(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Thanks Shylyn.


Morning ladies.

Catering for Bb First Month
Hunniepot, thanks. Hb thinking of tat as well. More variety of food when we compared yesterday. Else, looks very ordinary.

Anybody thinking of getting tingkat for lunch and dinner after CL leaves?
I am looking for one as I would b alone @ home with bb.. dun think got much time 2 go out n buy food if hb not ard.

Re: Malay Massage Ladies
So far, who has used malay massage ladies? Do u find it effective?

B starting with Rohaya tix week or next depending on her schedule as I didn't call her when my bb was born on 11 April 2006.. so not sure if by third week would it still b effective.. Rohaya said normally C section can start by 2nd week.

Re: BB reluctant to drink water
Help... anybody's bbs oso have tix prob? How to solve huh? Her urine very yellow.

Now I'm asking aunt to put more water into her FM so tat she got more liquid. Dunno would work.. what other methods can I use?
sandy, me huh.. not so soon lah.. 1 baby also cant handle well, dare not think of 2nd one.. but will go for 2nd one before i hit 30.. keke..

kolarie, all babies hate plain water.. for nix, i reduce fm intake and increase the water quantity to dilute the milk.. i gave nix grip water too.. put a teaspoon of grip water and mixed with around 80ml water.. let him drink as much as he can.. nix will drink anything tat has taste except plain water.. but these few days, he start to drink plain water liao..

for malay massage, i've engaged kathija.. ok lah.. but i do it not for slim down.. just r&r.. heard from kathija tat i would be good to start asap to have more effective result.. perhaps u can call and make appointment with rohaya

i've a tube of medela purelan, never use before as i dun suffer any nip sore.. if anyone needs it, let me know, i can post it to u.. but will be next week cos left it at my mil's place..
Re: BB reluctant to drink water

Hi Evon, my girl refuse water too. Yesterday bought her to c PD cos got lots of wind in tummy n didn't bian for 2days. PD gave me a stryinge (don knw how to spell... :p)to feed bb the medicine. I use tat styringe to feed bb water n it works. Mayb u try to get it fm yr PD. Put the stryinge againstthe side of the mouth n bb will drink automatically.

Re: Catering for Bb First Month
Mayb u like to try Rasel? I'll b using them for bb full mth. $12 menu got 12 dishes to choose. Variety quite diff fm the norm.

Btw, i delivered on 18/Apr at TMC. Went through c-sect as cervix do not open after more than 10 hrs of labour pain.
Feeding water oso helps to cleans the bb mouth at the same time. Personally feels tat bb organs r still very fragile n water helps to cleans thier kidney. N oso some formula can b abit heaty...

Re: Malay Massage Ladies
i just finished w rohaya, she is very good.. e massage is not painful/ very comfortng and relaxing.. and i think i did slim down a bit.. cuz me never look at myself b4 e massage in e mirror (too busy w bb) so can't compare..

hazel, e medela is good.. i had bad sore nipple till bleeding, so it helps to moisture and safe for BF too..

Re: Malay Massage Lady

I also finished my 7 sessions with Rohaya. Her massage is really comforting and relaxing just as wat Kyla has said. My tummy also reduced from 5 months to about 3 months. But I still have about 4 -5 kg to lose.

Re: Nipple cream

I find the smell of Avent nipple cream very unpleasant. I prefer Palmers.

Re: Caterer

CDCS is gd for Hi-tea. I like their cholocate eclairs. But for lunch, so-so only.

Mad bride, if u want to cater for only 15 pax, I recommend Gim Tim catering. They do have mini buffets. Go to www.gimtim.com.sg to check it out.

Re: babies who hate plain water

My Gladys also hates plain water. I tried feeding her with spoon. Think can also put a bit of glucose.
Re: Massage
Evon, mine oso c-sec, I very scared of my internal wound if to do massage leh... the massage is suppose to help contract our womb rite? if after 2 weeks, dunno still helpful or not?

Re: Tingkat
I oso thinking of taking up this... but still have source for caterer yet...

Yukie, wah, u went into c-sec so much faster than me! I waited for 20 hours before procedding to it...
hi kyla/lemontree

I am due in june..Can i have the contacts for rohaya? n u koe how much she charges for her pkg?Wat kind of oil did she use?Smelly?
Hi lemontree,
thanks for the suggestion. Gim Tim's food is not bad but I just checked with them...they don't do mini buffets anymore. Sigh. Does anyone know of any other good ones?

Re: Water
I checked with PD if there is a need to give baby water. She said that it is not necessary as there is already water in bm and fm.

Re: Malay Massage
From looking 6 months pregnant, reduced to looking 3 months pregnant. At least after the massage,i look just fat rather than pregnant. But still have a lot more to lose. I am so depressed. It's nearly a month since I delivered, yet I don't seem to be losing much more weight. I'm so afraid that i will remain fat forever.
Catering with less than 15 ppl
U try Meihao? I was at the website n found tat they ve min.15 pax but per cost per head ard $10/$12. http://www.meihao99.com.sg/buffet/minib.asp

See if tix what u looking 4.

bb not drinking water
PD did say tat as well when we brought her to check for jaundice last week. But when her urine turned beri yellow yesterday... we became worried. Dun want bb to get UTI... so trying to get her drink water, even if it is just two mouths.

HB is against giving bb drink gripe water.. we will try the mtd of spoon feeding and syringe feeding to see how it works.

In the meanwhile hope my bm supply will improve after seeing lacation consultant 2morrow as well.. then bb got more sources of water.. read tat if bb on bm totally, no nd water.

Malay Massage
I've called Rohaya.. but her schedule rather tight tix week.. if she could squeeze in the afternoon 2morrow for me would be great.

I hope to meet her soon.. as I heard tat massaging oso helps in bm supply too..

no worries on the figure.. my cousin was initially rather huge when she was pregnant with her first and then second kids, but now her figure is back. She told me b patient as it took her ard 6 mths to get back shape though /w massaging.

Another friend who has 2 boys, shared tat exercising helps a lot. But with me not having any maid or body to help me ard after CL leaves, she thinks I can shrink down faster.. =-p

So far, found tat constant drinking of red date tea and soups ve helped me go down to 4mths pregnant shape already. Not so bloated as then.
Re: Catering
I'm using Meihao too. Chose menu A as my mum and aunties are cooking some side dishes and making desserts.

Re: BB not drinking water
My girl refuse to drink water too. So we try to spoon feed her. She drinks the first few spoon and spit out the rest when she realise that it is water. Got drink better than none.

Re: Malay Massage
I'm tempted to go for it but my c-section wound is still quite tender, I better not try. I think I will have to do lots of exercise later on. I also heard from my friends that bf will help us to slim down fast. I hope that it is true.
for those spoon feed baby, get those silicone tip, as i read from somewhere, metal tip is not really good for baby's gum.. i got mine from kiddy palace..
Is it compulsory for bb to take e 5-in1 vaccination? When should bb take it? Is it together w the BCG? Mine will b scheduled on 13/5..abt a mth after his 1st BCG. Still considering where to go 4 his BCG. Any price difference bet polyclinic & private?

RE: Malay Massage
I'll hv my last session w my Malay Massage lady..pretty good..cos my tummy slimmed down a lot..mabbe in e 1st place it didn't expand a lot also..back to my normal state though sad to say..rather flabby now..no stomach muscles at all..:p still hv another 5 kg to lose..

RE: BB not drinking water
Guess u can wait till bb is really hungry & try givingg her some water instead of milk?
no worries on that... i shared my worries with Rohaya.. she said after few massages, it would be more firm.

U oso looking 4 tingkat huh? Found any? I so far saw MeiHao ve oso.. n Chia Chia Catering.. But still looking ard.
Hi Koalarie

Thanks. Will check website out. My bm supply is also very little. After trying everything that everyone suggests (ie. nursing bb more often, pumping regularly, drinking papaya soup, fenugreek, massaging, even a course of medication from gynaecologist...), still so little. My doc sd that there are some who just do not produce much bm. Was very stressed out initially, didn't help that even my own mother passed disparaging remarks about how little bm i have. So stressed that i cried. Now, have accepted the fact but will give my boy the little that i have. No point driving myself insane and unhappy over this...motherhood isn't just about breastfeeding.
Mad Bride
Yup..need not stress urself o tt..motherhood is definitely more than being able to bf bb w ur bm..fm works just as fine..^_^
Re: Drinking water
My gal gal very smart one.. wait for her hungry n give her water first.. she will push out the teat immediately n cried very loudly as if her mommy bullies her not giving her food to eat.. =p

The spoonfed method really requires a calm and stable hand in order to place the spoon (water not too full with water though) near bb's lower lips and let her mouth open slowly n let the tongue to slip the water bit by bit... ?? I using the medela spoon one n that's how it works when I used it in hospital.
Heheh..luckily my boy stillok w his water but there r a few times tt he wanted milk instead..but he very inflexible one..only can drink frm tt particular teat :p
Btw, thks 4 ur advise on sleeping on bb's side..tested it earlier & he's still sleeping..hopefully can tahan longer..hee
Hi Mad_bride,
thanks... glad that u shared. My hb too said tat as well.. I m kind of accepting that as well but of course, mayb I m a bit stubborn.. =p
So wait 2 c a certified consultant in tix area 2 tell me no milk.. at least u ve some.. mine was like only two drops each time i pumped on one breast. A bit too little.. isn't it?

Hunniepot and Mrs Ho, remember what we said at United Sq? Looks like my small breasts dun seem 2b very productive in milk huh.. =p

No.. at least i kind of accepted it.. I dun blame myself even if bm tat little.. juz use it to apply ard nipples to prevent soreness lor. =-p
My baby Amanda poos with so much force.. hehe.. my mum was changing her this morning... and her poo flew all the way to my mum's face and all over her t-shirt! My mum was so shocked that she was thrown aback.. then my darling pooed a 2nd time and the poo landed on the floor.. we were changing her on the bed..
Re: Vaccination
same question on the 5-in-1 as well..
any comments? I checked /w SBCC GlenE tat they dun ve such package; juz call n make arranagement n give bb the jab according to health book. And thus I thinking of bringing my galgal for jab at nearby PD instead n ve 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 vaccination.
My galgal already ve her BCG or HepB first jab at hospital... so I believe the costing would b different if I got the package, rite? Any comments?
Gal gal's next jab's on 11 May 2006.
How to know if wound is tender or not?
I just remove my stitch yesterday. Gynae told me got to give 6 weeks for whole wound to recover. To recover totally is 3 months. He especially stated that cannot do situps within these 3 months....Otherwise can start normal exercise after 6 wks.

I got a shock when he told me he actually sew me up 8 layers! :p Now my wound still got ache after 10 days....

One thing I'm uncertain abt tingkat is the type of food. My CL says I should abstain from seafood for a longer period, 2~3 months for our c-sec wound...but those tingkat food we cannot choose leh...
The most is we may lugi hor?

I saw on Neogarden website that they offer trial tingkat for 5 days....

Hmm.. perhaps it takes awhile for the milk to come in? For some people.. the milk can take about 2 weeks for it to flow.. just persevere.. for the 1st few weeks.. I could only pump out 30 ml for both breasts.. after 1 hour! Very demoralising... I was very stubborn also.. didnt have alot of milk initially.. but I kept latching on.. took papaya fish soup every day.. drink lots of milo, anlene.. ate more also.. finally pumped today to see how much my girl is drinking.. could pump out 125 ml from 1 breast... must hang on there!
Re: Tingkat
Well, me tot of tat.. but since if ordering the 3dishes+1soup one, I believe if one of the dishes is seafood, can change the fourth dish... dunno u noe what i mean. =p
Tat was what i noticed. most of menus don't've more than one seafood in tat row.
Alternatively I would take other two dishes or make my own simple meal to mix with the three dishes? =p

Re: C section
For C section, read on the stitching b4 my C section... so grossed.. can't imagine so many things to stitch.. no wonder can't laugh, cough or sneeze hard. I read tat takes ard 3 months to recover. So try not to do too much major movements n dun carry heavy items apart from our bb.. (Wonder how to carry the bath tub to bb's room 2 bath her when CL leaves.. my toilets re miserable small with those divders between the shower area and the toilet bowl n sink)

I was also scared when my stitches were removed last Friday. Then I got my hb to get for me a stool so tat I can bath (using the confinement herbs) and bath slowly.. wasn't tat bad as I think... after that can even walk ard the hse without the binder some more.. =p

Re: Low and no supply of BM
Hunniepot, thanks for advice. Like mad_Bride, I kind of come to terms to accepting already.. so not stressed anymore.. in fact, I read books when I pump. IF keep seeing, then no milk .. even worse.. =p

Now juz waiting to confirm if it is blocked ducts as I ve some lumps ard my breasts... small ones.. but juz couldn't get rid or "dissolve" them though I massage after placing a cold cloth over.

Re: Bb sleeping side positions
Not sure ur area raining now? My area is and was raining yesterday evening as well.. n so gal gal was sleeping quite well throughout till ard 10pm, woke up to look look ard b4 falling asleep again. =)

Re: BB vacination
I think if u do normal jabs.. firstly is the cost per jab and time u ve to take. While if you do those packages one, cost and time are reduced.. another pro is bb dun ve to suffer so many jabs.. =p
BCG and Hep B 1st dose will be given on baby's 1st day, hep B 2nd dose will be given on baby's 1st month.

the 5-in-1 jab is offering protection against Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio and Haemophilus influenzae type B in a single injection and will be done at baby's 3, 4, 5 and 18 mth. The vaccination also contains the new DPTa(Diphtheria, Tetanus and Acellular Pertussis). The fees for 5-in-1 in poly clinic is $294.70. I've asked the private clinic, it is about $95 per jab, it means for the whole course (of 4 jabs), it will costs $380.

4-in-1 jab is offering protection against Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis, Tetanus and Haemophilus influenzae type B in a single injection and will be done at baby's 3, 4, 5 and 18 mth too. the only difference is Polio vaccine is given orally. The fees of 4-in-1 will be 260.

Polyclinic does not offer 6-in-1. You may like to consult pte pd for 6-in-1 jab.

For me, i will go for 5-in-1 jab at polyclinic
exactly as wat kolarie mentioned... baby will not suffer from so many jabs.. u wont get heart pain so many times when seeing ur baby's suffering..
Re: Massage Ladies
I engaged Mdm Rokiah and I think she is good. My tummy was relatively flat after 2 sessions. Since delivery till now (2 weeks) I've lost abt 10kg. Dunno issit the massage that improved blood circulation or the sleepless nights that caused weight loss..
But overall, I will recommend Mdm Rokiah.
Re : massage

angeline, rohaya no is 94506374. it's 490 for 7 session.. her oil is rose geramium (i think this is e spelling) it's super nice.. my hubby can't even smell tt i got oil on me, and my bb is ok w e smell too.. and cuz i do in my MIL room, as i do on e floor mattess rather than my bed, my MIL also says e room smells nice..

i got neighbour who use malay massage, and i can smell e oil 4 doors away, super strong, think not so good..


Me little ger feeding on hourly basis, makes me worry if i got enough milk for her cuz she hungry so often.. so me pumps out 70ml and gives her and c how long it last b4 she crys for milk again.. for those bb w growth spurts, how long did it last??
Milk Intake:
My girl often gets cranky from 10pm onwards. She will cry every hour, refuse to sleep and will smack her lips like showing us that she is hungry. Is that normal?

I cannot bring myself to feed her every hour cos I believe she'll get too bloated from all the milk. But if i dun feed her, she goes on crying & I become stress. God! Anyone been in such a situation before?
jade, do u think give her a pacifier help? i nvr wanted to gv my boy pacifier initially.. but in the end we gave in to him.. and the nightmare came.. he will cry and ask us to pick up his pacifier if he lost it in his mouth.. and for the whole nite, i keep waking up and pick up for him.. i'm making him quitting his pacifier now.. and he has stop for almost 2 weeks liao.. perhaps u can use it to sooth her for a while.. but do note that pacifier will contribute air into her stomach..
RE: C section

Dun worry so much lah.. mine was c section too.. not only that I had cyst remove too therefore mor pain.. but if your gyne's skill is good there shouldn't be any problem.. so far so good.. I did try to bath bb twice during confinement.. most of the time just observe..

coz of the wound..I bought the safety first bath tub for bb so it is much easier..

Like you, I've seen the lactation consultant too. Mrs Wong told me to keep trying and that my milk will come. In the first 2 weeks, i only managed to pump out a few drops from each breast. So, no, you are not worse off than me. Now that it's nearly one month, i'm doing a pathetic 40-60ml from both when I pump. I do envy those who have a lot of milk but I'm also realistic. Decided that the more I compare, the more frustrated I will be. My boy had jaundice and also a very good appetite. When he was a week old, he was taking up to 90ml in the hospital. My breast milk was definitely insufficient for him, and it isn't right of me to deprive him either.
Now, I will top up with fm after giving him ebm. It is very tiring to pump all the time. Shall see how long i can tahan.

Re: Jabs
The package at Paedaetric Centre (TMC) costs $650 for the whole series. It includes the 4-in-1, hep B and MMR (ie. everything up to 18 months).
Thanks Jumbo. Like you, I was quite reluctant to introduce the pacifier. But sometimes really no choice gotta use it to keep her down. I even tried to give her water instead whnever she gets cranky but it doesn't realli help.

I think I'm beginning to dread the night time.
jade, it will be difficult to give baby water than pacifier.. u can play some music for ur baby to sooth her too.. my baby now like listening to children's song.. he doesn't like classical music.. only children song.. keke
Jumbo & Maraquan,
Thanks. I'll try to see if those methods work on her. Who knows she's just being fussy.
But one thing is, she always falls asleep while feeding on my breast. When I try to put her down, she starts whining all over again... haiz..

I touch my baby face, his hair, poke my own breast, lift him up a little, while bf him so that he will not stop sucking for too long. Most of the time, it takes around 15 to half an hour to bf him.
