(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

I'm also having yello discharge and it smell if I don't change the pantyliner oftern. I've asked my gynae and he said it is OK. My gynae did not calculate my EDD based on my last menses, he actually measure my bb and tell me my EDD. Yeh, my stomach feel bloated most of the time but I have been observing my breast and it look the same as before.

inc, i agree with the gal's reply... calculation based on LMP is not going to be accurate for ppl having irregular menses or late ovulation (like me). so dont worry too much now. let the gynae do the scanning for u

I have lost my bb....there is no more heartbeat when I went for my check up today..to be on safe side,my gynae even get me to do detailed scan at TMC x ray...

I had a bad cry this whole day...I believe this is GOD's way of handling unhealthy foetus..and I have to accept it...Luckily hubby took half day to accompany me....now my tears are dry....all I can say is I will get over this sad chapter of my life and move on...

Though bb is with me for only 9weeks plus but I know this is mother instinct....I can only trust that bb is in good hands with GOD...gynae has consoled me...saying that it is good that bb left us now....in this early stage..rather than in second trimseter or even worse last trimseter....that would be even more devasting!!

I wil be on mc tomorow on ward till tues to do D&C to clean up my womb then wil be on mc again...

Don't feel sorry for me...I have to do a mini confinement and move on....bb is not healthy so we have to let bb go....and i believe if bb is not meant to be us..it would never be....I wil take good care of myself and bu back my heatlth...

take good care...


sorry that I have to leave u here...
I have something to consult you.can u pm me?
I am so sad for you...
I pray that you will recover soon n trust that bb is in good hands with God nw
ya, pls move on...n bu well during ur confinement
hv a speedy recovery nw n will pray for ur D & C on Tues...
Sorry to learn about yr lost. pls move on and bu during yr mini-confinement. I hv been through it 2 yrs ago too. At least, u r much braver than me cos u accepted it. That time, i could not accept it and went into depression.
choo, sad to hear this from you... take care okie...
as for me, i'm taking a day mc today again.. cos not feeling very well... last night got a slight brown discharge again... tried to monitor it last night and this morning, but no more already..
keep feeling bloated and nausea... it's getting worse.. no appetite at all...
do you gals feel breathless at times? I feel it yesterday...
Choo, I had just you a PM yesterday. Pls take good care of yourself.

Irene, I feel breathless esp when climbed staircase or walked too fast. I actually experienced it since I pregnant. When you feel breathless?
I was shocked when i saw ur post. Really saddened me.
Pls b strong and take gd care.

There had been a few cases eversince I joined this thread, causing -ve impact on my confidence level.
Din noe dat it can b so common. No wonder during my 1st visit, my gynae had warned me 1 in every 5 will not b able to make it. He also say that dun blame ourselves coz it is no fault of ours juz happen naturally.

To the rest of the gals,
Dunno if u all believe it anot. Try toking to ur babies everyday. My DH n I have been doing dat eversince I noe of my pregnancy even thou the fetus hearing has not been fully developed yet. Coz we believe dat by doing so, the bb can feel our love n give him the strength to grow healthily.
Hi choo,

although i just joined the thread, i can't help but feel for your loss. take care and who noes, another one may come your way soon.

hi taurus, the webby is cool! checked the web and they said that my due date is 23 Apr 06. but i hv irregular menses and ovulation...so it might not be accurate. my appt with gynae is next thurs...very long wait... ;-( feel like changing gynae now.
Irene & Jasminetea,
I too experienced breathless when climbing stairs or walking too fast. Initally tot is bcoz din go jogging eversince I preggie dats y will feel breathless. But i read somewhere from 'What to expect when u r expecting'. It is common coz our body is working harder even when we r resting than a nonpregnant body is when mountain-climbing.
Hi BBlim,

I agreed with you about talking to our babies. I do that everyday since I pregnant. I tell my baby my feeling, my ups and downs. Esp there were days when I got upset over my work issue in office. I got worried that my emotion will affect my baby and I would immediately talk to him/her. I explained why I am upset and asked him/her to bear with me. My friends feel that I'm silly doing that 'cos baby is so small now. But somehow, I always feel better after talking. I'm glad to know I'm not the only doing that now.
hi choo

i m sad + shock to see ur posting this morning. hv pm u. feel free to call me or email me.

yes, miscarriage is so common in every pregnancy especially in the 1st trimester. at times, i feel tat it is just beyond our control.... we simply juz hv to accept it w/o a reason given
Hi Choo,

Pls do take good care of yourself and nurse your health back.. Dun think too much now and have a positive mindset, k?

Irene, jasminetea, bblim,
Me too experience breathless when climbing up the stairs...aiyoh..
Hi Choo,
Pls take good care of urself, I wish u well....

Hi Jasminetea,
I went for my checkup yesterday liao...bb growing well..1.65cm...we can hear the heartbeat loud n clear...now is @ 8 weeks

My gynae advised that it may be better to start exercising after the 1st trimester since now we easily feel tired....
dear choo,
*hugs* take care of yourself. keep your faith and i'm sure everything will go smoothly.

my appt is tomorrow.i'm very nervous thinking abt it.

i did drink ginger tea to release the gas in my stomach. not too much though. just a little bit to help ease my stomach discomfort.
Hi Choo ...

Please take care and rest well ....

Agreed with bblim ... I used to think that once pregnant ... so long as we be extra careful during the 1st trimester ... there wont be any problem .... but seems that alot of things is not within our control no matter how careful we are ... *sign* ....

I also experience breathless when climbing up the stairs ...
hello gals

can i join in the chat? I'm jan mtb.

hi choo - i'm sorry n sad to hear that. Pls take care n bu back your health. i oso had a m/c in mar. (i was abt 9 weeks pregnant then) yeah! if bb not gd, better leave with god. (he/she is in gd hand) take are n rest well after your D&C.
My dear april mummies....and Val from feb mtb...

thanks....my tears flow again when I read all your comforting words to me...yes this is going to be very difficult for me and hubby but life has to go on....

last night when i went to sleep...in the dark..i just think of my poor bb...and jus cried out...i think i can't stand dark ness and raining ...make me feel more negative and will dwell on my lost bb...now cos bb is still with me though no more heartbeat I still feel strongly for it..hope next tues D&C when it is out of my body..i will learn to accept this cruel fact....

just now i saw the two ultrascan of my bb...really no words can describe how i felt...
though gynae said once D&C over and my mense come,i can start try again...but in my heart i have this phobia already...

I am glad my parents,sis,brother in law,my parents in law are supportive of me....to think today is my FIL's birthday and yet he consoled me ask me to take it easy and let nature take its course....as bb is not healthy...
thanks gals....


yup I know you in ttc thread and remember reading about yr story....and so happy u are going to be a mummy soon!I have to learn to be positive(at greater effort)as I am a pessismistic person to begin with....
choo - Dont cry liao ok. I'm oso a very pessismistic person but after hearing wat the gynae n nurse said, i tell myself life has to go on. yes its true your phobia will be there(jus like me) but keep telling yourself that if people can make it so can u.

After D&C, eat more bu n dont walk too much. If u want to know more, u can join the m/c thread. The gals there very friendly n will give one another support. (i got my support there)
yr bb will be in good hand. B strong! if wanna cry, just cry out. I cried for more than a week when i lost my bb.

I can understand yr phobia. I did D&C on my 1st preggie due to miscarriage 2 yrs ago then i tried again last yr and had ectopic pregnancy, then i also hv phobia. Thou now i m 19 weeks preggie due feb 2006, i still dun feel secure until the day my bb born.

why yr gyn wait till nx tues then do D&C for u? usually it is done the nx day.
choo, yes b strong, dont cry, u will pull thru', trust me. its not ur fault & no mummy will want the bb to end up being aborted. rest well & build up ur health after D&C okie. u will b able to conceive again soon just like anyone of us who hv m/c before.

phobia?? every1 go thru m/c will hv phobia in the next pregnancy....i think that is very natural... but i aso believe time will help to heal our loss & sorrow. u will gradually has the courage to try again once ur womb has fully heal
take good care, my frenz.
Choo: Now i know why u ask me for mei2 number... Darling girl .. be strong! God is with you and share your sorrow too. Look on the brighter side and bb will leave in peace and back with you again soon. But during this period, pls nurse your health back and ready for the next one. I am very sure bb wont want you to be sad or down or even cry.

Bulma: its very normal for one to be worried throughout the pregnancy. keep those faith! I am into my 34 weeks soon, and oso constantly worried... be strong, and stay calm.
HI Choo,
Do take care. The loss is only temporary and I believe that it's best to let go at the early stage if the bb is not healthy. Let's just hope and pray that everything is alright for the next pregnancy. Meanwhile have a good rest and I think u r very fortunate to have supportive in-laws and family.

Thanks for updating the list. I'm 9 weeks now and my EDD is changed to 10 apr.
Updated list.

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>No of Wks</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbtree</TD><TD>31/03/2006</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>Dr A.L. Lim</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Preciousbabe</TD><TD>10/04/2006</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>Dr Cordelia Han</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wishbear</TD><TD>10/04/2006</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>Dr H K Ho</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>Des</TD><TD>11/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Don Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasminetea</TD><TD>15/04/2006</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>Dr Lisa Chin</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rach</TD><TD>16/04/2006</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jo</TD><TD>17/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr H K Ho</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Ho</TD><TD>18/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>May</TD><TD>18/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irene</TD><TD>19/04/2006</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cutecute</TD><TD>20/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Terrier</TD><TD>20/04/2006</TD><TD>8</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maraquan</TD><TD>21/04/2006</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBLim</TD><TD>23/04/2006</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mandy</TD><TD>25/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr T C Chang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Telly</TD><TD>26/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Adelina Wong</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emon</TD><TD>27/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nana</TD><TD>27/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little Fish</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Goh Shen Li</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gebbera</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ino</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Leereiner</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lemontree</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adelene</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Taurus</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>6</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </td></tr></table>
Jasminetea, I guess I've been very busy at work yesterday.. walking here and there.. that's why feel breathless...
my blood pressure is low.. according to my GP... he ask me to be more active... and dun keep lying down on the bed.. but that's all i wish to do... gosh...
Choo, take good care of yourself. Will email you more.

Rach, ya lor. Quite frustrated hor. Today on my way to work, my colleague was walking with me but she wanted to walk faster cos we are late already. I can't catch up with her. In the end, asked her to go ahead first 'cos I'm quite breathless after that walking that flight of stairs.

Nana, welcome.
I got craving for different food everyday. Today chicken rice, tomorrow laska and when I crave, I must eat that. My hubby has to be very accomodating to me also.
Irene, my blood pressure is also on the low end. In fact, it dropped over the last 2 visits. My gynae reminded me to be careful 'cos she worried I will feel giddy or faint and fell. Could that could be one of the reason for our breathless also?

I also have been wanting to lie on the bed. So difficult to wake up in the morning!
your blood pressure is already low, how can your gp still ask u to move ard? wat happen if u faint? better check with your gynae if it's all rite to move ard more.

I envy u so much. Can have cravings and eat. For me, I have no appetite at all. Morning, at most drink either a cup of milk or milo. These 2 afternoons coz of bad MS havnt been eating anything. Evening time is worse for me. All the giddiness and nauseous will hit. I've tried wat my gynae taught me but still don't have appetite. Really felt terrible with this pregnancy, cant do my temp work regularly, have been telling my hubby that I dont wish to carry on liao. I have even lost 2 kg this week. Gosh....give me the strength to carry on!!!
Hi Jasminetea,

How have these few days been for you? Me been better, got appetite to eat liao and feel more normal except for the bloated feeling..still lingering around..Gal, you gotta take gud care ya..dun faint leh...

must have positive thinking lar!! i understand how you feel, i felt the same way too last few weeks but now, i'm feeling much better liao..tahan awhile more and you'll feel it's all worth it!!Try not to think of the MS and got thru your day as per normal lor, that's wat i did.. i even climb the chair to hang stuffs. i try not to remind myself that i'm preg so i wun feel the symptons so much lor..
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm just frustrated coz my ms started very early at ard 5 weeks and till now, have not got used to it as everyday it gets more serious. I tried talking to my bb in the hope that it will not create more trouble for me but ms got worse the next day! haha...i think it's very funny lor...bb is already so naughty in the womb now...next time will be naughtier to torture me!! haha
Preciousbabe, I also got my difficult with my cravings. Basically I wasn't a choosy person. But now, I'm super fussy and choosy. Everyday different craving. A big headache to myself and my family. For that craving for chicken rice, I got to queue 30 mins for that. Even I'm so hungry, I also got to eat that only. See other food no used one. Hai~ My colleuages got to go along with me 'cos they need to wait for me. Then today, the chicken rice no queue, my colleague asked me if I want to take that. Today, my craving is laksa! So got to queue again. I feel so pai say. I told them, I hope by end of my 1st trim, I'll be back to normal.

For you, don't force yourself to eat if you can't 'cos it will make you worse. Did you drink fruit juice? My gynae said it is good for people who feel nausea or got morning sickness. It is easy to digest, easy for your stomach and will give you the neccessary vits. Maybe you can try that if you haven't. Hang on there. Hope everything will go away after 1st trim.
Rach, I'm doing well
Except for that craving (see my above posting). I'm very careful to make sure I don't faint. I got history background of giddness before my pregnancy, so I'm very careful esp when my gynae said my low blood pressure got to be more careful. Glad to hear tt you can eat now and feeling better!

Nana, I'm on folic acid every morning too
Recently just started on calcium supplement as well as given by my gynae.
ya, have been taking alot of liquid diet...fruit juices, milk, milo. Guess your colleagues will understand your situation so no worries abt them
anyway, I don't think cravings will stop by 1st trimester. If i'm not wrong it'll carry on till u give birth. and I read that it's good to have different cravings coz your bb will get to experience different kinds of food and when he/she grows up, will not be choosy over food
Preciousbabe, oh dear! That means my colleagues and family got to bear with me until I give birth in April 06! I better tell them beforehand heeee... I was actually counting down to 12th weeks hoping I will go back normal. I will possibly gain a lot of weight with the way I'm eating!

Heee.. but after hearing what you said, bb get to experience different kind of foods and won't be choosy next time then I don't mind!
Haha...I guez the craving duration is different for individuals. But I have many friends who had their cravings till they gave birth lor. anyway, it's ok to gain 10-12 kg during pregnancy and if u r overweight by then, your gynae will definitely control your diet. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that my bb will not suffer from malnutrition coz I'm not eating enough. But think liquid diet should be good enough for the time being. Who knows I may be a super eater in my 2nd trimester!! hahaha....
Preciousbabe, don't worry. Don't think your bb will suffer from malnutrition. I got friends who can't eat much throughout their whole pregnancy until their last trim. Their babies are much bigger than those who ate a lot! Think our gynae will monitor us and bb closely!
hi girls

just dropped by to read this thread as i think maybe pregnant but waiting for my gyne to confirm...

anyway, just to share with preciousbabe, for my 1st pregnancy, i did not eat much too... in fact I lost 6 kg in the first trimester and landed myself in the hospital as i was seriously dehydrated from ms.... after that my baby grew as normal... just take care. My doc says that the ms only means that the hormones in you is at a high level, so its good for the baby...
gabby's mum
can i check w u? for yr 1st preg, u ms till which week? cos i m now at wk 19 but still ms-ing... buay tahan lei
haha... me ms until end of 2nd trimester.... but till the day I gave birth, I still throw up everytime I brush my teeth... Just hold on... Eat what you feel like eating I suppose
gabby's mum
thanks.... i still trying to hang on... i also like u had bad ms and was hospitalised 3x during my 1st trimester. really respect u can carry on till full term. i hope i can too
Hi choo,
I'm very sorry to hear about your lost. Take care and continue to find comfort in the Lord. God will bless you with a healthy bb soon.
Hello Jasminetea

i sometimes have got craving but sometimes no craving and feeling bloated n no appetite...carvings i had before are ya kun, laksa, instant noodles, chee cheong fun, mac apple pie..not much variety leh..
moreover i'm always alone at home and lazy to go out for lunch so just chin chye eat for lunch till dinner time then got better food..cos hb come will fetch me out for dinner..though sometimes i'll cook..
Hello Jasminetea

i sometimes have got craving but sometimes no craving and feeling bloated n no appetite...carvings i had before are ya kun, laksa, instant noodles, chee cheong fun, mac apple pie..not much variety leh..
moreover i'm always alone at home and lazy to go out for lunch so just chin chye eat for lunch till dinner time then got better food..cos hb come will fetch me out for dinner..though sometimes i'll cook..
Hi Rach, I got cravings for all those things you craved before and many more. Terrible right?

Hey, me also thinking of going massage to relax myself. I'm checking up on pre-natal massage with Rustic Nirvana
Just email them to check on their price and when I can start.
preciousbabe, my ms also similiar like yours.... everyday is really torturing especially dinner time, cant eat at all. i m approaching 11 week soon &amp; really hope ms will be gone after 1st trimester.... i really pray for this. however, i aso heard tat ms may follow us thru out the 9 mths....oh my god!!! i m scare i kana for 9 mths lei

welcome - all newcomers
Jasminetea, not sure about that, but my GP say to drink more water and eat small freq meals so that the blood pressure will not go lower... he also mention that when want to stand up from sleeping, sit up for a while first.

that's wat i'm afraid of....ms for the whole 9 mths!! but i'm better today, manage to have soup and some rice for dinner. Now waiting for my ms to act up. hope tdy will not be severe coz i'm going to teach tuition at 8 later. can't be vomitting throughout the tuition session. keeping my fingers and toes crossed....
