(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

We tried Enfagrow, NAN and then now finally he accepted isomile. he is taking ok for a while and now he starts to reject again. The moment he taste the milk, he will reject.

I am thinking trying pedisure but the abbort consultant told me 18mths is preferred.

Dun know what to try liao.
thanks tanwawas

hunni, i tried giving Dumex b4 and he kena red spots so i stopped but he likes to drink leh.

now u know my headache right i tried almost every brand around liao. he still drink in IFC not as much as before lah , at home he simply refused see milk only cry as if i smack him like tat.

Nope, she is not in infant care. Also not sure how she got it. But maybe she had the vaccine, that's why she bypass the vomitting stage. Thank God. She is still playing like normal. Fever is gone and hope that diarrhoea is gone soon too.
KJ also kanna stomach flu, slight one only. Lucky only diarrhoea, no vomit. He is recovering already. Give Enya plenty of rice water or barley water, it helps.
Hi ladies
my boy is also down with fever & diarrhoea..not too sure whether he's teething as my mum told me tt i had a bad diarrhoea when i was teething as a bb..somemore got to be hospitalised!
Anyway, we gave him some medicine & applied the fever go away sticker on his forehead & he slept thru from 2am to 8am..really happy tt he is much better now, according to my fil. phew..he really scared the hell out of me when he vommitted & turned blue yest, & afterwhich, kept on whinning..:p

strange that he rejected milk at home but not in IFC.

U may want to try Friso?

My girl is different. We switched her over completely to Dumex 3 last week and her milk intake drops instantly and also porridge intake as well.

Then my mom said Dumex 3's milk smell a bit strong.

My girl doesn't like GainIQ too.

So, tried Friso3 and so far, she is taking rather well.

You wannt try that?

Think, possible to be teething. Was he cranky and kept silivating as well?

XT's fever persisted quite a while even though she has the pink medication and got to take nurofen to bring down the temperature totally but would crawl back in 3rd hour aagain.

So, thank goodness that ur boy is getting well now.

I agree with other mommies. The rice water would definitely help.
yaloh..Ivec also had on off high temp yest..& was whinnin thruout when he's awake. Only stopped when he's asleep. Think must b quite bad cos he also no energy to crawl..just sit & cry..sighh..
What's e pink medication abt?
Hi Evon,

I will try that again. when he was 3mth i gave Frisco and he vomit it out after every milk intake. I will try that again. tks

like today, he take 200ml in the morning, then whole day only want solid food. sigh!
Haiz...Jayden is also with fever, cough, flu, diarrhoea again. Gave him the medication that was bought from the DR last month.

Really doubt my capability to take car of him. He just fell sick at exactly 1 mth ago and now again
Preciousbabe, it's k la. U re doing great. Just that our babies according to wayonnet geomancer, re summer babies. So more problematic.
Shylyn, it's paracetomol. Sad to say, it doesnt work on my gal most of times.

Perhaps you may want to try cow's milk? My girl doesnt seem to mind drinking cow's milk.. though she doesnt drink alot, but definately drinks more than FM..


Dont doubt your capabilities as a mum... it is part and parcel that babies fall ill and get well again... and the cycle repeats itself.. it is nature's way of building up their immune system

RE: Delta meeting

Will update the details again later.. need to clear Amanda's feeding area first..
gals with problem with bb drinking milk, have you tried goat's milk. I know it's ex but one of my frens said it helped her bb and her bb now happily drinking milk.

Is there any mommies gathering on? Thot quite some time back there was some mention..heehee..
Hi <font color="0000ff">Strawberry & Hunnie</font>, Tks Riz is better since yesterday. Don't really think is Stomachache cos he never 'crawl on me'

<font color="0000ff">Rotavirus</font>, Riz also got it when he was abt 8mth old. Scare the hell out of me. Poo Poo so watery, vomit like a merlion. Took 1.5 week to get well. No 'power' to move then. Doc said lucky he not so dehyrated. Dehyration will cause alot of problems. Can give the Ice pops for them to drink too. It was recommended by the doc.

I used to doubt my capability too on taking care of Riz. Also think that my BF was nothing inside but just H20. Cos he always falls sick. Now I am use to it aridi.
Hi petite,

Are you only considering infant care? How about getting a nanny? Before I started working, I was also considering between the two. I am thankful that I have a very good nanny for my son now.

If you interview nannies and manage to find a good one, I think it's better than sending to infant care... cos the care is 1:1, and the nanny will do all she can to make the child sleep and won't ignore him/ her like in infant care sometimes.... also, she will monitor rashes, etc, instead of infant care where they may not be able to keep track of such 'minor' things...

just my 2 cents worth.
And of course, it's always better for the child to establish a bond with a consistent caregiver while you are not around. I really encourage my son and the nanny to bond..
haha, must make sure nanny and her family loves my son mah... so will get him to kiss her, etc.. I sincerely wants her to be like a second mom for him in a sense when I am not around.

My son must nurse to sleep before he went to the nanny, but now, he can automatically sleep when she pats him on the back while carrying him on her chest... so similarly, for your son, if he must be carried to sleep, the nanny can do that better than for infant care probably... my son also need to be spoon fed formula cos he don't take bottle, and the nanny does that too... don't think infant care would 'entertain" the needs of my son so much...
Hi <font color="0000ff">Su</font>,

I can't really find a english speaking nanny. Most of them speak chinese. Any recommendation for nanny staying in Punggol?

Btw, does any bbs started using potty? Can share how did you manage to train them?
Hi ladies,

Thanks for all the concern. Enya is feeling slightly better now. But a bit sian sian like that. Maybe because of the medicine. Her nanny did gave her rice water in the afternoon. So just now before going to bed, her temperture is ok.

Re: Nanny
I agree with Su that nanny will be a better choice than infant care. But it is definitely not easy to get a good one. I'm really blessed with a good nanny. She really treats Enya like her own.

You might want to get agency to help you find one. My colleague just got one thru agency recently. Not bad you know.
RE: Nanny
its indeed diff to find a gd nanny & esp one who will treat your bb as if he/she is her own! I was brought up by my babysitter & until now still maintain contacts w her..does brings back fond memories of my childhood.

Ic, think doctors will usually prescribe paracetomol if the bb is down w fever. In fact, i bought from Guardian a fever & pain relief medicine to standby should similar cases happen..*touchwood*

Dun ever doubt ur capability as a mommy..no one is perfect, we hv to learn along the way..ivec also fall ill easily..one mth see doc at least one time..think it was the same for me when I'm a bb..& my hub too..so mabbe its in the genes? Hee..i always use this to console myself..^_^
Petite, thanks for the info.

My mom started potty training my gal. Just put her on potty when she shows signs want to poo. But still managing coz not always she will do it. I heard from my fren that you have to be very consisitent putting bb on potty. Either roughly when bb poo or pee or every 2-3 hrly. Not easy training.

I was reading babycentre and kinda worried coz they were saying by 1 yr bb shld b able to utter 1 word at least clearly. My gal has just been babbling, making alot of sounds, pointing to things she wants. Haven't even call Mama and daddy discriminately. slow development? Wonder if it's coz she fell a few times on her head and sometimes the food I gave her too hot.

In need of pooh birthday decor & favor for my girl upcoming birthday party. Do let me know if you have things like table cover, scene setter, banner & etc to let go cheap. Don't mind used condition. Please pm me thank you
slow development? Wonder ..... sometimes the food I gave her too hot. What logic is this??? Don't worry unnecessarily. YY also babbles a lot and I can't say for sure she is really calling her father when she 'baba' away. That's her favourite and most fluent pronunciation at this stage.
chenoa, me careless mommy...sometimes the 1st scoop i gave her too hot...dunno if got burn her throat...shld c the expression on her face n she doesn't know how to spit out if too hot...

Mine now like to point at things n make alot of noise but no distinguishable words..
re: BB words
Matthias loves to carry his shoes and point to the door. then he'll say "go", "go". *laughs*
Think this son of mine loves the outdoors.

re: HFM disease
Juz received a call from my cousin that son at KK. apparently, they went for a swim and son kena, *snaps fingers* just like dat. So i would like to advise mummies to be very careful. HFM disease can be spread through cough, sneezing, open blisters on hands......so mummies, please be very careful.
RE: Atlantis City @ Delta
Dates: 4th of May
Timing: 1:30 pm

1. hunniepot
2. Rach
3. Terrier
4. uniqueone
5. tanwawas
6. cheers3344
7. jumbo?

Hi all, the outing is confirmed on this friday at 1:30 pm.. will all of you be able to make it?
I dont know whether I can go or not, cos having a very bad neck pain since yesterday... hope I will be ok by Friday
RE: BB Words

My girl will babble car car when she sees cars from the windows or outside.. and say ball ball when she sees my hubby's soccer ball.. she seems to like boys stuffs more! Gave her a doll and she abused it, pulled the hair and throw it out of the play yard
RE: Atlantis City @ Delta
Dates: 4th of May
Timing: 1:30 pm

Hi, I hope I can make it too coz ironically, it is me who has not been feeling too well. really bad stomach, not sure if stomach flu. Will go see doctor by today and crossing fingers will recover by Fri. So sorry if can't make it and being such a wet blanket.

Babeship, my son can't as well. he is just babbling mamamama most of the time, certainly doesn't know what it means. Maybe he is slow too in language. trying to get him to say Papa but no progress......His father can't wait to hear him say that.

Hi Hunniepot & Cheers

Take care of yourself and rest well. Recover first more important.

Argh! First day as SAHM, my boy screaming n whining at my foot, can't even have my lunch properly... and got to constantly entertain him when he's awake....
RE: Baby talking
yeah..seems like its e norm for bbs to babbling at this point in time. Ivec also has been babbling away..he will always start once my hub starts babbling to him..saying babab...on a few occasion, he will also say a few other pronounciations as well..think he might speak first than start to walk. Anyway, these days, he has been pointing to everything or everywhere he wants to go or get..read somewhere that the earlier your bb knows to point, will determine his/her vocab in his/her later stage. Dunno how true.

Peifu..i had some share of sahm when i took leave 2 accompany my boy..very shiong..heheh..cant even go to toilet/eat in peace..only can do so when he's sleeping..& same like u, got to entertain him constantly, else he'll be ultra restless..
Hmmm....min at 1 stage keep 'dada' but now no mama or dada juz gibberish n screaming. Wonder what caused such a change. Initially thot she will talk early...but's she's a good toddler happy with her freedom but rather lazy n want carry sometimes.
We too were scared when we saw Xuanting having some little dots over her legs and body... apparently, it is the work of pneuccomcol vaccine!

Re: BB talking??
My girl too is not talking yet, but she is mumbling a lot.
Sigh.... so far 3 times I went toilet today, he just kept crying n crying so hard outside the door and crawling in and out of the room... *shake head*

Tanwawas, how do you cope with this problem?

I will oso put my gal in her cot n leave the door open so she can see me. N at times, I will juz faster finish my business in the toilet and come out while she cries/ screams/ shouts and knocks at the door.:p No choice mah tho it may sound abit cruel.
Draik & bblim
yup, i'll leave my boy in a safe place b4 going to toilet..even then, also cannot put my mind at ease..got to do quickly & see whether he's ok..kinda afraid he might surprise me with some stunt someday..hee

Else u can try putting him in a walker & tie the walker to some secure furniture..& even entertain him with some toys as well?
Hey bblim,

My hubby was just telling me, he finds that your hubby is a super nice guy.. very involved in the family... and he always refer to your hubby as the 'father who dotes on his daughter alot'

I will place my girl in the play pen while I do my own things.. and to prevent her from screaming her head off, I will normally turn on the dvd for her to watch.. and she will be so engrossed that she wont even glance at me whenever I walk past her
RE: Atlantis City @ Delta
Dates: 4th of May
Timing: 1:30 pm

1. hunniepot - unable to attend
2. Rach - unable to attend on fridays
3. Terrier
4. uniqueone
5. tanwawas
6. cheers3344 - unable to attend
7. jumbo?

Hi ladies, how about we abandon the idea for the atlantis city trip tomorrow? Cos seems like alot of mummies are unable to make it?
goat's milk

I did thought abt it when he must willing to sip and taste first right? at home he see or i mention milk he wail like a spoilt bb liao.

Surprise yday in IFC he still drink and even teacher afraid he dun wan again and this time he cry bcos not enuf. Super headache.

Really sorry that I can't make it to the gathering tmr as Jayden is still having fever. And the worst part is my hubby and I also kena. Haiz...my whole house is filled with the flu virus
hi mummies here,

would like to know do you have any chinese doc, "sin sheh" to recommend? my girl Appetite has drop a lot... so my mum said maybe bring her to see chinese one to "qiao qin"... prefer in central or east ones..

Hi Lee,

I am going to try Yu Guo to massage my boy for the same reason. not sure it works or not but tks to tanwawas giving me the contact.


huh, ur DH really said that ar. DH will definitely be over the moon to hear ppl complimenting him as a doting father.
Ya lor, indeed he is. At times, I oso feel jealous coz he dun pay as much attention to me as compared to my gal ler. But tink back, I shld be happy lor. This is better than if he totally dun care about her.

my hse too last week. First was DH got fever, flu n sore throat. Followed by DD runny nose. And now is me with sore throat.
