(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Hi all

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Hb totally forgot all abt Valentine's Day. See lah, after 8 years, forget abt VDay liao. Not that we celebrate Vday every year, in fact, we don't but still feel abit hurt that he's totally bo chap abt tdy. At least sms me or call and say that 3 words mah.

Anyway, I won't be celebrating coz hb is working till don't know wat time tdy and I also have tuition in the evening. So going to stay at home, be a yellow-faced wife and prepare dinner lor.

Hi Jumbo,

Yar lor..my MIL stays in tampines lor..so bo bian leh..have to shift all the way to the east lor..'jia4 ji1 shui1 ji1, jia4 gou3 shui1 gou3 lor'

wah..ur hb working at changi arh..then very 'xiong' for him to travel all the way to the east everyday leh..

received your PM liao, also revert to you..
Wow.. happy V day to all.. my hb too dun celebrate V Day .. well he kind of forgets as well since he came back at midnight last night becoz of some downtime prob in office. Sigh. Got to say in front of him "Happy V day, dear.", then he gave me and bb a hug.. =(

Anyway, me no celebration 2day. Everything 2 xpensive.. n plus my fil was oso admitted in hospital 2day 4 a minor surgery.. so these few days probably b a busy one.

Me juz went Seiyu n back. Looked like there was tix brand - Impression. They've tix maternity panties.. i touched the cotton material n for 5 pcs, it costs 4.50 and thus got 2 packs.

The Impression counter in seiyu oso got sold nursing tops/pyjamus but looked like the stock had finished and the lady said the stock very popular as there is a zip-like where the breasts're so that we may feed bb. She told me 2~3 days later may've stock.. so look like b going down there again on Friday 2c. =)
preciousbabe, dun feel sad over this lah.. wat's important is the heart mah.. maybe to him,other occasions are more meaningful lor.. anyway, i believe will be more crowded outside.. dun stay in the crowd if u can lor..

rach, ya.. he keep complaining about 4 hours (to and fro) journey everyday.. he wanted to get a car but i stop him.. told him to get the car after baby arrive and need financial plan to get the car.. for me, i used to drive company's pick up when my colleague is not driving.. but ever since i'm preggy, my company stop me from driving.. sianz..

koalarie, which seiyu u went? Bugis or Lot 1?

The day is still young.. still got time for him to say the 3 words to you right?


My hb also wanted to get a car and I also stopped him from getting one.. moreover I dont have a license.. stupid me.. I took all my driving lessons when I was in Aust and didn't sit for the practical test.. finish exams then hurry up want to come home.. but might have to consider getting one.. cos dont know how to transport bb from Toa Payoh to Jurong everyday once I go back into the workforce

i got my cot to be delivered to me yesterday..
now airing the cot..
dun really have the furniture small leh..
thanks for informing me, else i'll waiting till nearing EDD then got it delivered...

No problem! Mine still got strong furniture smell leh.. maybe cos I kept it inside the room all the while and never open the door or the windows.. if you are worried about it being dusty.. then you can keep it inside the room after airing it and dont open the door or windows.. and only take it out to air from time to time?

Re: coconut drink

Some info on the frequency of drinking coconut drink from another thread:
Jumbo, me went Bugis one. Nearer to office mah.

Actually, men re forgetful ones.. only rare ones will remember.. yet, what are women for... we are there to remind them of events/anniversaries that they forget. =p
hunniepot, it is good to get a driving license.. so can drive ur baby around if hubby not around.. about the coconut drink.. had start drinking liao.. but having mild cough since 2 weeks ago.. dare not drink liao.. scare too cooling and will make my cough heal slower..

koalarie, men need to be trained on remember dates.. wahaha.. my hubby also very forgetful.. then keep nagging at him lor till he buay tahan.. now he can remember all dates so well.. kekeke..

i leave the cot in the room with the windows open..my place very windy..so guess that's y the smell not strong bah..
i clean the cot once it arrive yesterday..

Think I shld start registering myself for basic theory soon.. been procrastinating for so long liao..


Heheh.. I got my cot delivered in Dec.. and havent even clean it yet.. super lazy..

My hb need not remember too many dates.. as we chose our ROM on my bd and his bd is just 3 days after mine.. so he only needs to remember 1 date..

Yup! Thats my puppy.. but I got to give her away cos my older dog cant get along with her..
almost gave her away to my brother's friend but luckily my SIL decided to give it a try in keeping so she is still within the family
KPO abit.... is that a silky terrier?? I have one too and she just turn 1 yr old yesterday. Can i just check with you something? I am not sure what should i do after i give birth, i actually intended to put a baby gate at the kitchen so my dog can roam only in the kitchen and utility room until bb is at least 3 month old. I really dun want to give up the dog so please dun advise me to give up.
jumbo & hunniepot
heehee...I'm opposite from you 2...it's me who very keen to get a car, in fact, I like to drive... but hubby stop me leh...u know esp after preggie, been taking cab more often, but I found the cab drivers very lousy, even when call cab, foot so much extra, still can arrive late or wrong place, that make me very frustrated...
I have 2 dogs at home and I also dont intend to give them away, after having them for almost 10 years liao. Think your idea of getting a barrier at the kitchen is good. But u have to start your training now, otherwise your dog might feel neglected if u start after your bb is born. Your dog will also feel jealous too.
terrier, for me, i prefer to take cab.. can really save alot of hassle leh.. dun have to look for parking lot.. can alight wherever u like.. can sit back and relax inside the cab.. no stress.. keke.. but might buying one after baby's arrive lor.. depend on our financial lor.. cos dunno how much baby's going to spent on us..keke..

Yup! My puppy is a silky terrier and so is my older dog.. but the age gap is 9 years apart.. and my older dog is immensely jealous of my puppy.. so no choice got to give her away to my SIL for now..

Agree with preciousbabe.. putting the baby gate at the kitchen is a good idea! Wont never advise you to give your silky up.. my puppy is so sweet.. she seems to know that Im preggie and she kept licking my tummy nowadays
BTW what is the colour of yours? My older silky is silver and gold in color.. whereas my puppy is black and brown except the top of the head is white..
The problem is i really dun know how to train.... do you think you could advise me on how!!! I really need help coz all the while long she is the diamond in our eyes but scare bb come out liao than would not have so much time for her as compare to now. Can you please advise me?

Me same as jumbo.. I find driving very stressful actually.. got to really concentrate when on the roads.. can just sit back and relax when taking a cab..

You mentioned that you do not know how to train.. in what aspect? As in getting your silky to accept your bb? Think we were on this topic b4.. one mummy suggested using bb wipes on the furniture at home and allowing your silky to smell it so she will get used to bb smell?
Mine is still changing colour but if you dun mind, i can share the photo with you but only thru mms coz i dun know how to load pic here...... me now going home so chat tomorrow...cya
Good morning Ladies,

Daphne, I'm going for Gleneagles Tour next Tues 'cos it is at 12pm, can go during lunch break then don't need to take leave
Whereas Thurs one is at around 4plus right?

Didn't do much for Valentine's Day too. Just buy a present for hubby. Didn't go to any place for dinner 'cos find it too expensive. Will be having dinner tonight instead haaaa...
heehee....wise choice. Think we are beyond that lovely dovey to spend money over juz one night. Everyday shld be sweetie ritez? Heehee..
Anyway, r ur bb kicking more or less now? Somehow these 2 days I feel less movements...any cause to worry?
Hi Koalrie.... me jus bought 2 nursing bra, think under the brand Impression if remember correctly... introduce by my SIL. She say's it's the cheapest she can find in Sin...! Cost 9.90 each only. Quite comfy.
I got it at Paragon Metro.

As for Valentine Day, receive a big bouquet of flowers fm hubby in the ofi
so happy...
but at the same time feel tat it's really a waste of money... tat bouquet can easily cost over 100 bucks! With tat amount can buy so many bb stuff...
Good morning, ladies.

Jasminetea, see u on next Tuesday too. Me called tix morning n confirmed got slots as well.

Hi Yukie, really? U mean in Metro Paragon? Okay.. will try to check out the one at Compasspt 2 c if they've. Else'd've 2 go 4 the bigger store. Thanks 4 info.

We didn't celebrate V day as well. Nothing much 2 spend on such occasion as it was over commericalize except both of us spending a night talking 2 bb as she was very active yesterday.

Babe.. think no nd 2 worry.. as bb run out of space, she/he won't b moving too much ard our tummies n so a bit difficult 2 feel him/her.. that's what i read in some books. =p
Yukie, btw, ur hb really sweet..

Wish my hb would send a bouquet of flowers anytime... but he has not done so since our ROM and wedding day. Sad huh?

I've hinted him 2 give me a bouquet when I deliver our baby in GlenE... hope he really get it.=p

Hi! Got your mms yesterday
Your fifi is very cute! Seems like she is still changing colour huh? Thought silkies will stop changing colours when they are abt 1 years old.. cos my older one changed colour completely when he was just 6 mths old..


Your hb is so sweet to you! Evon.. my hb also never give me flowers except on our ROM day and wedding day.. think I will just tell him outright that he better give me flowers when I deliver also..

Babe & jumbo.. My darling seems to be moving lesser these couple of days also.. my gynae did tell me some time ago to expect lesser movements from bb as she gets bigger cos of lack of space for her to move abt.. so no need to worry so much..
This is what I received from my hb yesterday.. I think these are very well thought out presents he chose for me.. like the t-shirt very much.. very funny.. as he always says that I'm very lor soh..

All of you very lucky leh.... i have never receive any flower or present from my hubby during valentine's day before. Even during our ROM and wedding, i buy those flower myself....hahaha!!!
hmmm... hv to type my post again... the wan i jus post out lost in the lalang...

hunniepot... yr hubby so sweet... very thoughtful gift fm him...
like the color n the wording on the t-shirt very much...
yesterday told my hubby tat i'll prefer flowers wif bears... at least there's something for me to keep n remember...

Hi koalarie... u staying in senkang...? Me too...
it's my in-law hse... still waiting for our flat to b ready (Aspella at Buangkok MRT)... i've seen the brand Impression at Compass pt metro b4. U can go hv a look...
Hey thanks for the comfort. Thot what's wrong wif her. Ya now feel even the movement lesser. No longer seeing those hug nudges moving across the tummy except once or twice a day. Some mild pushing down the lower abdomen though.
Ah yo.. yukie. u really spot things well. =p

Rite. Me stay @ SK. Nearer 2 Bakua LRT station.

Hunniepot, at least ur hb got buy u sth leh. Mine hve to remind him yesterday tat it was V day... then he gave me a hug and 2 smses. =(

1sttimemum, no leh.. u won't believe the flowers are actually bought by my sisters and they passed over to him when they saw him a day b4 of those events. *Faint* Rite? He doesn't like going to florist shop and doesn't think buying flowers or chocolates practical. N doesn't believe in giving surprises as he think the gifts may not be that meaningful. Sigh.

Yesterday, my mil n sil asked a funny question..

Re: Taking ML earlier b4 EDD?
For those working, when re you going to take ML? I will b clearing mine in April onwards. Then my MIL and SIL asked if my hb too taking leave... coz who's going 2 look after me @ home if waterbag burst or contractions come? Then SIL suggested to go their house.. but imagine everyday got to climb up and down 4 storeys during the last month.... very siong leh.

Anyway hb won't b taking leave so MIL told me b careful n called if anything happened.

What about u ladies who are working?
girls... it's better tat our hubby luv us rather than buying all tis gifts but don really mean it... jus like my col. Me n my female col's almost fainted when he say he wanna go watson n buy lipsticks for his wife. We told him off. Told him at least u buy fm Chanel mah only 35 bucks. Than u knw wat he say? 'Ya hor, i still got $30 robinson voucher, so i only need to pay 5 bucks!!!'
n yet hor, he can sent other girls sunflower bouquet!!!!
Afternoon all

Wow, most of your hb are so sweet. For me, I only received flowers from him 4 times. First was when he asked me to be his steady, 2nd was during 1 of the Valentine's Day (he was scolded by me for wasting $$ to buy flowers coz I didn't like flowers), and then followed by ROM and wedding lor. It doesn't matter to me if have flowers or not, coz I'm more practical when it comes to presents. What I matters is that he must actually remember and mayb offer to do something though we don't have the habit of celebrating. Heehee...and my hb actually wanted to bring me to eat ice-cream after my tuition last night. But I was too tired so didn't go. Ok lah, at least he remembered it's Vday. I'm contented liao!!

Re: Maternity Leave
Evon, I'll be starting my ML at the end of March. After dat, I'll be staying at home alone too. But don't think there is a case to panic if our water bag really break lor. Just stay calm and then take a cab to the hospital ourselves
Haahaa.. yukie. Ur that male colleague so interesting.. hmmmm.. If me, I probably b scolding him off, wife is not for a showcase leh. Hmmm... okay, u re rite.. in tix case, think my hb is better.. thanks. =p

preciousbabe.. so lucky tat he remembered.

Re: Maternity Leave
I tot u not working except for tuition? Actually, I really dunno how'd it b like if I stay home myself.. Scared tat i let my imaginations run wild, at least work got something to do. Hmmmmm... mayb study for certifications.
Frankly I dun think I mayb that calm if really happen.. though Sis Lim @ TMC oso mentioned.. but it is like "OMG! Water breaks... ah yo, everywhere water.. so messy."
I oso worry tat mayb contractions b the one tat caused most discomfort than water breaks.
Going 2b really exciting .. when at home alone huh?
Yup...I'm not working but still have tuition mah. So have to arrange for replacement tutor to take over my students from end of March onwards till after my confinement. Wouldn't want to be caught in the middle of tuition when my water bag bursts!!

If u r really worried, perhaps u can ask one of your relatives to come over to your place instead during the day time to accompany u? You can explain to them that it's not convenient for u to go to their place as u have to climb alot in their house. I'm sure they will understand one
Aiyah.. for me.. cos mabbe I have been telling my hb I die die want to do something special for v day this yr and that he better celebrate with me.. so guess we put in extra efforts.. I prepared the food.. so we went to seletar reservoir to have picnic last night.. think for guys.. we got to remind them constantly.. otherwise they might just forget impt dates..


B4 you know it.. your bb will pop liao.. like preciousbabe.. If I am alone at home.. I will just grab my hospital bag and take a cab to the hospital myself when my waterbag breaks..or if it is really painful.. call for ambulance?? Your MIL staying in walk-up apartment? My MIL used to stay in one as well.. and they are now in the process of selling the flat.. and I had alot of difficulties walking up 4 flights of stairs the last time I went there to meet the agent.. can you imagine walking up and down the stairs during the last few weeks of pregnancy? And somemore what if waterbag breaks liao and you are experiencing contractions.. you still have to walk down the stairs? Stay at your own home better? Think my mum shld be coming over to my place during the day time during the last few weeks.. so she can help me along when my waterbag breaks..
Hello ladies,

how's your day??

your hb very sweet..the t-shirt very cute..envious..

i'm sure ur hb will get u a beautiful bouquet of flowers when u deliver..

Wau..u really so tired that you didn't go for ice-cream arh..aiyoh..

When is a better time to start packing the hospital bag?? End of march??

i went to get the Impression maternity undies yesterday,i try it this morning..it's a smaller cutting compared to the one i bought previously, Deluxe Brand. Been trying out different brand of disposable undies..hiaz..very ma fan..
Re: Maternity Leave

I think i will work till my EDD coz afraid to stay at home myself and actually thinking to spend more time with bb when born. If i take earlier, means i got to come back to work earlier too.... Mine EDD is on 26.04.06 so i might stop work only on 25.04.06 if possible..heehee, so i can bath, wash hair and smell nice nice!!! Imagine only lah!!
Heh.. Rach & Yukie.. Thanks! Think my hb got it from a shop in suntec.. its for bb from 0 mths to 6 mths.. got quite a few designs.. if you are interested.. can give you the name of the shop..

Re: Packing of hospital bag

Think at 35 weeks will be a good time to pack hospital bag... my hb super kan cheong.. been asking me to pack the bag since last week.. so I just put a few items inside the bag to show him that I have started packing..

Re: April MTB foto album

Hi all.. have sent you the updated link to the foto album liao.. anyone else wants to have their pictures uploaded? Can email it to me at [email protected]
huuniepot, would like to hv the shop name...

Think it's gd to pack the bag early... cos we never knw when bb goin to pop... me goin to pack my bag in wk 31... will b getting all the nescessary staff tis wkends...

me oredi planning which caterer to use for bb full mth n where to hold it...
don tink will b in the mood n energy to plan when bb is out...


thanks for the effort in updating the pics..just had a look..all mummies to be look so radiant and happy..hope we'll all have healthy, cute and happy babies!!


wow!! u plan so fast liao arh..oredi decided on which caterer to use n als othe place to hold liao arh..u really fast hand gast leg hor..care to share??
