(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Tks chenoa , i will try to let bb latch on more,these days he seem to be very impatient when latching.

Hi hunnipot, not sure whether shld all the 25 holes be opening leh, can imagine waterfall liao.

Hi ladies,
Been MIA for quite some time cos popped on 28th April and took some time to settle down at home.

Please update my baby's details. Thanks!
Name: Ting Wah Kai, Brandon
DOB: 28th April 06
Time: 0022hours
Weight: 3.230kg

Here is my birth story. Intended for everything natural. This shows that we can't plan for everything. God's will takes first place.

27th April midnight - water bag burst.
1am - Went to hospital. Put on CTG. Baby ok so asked to go home first and come back later. Only dilated 1cm
8am - Go back to hospital. Contractions like menstrual cramps. Still only dilated 1cm! But since water bag already burst doc said labour must start and end within 24 hours. So insert pill.
2pm - Still on 1cm dilated! Put on systocin drip. Contractions become more frequent and intense after that.
6pm - Only 2-3cm dilated!
7pm - 3-4 cm dilated. By this time already 19 hours in labour. Every contraction was hurting my back. Doc said will take another 6-8 hours more. I asked about painkillers even though I said I wouldn't. But another 6-8 hours of back pain didn't look too fun at that point. Doc agreed so that I can relax/rest and that would help speed up dilation and give energy to push later.
7.30pm - Got epidural
1135pm - 8cm dilated. But baby's head still very high, not fully engaged. Tried pushing but baby just don't want to move. CTG showed hearbeat dipping after every contraction. Baby's tired. Doc said no choice, have to do c-sect.
28th April midnight - Got prep to go OR.
12.22am - Brandon was born!

Had to stay 2 additional days because he had jaundice and was on TBF. Came home on Tue then on Fri went to see PD. Jaundice went up again so had to rent the lights at home. Today went to see PD, jaundice level has come down. So yippee!

So far so good. He is suckling well, peeing and pooing quite a lot too. Wakes up every 3 hours at night to feed. So far no sore nipples or engorgement. Whenever breasts feel heavy or I feel there are lumps near the top of my breasts I will quickly pump out and store in freezer. So far, have not needed to feed ebm. Always direct latch. Since he is gaining weight, I assume he is having enough and I feed on demand. So I think should be ok.
Hi ladies,

I'm looking for a babysitter around Eunos Area to start in mid jun 06. Anyone has any recommendation?
Hi mummies... how much should a 3wk old bb b drinking? I'm on partial BF n FM. I always BF her 1st than follow wif abt 30-40ml of FM at nite. She sleeps well at nite, wake up after abt 2-3x for feeding. But she very cranky in the afternoon till nite... isit normal? In the afternoon she drink abit cry, drink abit cry... so her feeding is all jumbo up in the noon...
hi mummies
I'm utterly surprised to know we have 25 milk holes. I normally see milk piercing out from 2 holes only.

hi jillian

Congrats!!! Me oso have to rent the lights for the jaundice. Did you let ya baby wear the eye mask? My baby got cranky each time we put it on for her. Anyway we decided not to put on her.
hi ladies,

Maybe u can tried this method to reduce jaundice. My boy also has jaundice and was discharge fm hospital later than me and now jaundice is cleared

My mum went to the chinese medical hall and bought some seeds. You tell the medical hall that it is for baby w jaundice for shower, they will know. The seeds was pound into powder and u can use a little bit to boil w water and let baby shower. In addition the powder can put 1 teaspoon on a cloth nappy or cloth for bb to sleep on. We bought $1 is enough for 2-3 shower, u can try out and purchase more if it works for you.
Hi Jilian.

wow...such a long labour, you very good leh...can tahan the contractions so long before getting epidural.

YY also cannot sleep in the afternoon till past midnight. Like every hour strat to making sucking motion...I also not sure if she's hungry or just wanna suck, so I will offer my right breast....and my right breast is practically empty throughout the day. Can't offer left breast to suck 'cos still nursing my suffered nipple. I only pump out LHS to feed and she always not satisfied after drinking the EBM 'cos not the same as sucking on mummy's breast.
Hi cheona,

read from your posting that your massage lady is good. Do you mind giving me her contact as I'm currently looking for one? How's her charges? Thanks.
chenoa, me also same case. bb juz full mth n still like that..been so since wk 2. Do u gals know y. izzit not enuf milk? my gal also like never satisfied. suckle every hr n keep falling asleep on my breast. how to stop them from treating us like pacifiers?
The bilibed that I rented have lights from the bottom. So he kena the lights on his back not from the top like in the hospital. We found it ok not to let him wear the eye cover since the lights won't really get into his eyes since it's bottom up.
Hi Nana
Congrats to u!

The recommendation is that we should pump out at 3-4 hrs interval if we are not doing direct latch on...

At 2nd week, think your supply is consider quite an amount..but your lapse interval is quite long, that's why the breasts would leak.

If you want to give your bb more BM, then you should continue the pumping or latching at closer intervals of 3 hrs....

anyone weaning off from BM to FM.. wat's e mtd?? me want to slowly let e bb have FM cuz going to work soon and work does not allow me to pump..

me stopped pumping now, but how to prevent encorgement if she did not latch on and we give FM instead.. always feel like 2 stones on my chest if i miz e feeding..
Hi mummies,

anyone experience the same, milk came in only on 6-7 days rather than normal at 3-4 days? if milk come in late does it mean the full milk supply will also come in later?
mine came in late too .. but was little. but bm supply nv increased despite the food i took.. so gave up eventually n rely on FM.

But dun give up... k? So long bb wants to latch, let bb latch as often as possible.. my prob is tat bb doesn't like to latch n she is quick tempered if i would to wait till she hungry...


Found tix link while surfing.

I tried the quiz n found tat the score shows that i m suffering a bit of blues again.

To mommies who was mentioning on cranky bbs in afternoons?
Any of u still've bbs cranky then?? My bb seems to be lately often.. no matter how we carry her.. CL going back on Thurs n 2morrow morning she got a jab... dunno if I'd do tat. We suspected tat her crankiness is the discomfort from the BCG jab she had on her 2nd day after birth. Now the jab seemed more obvious than previous weeks.
Hi kyla,

i'm weaning off from BM to FM too. Yet to start. Will latch on my bb 1 more mth then switch to FM. According to my friend, we can actually go to gynae or GP to get some pills to stop engorgement if we are weaning off. But I'm not sure wat is the name of the pills.
Hi evon,

my boy also dun wan to latch anymore. therefore i express out and give him EBM. i tried to let him latch once a day after so much of struggling but he only willing to cooperate a short while.

I agreed he is also very impatient and cannot wait for milk if he has to suckle hard

Now i been drinking so much soup, longan tea etc also like no inrease leh.
hi gals,

for those using Avent manual pump, can you advise how many parts are there that need to be sterilise? I am using an electric pump now which is quite bulky to bring outdoor, so thought of getting one manual one. How do you gals solve this problem?

My bb also getting very cranky at night.. last night he woke up at 1am for feed, went back to sleep and wake up again at 2.30am for feed again but we gave him at 3am. After that he didn't sleep until 5am. Its just too tiring..
How much are your babies drinking now at how many hour interval?

I'm messed up with YY's drinking schedule. Sometimes, she sleeps for 3-4hours, sometimes feed every hour. I also dunno how much she actually needs, just feed when she wakes up. The freq feeding makes my breasts q. empty leh.....starting to question issit my ss getting low, so she did not get enuf and had to nurse more freq. Even after 3-4hrs, breasts also not full full like last week leh....
Cranky bb:
hmmm...y our bb so cranky...didn't sleep @ night!!!! Need to wake up to feed them @ night!!!!!... I have a friend come to visit me...and told me that her daughter no need to feed at night since born....she only feed bb at 10pm...then bb will sleep till the next day morning about 8am....what a good bb in the world!!!!!!!!
Hmmmm....think i must train my bb too....sleep at 10pm, then wake up @ 8am....
BB feed:
hmmmm....my bb feed oso not stable....i only feed bb after 2 or 3 hours...she drink about 100-110ml @ week 4 - 5. If within an hour she ask for milk...then i will feed her plain water instead of milk.

There are about 5 to 6 parts that needs to be sterilised for the avent manual pump.. find this alot better than the medela electric pump.. on the verge of spoiling! the motor gives off a funny noise now and is not as strong as b4..

Mrs Ho

From what my PD advised me.. feed on demand.. and try not to feed too much plain water

my friend told me that medela pump only have 2 parts to sterilise which is much easier than manual pump. 5-6 parts is alot. My ameda pump also giving funny noise occasionally but its still as strong.
So good; at least bb still let u latch on.

If ur bb not more than 6 weeks old yet, you may want to see a lacation consultant for advice on where the prob is.

Re: Cranky
What's considered cranky?? XT juz seem waking up in the afternoons n couldn't sleep deeply n kept making noises n sometimes crying. Is tix considered cranky? Could it b becoz of BCG injection? The last time PD did say it may swell a bit in 3rd~4th week of 1st month.

Re: Vaccination
Anybody heard of modified 5-in-1 injection? Where the 3rd dose of Hep B is taken together with another injection on 5th month instead of HepB 3rd dose only on 6th month.
Hi there,
Juz get to know the diff bet. poly jab & pte one. PD gives pure serum, hence BB will not hv fever as side effect.Tink I go PD for jabs tho more trips & jabs for BB

The avent manual pump is more convenient.. at least I need not be stuck near the power point to express milk.. can still walk ard the house.. and I can also express more with the avent pump.. perhaps it is cos of the "massaging" effect..

Mrs Ho

No prob!
hi jilian
Then we are using the same medela bilibed. I oso find it not necessary to put the eye protection though the technical guy insisted we should use. How is ya baby's jaundice?
hi nana

If you want good supply, betta pump at an interval of 3 hrs. Me very lazy mum, pump every 5 hours on average, so sometimes I have to suffer from mastitis. An average I can pump about 150ml.
My bb also cranky nowadays from 5+pm till 12am!
Keep wanting ppl to carry him, tot he sleep oreadi, but put him down to the cot, he wake up n cries!

Smurfy, you start coping by yourself already? Everything okie?

My baby also! She wants us to carry her and walk all over the house.. she will cry once we sit down.. and it gets so tiring.. so sometimes I let her suckle on my breasts to calm her down as she rejects pacifier...
that's called cranky huh?

My bb oso like tat but auntie carries her no prob.. and aunt leaving 2morrow .. I am so scared and worried though aunt said I can already.


My bb juz likes to "bully" me. I muz carry her and walk and with some movements of slight swing then she will sleep... but aunt carries, she sleeps immediately without getting out of the chair.

Smurfy, u coping alone??
hi everyone,

irene, i can't increase e interval of pumping, in fact, it got worse, now i've to pump every 1.5 hr cuz it's so painful and full.. and my bb refuses to latch on cuz e breast is too full, so i got to pump out around 2-3oz and then let her latch on..

anyone know of bb who dun want to feed on breast tt is too full, tt's is the only reason i can think of cuz she never has problem latching on previously..
if your breast is too full, bb will have difficulty latching on.. it's normal..
if you wanna latch her on, maybe try pumping out a bit then latch her on..

Anyone wanna share Nepia delivery with me?
Your CL leaving tmr? U have slept with bb thr the nights oredi? Ok or not?

My bb will only be sleeping in my room from tmr nite onwards, b'coz hubby having exam till tmr....

Your CL is your aunt ah?

Wanna check with u if any of your bb will cry very hard even before pee??? Mine is terrible. Before pee already start to cry very hard, I'm afraid if my bb got problem or not....
My CL leaving 2morrow afternoon. I've not been able to sleep with bb n CL as the room a bit too packed. But CL said she behaved same same as of afternoon. My CL is not my close aunt.. juz that used to calling her "aunt" already.

Re: Cry b4 pee
My bb would juz wail a while b4 she pee.
Re: Cry b4 Pee
My bb will cry when he wants to pee. We have started to recognise the sound. A short wail for him. But when he poos, he will stare very hard, both his legs will be hanging
thanks for your advice. I will consider to get the manual pump. It might be a waste cos my MS is really not much. i need to pump twice for his 1 feed only. but my nipples getting sore from the pumping, wonder why..

CL left last thurs but i extended her for another week, so she is back today. From last thurs till today, i handle my bb with my hubby becos he injured his leg and got MC till 19 may. I think its best to have someone around initially. Then slowly, i think i can handle bb alone if he don't get cranky in the mid of the night cos its really tiring if he refuse to sleep.

I will need to handle the bb alone for morning period after CL leaves cos my mom agree to help out in the afternoon. I found a tingkat for my lunch, not sure if its good.. how about both of you?

btw, gals.. i decided to let my bb take the 6-in-1 jabs which only requires my bb to start from end of 2nd month. So do i need to bring my bb for a general checkup after 1st month? My hubby don't feel at ease that bb didn't have any checkup since 2nd week. Any advise?
forget to add that my hubby claims that he got a bit of post-natal blues after taking care of bb these few days :p, so do take it easy ok..

finally i can sleep peacefully again today :p
U want to share the Nepia delivery ah? Y leh? My boy uses 4 packs in abt 3 weeks, very fast finish one leh. Where do you stay? Coz I'm getting diapers for my boy soon but havn't decide how many packs to buy coz got 1 pack of Drypers and Mammy Poko to finish. Mayb can share with u if u stay in the west.

i check w PD on this, he says as e bb grows, e bladder also grows, so instead of the original 5-7 movements, now is 2-5 and in bigger quantity..

i also scared cuz my girl did not poo since e nite b4 so kiasu bring her go see doctor.. so dun worry ok? it's normal.. just make sure tt your bb urine regularly, tt's more impt..
Hi Mummies!!

Can i join in this thread? Confinement is really boring for me...

My girl was borned on 21 April
Through caesarian when induced natural delivery failed.


My bb pooed around 2-3 times a day now. Yes, like what kyla shared, bigger poo. And he is more often on BM, so the poo is extremely lots and brownish-yellowish watery.. smelly!


Me post natal blues for the past 2 weeks. Getting better this week.. heee.. seems like a lot of factors lead to post natal blues. Suddenly feel down.. and next moment can be happy..


My bb girl also very naughty.. loves pple to rock her and carry her around the house after every meal. Else she make noise on the bed. So when we know she is full and her diapers not wet, she must be seeking attention liao. Tiring!! Especially when she is getting heavier.
His level down liao since Monday. Now we just monitoring in case he gets yellow again. What about your baby?

How often do you change Jayden's diapers? How about night time?

kk & maraquan

Im relieved to hear that bb poos lesser when they get bigger.. my bb is also on tbf.. was quite worried as she only poos 2 to 3 times a day..

preciousbabe, I live in Toa Payoh.
How you find Nepia? I'm not sure whether it's fit her anot so dun wish to order so much. Worried if it's dun suit her, then wat to do with the rest.
