(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Hi lemontree

There is a suction device which is especially for extracting mucus from bb's nose. You can get it from John Little or those kiddy shops at Suntec. Very useful and safe for babies.

preciousbabe, the first jab of 5-in-1 is on baby's 3rd month whereas 3rd hep B jab is on bb's 5th month.. if i'm not wrong, 3rd jab of hep B can include in 5-in-1 jab when bb's taking his/her 3rd 5-in-1 in 5th month.

mrs ho, can get the nasal respirator at kiddy palace and T&S too.. i had natural birth too and washwith tap water too.. turn on the heater to get warm water to wash if boiled water finished.. cos my mum wants me to clean with boiled water..
Thanks for the info, I've just called up the polyclinic to check coz they gave me an apptment in June and I thought that was the apptment for the 3rd HepB jab. Turned out to be the apptment for the 5-in-1 jab
my mum can't stay over as she has to work in the morning. I think my girl also slowly get used to the time. Nowadays, she only wake up 2-3 times for feeding in the night. Only on some occassion that she wake up hourly. Hopefully she will be a good girl when she is older.
Just brought my bb to the PD yesterday.. as she has this big red patch at the back of her head.. thought it was eczema.. but it is actually a birth mark.. called stork bite mark.. PD was saying my bb is lucky as she doesnt have it on her face.. as most babies who have this.. will have it on both face and back of head.. nothing we can do about it
luckily mine is a girl.. can grow long hair to cover it..


Like Mrs Ho, I also use the smallest cotton bud to remove the mucus.. have the nasal aspirator.. havent tried it out though


Noticed a dip in my MS when I tried to diet (all those so called well-meaning relatives who came to my house for 1st mth.. kept ranting on about how much weight I have put on and that I shouldnt be eating those food we cartered that day.. blah blah) sian.. shouldnt have been so affected by their remarks.. ask PD on how to increase MS so PD advised that the most important points to take note for breastfeeding is proper latch on, adequate rest for mommy and frequent latch on (on demand). External stress will also plays a big part... so try not to let stress get to us..
Dear Apr mums,

Wonder if any one used the Avent milk bags before? Where can i get the clips for the bags? If not, how to seal it? Thanks for your advise!
hi kyla
Why dun you express it out and check how much she is drinking? If baby wakes up so often like yours, nurses told me most probably due to not enough milk.

Hi Tracy
Jia you! I am sure you can make it!

hi mrs ho
I used tap water to spray jus like what the hospital taught me. If still feel uncomfy, do give a tinkle to ya gyn.
tracy, dun get so dishearted.. thing will get better as time goes by..

hunniepot, nix also has birth mark at the back of his neck.. i was worried wat's that.. till it confirm by pd is birthmark.. but kinda big patch.. but heard as bb grows older, the mark will be faded..

recently, i feel something wrong about myself.. i dunno wat happened to me.. will keep yelling, screaming at nix and beat his bum if he refuse to sleep at nite.. like last nite, i keep yelling at him, plead him to sleep and keep spank his butt.. i was so tired and yet he keep making noise till almost 3am.. it is not my norm behaviour and i dunno why am i behave like tat.. this is the 2nd time i behave this way.. i sms my hubby, telling him i dun want nixon.. ask him to give nix to someone else.. the 1st time i believe like tat was worst.. i'm thinking of getting something to stuff his mouth to stop his cry.. or just throw him out of the window, i just dun wanna hear him cry.. it is scary thought and i actually have all these thoughts.. day time i'm fine, even when he cries.. it is only at nite, i actually have these thought.. my hubby wants me to break free from bb for a while but i dun wanna be apart with bb..
Hi Jumbo,
Tink u may wanna take a break, say leave ur BB at ur mom's place for a nite or 2 so you can hv a gd rest before looking after him again? Do u feed Nixon wif FM at nite or BF? FM can last longer and BB can slep longer, u too can sleep mor. Do u nap when BB sleep during daytime? Being apart for a day or 2 might makes u miss him more & maybe you'll hv better control of your emotions. BB Nixon may nt ustand wat u r gg thru now but he must b feeling uncomfortable dat's Y he cried, dun spank him, ur heart will ache I believe & try not to let your emotions esp wif -ve thots get the best of u. If u r stressed out, maybe see if ur HB can help out at nite? Try nt to yell @ BB, they know tho young. Try to sleep more & get rest in daytime?
maraquan / jumbo /pebbles,
thanks for the info...so u gals has no problem with the virgina when pee?...or u gals feel uncomfortable?... or u all can pee as usual like last time?...me abit kiasu, worried mine different with others...

yeah...sometime i oso have the same feeling too...feel like i wanna go back to work and leave my bb to MIL ....i rather tire to look after bb nowadays.... i keep thinking the days i spend with hubby last time (how sweet)...and now with bb make me feel so stresssss.
forget to add 1 info....heard from someone that if we using the dettol to clean our virgina...it will become dark colour.....but i dont know whether true or not.... just for your perusal
Hey gals, wonder if u got chk ur episiotomy cut after 2-3weeks? Me now start feeling the area abit stretched but dunno izzit anus pain or the cut not healing properly. Any experience?

Gals, I also sometimes wonder y bb keep crying n wanna juz leave her alone n ignore her...keep thinking i wont be able to have time to spend on myself n hb...
Mrs Ho,
I use tap water to rinse my private part. You can use warm water if you don't wanna use tap water.

If the wound area is moist, you will fell stingy there. Peeing is not painful / uncomfortable but urine will sting the wound...Is that what you feel? Important to dab dry. Did your gynae give you any antiseptic lotion to dab on the episotomy wound? My gynae gave me procanol lotion (a local anaesthetic and antiseptic) to keep the wound clean and dry, also gave me Esemtan Wash Lotion, a non-soap washing lotion to clean my private part.

If use Dettol must be very dilute, but I feel it's too harsh on the wound and the sensitive skinfold at our private part.

Does anyone else helps you to take care of bb at night? Think it will be better if you can do shift work with your mum or hb.. think I will go bonkers if I am to take care of bb all by myself at night. tried doing that last time.. but nowadays I just do the feeding at night and my mum burp her and we change the diapers together.. at least I dont feel so stretched esp nowadays she wakes up almost every hour at night.. demanding to be fed..
he's on fm.. i wake up twice or thrice at nite for feed.. now he's sleeping in sarong as he doesn't like to sleep in cot.. only when he's in deep sleep then i put him in cot.. he keeps want me to swing the sarong.. once i stopped, he will make noise.. at nite, i was so tired.. swing till i fall asleep, he feel no motion liao and cry for me to swing for him again.. it repeats so many times a nite.. i was so frustrated.. i know he doesn't understand me.. i just cant help not to scream and spank him.. i will like open my eyes big big suddenly and scream at him.. i also dunno why..

i usually wake up at 8am or at his 1st morning feed then cant sleep anymore.. he can't sleep very long.. wake up very frequently.. especially sleep in cot, sarong quite ok.. he can sleep longer in it.. but he wanna swing till he fall asleep..

my hubby suggest to let my mum or let mil to take care of him for a couple a day but i just dun wanna seperate from him.. moreover it is my duty to take care of him.. their help is a bonus to me..
Hi Jumbo
But u are so stressed up already....u can't force yourself to carry on taking care of nixon in this state...

Maybe u should try to be more relax and give their help a try for a day or 2?
Hi Mrs Ho
You so cute. I pee and pass motion as usual so far. Do you suspect any infection?

hi jumbo
Talk to ya hubby more? If you find you cannot control these negative feelings then betta inform doc. If you cannot bare to leave baby with someone else for ahort while to relax, then maybe get ya someone to come over to ya place to take care of ya precious one for a short while? Sometimes I feel that many situations has changed not to my likings, but then I will tell myself that I have the responsibilities to make sure my little one is happy and healthy. Talk to us if you want, I am sure there are many of us here who will listen to you
hunniepot, i'm staying at my mum's place and she's helping me out... but i try not to disturb her as much as i can.. last few weeks were quite ok as my mum will wake up at nite and feed him and i just hack care and continue my sleep.. but nowaday my mum's tired and i have to wake up to feed him.. not only feed but to swing his sarong and make him sleep... tiring..
I feel frustrated too when my baby don't latch on at night, I coax and sing and tickle and plea .... even raise my voice at husband for the kind of baby he gave me. :p

Having to handle the baby at night is not only physically tiring, also psychologically taxing. Who wants to be disturbed in the middle of a sleep right?

I feel that I'm prone to xin1 li3 bu4 ping2 heng2 (emotionally unbalanced).....if hubby wakes up with me, I feel less stressed...but I know he needs his sleep too, so nicely ask him to continue sleep. But when I see him bochap while I struggle to latch her on (which can take like 20mins, 'cos my nipple is short plus engorgement, she cannot grip), I get upset.
thanks alot, pebbles.. my hubby wanna help me but i'm still helpless.. last week i went back to my in-laws' place.. left bb, hubby, bro in-law and me at home.. bb was crying so hard when i was busy preparing dinner for the folks.. my bro in-law just busy recording his crying sound, it is maddening!! wat worst was my hubby slept next to bb and he nvr wake up and help out.. i screamed at my hubby and he jumped out from the bed.. i just carried nix and walked out from the room angrily.. i ever told my hubby tat i cant handle nix.. it seems like not the right time we have him.. but hubby said it's godwill tat we have him..

life with baby is really different from single and even marriage life.. it seems no freedom like last time.. it is totally differen from wat i've imagine before bb comes.. sigh..
chenoa, precisely.. i feel the same way as u lor.. it is great tat hubby can help but being more understanding... wife usually will ask hubby to go back to sleep.. and dud-dud hubby will just do so without 2nd thought.. for me, i dun stay with my hubby.. we only meet during weekends at in-laws' place.. i share room with my sis and bb sleep with me..
<font size="+1">This is our homea place where we belong</font>
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="aa00aa">Name</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">Home</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">IL Home</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">Maternal Home</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pebbles</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Bt Panjang</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>Daphne</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Potong Pasir </TD></TR><TR><TD>Des</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Yishun</TD><TD>AMK </TD></TR><TR><TD>bblim</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>AMK</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jolie</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD></TD><TD>Yishun </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Ho</TD><TD>Sembawang</TD><TD>Mal (M'sia)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juzmaine</TD><TD>Yishun</TD><TD>AMK</TD><TD>AMK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Winnie</TD><TD>AMK</TD><TD>(with in laws)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chenoa</TD><TD>Bishan</TD><TD>(with in laws)</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irene06</TD><TD>Toa Payoh</TD><TD>Yishun</TD><TD>Toa Payoh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hunnipot</TD><TD>Toa Payoh</TD><TD>Toa Payoh</TD><TD>Jurong East </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasminetea</TD><TD>Hougang</TD><TD>Toa Payoh</TD><TD>Bt Merah </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jumbo</TD><TD>Upp Bt Timah</TD><TD>(with in laws)</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Preciousbabe</TD><TD>Dover</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shylyn</TD><TD>J. West</TD><TD>C'wealth</TD><TD>J. West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lemontree</TD><TD>Tanah Merah</TD><TD>Tg Pagar</TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jilian</TD><TD>Marine Parade</TD><TD>Bt Timah</TD><TD>Penang (M'sia) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sggal</TD><TD>Katong</TD><TD>Ipoh (M'sia)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tracy</TD><TD>Eunos</TD><TD>Dover</TD><TD>Eunos </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rach</TD><TD>Pasir Ris</TD><TD>Tampines</TD><TD>Bt Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koalarie</TD><TD>Seng Kang</TD><TD>Ubi</TD><TD>Teban Gardens </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="ff0000">update: 28-04-06, 18:00</font>
Maybe you should get hubby to sleep over with you one or twice during the weekdays. Not that he can actually be more useful than your mum or sis..... It's more of a sense of security and comfort.

I'm small and tanned. you should have seen us at the cab stand. Where were you sitting during the first physio class?

regarding moving bb's crib to our room, we had always wanted to do that but due to size constraint and design of our MB, we ain't allowed to. But you are right, we definitely should spend more time to bond with our baby, though quality time may be more important than quantity.

currently, we are encountering another bad issue. when we employed our CL, we understood she's pro-BF but lately she has not been very encouraging. kept wanting to feed bb with FM. but we are keeping our stand. heard from friends that by feeding bb with FM makes her job easier so that she dun have to wake up so often during the night.


thanks for the info. we are still debating whether to continue with a pte PD or to go polyclinic for subsequent jabs. heard "horror stories" about the standard in polyclinics.
chenoa, he's working at changi whereas i'm staying at jurong west.. very 'siong' for him to do that.. moreover, my sis is in the same room with me.. not tat nice fo him to stay

sponge, my friend told me she chose pte one cos the syringe is not as sharp as pte one.. dunno how true..
ask u gals, wat u mean by hourly feeding? from start time of feed to next one or the rest interval in btw? how long u bf usually? if hrly a bit no rest..argh..agree wif the no life esp wif tbf bb

think doctors @ polyclinics are usually new or they had just graduated from med school. maybe not so experienced as those on pte practice. heard from a friend that when she tried asking some questions to a doctor @ the polyclinic, he doesn't even know how to answer her well. however, we shouldn't also condemn all doctors @ polyclinics.

I am also facing the same problem now. Had been expressing BM and we bought the avent milkbag without realizing that avent had discontinued this line. hence none of the clips are available in the market now.


where do you these clips from? forgive me but where's toyogo or where can I get these clips?
U not wearing glasses rite? if not, then I think I know who u are....

My master bedroom oso got space constraint...Now I oso headache how to put the crib in...There are limitions like bb cannot sleep facing door....

My CL oso said feed bb with FM at nite better... BB won't poo so oftenn poo better, can sleep better blah blah.... I do let her supplement at nite, but I am also firm with CL that she must let BB finish my EBM as I don't want to keep too long in fridge.

when you let CL bottlefeed the EBM, won't your baby get nipple confusion when you latch on?

My baby gal reject the teat that day I tried to feed her my EBM. BIG Mistake... 'cos both breasts all expressed out to relief engorgement, then she din wanna take the EMB (either from teat or from the spoon) and I got not enough milk for her to suckle....she super cranky for the whole afternoon and night.
Mrs Ho

I used warm water mixed with salt to clean after peeing. After that, I use the spary my gynae gave me. Think it is an antiseptic spray. A little troublesome but if want to heal faster, then have to be persistent loh.


I know how frustrating it can be. My girl also like that. Want me to carry her and walk around, must sing song somemore. Once I sit down, she will cry. Want me to walk around the whole house and pat her backside. Sometimes she will fall asleep on my chest. Can only put her in her cot when I am very very sure that she is soundly asleep. Sometimes I entertain her until I feel like sleeping myself. Well....can only tell myself this phase will pass.

My mum sleeps in another room.. while me, hb n bb sleep in the same room.. sometimes my hb sleeps in another room if he has an impt meeting the following day...


Initially I felt the same way as you.. dont want to trouble my mum too much.. but over long term.. I really cant handle her all by myself esp now she has been getting very cranky at night.. my mum stays over at my place on most nights just to help me look after bb at night.. but I try not to wake her up too often too.. but it is a hugh relief having her ard and helping out just once a night.. honestly speaking.. think I would have gotten post natal blues if not for my mum's help..

You can also get those clips (food storage clips) from ikea.. not too sure which ones though.. recommended by the shop assistant at First Few Years shop
dun scare me leh.. My CL still ard but hb b going back 2 work on Tuesday and CL b going back on 11 May and I will be home alone most of time except in evenings when hb is back.
I am wearing glasses. Juz like you, EBM gotta come first b4 she's allowed to use FM on our bb.

for my case, slightly different from you. we are using NUK and Avent bottles and bb's preferring NUK bottles becoz of the teats. Think Avent teats are much bigger and deeper.
Hi jumbo,
Maybe can play some soothing new age music? I highly recommend Hilary Stagg
Or jus yak here
You know there were times I got so upset because my simple expectation from close ones are not met. Now I bo chap liao, jus let them be and get on with my life, if there is one. hee hee
i'm wondering how come i am getting more and more fragile.. i dunno why but to keep comparing olden day ppl with myself.. olden day ppl can go through delivery without any pain relief, how come i need aid for that? olden day ppl can survive bringing 10 over children at the same time? Why i can't handle even 1??? i'm not trying to pessimistic but when thing happened right before my eyes, i have to accept it..
Err...then I'm not really sure who u are liao... :p

Actually, if your hubby can, should get him to be ard when CL leaves...so at least got 2 pax to tend to bb... I headache 'coz when my CL leaves, my hubby will be on course....I still thinking of contingency plans...
We re all unique. Can't compare. Think it is juz tat we ve to live with it and accept who we are and what is happening and move on. =)
Dun worry.. it is good to share and talk abt it .. only then we can feel more at ease after voicing our feelings and thoughts all out. Taking care of bb really not easy.
I already ve prob coping when bb cries... but think manage to figure out some methods of carrying or coaxing her to stop these two days and still practicing and exploring.
My mom told me tix when I shared with her my woes. "Don't worry.. I manage to survive taking care you three... U will definitely find ways to go through one. Methods may be different but so long Xuan Ting is happy, healthy and growing up, you should b happy."
With her words, I kind of not so scared of her crying and even let her cry at times when she wet her cloth nappy and making her milk. Then later coax and calm her down.. Aunt didn't help.. I try not to let her help me else when she is back in 2 weeks time .. I will b jia luck.
no contiguency plans yet.. my mom got ask earlier.. told her my concerns.. and she gave me those words i mentioned in the earlier post.

can u update my girl's name. Lim Xuan Ting.

Mrs Ho,
Ur gal gal names "Yu En"? Guess what my geomancer got give my girl girl these two words too.. but is "Yu4 En1"
Hi Jumbo, maybe the humid weather plays a part in our temper too ;p Try to divert ur -ve thots to sthg else, like keeping ur mind occupied, eg. think of th hard work that'll be paid off whn lil Nixon gets older..to share wif u, my princess, nw 3yrs old, still wakes up in the middle of the nite for milk, think she's "hookd" to it nw that she has kicked off her pacifier habit. Thnk God my mil is sleepng wif her :p
thanks for you gals advise....actually my wound had no problem and no infection....just when i pee feel uncomfortable....think me too sensitive liao la...
Ga;s do u burp bf bb after feed? esp if they fall asleep? I burp when that happens n she wakes up n want more milk or refuse to sleep. If I dun, she will sleep but sometimes spit milk during sleep. any advice?

Mrs Ho,
Maybe you are paranoid.

My gal is 2800g. You missed that out.

RE: Feeding
My gal's feeding pattern sorta regularised liao. It's every 4 hour feeding (plus/minus 1 hr). Quite good as I get to sleep for a few good hours at night....am coping with my lethargic-ness to get out of bed to feed.

RE: Massage
Had my last massage session today. No package so up to you how many days you want.

My massage lady is not any of the those mentioned in the forum. She uses the jamu herb and rub all over your body, which when dry will be like powder. Quite cooling, not sticky or oily at all. Smell is those trad. herbal scent, not overpowering. She is gentle and the massage is soothing. After the massage, she will bind with cloth. No other oil is applied on the tummy.

Today's last session, she uses massage oil (which is a blend of almond base oil and other essential oils). Am wearing a girder today instead of the binder. It's a sample to try...so if I like it, she will order for me.

I see that my tummy has become flatter. I have lost 2kg since come back from hospital. But dunno weight loss is due to massage or the BF.
