(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

saw a lump (half the size of a pea) on my left breast just now when expressing milk... dunno whether it's blocked milk duct or a lump. after expressing my milk, still there but smaller. should i go see a lactation consultant or my gynae or will a GP do???
anyone know how a blocked milk duct look and feel like?? i'm thinking it's a blocked duct, since i'm expressing every 16-17 hrs now.
fussiecat - does the lump feel sore or painful? also does it feel warm to the touch? at times, it might be a red patch. At times, it might come in the form of a white head at the tip of the nipple.

You can do a few things:
1. Use a hot towel/compress to warm up the area and then massage.
2. You can also do it in a hot shower.
3. Put Leo to the breast and nurse. This is the best solution. If possible, position his chin on the lump cause as he nurse, the movement of the chin will "massage" the lump and unblock it.

If you start to run a fever, pls see a gynae as LC can't prescribe medication. And not many doc are proficient in BF.

Hang in there....I (aka mel_lim) get block duct quite often.
mel lim and zhaocaimao
no pain no soreness and definitely not red. the lump is an inch above the nipple. i tried massaging it when i was expressing just now, but still there. i think i better do mammogram.

anyone knows where to go for mammograms?

yr description sound like what i hv. My gynae say nothing to worry leh and i stop BF long time liao. Something serious huh?
i just called the Breastscreen hotline. i can just walk-in to polyclinic and doc will examine me, and determine whether mammogram is necessary. i'm gng to do this weekend! twinkle, i hope it's nothing to worry about too.
<font color="ff6000">fussiecat</font>
i'm sure you'll be fine, don't worry too much, k?
hi mum yam and motherhen
thanks for your advice. in that case i feel more at ease.
oh ya motherhen i am also breastfeeding my baby girl so i am very very cautious about my food intake me super kiasu refrain from many food that i once loved all because i am afraid she will have bad skin like me. sign
fussiecat - i have a breast condition known as fibrocystic breast...meaning it is permanently lumpy.....it is nothing serious so dun worry too much into it.
Thks for your kind offer..decided to opt for postage instead as it's only $1 ^_^

Wondering whether any of u interested to attend a Baby Massage course (2 sessions) on 21 &amp; 28 Nov (Tues) from 7.30pm to 9pm at Nanyang CC. Passion card member $30. Non member $40. I'm keen to attend but need at least 10 to start a class. U can pay online via www.pa.gov.sg using credit card plus they r having an online promotion. Check it out. ^_^
Hi, haven't log in for a while.

For sharing:
Grapes and peanut butter should be avoided for babies, for fear of choking.

For Baby Massage course, find that $30 a bit exp. I attended 1 when bb is still very young this year at KK hospital and FOC, dunno if they still conduct, maybe someone can call up kk to check.

Can mummies share what are the signs of teethings other than drooling and more poopoo? Heard that the teething gel is only temporary and is not good, is this true?
Update! Juz brot my ger ger to c the PD for her jab. And her tooth is really coming out! haha, can c the white white tip liao ;p

Other than drooling &amp; more poopoo, my ger ger also had other "signs" such as being more cranky than usual. Also keeps biting at things &amp; not comfy wif her usual teat=> drink wif teat slightly sideways. Another one is put her finger in her mouth and keep touching her toothbud (doc says to take care of gum infection!). And i duno if it's coincidental, but she kena flu the week before this... Some babies got fever prior to teething.

Teething gel is only temporary, but it does provide some sort of relieve... give a little bit when she's cranky... i usually give less than 3 x a day... sometimes not at all...
there are some discussions about a type of rice that is suitable for bb porridge previously. Can someone show me a pic of it? I couldn't find in NTUC.
smurfy, my mom got it from Ntuc. It's called 'New Crop Rice'. I dun have the packet w me here. Will try to get for you on Monday.
still got special rice for bb porridge? I have been cooking with our normal white rice. Hey can gather how much ur bb eat? Mine like super big appetite like neve will stop eating, mouth juz open and close all the time when u are feeding her, it's as if she doesn't need to chew or swallow the food down. Well that means easy to feed, but me abit worried abt over feeding her. It's like those using pigeon feeding set, she can eat 2 bowls of porridge. At 1 go she has no prob of finishing 2.5oz of bb jar food.

Hmm...this thread seems to have gotten alot quieter. Where has everyone gone?
<font color="ff6000">babe</font>
i've also just been using normal white rice for baby's porridge, i think it's fine. my girl can also eat quite a lot of porridge. today i made porridge with minced chicken and broccoli and she ate something like one whole rice bowl of it! but normally for jar food, she only manages 1/2 a bottle of the stage 2 food, maybe it's not as tasty as homecooked stuff?? also, jar food texture must be pretty bland for baby, it's all pureed until liquid form so maybe she finds it boring.

i think babies do know how to stop eating when they're full, so don't worry
wow, miu66, whatt is your recipe for bb food, i mean the quantity, how much rice, meat, broccoli, cook for how long? then do u use a blender before feeding bb? I'm worried that I may not give bb enough nutrients, so only use jar food so far.
<font color="ff6000">stephz</font>
porridge - not sure of exact quantity cos i made a whole pot yesterday cos hubby has flu (see? now i have 2 babies at home hahahhaah...) but i removed about one rice bowl of just plain porridge for baby before adding all the meat, veg and seasonings for us. then i added in a little chicken stock, abt 1 chinese spoon of minced chicken and 1.5 chinese spoons of chopped brocolli. previous times i've made it, i think abt 2 tablespoons of uncooked rice can last her abt 2 meals. i don't blend the cooked porridge, just cook it till it's quite soft but still has visible grains.

jar food - i've actually been giving mostly jar food till last week but i decided not to be lazy anymore hahaha..... also, i mentioned that i've been reading this book abt feeding and it makes a very valid point about jar food, it says that while jar food is quite healthy and affordable these days etc, "local foods are not emphasized, and many of the varieties will not be foods that baby can expect to be served once he reaches toddler stage. this may lead to poor acceptance of the family's food, and a toddler who demands to continue having his own baby food." i thought this was quite relevant. anyway, i still use jar food when we're out or i have no time to prepare something, but i'm gonna try to make more effort to cook for baby
I using pearl rice to make the porridge. Can use normal thai white rice. But just that not as meshy as pearl rice ones and pearl rice ones seem tastier than thai rice.

My husband's colleague told him that he is using the japanese rice to make his bb's porridge.

I got two types of pearl rice - one frm my mil and the other from my mom. N strangely my gal seems to write the one from my mom's one more.
Hi mummies,

Me mia for a long time. So busy with work, finally got time to come in when my girl is sleeping.

It seems that many of you have started your bb with porridge. I have not started mine yet. Probably will start next week when I have more time.

My girl is also teething now. The bottom left tooth is coming out. She is more cranky than usual. Teething gel does help for a while but after the cooling effect is gone, she will start again. She also didn't want to go to sleep, no matter how tired she is. So now mummy and daddy also panda.

Her poo is still as normal but heard from my mum and mil that teething baby tent to get diarrhoea or watery poo. Will keep a look out for that. As for drooling, she seldom drool. My mum said it is b'cos we perform the biscuit ceremony during her 4th mth to stop her from drooling.

As for breastfeeding, she is also rejecting my breast. I wonder is it due to teething. So I pump it out for her lor. My supply also become very low and I can endure 13 to 14 hrs without pump. I guess I can slowly try and wean her off.

I just seem my gynae yesterday for a checkup. He encourage me to try for no. 2 as it is easier to conceive within the next 6 mth. I'm thinking twice. With 1 already panda. If come no.2, we all no need to sleep liao. But hb quite enthusiastic. So I think let God decide. If we are bless with another one so be it.

Any one of you trying for no. 2?
I can't find in my NTUC. What brand is it?
If you can show me a pic, thanks alot.

I using normal rice.. dunno issit pearl rice or not.. he still eat, just take a longer time to cook
hmmmm...so quiet...zzzzz everybody so bz or zzzz

no. 2???? think mel_lim trying for no.2 ...
me, not so soon...cos still need to save $$$$ first before 2....

As my gal taking care by my in law....and i already told her to start porriage on my gal....but never see her started le....how to tell her again.
...now my gal only take cereal once a day...and when im home....will feed my gal cereal &amp; jar food (somemore...they din know about jar food, seem like not allow me to feed my gal)
why easier to conceive in the next 6 month? Is this your individual case or generally? Has your menses returned?

We are not intending to have a piglet....hubby prefers a mouse.
Hello everyone...
MIA for quite sometime also.
Update on Sherlene: she weighs 7.65kg during her last checkup. She is on total FM now also.
This little girl knows how to stand up with support already and trying to walk a few steps with support.
Still no tooth yet.

Actually, before I got pregnant, hb and me quite kan cheong. Try and try also dun hv. So now gynae said we have 1 already not so kan cheong. More relax now, should be easier to conceive.
Mrs Ho,

did u tell ur in-laws what to give her. Maybe they dun know how to start.

My mil just told me yesterday that she wants to prepare salted fish porridge for my girl. Almost fainted. BB where got eat salted fish one. Luckily, we only go there once a mth. Hopefully she forget abt it.
Hi, my girl is teething, saw a white portion on her right side. Amazingly she's not cranky(keeping fingers crossed), just that she poopoo twice yesterday. Not much drooling too.

Tracy - what biscuit ceremony? never heard of? I didn't do any for my bb lei.

During my girl's 4th mth celebration, we actually hang a string of marie biscuit around her neck. Then we break one of the biscuit and gently rub against her lips and gums. My mum said that is to stop her from drooling.

I think some of the mummies here have seen this pic before.

Is not my In Law dont know when to start porriage, is quite "ma fan" to cook a small portion of porriage as my gal only take watery cereal. Think she stil dont know how to eat porriage le.
Actually my sis in law's son already 1year+, oso staying with my In Law and he started porraige since 5months, but he already sick of tired of porriage, so is quite troublesome for them to cook just a little for my gal, and til now they never start porriage of her.

Marry biscuit celebrate:
my gal stil very drolling after this....
Mrs Ho,

For my ger, actually i didn't cook porridge for her deliberately. We take care of her on weekends. And afternoons we will take porridge, so i cook the porridge, add ingredients, once ready, will scoop out one small bowl for her. The rest will then add salt for our adults' consumption.
so, means u will take porriage every weekend lor...hehehe....
sometimes i can't talk much infront of husband's family there...so many sis in law around... scared will offence someone....later say i torture In law...
Mrs Ho,

Oh this weekend we dun take porridge, so i gave her jar food. Luckily she loves it! Haha.. it was gerber's oatmeal with apple sauce and banana

Most of the time, i add jar food into her milk and rice cereal and bottle feed her.
hmmm...still remember got 1 time.
my In law keep saying that my gal dont like to drink plain water. One day, while im feeding my gal with plain water...husband &amp; inlaw sitting beside. Then in law said:"she wont drink one la...she dont like plain water"...husband and i just keep quiet. Then she go off, and i tell hubby that y all these ppl said dont talk such thing infornt of BB, yet they can ??? Later on my hubby go to tell her dont say such thing infront of BB lor....
Few days later....Sis inlaw from KL called say my in law cry becos her son scold her (mean i ask my husband to tell her such thing) oh....is my fault again...
after that, i dare not say anything infornt...just try to keep my mouth shut...or just stay with my gal only when im back.

Sorry everyone got to listen my bored story...
ya lor...nothing can do...i oso will feed her jar food during weekend.
But sometimes oso worried....worried once she take jar food will get diahore or sick....then they will blame me, dont know feed wat silly food for my gal later...
really difficult to be a daughter in law man....the best is if we SAHM....
hihi, how's everyone doing? me MIA for so long.. heehee... was busy with work and baby..

My baby nixon's doing well... has start crawling.. and able to stand up with support.. growing his 7th &amp; 8th teeth lor.. how times flies... this coming thursday going for 9 months assessment and will update chenoa his weight.

He is on Progress Gold, and porridge.. but he seems get hungry easily.. have to feed him every 2 hours.. dunno why.. sigh.. gotta ask pd when bring him for assessment..

here's a pic of him at ikea

Mrs Ho/kk,

My mil also like that. So everytime I go there dun tell them too much. She always 'suan' me when I tell her things abt my girl. End up everytime I go now, I shut up. I dun even know wat she go and tell my sis in law.
Tracy/Mrs Ho,

Haha, i dun comment anything in front of my mil. I guess both of us have different ways of doing things. So she does her and i do mine, so long as no clash. But big issues like no sleeping in sarong since day of birth, i will tell her. Because this kind of issue, both sides must carry out together.
Mrs Ho,

Being SAHM also not easy, cos my MIL is very unhappy that Im not working, thus her poor son (my dear hubby) got to shoulder the responsibility of bringing in income for the whole family.. luckily she didnt know that I quit my job when I was 3 mths pregnant, otherwise confirm world war 3 liao

I guess when i have chance to become SAHM, my mil will interfere too haha.. so no difference lor.

And in fact to me, FTWM may be good. See no evil, hear no evil!!
bb no. 2
the heart is willing but the body is weak... one baby already make me so exhausted, i dunno whether i can look after a 2nd one so soon.

i can't find the book at popular leh! will keep hunting... i started leo on jar food over the weekend. he took one bite of the peas (healthy times) and made a face. managed to let him eat a few more bites, then he don't want liao! urgh! how long can you keep jar food (opened before) in the fridge? How do you warm up if you feed him jar food outside?

The situation is so bad that I havent gone over to my MIL's place for 3.5 mths already.. why go there and face the music when I know it is waiting there for me?

I now very bad.. while my hubby go up fetch bb, i will stay in his car. Or when i am at home, my hubby after work will go fetch bb while i stay home wait for their return haha!

Now my hubby complain i seldom go to in laws place :p

Serious ah? How long have you not gone there? For me, I will bf my baby right b4 my hubby and baby goes over, enough for her to 'tong' for a few hrs, then I wait at home for them to come back


why ur hubby and baby go over?? U SAHM rite?

Haha can't remember how long liao. Since end october i guess.. because students on holiday, and i get to go home early almost everyday. So dun have to take dinner at in laws place too haha.. will either eat out with hubby, or hubby dabao from there.

Actually my in laws not bad lah.. just that i very sian to pop by and see them shower love on my ger and ultimately going to spoil her. U know on weekends or nights when we leave her there, basically EVERY min she is being carried by my hubby's sis. OMG!
