(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

I'm sending A to LV Kent Vale this December. It's quite a nice facility, with big open spaces. Thot it might be good for him to learn abt community life, since he doesn't get to socialise with other kids, as we do not know anybody with kids his age, besides the April 06 mummies here.

Just worry that he'll be bullied by older kids. But then again, he seems to be a feisty kid, so I hope he will not be bullied, nor will he bully. Also worried that he may be susceptible to illnesses when in childcare. He has had 2 bouts of fever since birth, other than that, he's aye-ok all the time, so dunno how his immunity will take to constant exposure to viruses in childcare.

FYI, Lorna Whiston is having an open house on 20 Oct.

Lorna Whiston Pre-School Open House
Discover Where the Journey of Learning Discovery and Adventure begins.
Time: 10am to 2pm
Venue: Lorna Whiston Pre-School, 9 Winchester Road
Tel: 6272 8826
Dates: 20th Oct 2007

Winchester Rd is in the Alexandra area.

petite - i agree with strawberry. in fact as it is now, i'm quite hack care abt the 'clean clean' part liao.

Pneumococcal jab - isaac has finish all his 3 injection when he was at 1. just complete his MMR, next will be the last injection - 5-in-1.

To my best memory there isnt any side effect after the injection. probably slight fever but bascially there's nothing.

Hunniepot - OUCHHHHH........... ya so agree why is our thread so died har? why har why har...

Draik - you so funny!! u are too crazy over facebook. i put some force on you hee ehee..

tanwawas - Winchester Rd beri the far from me lei.

As for childcare after much debate, we decided to put him there end of this year or Jan. Partly due to the fact, we just shifted so a lot of things to run ard. dont have much time for that at this moment.

Partly also he still CANT talk! so is very hard for him to communicate with anyone. for us we know him too well so we know what he wants.

Also last partly he will be gog JG for the holiday program, so if all of the sudden i just stop him for one week at cc is so weird.

that's way my hb is asking me to put on hold till end of the year. although i really really really very veyr very keen putting in a cc sooon..
ahhhhh...now then got some posting to read...if not everytime i come in...only few posting nia..

For me..i going to enroll my girl on December at cc near our blk...will register for her next week. Now feel worry that she can't adapt...haiz..so dilemma...
But im so happy tat i no need to rush back everyweek to see her...hopefully she can adapt in..

Wanna ask those mummies already enroll your little one...any advise? how is the stay for the first few days in CC?...think shylyn is one of them...
Hey momyam,

Hehe.. at least now got some life liao... so sian.. everytime click the click and see that the past posting is like several days ago??


You sending Gab to LV gentle road? When? In that case, both Amanda and Gab will be in the same toddler grp


My girl has finished all her prevenar jabs at 1 year old


Same! That is my worry too! Cos recently, have been meeting up with my sec sch friends for play group, 1 of them is a 2.5 yrs old girl, the other is a 1 year old boy, and the girl seems to be bullying Amanda, she will not let Amanda take her toys, shout NO then snatch back from her.. or even other people's toys, she will not let Amanda have it but let the boy have it.. and there was this once we were at Macs, I was feeding Amanda her chicken foldover, and the girl die die wanted Amanda's portion, even though her mum is eating the same thing.. just a few days ago, she came to my place.. and she pushed my girl out of the play yard till she almost fell.. hmm.. any advice on how to deal with this type of bullying? It is making me scared of sending her to CC...
Hello mummies, have MIA for some time. Juz wanna share a foto of matthias at school last week. Juz a trial class for 2-hours playschool during Children's Day. He's seated in the front row, 2nd from the left.


Btw, he's younger by 1 - 2 years of his peers in this picture. He can officially only enrol next year april.
i plan to send gab to sch next year most prob.. when i don't have so many off days in my roster then will send her. if not i wana see her during my off days even thou most of the time she drives me crazy!!! hey btw do you have any idea if LV provides school bus? just wondering in case nobody is free to get her back...

as for bullys, if you have to defend yr child you gota do wat you gota do. there was once i brot gab to isetan-toys depart. and this boy, obviously much older than her... snatch every toy gab took. 3 times and i said "HEY!" to the boy.. and then his mum who was standing next to him said ok lets go... i was disgusted!! his mom was standing ther the whole time allowing this to happen. i think its basically up bringing..

i dun allow gab bully others... i'll tell her off st8 away and explain to her it's not acceptable and mummy does not like such behaviour from her. if gab gets bullied... i'll pull her away and tell her to stay away from the naughty bb...in front of the child and the parent..
momyam, what is this JG holiday programme about?

Hunni and strawberry, heeehee if suppose I also put my gal at LV@gentle rd then our kids will be in the same class. After looking around and counting the sum, I really think pocket will really hurt when the kids go to childcare.

Yeah! I would have done the same if that isnt my friend's child.. but how to tell her off? I 'kan bu guo yan' the way she bullies my girl.. I know she is just a child, but the fact that she purposely pick on my girl to bully her pisses me off big time, and I cant tell her off somemore

BTW, you registered Gab liao? If not, better do so quick cos they have long waiting list. Transport wise, am not sure leh.. but can check with them on that?
you tell the kid nicely... girl... dun do that ha... that's not nice... i dun think your fren will be upset lor... i think she should be pai sei instead lor... if not you tell your girl in front of the kid and your friend... amanda it's ok.. that's not nice so dun do it to other pple ah... i think if she's really a friend she won't mind.. in fact she should be sensitive and told her girl off... like i said again... it's upbringin.. at least now you know who will have a beta mannered child and a well like child.. hehe...

no not yet.. haven't registered gab.. thks for your reminder... will do it when i get back...

yeah la... pocket sure ONE VERI BERI big hole la.. but no choice leh... if i keep her home i save $ but she dun learn much... how much can i teach her or rather the MAID teach her???? and plus now my maid's salary $360!!! just got a new maid... again but think have to change cos she super duper forgetful lor!!! sigh!!!
Hi mommies,

glad to see this thread moving again.

I have a questions on playgroups. Busy mom like me dun hv time to send my girl to playgroup on weekdays. Is there any on weekends? Pardon me as I have not been doing any research on CC and playgroup.
hi hi mummies,

here i am again... "problematic" mummy... always bring lots of qns to ask you all...

1. do your jr sleep on pillow? if yes, how do you choose the pillow? any brand or where to get it?

hope can get some feedback...thanks.
Tracy, you might want to try Growing Up Gifted or Pat's D'story class. They have weekend classes. I am starting my gal on GUG b4 putting her to childcare. She's been really clingy these days. Usually in church she will happily go into nursey to play wif other kids. However, since the week we took her to visit some cc, she cry the whole time she's in nursery on sunday. Think she knows...

Strawberry, LV@gentle rd has transport coy attached to them. So they will give u contact to liaise directly. I also haven't registered but when I ask them about vacancies, they said for next year still ok. Btw, ur maid salary very high lehz. Experienced maid? U working?

Leeriner, I put my gal on a pillow. Bought the latex kind for toddlers. But u will realise in the morning that she would have been off the pillow. But sometimes, she will find her way back to the pillow in the middle of the night.
mine oso never use...like KJ, she will roll all over the bed...but she will need to hold her small pillow or bolster to sleep...
hi mummies,
finally i hv some spare time to drop by. now topic on playgrp huh? Like babe mentioned GUG has wkend classes. I used to send K to the Sat afternoon class it is fun and he njoy it. of cus he is the trouble maker in that class
We stopped 2 mth ago but will continue next yr in the next level.

For mummies who would like hv a trial, either u can sign up for trial and they will call you or u just visit them and if anyone is absent tat day , you can hv the trial on the spot.

Read from your blog that you have send ur girl to both GUG and Pat's for playgroup before, right. Can give me some feedback? I'm also thinking of sending my girl to GUG. Will try to check with them today.
remember my post about the exposed scam? I emailed my friends about this and a friend replied that his friend approached him for a loan. Apparently, he was conned $50,000 in this similar fashion. And I also just receive this call on my HP from a chinese woman who started rumbling straight away. Spoke so fast and with this accent that I can only catch 1 or 2 words in a sentence. I simply interrupt her and say,"ллûȤ" and hung up. Funny thing is that this woman called immediately after I hung up my call with my mother. Wonder if they have some tracking device? Worried that they will also call my mom - sekali she so gullible, I called and checked with her. Luckily, no but my mom says she ever received such calls before and she also ignored them.

Yeah.. my mum got exactly the same call.. told her she won some lucky draw and asked her to go down to KL to claim her prize.. etc..etc.. I also received such a call sometime back and b4 she could go into details, I said I was not interested and hung up the phone on her
yah....these people very pro one. Covered their backsides so well and usu target the well-educated, making use of IT technology like fake websites, fake banking telephone lines and account no. etc.
Tracy, I think depending for what u looking for. Find GUG more educational and uses phonics, Pat's D'story club is more interaction between kids including outdoor play which GUG doesn't have. I am going to try out 1 term with GUG starting next week so will see how it goes.

Now still hunting out childcare.
yeah i think my maid's salary very hi too leh. but apparently now the new maid salary all in this range even indo (300-330)!!! how?? no choice...but govt lowed the levy but only go for those who employed their maid before this.. yes working but still... and yes she's experienced! worked in saudi b4 but still,,, like kena new maid so... have to go....AGAIN!!!! sigh!!

oh yeah thanks for that piece of info... really helpful. thats y m thinking since will be sending gab to school so no need one that speaks english rite so need to get one with such hi salary... can save $50/mth is alot wor.... so how i oso dunno la...

is INDO beta or FILLIPONOs beta?????? scratch head!!!
Strawberry - for maid, like what other people's been telling me, it's "heng sway" (depend on your luck) lah. That's why it's hard to say whether Fillipino or Indonesia one is better. Tho' my maid is from Indonesia, I find her standard of English not bad (at least the basic). I've heard some got Fillipino who could not speak proper English too. So far my Indon maid cooks quite well, so I do agree what others told me that Indo maid can cook well (if it's of importance to you). But like what I mentioned, it's hard to say and depend on your luck.

hunniepot - For the bully, if I'm in your shoes, I will be there to tell the child nicely eg. you are a big jie jie, you must take care of mei mei (Amanda). Basically is to let that child knows that though Amanda is younger than you, don't you forget her mummy is here to protect her. Another way is to talk to Amanda, eg. "Amanda, you are a nice girl, show jie jie how to be a nice girl. Tell jie jie must share share ok?"

1) You are protecting Amanda, the little girl will know that Amanda is not alone.
2) You are not talking harshly to the little girl, your friend should not mind and most probably will come over to find out what happen (the little girl will thus know that she has to stop what she did to Amanda).
3) You are helping your friend to guide her child in a non-threatening manner.
4) Your friend will be aware of her child's behaviour and will do something about it (at least tell her child not to do that to Amanda).
yeah it's heng sway lor... ah ya... oso my grandma always complain abt every maid.. its really difficult. anyway think the vibes with this maid not very good so wil prob change when HB comes back... cross my fingers la...
Hi mommies,
I finally have time to post here.

Called Pat's to check yesterday. They didn't hv afternoon classes. I can't attend morning as I work alternate sat. Then check with GUG. So happy that they hv Sunday classes. Have already sign up for a trial next week. Hope Enya will enjoy it.

As for going to childcare, i think i will put it on hold first. Maybe I will let her go when she is abt 2 1/2 yrs. I still like the way her nanny handles her and will probably sign her up on enrichment classes. Although it will cost more but i just didn't want her to get stress up over school at such young age. However, my hb thinks otherwise. But he is too lazy to check out the CC and so he has to listen to me.
<font color="ff6000">Maids:</font>

I nearly employ 1. Sign all doc then later back out. Was choosing new maid FILLIPONO.

On that day signing the doc, saw 2 Transfer maid. The boss of the agency told ask that this fat 1 good. Can work, etc... Reason that she back here in the employment agency was due to employer asking her to pay this and that and the boss of the agency found out, pull her out of the employer's house. I find her ok only. Not as attentive in taking care of Riz as the skinny 1 over there.

The skinny one, face lots of pimples. I don't mind. She very attentives in taking care of Riz. English not so good. But heard the boss say that she got attitude problems. She even let outsiders come into the house.

The one that I actually choosen, I only hv 40% that I might keep her. Cos got a feeling that she cannot work, etc.. Think I think too much.

So in the end, I did not employ any maids thou I wanted too.
Re: Maids

It seems like have maid oso fan2, no maid oso fan2.

Got maid, dun know whether maid good or not. No maid, so much housework to do!!!

I belongs to the no maid category. Sometime I feel like a maid myself. Haiz.....

Anyone of you going to postpone the 18 mth MMR jab? Enya is due for the jab but she is still having a slight cough. So cannot take right? Any idea how long can we postpone it?
hi tracy
actually gab is abt 1 mth late for her jab cos she was sick and i was out of town... my pd said no choice la n must wait til recovered then take. her jab was taken i think abt 2 weeks later...

choosing a new maid 2mrw... think need to do some chanting b4 i go and wash my eyes and choose a gd maid.... haha...
I am so blue today....been in a crying spell...
Mommies not sure if you experience this. I don't know why I keep feeling I am losing my romance with hb after my no.1 came coz all the time is spent on her. Since we don't have very good family support, we simply can't get out for time for two. Now with no.2 coming afraid it will get worse. Was talking to my hb last night but he doesn't see the problem and he enjoys the threesome time. He just don't feel safe to leave my gal in his mum's hands coz she doesn't seem to know how to take care of bb and will forget to change her even if she is soiled. I haven't been out of sg eversince I had her and I really want a break. Imagine I am working now and I am feeling such. What if I SAHM, I think I will go crazy facing my kids 24/7 without being 'nourished' with love myself. My hb feels time spent together is love already...Wonder if u gals understand? I still want my little surprises and planned dates to keep life going...am I asking too much?
strawberry & stephz,

Thanks for the advise on how to deal with the bullying.. will try out the talking to the bully method the next time I meet them...


Guess you have to let your hubby know that it is really affecting you.. who takes care of your girl in the day time then? How abt leaving your girl at your mum's place?
Hunni, My mum though I stay wif IL. I working mahz...Yah..let hb know but he has his reasons..maybe I am just easily bored when life get routine...then he says why I always compare wif others such as going overseas or dating coz now I preggy and with an 18mth that can't sit still. Situation differ...

Draik, thanks...

Since u r working, how abt taking leave and going on date with hubby? After ur gal sleeps, u both can just go downstairs for a stroll? I know u sure be worried if ur gal wakes up, but u can aga predict her timing? and maybe can just trust ur in-law to help. It wouldn't harm her for just a short while. Even a short while alone away from home is good. Must let him know that u seriously need such couple time once in a while. Guess now for us esp with no. 2 coming, we yearn much more for such private time.

Only these past 2 weeks, we manage to place our boy at my parents place on sun, then we just go out even for 1-2 hr go food court enjoy ice-kachang also nice. But last sun we went back too late around 7+pm that both of us felt terrible missing our boy....
Tracy, i think you can go for the injection once Enya recover. Isaac only has his MMR recently which is almost 2 1/2 weeks past from his 18months. i guess is ok in this area.

babe, dont feel so terrible. i guess you felt the same as my hb :p
my hb felt i have total let go the romance amoung us after isaac appears. coz' isaac needs my attn most of the time and slping time.

i think is wonderful of your hb to feel that is very "loved" when threesome gets together. which my hb will nvr felt so love like yr hb. be positive i believe is the pre-natal blues that is attacking you.

when yr darling sleep, both of you can get together for a gossip. find one day apply leave and go out to enjoy yourself.

that's what i do at times, but the leave part is more on myself la hee hee.. for my hb when after dinner, we will sit in front of the tv and gossip abt the day.

hope by now u feel better la.

Same like Draik i doubt i can go any private holiday in any near future. I plan very hard to go a country but the thot of bringing isaac holds me back.

U can go for short trip to sentosa la.. at least is out of the island.
count your blessings that you have time to be alone w/o the baby while at work and commuting to/fro. I have never been w/o my gal since she's born. Where I go, she goes. It's so part of my life that I will feel that something is missing if I go out w/o her. I don't have couple time too, neither have I gone out of Singapore. Personally, it doesn't bother me that we don't have couple time. (Me not a romantic lah...he's not too - we hardly go out together before our marriage too, no surprises or flowers from him at all, but these are superficial lah.) I'll say I missed travelling but with a tod around, holidays will not be the same and may be more of a chore than a relaxation. Heehee. I'm enjoying my life as a SAHM, in spite of the frustrations faced with a restless, active and stubbon tod all day, even if it means that I have to do my toilet business fast and with her by my side or else she'll shout and bang the door down.

Different pple have different needs and also different levels of need. I can only suggest that you communicate with your hubby on how to strike a balance. And I agree with your hubby that there's little point in comparing yourself to other mommies. Make the best of your situation and be happy!
you are not alone in feeling this way. i've had similar issues with my hb some mths back, and we even had a mini squabble over it cos I felt he did not pay me much attention after our son was born. i rem posting abt it here.

i think couple time is still very impt, cos our relationship with our spouse forms the foundation of a happy family for our kids.

my hb and I have had one couple date since our quarrel, but after that no more. cos we couldn't agree on going for a spa massage (my idea) or watching a movie (his)... haha...

and recently my dad seems to have fallen out of favour with my boy (i used to be able to leave my boy with my dad for even a whole day with no problem), so we have nowhere else to leave him if we go out on dates these days.

our tactic now is to set aside coupletime at home on friday or saturday nights, which we call "movie-nights". once A is asleep, we sneak downstairs to enjoy a dvd movie and snacks.

it's abt how u schedule your time together as a couple. no need for a special date; even sitting down on the sofa for a chat, like what momyam does, is good enough.

i totally agree with u abt travelling with a tod being more of a chore than an enjoyment. so we've put off travelling till A is much older, like 3.

In a way I do agree that travelling with a tod is more of a chore than enjoyment, but if you were to choose the hol destination carefully, eg: places thats baby friendly etc, it will definately be more enjoyable..

Like you, I have never been without my girl since she's born. and best part, she sleeps late.. 12 am.. so by the time she falls asleep, time for me and hubby to sleep too.. so couple time is almost zero.. but we simply enjoy our threesome time together.. guess it is how we alter our expectations once we have children
Thanks gals for ur thots and sharing. Yes I guess I must be thankful for what I have and stop fantasying too much. Used to have those little leave to catch movie of meals but now it's really threesome. Haha actually I had complained my hb he wasn't romantic to start off during courtship though he tries whenever we get into such squabbles but then it stops there till the next occur. Ya maybe we shld juz resume our movie nights or simply stone in front of tv. SEriously I not against leaving my gal wif IL while we get away for awhile but dunno y the older my gal is the less my hb want to leave her wif them.
guess your hubby gets more protective of your gal as his love for her grows. Even my IL's just live nearby to me, I never keen to leave my boy alone with them, even till now. I'm very protective towards him, esp never let my FIL to take him alone out even though he attempts to, can't trust him. I very bad hor....

read about you enjoying being a SAHM.... I want to say me too also starting to enjoy the experience too, after the initial ups and downs after quiting my job... Initially thought of putting my boy to CC next month, but now decided not to. Can't bear to let him surviving in a strange envirnment at such a tender age where the caregivers can't attend to him full-time and he got to undergo stress from separating from mummy... So now hoping for the best that I can to cope with 2...

Last time, I got this perception that a mummy will straight away have the motherly bond and love for her baby after birth, I was very actually very disturbed at that time how come I'm not....but now I realise this bond and love only grows more and more as time passes, as the child replicates the love back to mummy...
terrier, guess very true also for my hb. And think he knows that I will complain against his parents if anything happens to her when we are away and he doesn't like that. Well guess we make do and strike a deal we try once a mth or once every other mth for a supper after she sleeps so his parents are just remote jagar downstair to listen out for cries via the monitor. Interestingly I found out that his mum actually asked him if I really want to quit my job and stay at home coz her impression of me is I can't do much hsework. Hmmm...haha muz be seeing her son do hsework while I juz watch bb.

Yes motherly bond is developed over time. Now she so cuddly that I can't help want to hug her like bolster to sleep. Of coz I resist doing that and haf her sleep in the cot to avoid being her comfort object.
terrier, guess very true also for my hb. And think he knows that I will complain against his parents if anything happens to her when we are away and he doesn't like that. Well guess we make do and strike a deal we try once a mth or once every other mth for a supper after she sleeps so his parents are just remote jagar downstair to listen out for cries via the monitor. Interestingly I found out that his mum actually asked him if I really want to quit my job and stay at home coz her impression of me is I can't do much hsework. Hmmm...haha muz be seeing her son do hsework while I juz watch bb.

Yes motherly bond is developed over time. Now she so cuddly that I can't help want to hug her like bolster to sleep. Of coz I resist doing that and haf her sleep in the cot to avoid being her comfort object.
glad u have found fulfillment and enjoyment in being a SAHM afterall. Ya, now that they are more responsive, it's very interesting to speak to and play with them ...just that I find it hard to match her energy level, and I very sian to play same thing with her.

What's your arrangement when your #2 comes? maid? or inlaws help with #1? Why you not fang xin let your FIL bring him for a stroll? My gal go downstairs with her ah gong sometimes. If you ask me to leave her to my inlaws full-time, sure cannot as they are not the type to look after children. They enjoy their freedom to go jalan jalan and take day naps. They have no experience with caring for a baby or tod, also do not know how to teach my gal while playing with her ... just sit down and watch her play nia....
Hi all,

Anyone staying around Sengkang/ Hougang (close to Punggol Park) interested in getting a part time maid for the weekend?

I have one who is helping to clean my place now every sunday. She is very, very good. Works v fast, cleans v well, has good initiative (will take clothes off my clothes rack to iron). We pay her $14 an hour for the size of our place (4 bedrooms) as well as for weekend, but the price might be negiotiable. We always leave her alone and go out and she has always been very honest and continue to work when we are out.

We have to let her go cos we are getting a maid end of this month to look after Shawn tog with my FIL. Interested parties, please pm me. I really hope she can find another employer after me. Tnks!
Ya mann...very hard to match their energy level. Sometimes when I'm really tired and want to just lie down and rest, my boy kept pestering me and I got to make sure he don't stamp over my tummy...hiaz...

I can fang xin with my MIL but not FIL b'coz he is not a cautious person who can forsee what kind of danger the kiddo may run into.

I hope my mum will come over and stay with me over the weekdays, though she still need to work in the afternoons.
