(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Mrs Ho,
Cool down, juz monitor your gal closely. Its not due to the jar food. However, when things happen, they always like to blame the mummy.. i oso kanna fm my mum n hubby when my boy fell down n he had fever a few days later.

My boy oso takes less milk. His intake is only 4 or 5oz.. At times, can go to 6oz but very seldom. His schedule is
7/8am - 4oz milk
10am - 5 tbs cereal with 60ml milk
12n - 5oz milk
3pm - 4/5oz milk with fruits
5/6pm - 5 tbs cereal with 60ml milk
9pm - 6oz milk
Wow..look like many are feeding porridge for dinner. Hiaz me working mum so my gal's dinner abit late - 7-7.30pm and I try to make her sleep at 8.30pm by nursing her.

Just wondering if the lunch and dinner porridge are the same thing? Muz cook different one?

My gal still a big eater, drinking 200ml milk or eating solids at intervals of about 3 hrs. Well that's coz my mum says she's hungry n I really wonder if she's crying coz she's tired and want to be carried or hungry. Hmm..but then again my gal not v big size so can't b overfeeding ya?

Wonder if ur bb having disturbed sleep? Halfway thru sleep cry like got frightened? Mine been doing that for the past 2 mths and seems like this week got worse. More frequent crying which of coz when I carry her up, she'll fall back to sleep. Wonder what to do coz really tired since I'm working. Ask dr., he suggests oversimulating b4 sleep but we hardly do much than clean her up, talk and read to her though she laughs and tries to talk alot with all her baby language and then it's nurse her to sleep. These few days she doesn't want to sleep after nursing. How can this be oversimulating and we've been doing this all the while. Miss the days she'll just sleep through the night. Any advice?
hi babe,

i also hv the same problem and also dun know why. Last night even worst, wake up at 4 plus i give pacifier dun wan , carry also dun wan to sleep and refused to be in his cot so i put him next to me and i sleep. Not sure what time he fall asleep.
Nepia Promotion
Nepia HK Ltd (Not Dignus Online) having promo till end of month. $14 per pack for both tape and pants. Dignus is selling at $14.70.
Mrs Ho, relax... share ur problem... at least u wont bottle up ur bad mood.. take it easy...
must take good care of urself and ur bb.. usually if bb goes wrong.. they always blame mummy... why not daddy..

babyship, my boy also big eater leh.. he is drinking 6 oz every 2 hours leh.. i thought 6 oz not enough for him and make to 8 oz.. but he always stop at 6 oz and ask for milk again after 2 hours.. dunno how..

btw, how to make bb sleep early??? Nix only wanna sleep around 11.. sometime 12.. during weekends even worse, only wanna sleep around 1... i got no enough sleep cos need to wake up at 6 for work.. nvr have a good nite sleep since his arrived
sob sob...

starry, nix tried nepia too.. material kinda soft.. softer than mommypoko and pamper.. u wanna try mommypoko? maybe i can send u few pcs to try..
it is size L..
MRs Ho,
relax. Dun be upset.

How they say it's food poisoning from bb food jar?

My hb did warn too on tix. But seriously so long we dun keep the opened bottles more than 48h, tix is safe.

Also, having temperatures flunctuating is normal. Xuanting was like tat two weeks ago. She went thin a while. Doc said she caught flu. So, after abt five days, she got well n kicking.

Dun worry too much. If u dun trust the GP/PD, go c another one for advice. Normally they re nv right at their diagnostics instantly if u've watched the show "House" on AXN. is always trial and error on the diagnostics.
Re: bb getting frigtened at nights.

XT was like tat since dunno when.. my mom kept blaming me for not bringing her to downstairs to walk during her man yue!

hi mel,
thanks for the news on Nepia diapers. hmm...is the qty the same for tape and pants for the same size? 48 pcs for M?
What's the difference btw tape and pants? Thot pants are more for potty training?

Kolarie, how does walking downstairs at man yue helps? I bring my girl out think b4 1 mth also like that.

Jumbo, at least ur bb sleeps thru ritez? Mine dun now with those disturbed cries. Me also dunno how many hours I sleep. I usually put her to bed 8.30-9pm after nursing her to sleep. She has to wake up at 6am to nurse and go to my mum's. so wanted her to sleep at least 9 hrs but now with her disturbed nites, dunno how.
babyship, at my mum's place he will wake up 2-3 times for feeds.. but at my mil's place.. he can sleep through the nite... dunno why he has different pattern.. sigh..

for the tape and pant diaper.. when bb start crawling, it is good to put on diaper pant as it fits like pants, wont expose bb's tummy or being removed by bb's movement
Nepia HK Ltd - 6226 2650.
-Same as Dignus, min 4 packs for home delivery.
-Can mix and match type and sizes.
-Promo ends on end of Nov.

cheona - qty for pants and tape is different. For L, tape is $14 for 42 but for pants it is $14 for 30pcs. pants more expensive.

babe - pants is like huggies pull up pants. in a way like more for potty training which I am already training J. he poo poo in potty. nowadays J does not want to lie down to wear his diapers so pants might be easier.
but gorilla, not sure what u doing in tix thread. If u ve any prob with bblim, pls take it among urselves n not splash in any threads that ve her ard.

I've met bblim b4 and i trust her integrity as a person. So, dun mind. =p
ya. walk-walk, u noe? Go outside the hse also consider etc but must be on man yue celebration that day.

She very ban tang... so keep saying, nv see a bb till 7mths, still like tat.


Nepia HK $14!!!????

I just ordered last week.....!!! and it was $15 per pack le.

= (
thanks everyone..at least got u all around...

this is not the first time i feed my gal jar food...so i dont think is food poisoning...
she had no diahorea / vomiting...only fever...(shd be theething lor) i guess...but anyway...she better now.

anyone will buy Nepia L size @ S$14.00?...i wanted to try 1 pack...if anyone can share...will prefer collection @ North area. TIA.
mrs ho
so sorry to hear that yur ger got food poisoning. i agree with the other mommies... how can blame the jar food?? so many days already. some more, jar food is sterilised leh.

sleep pattern
my boy also sleeping less soundly, though i'm lucky that he doesn't wake and start crying and crying. it's just that he doesn't sleep as soundly as before and sometimes would whimper in his sleep. sometimes he will go back to sleep, sometimes he will whimper and whimper until he starts crying. But we are usually able to soothe him back to sleep by rocking and patting for a while.

you must try to put him to bed at a fixed time. for us, it's 9pm. When the clock strikes 9, we will bring him to the room, switch off the room light, switch on the night light and lullaby music, give him milk, then start patting him to sleep. when he's drowsy, put him in the cot and he'll sleep liao... you must create the atmosphere, he'll know it's bedtime. don't expect success in one or two nights, you must persist for maybe 2 weeks at least. good luck.
do u think it'll be difficult to add two columns on organic food n diapers into ur previous table? =p

Just wonder.. so tat maybe easier to see who re using nepia and HT.. n if any BP, can inform easier. = p
hi Koalarie,
din mean to intrude here...but you should read how harsh she sounded, so I'm here to let her know I really did read her post (not just anyhow say one)....

btw, meeting someone a few times doesn't mean you know a person well enough

I apologise for causing any unhappiness here....sorry!
Hello mummies,

Long time never come in liao... JJ is sick down with fever, cough and flu 2 weeks ago and was send to kk and ended up on drip. Everything seems to be okay liao but lost almost 1kg.

Can any mummy here helps me, i am looking for sggal coz suppose to meet up with her to collect something but JJ was admitted so never meet but now i loss her contact. Anyone here can either PM me or help me tell her to contact me. Thanks.

Just want to know whether petpet or nepia is better? Pampers running out at in laws place. I think i wanna a switch to something cheaper liao....
ya ya..think we here buying a great deal now. Can bp HT.

mrs ho, could ur bb be having fever due to teething? Dun think it's bb food coz I have been feeding that and sometimes dun even warm up. Eg. pear puree I juz put in with cereal and add some hot water to make cereal smooth and simply feed that to my girl. That's for her dinner.

fussiecat, muz try so long ah...i hoping my girl can sleep on her own but so difficult. Me now nurse till she sleeps and put her down in cot. If she wakes, I'll rock and pat her to sleep.

Jumbo, i think bb knows ppl. My girl also. At my mum's, for naps she can put her on bed and pat to sleep. At hm, wif me or my MIL, we have to carry her to sleep and she'll cry loudly if we put her down to pat to nap.
no worries, gorilla.

Juz that u can take it up more properly as well with her. E.g pm her ask her for receipt etc as proof of purchase? =p

U noe what i mean.

BB diapers - Petpet vs nepia
me try b4. think petpet a bit hard though it is cheap.

so prefer nepia more.
babe - basically when i see his face change to the "poo poo face", I will remove his diaper and seat him in the potty and make the "mmm mmmm" noise. Then he will poo poo into the potty. Every child's poo poo face is different so u need to observe what face yr bb makes when he poo poo so that u can take the cue from there.

Here's a site that is quite insightful:
Mrs HO! i agree food poisoning is usually 24 hrs only. Could it be Stomach Flu, which quite a lot of bb getting this nowadays dunno why.

I also feed Isaac with Jar food say every 3 days once... sometimes i even mixed it together with his cereal. so it shouldnt be Jar food.

have you consider putting her in Singapore instead? I see you like that, i feel sad for you coz' i cannot imagine if i dont get to see Isaac for a day. u can consider getting Nanny instead and they will cook porridge for yr gal. on top they will kw how to take good care of her. Nite time u get to bond with her and play with her.

babe, mine too.. i seriously dont kw what happen and his cry is very terrible lei, my heart will break into pcs whenever i hear him cry so badly. moreover timing is like 3 pm every nite.

Jumbo - i agree with fussiecat. no harm trying and is a good habit for Nix ;)

Having to say that Nix recognise place.. coz' for Isaac when it comes to his slping time over my IL house.. he cant really slp coz' dt have his bed and pillow.
think L size is good.

XT tat time tried Pampers S was tight and then we try Nepia S for her still got space on her tighs..

If not, I can send u a sample of Nepia L to try. U wanna try the pants or tape ones? I ve both. pm me lo.

= )

Mom yam,
sama sama le.
of cos i miss my gal like crazy everyday....only hubby not allow outsider to take care of her instead of own family. He got his big "phylosophy" that i cant fight him...so just forget about this. I only can wait till she reach 18m lor....me will become giraffe soon...cos neck long long...

my gal like to poo poo while eating .... buay tahan....sometimes have to clear her shit then continue eating / drink...
mel lim, tks for the info. Will stock up soon. I envy u potty train now leh... i know K poo around 11-11.30 every morning but IFC dun potty train them now too sad.

Jumbo, we tried mommypoko b4 and it is thick. K very scared of heat and cause him heat rush tat y i change to Nepia lor. Now wanted to stock up Nepia pants as he is using XL soon and XL is the mex for tape diapers.
hey mel, we have the same potty train. nix will sit still and his face got this "gek" expression then we know he wanna shit shit.. so far he only shit on his diaper 2-3 times when he was younger. most of the time, he will "alert" us in advance. When we are outside and he wanna poo, i will quickly bring him to poo at the toilet bowl..

mom_yam, kinda difficult leh.. cos my parents like to watch tv in the room and nix is sleeping with them.. not very nice to tell them off..

starry, ya.. mommypoko kinda thicker than Nepia but nix's bum still can tahan.. heehee..

anyone in the west wanna share the Nepia diaper? :p
<font color="ff6000">mel lim</font>
re: feeding, like maraquan said, a bit of distraction can be good at feeding time. i find that K doesn't fidget as much when she watches my part-time helper sweep/mop the floor while she's feeding!! otherwise, she also tried to grab the spoon/bowl, bite her bib, blow bubbles etc etc.

<font color="ff6000">fussiecat</font>
re: "feeding your child right" book. if you'd like to get the book, u can let me know. i can go to borders or kino to get it for u and post to u. not troublesome cos i intend to do some early x'mas shopping at borders soon.
re: feeding distraction
haha...<font color="0000ff">miu</font>, my gal if got human distractions will not eat leh.....TV still ok, cos she will not focus on the screen all the time. If her grandpa is behind her talking on phone or eating fruits (got crunchy/munchy sounds) or cousins come over and crowd around her as she eats....she will be so kaypo and turn her head to look at them...spoon touch her lips also bochap...like that cannot feed at all. Have to chase all the cousins away, and make her look away from all the action....only face mummy and she will eat fast fast. Today she's back to her usual guai guai sit and eat...no more swinging hands and all the irritating stuff. Maybe cos I complained on the forum.....can it be pang dang? oops...I just say she guai lehz! *slap mouth*
how kind of you! but no worries, i'll be popping by borders myself sometime soon to get a bunch of books. yes, xmas shopping! time really flies... our bbs will experience their first xmas!

just now managed to feed Leo half bottle of HT bb food! he took the carrots today, so proud of him! he opened his mouth and took the carrots from the spoon, and when he was full, he just stopped opening his mouth to take the food! unfortunately, i had to throw away the jar of peas that i opened on sun. he didn't like it lah! so wasted!
mom_yam, at least urs only once a night. Mine can be 3-4 times and every hourly sometimes. Last night, I got so fed up that after she woke up crying almost every hourly for 3-4times, i put her on the bed to sleep btw me and my hb at 2+ am. She slept till this morning. Dunno izzit her cot too small for her to turn here and there. Going to try put her on mattress today on the floor coz dun wan her to get used to being btw us.
Morning ladies.

dun worry abt her comments la. Guess frm certain angle, mayb some things can be sorted out such as if some model looking at and any pix to show n cfm.

Dun worry abt tix person.

Me juz simply dun like ppl just intrude to come n look for a certain person... it's.... a bit, u noe what i mean. =p

Me still think u very fun person 2b with.

U got let ur bb to watch the thurs/fri ch32's (nick something channel) on tix wonder pets?

My gal loves it so much as lots of singing n it's 3D.

Heard my hb said it's award wining program and the music composer quite famous one too.. =p
hello babe ..pardon me for intruding.

I was kinda facing the same problems as u two weeks ago. It left me extremely frustrated and tired. There are probably a few reasons behind this. She might be teething. Does she follow a schedule during the day for eating and sleeping? Does she have an overstimulated day? My PD told me that babies start to have nightmares from six months. He advised me not to overstimulate him during the day.

To reactify the problem, I tried putting him on a schedule. I read books by Tracy Hogg and the Sleep Lady. I don't follow their methods strictly actually. Instead, I use both their methods. I must say that it's working. He wakes up less often. Hope it stays this way.
re: Diapers
Evon, think will not add the column for diapers and HT cos mommies tend to change brand or use several brands concurrently.

hmm...any recommendation which brand of pant diapers is good? Is Nepia pants the cheapest around?

I'm been using Pureen for the past weeks and it's ok. Somehow, I felt that Pureen keeps YY's butts more dry than Nepia (even after a whole night about 10-12hr). I'm going try the Nepia again this weekend and do a more conscientious study of Pureen and Nepia before I embark on bulk ordering Nepia. Quite a substantial saving over the months if totally switch to Pureen from Nepia. Anyone has also used / is using Pureen and Nepia, can share your comments on these two too?

Btn Pureen and Petpet, Pureen is softer. Petpet topmost layer very efficient in keeping butts dry but it's rather slippery and if the stool's watery, tend to slide out from the back when lay the baby down to change.

is Pureen is 'bikini' cut? Eg. Nepia is more straight cut at the thigh area whereby huggies has a higher cut.
no prob.

Pureen? The brand is selling at Kiddy palace rite? I didn't see the price. How many pcs per pack?

So far, pretty like nepia. but got prob. Nepia's XL is only pants n pcs quite little.

Hi ladies,

thanks for the info on the Nepia promotion. I think I will stock up quite a bit. Seeing all your bbs wearing L and XL, I'm wondering whether I should change my girl diaper. She is still wearing S for Nepia and Momy Poko. Nepia is still ok but Momy Poko is a bit tight liao.
