(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

To the best of my understanding.

2. Uniqueone - received
3. momyam - received
4. fussiecat - received
5. hunniepot - received
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 received
7. Tiffany - received
8. Mrs. Ho - received
9. Daphine - received
10. Rach - received
11. Starry - received
12. Tracy - received
13. <font color="0000ff">miu66 - trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB</font> not shown yet
14. Petite - received
15. <font color="ff0000">Melanie</font>
16. Draik - received
17. Cheers - received
18. Terrier - received
19. <font color="0000ff">Strawberry - ATM 21/4/07 ghim moh 11.24 ref:7787</font> <font color="119911">you transfer $10?</font>
20. jumbo - received
21. <font color="0000ff">Jolie - ref 9519</font> <font color="119911">did you transfer after 12.30pm but before midnight on sat?</font>
22. smurfy - received
23. Petals - received
24. tanwawas - received
25. <font color="ff0000">Des</font>
Oh yah....

Tracy did voiced out that she "also believe that if Sabie's parents are going for another baby in future, they will be blessed hundred fold b'cos they loss one previously".

I had wanted to reply to this, but was pre-occupied with the things. What I wanna say is that, Sarah had cervical cancer but was last diagnosed alright, under control. That was a reason why she had a hard time conceiving Sabie and complications with the preg. She's keen to have a sister or brother for the late Sabie, as Sabie's wishes and with God's will. She re-emphasized that Sabie has shown us how to love and what love is, and wishes us all to treasure our loved ones. Let's hope that she will be in good health and be blessed with a healthy, cheerful child when she's ready.

how's the result? Pretty Enya won anything?
Goodbye Sabie...

In fact, i have a confession to make.. my IL house is just opp Sabie's flat and thru some errands, i got to kw Patsy. In fact, wanted to meet up again to let our children play.. but this chance didnt turn true.

I debated with myself the whold afternoon whether to go or not to go. In the end, i really couldnt pick up the courage to go down. Apart the fact, i'm lousy in comforting, funeral will always reminds me of my late dad.. But trust me i really feel painful when sabie leaves me. This really teach both me and my hb to treasure Isaac every single moment we can. I cant bring myself to be strong to depart from Sabie.. most prob i will be there crying and that may sadden Patsy instead.

I believe Sabie's life is not the end .. is a enternal.. so let us be happy for her and she will never be forgotten.

Once again... Chenoa Thanks for everything


Hunniepot, got complain mei?? u r always so gentle and warm.. i cant link anything of u to complain lei.. hahaa.. honestly if is my hb and me, we prob will be like terrier U - turn and go home hahaa.. So thank you for all those who turn up to make the extra effort.

OK.. if anyone organise to Jurong East / West for swim on weekday i will take leave and go BUT HAS TO BE mid MAY!!
THANK YOU Mrs Ho n Terrier for your well wishes..

I had MS b4 i was tested +ive, but it was mild ones..After tested +ive, no MS liao..haha But feeling tired n sleepy very often.Else everything's ok. As for taking care of Ryan while preggy n being SAHM, i'm still able to cope.Nap while Ryan's napping also..else no time to nap liao..

Thank you for the eoofrt of organising of the wreath and a trip to the memorial service.

gotta think of a higher level of trick to trick your hb for a #2, remember he tricked u to having Amanda in the first place!! haha
thank you for the effort
<font color="ff6000">chenoa</font>
my transfer was via UOB iBanking, do let me know if you don't receive it by Monday. Apologies for any inconvenience. Again, thanks for making arrangements and attending the funeral on our behalf, very much appreciated esp since you had yr girl's birthday as well

<font color="ff6000">petite</font>
hey, i bought something from mothercare today and was given the mumcenter mag, you and yr son are really photogenic!!
it's a really nice pic, so yellow and sunny!!
<font color="ff6000">2nd time mummies</font>
congratulations to all of you!! hubby has been bugging me for another since beginning of this year, think i'm ready for it now, so hopefully can join you guys!!
Hi ladies,

Congratulations to mummies with No.2 bb!
Really "pei fu" you all. I still dun dare to think abt it.

Re: Enya's contest
Thank you mummies for the jia you, but Enya didn't get into top 3. Only consolation prize = 1 can of Similac Stage 2. The contest was held outdoor and the weather was too hot for Enya. Plus it held during her nap time so she didn't smile at all. Not even interested to play in the bb gym provided. They are judged by how active and the reaction in the gym so Enya didn't win. But it is ok, a good experience for Mummy and Daddy.
Hi, everybody, Sorry, was busy to reply. Riz only sleep the most 45mins and wake up during the day. Hv no time to type only read.

<font color="0000ff">Tiffany & Mom_yam</font>, Tks for the compliment. The cheesecake I use Digestive biscuits and Philadelphia cheese. I now trying to set up a website to sell my cakes. Do you think I can make it?? Any room for improvement?

<font color="0000ff">Miu66</font>, Tks for yr compliment too. They wanted us to wear something yellow so that is the only Clothing in that col that Riz has.

<font color="0000ff">Chenoa</font>, Tks for going dw to Pasty'house to represent us. Appreciated.
yes i transfered $10. the rest is bai jin.

hi ladies,...
i'm really really sorry i can't make it to BOTANIC gardens
i had a very very very huge fight with my hb the nite before. anyway he got so mad he hold me arms and pushed me against the wall... he din hit me la.. but i think he was so mad he din know where to vent his anger..
and the next day bb took a very late nap so did not wake up in time...

so once again sooooo sorry...

Just want to check, have anyone of you went for studio shots? I'm looking for one cheap and good one. Any recommendation?
Re: Sabie

Mummies, thank you for comforting me. Went to the Oct 05 thread and saw her pic there, felt more heart broken. But I'm glad to know that Sarah is taking it well.
aiyo....recently apr thread parents got many quarrels hor? why har? in the month of child's bday too .... is that some kinda curse?

my peotic humour strikes ....
Today is Monday and back at work again. I have been feeling rather low..Just having a great inertia to working...also prob coz the work doesn't interest me now. I also dunno y I start feeling like losing all my frens now that life revolve around hubby and baby...Need support but dunno where to find..any of u gals have such feelings? Wanted to keep in touch with u mommies on forum but somehow just dun haf much time to follow the thread...when I post msg, I realise my post prob not in line with the conversation and so not hearing from you all also..heehee...when u all got gathering, i also miss....arghh...frustrating..

Haha! You still remember the story about my hb conning me to have Amanda ah? I still remember yours too


I went for the one at foto-u.. find it so-so only.. not fantastic.. 1sttimemum (she hardly comes online now) has one very good package whereby they edit all the photos given back to you... can help you ask her for the contact if you are itnerested
Okiez..think i really monday bluez..been so distracted and keep sobbing in front of my pc...shouldn't have post depression now ritez?

Perhaps you may want to start to meet up with your friends more often? I do go out with my friends over the weekends.. even if it means leaving baby and hubby alone at home.. or bringing baby along so hubby can have some free time to himself...

Why allow the unhappiness at your workplace dictate how you live your life? Try not to bring back whatever unhappiness that you face at work? Cos in that way, though your body is home with your family, but your mind is constantly back in the workplace and it is not healthy
hey hunni, thanks so much for the encouragement. Ya, it's this thing now finding frens to get out is so tough then I feel rather lonely as a mommy..most from my batch still no kids otherwise they are much older..gee...
where do u stay?

The sengkang/punggol thread is organizing a little gathering on 1 May at my neighbour's place. If you are free, and the place convenient, you can pop by, you know?

Friends are truly hard to come by when we have a family to take care.

A couple friend of mine was joking us how come we didn't ask them out nowadays... My husband forget to say them back on how they have forgotten to gather on his birthday, the new year's eve (which we all along been doing so for the past couple of years till last yr). I mean, friends with no kids would tend to think we are busy and so ignore or forget about us. While, the married ones, are trying hard to find time for families and themselves. =p

Think, we would have to strike a balance somewhere.

Think a couple of hours during lunch,dinner, shouldn't be too difficult.

At least this is what I am trying to do with some friends (not my best friends too, sadly). My best friends all said busy with kids. Haiz.

Sometimes, I just feel that having a kid makes me a lonelier person... yet everytime XT smiles and crawls over me for a cuddle/hug, my heart melts.

= )

No worries
Most of my friends have no kids and not yet to be married.. *not that Im young.. but seems like the 78 & 79 (you are 79 batch right?) batches seem to be taking their own sweet time to tie the knot or find a bf even!)*

Worse still, Im the only one who is not working! Even lesser common topics to talk abt.. But Im fortunate that my friends do not mind me bringing Amanda along, and they do not mind walking into baby shops with me.. and I do try to participate in their topics too.. like "is this the right guy for me?' 'how to expand social circles' 'how to meet the right guy' or even bitch abt their colleages, while I bitch abt my ex colleagues, clients and my ILs hehe' Just share my experience with them lor.. need not talk abt babies or families all the time.. make an effort to meet up with your friends.. and you will slowly find yourself back into the group again
Re: Quarrels
think it is a norm when our toddlers start to grow up. A lot of concerns here and there and stress going around?

On top of that, it is summer period.

Heat causes anger.

Anyway, I am very upset with this aircon serving company that I ve for two years. Don't know what they did... during the last maintenance for this yr, they wrote on paper saying that a part of my condenser is down and need to replace...

And then didn't replace but get the coy to call me to tell me price and schedule when to fix next day? Worse of all, they didn't highlight that the aircon units would nt work!

Guess what!

Sunday early morning ard 5.30am, XT made lots of noise, I woke up to realize no air in the room we were in and checked the other rooms as well. Tried to jumpstart the condenser, but still no cold air from all units!

Poor XT couldn't get her good rest.

Got to switch on the fan to blow at her continously.

So dead upset with this coy... the whole night, I couldnt sleep at all though wearing very little.

Tix morning, the damn coy, told me, may NOT have PARTS?!!!

Such a big coy no spare parts???!!!
Bwaaaa, did not know there is a sengkang/punggol thread, always, only, read this thread and off I go. I think I better go and check it out.

I agree that friends are hard to come by, especially finding new ones. I must say that I am quiet lucky to keep a group of my secondary school friends. We will be together for everybody birthdays, new year, christmas... must really make effort to be together.

However, I dun have such luck with my poly and uni friends. I am guilty to say that I have not keep in touch with them.

You are not the only one who has lost touch with friends.

I'm in the same shoes as you. My life revolves around family and I hardly go out alone with my friends anymore. Really feel that I'm tied down ever since I gave birth and I guess that makes me feel very down recently too.

Although I stay with my mum, she doesn't help me look after J so that I can enjoy private time with my hb. I havn't been to the cinema for about 1 year, my last movie was 'Superman Returns'. And the last time I went out alone with my friends was before I gave birth. So I guess I'm really turning into a 'yellow face woman' liao.

I guess you are in a better situation than me as you still go out to work, breathe fresh air everyday, whereas I'm stuck at home everyday looking after J.
babe, is very very common just last week my quite close friend sms me.. saying although we met at the steamboat session, but she felt drifted from me. and after i've given birth i'm a total different person. everything is about isaac and other bbs. i spend the whole morning and have a thot about it.. i guess she is right. now my msn list i chat more with mommies than my close friend unless she is also a mom or she is new mom friend i've made.

Then again, having to say this every single weekend i'm always pack with programs. And I always have the motto whenever i go my son will have to come along with me. So most of my gatherings bb, me & my hb will go. activies of coz' have change a lot coz' of me, either we go places which is bb friendly, or we will hang at someone house for a swim then bbq session or steamboat or pot luck. Sometimes we will just hang for coffee session.

For your information, most of my kaiki friends are not married so let alone having children. So sometimes i will shake leg while they play with my son haha..

Like what Draik says, is the effort that counts. Most of the time i make the effort to arrange programs so all of us will still keep in contact. is not easy, but i'm sure there's a way.

If you can leave your kid with some good caregiver, go for movies with yr hb, friends, sing ktv.. etcs..

Which i miss my ktv session very much!!!.. good friends are very understanding, trust me.. u will find gatherings are actually quite fun after marriage / birth. coz' the topics are more open hee heee..

Even making new friends.. is also needs to be maintain, not just pop in and exit from forum. Sometimes is always good meet up, not only u benefit, even yr child will also benefit

Now my personal time is only weekdays, be it if facial, massage, gym, friends prefer w/o bb & hb ard.. then i will set it as weekdays after work. or take leave to do all these personal time.

hope this is able to help you to ease yr monday blueessssss......
<font color="ff6000">babe</font>
very very few of my friends and my husband's friends are married, most are single or dating around. fortunately, most of my girlfriends were very excited for me when i was preggie and have been around for all major events since K's birth (her birthday, my birthday, x'mas, CNY etc etc). same as hunniepot, i'm the only one that works from home (so my timing is very flexi) so i do find i must make the effort to go meet them for lunch in town sometimes on weekdays, and they are fond of K so most of the time i bring her along too. as hunnie said, i also try not to talk too much about baby things and home stuff, and join in discussions about right/wrong guys, ex-schoolmates, gossip, horrible colleagues etc etc. helps to keep me sane too

since giving birth last year, i've also made 2 new friends with babies, so once in a while we meet up and share stories, exchange toys, complain abt hubby etc

perhaps you are feeling blue cos it's monday, it's so hot and of course, because of poor sabie. i was very sad about that too, as i'm sure everyone else was. i sometimes ask myself why these things happen, why bad things happen to good people, i'm not sure i know the answers but i try to tell myself to stay positive for the sake of my family and friends, if not myself. cheer up!! know that you're not alone, and you always have an outlet here to share your feelings
finally can post liao!

sounds like u need a break from work.

Dunno how to console you, but pls don't envy us SAHM okay ...

I know how you working moms envy us for being able to be with our kids. But really, if you working moms feel that you have no time for yourself and your own friends, we SAHM have it worse.

Working moms already have found/made arrangements for the caring of their kids when they work, and kids are not so attached to the mom like a turtle shell on a turtle. So, when u want to go shopping, facial, etc. can feel assured that you have a trusty person to look after the kid. Stress / sick of work? like mom_yam say, you can take leave to indulge yourself. You can say you come home a bit later or go window shopping on the way back home. That's so much better than SAHM already.

We really have no time for anything. We really should not be called STAY AT HOME MOTHER....which sounds like we stay idle at home, and be served like taitai. We should be called 24-7 WORK AT HOME MOTHER cos our work is round the clock and no time off. When we are stressed with our work, there's no escape.

When child is awake, we have to feed, bathe, play and prepare their meal, 'hong' them to nap, bear with their tantums. When they finally sleep, only then can go cook for ourself and eat, do some washing up. hardly enough time, then they wake up again .... do laundry at night, and clean house as and when can squeeze in or simply close one-eye and just bear with it till really cannot bear ... tell you ah, I everyday now only eat 2 meals. a miserable lunch when she takes her nap, and dinner (sometimes as late as 9pm). Lucky hubby back from work will take over and help bathe YY so I can go shower at the same time before I nurse her and tuck her in. I'm as stinky as a dead rat all day.

Everywhere I go, I have to bring YY along. No one can help me look after. When need to run errands, go out with her empty handed, and come back with heavy groceries .... It's not fun at all okay.

personal time with friends? HA! i don't even have time for a haircut. You have met me a few times, you can see that I'm really ill-groomed. I've just trimmed my hair last sunday, but my last haircut was in jan 06 (still pregnat then). Lonely....no time to feel lonely....I'll use my whatever free time to be happy doing whatever I have to do. Maybe I'm essentially an anti-social person, so I don't feeel very negative about not being in close touch with my very few friends.(?)

I hope you feel better to know that there's mommies out here who are more deserving to be in a state of depression - people like me and uniqueone perhaps. Like uniqueone says, you breathe fresh air everyday, we get stuck at home with the same routine. BRIGHTEN UP!
<font color="0000ff">Babe</font>, Don't feel so dw... Take 5 deep breath now. Relax, burn some aroma oil beside you.
We are all here for you. You are not forgotten. At times, this thread moves so fast that I don't even nod what to write next, but still write something lor...

I think you need a break, beside from work and family.

I learnt how to live without friends beside me. All my friends either are flying, or lost contact. Only close friends are still in contact but never meet up at all. So I always go out by myself and do things by myself.

Sometimes, doing things by yrself could be fun too. I join the queue to get free goodies, shop from east to west, eat wat I want, etc...

Or you can pick up a new hobbie to keep yrself occupied. Bake a cake. Can't bake never mind at least you hv tried. Do Art & Craft, etc....

Having a kid around, makes lots of thing impossible. I understand. Want to catch a show, bb not allow inside, etc...
Yap Yap, I must Agree with the Posting of SAHM...

Dead tired of taking care of bb all by myself. Can't even go out to cut my fringe too.

Today stare at the mirror and cut my fringe and squeeze my pimples. Where got time to book for apt and relax like a tai tai. No men!

I want to break free!
Hi Ladies
MIA for few days as was busy with my grandma's passing..1st time experiencing the 'whole package' ..felt really terrible when seeing the cremetion ..i do hope her soul will rest in peace & her suffering will end with her death..
felt really bad for missing out on Sabie's bai jin..i didn't even know abt her passing as i hv no access to pc or internet for the past few days..every day was spent at the wake or at home, accompanying my boy..(makes me realise how much we should cherish our loved ones!) Also hope Sabie will rest in peace.

Anyway, on a lighter note, how was the gathering? No photos to share?? I hope everyone had a fun time. Luckily i didn';t promise to go..cos it ended up being my grandma's funeral tt day..& I still rush for the PEC that night at Expo..really taken my whole energy for that day :p
2. Uniqueone - received
3. momyam - received
4. fussiecat - received
5. hunniepot - received
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 received
7. Tiffany - received
8. Mrs. Ho - received
9. Daphine - received
10. Rach - received
11. Starry - received
12. Tracy - received
13. miu66 - trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB not shown yet
14. Petite - received
15. Melanie
16. Draik - received
17. Cheers - received
18. Terrier - received
19. Strawberry - ATM 21/4/07 ghim moh 11.24 ref:7787 you transfer $10?
20. jumbo - received
21. Jolie - ref 9519 did you transfer after 12.30pm but before midnight on sat?
22. smurfy - received
23. Petals - received
24. tanwawas - received
25. Des - transaction 1145558164
Apologies for the late transfer. Can only do it during nite time. No time during weekend. Busy with my 'koala' son.

Congrats to Fussiecat/Tiffany & Rach,
Welcome to being a 2nd time mummy. Hope you will have a good time.

Fussiecat, I oso like you. Went for househunting before I found out I was preggie. Still looking for one but not so active eversince I'm preggie now. U try not to be around away when they shift the things. Will be going for my detail scan this sat. Hope it's a gal. Then can offically close shop but I think my hubby wants to try for another 1 more. I only halfway thru my 2nd pregnancy n he's thinking for another 1 now. He's crazy now.
Thks cheona & unique
Yup, recovered & feeling better though occasionally will think of her..though i'm not very close to her but the realisation that she is gone forever makes me feel kinda sad..i cant imagine how i will react should anything happen to my close ones *touch wood*
Sorry to hear abt the demise of ur grandma.

Babe, I totally agree with uniqueone, chenoa and petite. I think FTWM gets a breather lei... You can always take leave or go home abit later so that you can catch up with friends or indulge yourself with some relaxed activities. Though i am FTWM, i can understand what SAHMs are going through. Dont be so pessimistic, learn to let go and relax. We do have gatherings on and off, try to schedule your appointments such that you can join us. Its really very fun having all the mommies gather and chit chat.

Petite, you are so funny. i laughed so loud when i saw the way you describe about how you can only trim your own fringe and squeeze your pimples in front of the mirror.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your granny..

Cant agree more with cheona about the lifes of SAHMs.. we work around the clock, on call 24 hours.. I cant even put Amanda down for 1 min on her own, she will scream and cry as all she wants to do is stick to me.. I am luckier than cheona and preciousbabe that my parents are over at my place on most weekday afternoons so I can kinda free to do my own things.. but Amanda still wants to stick to me.. and I try not to let my mum handle her too much due to her poor health.. thus I am responsible for looking after her needs, cook for her, feed her, clean up the place.. etc.. and my parents play with her whenever possible... but I still feel that I cant let go completely.. I still need to keep an eagle's eye on Amanda as my dad will still try to feed her rubbish, blow the air con directly at her... and my mum is kinda forgetful.. she will tend to forget about Amanda's mealtimes when we are out together.. so I am really in a dilemma whether or not to go back into the workforce as I already have a job offer..

I stink like a rat too the entire day as I basically have to do the household chores and having to juggle Amanda at the same time.. and I am an emotional eater.. tend to eat non stop when I am stressed up.. so I am not losing the 20+kg that I put on during pregnancy though I have been breastfeeding all the way..

Have gone thru the worst period.. it was when my hubby didnt understand why I couldnt do simple tasks like keep the house neat and tidy, why the household chores were not done.. moreover I was handling the online biz then.. and my ILs were giving me hell.. hb didnt understand what I was going thru then.. but over time.. he went thru the experience himself of taking care of Amanda for several afternoons and only then was he able to empathise with me.. things are much better now..

Salute to all SAHMs... we deserve loads of credit for our countless sacrifices in taking care of our babies!
Hmmmm..... After reading SAHM blues, I wanna cry liao ah... am I stepping into the depression zone soon?! I feel sad reading what Chenoa and Hunniepot are going through.
A few weeks ago, I actually had a nightmare, that I made a wrong decision to do so....

This week, there are so many farewell lunches...I don't know what to feel, I've been working in this company for almost 10 yrs....

Haha...don't be stressed up by us lah. Perhaps you will enjoy it leh.

Anyway, it'll be easier for you to return to the workforce, should you decide to quit SAHM's life as you have been working all along thus easier to find jobs
me not complaining...just stating facts. SAHM is a glamourised term, we are but housewives; we do what our mothers/grandmothers have done. I'm not depressed ok,
see? You will cope just fine. There's pleasant moments everyday.

If you find it difficult after a while and decide that being a SAHM is not for you, then get back into the workforce. Take this as a suspension from 10 years of non-stop labouring for others. Now, you work for the welfare of your family only. That's a very fulfilling role, despite the frustrations you'll face soon enough. kekeke
Yes i agree with you all have said... i think we are maid cum mother cum wife cum.. i donno what!!! i think sometimes worse then comfort woman!!! my hb keeps complaining i've a bad temper but i can't control... i mean... i'm not complaining that bb is a burden but... i hate it when he comes back from flight he don help out. ok i knw when he comes back from long flt he needs his rest. fine i give him that but what abt other times? he's either on the computer or watching TV. he goes out sometimes with his friend... then WHAT ABOUT ME? he fly 10+ hrs to overseas. yes hard work but he gets to rest and do his own stuff. he goes drinking ... i not mad that he does but just not FU Qi that we are both parents to bb how come I HAVE to do all the dirty work??? when something happens to bb its immediately my fault... i feel like a single parent some times...
i'm going for an interview this thurs but i'm not sure if i get it i can totally let go of bb.. i'm just worried abt her cos she's so attached to me...
i'm really grateful to my friend who takes care of my bb when i do my rebonding and do my embroidery eyebrow..
sorry to hear abt your loss... take care..

and to add that SAHM got no off days... sigh... can't even take leave..pple wana sell their leave... got $ oso can't buy leave!!! haiz...
Whether SAHM or FTWM, think the committments that we mommies ve sacrificed, is rather huge; grooming the next generation for this society. =p

I do agree tat husbands ought to be more helpful, caring and understanding for we mommies.

Not easy being the mother, housewife, wife and DIL roles and for FTWM, an employee and or boss/superior to somebody.

Mother's day is round the corner.

I hereby saluate to all of we mommies.
Hey gals, really thanks for all your sharing. Really feel now not so odd one out. Yes, I definitely agree that SAHM do work 24hours, basically to meet the needs of the little one and hb. Guess that's y I am still contemplating but another I have another 1 yr to think. In anyway, in the education ministry, that is always the option of taking childcare for a year to try out. haha...I am exploring all options ya..

Sad to say, it's rather hard to get time off for myself unless I take leave which is rather difficult now coz work is quite new and it seems I have gone back to study. Need to read and understand things but somehow brain cells seem to have depleted after delivery. Do you gals feel we have lost alot of 'things' to baby? Getting home late isn't a option. Not sure if coz I am not willing to let go but juz simply feel my MIL is not up to it clean her up and put her to bed coz practically whenever we go out and leave her with MIL, she doesn't seem to even change her when she pooed coz she said she didn't realise it and recently, after work I came back, by the time I changed her, her poo muz have been there for awhile coz her butts are red and abit rash. So daily routine is to finish work, rush home, quick dinner if MIL cooks, then shower and clean bb up to prep her for bedtime. Just last wkend, MIL finished dinner and we were struggling to feed bb, she didn't even bother to volunteer to help feed so me and hb can eat. So angry tell bb that 'Mommy hasn't even had dinner and u are spitting all ur food out'. That being said, I muz be thankful they pick bb up from my mum's plc everyday coz we leave bb there in the day and play with her. Think I must moderate my expectations of IL. So sorry if I sound I am complaining...

Chenoa and hunni, actually I think u all look good when I met you all briefly. Heehee...guess grass is greener on the other side.

I also wonder if I can cook nice meals for bb coz wkend when I cook, she seems to eat less and I muz say sometimes not very tasty. My proportions muz be out....still experimenting here and there. Somedays good somedays no good...still haven't added salt and sugar to add taste to her food. Are they ready for it?

Shylyn, my condelescence to you....take goodie care too..

Dont get too affected by what we said... Im sure that you have made the right decision to be a SAHM.. guess it will be easier now that our babies are older.. guess the most difficult times have passed when we were all new mothers, clueless on how to handle our screaming newborns.. like what cheona and preciousbabe said, if you eventually do decide that you will be better off working, think it shouldnt be a prob for you to go back into the workforce? But for now, do enjoy the joys of being a full-time mother.. though we do face many ups and downs but seeing our kids develop day by day.. just makes everything all worthwhile
Hi, cheona

I transferred the $$ at around 5 plus.

Hi, babe

After reading your story, can really feel the that you must have struggled for some times before you decided to be a full-time mom. U r indeed courageous because being a stay-home mum has a lot of sacrifices to be made.

Well you can always work at home. Imagine now, your bb gets to see your face everyday now when she wakes up and smiles at you, eventually, when they starts to walk confidently, they can help us in simple housework too

And i have yet to introduce my boy to salt so far.
Hi cheona,

Sorry for the late trf, was travelling so cant get onto IB. Trf yday but can't post.

2. Uniqueone - received
3. momyam - received
4. fussiecat - received
5. hunniepot - received
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 received
7. Tiffany - received
8. Mrs. Ho - received
9. Daphine - received
10. Rach - received
11. Starry - received
12. Tracy - received
13. miu66 - trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB not shown yet
14. Petite - received
15. Melanie - <font color="ff0000">1144575645</font>
16. Draik - received
17. Cheers - received
18. Terrier - received
19. Strawberry - ATM 21/4/07 ghim moh 11.24 ref:7787 you transfer $10?
20. jumbo - received
21. Jolie - ref 9519 did you transfer after 12.30pm but before midnight on sat?
22. smurfy - received
23. Petals - received
24. tanwawas - received
25. Des - transaction 1145558164

<font color="ff6000">chenoa</font>
checked out the transfer status on my ibanking page, it says "in process". sigh....sorry for the inconvenience, dunno why they are so inefficient
