(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Haha...finally I find a companion for my boy....he oso like your gal, everything want to eat, never know full, can only stop him when we finish all our food. Even if I see him cannot finish his milk as usual, he still die die want to finish everything.

Yah, I started him on outside food a few months liao, easily so that I do not need to prepare food at home to take out. But I would try to choose food that is not too salty for him.

Riz N I are well aridi.( Except me with a little running nose) Tks for the concern, Tracy. Appreciated.

same as many mummies here, Riz throws tantrums when he cannot get the things he wants. When I give it to him, he will give me the happy smile with his both eyes closed.

My HB will smack him if he don't listen. I don't cane or smack but will talk to him porperly. Unless he is really out of hand, I just beat him.

Riz appetite is still the same. But recently he will choose what he wants to eat. Feeding him is so difficult. Must entertain him.

Now he can point to what we are eating and want some too. Yesterday I was eating Hor fun and he wants. His porridge, he don't want. So I play cheat. I placed a slice or Hor fun onto his porridge and feed him. He saw the hor fun, he eats. My HB laughed.

Riz still not talking much. Stil cannot pronouce his words properly. He can say Pa Pa, Bus, Train.

Papaya as Papa. So I teased him where is the YA?
His daddy hear it and said He don't want to be 'PaPAya'

He now then start to sign brush teeth and ball.

Still the same. 2 nap per day.

<font color="0000ff">Mummies</font>,

<font color="ff6000">Hv any1 of you let yr child drink Yakult and coconut drink as this age?

Is it alrite?</font>
The son of one of the section heads in my organisation passed away yesterday night. He was 10 years old. He was born healthy, but the maid dropped him when he was 9 months old. He developed a fever soon after but the maid never brought him to see the doc. By the time the parents do it, it's too late. He was on life support since.

I am very sad about this... sigh.. why must this kind of thing happen??! That's such a stupid maid!
<font color="ff6000">yakult</font>
my MIL started giving my girl sips of yakult a while back, i was not keen as i thought it was too sweet. but now, i let her drink it (she can sometimes finish the whole thing!) when i feel she has not had enough fluids that day.

<font color="ff6000">table food</font>
we started letting K have table food reguarly abt 3 mths ago, no choice cos she simply would not eat her own food when she saw what we were eating. i am also concerned about salt, oil and MSG; but i guess this has forced me and hubby to order healthier stuff when we go out so we can share with her!!

<font color="ff6000">milk</font>
how much milk do you toddlers drink now? yesterday i took K for her final vaccinations and was shocked to find out that she had gained 1kg in the last 2 mths!!! the PD didn't seem too concerned but asked whether me and hb were fat kids when young. now i'm really worried that she's gonna become overweight and am thinking of reducing her milk intake but i forgot to ask the PD abt this. does anyone know if certain brands of milk powder are more fattening? K is on Wyeth Progress Gold now.
I have started Shawn on outside food too. But I always try to order soup to mix with rice/ meat/ veg. The soup are those herbal soup, so not so salty. He loves the food from Soup Restaurant

Once I overheard some ladies seated beside us saying that the food we gave the baby might be too salty... I try to ignore...otherwise how else to deal with these pple...?
Hi Ladies
wow..few days never come in the thread moved so much & all with lengthy somemore
Ivec is sick again..in a span of 2 weeks, went to c the doctor twice :p yesterday was worse, he got this wheezing sound again which made both my hub & I very worried as we r worried that his condition will be like the last time whereby got to be put on the machine to clear his breathing :p Luckily, this morn, he's much better..phew..else i'll take leave to look after him today. Seems like many pple are sick these days.

For a period, Ivec really test the nerves of my hub & I, he was crying like nobody business when he didn't get his way & in a crowded mall somemore..everyone was looking at us, carrying a crying baby with a very red & swollen eyes & nose! Bus, heck, I don't really care what others think...hee..though i used to detest very much crying babies when I'm still single with no kids..now, my desserts loh :p
Ivec is better these days..though *touch wood* I know the terrible twos are around the corner ..heheh..

Hmm..Ivec is also babbling..only managed to say a few words like "Jie Jie" (yaloh..papa & mama don't call, always call Jie Jie :p) "Gong Gong" (called my dad twice & he sooo happy..cos Ivec also didn't call my fil, who's always looking after him..hahah)" car", "key"..he will occasionally pop a few words to our surprise. Hmm..wonder when he will start to talk fluently...but then again, might not hv peace then..heheh..

Table Food
Wonder any one here rem me saying that I'm the most guilty of this. Cant rem when we started introducing Ivec to table food. Whenever we bring him out, he will have a share of our food ..basically, he eats anything & everything, not a fussy eater at all & his appetite is good!!

Ivec is still drinking abt 150 to 180ml of milk 3 times a day..doubt he's on the fat side, in fact, he's still small sized..think got to do with the genes as my hub is small built as well..we are both hoping that he'll grow to be of bigger sized...any suggestions on how to do so>

Yet to start Ivec on any of these..or even any sweet drinks at all..not even fruit juices..he's a milk addict :p
Babies are esp very vulnerable thus it is really a misfortune that the maid mishandled the child & didn't try to remedy the situation after that..so u mean the poor child had been on life support since he was a baby?? My heart really goes out to the family
Well..like u, i don't care what others said..to me, I'll give my boy whatever i think is good for him loh..others have their right to their own opinion.
Babies are esp very vulnerable thus it is really a misfortune that the maid mishandled the child & didn't try to remedy the situation after that..so u mean the poor child had been on life support since he was a baby?? My heart really goes out to the family
Well..like u, i don't care what others said..to me, I'll give my boy whatever i think is good for him loh..others have their right to their own opinion.
Hi Shylyn,

Yes, the boy has been on life support since he was a baby... really very poor thing. i feel so sad. The dad is a very nice boss... I would be so hardbroken if it's my son. But in a way, I think it good too to end the little boy's suffering...

Re Infant / Child Air Tix
Which type of airfare did u buy for Amanda for your previous trips? Any idea for SQ if it's fixed at 10% of published rate for infant & 75% for a child fare? M still deciding which one to get since by paying a child fare, R will get a seat too. But the difference seems alot.

Also, any problems with bringing her FM and drinking mug onboard? Thanks in advance.
Hi bblim,

just a suggestion, if you dare to take the risk...during our recent trip to Perth, we only book seats for myself and DH and when we choose the seats, we chose a window and aisle seat so that the one in the middle is not taken. We were praying that no one will choose to sit there.. and no one did!
Shawn sleep on the seat and travel first class for the outgoing and return flights

Sometimes if the checkin person is nice, she or he will block the seat for your child. The man at the Perth airport was very kind and did that for us... and the flight was really full!

As for the airfare wise, for SQ, it is a fraction of the adult fare (cant remember the exact though), and as for Silkair, Amanda had to pay the same fare as us as we cant purchase the tickets online for infants, thus due to additional processing on their part, it is more ex.. so will recommend that you go for SQ esp when they are having promotions..

I normally do internet check in 48 hours b4 the flight, and to my surprise, on both occasions, by default we were given the front seat (so that they are attach the bassinet to the front)

No problems with bringing FM and drinking water onboard in your hand carry.. (esp now they have the regulation of not being able to bring mroe than 100ml of liquid in your handcarry) they tend to be very understanding to pple with babies..
Aiyo, so lucky of u. That's a good suggestion. Can get an extra seat for Shawn without paying extra. But risky hor. Cannot imagine if the middle seat is taken and we hv to pass R between us during the journey. I tink that person for sure will be pissed lor.

Oh really huh, not so strict on bb. Coz I am worried her water may not be enough to last till we board the plane. Tink all airlines the same. Infant tickets cannot be purchased online, only thru their sales office.
bbli n Su

Actually I never purchase any tickets for Amanda which entitles her to get a seat to herself, cos infant tickets only entitles you to have the bassinet, not extra seats leh.. We always only have 2 seats between ourselves and we have to hold on to Amanda all the time except that we can put her into the bassinet when she was asleep.. but we were lucky that most of the time our flight were not full, ao we normally have 3 seats to ourselves
Hi bblim,

In the event that someone who's unfortunate enough really get the seat in between you both, can always ask if can swap seats. I am sure the person will be glad to have the aisle seat
<font color="0000ff">Bblim</font>, Just to share & add in all the mummies infos:

<font color="ff6000">Infant pricing</font>: 10% off the Published rate for kids 2yrs & below.
Meal: Post weanng meal- semi solid / BB bottle foods (need to request)
(Lastest I found out: You can request for child meal for Infant age 1-2yrs)
No seats for the child

<font color="ff6000">Child Pricing</font>: 75% off the adult fare for kids above 2yrs old.
Meal: Children meals
Seat provided for child

Some suggestion:

1. Book with tour agent. Cheaper. COs for infant there are promotion pricing. It depends on when you are booking in advance.

2. Check out the flt is it full at the moment. THis will let you guage if you need to book a seat for yr child. (If the flt is not full, go for the infant fare.) ALways can chg seats or request the ground staffs to chg or reserve the seats for you.

3. Play dirty: book the window & aisle seat. Play hard that nobody will choose the middle seat (That's if the flt no full) Eitherwise swap seat with the middle person. They sure be happy to do so.

<font color="ff6000">BB foods & FM etc on board & Aust:</font>

No prob. Just delcare when you reach AUST.


I glad to hear that some of you gave Yakult & Vitagen to our little ones. So I a not the onlt 1. Phew!
No one know better than those in the industry

I requested for child meal (usually quite yummy)for Amanda on both airlines, as the infant meal only consists of food jars..

And usually, Amanda doesnt want to be stay seated, she will want to run all over the plane, so getting a child fare, in my opinion, is waste of money at this point in time
Hi all,

Thanks for your valuable inputs. Really appreciate it. Btw called up the sales office today. Found out that the infant fare costs $613 (all inclusive).
So exp, not 10% as wat SQ published on website. Not too sure how they calculated coz forgot to ask for breakdown anyway. But a normal adult fare costs $1,100 so if 10%, shld be abt $110 mah, excluding taxes n surcharges. Can't be those T&S added up to $500 right???

However, the promo price for a child fare under 2 to go deals, only $563 excluding T&S. So my conclusion is by paying $200 extra can get a seat for R liao. *sigh* really headache.

Yes, hunnie, I do have the same worries as you with R refusing to stay in her seat or wanted to be carried all the times during the journey, then the seat will be wasted.

So many things muz be settled within this month, R's passport not done yet, hotel unbooked, itinerary unplanned. Cannot planned oso coz not sure where else we will b going other than Tokyo confirmed. *More headaches*

Btw anyone has recommendations on budget and safe accomodations in Tokyo as the last 1 or 2 days will be from our own pocket? N any itinerary to share? Thanks in advance.

Have u heard that for the infant fare, we can actually negotiate the prices? This is wat I read from one of the threads. Need someone to confirm on this before I go haggling with the sales agent.

Sorry huh, for your suggestion no. 2, where to find out if the flight is full anot? Call up the travel agency??? Thanks again.
<font color="0000ff">Hunniepot</font>

<font color="0000ff">BBlim</font>, Tat I am not too sure. Sorry.

As for suggestion no 2. You can always check with travel agency. But Not all travel agency will let you nod in details. When are you planning to go Tyo and flt nos? I see if I can help.
Hi bblim,

what is the objective of your trip to Tokyo? With a toddler in tow, I would recommend a very relaxed pace itinerary, and probably visit just 1 or 2 or 3 places a day. Imagine you are travelling with old folks, it's the same pace. They have their own needs and you will only tire yourselves out if you try to do alot and it will no longer be a vacation. I learnt this from my personal experience :p then again, Shawn is a hyperactive boy...so might be different

Personally, I think Tokyo is not a very toddler friendly place, I have not been there actually :p, but my friends and my sister who is posted there permanently for work has told me so... but then again, I think it is surviveable

Tagging along my hubby on his biz trip. He mayb going a few places in Japan. Not confirmed, hopefully he juz stays in Tokyo. If not, either we go with him here n there or juz stay in Tokyo waiting for him to come back.

Ya, I have heard of that too abt not so child-friendly there, esp the shinkansen eki, no escalator so if bringing a stroller, gotta lug it up and down the staircase with a toddler in hand.
Dat's y having 2nd tots abt going but at the same time, I have been wanting to visit the Sanrio Puroland ler. I used to be a Hello Kitty fan, but too bad now no $$$ to invest in this hobby anymore.

Thks for your offer. Will let u noe once the flt confirmed. Btw, when will u be starting ur training? So poor thing of Ritz ler whenever I think he will be in the CC full day (no going home???) once u start work. Mayb u can go for the domestic helper option. It's better lor at least the same caregiver all the time.

N you muz b very chio hor so they still wan u back now.
<font color="0000ff">BBlim</font>, No worries. I am starting training in OCT. Date not cfm yet.

We will be moving back to my mom's house to stay. So when she finished work, she will pick RIZ up. At times Riz will be there for half day. Depends on his daddy's 'roster'. (Nope he is not flying)

Er... Nope I am not the chio type. Auntie type. Those have seen me will know. I actually blaff my way thru la.
Wa so ex for bb to go on plane ya...then prob gotta consider nearer destinations....

Petite, u so humble..I think all mommies if we do dress up n put on make up sure chio chio...there's the saying no ugly women, only lazy ones...

Ruixiangmom, so sad. Thank God my gal when young fell from cot n hit floor nothing happened. If not I will b v upset too! n with myself n not maid's fault.
<font color="ff0000">Hunnie</font>, how did you manage to travel on so many overseas trips with Amanda, and come back "emotionally unscathed"? We flew to Thailand on a 2-hr trip when A was 9mth last Dec, and we swore never to fly with him till he is much older. We brought a bag of toys and goodies to entertain him with, hoping that it'll last thru'out the flight, and luckily it did, but the whole 2hrs we had our hearts in our mouths. Dunno when he will act up. Now he is walking and climbing up and down vigorously, we're even more terrified of bringing him to a confined space like an aircabin. Thinking of going Taiwan or Perth, and we might just harden our hearts and leave him with my parents while we escape for a few days.

<font color="ff0000">bblim</font>, I'm not sure whether you shd be staying in Tokyo alone while your hb goes to other parts of Tokyo. I'm not saying that it's not safe (in fact, I've roamed the streets of Tokyo alone while my hb is recovering in bed from diarrheoa in the hotel) and the Japanese are a great bunch of ppl, but it may not be easy to be in a foreign place with a toddler in tow. And think about the language barrier, which may make it hard to seek help shd the need arise. Just my thots.

<font color="ff0000">Petite</font>, I met u in person and you were also on the Mumcentre cover.... you still look great lah! If not, how you can go on a magazine cover?
"Punishable" behaviour?

Read all your inputs on discipline. Every time A supposedly misbehaves in the adult context, I'm struggling on whether to discipline him or not.

For eg, he likes to go into the toilet, pull a small stool by the wash basin, stand on it, and turn on the tap full blast. It's alright with me as long as it's only for a short while, afterall, it's developmentally appropriate for him to be curious abt everything. But after I gently tell him it's enough, we need to turn off the tap and get out of the toilet, and carry him away, he kicks up a terrible screaming fit which can carry on for 1 min or so. Shd I just prevent him from playing with the tap at all by stopping him from entering the toilet? By curbing him from this and that, I'm afraid that I will dull his sense of curiousity.

Some mths back, he realised that the water in the toilet bowl is very fun to play with, and when I caught him doing it, or going to do it, I will give a very stern warning to stop. We even bought a catch to lock up the toilet bowl. Eventually he did get the message, and whenever he gets near the toilet bowl, I just give him a look, and he'll wave hand to say "I'm not supposed to touch it". Certain things like this we need to enforce, but they are some grey areas which I dunno whether to stop him from doing, like throwing things from the high chair (kids his age supposedly like to throw things, so shd I stop him? If i don't stop, will he think that it's ok to throw anything?)

<font color="ff0000">bblim</font>
when you give R options (like watch tv or play toys) after the time-out method, does she comprehend what you are trying to say, and give an appropriate answer? if I were to give A 2 simpe options to choose from, i don't think he'll understand the concept of choosing, and what i'm trying to say.
Infant tic is 10% of published rate, not promo rate. Adult $1100 is the promo rate. When I did planning for Perth, I also wonder where to find SIA's published rate, cos it's obviously not on the website.
<font color="ff6000">travelling with toddler</font>
i definitely recommend getting a seat for yr toddler if it's not too expensive and esp if you are not on a short flight.this way at least he can have a place to sit for meals and for playing. also, you can have yr lap free, i'm sure most of our toddlers are not exactly small and light anymore!!
Tks tks. So Paisei.

<font color="0000ff">Babe</font>, I actually the lazy one. I hate to put on make up, nail polishes etc... Anyhow dress too. My Hb always commented I got lots of clothing, can set up a clothing store aridi. But only wear the same old clothes in & out.

<font color="0000ff">tanwawas</font>, Aiya! That is nothing la. I believe all of you can appear if you dare only..

<font color="0000ff">bblim</font>, Iam also a Hello Kitty fan.

Anyway, When I go back, I will still once a while still drop in to post in this forum.

If anybody need me to get something from Overseas, Don't feel shy to ask me ok? I am glad to help if I can.
I wouldn't let my boy enter the toilet unless I permit him. I do so by issuing a stern look and warning, and he would know I mean it.

Actually, I just started letting my boy step on a stool to wash his hands recently.

Throwing of things
When my boy does that eg. he used to like throwing spoon from his highchair, I will ask him to pick it up after I take him out from the highchair. The idea is to let him know that he got to pick up the mess on what he had done.
Hey TWWs,

Your migration application has been approved? Congrats!
Hopefully I can survive there with my half-pail water Japanese lor.

Re Discipline
Not too sure if she really understand.
Thou I feel she does coz her reactions differ every time. Sometimes, she will juz go away n keep herself entertained for a while before coming to me again. But at times, she will juz throw tantrums. That's when I will carry out the time-out lor. Dunno if it has got to do with me toking to her in a normal adult manner since birth. So she is more used to it.

Another e.g will be whenever she takes those kiddy rides. I will always remind her that she must get up when I ask her to. So when time to go, I will let her noe that we will be going soon and countdown to 3 or 10. N sometimes she will juz keep shaking her head. Then I will tell her if she listens to me now, I will let her ride again the next time. Usually by then, she will ponder for a while and stretch her hands out signal me dat she wants to get out. And of cos, the next time when she wants to ride, I will let her do so, be it a short or long one.

Sometimes, if she has riding for quite a while n someone is waiting for the ride too, I will ask her to share her happiness by letting others have a turn at it too. Coz she has this problem of not sharing and many times, she will juz snatch from her cousin when she sees the toys she fancy.*faint* Very worried wat's gonna happen when she goes to the playgroup.

Sorry for the long posting.
Hey TWW,

Just remembered I am supposed to pick up your other piece of VS yoga pants for you, together with my top, always end up forgetting to do so! Will get it done by next week

RE: Going on Hols

I guess I wont be able to go overseas without her.. I will end up worrying about her all the time, and moreover she is still on BM.. so bo bian but to bring her around.. enjoyed the taiwan trip very much as she is alot older now as compared to the maldives trip.. I was basically a slave to her then.. wont recommend bringing your toddler to a beach resort cos there is bascially nothing much you can do there with your child

As for inside the plane, we were quite relaxed about letting her run along the aisle, while we followed below.. or let her climb up and down her seat.. or like what you said, let her play with her toys etc.. play with others etc.. I saw a couple bringing a portable dvd player on board and let their boy watch the dvd while on the plane, to keep him entertained (though I thought we are not suppsed to play any electronic products on board if Im not wrong)
Hey hunni, I muz have missed your post on Taiwan. How did you manage Amanda while there and what did you do together? I always thot it would be easier to bring toddler to beach resorts since they love the water so much..
Hi babe,

We went there to visit my SIL actually.. but travelled to Taipei on our own via the high speed rail.. we did the usual, shopping, sightseeing, and brought Amanda around in our handy ergo sling. And the good thing about taipei 101 is that they rent out prams for free too, went up to the top to view the city.. and went back to kao shiong, shop again at the dream mall (it is hugh! think need about 2 days to cover everything) we were supposed to travel to more places in kao shiong but kena caught in the typhoon in taipei so couldnt make it back in time. My SIL was saying there is this family relaxation place which features alot of amusement rides and animals just next to her place, unfortunately we were not able to enjoy it as it was raining cats and dogs everytime we were there..

One thing about beach resorts is, there isnt much to do except the sea sports.. and with a child around.. cant do sea sports at all, can only admire the scenary, moreover in places like the beach resorts in Maldives, there is no convenience store where you can purchase baby stuffs or food unlike the city places, so you've got to lug everything there
Weekdays Playdates
Anyone willing to open up your house or function room for mini playdates, potluck, waterplay etc during weekdays? Pls organise some weekly outings/ activities ler . Seems like our thread no one has been organising after the last one at hunnie's place.
Hoping we April mommies n tots can have more interactions among ourselves.
Passport application
Hi mommies, whose babies have applied for singapore passport?

What are the procedures? Also, must they get the biometric passport?

Can advice?
<font color="ff6000">koalarie</font>
all new passports are biometric now. go here to apply: http://app.ica.gov.sg/index.asp. you have to take a photo of your child against a white background and there are some sizing requirements. i took a pic of my girl against a wall but found that it had a slight shadow, so i used photoshop to just fill in the whole background in white. you will get a notice to collect the passport after abt a wk, then you have to go and collect it at the ICA building in kallang.
Hi ladies,

does anyone tells you that your little has changed alot in looks? Enya used to look like my hb but now everyone said she looks like me.

It has been a long time that we have not post pics of our little one. Let me get the ball rolling...

<font color="ff0000">terrier</font>,
seems like little K is a much more disciplined boy than my little A... gotta get more tips from you next time we meet! re: throwing things - A will sometimes pick up the stuff he threw after i tell him to, and sometimes when he is in a naughty mood, he'll throw it down again! *faint* i think my boy has a rebellious streak in him.

<font color="ff0000">bblim</font>,
no lah, i just submitted my application only.

talking abt kiddy rides, i will tell A that we need to go home and he has one more min to play, after that he'll have to come down, but after 1 min, when i try to carry him down, he'll squirm away and scream if i forcefully carry him. so i gave him one more min, tried to remove him again, same thing happens. so now i try to avoid walking pass the kiddy rides. he just doesn't understand that there is limit to everything.

you wanna come my place? i just went to terrier's place a few wks ago, and she's coming to mine the next round. let me know.

<font color="ff0000">hunnie</font>
my sis collected my pants for me some time ago already. i did sms to tell you, remember?

<font color="ff0000">tracy</font>
little enya is a very pretty girl.... big eyes and pouty lips! i'm also indirectly complimenting you leh!

<font color="ff0000">talking & reading</font>
A surprised us by pronouncing the word "cow" for the first time yesterday night while I was reading to him. There was a picture of a cow in the book, and he just pointed at it and said cow. This is his most accurately pronounced word besides pa-pa. His repertoire of words is expanding, I'm so happy! He can also say "no more", but not very clear if you don't listen carefully.

He is also reading and signing many words, all thanks to controlled viewing of the good old VCDs and DVDs.
any mummies here brought your boy for circumcision already? just read a thread on the procedure in the "free items" section, just wanna find out more from you all. cos my hb said my boy's foreskin is a bit tight, might need circumcision in time to come.

Will be glad too. Lemme noe when. PM me hor when the date is set.
Hmmm, but my R will be very bz then coz got 2 boyfriends to play with. Kekeke...

I read from somewhere that little boys at this age, their penis are still growing leh, now already can see if their foreskin are tight meh?
my hb says his son took after him leh. cos he had the procedure done when he was 10+ yr old due to tight foreskin.

i also dunno how. very heart pain to think of my son going thru the procedure, so the younger the better to have the procedure done, cos they won't rem so much.

so when u wanna come my house? or go your place again also can.

we'll decide on a date and sms you, ok?

Thanks for the compliment. She got her eyes from me but not the lips. Come visit my blog and you will know.

Re: Circumcision
This month issue of young parent has an article on this topic. You might want to get it for further understanding.
I am rite now super busy. My SIL getting a divorce.I got to settle selling of their flat as my BIL is in China. my ILs are putting the blame on my SIL for the divorce which is not her fault. Headache!

After this case,I realised that my the other 2 BIL's temper are the same as my HB. HA! I am not alone. At least my SIL took the 1st step. Hope it wakes my HB up!
petite, u got warn ur hb? Heehee......
Didn't know u also property agent ah...many talents wor...When u taking off again? Let us know ur destination ya!

Oh,some how got prob posting my gal's pic. Here's all u can see at her blog at babyship.blogspot.com. Some commented she's looking more like Daddy..haha..

<font color="0000ff">Babe</font>, Nt really.

I am not acting as a property agent but more like a peace maker in my HB's family. All of them are upside dw now. Very Complicated.

Don't nod how to explain. Sigh!

My BIL gave my SIL the house. But my BIL wants to buy back the house from her. I was finding ways so that he can buy back from her. Then I realised that he less then 35yrs, cannot own a flat.

So proposed to share name with another bro to buy the flat.

Who nods My Parents IL decided to buy that house for another bro whom not working and gots lots of problem types.

No matter how we inform our Parents IL, they insist of buying without knowing that he might not be able to pay the monthly instalement etc...

Now my elder SIL facing problem with her HB too. Aiya!!!!

My MIL cried while I was talking to her yesterday. She told me that my younger SIL did not greet her in her house and don't want to tell her wat is happening. We don't mean not telling her things. But it will be too hurting.

Wat to do, got to play devil & angel at the same time.

I hv not start training yet. Will keep all of you inform.
