(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

my boy started to demand for milk more often! used to be 180ml every 4 hrs, now he wants to drink every 3 hrs! he's taking 1 cereal meal per day. haven't start on any other solids yet. (planning to start this weekend) i've started to add 2 teaspoons of brown rice cereal in his milk, but he's still asking for milk every 3 hrs! i really don't want to overfeed him or stretch his stomach but i don't know what i should do... anyone got advice for me?


Did it start off today only or has been like this?

But any case, seems like ur boy probably seems really on semi solids.

Instead of 2 tea spoons of brown rice cereals, can try to give him up to 1 tablespoon or more?

N maybe instead of 1 cereals meal per day, how abt going to 2?

Dun think u will overfeed him la. So long he doesn't vomit his milk or cereals, think it is fine. And think by now, our little ones, if full, will just close their mouths and refuse to eat.
hi koalarie
we started him on rice cereals 3 weeks ago. for his daily cereal meal, he is taking 3-4 teaspoons of cereal... is that too little? can increase already right? in addition to this meal, i wanted to add 2 teaspoons of brown rice cereal to all his milk (180ml). If he takes EBM & brown rice cereal mixture for every feed, is that too much??
fussiecat - you mean Leo is only 3-4 teaspoons of cereal? Sounds like a bit too little leh. Did you try to give him more? When BB is full, they know how to turn away so don't worry abt overfeeding. FYI, J is taking 1.5 milk powder scoup of cereal so that makes it like 10+ teaspoon.

why do u want to add brown rice cereal to milk? y dun u feed him separately? For me I let J takes his milk first and then further supplement with cereal if he wants it.
Thanks Mel for organising the bp, hopefully we can hit 20pcs and get good discount

Mini BP for portable baby chair harness
1. mel_lim
2. fussiecat (navy blue)
3. sincerity (denim 2pcs) + 2 buckle buddy strap adjustor (if there's discount)
<font color="ff6000">fussiecat</font>
i agree with mel, why don't you feed him the cereal separately? it's usually not advisable to mix cereal and milk in a bottle, according to many paediatricans and childcare experts incl this article "What Everyone Feeding a Baby Should Know":

".... Nix Mixing Cereal And Formula In The Bottle. Do not serve cereal mixed with formula from a bottle. There's no proof this practice helps babies sleep better through the night. Plus, there is a possibility of a baby choking when served cereal from a bottle. Also, a baby tends to fill up after eating a certain volume of food. Putting cereal in the milk may give a baby too much cereal and not enough milk. This could lead to a lowered nutritional intake.

Also, maybe he's demanding more milk cos he's hungry and enjoying his solids now? perhaps you could try increasing. K has been having 2 regular meals for the past 4 wks and now takes 3 tablespoons of cereal mixed with either BM or water and also about 2-3 teaspoons of pureed veges/fruit for lunch. For dinner, she usually eats half a bottle of stage 2 jar food.

have fun experimenting with feeding leo! i think i have more fun deciding what K should eat than she does!!
Hmm..so far i can go for 13 hrs w/o pumping &amp; not feeling engorged as well..but it kinda become my habit to pump oredi.. ^_^ anyway, my ms did drop as compared to the past. Unlike ur case, i hv no bm supply cos my bb only take milk at e moment..will start him on solids soon.

RE: Teeth
Gee..how come so fast got teeth oredi..my boy seems to be teething..always putting things into his mouth :p of cos his fingers as well..
Hi fussiecat, you can try slowly working your way up regarding the amount of rice cereal that your boy takes. One of the tips that the Contented Little Baby Book recommends is that when the baby is ok with taking cereals, you can give him the cereal in the evening as his "dinner". I did that, and slowly increased his intake but adding half a teaspoon every couple of days, depending on his mood and how enthusiastic he is when eating. Then I followed with his milk feed.
I'm keen to join in e BP as well

Mini BP for portable baby chair harness
1. mel_lim
2. fussiecat (navy blue)
3. sincerity (denim 2pcs) + 2 buckle buddy strap adjustor (if there's discount)
4. shylyn (navy blue)
Hi matched_gal, my Jon Jon is teething. 3 little teeth just surfaced last week. and he did poo an average of 3-4 times a day last week. also saliva-king!!!
hiya mad_bride,
Thanks for sharing!
Got real worried when she poo-ed 4x y'day, but i called home juz now - oni poo-ed once today... hehe, so i tink i won't bring her to the PD 2nite for checkup...

wow! 3 teeth oreadi? haha... dat's an "achievement" for Jon! I've been singing "all i want for Christmas is..." to my ger ger everyday for last week... duno when her teeth will surface... - she's also been a dripping tap since one month ago, but the two "bumps" at the bottom of her gums juz appeared dis week. No sign of teeth protruding juz yet ;p
Thks mel lim..wondering whether any kind mommies can collect for the western mommies..hee..else will opt for postage instead.
almost forgot to update on my zucchini puree. sweet and not bitter at all leh....and i didn't scrub the ends like a cucumber. u sure u bought zucchini and not japanese cucumber? rather pricy ..... I bought the size like 20cm long and it cost $3! a normal mao gua of this size only 40c nia leh....don't think I'll ever do zucchini again.
mad bride,
i forgot. sorry. Has been very busy as my colleague went for study leave n leaving me with new colleague in office n got to do reports.. haiz. =p
Wow! so fast got teeth. My gal drooling loads but still not seen anything.

chenoa, how u make zucchini puree? the one u bought izzit organic that's y so ex?

Btw, wonder when can we stop pureeing food and cooking fruits? So tempted to serve fruits raw.

Gals, anyone here interested in doing bp for 1st teeth toothpaste since all our bb are sprouting teeth? Heard this one comes with a finger brush for teeth too.
definitely not jap cucumber coz the packaging has got label on it. I bot the organic baby zucchini at NTUC Thomson Plaza ler. Very ex lor. How did u cook it? Did u buy the baby ones too? Muz b either my cooking method wrong or the baby ones are bitter???
babe, i've given isaac fresh fruits as in grapes, apple, papaya and banana. I hardly do any puree for him coz' i'm a lazy mama hahaha.. but note the grape portion i gave him is very little. scare will develop phelgm. Apple, i cut a slice for him to hold and chew.

mad bride, isaac at least poo poo twice a day. if feed fruits or at times will go up to 3 to 4 times a day. Was quite worry abt it the other day, but see him can drink and play so thot is probably norm. Ya my darling also have 3 teeth liao.

fussiecat, have you consider to intro porridge in this case? U can consider give Leo such schedule, but is up to your timing la and his capacity.

milk - 8am, cereal - 10am, milk - 11am, porridge -12.30pm, then milk till evening say abt 6 plus to 7 plus - cereal or porridge. U may also consider giving him purree in the afternoon.

If you feel uncomfortable feeding him porridge so early, then you can stick to cereal but give him twice a day instead of once a day la.

Hope this is able to help u ;)
Good morning ladies,

My boy has been drooling alot n kept putting things into his mouth but still yet to see his tooth come out thou I can feel when I touch his gum.

I have been feeding my boy 5 tablespoon of cereal (for 2 meals - morning n evening) n he still can finish the whole cereal. Thou he has been eating quite well for his semi solids, he did not really put on alot of weight.
Agree with you that grapes cannot give too much. My neighbour told me that dun give grapes to baby esp if they are having cough as it might exaggerate the problem.

My feeding schedule is almost the same as yours except the porridge cos he will be sleeping n I find that his sleeping patterns has shown.

I have just pm u my no. Can sms me when u starts to collect payment as I dun log in very often now.


I can collect from mel_lim on your behalf, and you may collect it from my mum at Jurong East St 21 if convenient for you?
THANK YOU so much for all the advice. seems like i'm 'underfeeding' my leo! will increase his solid meals to 2 times a day...

Mel lim
SORRIE! i gotta pull out from the BP cos my aunt just passed me a booster seat. But I'm glad demand is popular and hope you'll hit more than 20 orders! btw, have u gone to Straits Kitchen yet?
RE: zucchni puree
bblim and babe, not organic one i think....the label never mention organic ley. The size is like a mao gua, the label says green zucchini. I saw the baby zucchini (size like japanese cucumber) but din buy that cos they don't look as fresh. I bought at AMK NTUC. I boil the zucchini cos I wanted to use the boiled water to cook porridge later.

RE: Phelgm
YY also has phelgm .... maybe it's the chicken. so now, I'm omitting chicken from her diet and eat fish only.
Re: Phelgm
Xuanting wasn't on chicken yet. But got phlegm when she was on similac sometime back.. n we gave her bao yin compound n the phlegm went away after a while.

My mom oso said barley too much oso will give raise to phlegm. So b careful on amt.
Speaking of the call from Abbotts/Similac, I did receive such a call when Jon Jon turned 6 months. But i haven't changed the milk powder coz my son quite fussy. When I tried to change to Nan when he was about 3 months old, he puked!

yup. My mum too advises against introducing chicken into R's diet. She says will cause phlegm. So now mainly are fish or soup base boiled from pork ribs and lots of veggies for R's porridge. Luckily for my gal, she loves drinking plain water n eating greenies. If not, I sure shang1 nao3 jin1.

Juz now, R had some apple for dessert. Heehee, she loves it. Keep asking for more. Lazy mom here too, I juz scrape n feed her. Seems dat she prefers to eat apple fresh rather than cooked.
fussiecat - removed u from BP. no worries. havent gone to Straits Kitchen yet, going this sat. looking forward to pigging out. not bringing J along so hopefully i can concentrate.
hi mom_yam
i have jus started cereal for my 6mth plus girl.
i started giving her i teaspoon today as suggested by my sis. but after feeding she still want for more. do you think i should give her more or should i gradually increase and meanwhile just let her have milk after feeding her with the cereal.
thanks hee i am quite apprehensive about starting her with semi solid cos i have ezcema and i am worried that early weaning will cause my girl to have allergy too.
bblim, dont use pork ribs as soup base very oily. why not use the lean meat or the muscle meat from the pork - healthier lei.

matsu, you can gradually increase at your comfort. No hurry, let's she increase her appetite than do consider increase her feeding. That is base on my thought har.. to me always feed yr darlings at yr own comfort no rush no hurry. everything at yr pace ;)
matsu - my boy has ecezema too but i found that aft i intro solid his condition improved. not sure is it that he decreased consumption of BM which may contain some things he is allergy to eg the cow milk or shell fish that I am eating is passed onto BM and then onto my son.

actually you are not weaning totally from BM when u intro solid. thus you may not need to worry abt that.
I need help from TBF mum. I am also April 2006 mummy. Full time working mother expressing milk in the office weekdays and latch on before and after work. Don't why my baby refuse to latch on recently. Is there any way or methods can get my baby to come back to my breast?


Ya lor. Never cross my mind coz always heard ppl boiling soup using pork ribs. Then I juz follow suit n I did scope up the top layer of fats. Will use lean meat in future. Thks.
gals, I FTWM. Wanna jus feed in morn n nite without expressing at work. How do I go about it for now i still pump twice at work but yielding only 280ml.

mayb ur baby has decided to self-weaned him/herself from ur breast??? Or u can wait until the baby is really hungry then nurse him/her. I believe a real hungry bb will feed on watever is given unless u have a stubborn one like mine.
Mine is a baby boy. He only nurse when sleepy in the morning and night before open his eyes. He will push me away when his is awake. I am so sad...
<font color="ff6000">"Feeding Your Child Right: The First Nutrition Guide for Asian Parents"</font>
hi all, i just wanted to share that i just got this book and it's really really informative, especially for many of us who are first time moms. my mom bought it for me on sunday and i've just been reading through it and there is so much useful info on weaning, recipes and even info on traditional asian beliefs (ie. the kind of stuff your mom or MIL tells you but you are skeptical aboout!!) regarding what to eat and what not to eat.

two thumbs up!! definitely worth a read if you all have time!!

<font color="ff6000">fussiecat</font>
it's written by Lynn Alexander and Yeong Boon Yee, published by Times Editions, pretty sure you should be able to get it in most local bookstores, i got my copy from BOrders (it was on sale last w/end).

i'm really finding the recipes very useful!! now my poor girl won't just get jar food and rice porridge with veges &amp; chicken hahaha
