(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

I feel that your MIL not being very fair to Amanda. But then again, one of your children will get it eventually.

As for my MIL, can you imagine when my Enya was born, she didn't even give ang pao! She said wait till she is 1 then buy her some gold. My own mum will find all sort of excuses to buy her toys and give her ang pao. Until today, my MIL only bought Enya 1 toy dog! She even gave Enya some of the balls that she bought for her dog!!! Really unbelievable.

Re: Potty train
Enya is not potty trained too. I have bought a potty for her nanny so that she can train her. According to her nanny, she will sit on the potty butt naked for a long time. But she will not poo inside. The moment she gets up and put on her diaper, she will poo. Probably she doesn't know what it is for. I guess we really have to be patient. Maybe I shall start a potty chart too.

I give birth to a boy, but my boy also did not get anything during birth, first month. I also did not get anything. My son first present from her was a set of clothing during 4th month old when all the relative is there to see. See, my mil also very "good". She presented me a box of dry scallop especially for me during Chinese New Year when all relative is there to see also.

I had wish I have a girl since I am pregnant. Looks like I am not blessed with one. Hopefully my son will go shopping with me, travel with me and dun abandon me for his wife when he grow up.

I guess we are all other pple's daughter. That's why treatment is different. Somemore we snatch away their sons. That will make them dun like us even more.

any of your little is still using pacificer? Pd has told us to stop giving it to Enya for the sake of nice looking teeth. But she will cry and cry for 1 1/2 hrs until we give it to her. Really headache. Dun know how to make her quit???
Went to PP yesterday, it's been a long while since I went there. Still like the place and it's a great hideout from yesterday's hot weather. Which mummy stay around Seng Kang?

Fyi, there's a shuttle bus from CP to PP on weekends n PH.

Momyam, you are very lucky to find good IL, got to treasure them (see how we suffer). hee..

Hunniepot, tell yr MIL that if u have a boy, you will want yr son to carry yr surname (of course not really doing). This will wake them up a bit n think carefully before they talk/do nonsense stuff.

Draik - ask your MIL for things when there are relatives around, if she promised and didn't give in the end, remind her again when there's relatives again. me very bad lah..

Potty training
I also dun want my No. 1 to pee on bed or when outside, very troublesome, so she will wear when sleeping or going out. Yesterday, my No. 1 dozed off in her bed (I thot she was playing in the living room) and thank God she did not pee on the bed. If not, "cham" liao. When back from PP, her pampers was dry too. Got her to peepee when I went to toilet. Yet this morning, she poo already then tell me. Sigh! (thank God she still have the pampers on).

Fyi, there's the kiddy toilet at CP and PP, anyone knows where else?

Different ang pao money
I find this quite amusing. Doesn't the parents know that once married, the son's money is also the DIL's money or the other way round that the DIL's money is still the son's money. In the end, the 2 ang bao money will be added together, so make no diff. (I mean the wife will not keep hers and the hubby keeps his separately) Worst stil, their son will definitely question them about it. Then what for???
Stephz, when u used ur friend's pump, did u buy a new set of bottles and funnel or juz wash hers and sterilise to use? Heehee...wonder if ok to juz use others 2nd hand pump.

Potty training
Till now no success for me..boo hoo..
I quite disagree with this. My money is MY money. My husband money is MY money. At present my son money is also MY money. Muahahaha. My MIL dunno about this. Muahahaha.
Re Brushing teeth
I will first clean Reanne's teeth using First Teeth toothpaste n finger brush. And after which, I will pass her a toothbrush to play with. Then followed by giving her a cup of boiled water to rinse her mouth. Luckily nowadays she has learnt how to spit out the water. But before this, she will always gulp down the water.

Re Potty Training
Haiz, sad to say I still have not succeeded on this. Reanne was able to poo on potty until some months ago when she suddenly developed a phobia on seeing her own poo. After which she refused to sit on potty anymore. But at times, she is able to poo in our normal toilet bowl using toddler's toilet seat if I manage to catch her juz in time when she is abt to do her big biz. As for pee, she will sign by touching her diaper at the front whenever she pees. And if not wearing diapers, she will either pee on the spot or go into the toilet and do her small biz while standing.:p

Then what about speech progress for all your little tots? This is one of my big concerns at the moment coz my parents feel that she is not talking much as compared to my niece who is coming to 2yo next mth.
Also she still dunno how to say thank you (only signs by nodding her head) and ah gong yet. And most of the time she will only point at my dad.
RE: potty training
My gal doesn't use the potty at all. She just won't sit in it, but recently she'll take it from under the table and play with it and use it like a stool. hahaha She's used to doing her big and small in the toilet bowl at home, but simply will resist in public toilets (look different i guess ...) She can indicate when she needs, but sometimes it's false alarm, and sometimes there's accidents. I still ask her regularly - I think this is a important first step - communicate with the tod. Realise that she can hold her bladder for about 2hr, can nap(1.5-2hr) w/o wetting *touch wood touch wood* Think most kids at this age are ready to start toilet train 'cos the PD also asks if she can indicate to us during her 18month assessment and jab.

RE: pacifier
she doesn't use pacifier. But I'm also trying very hard to curb a very very disturbing habit - fingers sucking.

RE; speech
she understands us very well but doesn't articulate much. Unlike some kids who are so keen to echo after adults or whatever they hear, my gal is happy to just listen. therefore, speech is less developed.
Hee... the mummies here only come out in middle of night???? me can't sleep after feeding No. 2.

Babe - It's up to you and whether your friend mind. But for hygience purpose, I think better to use own. I bought the M Electric, which comes in set (rather than buy the funnel etc separately) cos' I was thinking I need to have my own pump too.

Draik - haha... guess all sons' money is also DIL's money. I mentioned this too lah. That's why in the end, it makes no diff. So why the PIL still want to give diff amount??

Chenoa - your gal looks ready for potty training liao. Better try to stop your gal from finger sucking, else it'll become a habit. You can hide the pacifier, but you can never hide their fingers.

Tracy - agree with yr PD to stop using pacifier asap. My No. 1 was off the pacifier when 11 months old. From what I gather, it would be harder to stop as they get older (cos' they will fight, argue, wail or whatever then). That's why for my No. 2 I will apply the same before she turns 1.

Potty training
Yesterday morning, my gal poo on her pampers right? Was so thrill that before bedtime at night, she wants to go potty. Thot she wants to pee (cos' she only poo once a day) and to my surprise, she poo in the potty. Either she's doing it to get me delighted or she's doing it for the star stickers. Guess both are her motivators.

If your child use the toilet outside, remind them to hold onto you and NOT the toilet bowl. Me a "hygience freak", will clean the toilet bowl first, then get her to sit down. Initially, also thot should I lay the toilet bowl with toilet paper for her to sit on. haha...

My gal can say a no. of words (tho' some pronounciation is still not correct eg. grop (drop), es (yes). Her latest is "dun wan". When my maid asks if she wants to pee, she will always say "dun wan". But when I ask her, she will say "es". *faint*. Of course, the sweetest word she said is still "mummy".
My gal's speech development also not fantastic. Good at calling papa, mama, nei nei, shu shu, ah ma. Still yet to call ah gong and ta ta. Like Cheona's, she understands us very well but far from speaking. Book, ball, bear, owl, 'woof', 'hiss', 'roar', eyes are a few of her favourite now...

Stephz, thanks. Was juz wondering for ur no.1 when u borrowed, if u actually bought new funnels and bottles. Ke ke ke...
RE: potty training
ooh... have not start my girl on this yet. Mentioned this to DH and he told his mum. But MIL said she cant really do it in the am coz need to do housechores, no time to train her. sighzzzz!!!! And my mum said how come my girl not potty trained yet, I better do something about it. dont think my girl is able to get the message over the sat & sun only.... need some light from you all...

RE Speech
ooooh... my girl is SLOW... ha!!! she knows nod and shake her head for YES and NO and she will point to the things she wants and wails. Or else we gotta guess, trial & error, of what she wants lor. she knows a few words only: ball, tiger, button, papa, mama...

Hi bblim,
wonder can share the trip experience with your jr in Japan? And what are the places you visit? What to bring for your girl? Thanks.
I will be the opposite compare with u....
My money is not My money, My hubby money is His money, Our money is HIS money...haiz...

Actually my PIL isn't that bad, only $$ on "ang pao". They like my girl very much, although they wish she could be a boy.
And i very glad that my MIL hav done a very Good confinement for me...GOOD FOOD. She will do home made chicken essencce for me which is very nice compare to those bottle type.

Sad to say i also have not started on her yet. Cos i dont think MIL will have time to traine her, and i only have Sat/Sun to traine, and dont think is effective. But she will tell us "pampis" = "pampers" when she poo / pee by touching her pampers.
Just like Reanne(BBlim), she will do her biz while standing, i worried she will get used to this position while doing her biz...

My girl still using pacifier...hmmm...think must try to reduce the usage..
There is a period she dont use pacifier to sleep cos she having bad ulcer, and she will reject it.
Allow me to vent my frustration here. I baked pandan chiffon cake yesterday night in preparation for breakfast this morning. And guess what! My FIl steamed my fluffy chiffon cake this morning together with his meat pau, and now my cake is soggy and heavy!!! ARGHHHHH......

They have this weird habit of having to steam certain foods before they eat them. Roasted meat that is bought on the same day - they got to steam before eating, making the meat look like leftovers from the fridge. Maybe they like leftover-looking food. That's what they eat almost everyday back in M'sia. Cook, cannot finish, put in fridge, tomm warm up, cannot finish, put back in fridge, eat again.

I can't get used to such a "culture". Back in my own home, my mum never keeps food overnight, except for stews. And freshly bought food is eaten as is, never steamed/warmed, cos it'll just spoil the taste of the food.
Re: potty training

I'm starting to get A used to the concept of the potty. I demonstrate to him how to use it by sitting on it myself. Now he imitates me and squats on the potty too, with his diapers on of course. When he is used to the potty and knows what it is for, I'll let him poo poo in it.

Re: talking

Same like your babies, A's verbal vocabulary is limited, but he can recognise body-part words like tongue/hair/mouth and point to them when shown the words, knows most of the alphabets and numbers 1-10. Most of the knowledge is acquired thru VCD-watching, and after that I myself must reinforce by practising with him.

Piangz, how can your MIL give toys thats meant for her dog to Enya?? My MIL & SIL will buy toys for Amanda which are potentially dagnerous for tots her age, like those toy cars with small removable parts etc and let her play on her own.. to think they still think they want to look after my girl.. they cant even get the safety basics right


My girl woke up this morning, saying Mmmmm to me and touched her diapers, so I quickly let her sit on her potty, and she didnt poo, screamed and made a big fuss.. and wanted to run abt, and ended up some of the poo ended on my leg! Haha.. will try again

RE: Speech

My girl has a few words in her vocab now. My hubby's colleague's daughter is a Jan 06 baby, and she has been boasting to my hubby that her daughter can form short sentences like nice dress, etc etc.. but at the end of the day all kids will reach this milestone (just like we were so concerned about them walking remember? And now that they can all walk liao, it really didnt matter who walked faster then) so try not to compare and worry too much, cos they will all get there soon.
tanwawas- guess the old folks got such habit to steam cold food. I also learnt from my parents to warm food taken from fridge, but not cakes. Wow, pandan cake, yummy, can give me the recipe?
R u the mummy who makes cupcakes too?

Hunniepot, Amanda seems ready too. Jia Yu.
Maybe you can get yr hubby to tell his colleague(if she's getting too much), the daughter of your friend (Apr 06) can say "I eat please" already.

I agree with Hunniepot not to compare the kids, the main thing is that so long they are developing well and within the milestone for their age, it's ok.

Tho my No. 1 is progressing fast, what I find more rewarding is that she is quite sensible, which I think is more important.

Arrghh.... my hair is dropping again. From thick bush to thin (first birth), now drop some more, will be botak soon.

Yeah lor! But my hubby will just listen with 1 ear in and 1 ear out, he was getting tired of hearing her tell him how cute, adorable and smart her girl is etc.. and she will ask whether my girl can do all those things, and he will just say no to everything as he wasnt even really listening and does not believe it comparing

Another friend of mine too. Kept telling me now that she is not flashing cards as quickly as b4, as her girl at 2.5 years old, wants to read the words out aloud herself, and I just kept quiet, my girl at 1.5 years is already doing that.. and I really do not see the need to go into lengthy comparision on who is smarter, prettier, cuter.. cos it will get to no where.. and it is also not fair to keep comparing our kids with others
If u want to start potty training, it's easier to start with poo poo first. If u try to pay attention to ur kid's daily poo habits, then u can observe how ur kid will behave when going to poo. So that's the time u try to bring her to the potty and catch it.

As for wee wee, u can start by letting her go diaper free for 1 hr each day. Then every 15-20mins, bring her to the potty to wee wee. If there are misses, then I would tell my boy in a calm manner that he's not wearing diapers now, so wee wee must go toilet, and not anywhere in the house. There's one time my boy got a miss and I overheard my mum saying to him, "oh...ur mummy going to beat u for that.." Wah...I almost faint when I heard that....I told her, shouldn't say such thing, it would scare the child and scarly make him develop phobia of wee wee.

I took 3 months to train my boy to poo poo before he finally understand and try to alert me if he needs to go. There was actually a stage where he fails and develop negative feelings on going to the potty. Also there have been many false alarms too.

But I haven't try letting him use public toilet yet, since he's on diaper when out.

Is ur gal on diaper when she's outside?
hi terrier,

my girl doesnt want to put on diaper since last 2 weeks, so tot is this a signal for me to start potty on her.... but still in doubts how me gonna do it over sat & sun only, esp the wee wee? me can "catch" her when she wanna poo poo, then me quickly bring her to toilet seat and she manage to do her biz. But nowadays she doesnt want the toilet seat nor the potty. What should me do?
hi stephz,

here is my recipe:

Pandan Chiffon Cake

6 egg whites
80g castor sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
6 egg yolks
80g sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
5 tbsp corn oil
2 tbsp pandan juice
100ml thick coconut milk (can get those kara ones)
110g self-raising flour, sift

Pandan juice:
5-6 pandan leaves, cut into small pieces
3-4 tbsp water


To obtain pandan juice, put pandan leaves and water in an electric blender and blend to a fine pulp. Strain the juice and measure out two tablespoonfuls for use.

Preheat oven to 180C. Whisk egg whites, sugar and cream of tartar in an electric mixer until just stiff.

Whisk egg yolks, sugar and vanilla essence until light and creamy. Add in corn oil, pandan juice and thick coconut milk. Mix well.

Stir in sifted flour and fold in carefully and gently to mix.

Pour egg yolk mixture lightly into the egg white mixture. Mix evenly with a metal spoon or a plastic spatula.

Pour batter into an ungreased 22cm tube pan. Bake in a preheated oven for 40-45 minutes or until cake is well browned and firm to the touch.

Remove cake from oven. Invert pan immediately. Leave to cool, then remove cake from pan with the help of a thin-bladed knife.
Hi Reiner,

This is what I posted on the other thread sharing the food Reanne ate during our Japan trip.

Juz to share Reanne's daily menu during the 6/7 days in Japan.

Breakfast in hotel
- cereals with fresh milk/ yogurt;
- egg omelette;
- plain croissant/ wheat or wholemeal bun;
- potato salad;
- grapefruit with yogurt;
- fruit & vegetable juices.

Lunch (which I cooked using Tiger Foodjar)
- Organic instant oats with sliverfish powder or dried scallops shreds + (wheatgerms + yeast + ??);
- Oats with organic raisins + bananas(bought there) + the above 3 treasures.
- You can add in fruits n veggies too if can get locally.

- Gerber star puffs;
- Pigeon xiao mantou;
- Baby biscuits;
- Pumpkin pudding;
- Yogurt.

- Sushi;
- Bento set;
- Baby food (bought there) such as baby porridge / spaghetti;
- Fruits like honeydew, banana (whatever fruits I can find on the journey).

Tried & Tested
Had succeded cooking brown rice porridge using Tiger Foodjar once before the trip. But before that, I actually cooked the rice n ingredients over the stove for few minutes before pouring into the foodjar. And voila, the rice grains became porridge after few hours. Altho successful, I still dun dare to take the risks abroad. So in the end, chose to bring the oats instead.

Other Things That I Bring Along for Reanne

- 2 small packs of 12 diaper pants ( Found that Japan is actually selling cheaper for Mamy Poko. Ard $13 per pack of 23pcs. Only bought 1 pack coz can't lug any more extras with a tot n a big haversack n my Sanrio loots.)
- Stroller
- Ergo carrier (Thanks to my kind friend who loaned it to me.
However, I only used it for a day during the whole trip.)
- Clothings
- Hankies
- Socks
- A ziplock bag of Toys + stickers book
- Another pair of shoes (in case she dun like to wear her boots)
- A $2 Daiso picnic mat
- Wet wipes
- Tissues
- Tiger Foodjar
- Toothbrush n toothpaste
My ah boy only know how to say, "bus", "ball", "O" pointing to the letter "O", "mum mum" meaning food, "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" in his most poor thing voice, never heard him call daddy although daddy said he has. No popo, gong gong or anybody else. And,"mao" meaning cat. I know that he is slow and I am lazy so I try not to get worry.

By the way, I am now thinking of introducing cow milk to KJ. I do not want him to drink his milk from a bottle but he still do not know how to hold a cup. I was thinking if I should train him to drink fresh milk from those packets one (easy to bring to childcare) or should I start him on formula milk. If I should start him on formula milk, what type of cup or mug should I introduce him? KJ only know how to drink from a straw.
Hunniepot, good that your hubby is hear in, hear out type. Hee...wonder how will your hubby's colleague respond if he says "yes" instead of "no". Maybe she will then stop?? Wonder some mummies maybe are just overly excited to share what their kids have achieved. But if the purpose is to put another kid down, then it is too much.

Terrier - ya, my girl on pampers when outside, dun want to have accidents, very troublesome lah. Usually will let her wear pullup pants, easier to wear after getting her to peepee in the toilet.

Leereiner - she don't want diapers, potty or toilet, then let her wears pants lah. Wonder she don't want pampers, is it cos' it's painful (eg too small? rashes?)

tanwawas - thanks, will try out. Btw, is cream of tartar powder type? How does the packaging look like? The corn oil, can use any other oil?

bblim - guess your luggage is full of food for your darling on your way there. For me, guess I will just bring some jar food, xiao mantou and biscuits cos' I will let her eat share what I eat [Japanese food o-yi-shi (yummy)].

Draik - our babies can drink fresh milk already. Why cannot drink from bottle?? If KJ knows how to drink from straw, you can try magmag.
Examples of more clearer signs that your tot is ready are will signal in action (hold onto diaper) or verbal form (shh..shh..) that she going/has wee wee. I'm not sure if refusing to wear diaper is part of it.

As I mentioned, there was also one negative stage my boy would cry when I bring him to toilet/potty. I didn't force him, I just let him be and try again the next time. From what I read in those potty training books, it is expected that the tot would actually regress for a while although you see improvements after some time. Just be patient.

Although it's better to do it consistently everyday, but it's better to start something while you are with her during the weekends. From then can slowly progress for ur MIL to start too. I can understand your MIL woes with the housework to do. I actually dread abt doing wee wee training for a long time.
Wow, u gals really putting in effort for potty training. I somehow just can't find the time to do it. Yes, my mum who is caring for her would try but not consistent coz she's busy with housework and tuition. Weekends we are always out...hmmm...
wow, so many posts!
Been a long time since I came in, v overwhelmed with work. Taking a break during lunch time now.

Potty Training

I have also just started potty training Shawn at home after my colleagues reminded that I should start it now else it will be harder when he's older. I guess there's different thoughts on that, but that day, I went back home and tried getting Shawn on the potty and he did! He peed and has been doing that in the potty for a few times now. He also managed to poop in there. Also uses stickers and colouring (tablets that you drop in the pee to see colour change). It seems to work so far.

But I can't do much with him, once when I got home, and once before bed that's all. The nanny trains him, but I think when my maid comes this Fri, it will be full-on potty training since she can help to clean up, and will have more experience with potty training.


Shawn is still saying single syllabus word, but the number of words he can say is increasing. Sometimes he will say 1 long sentences and make a face, and we don't know what in the world is he talking about!!?! haha, will act like I understand though, to encourage him

In laws

What a coincidence, I had a huge quarrel with my pils last week! It was a HUGE quarrel and basically, i said everything i feel about them (I was provoked)... about them not treating me like an insider (showing bias, preference), that they have so many things to comment on about how I bring up Shawn.. etc. But in the end, we are still on talking, though a little awkward terms. But at least they know how I feel, and I am grateful they don't hold any grudges against me for my outburst.

Draik was saying that hopefully next time, your son will not leave you for his wife, the trick to that is ALWAYS TO TREAT YOUR DAUGHTER IN LAW LIKE YOUR OWN AND EVEN BETTER THAN YOUR CHILDREN so that she, and everyone else in the family will be close to you. That is what I endeavour to do next time anyway!

How I envy your guts! I have been only successful in fantasizing abt giving my ILs a piece of my mind.. but I know there will be no turning back for me if I were to ever do that. My empress dowager MIL has already given me a death sentence for keeping quiet, dont know what other sentence she will pass on to me if I were to ever retaliate.
Ermmm, mayb I am lousy in phrasing my sentences or u have misinterpret my above posting.
Those are the food Reanne had during our Japan trip, mostly from the hotel buffets or bought there. I not so hardworking ler to lug all in the above list from SIN to Tokyo.:p I only packed a ziplock bag (1/3 full) of oats and 3 small containers of dried ingredients for her lunch, and 1 small container of Gerber star puffs and 1 pkt of 2 baby biscuits for snacks and her drinking bottle in our luggage.
Su, what made u so angry with PILs. Ke ke ke...I did my silent complain on my blog and my BIL so angry when he saw it and send an email to my hb. So I took it off..haha....anyway at least now my BIL more know how to be human (zuo ren). Ke ke ke...muz be scare his frens come my blog see K pics and end up seeing me complaining..haha...

Living together sure gotta accomodate. I also dunno wat my PILs think of me coz they dun say much but I just do as I deem right.

Hunni, u steady ah..go so many places and Amanda. It will be a long time before I can do that now.. =P

Personally, I feel the best time to bring baby out to travel is when they have not started solids yet.. brought Amanda to sentosa to stay for 1 night when she was 6 mths old.. thoroughly enjoyed the trip, didnt have o prepare or think of what to bring along, cos she was on total bm then.. it was more tricky when we brought her overseas after she started solids

Actually my parents in law are not very bad people, they will help us when we need help, like volunteer to pick up shawn where the need arise. But sometimes I really buay tahan how my mil always have something to say regarding how I look after Ruixiang... from things like cannot use blue bedsheets (because if there's bugs on the bed, cannot see), to raising her voice and saying that the food I give shawn is too hot that's why he spit them out! I as Ruixiang mother will never do anything to hurt him. The food is not hot, cos I tested it, and Shawn has a habit of spitting out things that he was not expecting (got to tell him what we are giving before he eats).

Maybe because I look after Shawn all on my own in the US and I don't need people to think that I don't know how to look after him, or even suggest that I will do things to harm my own child. I really take offense at that.

That night when we quarrelled, I was the one who suggested bringing them to long beach for seafood dinner, and comments like this are what I get (food too hot, etc). V angry. Somemore everytime got good food like crab claws, always give their own children and never to me! This is so everytime. So fed up. Then I bring everything up from the day I got married :p it was bad, but my fil was saying that it's good that I bring everything up, at least things are clear now. They said they have always treated me as their own.. I told them it's all for their son and grandson. :p

Anyway, it's over now. Will try and be nicer to them lah. They are not bad, just critical sometimes, and my mil even called me 'stupid' before.

Previously we were thinking of everyone moving and living together, but I think cannot lah, cannot stay under the same roof, but can live close by. I still need my personal space to vent, should the need arise (and also to do silly things and go bra-free of course
. haha.
Su, the mummies are putting in effort to contribute. Let's hope more will join in and post something even a "hi" when they visit this site.
You so "daring" to have huge quarrel with IL.
Me had mine many years ago and then decided to move out, which is better cos' find that I'm more tolerant now (maybe I'm getting old already lah).

bblim - maybe me sleepy then when post, didn't read properly. hee...

hunniepot - I have differing view on travel cos' maybe I'm not on bf. I feel after 1 year is the best time to travel. I remembered having to bring hot water, rm temp water, milk powder etc and it's even more troublesome esp with the US custom. Tho now easier to travel, haha...got a No. 2 to restart everything. So can only wait till No. 2 is 1 year old. Btw, me going to TP next week to collect my bulk purchase order, you wanna let the 2 Amanda meetup?
Hi Stephz,

Good idea! I PM you my hp no? Which part of the week would you be coming by?


Talk about Long Beach, had similar experience.. suggested to my hubby to have reunion dinner at Long Beach this year and will be good as my MIL hardly eats out at restuarants, I even did research on the different restaurants and changed the menu to make sure that it did not contain prawns, which were those that she couldnt eat.. and my MIL interpreted that I didnt want her to come to my place, and you should have seen her face throughout the entire dinner, even blacker than Bao Gong and never even talked to me throughout the entire CNY. And she and my SIL commented during the dinner about every dish, say not nice, they can cook similar dishes at home etc.. and made sarcastic remarks abt me in front of my girl and behind my hubby's back.. and I kept quiet all the way... and the ultimate comment she made to my girl in front of me (of course behind my hubby's back) was "Dont stick to your mummy so much, you should stick to your daddy, he had a hard time working outside"

My MIL commented that I will not have enough bm even b4 I gave birth and insisted that I feed FM after I gave birth, came to my place after I delivered and shouted at me saying that I did not have enough milk.. but I proved her wrong and am still breastfeeding Amanda now.. and now that I have proven her wrong, she started saying other things like Amanda throws tantrums cos she is a breastfed baby.. and bottle fed babies will be more 'guai'..

Same as you, we were thinking of staying together with them after we ROM, thank my lucky stars we didnt..
Heehee.....ILs are quite an issue..
Juz had my explosion with my hb abt ILs some time. Maybe my idea of IL are perfect old time grandparents who love kids and wan to take care of them but mine are modern and dun really say much. So was abit upset it as if they dun dote on her. But everytime I complain to my hb, after that they suddenly like show more concern and nicer. May be also now my gal quite man ja, keep calling them and sticky to them. Heehee...I know this is not the work of my hb coz my hb won't go talk to his parents on this coz he's not the favourite one in the house. Well, guess I still having a bearable time, juz that I am not pampered. I guess probably u get the whole of good in a family of boys or the other way round coz they dun haf daughters to know how to treat them.

Now that our new flat is here, we taking our time to move out since no.2 is coming..haha...unless get shoo out...
If I introduce him a bottle, I felt like I am downgrading him. He is drinking water from magmag. I was thinking if he goes to childcare, I will have to prepare 2 water bottle for him? 1 for water, 1 for milk?

I brought fresh milk for him yesterday. He took a bit and spit everything out, after that he refuse try again.

I think my in-law are a bit frighten or scare to step into my tail. I am very very angry with my FIL and I never address him at all or look into his face. He never complain. Even he did complain, he will not complain in front of me. I dunno if I am consider lucky a not because my mil will read my face. If I frown and they catch it, they will change what they said. I dunno what my husband told them because they speak in Hokkien which I totally dun understand at all. I think I am the Devil in-law.

Talking about breastfeeding, Mil kept wanting me to add formula to my breastmilk during my confinement. She even instruct my confinement lady and my husband to do that. I quarrel with my husband and chase him out from my room. My confinement lady saw me holding my newborn and crying at the same time. So nobody dare to say anything. My husband will tried to change my mind once in a blue moon and the result will be scolding from me. You can read my breastfeeding stories here, http://www.squidoo.com/breastfeedingsupport/

My mil dun dare to ask me if I got enough milk, I think she did ask my husband.

I feel so sad for the little gal after reading that article.

Dunno if you all read abt the family with 3 kids on last sunday times? The parents prompt their kids to finish their 0-levels earlier by home-coaching them lots of tuition. However my hubby and I are not impressed at all.

I must say that I admire you alot on how u are coping with 2 kids now. You seem to take everything in stride although hubby is not here. How do u manage the daily stuff with a toddler and a baby concurrently, eg toddler tantrums and bb cries? Does your elder gal dote on the baby?

Read your story, and totally agreed on all the tips you provided on breastfeeding
That was what I did too, including making a bottle of formula and telling my MIL thats my milk!

From what I know, in CC, they will try to get the kids to drink from a cup eventually.. my girl was drinking from a cup but created so much mess cos she simply loves to turn the cup ard to see the base.. so I changed to straw instead.. the munchkin one is very good, minimal mess as it is almost spill proof. I will be bringing the munchkin straw cups to the CC when she goes to CC next mth


Yeah. read the story on Sunday Times.. but had different views on that.. I had a classmate in Pri 2 who went straight to Pri 5 after being accessed to be ahead of her peers.. had she stayed on in Pri 2 then, it would not have been fair to her.. at least in her case and that family's case, the kids are given the opportunity to learn at their level

the cream of tartar is in powder form, just like baking soda or baking powder. you can get it easily at ntuc's baking section. as for oil, i'm using canola oil for my cooking, so i used that for my pandan cake as well. i believe sunflower oil or other mild-flavoured oils are fine for baking, just do not use groundnut oil cos it'll give the pandan cake a nutty taste.

let me know when you've tried out the recipe.

Re: staying with ILs
I'm glad I do not have to live under the same roof with my ILs, but my hb's plan is that when one of them passes away, the other will have to move in with us cos he/she'll have no one else to turn to. That's the problem with marrying an only child. Your ILs are 100% your family's responsibility.

Been trying to tolerate my FIL for the past few days. In the mornings when A wakes up, he'll go to the kitchen and see the biscuit tin which my ILs have been eating from, and point to it to ask me to give him some biscuit. I don't want him to eat junk food so early in the morning, so I ignore him, and he'll whine and scream. Then my FIL will come to the kitchen, and hand A some biscuits. I'll tell him that I don't want A to eat biscuits prior to his proper breakfast, and my FIL will say "aiyah, a bit never mind lah". So he's the guardian angel, and I the devil lah? How to discipline my son with my FIL overriding me like that??!?

Re: Straits Times article
I do think the Yip family have their own style in educating their children, and it has worked wonderfully. They are not hothousing their kids cos they did mention that they do not really interfere with the kids' learning. I think cultivating a love of learning right from the start is important, and the Yip family has done just that.
tanwawas - I fully understand how you feel. My FIL also the "never mind" guy. He came again and my No. 1 does not want to sleep cos' she wants to see and eat what I was about to bake. He insisted on carrying her to sleep. I told him I don't want her to get into habit to sleep only if carried. And he replied "never mind" and wanted to carry her. Many times, I told hb that FIL always says never mind, but does he bothers that I mind? But I just keep quiet. Thank God my No. 1 doesn't want him to carry and he was like angry and went home just a while later.
I haven't got chance to go marketing when my FIL came. Will try to get the stuff tom and try your pandan cake. Btw, you got cupcakes recipe too?

Terrier - got maid lah. But told hb, no maid think I also can manage lah. Last time, no kid always busy (with dunno what), then have No. 1 realised that last time I actually have a lot of time. Now have No. 2, realised that I could have a lot of time when have only No. 1. So now I tell myself, I should be able to manage now with ONLY 2 kids (not to realise only when I have No. 3). haha...

Draik - I guess like what hunniepot said, the CC will train the kids to use cups, so maybe you can check with the CC on this. For milk, I let my No. 1 tried and she likes it (red packaging, sorry, suddenly can't remember the name). Different brand of milk taste slight different, so you may want to buy another brand to let him try.

Babe - where is your new place? Have you told me before or have I forgotten? hee....

Su - do try to spread your LOVE-YOUR-DIL campaign, so that by the time my daughters get married, I will feel "fang xin" then.
Straits Times Article
Didn't read this, but my personal feel is that if the child has this ability, then he/she should not be constrained and should be allowed to move ahead of their cohort.

Have any of you seen this article?
(copy and paste the link)

He's my ex-principal, left his job to do what he wanted to do. Hee... when he shares with me, I actually told him to go with his feel and this guy really does it. Sad that the education service lost 1 good guy who is unlike other P who are twirled into medals and medals at the expense of the pupils' learning.
Hi stephz,

I have a cupcake recipe, but have not tried it out yet. If you love baking, maybe we can go one of our homes to bake together. Where you stay? I'm staying in Bt batok.

(Makes about 30 cupcakes)

Ingredients 250g Butter
180g Caster Sugar
5 Eggs
tsp Vanilla Essence
200g Self Raising Flour


1. Place soft butter and caster sugar into mixing bowl, fix K beater and start by using speed 1 and gradually cream until light and fluffy.

2. Add eggs one at a time by using higher speed to mix evenly.

3. Scrape sides of the bowl with a spatula and add in the vanilla essence.

4. Sift flour into the mixture and mix until everything in the bowl is well mixed.

5. Preheat oven at 170C.

6. Line cupcake tray with cupcake paper cups.

7. Scoop or pipe in mixture to full.

8. Bake for about 20 minutes or until light golden brown and allow to cool on rack.

Whip Cream Topping

1. Pour 200ml of whipping cream into bowl

2. Use balloon whisk to whisk the cream until it forms soft peaks

3. Optional: Before whisking, add food colouring as into the whipping cream as desired

Re: "Aunt" late by 2 wks
My "aunt" is late by 2 wks. It's been 45 days since my last period. But I've experienced my period being late for 2 wks, so dunno if I shd wait it out or get a Clearblue to test first. I'm afraid I'll be disappointed by the negative test result leh.
What I don't quite agree with the Yips is that the kids would not have a good social life interacting and playing with friends and other time for creativity play since most of their time is now focus on completing their studies in the shortest time. I just feel that today's parents over-focus on intellect development and neglect on the other aspects such as social and emotional development.

U intend to have No.3 ah? Hee....while I'm still having no.2 kicking inside me....I already comtemplating to have no.3 liao....:p

If you don't want disappointment, then don't test first lah...but the thing is can u wait in suspense? For this pregnancy, I actually test 3 times before I confirmed...
HI all,

So much posting to catch up...

<font color="0000ff">Potty train</font>

I tried on Riz 2 mths ago. in the end, he was crying adn don't want to seat dw. End up constipation. He cried so hard when poo poo. I felt heartache. I got to use my fingers to dig out his poo poo. Yucks!

Last month, I bought this elmo potty doll for potty train. He saw elmo sitting at the potty, he also want. But he only sit there less than 1 min. I am still trying to make him seat long enough to Poo poo / urine.

Tmr Riz going for 1st day in Childcare. I don't know why I got this feeling that I don't feel good.

I am worry abt his sleeping, eating and putting things into his mouth and swallow. Sigh!

he has not gone for his Prevenar jab yet. Doc say got to wait another 3 weeks after his 18mths jab.

I will be starting training this 20Nov. I am very worry if he falls ill, there isn't any1 to take care of him. Childcare also won't accept.

That's wat happen last mth. That's why I defer my class.

Really having 2nd thoughts of going back to work with this major prob. sigh!

<font color="0000ff">ILS</font>

My to, not that bad. But I do feel abit unfairness too.

For eg, My MIL will make a cup of honey water for my HB to drink. I don't hv. I thick-skin, I will drink from my HB glass or make another 1 for myself. Bo chap!

<font color="0000ff">Screaming & Crying</font>
Riz also. Heachache when I am the only want have to carry him out and buying things. He don't even want to seat on the Supermarket Trolley. Cry so loud. Scream and jump, yell, etc... in Mrt. Bay tahan!
Aiyo! again i write such a long long long post hahaha...

Sorry sorry har.. I really didnt meant to flood here one..

Draik, i bought the brand - pigeon which comes with straw or u can opt for another type with a small little spout on it. Is also insulated and up to 6 oz only, suppose to be spill free. I'm using it for isaac as i want him to start using cups instead of bottles too.

Hmm.. coz' he still do not kw how to use straw so i opt for the spout type.

PS: is not mag mag, i will try to take a pic and post up coz' i realise the website dont have the mug i'm talking abt.

U may want to try Meiji.. Isaac dont really like fresh milk, i've tried a few brands. i think meiji seems is the best.

tanwawas, haha.. remember to tell us yr good news. my "aunt" was late too and just came 1 day ago and i'm VERY happy with that.

Hey, i also want to bake cake lei.. can include me a not?

Straits Times Article
Hmm.. ok i'm impress with the end result of the kids. Somehow i feel the faster you finish yr studies, the more u can achieve in other areas.

However, i felt the poor kids have no childhood.

I Must say the following is my Personal view (dt read if u object)

1) the way they handle the education method i'm impress and sort of agree.
Only the education toys to be play and no TV thingy. which is really good and he is right abt it. however, on the other side of the coin they may not have frds and dt really kw what is childhood and real life about.

2) putting kids by the age of 1 1/2 to schools and if possible 2 type - PAP and montessori. I felt he has his point.

If i have additional money or rather i'm rich why not. After all they will learn things but if I dont have additional money.. how can i do so.

in another words = i'm sorry to say is it rich pple kids will be gifted while the poor kids r not gifted?

i can go on and on la.. is jus my view. whether they can do it a not, i feel that as long as we, parents did our part in nurturing the kid. the rest really have leave it to them.

Not sure whether you read the article about this woman was sort of upset over the Gifted exam stuffs that she wrote in ST forum.

Why centres offering 1.2k to 1.5k to get the kids to get prepare for the gifted exam. personally i felt is 2 sides of the coin and it depend which side you see more.

1 - rich pple or those who can afford will get gifted kids? maybe.. maybe not.
coz' if yr kid really not that gifted and u work super duper hard to pay for such amt and send them to such centres.

if they dt score to the result they want... end of the day, will the kid feel pressureand start to feel they are stupid instead of gifted?

2 - if those who cant afford such centres and dont have any method to get themself prepare for gifted exam.. are they less gifted than those who went thru?

will they feel upset and start blaming themself for not able to be gifted? Or blame their parents for not able to send them to such centres and make them not so gifted?

whatever it is.... my bottom line is kids should have their childhood. Like me i am not as talented as many pple are (scholars or earn big bucks) BUT i'm happy coz' i have a wonderful childhood memories with my sister.

Seriously Seriously i really pity my son.. i can foresee that he will face a lot of pressure from the society. Like at times i felt pressure that he is not as clever as others of the same age. He cant talk.. pressure that he is not gog to good CC / sch.

And before WHENEVER i feel peer pressure.. i put in pressure on him, then end of day he suffer (not sure whether is he, but that's at least what i feel so) . i really learn to let go a LOT more now than the starting stage. I dont want isaac being press down at this young age coz' i feel pressure and "face" thingy. like why he cant talk now.. whereas others can and some even foam sentence!

Then i ask myself, am i lazy that i didnt input more to isaac and cause him slower than his age group? if i put in more effort will he be clever. and thots like maybe i didnt send him to sch that's why he is not as smart and fast as others. a lot of maybe flood in my thots and i MAY accidentally put some force isaac to be clever at my level of interest.

like what hunniepot say - end of the day All the kids will reach the same milestone is just matter of time.

those who is faster - is very impressive and good for the kid.

For isaac being slower.. I must learn to accept it and carry on to nurture him instead of pressure him.
Hi petite,

i guess is very normal to feel coz' you love Riz so u tend to worry his growth and his behaviour there. Pat pat..dont worry so much la.

actually you can opt for 2 jabs at the same time then. the 18 mths together with Prevenar jab, so u dont have to wait for 3 weeks for the next jab. Anyway, is ok la Riz already gone thru the jab.

Forgot to talk abt Pacifier..
ME ME ME... i'm trying super duper hard to get rid of that stuffs since he is 9 months. BUT mission keep failing and i'm running out of ideas... maybe i should cut it and give it to him hopefully that will work.

Mommies that slp in aircon.. ask u har. do you put lotion for yr bb to prevent dry skin? i have not been doing so, so wonder am i suppose to do so.
mom, we sleep in aircon room and now we let her wear 2 pc sleep suit. sometimes her shirt roll up in the middle of the night and we dont' cover her. heehee..also never put lotion. Erm..maybe I shld chk if she has dry skin..thot looks ok no wrinkle or peels.

Gifted kids
My advice for all, if your kids are gifted by preparation, I rather u not put ur kids in GEP coz it's not the true face value. As u know, chinese can trained all u want and get the peak but that peak stays there. Unless there is really potential, kids being faster at grasping things than others, should u provide that little catalyst, he will excel even in mainstream and have happier life. Seriously I am not impressed with the 7 yr old with gift in chemistry but mostly factual but not conceptual understanding. I think we have to make a distinction between photographic memory and intellectual giftedness. How to do Chemistry at high level with Math at primary level? In this case, might be better off honing his other areas with a social circle and provide enrichment for chemistry. I am sure we need more holistic development than getting certificates quickly. C for O level not fantastic right?

glad to see you posting again. although your posts are long, i like reading them cos you always offer fresh perspectives to the issues that we're discussing.

hey, i thought you are the master baker here.... remember your cupcakes during the baby bash at globetrotters? i still rem vividly the beautiful blue icing that you put on the cupcakes, but A was squirming so much that I only managed to finish half of it.

here's my take on the gifted kids discussion. by streaming exceptionally smart kids into the gifted stream will only give them a sense of superiority over normal stream kids, and also their social circle will only comprise other gifted kids, which will just narrow their view on life.

we've seen many local successful entrepreneurs who were either school drop-outs or they just did not manage to get a good education becos of certain reasons. but because they were streetwise and open-minded, they were able to craft successful careers that can beat that of the academic high flyers.

my hb and i have agreed that we will not pressure A to excel academically. if he does excel because he can, then we're happy. if he scores b's and c's, we are still happy as long as he has done his best. good academic results do not necessarily lead to a successful life, although we've been made to believe so by our parents and the society.
