(2006/04) April 2006 MTB


Eh, you were the one who said your hubby's unmarried SIL is trying to control how you guys handle your girl right? SAME HERE!! She claimed that my girl is HERS as they share the same surname! Cannot tahan, then who am I to my girl then?!

Cos my hubby will go over for family dinner with them, or bring her over to my ILs to play with lor..


WOW, u still remember??!!! Haha!

Sigh, when such thing happen, i will console myself by saying that our ger is too cute to resist haha.. that explains why everyone showers all their love, concern (over-concern for some parties), etc on her :p Like tat i feel better kekeke!

Oh ur SIL is old old and unmarried yet? Heehee... i still remember :p

Ahhh.. then u stay home while ur hubby go over for dinner ah? Then what u have for dinner? Ur hubby got complain to u why u never go with him?

Hee.. lets pm each other.. dont want to burn the ears of the rest of the ladies while we complain about our unmarried SILs hehe
Hi, mums

Im ok to listen out to your woes.haha....unmarried, not pregnant women will never understand us. But still, there are some nice SILs out there too.

Oh ya, wana as you all, can bb eat our bread e.g bourjorn, sunshine, etc as Josh wanted to snatch my bread yesterday, can they eat?
ya, what else can we feed our babies? Last Sat night I was having ice-cream, my girl was actually asking for it with her arms open and her 'please....' eyes. Really cannot 'tahan' and let her taste a little bit. But I am afraid that if I open up the option of letting my baby to more food, my mil/sil will definitely happy to feed her with all other junks. What to do?!
Hi Money,

actually your mil and sil should know better than to feed your daughter junk food. There's so many other foods to let her eat, e.g. Yoghurt, cheese, etc that are more wholesome. When your daughter pleads with you for your food, can try distracting her with others.. I gave my son his teething biscuits in this case
tracy and hunniepot.. nix's complexion abit weird leh.. his face vey fair but his body and legs tan tan one.. dunno how come like tat.. keke.. i also dunno how tall leh.. will take his height this coming thursday when visit his pd..

there are pros and cons being sahm or ftwm... like me, a ftwm... how i wish i can stay at home to keep nix accompany.. but somehow it is very tiring job... sometime i really pei fu those sahm tat can tahan to look after bb all day long.. cos i dun think i can do tat for long term..

for mil and dil problem... it is a never ending story.. there are so many things that we can talk/fight about.. i have a nice mil.. but if i disagreed with her abt bb.. i will talk back (despite we stay together).

i dun understand why some mil will gv hard time to their dil... they used to be our grandparents' dil... must they take revenge on us??? wahaha..
Hi Su,

You mean our babies can take cheese and yoghurt already mmm...something new to me. I tot we can't give them cheese until much later. Any other things beside these?
Hi ladies,
sorry to interrupt.. just want to find out if any of you have SIL who also gave birth around the same time? any trouble with in-laws on comparing? my SIL (DH's bro's wife) is due abt same time as me and I'm not too happy-- bound to have alot of comparison betw the kids.. alot of stress on kids and me!
Mrs Ho, it wont be troublesome to cook little bit porridge wor. they can take a small pot put fish, pork, carrot, veg and steam it will do. if not, put the small pot into rice cooker while they cook their rice.. they can also cook the little one porridge wor.

U can consider do it yrself when u r there. or u can biscuits also...jar food i realise old pple like my mil felt is not healthy and no good. they given thk cereal is not nutricents as compare to their porridge.
is all about efforts.

jolie, bread no issue.. i also feed isaac bread liao lei. but little bit not a lot la.

fussiecat, bottle food open MUST keep in the fridge and not more than 48 hours.

for me, i will warm up before giving isaac. I prefer food that is warm and pippy before giving him. Even those jar food kept in cupboard, i will open up and pour half out steam it before giving isaac.

Jumbo, yr darling look so big and tall!!! wow!! and he has so many teeth & can crawl. so clever ahead of milestone har. well done Nix!

Money, no good to give ice cream. u can consider yohurt instead.
actually i wanted to cook porriage for my gal, but is In Law's house, so not familiar with their kitchen though.... me very scare when i take this or that, then someone will shout :"no...dont use this water, eh...dont use this bowl...use this or that la"....arguhhhhhh..very sian...if my home...i can do anything i want....

Jar food:
me lazy mum le...seldom warm up jar food for my gal. Only steam abit when taking out from fridge.

my gal complexion oso like tat....face very fair...then body, hand & leg tend tend one....
But, nix look very fair in the pix...he really talllllll....!!!!

comparison between bb is very common. Dont take it too hard. For me, my sis in law have a bb boy older than my gal 6 months.... They always says my gal look stupid, blur...."sa sa, ngong ngong"...when i heard...very heart pain...but i just keep quiet. As long as our bb healthy....that the most important.

GST from 5% to 7%!!!!!!!!!...OMG
hi all mummies

Like to chk wif u on the $$ given to caregiver. Is it true once bb on solids, we need to give additional $$ for caregiver as she need to cook for our little ones. So if i add the $$, then wat abt the food? Do i still need to pay for the fish and stuff etc, or is it alreadi included in the additional $$ i give?

mom_yam, dun forget he's the oldest among the babies here.. it is norm tat he can crawl at this stage.. he's still teething and can bite and swallow bigger piece of food liao.. but somehow i still worry and tried to smash food into smaller piece before put it into his mouth.. but he still got this drooling problem leh... whenever we are out.. i have to prepare at least extra 2 bibs for him to interchange. I tried to air the wet bib under the hand dryer in the ladies but my friend told me hand dryer very dirty, is it too? anyone know?

Mrs Ho, think they will "change" their skin colour as they grow up. I am busy chasing him these days.. he will crawl around the house... while i keep this thing, he will crawl to "explore" other things liao.. think i will slim down when he start walking.. faint!!! keke... i am planning to get the playyard to keep him inside or else have to keep watching him... tiring...

When does ur son start crawling?? I am looking forward to my ger crawling.. i tell hubby if our ger dun see him, she will sure crawl to look for him, since they are so attached to each other.
i asked my IFC to feed my Leo 2 meals of cereal and they have done so. yesterday i received feedback that we may be overfeeding him. reason that he is the ONLY baby in the IFC to have 2 cereal meals a day, while the rest take only 1 cereal meal a day. some more, after he eat his cereal, he will want to drink milk!

I AM REALLY CONFUSED! can anyone tell me whether he's taking too much? this is what he eats every day, time is flexible but generally, this is the number of meals he takes...

8am 200ml EBM
12pm 4 spoons of cereal
3pm 200ml EBM or 4 spoons of cereal
6pm 200ml EBM
9.30pm 200ml EBM
nighttime - he'll wake up twice to feed.. timing is not fixed..

am i overfeeding him? i want to replace some of his milk feeds to solid feeds, what's the best way to do so?

mom yam
only can keep for 48 hours?? oh dear.. so much food go to waste liao... can we microwave jar food?
teething biscuits
which is the best brand? my mom bought him the nestle one. we gave him twice and twice he choke on it even though we were watching him eat! he likes to shove the whole thing deep inside his mouth, then break off the biscuit, so one whole chunk stuck inside and chokes him! have bought him the gerber veggie puffs biscuits but those are not teething biscuits...
My boy born on 30th April 2006. He is taking 1 cereal or potato or pumpkin in the morning and 1 porridge in the afternoon a day. The rest all EBM.

The time interval after the porridge is 4 hour and the cereal is 3.5 hour.
Wondering if anyone has heard the RJC elite (who has a Powerful background) criticising fellow singaporeans? Quite scary n worried if our kids' future going to lay in the hands of these ppl.

The babies in my son's IFC all taking 2 meals of cereals , 1 for lunch and 1 when they get home abt 7pm. My bb is the only one still on 1x cereal a day as he is watching his weight. The other bbs are drinking milk at interval of 3.5-4hrs.

for those who started porridge will hv their porridge for lunch.
kk, nix start on crawling position first when he was abt 7 month old.. when he was on his knees, he only know how to move his legs.. he dare not move his hands.. this last for abt a month. he start crawling when he was abt 8 months.. can crawl and rest then sit down.. now can sit up from lying position.. nix more attached to me.. but he very "realistic", he only want those ppl who are going out to carry him.. once he got the person carry him, he will nvr look at me anymore

i going to ask a stupid qn :p

When bb max out tape diapers, we move on to pull up hor? is pull up sizes bigger than tape diapers as in M = M ?
Re: Teething Biscuit
I usually buy my teething biscuit from marketplace in Paragon. There's this Japanese section that sells bb biscuit including Pigeon Brand. Some of them are very good, biscuit will melt in BB's mouth. Mummies may like to try it.

Fussiecat, if my Matthias request for milk like an hour or 2 after his solids. Instead of his usual 4 scoops milk power + 150ml water, i will give him 1 - 2 scoops powder + 100 - 150ml water.
fussiecat, dont kw abt mircowave usually i steam it.

now isaac is able to finish a bottle already should i give it to him. Starting then is only half a bottle each day, usually i will give him in two days.

Now since he can finish in 1 day, i give him 3 days once.

I dont think you are overfeeding him, if u r overfeeding him then mine is monster liao hee hee..

Teething biscuits, my boy has a lot. Last time was maple from HT. now is Heinz, Pigeon, a jap brand (with a boy eating it). usually bb biscuit very easy to melt, i've tasted it and it will melt in yr mouth. basically i need not to worry abt choking althoug i will see him while he eats it.

yr timetable for feeding looks ok for me esp for Leo's age now.

Jumbo, ya lor yr bb is exactl one month older than mine. Ytd Isaac just master the act of moving his arms & legs. so happy!

Starting he is just like nixon only move his legs and not his hands. he crawls like jumping frog heee hee..

bblim, where did u see the article?
starry, i let nix wear pull up pants when he was about 5 month old.. he's wearing mommypoko L size.. i bought the pamper one but cutting smaller. Pull up pant is good for him when he crawls..

momyam, must capture his first move.. it will be very memorable.. can show them when they grow up.. keke..

for teething biscuit, i also give HT one.. my mum will give him marie biscuit..

bblim, i wanna see the article too leh..
overfeeding Leo : Who is he being compared to in IFC? Leo is 10kg+, is he being compared to bb of the same weight? I tot IFC should know not to compare bbs as all of them are different.

Seriously, is there a thing as over-feeding? Coz bb know how to turn away when they are full. Not as if we stuffing food down their throat and force-feeding them right.

IMHO, I feel that you should not constrain the amt of EBM that he is taking as that is still his primary food source.

As for the cereal, what kind of spoon are u referring to? As for me, I measure by the milk powder scoup. This help me to monitor the qty because if u add less milk then it means less qty, if u add more milk then mean more right?

This is what J is consuming:
7am Latch on
10am 1.5 scoup of creal mixed with 30ml of FM.
1pm 1/2-3/4 chinese bowl of porridge.
3pm 100ml EBM + 4oz of fruits
5pm 100ml EBM
7pm 1/2-3/4 chinese bowl of porridge.
9.30pm latch on

teething biscuit
I think there are 2 types of teething biscuits out there. One is the melt-in-yr-mouth type. There is another one that is hard as rock (Heinz yellow color box I think). I find the melty type does not help in letting them grind their gum since it melts so fast.

microwave BB food - personally i am against using microwave for BB food. do u have a warmer? u can use it to warm bb food as well as EBM.
again, thanks for precious advice. dat's what i thought too, i know babies will turn away when they are full... but becos leo is very big for his age, i'm just afraid that he will become a big eater...

mel lim, i have warmer, i have that avent containers, you use that? how long to warm?

the IFC told me that leo is taking more than the bbs who are older than him (between 10-18 mths)... hmm, i will ask again. i want leo to take 2 cereals a day instead of one. EBM is still his staple.
fussiecat - yes i use the avent containers too. what i normally do is to turn on the warmer first, then go kitchen to scoup the food into the container while the water in warmer is heating up. Then I will warm it for 5-8 mins stirring it occassionally.

To test the warmess, I will dab some food onto the back of my hand.

u can also feed him the evening cereal when u bring him home right? For me i feed him puree when we get home as i dare not give too much carbo as he is on the big side already and PD is watching his weight. Milk is still the main meal for him.
really, big babies mommies worry overfeed, small babies mommies worry eat not enough....why all mommies got these worries...sighz

YY is not drinking or eating as much as J, Leo or Issac. Maybe cos she's a girl and they are boys??? She's not keen on milk and semi-solids leh these few days lehz...dunno why like that? Makes me very angry when she swings her hands and legs, topple my spoon and bowl, gets food all over her shirt, legs and face, sucks her toes while I feed and 'phoophoo' with food in her mouth....

is YY teething? That might be the reason for not keen on food. My girl only drinks 100ml each feed last week as she was teething. This week she is better. At least she finishes her 160ml.
Dun think she teething .... no sign of any white dots yet. (the last time I say got 2 white dots, the PD says it's not teeth...it's part of the gum and will disappear. indeed they are gone.)

my helper developed the habit of carrying J in the sling and feeding him. told her not to do it. wanted to teach J proper table manners of sitting down for a meal. however, when seated, he will also swing hands/legs/spill the food/grab the spoon etc. but in the sling, he kuai kuai eat. sigh, for the sake of "fattening" him up, I allowed my helper to do it....dilemna arr.

I think it's ok as long as J dun run around to have his meal. Table manners quite impt and I think should start from young. I dun really like those kids that run around and the mummies have to run after them to feed them.
chenoa, ya maybe YY is a gal that's why the intake is lesser than Isaac. YY action is exactly the same as Isaac tat's why he kanna beat by me the other day *shake head*

but it depends food of his interest he will bug for me. food that is not of his interest he will swing his hands and make "vomit' sounds as if the food taste awful. now he seems not willing to eat the 2nd porridge - dinner.

By the way, can help me update isaac 7 mth plus at 9.1 kg formula has change to promil gold. thanks!

fussiecat, i agree with mel abt microwave. what i do it i pour into his bowl and steam it for 5 mins and make sure is not too hot before feeding isaac.

is true if Leo doesnt want, i believe he will rejects it. guess once he learn show to crawl and run he will slim down.

Isaac slim down a lot after he starts to move ard.

Jumbo, I did viedo down! so happy!!
just got a news from in law....say my gal having fever becos of food poisoning!!!!!!!

see...have told u gal...cos last saturday just feed my gal with peas puree....now got food poisoning....im the one kana blame....anyhow feed my gal with those jar food.....
me will go crazy soon.....really hope to take care my gal my self...just have bad quarell with hubby...sian man....
Mrs Ho,
OMG! How is ur gal now? U muz b terribly worried coz u are not by her side now. Dun tink is due to the peas puree lah if u are feeding those jars ones. Somemore, u fed her on Sat ler. Today oredi Tue liao. Where got food poisoning takes so many days to take effect wah??? Most likely is from the food consumed within 24hrs or poor hygiene lar. Pls cool down. Most of the time men dunno as much as we do when comes to baby so mayb dats y ur hubby really believed it when ur inlaws say so.
hi morning...
hmmm...me really feel to quit my job...and take over my gal....
actually my gal fever on & off...still under control...i just can't take it when they said the food poisoning is becos i feed the jar food.
