(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

mom, we sleep in aircon room and I do put on lotion for my boy after bath and before he sleeps as he has slight ezema and now with my no 2, i do the same thou she did not have her gor gor's symptom.

i have not toilet trained my boy yet. Most likely i will do it once he's more or less seems to be ready.

On Pacifier, i have tried reducing it but once he asked for it, i still give in. Guess, it is still a long way for me to cut his pacifier totally.

Babe - i used back the avent manual breast pump when i was still breasfeeding my No 2.


My girl sleeps in air con too, and she will kick the blanket away everytime we put it on her and like babe's girl, sometimes her top will roll up too.. I never use moisturiser too...

RE: Milestone

Momyam, dont put too much pressure on yourself and Issac.. kids who are 'slower' when they are younger doesnt mean that they will fall back behind when they grow older. My brother only knew how to speak cantonese when he first started pri 1, didnt understand or could speak English at all.. but eventually he caught up very fast and went to UK on an overseas scholarship..

Like what TWW said, having good grades in school doesnt necessarily mean that one will excel in all areas of their lifes, I have seen so many high IQ people with such low EQ.. in my opinion, having a high EQ and being good in speech can go a long way
hunniepot, I definitely want my son to be able to talk well. If a person is good with his books, but not able to communicate well or has low EQ, he'll lag behind a peer who is not so good in his studies, but can charm the socks off every person he meets.
Tks momyam, today 1st day at Childcare was ok. The teachers was telling me usually kids cry on the 2nd day.

Riz today at the childcare got knock on the cupboard. Got stratch on his face. Kie Sim!

I really pity him. usuallt he takes 2 naps a day. Now only 1 nap and still hv to WAIT for the timming for that nap. Sigh!

<font color="0000ff">Pacifier</font>,

The grandma practice: (Not too sure if all of dare to try)

Add abit of chilli on the pacifier. Later they get probia and there not use again.
Today is the first day at CC, what u doing there? or u just sit aside monitor Riz?
Cos next month i also will enroll my girl, just wonder what am i going to do there for the whole day...
KJ is already drinking from a straw, I also do not wish to introduce a spout either. I think I will have to train him to drink from a cup.

Straits Times Article,
My personal view.
1) Learning is a life long skill. It should not be rush over and get it done.
2) If the kid finish his A level when he is 10 year old, who decide what courses to take when he reach uni? The parents? or the kid? Will the kid be mature to make a decision? Or the parents influence the kid, then tell everybody is the kid decision?
3) I dun believe in preparation for gifted exams. If you are gifted, you are gifted. If you make your child get ready for a gifted exam, and your kid get into gifted school, be prepare to continue to stress your kid so that he will not be a drop out, or turn out to be the last in class, or being label as the stupid one by the gifted one.
4) Define what is successful. Is it the way people see you, or the way you feel about yourself?
5) OK, let not talk about bill gate, the founder of facebook, or the owner of sakae sushi. To be successful, you need to have the correct attitude.
6) I feel that school is about learning how to learn, how to deal with different subjects, to discover what you are good in, like doing. It is important to learn how to pick yourself back after a failure, how to handle your stress, how to balance things in life.
7) You can shot me if you dun agree with me, I think I can take it.
I have a crazy idea. What do you think of a Christmas gift exchange for April mommies or babies?
We can either do it online only, opt in if we are interested, then somebody will email everybody tell them who to send the present to, then we shop and buy, send the present via postage.
Or meetup to do the present exchange?
Mummies... Well said! Long time since we have engaged ourselves in such discussion.

Momyam, I also pity my kids to study in our society. I was just an average so-so student in the past, took O-levels twice, retake 1 sub-paper in Poly, re-do 1 yr in Open-U. I remember so clearly I hate studying in primary and secordary school, I got to spend so much time to study hard in order to pass well and wasn't given much chance to expose to other sort of activities. I was so introvert then. If the child is gifted, that's good, which means he can spend less time studying and more time exploring his other interests. But for those slower ones, they just got to so much time studying so hard in order to get the cert so as to get a proper job in the society.

Draik, I applaud your viewpoints.
mrs ho (antzpls), They did nt allow me to stay with him that long. I only stay with him abt 30mins then I went out. Periodcally, I did go near the dr to see him.

However I felt not good to do that too often eitherwise the next time yr child would be expecting you be at the dr looking.

My boy saw me at the dr and wanted me. I felt so... You nod how I feel la!

So I did go out and came back when is lunch time to see him. Later disappear till 1700hrs to pick him up.
tanwawas - alamak, you stay so far away.
Regarding your "Aunt", I would suggest that you test it out rather than now you wonder and wonder, then would ended bearing more hope and would be more disappointed if negative. Talking about the test kits, recommend an error free one.
With No. 2, initially was like in disbelief, saying that the test kits look like - and also + (tested 2 then). Then hb went to get this error free one. Haha... No more denial then.


Terrier- me temp close shop liao, got to get back my life, my figure (keke...) and also wants to give more time for my 2 darlings first.

momyam - some say boys are slower in terms of speech, so don't worry too much. Like what I say, so long is within their growth milestone, it is ok. But the main thing is so long our darlings are happy and healthy.

les_petite, sayang here. Hope your Riz's face not serious. Don't worry too much about your darling crying for the first few days, my friends share with me that beginning is like that. After a few weeks etc, they will be like running to the CC (can't wait)after saying a short bye to the parents.
Newspaper articles
Still didn't get to read, can someone be nice to keep it for me to read next time?

But I can still share based on you mummies input.

1) No TV for kids?? No, no lah. A lot of things I learnt from the TV (my teacher lah) and I remembered enjoying watching cartoons when young. Don't get kids addicted to TV I will support, but no TV at all is too much lah.

2) If you are gifted, you are gifted (regardless whether parents rich or not). Wow, didn't know got such thing as Gifted exam preparation thing. If the kids are classified "gifted" cos' they have been prepared for the test, then it is fake "gifted".
Parents may feel honoured, but the poor kid may be struggling in the real gifted environment and grow up feeling stupid (cos' in comparison with the gifted students).

I agreed with momyam, ALL kids should have their childhood and most important, a loved one. What we can do is to give them love and nurture them, the rest is up to them.

I just want my children to be happy and healthy, the rest are secondary.

Yesterday I went to my ex-principal shop (see the website that I recommended). He showed me some angel clay which is very soft and non-sticky and with a nice subtle smell, good for kids. When I touched the clay, I had this candy feeling (very nice feeling). Maybe next time we have a gathering at his shop and have some fun craft with our kids there.

Haha... my No. 1 was very honoured to do her business (1st time in public) in his toilet. Wonder should I start to try to let her go pamperless at night too? But me scared lei.

Hunniepot - thankfully we didn't meetup, was at his shop for a long time, sharing and catching up. Btw, his shop is near your house, you can drop by his shop when free.
Hunniepot, you stay so close to your MIL. Not scared meh?

Today, took a shuttle bus to do some marketing. There was a mummy with a child (about 3 years old) sitting behind me and she got another boy (about 5 years old) sitting few rows in front of me.

As my maid and I were the last few to board the bus, we only managed to get a seat each for us. So I have to squeeze the seat with my No. 1 sitting on my lap.

What I find it disturbing was that the boy alone was occupying 2 seats. I would greatly appreciate if the mummy sitting behind, seeing me with a bag of groceries and No .1, to get her boy to exchange the seat with me. It would also make more sense for her to get her boy to sit in front of her, rather than so far away from her. I know he was her son cos' he was talking to her (from his seat).

Being a mother herself, I wonder why she can't be bothered to get her boy to give me the 2 seats, which would be more suitable for me and my dd. I'm sitting directly in front of her, definitely she can see my dd sitting on my lap (along the aisle).

*Sigh* Sometimes just wonder why some mothers are just so selfish. They themselves have gone through the phrase themselves, the more they should be able to emphatise with another mummy's situation and give a helping hand.

Still awake at this time of the day? Scared.. but bo bian, decided to stay near her b4 the true colours came out.. now true colours are out liao.. too late!
Talk about the seat on bus, I still remember last time when preggy about 7 8 months.
There was once when I board the bus, a woman sitting at the aisle which insides seat is available, then im showing that I would like to have the seat inside or whichever she can move in. But she just turn her body aside let me go in, but the problem is I having big belly, such a small gap, how am I going to squeeze in. Then I ask her whether can she stand out for a while let me go in. She just ignore and try to move aside with sitting and dont want to move out abit. No choice, I try few time to squeeze in, although I managed to go in, but the front seat like pressing my belly. Feel so uncomfortable

Sometimes I just wonder why these people like no braindont know how to think.

Even now, I hate those people like to sit at the aisle, dont want to offer seat to other when the bus very crowded, which the inside seat is available.

Sorry to vent here.
Oh my, where's everybody?

Hunniepot, me dozed off yest after post. If you have bought yr flat for 5 years already, then you can sell it and bought resale. But if you move away, bet yr MIL's face will even be blacker?

mrs ho, I can understand how you feel. I have such experience too. That time, I just looked at that person and asked how. Haha... I dare to do so cos' I dun want my bb in me to suffer due to some "brainless" inconsiderate people.

I tell you, these people got brains lah, but they are just too concerned with their own comfort to think for others. I've learnt that you got to raise voice loud (not shout/scream) and usually the other party will give in cos' deep down they know they are not doing the right thing and most importantly, they dun want to capture attention of people around, to see them doing such thing to a pregnant woman.

tanwawas - yr pandan recipe got castor sugar and sugar, can just use refined sugar for both? Is it same?
Long time not in the thread...

Sorry... I have been very busy since I switched job and company policy monitors the Internet traffic strictly and so no time to come to post at all.

<font color="0000ff">Potty Training</font>
Xuanting has kind of successful potty trained at home.

The reason why I say kind of, is because, she recognizes the potty she used and if not that type of potty, she refused to do her small or big businesses within.

Also, I have problem getting her to do her pee/poo outside of house. She chooses to hold her blunders till she's home or she's at my mom's place.

BTW, she is wearing diapers when she's outside; she will still continue to tell us that she wants to pee or poo.

How ah? Anybody has similar situation?

<font color="0000ff">Self feeding</font>
Anybody has successful let your toddler to eat herself/himself at the dinning table?

Can share how you do it?

<font color="0000ff">Food</font>
My girl recently seems to have phobia on food. She refuses rice, her only source of other food apart from milk.

She doesn't like porridge.

She hates fish and dislikes food with fish smell or taste.

She doesn't like to take meat.

She takes noodles occasionally.. but the most, probably four spaggetti sticks.

She takes milo; but scared too heaty for her. Make a bit diluted; she doesn't drink.

We tried cereals but she doesn't like it too. And would push the food out once we fed into her mouth.

My mom and I are at the wits now.

Wonder anybody has any other advice for us.

<font color="0000ff">Inconsiderate people</font>
Stephz, I totally agreed with you.

Some ppl just needed to be told.

<font color="0000ff">Weekend enrichment classes</font>
Okay.. I ve terminated Xuanting from GUG last term... Now, I am stuck... I don't know which one to try and if I try, don't know if Xuanting will like it or not.

Any mommies have any recommendations for enrichment/playgroups for weekends that have musical and playtime involvement?

Hunniepot and somebody else whose toddlers were in Shichida,

Are your toddlers still in the class? How's it so far?
Inconsiderate people.. aiyo there are TONS TONS TONS of them. never ending.. just like once my son snatch a girl's (7 years old gal) ballon. The mother scold ME ok..

Mrs HO, i face exactly the same prob as u. u kw what 1 of the lady in the MRT help me scold pple. HAHHAHAHA.. i promise myself then i will do the same if i see the situation.


U can try bread? try mee sua? try thick bee hoon (zhu bee hoon)? try pumkin? try sweet corn soup with pig bones + carrots + meat cook the soup out then use that for noodle / rice if she dt eat meat/fish.
Has all her teeth out already? i realise Isaac has this problem whenever a MOLAR teeth is on its way.

Just being curious, why you stop GUG? u may consider JG.. or what r u looking at?

Tanwawas - COME here.. let me give u A BIG KISS...

Errr.. i love to bake but the last round the cup cake not i do one. i scare i bake nobody likes... hee hee
let me kw if u baking? i want to come and we can do icing together?? how how??

Self feed - actually isaac kws, but in order for him to complete a meal. I / my maid / my MIL choose to feed him. coz' after sel feed for awhile, he sianz alr he will just throw the food.
RE: Inconsiderate Pple
Ya, there are lots of these pple around. Just that day when I'm taking the train home after work. I was leaning on the wall in the train and 1 indian lady came in and lean on me! Directly on my shoulder! So I got to give way to her and let her lean on the wall while i go stand somewhere else. Can you imagine if i'm carrying my girl?

Re: Self Feed
Enya has not master self feeding yet. She is ok with the fork but not the spoon. Sometimes she would prefer to use her fingers when she has problem picking up the food with the fork. But most of the time, we are still feeding her just to avoid the mess.

RE: Enrichment classes

My girl is in her 2nd term of shichida, initially I already sent in the termination form after the 1st term cos didnt think that my girl gained much from it, but on 2nd thoughts, decided to give it a shot again to see how.. think cant really see output yet lar.. most of the outputs she has are those that I taught myself, not following the shichida method, but well, after attending one parents' session last week, believed that the class will actually help me to become a better parent, to be more patient with her, to show her that I love her.. etc.. etc.. all these will help to bring out the best in the child

RE: Food

Is she teething? My girl will make me happy like maybe twice every month by eating her food readily, most of the time, her food will fly all over the place, you will also see flying utensils if you come to my place during her mealtimes.. so when I am up to it, I will cook dinner for the whole family and sit down as a family.. eat the same food, doesnt work all the time but it makes her feel like an adult as we allow her to self feed during dinner times and thus she is more willing to eat, but must guide her once in a while, she is learning to use chopsticks and she loves eating with chopsticks (something new thats why)
kolarie, can ask y u terminated gug? In fact, I just started off with them...heeheee....

Self-feeding..my gal loves to do that and she loves to share her food but just that this mommy doesn't want to waste time and so will juz feed her and get it done with..ke ke ke...
Re: Potty trained

My mum bought a old fashioned potty for Enya yesterday. So I tried getting her to use it this morning. Mission failed.

I let her walked around without her diaper and she will keep scatching her butt. Made her sit on the potty but less than a min, she will want to get up and walk around. Tried for half an hour and nothing happens. Probably will try again next week.
Enrichment class
Feel me like a very bad mummy, didn't send my girl to any enrichment class at all.
Can anyone enlighten on the gug, jg or shicida class? How it benefits your child etc.? Thot of sending my girl to the Apple Tree near my house for her to have some fun.

Last time, when eating hot cakes at Mac, will let my girl uses the fork and eats by herself. Dunno is it now got maid, so always got maid to feed her. Only at times, allow my girl to hold the spoon and guide her to feed herself.

Koalarie - for my case, I used to bring my girl to the cubicle with me when I go to toilet. After a while, she sort of knows that she can pee/poo on the toilet bowl.
Last time, the first time I asked her, she told me "No" and I didn't force her. Then 2nd time another occasion, I asked her and she said "Yes" and that's how it started.
For food, at times when my girl eats superly slow, I will add pork floss to her porridge and she usually finishes very quickly.

Hunniepot - haha..., next time go to your house must wear bulletproof vest since got flying utensils around.

My hubby's aunt came and everytime she comes, she will tell me my babies "no flesh". My babies are not skinny at all, a little plump. They are within the healthy range too. I feel that she sort of hinting that I underfed my babies. TO her, they must have hands and legs like those lotus roots, but I don't want lah.

The most frustrating thing is that she will tell the maid things as if she's the owner. Buy things for my maid to eat and told my maid herself (bypass me).

During my confinement for my No. 2, thot she so nice to buy the pig's stomach (I think, for nourishment or what) and got my confinement lady to cook for me. After she left, my confinement lady shared with me tat some believe eating that will "change" the womb, ie. so that I will bear a son instead of daughter next time. *faint*.

I don't want her to give things direct to my maid without my permission. But how to tell her?

The moment she left, my maid actually came up to me and said that aunt said to give her the things. I thot I should be the one to tell her and not the other way round. I don't want my maid to be "bought" over by her also.
stephz, think u shld get ur hb to talk to his aunt about it. U might be in a tough position to put the words across.

No worries abt enrichment class. I also juz started so that my gal get to play ard wif kids and not stick to me coz no.2 is coming. Also in part to prepare for childcare if I'm going back to work. These days at gug class rather than concentrating she is calling for ma ma (based on wat my hb tell me)...in church also scream for me even when I want to go toilet. Think she knows she's going to have a little brother...Oooo...headache..
I got problem feed KJ most of the time because he wants to self feed. Now I just hold the bowl right at the bottom of his mouth and he will feed himself with the spoon. Anything dropped out from his mouth will go back to the bowl. When he tried to hit the bowl with his spoon, I will then stop him. But still get messy this way.

KJ love to eat fried food. My husband is the naughty one that introduced him to nuggets and french fries. He said fried food may make him a bit fatter. *fainted*

dun feel bad. I also never send KJ to any enrichment class at all, not even trial ones. I might do that when he learn how to draw, maybe send him to art class because I like arts. I am hoping that KJ will like arts too but I will not force him.
babe - fyi, that aunt sort of treat my hubby like her own son, so she is behaving like a MIL to me. After thinking for a while, I think I will just call her and tell her myself, else this will be endless.
Talking about stickiness, wait until you in my current stage and having 2 of them preferring to stick to you, then you really will know what is headache lah. (somehow they dun want my maid and will cry for me). But at least your situation should be better cos' your hubby is around.

Enrichment Class
Thanks babe and Draik, I'm ok lah. After reflecting, I find that actually my girl is progressing quite well even without any enrichment class, maybe partly I'm a teacher myself. I thot of sending her to Apple Tree mainly for her to socialise with other kids and to have fun.
Actually, seeing my girl happy and healthy every day, I'm already quite satisfied liao.
babe, your gal oso in GUG. Mine also. Which class does your girl attend? Mine's on sat 4pm session. Juz started this term.

Koalarie, me oso out of curiosity, wants to know y u opt XT out of GUG class.
Enrichment Class
didnt enrol my girl to any class or even trial ones. But me did checked out thru here, found that shichida, JG are quite popular. HMMMMm.... the fees are rather ex ex to me. me still a kiasu mommy, wld prefer her to go a better CC.

Toilet Training.

start off with my girl on poo yesterday. not really sucessful. my girl didnt tell me she wanted to poo, its me to "catch" her (her facial expression) then asked her whether she wanted to poo, she just nod her head. Yap, she did poo in her potty. errrr... when she'll know to tell me leh?! impatient mummy...
There is a newly opened spanish/asian food restaurant at the old turf city.

Sol Playground Cafe
200 Turf Club Road
Tel: 64678681

1. both indoor and outdoor dining - traditional spanish, pizzas, lamb and beef stew etc; some asian food, like curry chicken etc; movenpick ice cream.
2. indoor play area, books, stuff for coloring, toys etc.
3. outdoor playground, an overhead canopy for shelter under construction.
4. wireless broadband
I oso have not started any enrichment class for my boy. However, I will be enrolling him for the next yr class for playgroup. the school is near my mum's place so it is easier for them to send and fetch him.

My boy is quite small in his built thou he's still within the healthy range. At 19mths, he's still less than 10kg. Initially, I kind of worry but as long as he's eating and drinking well, i sort of 'fan xing'.

My boy knows how to eat quite well with fork. As for spoon, he's still learning. Most of the times, we are the one feeding him but after awhile, he feel sianz and want to feed himself but he will make a mess of it.
<font color="0000ff">Enrichment class</font>
Want to know the reason why XT was out of GUG?

First term she was fine; but during the second term, one of the teachers changed. XT didn't like the teacher and when the puppet used in the classroom scared XT.

From then on, she hated the classes. Less than half hour into the class, my girl would cry and cling onto me.

So no choice continuing into the class.

<font color="0000ff">Self feed</font>
Pork floss? It is a good idea... i will try that.

<font color="0000ff">Potty Trained</font>
Really required a lot of patience to train our toddler and got to be consistent.

My mom's sofa and bed had been stained by her several times and so, it is really not easy.

Yet, she managed to do it.

The only thing is she doesn't feel safe sitting in our big toilet bowl. She just felt unsecure.
<font color="ff0000">stephz</font>
for both sugar portions, i use raw sugar cos that's what i have in my kitchen. castor sugar is finer in texture, while raw sugar crystals are coarser, but using the latter did not affect the outcome of the cake. so i think it shd be ok to use refined sugar in your case.

<font color="ff0000">momyam</font>
you still FTWM right? sure you don't mind coming all the way from SK (that's where you stay right, if I did not rem wrongly) to Bt batok, just to make icing?! If you are on, I'm on! But, I never make icing before leh..... how? And can only make it on wkdays, cos wkends we are usually not home.

<font color="ff0000">self-feeding</font>
i can see many mummies here are afraid of mess. i'm very very scared too. like draik, when aiden is in the mood to self-feed, i'll try to hold the bowl right under his chin so that whatever falls from the spoon or his mouth will go back to the bowl. he is not always in the mood to self-feed though. for foods which he can self-feed with no mess, like thick sticky oatmeal, i'll let him self-feed with his own spoon, while i use another spoon to feed him as well, to speed things up.

i really need to praise terrier for her achievements in training her son in self-feeding. i've seen him in 'action', was I amazed! he eats very neatly, no mess, and he even knows how to tilt the bowl to scoop up the last bits of food. i was impressed!

as for the rest of us, take heart! our kiddos will get there someday!

<font color="ff0000">potty training</font>
aiden has been rejecting the potty. he can't sit on the potty for more than a second. i think he still does not know the purpose of the potty, although i've tried to demonstrate (without myself really pooping, of course) to him. i'll probably try the method of him going diaperless for an hour a day, and bringing him to the potty every 10-15min within the hour.
After reading so much about potty training here, I decide to give it a try. Today, I brought Kang Jung to Kiddy palace to buy a potty that can fit into our water closet. I took one potty off the shelves and asked KJ to try on it. Surprising, he just took the potty off my hand, put it on the floor and sit on it. I let him try on a few of them and brought one home. KJ is having a bit of diarrhoea now. I think tomorrow I will let him try pooing into it.
<font color="0000ff">potty training</font>
tanwawas, it is norm. My gal also rejects the potty for a period of time.
Though not wearing diapers, she will go ard.. screaming when she wanted to pee n refused to sit in there. And so a lot of places got her pee at my mom's place.
So, just be patient.
We encouraged her to sit. As she sat, gave her favourite toys or things so that she got her phobia removed and pee.
We then praised her and showed her her pee.
It took almost a week of maintaining the same approach that she finally learnt to tell us that she wanted to pee without screaming.
We also wanting to show her our toilet bowls, but somehow she is still scared probably becoz of height and we don't rush her into this for now.. just that when she goes to public places, though wearing diapers, she chose not to pee in the diaper.
<font color="0000ff">Enrichment Class</font>
Babe, GUG don't normally start on time. The first 15 minutes is playtime for our little one to socialize.

<font color="0000ff">Self Feed</font>
XT is a very stubborn girl. If she doesn't want, she will fling her hands towards the bowl or spoon and so the whole place will be messy if we didn't watch for that coming.
Babe, so far, we've only been to 2 classes. The 1st one, started late and ended on time. 2nd class, WE WERE LATE. hee hee! but it ended slightly late that day oso. so far, i've no complaints, as long as my son is enjoying himself, i dun mind letting him attend.
Thanks for your compliment. I think the major factor why my boy can do it so fast is because he simply loves food, so he would finish them all...
Terrier - don't be shy lah, share with us your secret weapon, keke...
Btw, are you a SAHM? Do you look after your boy yourself? When No. 2 come, any intention to go back to workforce?

Potty Training
These few days, forgot to let my girl wears pampers when she naps in the afternoon, thank God she didn't pee. In the morning, her pampers were dry, ie she didn't pee in bed. Thot good news. Guess what, today she like purposely pee 3 times on the floor liao. *faint* But the funny thing is she poo in the potty this morning.

I say potty training requires a lot of tries and patience. But don't worry, the D-Day will definitely come when our darlings will be fully potty trained.

Read from another thread that it is rather commercialised and every term is learning the same thing (ie. kids will get bored after a while). That mummy recommends BJG instead. Any comments?

momyam - which part of SK you stay?
Stephz...no lah...I got no secret weapon.. Actually, hunnipot is the first mummy here who start her gal with self-feeding... I remember that time when I saw the photos she posted on her gal eating, I was actually quite scared. But I was inspired by her persistence.

And I reckon learning to self-feed is aother mastery of their fine motor skills, so I just let him be and clean up after him. Actually even until now, I'm still doing clean up, b'coz after finishing his food, he would start to play with the leftover water in his cup by pouring water from his cup into his bowl and onto the high chair tray...

I'm SAHM for past 6.5mths liao, looking after my boy myself....not intending to return workforce yet simply because I have no idea what I like to do next. Don't want to go back to previous job nature. How about u?

Potty training
My boy today gave me a surprise... I was on the phone with my friend, then my boy was fussing beside me, so I brought him to the potty, letting him stand to pee, but he actually poo while he's standing, and this silly mummy still didn't get the clue n still talking over the phone...end up the poo on the floor. haha...
Hi Ladies,

Long time no posting liao.
Just tot of coming in to share my experience with GUG.

My gal enjoys the lesson and still do. Every week is the same in the sense that it is free play for 15 mins, then they will sing the same welcome songs, then art & sometimes science(different kind every week), then zoophonics, then the "secret bag" then finally singing almost the same song every week and finally end with their good bye song or "I love you" from Barney.

However, my gal still enjoys and don't find it boring (I think it is the parents who get bored heee). They introduce a different alphalet every week. Maybe today is A, so they will use apple to do art etc. I feel that at this young age, there is a need to repeat the same thing or else they wouldn't be able to learn anything. It takes sometimes before my gal can actually sit down for lesson and learnt the zoophonics etc.

As for commercialise, I do not deny. But anyway these days, it is difficult to find a school which is not commercialise at all. Even the polytechnics are also very commercialised if you knew what kind of marketing tactics they used to attract students to join their schools. It depends on your luck though to find a good teacher. In GUG, my gal went thru 5 terms with one of the teacher and loves her extremely. She see her, she will smile, went to hug her etc. When she upgrade to "Tots" class, she doesn't really like the new teachers. but she still continue with her lesson (I think 'cos she already used to attending class). Took her about 3 lessons, before she went up to hug the new teachers.

Anyway, I feel in the end, it still depend on whether your kid can accept. Like Evon's case, XT cried for 1 term which is an indication to withdraw from the school.

My gal so far is successful in self-feeding & cup drinking training but totally "failed" in the potty training. She will sit in potty but nothing ever go in there. haaaa.. I got a problem 'cos my gal does not feel uncomfortable AT ALL even when she wet or poo in her training pant. Hai~ Depending on her mood, she will tell me she want to pee or poo. I quickly put her in her potty but she never able to pee or poo in the potty. The moment I pull her pants up, she pee or poo there. (Faint)


Maybe u like to send XT to JG 'cos I heard a lot of comments that the teachers there are more caring and loving than those at GUG.
Hi ladies,

MIA for a few days cos Enya is sick again. Fever since Sunday night. Peak at 39.4 degrees. Only recover today. Not sure why she had fever. Saw a GP and he said it is virus but nothing was wrong with her throat or nose. Even the lungs are ok. I personally suspected teething. Well, I'm just glad that she is ok now.

Re: Enrichment classes
I am one busy mummy that did not bring Enya for enrichment classes. One of the sunday, 2 weeks ago, I actually sign her up at GUG for a trial class. But she was not well after her 18 mth jab so we didn't go. Might want to try out again next week.
Tracy - I can understand how you feel when our little ones are sick. Good that Enya is well now. My gal also teething now, usually when teething, she's quite brave, don't whine and still quite cheerful. But these few days, she will tell me "pain pain", guess it must be really painful (her molars coming out). So far she doesn't have fever (thank God).

Btw, can ask how long it takes the molars to come out? My girl's 4 sides all coming out for weeks, but only 2 was almost "complete" while the rest are still like taking their own sweet time to come out.

Terrier - You mean you look after your No.1 yourself with your No. 2 on your way? Me? aiyo, a SAHM since my No. 1 born cos' that time we went to the States. Don't really like to be a SAHM. Initially was like feeling so busy, yet I feel a little empty, cos' don't seem to be doing much thing other than look after No. 1. Yet now also wonder will I be able to cope with the pace of working life n to look after kids after work? (guess me getting lazier and lazier liao).

Jasminetea - thanks for your feedback. I do agree everywhere is getting commercialised, but if it's overly emphasized, then it may not be a good thing, cos' it is usually the staff who will suffer and in the end, it's the customers who will take the blunt of the "lousy" service from the unhappy staff.

With the same amount of money, I would rather send my dd to a place where she has a lot of fun and I myself ALSO am comfortable with the staff. Just my thots.

Haha... I finally solve the mystery to my girl's recent potty problem. She wants MY attention. She wants me to be around when she pee/poo in the potty cos recently busy, that day didn't stay around her. *headache* At times, my No. 2 will cry for me to carry her too (even tho' the maid was carrying her). *headache, headache*


JG is a little too far for us. One is at Evans Road and the other is at Forum.

I am trying to find the name of the playgroup that is somewhere near KKH one. Anybody knows that one?

Anyway, we find everywhere is relatively the same. Not singing and dancing telling stories, art and craft and puppet play; and then nothing else.

My girl does enjoy art and craft stuff; just me, who feels the mess made. Heeheee.

Husband's thinking is to put her in music school or playgroups that do music stuff. So far, apart from Kindermusik and Juzz Music, nowhere else seems to offer anything for our toddlers till they are 3 yrs old?

Shichida class seems good. Yet, my child doesn't stay with me till weekends and my mom doesn't speak in English and so a little pointless to put her in that group too.

Re: 18month old bolster jab
Xuanting is a little cranky and is having a little fever. She's not been eating well.... i wonder why. Tomorrow, she will be having her 18month old jab.. I wonder if I should bring her to do it.

Any comments?

Re: Self feed
Can some mommies share some more of your receipes on what you feed your toddlers for a day?

My mom and I are running out of ideas.
