(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

hi hi mandy,
tks for ur concern. my gynae is okie lah....i can feel my gyane disappointment too wen he keep trying to scan for me during my first visit. he did aso mention tat mayb i hv ovulate late this time & also hope tat i wont end up doing D&C just like my 1st pregnancy. he aso expressed concern & wanted to investigate further shd my current pregnancy fails again. frankly speaking i hv the idea to hv a change of gynae wen i discovered my current pregnancy in July but my hb felt that my gynae is very experience & patient, he feel very comfortable & secure to leave me under his care. i was thinkg since hb trusted him so much & i also quite comfortable with him, tat's y i decided to go bk to him

Hi jasminetea,

Thanks for the info and research. I will check w/ my gynae again next sat since I will be back to see him. Sorry for the long MIA as my MS is quite bad. Been vomitting for the past 2 weeks. Argggg....
Hi preciousbabe,

I don't think i'm allowed to tell anyone what happened there. Especially because chin leng himself had all the posts removed. But, the lesson to be learnt from the whole thing is:

1. Always do your own research
2. Don't trust 100% what your gynae says

Anyway, I found my gynae based on recommendations from this forum and some other women who have had her. I'm going in as a private patient also so we'll see how much it will set me back.

I intend to make an Excel spreadsheet of all the costs incurred so that I can share it with new
MTB and i'll be able to cut down costs for my next pregnancy.
GT, sad to hear that you had a miscarriage... do take good care of yourself and have a mini confinement to nurse back your health...
Hi Mums-to-be who had joined us, congrats & welcome!

err... Have been missing for quite some time cos my PC was down...

A bit upset to hear about Twiggy & GT's cases... Twiggy and GT, if you are reading this thread, hope you are well on the recovery road!! jia you!

Hi Jasmine, any idea what's the schedule we will be looking at for the yoga course? Weekend or weekday?
Hi, just to share some info I read from <the>. It details what's happening to u and baby week by week.

Eg. Week 8:
U wee more often b'cos your bladder is being crowded by the uterus. U might feel nauseated and constipated.
Ur embryo has become that classic curled shape, the big fat head with a tail. The external bits of the ears now start to be visible, and the tiny hands are webbed.

Week 9:
The embryo's eyelids appear and its body elongates. The internal sex organs are starting to develop into boy and girl bits... An ultrasound willl be able to show the embryo's early movements... The ends of the limbs are looking a bit more like hands and feet...

Can find it at the National Library!
hi melissa

&amp; of course u can but i think i will b at april mtb thread most of the time as over here, i hv an online fren (ie. choo) whom i know of wen both of us at TTC thread many months ago.
Good morning Ladies! How are your weekends?

Jo, there are sessions both on weekdays and weekends.
Have to see which session major would like to attend. Will keep you in the loop as well
Morning Ladies,

Went for the checkup last sat, finally managed to see the sac at the right place ... *phew* ... by the way... by when will we be able to see the heartbeat?? My friend managed to see her's at wk 6 ....
By the way , are you ladies abe to wear your current clothings?? I am a size S but seems that all my clothings are too tight for me now ...not sure what to do as its still too early to buy maternity wear right??

I saw my bb heartbeat at week 6 too...

so how's your spotting?did your gynae prescribe you with any medicines?
taurus, i'm able to see my baby's heartbeat on the 6th week.
i'm a size S also.. and my clothings are getting tight also..
Last weekend, I went to kiddy palace and tried on the maternity clothings.. but all are so big sized... i was thinking maybe I'll just get bigger size normal clothings ba...

Do you gals feel like no mood to dress up? I feel this way leh.. no mood to dress up nice nice at all... not like wat I am before preggy... feel lazy these days also... no mood to go anywhere to shop...
Hi Maraquan and Choo - Thanks


My spotting stop after my 1st visit to the gynae... she did asked abt my spotting last weekend and I told her that no more spotting .. so its ok for me... i only bought the fish oil pills from them which I am currently takign together with the folci acid
Hi Irene,

Me same as you...my mum commented that i look like auntie after preggy... dun bother to put on makeup (which is out of question before preggy) and my hair just tie into pony tail dun bother to blow it ...8(...dun noe why but just dun have the mood to ...

But I become veri energize after preggy ... cannot sleep well every nite but still can wake up early in the morning everyday ... and dun feel veri tired the whole day except on a few occasion... even hb also very amazed by the drastic change ... before preggy ... he can never wake me up before 12 pm every weekends
Hi Taurus,

I didn't see my bb's heartbeat at week 6, my gynae did not point it out to me, so I didn't even know I was suppose to look out for that until I came back to this forum. My gynae mentioned tomorrow (my 8th week) should be able to see. Keeping my finger crossed. Today very nervous over this.

I'm already packing up a number of my clothes as they are too tight for me, especially pants and skirts. Maternity clothes are too big for me, I'm usually S size too. So I bought about 7 pcs of bigger size or cutting clothes (tops and bottom) over the weekend. Hope it can lasts me for a while haaaa... My hubby said I possibly won't be able to fit into them in another month 'cos I ate a lot now. Alamak.

Irene, I feel tired when I go shopping. I used to be a "shopping queen". I find it quite a "drag" to dress up in the morning. But I still do though not as much as last time. Skip many steps especially for makeup.
Dear All MTB,

went for check up...confirmed that my baby's heartbeat totally stop and will be @ TMC for D&amp;C tomorrow.

Take care all of you...

hi good afternoon ladies

jasmine, i m also like u, wen my feotus was detected in my 2nd appt, i also dunno wat to look out for. gyane also didnt tell me anything abt heartbeat. that time i was only 6 weeks.

until my 3rd appt, i was already 9 weeks, my gynae then explained to me tat my bb's head &amp; body already formed + its heartbeat is there.... so happy &amp; nervous as usual at that point of time.

wendy, sorry to hear abt that. pls take good care &amp; hv a mini confinement to nurse back ur health. i was in your shoe b4, hence totally understand ur feeling now. dun give up &amp; am sure u will b blessed wif a healthy bb once ur womb is fully healed.
Hi everyone!


Sorry to hear about it...please take very good care and 'bu'back your health ok!You will be blessed with a healthy bb very soon!Must always stay positive!


How are u?me not well...just now vomitted at my workplace...luckily i standby a lot of plastic bags as the washroom is quite far...will be on leave this wed to see gynea...pray hard bb and sac is doing well..shd be 9weeks plus...
Dear Ladies,

I'm having some trouble with my pregnancy. According to cal (by dates), im suppose to be 7 weeks preg already but I cant even see the feotus nor the heartbeat. The feotus was only a round shadow.

Im keeping my fingers crossed but the baby may have stopped growing or is very slow in its development. Im going to do another blood test to check on my HCG levels.

Trying to be positive but still very worried and afraid. Oh... fingers crossed.
i m aso not well too! last friday i managed to finish my chicken rice lunch + fried bee hoon dinner at home, i tot my ms gone liao..was so happy...i miss my favourite food but simply all the food i take cannot digest...very chiam! On sat i even threw out breakfast + dinner
at the end i slept wif an empty stomach. only sunday, i then can slowly eat a bit.

choo, ur feeling muz b very excited now as in 2 days time, u'll c ur bb again.... mixed feeling right??? dont worry lah, i will pray for u tat bb is doing well &amp; growing fast. i always pray wenever i need to go for my appt
at least i feel more calm after the prayer.

u gals still feel sore breast? i still experience tat &amp; aso feel my current bra getting quite tight but tummy still the same. think its still early to show the tummy yet.
Wendy, I'm so sorry to hear that. Please take care of yourself to build back your health.

BBTree, thanks! I feel so much more relieved now when I heard from you. Everyone said 6th week can hear/see heartbeat, I wonder why my gynae didn't say anything about that when I visited her at my 6th week! Was really nervous since last night although I kept telling myself be positive, be positive.

Choo, pls take care of yourself. Are u still able to eat? Keep us updated about your gynae's visit ok? All will be well.

Hi gals,
Juz an update.
Finally managed to see BBLim's little heartbeat last fri at 6W5D. BB measuring 8mm.
Din log in for sometime coz my ms really made me lose interest in everything I do. Dragging to pass every single day in tears.

Hoping that it will go away soon for all of us.

kindly update my edd as at 23 Apr 06. Thks.
Also, I am interested in the yoga class u gals toking abt. Can include me too for any latest update on the class?

Sorry to hear abt ur loss. Take care k.
BBTree, I have sore breasts since I discovered my pregnancy at my 3rd week! Seems to get worse each day esp when I woke up in the morning! I already wear maternity bras 'cos those old bras really really uncomfortable! Bought 4 pcs already.

My tummy hasn't really showed but I feel that it is getting bigger leh. So far, weight still the same. But I think waist lenght increased already (dare not measure heee)
Updated List

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbtree</TD><TD>31/03/2006</TD><TD>Dr A.L. Lim</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Choo</TD><TD>07/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Des</TD><TD>11/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Don Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Preciousbabe</TD><TD>12/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Cordelia Han</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasminetea</TD><TD>15/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Lisa Chin</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rach</TD><TD>16/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jo</TD><TD>17/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr H K Ho</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Ho</TD><TD>18/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>May</TD><TD>18/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irene</TD><TD>19/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cutecute</TD><TD>20/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Terrier</TD><TD>20/04/2006</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maraquan</TD><TD>21/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBLim</TD><TD>23/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mandy</TD><TD>25/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr T C Chang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Telly</TD><TD>26/04/2006</TD><TD>Dr Adelina Wong</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little Fish</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Goh Shen Li</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gebbera</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wishbear</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD>Dr H K Ho</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia </TD></TR><TR><TD>Leereiner</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lemontree</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adelene</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Taurus</TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc></TD><TD><tbc> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </td></tr></table>
Hi Wendy,

Sorry to hear about it...glad that you are accepting it well...do take good care of yourself and MUST do mini confinement to nurse back you health you know? most important is to have a positive and cheerful mindset hor...i'm sure you'll be mummy again after 3 cycles...pls do take good care!!

Hi ladies,
Me back.. last week was a terrible week for me..having very bad nausea and bloating.. MS hits me once in a while but think these few days quite ok leh...

been feeling very tired easily and gotta nap everyday..guess i really put on quite some weight,quite a few of my bottoms can't fit in liao..still comtemplating whether to buy maternity clothes or not, cos seems too soon still...haiz..i dun like the feling of being preggie...sometimes feel giddy lar, nausea lar, tired lar, etc..i told my hb that 1 is enough, i dun wanna go thru 2nd time then he said aiyah...this kind of things cannot be decided by me..it happens then it happens lor..aiyoh! after listening, i simply wish i'm born a man!!
may, perhaps ur case is tat u hv ovulate late tat's y u r still in ur early pregnancy? my last menses was 3 June &amp; wen i went for my 1st check up on 2 Aug, my gynae also cannot detect anything, somemore i even went for thorough virginal scanning. Only 10 days later, then my bb shown &amp; tat time was only 6 weeks plus, bb measuring 0.66cm. i believe ur case perhaps is the same like me.....u ovulate late. so dont worry too much.
Hi all MTBs,

Thanks for the encouragement words.....

It is indeed hurtful and sad, believe is mother's nature......Still thank god for supporting husband and my darling princess (she is 6yo); and she cries too when we broke the news to her......

Nevertheless, we plan to take a short break after 2 weeks of rest....

Have anyone know about D&amp;C...is it painful?

Btw, i had a few sets of new trendy maternity wear....interested....drop me an email or yahoo me on messenger @ wewecheng....

Hi Jasminetea,

Im going to the blood test tonight. Its to compare the HCG levels against that of last sat's. I did a blood test on sat,3rd Sept.
The feeling is terrible. Dont know what is wrong or what to expect.

Hi Cafe,

Thanks. I do hope that my case is similar to yours too. Im really hoping...

But after much thinking, I think that if the baby is really not ok or normal and has stopped growing, than i will have to learn to let go. I guess its the body's natural process of elimination.

yes!excited about seeing bb this wed but also hope everything is fine...
have been praying every day and talk to bb....

me stilll having sore breasts leh...now i can't go braless at home cos must have support if not'OUCCH!'....


Please stay positive and pray..we are all here for you....

Yesterday I vomitted in hubby's car..(but of cos into plastic bag)plus I had really bad headache and yet didn't take panadol..hubby sayang me said sometimes he felt bad to let me suffer cos of our bb...I 'scolded'him..'aiya i dun mind all these ms and discomfort mah!as long as bb is fine and healthy I dun mind all these discomfort!'

actually i think my ms will strike when my stomach is a bit empty...so must quickly grab something to eat...all the other ladies lost weight during 1st trimester cos of MS but me seem to put on a bit of weight cos must eat..if not sure vomit...

Really sorry to hear of your lost. Please take care to nurse back your health after the D&amp;C.

All of us here will pray for you ... just try to stay positive that your case is similar to cafe ....
Hi choo..

My gynae did mentioned that we will feel nausea most when our stomach is empty ... she suggest that I take more small meals every day and try to keep some biscuits or crackers in my bag just in case ....
Hi Choo and Taurus,

Thanks for the encouragement. Very touched to know there is so much support out there. Sob Sob... U ladies must take care too!


I do experience the same thing when im hungry so the trick is to not let yourself get hungry. Always have something to eat in your bag - cream crackers etc...

Its true, MS is a sign that the baby is growing. Now, when i feel sick, i also feel abit happy that i have MS. It means that there is still hope that the baby is growing. But indeed, ms is very hard to bear.
Hi Choo,

me same as you leh...MS strike when stomach is empty so i tend to munch every now and then...so scare that i'll put on too much weight!!

I'm sure everything will be fine, dun worry too much!

Yup...me used to be a 'chin chye'person before preggie I can almost anything..but now preggie...esp when go back parents' hse...mum find it hard to cook my dishes...those food that I used to like very much smell'YICK'now leh...

In the past I dun like pasta and burgers...now been eating it quite often..esp calling Macdonald delivery very often esp big mac meal!

Frankly speaking,like I told hubby and mentioned earlier..as long as bb is growing strong and well...i wouldn't mind any discomfort

will sure update you gals after my gynae's visit!
wendy, D&amp;C not painful at all. the whole procedure probably will take abt 15 mins &amp; u will put to sleep. wen u wake up an hour later, everything is over. i hv spotting after tat but dont worry the gyane clinic will provide u the pad. if u prefer ur own pad, then bring along ur own pad. ur menses will come probably after 4 - 6 weeks. oh yes, my gyane also reminded me tat if menses did not report after 6 weeks, must inform him. for my case, everything take place in accordance to my gyane instruction. after tat, ur cycle will be back to normal. i think every gynae has difference practice. my gynae sent me for HSG after my first menses take place. subsequently, i go back for 2 check up respectively &amp; was told to rest for 3 cycle b4 start to try again.

Very important: take some tonic to build up ur womb &amp; health after the procedure, okie.

choo, u very great lei... i tell u wenever i vomit, i hv the tot of not getting preggie anymore.... coz really torturing especially we are not sick &amp; yet having all these ms made us feel so sick like those patient. my hb forbid me to say such thing &amp; he always console me to bear wif it for just 3 months &amp; everything will b fine.... i really hope so

Not that I am great lah..just a motherly instinct..I am such a born worrier ever since I preggie cos got spotting etc ...so I told myself...MS is nothing lor...just bear with it for a while....as long bb fine...I dun mind the vomitted thing bt not the sound leh...esp can be quite loud in the quiet office...:p
I m fr Feb MTB thread. D&amp;C is not painful at all. Dun b scare. I have been through it too and now 18 weeks preggie. It's a v quick procedure when u will be put on GA for about an hour. After D&amp;C will have some slight spotting. I was given 1 week MC after the procedure. The MC is for u to rest not bcos of pain or wat. Remember to do a mini-confinement during this period. I did a mini 1-2 week confinement.

U can try again after 3 cycles.
choo, i aso heard tat mtb having ms is good as it shows tat bb is growing well. wen i vomit till i cant take it, the only consolation part tat i will think of is the momemt wen going for gyane appt &amp; looking at the scan knowing our bb is growing well.... i think this is the moment tat i feel very great &amp; forgotten abt the "vomitting session"
HI ladies,

Yah agree with yous ... so long as our baby is healthy and growing ... i guess all of us is willing to take the MS more than anything .....

My hb also feel so bad n sayang me whenever I have my MS ...

For me ... no change in appetite yet ... dun have any craving but will just eat whatever mum cook or hubby order ... but intake cut down by half .... only thing is that I drink lotsa of water .... used to hate drinking plain water ...but now drink like nobody biz ... so scared i will get water retention but my gynae says that I am the lucky wan who actually likes water during pregnancy ...

hi Wendy
My gyn did not give me any medication to take before the D&amp;C. I go and scan on a Fri evening as i was bleeding then the gyn say i hv miscarriage then ask me go on sat morn to do D&amp;C. When i rch my gyn's clinic the nx morn, she put me to sleep and when i wk up, everything is over and they give me a cup of milo to drink then i can go home already. Didnt feel any uncomfy physically other than sad that bb is gone.
