(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

I think I will prefer to keep my baby blog low profile. Both my languages are not fantestic either.

Wow, Wincester childcare so expensive. By the way, learn Japanese songs for what?

MMI will cost me $690 and I am finding it expensive also. By the way, I read that some people prefer not to send their children to MONTESSORI type of childcare. I am trying to search why is that so.

<font color="0000ff">Chenoa & Strawberry</font>, Job still Not confirm yet. Is only by 1 yr contact. So not too sure if to take up. They said will try to push me for perm position when is available. Still nego with them abt my salary. Hee hee.

<font color="0000ff">Draik</font>, Jap songs, I wonder too. Maybe bcos there are alot of international bb / kids there.

I saw a bb name AIDEN there. But he is not around today.
10mile junction is actually quite out of my way. Although it's not too far away, but there is not direct bus from my place.

All the best for your interview! BTW, where exactly is the learning vision at gentle lane?


Congrats on finding a new job!

re: Childcare

My hubby gian, wants to find a childcare centre near his office, says he will enjoy bringing her to work, then play with her during lunch then bring her back to work..
Mrs Ho, tks for the greeting , we hv great fun yday . IFC had a mini party for him and after that we went to the zoo

yes yes K also like tat drink so little milk, eat less but prefer bread. now he is no longer chubby liao.

yr hubby good man! leave the baby to him can liao. lucky U.

Haha! Cannot lar.. I will end up having separation anxiety.. like that I might as well go back to work.. I only intend to place her in half day child care
ya, that place not very accessible. but the last time i ask, they say got no vacancies at the moment for 18mth bbs.

agree with twinkle-starry. you can shake leg at home if she go cc..haha..

No lar.. not so soon... am looking ard but dont dare to take up any offers yet unless a very very good offer comes along lor.. that girl still dont want to quit her neh neh habit, her only source of water is from my milk, if I go back to work now, she will get dehydrated.. you dont want to travel so much ah thats why looking for another job?
<font face="Comic sans ms"> Re: New job
new job with MNC? 1yr contract? Try to ask a little higher than what you expect for perm... benefits so little for contract that i wish i would ve asked for more.

going for interview? All the best ya.

Re: childcare/infant care centre
1. Student/Teacher ratio
2. Curriculum
3. monthly Fee, Working Parent Subsidy? GST? Registration Fee?
4. Timing eg flexi, full, 1/2
5. Uniform or own clothing
6. Max no of kids per class/session
7. Type of food provided
8. Policy on discipline
9. Do we have to pay for the uniform? How many set require?
10. Do we have to bring/buy our own mattress/cover? If not, how much?
11. Do you provide milk? Do we need to bring our own bottle/milk powder? Ds do not drink from bottle, any problem with that?
12. Closure of Centre, Teacher's Day? Children's Day? Sat half day/full day?
13. Toilet training?
14. What measures in case when child gets sick?
15. How many naps per day?
16. contract policy? like if wanna withdrawn from school, what'll be the refund policy like?
16. dining room, separate from the usu actiivty room?
17. how they shower/bath our kids? (heard from ex-colleague that her kids gotta undress fully and wait outside the bathroom for her turn. and the teacher jus splash water on her.... horrible..)
18. what'll they do if our kids reject the food they prepare? (fussy eater?)
19. Using BB bonus to pay term fees?
20. Insurance Fee? Coverage?
21. Got bus/van transportation? How much?
22. To choose one near home or to near office (For FTWM) - a mommy shared with me, more advisable to choose one nearer to home; in case parent/s not working or sick; at least no need to travel to so far a place.

So far most places, I ask ard the ratio is roughly 2 teachers : 12 toddlers.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO <font color="0000ff">"NATASIA"</font>!!!!

21. Got bus/van transportation? how much? <font color="ff0000">from what i know is S$50.00, but dont know the rest.</font>
Re: childcare/infant care centre
1. Student/Teacher ratio
2. Curriculum
3. monthly Fee, Working Parent Subsidy? GST? Registration Fee?
4. Timing eg flexi, full, 1/2
5. Uniform or own clothing
6. Max no of kids per class/session
7. Type of food provided
8. Policy on discipline
9. Do we have to pay for the uniform? How many set require?
10. Do we have to bring/buy our own mattress/cover? If not, how much?
11. Do you provide milk? Do we need to bring our own bottle/milk powder? Ds do not drink from bottle, any problem with that?
12. Closure of Centre, Teacher's Day? Children's Day? Sat half day/full day?
13. Toilet training?
14. What measures in case when child gets sick?
15. How many naps per day?
16. contract policy? like if wanna withdrawn from school, what'll be the refund policy like?
16. dining room, separate from the usu actiivty room?
17. how they shower/bath our kids? (heard from ex-colleague that her kids gotta undress fully and wait outside the bathroom for her turn. and the teacher jus splash water on her.... horrible..)
18. what'll they do if our kids reject the food they prepare? (fussy eater?)
19. Using BB bonus to pay term fees?
20. Insurance Fee? Coverage?
21. Got bus/van transportation? How much?
22. To choose one near home or to near office (For FTWM) - a mommy shared with me, more advisable to choose one nearer to home; in case parent/s not working or sick; at least no need to travel to so far a place.
23. The timetable for meals and naps (are they able to arrange to yr routine)
24. Are the care givers trained with Cert / Dip.
25. Time grace to pick up bb. (any penatly)
26. Dinner provided?
27. Are you comfortable with the caregivers
Re: childcare/infant care centre
1. Student/Teacher ratio
2. Curriculum
3. monthly Fee, Working Parent Subsidy? GST? Registration Fee?
4. Timing eg flexi, full, 1/2
5. Uniform or own clothing
6. Max no of kids per class/session
7. Type of food provided
8. Policy on discipline
9. Do we have to pay for the uniform? How many set require?
10. Do we have to bring/buy our own mattress/cover? If not, how much?
11. Do you provide milk? Do we need to bring our own bottle/milk powder? Ds do not drink from bottle, any problem with that?
12. Closure of Centre, Teacher's Day? Children's Day? Sat half day/full day?
13. Toilet training?
14. What measures in case when child gets sick?
15. How many naps per day?
16. contract policy? like if wanna withdrawn from school, what'll be the refund policy like?
16. dining room, separate from the usu actiivty room?
17. how they shower/bath our kids? (heard from ex-colleague that her kids gotta undress fully and wait outside the bathroom for her turn. and the teacher jus splash water on her.... horrible..)
18. what'll they do if our kids reject the food they prepare? (fussy eater?)
19. Using BB bonus to pay term fees?
20. Insurance Fee? Coverage?
21. Got bus/van transportation? How much?
22. To choose one near home or to near office (For FTWM) - a mommy shared with me, more advisable to choose one nearer to home; in case parent/s not working or sick; at least no need to travel to so far a place.
23. The timetable for meals and naps (are they able to arrange to yr routine)
24. Are the care givers trained with Cert / Dip.
25. Are there nurses / first-aid trained there too
26. Time grace to pick up bb. (any penatly)
27. Dinner provided?
28. Are you comfortable with the caregivers
Hi Ladies
thks for the condolences. I'm much better now. ^_^

Hmm..seems like the hot topic is abt CC. I'm thinking of sending Ivec 2 a half day CC when he's 18mths..heard it will be subsidised by then right? Also, hopefully by then, my ils will hv shifted back to their place thus, i'll hv to look for a cc located around commonwealth area..any recommendations??
I oso intend to send my boy to a half day CC next year. So my mum will not be over tired looking after 2.

Hunniepot, i oso intend to place owen at little skool, m going to check it out tomorrow. I have juz called the HQ to find out abt the charges at AMk. They have a short programme oso. Fm 830am to 1130am or 130pm to 430pm. They will teach the children in 2 languages. English and Chinese. The short programe for toodlers is already full.
Haizzzz, feeling tired n down. This morning I received call from DH dat his dog (at my ILs hse) has juz passed away yesterday. Din manage to see him for the very last time before cremation as so coincidently, my DH fell sick too on Wed (the day his dog was hospitalised). And was on MC for past 2 days. I was shocked upon hearing coz his dog (10yo) is younger than mine (12yo) and wasn't expecting him to go so soon. Now I got phobia liao, cannot imagine when the time comes for my dog to leave as well. Hopefully I wun be ard coz I really cannot take it if I were to see him take his last breath.

Huh? So fast full already for the time when our little ones turn 18months? I know that full day one is going at about 800 plus, $600+ after subsidy.. and they have this $100 off promo so long as you sign up within this year...


Dont feel too sad.. they have to go when it is time for them to go.. my friend's grandmother, mother and dog all passed away within a span of 4 months.. and somemore all these happened right after her long time bf broke up with her.. (all these happened just last yr) but she is happily married now, and expecting her first baby in August.. thus things in life happens in unexpected ways
Just 1 pretty eerie story to share..

My hubby's friend told him that 3 of his cousins lost their baby boys in their wombs within a span of a few months.. and they all intended to give the boys the same name, Ethan, without consulting anyone and they did not tell anyone about it.. They only discovered this when they sat down and talk about it..
<font color="ff0000">Terrier</font>

Sorry for the late reply, have not been logging in for the last 2 days.

Q. U managed to get rid of nursing to sleep habit? A. [Yes, i still nurse him before bedtime, but he'll still be awake when he finish nursing. then i adopt the "follow me to sleep" method.]

Q. Then do you still nurse your baby before that or give FM? A. [He is accepting FM finally!!! *YEH* I give him a mixture of Enfapro and Gain IQ, 200ml, then nurse him some more, then it's bedtime. He takes another 200ml FM in the afternoon. Plus nursing in morning, afternoon and night time. Hopefully he's getting the amt he needs daily.]

<font color="ff0000">bblim</font>
that's the thing abt having pets. we have to cope with their passing when the time comes. that's why i never got round to having a dog, although I LURRVE black labrador retrievers! and it's all the more impossible now with my son keeping me busy the whole day.

<font color="ff0000">child care centres</font>
was at Kent vale learning vision. very very big grounds. no aircon. toilets, dining area and kitchen all kept separate from classroom areas. generally neat and tidy. they have separate classes for toddlers and older kids. it's the biggest learning vision campus in singapore. I'll be sending my son there cos I have subsidy (assuming I return to work).

Not too sure.. but shldnt be too far off from each other.. eerie hor? My goose bumps surfaced when I first heard abt that
I've a friend who just miscarried at 9wks, it's her 2nd bb.... I was so sad when I heard it. The thing is, she's a healthy bubbly lady. Still did not know why she miscarried.

So those who are TTC No 2, must build up your health first.

ya baby K is now develop separation anxiety on me and i think not home alot make things worst. i may quit and slowly find or see how lah.

me felt my goose bumps when i read yr story. OMG now is pouring outside w thunder and lightning somemore.
hunni/ twws,
Guess I juz hv to learn to kan4 kai1 when the time comes. But definitely not goin to have another dog in future. Heartache once is enough liao.

Yalor, eerie ler. How come so coincident? Mayb they are not fated to have a son with this name Ethan????
hunni/ twws/ mommies still bf,

How was your menses after the 1st official one (not refering to the lochia after delivery hor)? Regular as in 28-30days? If not, then how many days apart? Abit worried coz my mense still not here after the first one at 26 Mar.

that is eerie.

The common ones are tend to be full much quicker. Like the ones at Carpe Diem at Royal Road and GUG for our bbs' age group is already full. Must on waiting list.

Yeah lor... I was scared that my dog will go away suddenly too.. and I have not paid him much attention since I had Amanda.. so I bring him downstairs to walk walk more often than usual nowadays

RE: Menses

Mine is still very irregular, the first time I had mine was in Sept last yr, 2nd time in Feb last year.. extremely irregular.. checked with my gynae and he said it is normal for pple who are breastfeeding
RE: Menses
Mine came back when ds was 10 month old, and it came back again 2 weeks later. I think mine is becoming more regular even I am still tbf now.

i know how it feels coz our dog who has been with us since few days old was run over by a car outside our house on the first day of CNY just this year. Although we always complain that his is a noisy dog, we miss his presence and for weeks we have to avoid mentioning his name in front of my mum as she was the worst hit coz she spent the most time with him when we were schooling and at work over the years. he became 'you know who' in our conversations.


now hunniepot, you are scaring me coz I have been bugging my husband for a second baby recently (not that i really want so soon, just that am upset he is so dead against it ) and told him that if we have another boy, I want to name him Ethan coz we always like this name and E is the letter after D, our son's first letter of his name. Oh no, now I have to think about another name. Really no luck with names. When I was pregnant, I knew what I want to call my baby if it is a daughter. Turned out to be a boy but thought can use next time if I have a daughter. My good friend cum colleague gave birth 7 months after me and refused to tell anyone her daughter's name till she was born and of course, it has to be the same name as what I had in mind. Dun think I have mentioned the name to her before (can't remember coz memory quite bad after being a mum), nevertheless can't use it anymore. sigh!!!! I must be crazy, have not even convinced my hubby to have another one but here thinking about baby names.......


Sorry.. didnt intend to scare anyone.. but just thought of sharing this with you all thats all.. I also like the name Ethan (after Etahn Hawke) but after hearing that story I also dont want to use that name after what my hubby had told me..

I also havent convinced my hubby to have a 2nd one.. have already thought of another girl's and boy's name, including their chinese names! Somemore my hubby is the one who happily discussed the names with me but he wants to put on hold first
<font color="0000ff">hunni/ draik/ twws,</font>

Somehow I feel relieved after hearing your experiences. I am definitely not ready to have a 2nd one so soon plus DH strongly feels dat 1 is enough. Blame my gal lor, still so difficult to take care (not true hor dat babies will be easier to care for as they grow older) then I buay tahan and keep complaining everyday. Really envy those mommies whose kids are so easy to look after.
<font color="0000ff">Hunnie</font>, Sound scary. I also hv a friend just miscarriage juz b4 her 3rd mth.

<font color="0000ff">Strawberry</font>, No lei, Got $$$ also they don't want ot fetch Riz to Babies Inc. Said too far...

Today went Childcare hunting...

<font color="ff6000">Babies Inc</font>:

I like babies Inc. Very professional. Cost $1200 for full day. Half day $850.00. 3.5 days $750.00. Got vouchers that can off set $300.00 on the 3rd mth. $200.00 off if you are signing up for full time.

If you want dinner, got to pay additional $100.00
They hv lots of programms install for the bb.

<font color="ff6000">Cherie Hearts @ HF</font>

Full day $850.00. Include all meals. Time: 7-8pm
Currently there are 5 care takers: 8bb. Place for bathing is at the sink. Their cooking area also near there. Dinner area depends. They place bb on the matrress on the flr. Trial: 3days.

Cons: They hv fixed time for everything and they place bb & toddlers to sleep. at 1pm. Abit funny rite???

Place wise: Ok. Care takers: Ok. Will consider there if no choice.

<font color="ff6000">Bright kids school @ Punggol</font>

$595.50 for full day. 7-7pm. Cannot be late. No dinner. Even I ask them if I cook early and place there, and ask them to feed also cannot. Can Give up.

Not sure whether the Nepia promotion is still on or not. I sent mine last month but never received any NTUC vouchers. Me still in office now. Will go home and check the address for you later.
well at least they are able to send bb home... one of the benefits of this company i interviewed for is unlimited free tickets!!!

Thanks ALL for your well wishes for my interview.. it went really well today... will be going for my medical on the 2nd may... but that does not gurantee me a job leh... anyw if its meant to be mine then it'l b mine.

I need to consult your ladies... if i go for medical check up rite... have to do X-RAY rite... then still can BF a not? my fren say can't leh... anyone knows?

its near novena.. you know where income tax building is? its just behind.. you know opposite novena church there is this mini steam restaurant? its just behind...
Just to add on:

<font color="ff6000">Cherie hearts @ HF</font>

Saw their menu, Was taken back. They serve Milo, pandan cake, butter sandwhiches, Jam buns, cookies for b'fast and snacks.

My HB heard one of the teacher said this to a child: "Do you think yr parents will care, I don't care".

Also there is a bully there. He pinched my son's leg, luckily my HB was dare to stop him further.

Now I'm back to SQ 1.

<font color="0000ff">Strawberry</font>, How was yr 2nd round today?
my interview was ok lor.. 1-1 interview.. asked a few questions.. anyw have to wait for 6 weeks to know the result.. if nv hear from them by then, then i don get the job lor...
OH yes. Tks ladies for congrating me on getting a new job. Still yet TBC. Guess they can't settle for what I am asking for. Hee Hee.

Told my HB abt the Ethan thingy. He don't get it. Asked me why they want to name the bbs 'Ethan'. So I told him is the Name of the Month!
Good for u! that ur kiddo accepts FM. Is Enfagrow sweet?

Since your kid is taking FM in the afternoon, then how do u put him to nap? Nurse to sleep too?

Does any one knows if can milk powder company to get sample tin of Enfagrow?

Oh gosh! really an eerie name! But I do have a friend's hubby oso same name leh.
<font color="0000ff">Terrier</font>, yap you can call Meadjhonson for sample of Enfagrow. But they don't give tins, packet x2 only.

Last night don't nod what triggered Riz to cry v loud and non-stop. Is sound like if I hv wacked him 1000 times or like he fell dw. The whole nite was like carry him out, put dw, wakes up same type of cry. He never like this B4 even if has nitemare.

Think he nods that his mummy & daddy going to leave him in a childcare.

did u give him any new food?

did he try to climb on you or curl his body up when u are carrying him? it could be tummy ache.
any of u gals use Clarins Lotus oil for the face? Good for face prone to oiliness. I have got 1 bottle which is brand new and want to sell. Retail price is $66 and I selling at $45. Given to me, but I don't use clarins. Can help me look out for buyers?
<font color="0000ff">Mel_lim</font>,

No lei. Did not give him new fd. During the day, also like that during his nap time. I juz remember that he might be teething. Cos the last few times I carried him, he was dripping saliva on me! I hope so and not HFMD as I bought hin to a childcare cte yesterday to see see.
PETITE,oh dear... i hope riz gets well soon....

i saw on other thread that you ordered some ribbons... are ther nice? have you received them?
Hi ladies,

Just brought Enya to the doc. Stomach flu. Doc said might be rotuvirus. But I told her that Enya has already taken the vaccine for rotuvirus. She said that's why her diarrhoea is a mild one.

Mel lim,
Enya also try very hard to climb onto me. It didn't strike me that she has a tummy ache until she has diarrhoea. Now i know liao.
Is Enya in infant care, thus higher possibility of exposure to rotavirus? Did the doc suggest how she might have contracted it? Luckily the vaccine suppressed the virus a fair bit. Hope she gets well soon.

I have not tried Enfagrow myself, but the smell is closer to the usual cow's milk than stage 1/2 FM, so I guess it makes it more palatable to fussy little ones who've never taken FM b4.

Gain IQ is definitely sweet cos it has added sucrose.
