(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

oh...mine sometimes pull at nipple or spits out but straight after will cry. Izzit not enough or dream till drop nipple and feel lost suddenly? No choice but to put her back on and as u said can squeeze milk out still. so u actually allow her to suckle as long as 45 min on each breast?


Mine seldoms cries after she spits out or pulls at nipple.. individual bb is diff lar.. yeah lor.. as the PD advised to offer the breast until she spits it out.. so I let her suckle for 45 mins on that one side.. and if she still cries somemore.. will offer the other side..
Anyone encounter too oily BM tat make bb cant digest n cried for uncomfortable? As i usually express my BM, there is always a layer of so-call oil on top n my CL ask me why my BM so oily? How to reduce the oil?
>I feed on one side till baby spits out nipple.. or until she falls asleep..

do you pump out the other side? me dunno if I should pump out...scared stimulate excess milk and engorgement again.
hi jo
Ya baby is so adorable
Ya she looks like u more! ya my gal wil break a smile when she fast asleep or while latching on!
Wow ur gal really noe how to enjoy herself leh can slp thru during the bathing process! My gal bath time got to depend on her mood loh if gd mood shw'll enjoy loh if bad mood will make noise loh!

Btw wat is growing sprut? Cos my gal tends to be cranky during mid-nite feed at times!
hiaz...u gals got bb dun wanna sleep in the day? Mine night can sleep alot..like 5hrs followed by 4 hrs but after bath in morning can keep yawning but dun wan to sleep?

hunniepot, think i muz try like urs. btw u know if ur ms sufficient. I now keep wondering izzit ms not enough. bb pat to sleep, put down in bed wan bm, but let her suckle abt 10 min then go back to sleep, put down wake up n cry again. So dunno she hungry or juz wan some comfort from a pacifier.
Tks for the link very helpful!

my bb tends to slp more in the day! Tends to be more cranky in the nite! My oso wanna pat to slp put down in bed will make noise liao! very super tiring! I kinda misses my pregnancy days! Haha!
Had time to read some of the kellymom articles.

RE: Cluster feeding / Fussy Baby
Yah....YY also has this cluster feeding these few days. Like this afternoon, she demands nursing every 30 mins, but already v full, finally she spit out some milk then she dun ask for more. But, cannot get her to sleep. Just fallen asleep. Wah...she fuss for 3 whole hours leh.

RE: Single side feeding / pump other side

if you want to increase milk supply, yes....pump out.

>To speed milk synthesis and increase daily milk production, the key is to remove more milk from the breast and to do this quickly and frequently, so that less milk accumulates in the breast between feedings.

>In practice, this means that a mother who wishes to increase milk supply should aim to keep the breasts as empty as possible throughout the day.

>Pump after nursing if baby does not adequately soften both breasts. If baby empties the breasts well, then pumping is more useful if done between nursing sessions (in light of our goal to keep the breasts as empty as possible).

But in my case, I don't have intention to increase my milk SS leh...just wanna relieve the fullness and leaking. From one article, seems to suggest not to express out fully, instead just enough to relieve the pressure. Since these two days, my breasts not engorged and YY can drain my breast quite well after a 6-8 hr storage, I think I shall not pump out.
evon, Thks!

My gal sometimes forgot that she had juz feed within 10min still crying for milk... so had to feed her water but she is not satisfy at all still crying for milk n i dun1 to overfeed her. Dunno wat to do abt her...

Yeah lor.. thats what my mum told me to do also.. as she breastfed my siblings and myself exclusively then.. hehe thanks for the article.. will continue pumping and shall see if ss increases...


My gal oso demanding for milk every hourly! But scare wil overfed her so no choice loh got to arry her & pat her to sleep loh!

Jus to chk did u gals slp with aircon on during confinement?
Winnie, I sleep with aircon on.. daytime, must have fan on, my bb is scare of warm weather also.. so need to on fan..
i bathe everyday also and wash hair once every two days.. cannot tahan the heat lah..
din really follow confinement rules.. in fact i went out shopping the 2nd weekend i discharge.

Regarding the flash cards.. I can help you collect as my place is one of the colletion pts... then can pass to you together with the milk powder..
Wow Irene, how I wish I can get out of the hse & go shopping but I've 15 more days to go..eh, actually, thnx to the gnl election, I can go out tis Sat to cast my vote, then can shop awhile!!!!!
Tink my boy is getting used to bf, he wails an hr or so after feeding him wif fm & when I bf him, he'll suck til he sleeps, he onli drinks 70ml of milk now at day 16.
me not sahm but now look after bb quite on my own in 1st mth...siong...think i get cry spells esp when hb not ard...think my ms not up to n bb keep crying for milk...dunno hungry or jus wan comfort...how long do ur bb stay awake each time? true they shldn't b awake for more than 2h each time? how u play wif bb? btw do ur bb have little pimples on th face? mine starting to have. izzit milk rash?
ladies... any of yr body become too heaty b'cos drink too much milo n red dates tea? n oso taken too much sesame oil in our food? I've... now my rite eyes is swollen...
any of u drank water or other drinks other than the above mention? hv been taking 1 apple everyday to quench thirst. Any other fruits tat we can eat?
i sleep in air-con room at night with 27 degree.....day time, no air-con or fan...and can't bath...and keep perspiring...MIL not allow me to touch water....only bath once a week with herb water....nearly 1 month i didn't wash my hair too....me become ugly & smelly duck liao..... me still have 1 more day to go....but MIL need me to do 40 days confinment....so, after 30 days i still can't shower as usual....sigh

me too, only drink milo and red dates tea....i did ask whether i can i can take fruit....but seems like MIL not agree....so now i have ulser...so terrible....i still have 10 days more for confinement food....really feel heaty

one of the mum here did mentioned about the pimples on bb face.....is normal due to the milk...so don worry....

wow, u so good life...and bath and shop....what a wonderful confinement u have....!!!!!!!!
>My gal oso demanding for milk every hourly! But scare wil overfed her so no choice loh got to arry her & pat her to sleep loh!

how long does Shervil take to fall asleep if you carry and pat her?

YY yesterday din sleep for 7 hours, starting from 7.30pm to 2.00am. Hubby and I take turns to coax her, we already yawning but her eyes still very big and alert....wants to suckle but when the nipple is in her mouth, she don't suck...Dunno what is wrong.

Hubby late for work today....
hi all,

my gal if she is awak also dd milk every hourly, if she sleeps will be 2-3 hourly.. i just feed on dd lei.. cuz she is not comfort in anyway possible when she wants her milk, she wail e roof down.. and she'll suck till she cries (cuz too much), then she'll know she full..

alas, sometimes i also super frustrated, know she cannot be hungry but she insist on wanting milk, and she reject all e 4 pacifiers i bot for her.. me keep on buy different brand cuz thot she just fussy over e shape, after the 4th one, think she just dun want pacifier cuz no taste..
anyone got any solution to tt???

and do any of u co-sleep with your bb? my gal sleeps w me on e bed, but these few nites she keeps on kickboxing and makes bb sounds in her sleep, i was kept awake patting her telling her it's ok, to go back to sleep.. wanted to put her to her cot but then it'll means i got to sit beside e cot and pat her.. so i gave up, just put her beside me, so tt she is just an arm's length away.. but tt will means i got a quarter of e bed space left.. cuz i still give hubby e full space, worried he deep sleeper will hurt bb.. so she sleep at my side w me..

any advise on co-sleeping???
hi hi
Just wanna know if anyone using Nepia diapers? Think it's the most cheapest and economical diapers rite? Good or not?

Currently, I'm letting bb wear cloth nappies in day n diapers at nite...but think after CL leaves, I would switch to disposable diapers liao...

Hence, like to find out the feedback...
The NB can wear until what weight?

Does anyone mind sending me a sample for me to try?
Hi terrier

I have been using nepia diapers... not bad.. pretty good.. got indicator somemore.. I just finished 1 pack of NB.. otherwise can send to you.. my girl is using size S now.. so far so good.. NB can wear until 5 kg..

I also co sleep with baby.. luckily we have a king size bed.. so theres enough space for everyone hehe.. find that it is so much easier to let baby sleep besides me.. did that initially cos it is painful for me to keep getting up from the bed cos of my c-section wound.. and it becomes more of a habit now

How to you gauge when you can start switching to the next size? I don't know what's my boy's weight now after 2 weeks...Can assume that after full month, normally can switch to S size if bb is big?

Sorry for this silly question. :p
yap, i turned to my hubby and tell him, we going to get king size e next house..

btw, how do we know if we overfeeding if we TBF?? me stopped storing, decide to use FM if not enough, cuz need to change gradually.. plus MIL super encouraging of FM, so me also xian ah.. me just latch on as often as possible/ if sick/ go out/ then just switch to FM.. beside, everytime store e EBM, either not enough or too much, cuz my gal not consistent, sometimes drink a lot, sometimes refuse to drink from bottle..

me got enough of worrying whether qty enough/ warm correct temp/ expiry if not freeze.. and lastly nipple confusion.. hate it when i got back and bb refuse my nipple, so demoralising.. feel so rejected by e bb.. over a bottle.. so was telling hubby, me not going out anymore, but he insist it's good to keep sanity.. if not, everyday, face bb and milk and breast, will get postnatal blues..

BF quite poor thing hor..

Hmm.. I start changing when the diapers seems too tight around my bb's waist.. when it does not fit her anymore.. sometimes her poo and pee will flow out.. then I know it is time to change the size... and look at the weight also.. I believe you have to bring your bb back to PD for check ups right? That when they will weigh your bb.. the average weight gain for the 1st month is 900 to 1000g..

Actually I do not know the exact ans too.. sometimes my girl will keep vomitting milk.. even after burping.. thats when I know she was overfed then.. my MIL also super encouraging of FM.. always says BM not enough.. FM better.. think old folks are like that.. its our babies.. we give the shot! Dont bother too much about what others say...

BF very tiring.. but find it more convenient than bottle feeding.. no need to sterilise, no need to wash, and makes me feel closer to baby...
Mrs Ho,
Peifu peifu...I wash myself everyday, sometimes twice a day. Cannot stand my armpit smell....so unhygienic to BF baby with all that perspiration.

night time on aircon, daytime sometimes aircon sometimes fan. BF in aircon room or in front of the fan, 'cos I perspire a lot when she suckle. Dunno is it the weather really hot or 'cos we eat heaty food.....

My mother see I do confinement like that sure nag and scold. My MIL din say anything....she herself tell me that last time she tou tou bath at night when her MIL is sleeping so she won't kenna scolding. She says she also tou tou drink coke leh.

YY co-sleep with us twice...on both occasions, it's 'cos she cranky. Otherwise, we put her in cot. Somehow, she prefers our bed. Maybe the mattress is softer and more comfortable. Or maybe, she can smell me beside her.
Have PM u. Thank u so much.

So far I only brought bb back to PD after we were discharged from hospital at 1 week leh... So there's no more checkup unless is for jabs rite?
hi mrs ho
Wow, I really must salute you to bathe once a week. I will probably go nuts. Why can't you choose to do 30 days? I told my mil that I am going to do 28 days only and then I am going to hunt for sashimi, pasta, etc. Every day I am eating the same dishes!!!!! you?
Need to pat her 4 abt 10-15mins den can put her down in her cot! Daytime he'll slp on my bed! Now she's better liao cos i feed her wif FM 4 nite feed can last longer will wake up every 4 hourly loh!

Mrs Ho
I really salute u eh can tahan so hot weather only shower once a week! I everyday will bath with the herbal water den evening time wil jus dry clean wif warm water & rice wine!

I oso on the aircon at nite!
For me since confinement 've always been in aircon room; unless meals n staying in bb's room.
I was too forbidden to bath but gynae told me to use her name to say "Doc says muz be hygiene; else how to bf.." so've been bathing every alternate days.

With regard to enuf or not, so far even drinking fm, bb sometimes vomit a bit after a while. Auntie said normal as their stomach could only hold certain amt. Xuan Ting's avg now is ard 80~85ml; though formula 150g*weight/feeds indicates she shd b having 75ml.

Regards to co-sleeping
We ve not tried tat..except placing her on our bed when auntie is busy. So far normally she sleeps in her cot. Think when aunt goes, will move the cot into master bedroom so tat can take care of her in the room inside.

re: Hiccups
I noticed that my bb tends to be awake b4 she has her hiccups. So far, always make use of this opportunity to latch her onto my breasts. Tried giving her water but she always pushes teat out.
oh today so upset....had to face up that prob my ms low...pump out in morn after feed only 60ml. used to get more...tried lunch latch 5 min n gave 60ml ebm. bb can sleep after an h when she usually fuss for more after 30min..so really me low in milk? how to increase?
I have also decide to feed my baby fm if I am sick or not around. It is too stress to nurse, pump, wash, sterilise then before you know it, your baby wanted milk again.

I have co-sleep with bb since second week and I find it much easier for me. However, my mil just found out that I co-sleep with my bb and tell me not to do that. I just ignore her.
hi yukie, my mum allowed me to drink warm water after 12 days liao. I was very uncomfortable when i was not allowed water even though i drank lots of red date, ginger water, soup etc. I take all kinds of fruits also except pineapple.
i guess why the elders told us not to co-sleep with the baby is because, they will get used to our smell... then next time when you wanna let the baby sleep on her/his own, they will not want
RE: Co Sleeping
I also co-sleep with my BB sometimes at night. BB feels very secured and sleeps very well. But was told that this can be dangerous if we are tired.

RE: Confinement
I started bathing after 12 days liao. Thank goodness or else i dun noe how i can survive with the massaging oil on my body. 1 more week to go and confinement end liao. But still, i went out to listen to rally last Sunday and realise legs still not so strong
oh today so upset....had to face up that prob my ms low...pump out in morn after feed only 60ml. used to get more...tried lunch latch 5 min n gave 60ml ebm. bb can sleep after an h when she usually fuss for more after 30min..so really me low in milk? how to increase?

I realised why my milk ss went down for a few days.. been taking papaya fish soup everyday during confinement and ss is ok.. stopped taking for awhile after confinement and it dipped.. now taking it again.. its back to normal.. and I also pump to empty my breasts after a couple of feeds.. and it seems to have increased

I also feel very hot whenever I bf baby... and I have stopped taking confinement food already..

Do you ladies still feel hot nowadays? For me.. it it much better than the last trimester.. bit I still need to sleep in air con room almost every night
hmmm...u ladies so good life...my MIL keep saying that "dirty abit never mind....is good for your life"....wah piang....me really can't tahan the life now......especially the armpit smell...and me so worried bb will use to my smelly smell now... Next time when i can shower as usual...bb will not stick to me liao....then more jia luck...

breast feed:
so envy for those BF....for me...think totally no more milk liao...cos me really have low milk supply...and my MS seem no more liao...sigh

when you shower...do u use boiled water or herb water?...and u better do so....cos its really not good for you if you shower everyday with normal water...
cos, i really can feel the pain at the first week when i wash my hand with tap water...
after 10-15mins can sleep in cot already quite good. My gal after 10min asleep in arms, either a) if you transfer her to cot, at the slightest body movement, she wakes up ; or
b) suddenly can open her eyes big big and look at u....repeat this cycle for a few times...

my lhs nipple is very very sore....she always have problem latching onto this breast as the nipple is flat.
I cry out "mama pain pain" every time she bites onto the nipple/aerola and still cannot latch on. Trying to ren the pain...but tears streaming out....So, I've decided to direct latch her on my rhs breast only and pump out the lhs. My lhs breast only pump out about 60ml. Is this ss considered low? My baby only 2 wk old.

BTW, will baby suckling on the nipple long term makes the nipple more protruding? I hope eventually can still get YY to suckle on my lhs if she can modify the shape of the nipple with prolonged nursing.
my confinement food?...everyday about the same dish,...and somemore my MIL always cook alot..and i keep telling her that i can't finish it...and she said " eat la....eat la...eat as much as u can "...wah lau...me going like a pig soon...

tomorow is my 30 days of confinment...thinking to have a good shower...but MIL not allowed...keep saying that..."dont take too long to shower...faster faster..." even after 30 days...i can't shower as usual...

hmmm...anyway...3 days later i will back to singapore...and she can't control me...think i can shower and eat as i wish....but sure hubby will control me oso...
