(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

chenoa, ur IL like mine..heehee...
So much in common here after awhile.
Terrier, u working or SAHM? Sorry think wif I am losing memory if you had mention this before.

Hi ladies, anyone of you, esp the SAHMs who can afford half a day to help out at my friend's company for next week? $40 for half a day's job. Interested, PM me or those who have my no, can call me
Hi all,

I am BACK!!! Can't agree more with TWWs & Hunniepot that travelling overseas with a young tot is more of a chore than enjoyment ler. Guess no more long distance trips in future till Reanne is older. VERY CHALLENGING! Even had some heated arguments with hubby during the trip bcoz of my gal.
But can tell she really enjoy the flights + the adult food she gets to eat + the performance shows n rides in both Sanrio Puroland n Disneyland. However, it is gonna be a bitter sweet memory for hubby n me.
Hi mommies,

Am wondering... anyone of you here own a Rainbow Vacuum cleaner? They came to my house to demo yesterday and it cleans beautifully! of course... the price is also very 'beautiful'.. more than $3000 for one set! Am thinking if I should invest in one and sacrifice my shopping money for the sake of having a cleaner home and beds (can remove dust mites which normal vacs can't) for ourselves and Shawn...

Any comments?
Hi Su,

Not too sure about the rainbow vacuum cleaner, but I have 1 set of steamer, advante beetle, it is said to help get rid of dust mites as well due to its high power steam.. and only costs $260+ you can get it from harvey norman.. I used the steamer on my sofa and can really feel the difference after that..
Hi Su,
I heard good review on the rainbow VC but the price is ex. Currently i am using a mini steamer palson brand. It does steam and clean and remove dust mites too. It costs only a few hundred cannot remember how much cost. will check when i get home later.
My sister has brought a rainbow vacuum cleaner. Before that, her son was always having a running nose and cough. Now he seldom fall sick. She also recommend me to buy but it is too expensive. When my husband heard the price, he said, "Xiao ah".
I've one. Bought 4yrs old. Still in pretty good condition. A little noisy. But everybody who comes to my house all said my house is very clean though I don't mop the floor frequently?!

Other thing i like, is to clean the "air".

I have two chinchillas in my study room and after 3~4 days, there may be smell because of their pee in the tray... so, i use the rainbow vc to clean the air in my study room and then it doesn't smell.

That time when I have, don't have steamer yet. Heard that the one they are selling now, can steam floor.

I don't mind buying another one when my this one breaks.

You can ask the lady who demo, they ve some 0% installment plan for 18 months, I think. Quite okay to take that.

Other thing I like, is, I am very rough person in handling stuff; so this vc is very robust of me pulling here and there in the rooms and around the corner. =p

But, one thing to do, you got to be hardworking.

After usuage, clean the container and the area in the vc. The lady will show you how to maintain the vc.

Also clean the brushes too.

This way, it lasts longer!
Gee... me hungry, so woke up early (sigh, just managed to lose 2kg, guess got to restart again).

Su - Read your blog about the mummy at the library, agreed that sometimes people do make comments without considerations for others' feeling. Actually, my No. 1 since young until now, doesn't really drool (even though now her molars are coming out). Haha.. but my No. 2 is starting to drool since this month.

Regarding going overseas with toddlers, actually both me and hubby enjoy travelling around with my No. 1 when we were in the States or when he was back in Singapore few months back. We don't find it troublesome lei. Been wondering should I leave my No. 2 here with my fil and maid, while I bring my No. 1 over for a short holiday to join my hubby in the States during the Thanksgiving holidays. My only concern is leaving my No. 2 here.

Made a discovery that I'm not the first to have a No. 2 among the April mummies, there's one (sorry I do not know your name) that gave birth to a pair of twins. Wow, twins. But guess it'll tough on the mummy to have a young toddler and 2 newborn babies to take care.

Btw, I'm thinking of going into scrapbooking, any mummy can give advice on how to start and where to get the materials etc.
Hi Ladies,

Brought Enya for her jab today. Pd mentioned that she should stop using the pacificer or else her teeth will be affected. Hb and I now wondering how to stop her. She will definitely ask for it when she is going to sleep. Chiam ah... Dun know how.

If I'm not wrong, the mummy that has twins is Nana. Saw it from her blog. I really "pei fu" her.
strawberry, I went gracefield to have a look. It's looks ok to me with a very very big ground for the kids to run and even a swimming pool. For CC, just started so not many kids. Pros more attention on your kids, cons the age range can be quite wide coz some come over after they finish their 3hr at the preschool side for a few hrs b4 pick up by parents. However, the place inside does look abit old but the teachers are friendly and the kids seem engaged. Met 1 mummy there who is going to put her gal there eventhough they staying at sunset way where gracefield initially was coz she felt her son learnt more there than another centre which he is now coz the distance.

You might want to go have a look 25 Gilstead Rd. Near New Life Bible Presbyterian church. U want can pm me for the sch phone.
thanks for the info...
will go there to take a look... in your opinion which one you like beta? LV or Gracefield?

welcome back! how was the weather? not too cold, i hope? wow, we r going in dec to Taipei for our trip wif N, wonder how the experience will be like, first time that she's flying. Wat things did u & hb argue over? share share leh so i can pick up some tips haha
Wow, where is everybody? Haha... the April 2006 thread maybe the first to disappear from Motherhood forum, kekke...

Aiyo, let me vent some of me frustrations then.

Now hubby overseas, so FIL's been coming over to be with the maid and my bb once a week while I go out to do marketing. Today like going to rain, so told him maybe don't come today, maybe tomorrow if no rain. Partly don't want him to travel on a rainy day and also I will not be able to go out to do marketing.

But he insists on coming later, say that wants to see both the kids. In actual fact, he only wants to play with my No.1. Yet when my No.1 was younger, he don't even bother about her. Thank God my No. 1 doesn't really like to stick to him.

Gave him our house keys when hubby went back to States (just in case of emergency). Guess what, he came and opened the door himself without even pressing the bell or telling me he's coming. My maid and I have a shock. Thank God my maid had latched the door, so he was not able to open the door.

Actually he's not exactly very bad, but he's those type who thinks that he knows everything (which he doesn't) and never listens when you talk to him, so got to repeat many times to tell him somethings (he doesn't have hearing problem), then he may hear what you say. Worst still, many times nothing gets into his head. It's more like he talks and you listen and you talk, he never listens. More torturing is that he will repeat 3, 4 times to you even though we had also acknowledged it 3,4 times already.

Tried to let him accompany us when I go shopping or bring my bb to hospital for jab. But it's such a torture. I want to go to that place, he doesn't want. I want to eat this, he also doesn't want. In the end, I often have to decide to go home so as to be away from him.

Guess I better don't go overseas during the Thanksgiving, if not, he will think that I can't survive without him cos have to leave maid and No. 2 with him.
Momyam - thanks for the website and your offer. Actually realise that I've been scrapbooking all the while for my travel photos, haha... also find it hard to have any inspiration with my No. 1 touching this or that. Can only do it when she's asleep in the middle of the night, haha...you wannan meet then...zzzzzzz.
Hi Stephz,

Guess maybe many older men ard your FIL's age are like that.. esp after they retire and got nothing much on their hands.. my dad is also like that, got to tell him things many times b4 he listens.. and sometimes he doesnt even listen.. and I cannot tell him off.. otherwise he will storm off and threaten not to come to my house again.

I think when men go thru menopause, it is worse than women going thru theirs. So older men are somehow much difficult to deal with than the ladies. My own father also like that.

Any of your little ones have their 18mth jab and the jab area swelt up after a few days? Enya's thigh has this little swollen patch after the jab. Not to sure how to get rid. It doesn't seems to affect her though.
Hi Tracy,

Amanda's jab area doesnt have this problem, but I think it should be pretty normal.. just let it subside by itself

Totally agree that when men go thru 'menopause' it is definately worse than women!
For my FIL case, the problem lies more in himself. Some people don't want to listen cos' they are stubborn in their own views. They did not listen cos they do not agree with your views. At least, they heard what you say.

But my FIL is more of thinking highly of himself and never (yes, never) even listen to whatever you say to him at all.

For my case, even simple conversation with him is such a torture. My No. 1 was asleep, but was perspiring. I was turning my No. 1 to the other side and he was there watching. I told him this girl perspires like nobody's business. Then he told me the weather is getting cooler as rainy season's coming, I agreed with him, added that my No. 1 is still constantly complaining hot tho weather's cooler. Then he repeat what he said and I emphasize to him that see my No. 1 is still perspiring on such nice weather (giving him benefit of doubt that he didn't hear properly). Guess what, he repeat the same thing again. Arrghhhhh...

See how to communicate to him? So in the end, I just keep my mouth shut cos I know nothing has gotten into his head and no point for me to say anything (after years of experience). Bet he didn't even bother to hear what I am saying.

Simple conversation also cannot communicate, you can imagine if have to tell him something important, dunno have to repeat how many times and pray hard he will listen.

Aiya, me just venting my frustrations here lah cos this thread is just toooooooooooo quiet. Through years of knowing him, I know that I just have to avoid conversation with him and talk minimal (the above issue on the weather was basically the only thing I tried to strike a conversation with him yesterday). It's difficult to have a conversation when the other party is never interested in what you say. I really thank God that I have decided to shift out years ago. Else either I would have gotten crazy or divorce with my hubby liao (long story).

Tracy - you can get a warm towel and place it over the area for a few minutes. Avoid washing that area when bathing. If serious, think got to see a doc then.

take it easy with the old folks. They are sometime really stubborn as they think they have live thru the year and had that kind of experience. For me, I have problem with my MIL. Like you, I chose to keep my mouth shut. Or else, I will feel very depress all the time. Thankfully, I'm not staying with them. Otherwise I will go crazy too.
Actually I am just glad that I am not staying with my in-laws and my own parents. I dun think I can stay with anybody.

Having said that, next time when I grow old, KJ might chase me out of the house. Muahahaha.
With all these talk about in-laws, incidentally, my in-laws are coming from Malaysia tonight to stay with us for 2 wks. Like draik, I'm just thankful that I don't have to stay with my in-laws, nor need to see them very often. Whenever they come to my place to stay, issues always arise and I need to run to my mum to complain, and then after that tell my hb the watered-down (and sans emotions) version. I'm just thankful that they only stay 2 wks each time cos of the social visit pass limit.

My FIL is 70+, and thinks that he can handle my son very well when he brings him downstairs. The thing is, although he thinks he is still capable of running after my son, he just does not foresee the danger that my boy can get himself into. When we tell him doing this and that is dangerous, he'll just brush it off and say "aiyah, never mind one lah". So I'm having a bit of trouble thinking how I can prevent him from bringing my boy downstairs by himself.

Since the last time they came till now, my son has turned into an active, assertive boy who does not like his hands to be held. Even I have trouble controlling him when I bring him out. So I dunno how I'm going to feel comfortable letting my FIL bring him downstairs.
Ur In-law coming from Malaysia tonight staying with u for 2 weeks ha...My PIL was here for 2 weeks already...they going back this Sunday.
From what i know now the social visit pass limit is 30 days instead of 2 weeks. Who know later your in-law says they want to stay for 30 days instead..

Holding hand,
my girl also wont allow us to hold her hand when going out...she would like to walk alone...really hard to control her... If we insist to hold...then she will scream very loud and we are the one very paisey.
mrs ho, you could try to re-enforce holding hands with your girl by telling her (follow-up with action) that you will carry her if she doesn't hold hands. That's wat i always do with my boy. Good Luck!
I always tell my hb that when we grow old later, we better not be like those difficult old folks. Of course, i didn't tell him I feel that my in laws are difficult.

I'm always complaining to my mum too. On the other hand, my family actually treat my hb like one of us. Not like my MIL, treat me like outsider. Can you imagine she buy herbal tea for everyone except me!

Re: Holding hands
Enya is ok with holding hands. But when she is at the shopping malls, she will want to go wild. My hb will carry her up, look her in the eye and tell her if no hold hands, no walk walk. And it actually works. You ladies might want to give it a try.
Mommies with number 2, do u use back ur old pump? What pumps are u using? Heehee...sold mine after I stop bf...so now looking out again.
Tanwawas - Agreed with mrs ho that the social pass has been extended to 30 days, that's why we don't have to bring our confinement lady to the custom to chop her passport this time round.

Tracy - Guess your MIL wants you to share it with your hubby. More romantic this way. Keke...

Babe - I'm using medela. Sad to say, both times also not really successful. Some mummies say other brand (think Avent pump) is better.

mrs ho,
Holding hands
Based on my No. 1 experience, when she first started to walk, she refused to hold hands and wanted to walk around herself. Can you imagine I was heavily pregnant then and still have to run after her. Finally after so many months of walking (about 6-8months liao), now she wants to be carried or will be very happy to let me hold her hands instead. Guess their refusal to hold hands is just a passing phrase. Let them explore and after a while you will see them asking you to hold their hands once they have enough fun.

Screaming in Public
Haha... as I think back, that was months ago when my girl wails when she couldn't have the things she wants. She will wail loudly in public then, but this mummy just ignored her. Onlookers must be thinking that this pregnant mum must be so heartless to ignore her bb's cries. Somehow after a few failed attempt, she seems to get the message. hee... Now she will only wail in public if she can't find me. [very sticky, but I love it]

Hunniepot, Amanda's almost potty trained, so I'm not getting more L or XL ones unless my current stock runs out. If got lobang for M size one, let me know, ok?
Cold storage selling pampers Active (Large-60pcs / Medium-68pcs) 2 packs for $49. Offer end 7Nov

If you intend to bf for long, I would suggest u get Medela PIS Advanced. This is good especially for work. It saves time, labour and handaching as compared to manual pump.

May I know at what stage is your Amanda being potty trained now? She can tell u when she need to pee and poo already? Still on diapers during nap and night time?

I'm trying to potty train my boy to pee now. Very tiring as I must always be on alert when he's going to pee. Sometimes, I found his underwear wet and I got to search the whole house to see where he pee. As for poo poo, he still dunno how to say, but would make a fuss and want me to bring him to toilet.
mrs ho and stephz - thks for the reminder. i didn't know it's 30days now, and i think even my hb did not even realise (although the stamp on his parents' passports shd state so). i better keep my mouth *zip*!

tracy - my mil used to stop my hb from eating fat meats, and then say, "sw (my name) can eat cos she is skinny" (well, i was still quite lean before pregnancy, but not anymore...hehe). so her son will get high cholesterol from fat meats, and i won't lah??!?!?? funny right?

Re: holding hands
I went to terrier's place today, and on the way there, my son let me hold his hands cos there's nothing exciting for him to play with on the walkway towards her blk. If he is in a "high" mode, he won't let me touch his hands. He gets really "high" whenever we come to a supermarket, bookstore, or the playground. My hb and I are very scared of bringing him to Kinokuniya, cos he really goes berserk there.

Babe - I'm keeping my Avent manual pump when my No 2 comes along (dunno when). I sold off my Ameda cos it didn't work for me. Guess I will invest in a PIS Advanced next time. If you don't mind 2nd hand, many mums are selling off their PIS in the WTS section.
no problem... at least u aware...

holding hand:
thanks mummies for the advice...will try it out...

Ya lor...suppose we are one of their daughter mah.. for my case: when come Chinese New Year for the first year of marriage, my parent will give the same amount of "ang pao" to both of us. But, for PIL side, they give me lesser compare to their son. Very unfair rite?. When my hubby get to know this for the first year...and he go and lesson his parent about this...Since that, we have the same amount of "ang pao"...

For my PIL, they will give different amount of "ang pao" to their daughter/son. I feel like very unfair lo...they are all our kids ma...y got different? Must be elder got more than the younger one mah?

They have M size pampers diapers too
Think 88 pcs for $29.90, think you better go there fast and grab the diapers if you want those!


My MIL will tell everyone that she loves me more than she loves her own daughters.. *as if I believe* and she will make codyceps for my hubby, and bring it to my place right after I delivered, and tell me that codyceps are not meant for women so there isnt any for me.. and I all got for confinement from my ILs were 2 bottles of chicken essence
hunniepot, my MIL used to like to say "oh I love you as if you are my own daughter", and like you, I did not believe a word of this. my parents did not think it was necessary to say such things; they expressed thru action.

Re: First Teeth toothpaste
Mummies who are using this to brush your kiddos' teeth - do you attempt to clean their mouth with a wet cloth after brushing their teeth with the toothpaste? A does not like me to poke a cloth into his mouth now, so he ends up swallowing the toothpaste, and i think he enjoys it very much. but i feel quite uncomfortable knowing my son is actually eating his toothpaste.
hi hi mummies,

apologised, didnt log in here long long time... thanks for your input regards the pillow... bought one for mu girl... she excited to have 1 @ 1st, but only for 3sec.. hee!!!

am staying with m in-laws... incl hubby's younger sis and bro... hmmmmm.... total 7pax in a hse - crowded wow... actually is my in-laws give in to me, although they cant agree with my way of doing things with my girl. they still follow my way. MIL doesnt know really make "bu" soup for me. Its okie for me coz me went back to my mum's pl to have it. still prefer my mum's cooking. hee.... another good thing is that I dont have to do any house chores at all, even cleaning up my own bedroom. me bad DIL...
Talking abt confinement really makes my blood boiled. My mum was helping me out during confinement and so she stayed with me. MIL was not too happy but she did cook some food for me. Guess what she cook? Salted vege with pork! One big container. She told my hb to keep in the fridge and take out some to steam everyday. My mum was so mad with her. Where got pple confinement eat cold food from fridge!!!

Then she cook one big pot of pork trotters in vingar. Then the whole family come and visit me and finish the whole pot. I didn't even get to eat any!

My impression of my MIL was that she is a very nice lady. Until I gave birth to a girl, then things change. Really dun understand these old folks. What's with having girls!!!

When Enya saw me with the toothpaste, she gets very excited. She will tell me "mum mum". I didn't get to clean away with cloth cos she will swallow the toothpaste the moment it's in her mouth.
I scare when I grow old, I also dunno what I am doing. I will try to control/behave myself but no promise. Hahaha

Holding hands,
KJ sometime will hold my hands, sometime will not. But he was very careful not to lost Mommy because he has lost Mommy a lot of time and cried.

KJ still wearing M size leh. Dunno when will his butt grow bigger.

Screaming in Public,
KJ is still screaming in public. Both me and daddy has grow to be so thick skin now.

I thought First Teeth toothpaste can be eaten? KJ has eaten one tube already and I am planning to buy a 2nd tube for him.
Yes, being parents for 18mths, we've grown rather thick skin on our faces too. Sometimes we really need to be thick skinned to walk away from a restaurant after A drops rice grains all over the carpetted floor. Or we need to be thick-skinned to protect our child, like that time when we were in the lift in Taka, and A was pointing to the lift buttons, he accidentally pressed a button, and the lift came to a stop at that floor, and a man sharing the lift with us gave a loud "TSK", and my hb said loudly "it's just 2 seconds wasted, it won't kill you. so ungracious". Haha....

By right, First teeth can be swallowed, but I don't want my kid eating toothpaste everyday leh.

I suspect A likes having his teeth brushed becos of the yummy jelly that I always put into his mouth. He sucks sucks and swallows the toothpaste right after I put the finger toothbrush into his mouth.... sigh.
Wow, so many posts. Happy to see that. Let's just post nonsense here, haha....

Babe - last year me used Medela PIS (which my friend lent to me) and now I'm using the Medela Electric (I think that's the name).

Hunniepot - will try Carrefour first cos' may have the same promotion. Now one man show, got to buy from there to get them deliver to me.

Tracy - can understand your position cos' my hubby's side also favour boys type, but I don't care at all. To me, they are still my babies whether girl or boy. During my both confinement, thot so nice to bring birds' nest over. Guess what the birds' nest is actually for my HUBBY and I only got a box of chicken essence. Last time, my FIL doesn't really bother about my No. 1. It was until my temp stay with him upon my return this year, then he finds my No. 1 cute and so wants to play with her now.

Screaming in Public
Daddy and Mummy must be thick skin, if not it will be endless. When my girl did that, I just focus on her and ignore my surrounding (I know a lot of people watching). Children are smart and once they know this method doesn't work, they will know when to stop.

First Teeth toothpaste
I'm not using it until my girl knows how to rinse her mouth tho I know it contains edible enzymes. I don't want her to think that it's ok to eat toothpaste. Currently, brushing her teeth with just water, occasionally using wipes.
Babe / Terrier - my girl can say and sign peepee/poopoo to me. Accidents will definitely happen. Thank God got maid to clean up. But now my girl has shown understanding to do her business at the potty. Only let her wear pampers during afternoon nap and night or going out. I'm currently giving her stickers, as encouragement for each potty business, which she likes very much. Tips: don't need too fanciful one now cos' now they are just happy with any stickers. But I gave her a Star sticker if she poopoo on the potty (cos' she loves stars). I made the bear base myself.

Hunnie/ Tracy,

Re: Unfair treatment by PILs
Same plight over here.
My MIL will always inform everyone in the family (including her son-in-law) to drink the herbal tea she has made, except me. This makes me real pissed which I will refuse to drink any until hubby pours a cup for me.

And the CNY ang paos too. Hubby's amt always more than mine until (i tink) he went to "educate" his mom on it. Then he got downgraded to the same amt I received. Whereas for my parents' side, we will receive equal.

Hence, I tell hubby dat until now I do feel like an outsider at times thou have already married into the family for few years liao.
RE: Unfair treatment by PILs

Stephz & Tracy

Yeah lor.. my ILs prefer boys too, and I am scared of having a boy next time, cos they might even do things like physically snatch the boy away from me.. cos they claim that my child belongs to them cos they share the same surname

This thing about ILs, makes so many of the April mummies come out and share their stories
actually i cant complain abt my ILs, i think they have been very kind and nice to me and isaac. in fact, i thk they are better than my own parents hee hee... *long story*

talk abt diaper -

pet pet, ntuc having offer at $12.90 (if i'm not wrong).
Huggies, Gaint having offer at $14.99.

isaac now is wearing XL.. i really really hope i can be like stephz toilet train well isaac so i can save on diaper haha!

he will sign to me that he had poo poo / or need to change of diaper. I've tried ONCE potty and guess what he run away nake grrrgggh.. then he kick the potty away.
i wonder when he will learn how to be potty train man!

Hunniepot, since in the case u can tell yr IL that u r also share the same surname as them so snatch u la! WAAHHHAHAHAHA coz' woman once marry by right suppose to be hb's surname right. tell them if want yr son, snatch u first la.

OR BEST.. since under their surname give you milk money / diaper money 1st then talk abt it. :p i'm so bad hor.. but feel free to use my idea
Kj love to bite his toothbrush. But he do not really like to brush his teeth. I have to brush my own teeth with him and he will brush his. After that, I got to catch hold of him and tried to brush his teeth.

Am I the only one that is not potty training my son now? I cannot imagine that I have to change my bedsheet, try to dry my queen size mattress, change my sofa cover, clean up my floor, looking for pee all over my house. I am the maid of my house now and I dun want more work. I dun mind to invest in diapers until KJ is 3.


Hehe.. I told my hubby, I will like to have 3 girls.. really scared to have a boy.. you know my story right? Having a girl already so jalat, cant imagine what will happen if I have a boy next time. My MIL was daydreaming, saying that she has a feeling she will have a grandson very soon, and she has this pretty valuable gold coin, saying that she will keep for our 2nd one first, but if turns out to be a girl, then give to Amanda.


You are not the only one, I cant imagine myself potty training her now.. already have a hard time feeding her, cleaning up after her.. really left with no time to myself, if I were to potty train her now, I will be totally left with no time to do anything else too..
