(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Poo & Pee
Can check with u gals who give BM to bb...how many times does ur bb poo n pee?

Gals, U know wat, just now my bb is crying for milk...think not enuff from last feed n he pee n poo too often...I just thought why not try latching him on since now I got milk oredi (been pumping out for him)...But think he ganna scared by my nipple after 2 wks....he look gong gong n turn really quiet now...no more crying for milk...dunno why...if later his poo turn green, CL sure say he ganna scared...

really sad.... big disappointment... To think that during pregnancy...I once had a sweet dream of bb sucking my nipple....but yet reality is opposite from dream....

don't be sad. Visualise this:
Your nipples are sore, cracked and suffering from all that sucking. Baby want to be latched on.
This is not a sweet dream leh...

But don't give up. Try again later and tomorrow. He probably feels strange at first but doesn't mean he cannot accept direct latching.

RE: Poo & Pee
Me not diligent at monitoring poo & pee. I just check her diapers before her feed. If wet, change. She usu poo during feeding. once or twice a day.
U tried asking TMC Lacation consultant? Mrs Wong told me to take fenugreek. I bought a bottle from NTUC pharamcy. Though not sure if it was becoz of the pills or becoz of the massages I've been doing, the milk got a bit more.. not as good as all of you.. but at least better off than I pump using Mini-Electric.. (BTW, I am doing hand pump le)

Dun b upset, k? That time I went to TMC, Mrs Wong weighed the bb b4 letting his mom to latch him and then after he drank, Mrs Wong weigned him again.. really put on quite a bit..

Most importantly if bb is increasing weight... all is fine.

For me, not sure if it is due to my medical prob that not much hormones to produce milk.. But whatever I can squeeze will give to her to drink.

Re: Fruits
I was told only apples.. and so ve been faithfully taking apples.

Re: Co-sleep
My friend had no prob letting her girl sleeping with her. But guess my hb was joking that it is a waste to buy a cot or playpen then. =p

Re: Warm Body heat
I still felt easily getting sweaty and so prefer to stick to room. But at night, I still quite warm. Sometimes dun cover myself when sleeping but in the middle of night so cold that I quickly got the blanket over me.

Re: Confinement Food
Mrs Ho,
I oso same prob with lots of food.. then Malay massage lady told me reason why. Apparently during pregnancy, our tummy expands n organs gave way to bb growth and so the muscles all laxed. AFter birth, muscles muz b rebuilt else when we are old, we not only face problem on loss of calcium but also muscles n thus we would ve backaches. So to build the muscles up, is by taking lots of protein stuff lor...
My bb poo really often, as much as 5-6 times leh...sometimes, he fart oso can have little poo come out....

Actually I try to latch on just now when CL is busy...if I do with her around...she sure say bb won't want my nipple after so long liao... She talk things very straight...quite hurting...
yesterday after 7pm feed also cranky like the day before till 12 plus pm. We suspect it's evening colic. Hubby went out to get pacifier for her since she wants to suckle so much, but she dun like. Will look up more details on the web.
Sharing this....

What Is Colic?
What could cause a perfectly healthy baby to have seemingly violent crying spells? If your baby frequently goes through a fussy period where she screams and cries -- and there's nothing you can do to comfort her -- she may be suffering from colic. Other signs that differentiate colic from ordinary crying include the baby's stomach being enlarged, or the baby passing more gas than usual or extending or pulling up his legs.If your baby is showing signs of colic, you're not alone. About one in five babies between 2 weeks and 3 months old go through these crying spurts. Colic is not a physical disorder or disease; it simply refers to 3 or more hours a day of continued crying without a visible explanation (such as hunger or a wet diaper).A baby with colic will often go through his crying spells between 6:00 p.m. and midnight. Of course, that's just when you as a parent are also feeling worn out. While the incessant screaming might make you want to pull your hair out, just remember that this phase won't last forever. Colic usually peaks around 6 weeks and then slowly dissipates -- disappearing by about 3 months of age.

I ordered from the company direct.. u can call 62262650 and they will deliver it to your house but min. must order 4 packs.. the last time I ordered.. theres the promo of 14 bucks per pack.. not sure if it is still available now..
gals wonder how long u latch bb? I tried ike u said latch till drop out but she seems to suckle when i put her on..tend to fall asleep at breast.. i latch her for 40 min n seems there's still milk..doesn't seem can empty breast, squeeze got milk...so how?

Hmm think about 2 weeks for the NB? But I use it interchangably btw Nepia & pampers leh.. Yup I use it at night too.. no problems so far.. but it might not suit every baby.. remembered preciousbabe mentioned that it leaked for Jayden.. but most of the comments I have heard are positive.. I just started using the S one.. havent finished yet..
Hi all!!

Been a long time since I post

Heehee...I decided to give Nepia another chance after trying Drypers. Haahaa...and Nepia didn't disappoint me the 2nd time round, didn't leak liao leh. Mayb the size was too big for Jayden then coz he's very thin at the beginning.

I used Nepia throughout the day and night for Jayden. Changed diapers every 3h and 1 pack last me ard 1 week. Do u want to try? Coz I have 2 packs of NB not open yet and Jayden has outgrow them If u want, I can sell to u. If u stay in the west then I can deliver to your place somemore
It seems most ppl have been giving good comments for pampers...But hor, pampers premium actually oso leaks on my bb's poo once! And my CL says pampers no good b'coz the elastic band is not tight enough...
C-section wound
Wanna know if those with c-sec wound, does your c-sec line feel hard n lumpy? Does the wound site still aches/pain?

My back also aches, dunno why...

Yup, I'm living in the west.
My bb is over 2 weeks old, so I dunno if 2 packs of NB is too many for me... currently still using cloth nappies...I'm only planning to use diapers full time only 2 wks later....

Think Evon is sending me sample for me to try...
I'll let u know again?
RE: Diapers
For Pampers, if it leaks could be becoz diaper not placed backwards more and so leaked behind?

My gal too got leak when she pooed a lot using mama pokos and pamper premium becoz we didn't place it backwards properly then. That's what auntie said.

But auntie told us our bb seem to be outgrowing the mama pokos - infant one as the rubber around her legs seems to be getting tighter.

Re: C-section cut
Regards to this, I dun ve such prob.. in fact malay massage lady said my gynae did very neatly and well. No pain around there

For backaches, ve you tried malay massages? Also how was your seating position? If you have the stomach binder? The binder I used it frequently till this week then I dun wear (now is the third week). The malay massage lady was really good. So far, she found and caught all the aching problems I've as well. It kind of feels better.

PS> Terrier - B sending out the diapers on Sat when go polling. k?

My c-section wound is ok leh.. very nice and neat.. my gynae did a good job too

I went to NTUC 2 days ago.. and the kiasu mother I am.. went to buy pampers M size (so super expensive even though it was on discount liao) 2 packs for $55! 2 packs of nepia M size is only $28.. half the price..
Hi ladies,
Just brought my girl for the 2nd hep jab yesterday. Pd said that she is still jaundice at 1 mth. So did blood test to check her liver function. They actually draw blood from her hand near her fingers. She cried so loud, I so heart pain. Thankfully, the result was normal but need to monitor her jaundice. Anyone has encounter bb is still jaundice at 1 mth?

So far I have tried mummy poko, pampers premium and drypers. Drypers is lousy. When my girl poo, it leaks from her leg. Pampers premium is the best. Yet to try Nepia. It is the same as Pet Pet? My friend told me Pet Pet is cheap and good. Will buy some when i go shopping next time.

Re: C-section wound
Occasionally, I will still feel some pain there. Did not go for the malay massage as there is still pain.

Re: Heatiness
I also fall sick after taking all the seasame oil, martell and red date tea. My eye was swollen, serious migrain and I only urine once or 2 times a day. So my mum stop cooking with martell and I feel better. I also drink lots of water after that.

u have backache? Are u on epidural when u gave birth?
If it's 1 pack then I get it from u first...

Thanks for your offer...I'll get that 1 pack from preciousbabe...Initially, I tot have to order 4 packs from Nepia, which is too many, that's y I requested for samples to try

Re: C-sec wound
My wound is also neat n clean...but it's just that it feels hard along the line...

Yup, I was on epidural...

I feel backache sometimes when I sit n when I bend towards bb's crib to change his nappies...

I still don't dare to try massage yet leh... Evon, what aches did u have that the massage can cure?
hi everyone,

first time having a chance to come online. we finally seem to be getting some idea of what we are doing!!

didn't hv chance to read yr posts and need to go off soon, so just to give our info for update.

baby name : carys
weight : 4.05kg
dob : 28 Apr 2006, 1441hrs

regards massage, you wanna try my massage lady? She's v gentle and has more than 20 years experience liao. I asked her about C-section delivery and massage, she says can start on the 4th day. (It's in the technique and experience) She has done it before and I understand that she's currently doing for a customer, start on the day discharge from hospital. For myself, I had ND but I started only on my 5th day. If you want the contact, pls PM me.
RE: Diapers
For mummies that have tried out different brands, can contribute to a review on price comparison here?
Hi all mummies , seem like there are quite a few april mummies opt for c section ... just to check , any one opt for Epi C section ? Hows everything ?

can u feel any pain while the gynae start the c section ?

How long does the epi c section take ?

Is it very painful ?

And i would also like to know the price for Epi c section in TMC , any mummies can help out , give me more info ? thank so much ! =)
wonder how long ur bb sleeps a day at 3-4 weeks. Mine sleeps only abt 10h. V wakeful after bath even if she tired. din dare to try cry herself to sleep. Rock, pat n carry when sleep put her down wake up after 10 min or so. Read somewhere they shld b sleeping 16h. Pls advice.Need to c pd?
Was busy throughout the day entertaining relatives and friends. The caterer that I engaged was good. Hee...food was delicious and he even gave us extra dish and cakes. The cake That I ordered from Prima Deli was also very nice to look at and eat!! The star of the day slept through the whole celebration.

I'll be going to CCk on sat morning, tuition from 10.30am-12 noon. Where do you stay? PM me your address and hp number so that I can pass the diaper to you.
I got some aching pain at the right front waist area. It came on and off and yesterday way quite bad; today when she massaged, I told her n she told me could b muscle pull n she pressed a spot to confirm n tat I've a muscle pull on my right leg.. after she massaged, the pain at that area was gone. Then I got problem at right butts area when lying on hard floor and she pressed a spot on my butts n the pain kind of subsided.

Suddenly just found massaging is such a knowledge...

my bb now in her 3rd week as well n v'g same prob as well.
She doesn't seem to sleep very well n seemed to get scared easily since these two days. If she was asleep and she swung her hands, she would wake up.

I thought it was I as she got used to CL. So far, she slept ard 16~18h; but not as much as last time, more bochap.
Thanks for your offer. I already got a massage lady...

I stay @ bukit batok... U drive? If not, I get my hubby to collect from u @ mrt station?

Your PM is not turned on leh...

U got your gal to sleep in your room liao ah? U can manage her at nite?
hi kolarie, my bb since coming back from hospital has been like that...arghh... dunno wats wrong. so tempted to bring her see pd
Sorry, didn't know that my pm not activated. I've activated it liao. I don't drive but my hb does and think tmr he shld be driving me to tuition so I can drop by bt batok to pass the diapers to u.
Hi White lady,

I had my bb thru epidural c-section. Dun worry, there is no pain during the op. The only pain I had was when they administer the epidural. Please also be prepared that u will not be pushing your bb out. There will be someone pushing your tummy to push bb out. For me, it took 4 person to help me push my bb out.

As for the duration, bb is out within half an hour and I spend abt another hour in the OT for stitching up. Hubby will be with u but will leave with bb once bb is out. So u have to be patient as u are left alone wondering what is going on. But dun worry too much, everything should be ok.

As for the prices at TMC, let me check my bills and let you know again.
Hi Tracy,

Thank for sharing ur experience , by the way , at which week did u give birth ? cos normally , for c section is 38 weeks rite , and u have to be in hospital the nite before issit ? thank
White lady,

I gave birth at 38 weeks. Did not stay in hospital overnight. My op was 10am and I was admitted at 7am. But I did fast overnight.
tracy ,

what do u mean by fast overnite ? And ur op start at 10am , and can amitied at 7am ? then the nite before cant eat anything issit ?
hi Tracy
My bb is 3 weeks plus now and she is having jaundice for the second time at a level of 19. PD arranged for us to rent the phototherapy equipment at home for few days. Mon going to see PD again to see if her level has gone down a not.

did u bring her sunbathing? So u are going to put her under the equipment for whole day or what?

My girl's jaundice level is 5 at 1 mth old. I'm a little worried myself n I can understand how u feel now.
Tracy ,

btw , how much is ur hospital bill ?
and did ur gynea stop u from choosing epi c section ? Cos when i told my gynea , he ask me to try natural first ! *faint*
Oh ya , and tracy , after u have epi c section , does them let u BF ur baby immediately ? or wait till u go to the ward ?
Hi mummies,

need yr advise here. i think my right nipple holes are blocked. i remember Mrs Wong-TMC said we hv 25 milk holes in each breast. few days ago i can still see the milk "pierce" out when i express. but today it seems like no milk "piercing" leh but dripping slowly when express. I tried massage also no use, anyone any solutions?

Hmm.. I didnt know that we have 25 milk holes in each breast.. so are we supposed to see 25 squirts of milk whenever we express? If not, does it mean that it is blocked?
White lady,

I did not bf my bb immediately after the op 'cos I can't get up due to the epidural. I only try to bf her the next day morning. I also told the nurse to give her FM as I dun hv much milk until the 3rd day.

My gynae told me to opt for epi c-section. He said that if I had GA c-section, the drugs will affect the bb, for epi c-section will not. If you can go for natural, why not. I dun hv choice then go for c-section.

As for my hospital bill, I need to check with my hb. Dun know where he keep it. Let u know later. Btw, when are u due?

Hope this helps...

Sometimes a milk duct leading from the milk-making cells to the nipple gets plugged, resulting in a tender lump beneath the areola. There may also be a wedge-shaped area of redness extending from the lump back towards the wall of the chest. Unlike mastitis, the pain comes and goes with a plugged duct, and unless the duct is infected, you will not feel generally ill. If left untreated, however, a plugged duct may become infected, resulting in mastitis, infection, or a breast abscess.

To unplug the duct and prevent subsequent infection, try these suggestions:

Continue to breastfeed on the affected side. By any means, get the milk out! This is the golden rule of preventing engorgement, plugged ducts, and mastitis. Use a breast pump or hand expression if baby is unwilling to nurse.

Breastfeed on the affected side first. Baby's sucking is strongest at the beginning of the feed, so he is more likely to dislodge the plug when he starts on the affected breast.

Vary the baby's position at the breast, so that all of the milk ducts are drained. Be sure the baby is latched-on well, so that he can nurse efficiently. Try the clutch hold or side-lying position. Before each feeding, massage the affected area by kneading your breast gently from the top of the breast down over the plugged duct toward the nipple.

Drain the affected breast better by positioning baby so his chin "points" to the area that is sore. For example, if the lump is around 4 o'clock, use the clutch-hold and position baby's chin around this point on the nipple clock. The lower jaw is often most effective at getting milk out of the breast.

Apply moist heat compresses for a few minutes before feeding or pumping, or soak the affected breast in warm water or in the shower as described under Engorgement

Rest. Lie down with the baby and nap-nurse.

If you notice a small, white dot at the end of the milk duct on your nipple, that is the end of a plugged nipple opening. Apply moist heat on this white blister and with a sterile needle gently pop the blister. If this pore stays plugged, it could block milk drainage and lead to a plugged duct and mastitis.

Try a pressure massage on the area of your breast that is swollen and painful because of a plugged duct. This may help to loosen the plug. With pressure massage, you do not actually move your hand over the skin as you would with a normal massage. You simply press more and more firmly with the heel of your hand to move the plug in the duct down closer to the nipple.

To do pressure massage, start at the edge of the lumpy area closest to your chest wall. Apply pressure to that area with the heel of your hand to the point just before it becomes too painful. Hold the pressure at that level until the pain eases off. Then increase the pressure again, (without moving your hand) and hold it until the pain eases. Continue to gradually increase pressure at that same site until you are pressing as hard as you can. Then pick your hand up, move it down toward your nipple about a half inch, and repeat the pressure massage in this area. Continue moving your hand a half inch and repeating the massage until you get all the way down to the nipple.

You may see the dried milk come out from an opening in your nipple. Even if the plug doesn't actually come out, you will at least have dislodged it and moved it toward the nipple so that when baby goes to the breast and sucks, he will remove it with his suction. Always put baby to the breast on the plugged side first, when his sucking will be the strongest.

To prevent plugged ducts, feed baby in different positions with his nose pointing "around the nipple clock," so that you empty all the milk sinuses and ducts.
Studies have shown that taking a tablespoon a day of oral granular lecithin or a capsule of 1,200 mg lecithin capsule three to four times a day is helpful in preventing and treating plugged milk ducts.
