(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Pureen is not bikini cut, similar to Nepia and Petpet, and is the sticky tape kind like Petpet.
Price for Pureen is I think about $18.00? Correct me if I'm wrong...bought for qwuite some time, cannot really remember. Yes Evon, available at Kiddy Palace.
M 84 pcs, L 72 pcs.

Tracy, my gal 7.5kg wearing M size.

Last time i bought Pureen L: 72 pcs only S$14+ @ Giant....somemore FOC Pureen wiper (2pack small)...
Quality not bad...save cost...and last for about 10 hrs...
tks god u mentioned XL only pants, i din realised. like tat not many brands got XL tape diapers liao. the qty for pant is lesser than tape

Does anyone knows whether Nepia seals still can exchange for NTUC vouchers? I have quite some with me. Not sure to throw away or not.
Hi all,

I have a Frisocrem $3 voucher to give away but pls pay $0.23 if opt for postage okie. Or collect at Woodlands (my hse). Pls pm me if interested. Thks.
hi hunniepot,

nice meeting you - for the HT collection...

for the cheaper price of the milk powder, my colleague has recommend "ang mo supermarket". toa payoh lor 2, blk 85 has one... but me yet check out the pl... he said that price is cheaper abt S$3 to S$5 compared to ntuc...
hi jade,

i think many of us here have already brought our babies to swim. i started bringing my daughter to the pool when she was abt 3 mths, she was shocked initially (bad timing, we brought her down when she was a bit sleepy) but got used to it by the 2nd time we went.
i've been wanting to do that but there are no swimming costumes available for babies. And i'm worried she might catch a chill w/o proper attire.

Any advise?


there are!! i got mine from an Old Navy spree (it's for 6-12mths but is cut quite small so my girl has already outgrown it). other mommies have mentioned that baby swimwear is available at kiddy palace. i've also seen shops in paragon and forum specialising in kids swimwear and accessories.

for starters, my husband and i carried ou rbaby very close to our bodies in the water, to keep warm, after that we let her sit in a float. just remember to bundle yr girl up after she comes out of the water!!
oh, and maybe i am a bit slow (hahah...) but i also realised after a while that baby pools are warmer than big pools cos they are shallower so try those 1st.
mommies, my leo is wearing *drumroll* mamy poko XL! not many brands can fit him cos he so big... but my only complaint abt mamy poko is that it's really thick so his pants have to be really big... make him look like 'uncle'!! are Pureen and Nepia suitable for bigger bbs? I would like to try a thinner brand of diaper!

jade, yah, many of us have brought our bbs to swim already. i remember asking around for lobang for cheap bb swimwear cos all the ones i see at dept stores and kiddy palace are so ex. but in the end, i spent $48 on a swimsuit for my boy cos it's from australia and offers sun protection blah blah... but mostly it's becos he looks so freaking cute in it!
Re: Diapers
Saw that Guardian (BPP) is selling a carton (112pcs)of Drypers for $22+ only. Is Drypers good?

Sheng Song got MP promotion, i must go and get tonight.
Talking abt swimming,
my husband said bb where got nd swimming costume one... let's see how. =p

Hmmm.. Who is feeding bb Similar Step 2 FM?

I saw newspapers got promo in Guardian or Watson for 2 tins of 900g at $59.90 with a small 400g tin free.

So catch it while stock last.
Allo ladies
erhh..guess I'm one of those rare fews who have yet 2 intro swimming to my bb..heheh..but he enjoys his daily bathing sessions..shouldn't b a prob for swimming..but my parents were concerned tt he's too young for swimming leh..chlorine etc..:p
me too....have yet bring my gal to swim...
parent oso concerned about the chlorine...virus...in the pool...
if for gal, no need swimsuit can or not?..can only wear disposal diaper?...will it be too sexy....hahaha..
Mrs Ho,
hb, say, bb young, nv mind one.... can juz wear pants n go into water to swim. Diapers? Hmmm.. actually we didn't see bbs wearing diapers to swim le.

Same concerns on the chlorine and virus.

But for virus n cleanliness, we prefer to go swimmming in the morning ard 9am.
gee..didn't know got swim diapers sia..cant imagine what happen if Ivec chose to do his poo in e pool..heheeh...& his poo smells..hee
The thinest I see the Pampers Prenium loh....agree MammyPoko very bulky looking, cos it's broad and sqaure-ish. I dont't like the cutting although it's very absorbant, that's why din use it after 1 pack of NB. Both Pureen and Nepia XL is for above 12kg, you can go Kiddy Palace and see sample of the Pureen.
ya lor...after swimming...how to bath?..do we need to bring hot water to mix with cool? bring pail?...if so troublesome...dont bring first...wait she grow older then bring....me lazy mum...
Hi all,

Juz to share my experience. Brought my gal to swim twice not wearing swimming diapers. Luckily she din poo. I wld advise wearing swim diapers but too bad can't seem to find any in Cold Storage, Giant & NTUC ler. Had brought along a mug to scoop water for bathing(a helpful tip from a mommy here but can't remember who liao). For me, I actually needed a helper (my mom or hb) to apply shampoo n rinse off while I hold my gal in standing position. Pls make sure the neck area is properly cleaned. Coz the 1st time my gal actually had bad rashes after swim. Also dun tink is advisable to wear disposable diaper. It will b too heavy for the bb coz diaper will absorbs water juz as it absorbs urine mah. Hope to help.

my bb use EQ XL, it is thinner than MP and so far so good.

Mrs Ho,
i bought swim diaper instead of disposal swim diaper bcos long run it is cheaper. So i let him wore swim diapers than his swimsuit.
thanks, i'll check out the diaper at KP...

the only concern my pd raised was that my boy has sensitive skin (cheeks very dry), so to be careful. i slather his face with the gerber moisturising stick before we hit the water...

swim diapers
is to prevent awkward accidents... can't imagine cleaning up leo's poo in the pool! especially if it's loose stools! ugh! but i just let him wear the one-piece swimwear, didn't get extra swim diaper...

coming out of the water
you must wrap with towel to prevent bb from getting a chill. then go toilet and bath as per normal... if you want, you can just shower bb and wash off the chlorine... then change out of the wet suit and go home and bath. one of my fren bought this animal bathrobe from aussino, very cute, can let bb wear immediately after coming out of water... but i think it's a splurge lah, wear for a few minutes must take off and shower liao!
Hi girls, have been thinking about this swimming biz for a long time. For those who have concerns about baby catching cold, there are thermal wetsuits for babies. There's someone organising a BP for them from LIFERACER. I have joined in and am waiting to collect it. Heh heh! Then the little fellow can go swimming!

I do feel a bit sian to have to wear a swimsuit myself, though. The brown line (the vertical one which goes from underneath the chest downwards towards crotch) that appeared when I was pregnant has not faded completely. Nivea op something...Plus, tummy really flabby...look like the Before and After slimming centre ad - unfortunately, look like the "before" photo...
mad bride
me too! i was going to ask everywhere if their line has faded. mine not faded completely. i have yet to find the perfect one-piece swimwear or tankini for myself, so now only daddy goes into the water with bb, and i do all the photo and video taking!
Hi ladies,

Me also quite keen on bringing my girl for a swim. Have not bought anything for her. Went to VivoCity Toy R Us but cannot find the float for bb. Can anyone tell me where to get the float? As for the swimming diaper, is Watsons or Guardian selling?

Do you bring your bb to public pool or private pool? I can only bring bb to public pool but I feel that it is not very clean too.
Chenoa, BAD EGG? which one u refer to ?
i know some organiser earned extra $$...especially for cloth......so a/c suspended...everyone seems like very angry le...neither organiser/buyer/CL.....
talking abt swmimming, just called my hubby tat i wanna bring nixon to pool tomolo.. it has been so long since the last session..
yah chenoa, i read about some hoo-haah... but not sure exactly what happened...
actually, all of us just want to save some money. don't understand why some people want to take advantage of others.
Hi Koalarie!

Thanks for the meetup for the HT products! As mentioned, ya my boi is a April '06 baby and I'd been reading the posts here although not contributing. Look forward to chat here more often!

Hi fellow April mummies!

Hi chenoa,

Please add my boi to the chart :p
Name: Jarrett
birth wt: 2.4kg
Now: 7.68 (6months checkup)
milk: BM/Enfalac

Egg??? U mean the chicken n egg? Or is there such a person?

welcome on board. = p

Hope to see u on the thread more often.
haha... busy with work and my naughty girl. Finally log in to see my swimming query..
Wanted to get a swimming costume but it was like $58, tot it was ex so din buy.


Robinsons got 20% discount for card members till sunday.

I saw a lot of toys for our bbs to play le.. A bit itchy hand to buy. =p

Anyway, 2hours free parking at RC if u buy at least $100 in Robinsons.

So weekend can go shopping.
Hi ladies,

anyone of you starts to let your bb wear shoes? I wanted to buy shoes for my girl but my mum keep telling me that I should let her wear shoes after she turn 1.

And also does any of your bb still wearing socks all day? I keep my girl's socks on as her feet are also very cold if she dun wear them. However, I'm afraid that she is not used to the floor if she is without socks. How?
my mom said the same thing but i don't care... i let him wear shoes already cos my fren gave him a very nice pair... but only wear on special occasions lah...usually it's socks.

My ger wore shoes longg ago every weekend when we bring her out. Why cannot wear shoes? Something superstitious?

For socks.. my ger only wears them at nite when she about to sleep

surprisingly, my mum didn't comment on anything on shoes. My ger wears shoes whenever we bring her over to my mum's place every saturday.
morning mummies...

about the shoes thingy... my MIL says to buy shoes when bb is ready to walk leh... tink it's a old-folks superstition that if buy too early, they may not walk early? Haiyah, but all this based on superstition... i hvn't bot any pairs though... not bcos of wat she said, but bcos i hvn't had any time to look for one nice one! Haha...
