworking into looking at schools for kids..hardly had much time to go around. There are many schools around my area but somehow never go look see look see since working. By the time I get off and weekends, don't really see much even if they are open..arghhh...

How much are the fees for full day at Pat's Schoolhouse? Are the teachers local? Heard that EtonHouse engages ang mos, and the fees are like more than $1K.. BTW, heard from my hubby that Shawn 'gave' Amanda a flower during the class last week?
So cute.. so young know how to pao(4) niu(1) liao
Hi Su

Thanks so much for your input. I have also heard alot abt Pat's schhse. Oh.. no need to register early.. then dont have to worry for the time being. I am only afraid of the long wait list..
Fort road is really out of the way for me.

Will you still continue SM?

you can try going there or saturday mornings, or go there on your day offs
I did that to check out the schools. Can just take 1 day off actually, and check out all the schools at one go.


oh yes, Shawn did give Amanda a flower after class ended last Sun. I was so amused too. Think maybe pao niu is inherent in men, haha

When the gst was still 5%, pat's sh's school fee is $840 for half day and $1200 for full day. Dunno how much is it now leh.. will let you during class after I checked it out this Sat at the school.


Do you mean Shichida Mtd by SM? I am continuing 1 more term after this, then will assess and see how after that if we want to continue...
How do u find SM so far? Do u do any home practise w Shawn? Ivec will be continuing his 3rd term ..not sure whether he gaining anything from it..but at least, he's starting to enjoy compared to the past, whereby he will get restless after a while, in fact, he still does.

RE: Pat Sch Hse
I initially consider this CC as well as they hv a centre near my area..but i found the fees rather high & out of our budget..what are the budget for u ladies?

Mrs Ho
Hmm..but how do u define whether ur daughter is behaving? I guess its a matter of getting used to..like u, i'm also concerned whether Ivec can take to CC as he has been brought up in a home enviroment..only exposed to 'school' thru his weekly Shichinda class
I paid near to $600 for the 2 weeks trial as the trial is not subsidised..plus need to make payment for the add items like mattress cover, registration fees etc..
Hmm..u mean the Principal allow ur boy to start though not yet 18mths? Initially I wanted to start Ivec on 2/10/07 but he is still a few days short of 18mths..so according to the lady, unable to do so..tt's why have to wait till Nov to start.

RE: Full Day CC
Hmm..honestly, I don't feel that its bad to leave the child in full day cc..I was brought up in a full day cc & I rem enjoying myself there, making friends, being kept occupied with stuffs etc..but of cos, we will try to fetch Ivec earlier once every while..cos got to keep in mind that there is a schedule to follow as well...& doing so too often will disrupt the sch's schedule.
Wow so much tak abt Pat's sch house. Must check it out too.

<font color="0000ff">Hunniepot</font>, I went dw To Eton House. Did not like the way they teaches the children, I felt like they teaches more on creativity, eg. dress up and drawing. Is very small inside. NO place for them to run around. They are doing away the Infant class soon to create place.

Fees is also $1200 for full day.

They don't hv ang moh teacher there. My be the other Eton house further dw the road.

<font color="0000ff">shylyn</font>, got to ex on yr side for the trial? I think I better call them and recfm how much I must pay... Yap, They will think a way for me. Maybe bcos I'm a exceptional case, lots of request. Ha Ha!

So far I compare with Babies Inc. I find MMI @ Katong is quite serious in teaching the children. The children not only learn daily chores, also manners. Maybe the centre is new. So they are trying to set up a name for themselves.

Thanks for the info on etonhouse, just that my friend was saying it is one of the 'top notch' CCs around etc.. guess perhaps it is just the branding afterall


Your trial is quite ex leh.. I am given 2 hours trial per day for 3 days 1 month b4 my girl is to enter childcare, FOC.. and when she starts CC proper, we are given up till 2 weeks to really try it out, if we decide to withdraw after that, only need to pay half of the fees, which is about $400

what is the full name of MMI. I din see them in MCYS list leh? which part of katong? i hv seen Global kids at katong, their teaching not bad but i am still looking around.

The amount for full day is about $700 after subsidy.. think you will get additional $50 as you are working in an affliated org.. but the waiting list is ultra long, I registered my girl in May and was no. 12 on the waiting list
Yeah..i also found the trial to be expensive but it definitely better than signing up for the whole mth & having to stop if Ivec is unable to accustom to the place cos the fees will not be refunded then. I cant rem what the $600 consist of exactly, think $100 is the registration fees & some other minor stuffs which also adds up to be near to $60!

hmm..so ur trial is already included in the sch fees? That's really gd..unlike mine, must pay additional..bobian lah cos that's the only CC nearby my area which is near & not full..hopefully I didn't make the wrong choice.

RE: Outing on 5/9/07
Hmm..ladies, is this outing confirmed? As I need to apply leave ^_^
<font color="0000ff">Starry</font>, is call Modern Montessori Pre school Centre- Katong shopping ctr (63442997) is at the annex of the Katong Shopping ctr. Car can goes all the way to the sch thru the car park.

Shylyn, I will check on my side and post back here the differences. I find abit werid as trial also must pay Reg fees.
<font color="0000ff">Shylyn</font>, I juz called my side. I only need to pay the Trial class fee $285 only. I need not pay the reg fees, bedsheets, etc..

Do you think is bcos they nod you will be signing Ivec up thats why they asked you to pay everthing?
It's a rainy day.....so sianz to be at work..

Ask u gals, have u all started finger painting with ur kids..realised those paint products from toys r'us all from china one..dunno safe or not..

Yes yes, pls confirm outing wor...btw, anyone will pass by novena to share cab or ride?
Really?? Aiyah,..didn't know that can no need to pay e reg fees, mattress cover etc..mabbe my hub gave them the impression that we will be signing up after the trial thus, they ask us to pay loh..should be more hesistant a bit..hee

I wanted to try..but worried that Ivec will put his fingers into his mouth, which he has been doing so often these days. He only recently then started to mouth objects, & will purposely do so when we tell him not to! Very 'ti qi' boy!

RE: Outing on 5/9/07
Aiyah..just kena arrowed to attend a meeting on that morn..don't know whether can make it in time leh..sheesh! Do we need to pay any entrance/reservation fees? Else i just join u ladies if i can make it.

Ivec still got exposed to his weekly Shicinda class, but my girl not even 1. I really hope she can adap in CC, then i dont hav to worried too much.
Nowadays, i will talk to her that we are going to send her to CC, she must behave, dont be notti. Then she can make friends, got alot of stuff to play with...blah...blah...blah...
Hopefully she understand...
