(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Btw, do u gals notice your bb routine schedule? I found out that my boy starts to get cranky (eyes opened big big and we cannot sit down and cuddle him except my CL) from 6+pm onwards till 9+p (his next feed). Thereafter, his back to normal. Slp after the feed n while slping, he likes to make noises..

des, I also have same problem but mine is in afternoon from 12ish to 6pm...bb keep feeding as if I never give enough..i on tbf
this is my girl.


Regarding the bb's weight, my girl's pd told us to carry the bb and stand on the weighing scale. Then u stand on the scale again without bb. U will be able to find out wat's your bb's weight liao.

Just kaypohing around here..

RE: After the CL leaves

dun worry about it we have the motherly blood in us. just small tip..

For few day before the CL leaves, try to let bb sleep with you in your room during the night and try as much to tend to his / her needs during the last few day.. this is to let you have a feel of how it is going to be like with out the CL.

the most important is that when the bb cry.. the mother should try to calm down and not get upset.. remember!! never never shake the bb..
u also kaypoh here ah? me too hee hee. nice to read about mummies popping. miss the feeling.

continue ur pumping regardless of amount of milk. it will slowly increase. as for engorgement, i'm now 3mths into BF and i still get engorgement once in awhile.

during my first month, i did experience depleting milk supply too. but i continue pumping every 3hrs, even in the middle of night. and the supply came back. so jia you! dun give up!

i've tried fenugreek, apparently must take many capsules to let it work. i tink it works for some people. the side effect for me was soft stools, and my pee and perspiration smells like the fenugreek capsule. i've stopped taking it already.

there's this website that has v good info on BF. have a read: http://www.kellymom.com/

remember, dun give up! BF is tough, but its good for u and ur kid.
mine was epi c-section. a last minute thing cos i was having high fever n baby in distress. the epi c-section is not scary at all, at least to me. i was already very weak from the long labour, so i was like "get it out quick!". its good to ve ur hb wif u so he sees how much u go thru for the baby and appreciate it.

the whole procedure for me took only 15-20mins. my gynae very fast. but after dat, they also did not allow me to have any food and drink for 1 day. dat was the bad part, cos without food and drink, my fever couldnt go down. i was on drip too.

oh yes, tip for u, get an abdominal binder from the hospital and get the nurse to bind for you on the second day. it helps to ease the pain alot.
thanks for sharing on breastfeeding info.

Today I am really happy. My bb latches herself on both breasts for quite a while in the morning. Think depending on her mood one oso, she doesn't want me help her to show her my nipples but she juz keeps opening her mouth and tries and errors till she finds the comfortable way to suck.

Well, try to continue pump 7 times a day as well. BTW muz pump at nite? I dun so far.
Pumping milk

Me in he same plight. Spent so much time expressing milk and feel so drained all the time that dun have energy to play with my baby, let alone learn from the CL how to care for him. Most of the time, I just let CL do everything. I feel guilty and stressed out about that and worried about how I can cope when she leaves. I pumped milk about 4 times a day and takes about an hour coz I need small breaks in between to rest my sore nipples. Supply is about 80ml which only lasts my boy for one feed.

The problem I faced with direst latching is I dun know how much he has drunk. He usually struggles to latch on several times but when he got it, he will let go after a few minutes and we have to start all over again. As a result, we can take more than one hour for his feeding and my nipples will be sore from it. He will still be unsettled after that and my CL will have to give him another feed of expressed breastmilk before he is satisfied and fall asleep.
This is really discouraging as I feel that time spent on breastfeeding is wasted, might as well just give him expressed milk straight away. Feels like giving up and always very tempted to give him the bottle. Even expressed milk supply is not enough, so have to feed him formula at night.

Hi, how are you coping with your rashes? Have you delivered yet? Actually, towards the last trimester, my rashes condition improved and not so itchy. Prob the anxiety and excitement of the birth took my mind off the itch to a certain extent too. After delivery, not that itchy too, just around the stomach area but prob due to the post natal stomach binding i had done.

i salute you. You must be very proud of yourself!
Hi preciousbabe

Thanks for remembering Amanda's 1st month

So tired from yesterday's celebration..

My guests started coming in from 12 pm and the last guests left at 10+ pm! Amanda was very kwai yesterday.. told her not to scream for milk so often as my MIL & SILs were around.. and she really stayed very quiet throughout when the guests were here.. even opened her eyes the whole time

I prepared FM for my daughter as there were too many guests ard and not very nice for me to hide in the room to bf her for 1 hr.. and as my mum was feeding her from the bottle (100 ml).. my MIL (she is the one who always say I dont have enough milk) asked her if that is my expressed BM and my mum said it is! Heehee.. and my MIL was very pleased.. saying that I really do have enough milk.. hopefully, after this incident she will stop making all those discouraging remarks about my MS...
Re: BB Cranky at specific hour
Yesterday when I brought bb to PD, he has this paper stating that bb will get cranky at certain times, esp in the evening.

Re: Pumping milk
Evon, yah, you got to do consistent pumping throughout the day. Initially, my hubby is the one who kept pushing me to do it although I'm very reluntant and tired. But past 2 days, I found myself actually automatically waking up just to pump... Then I found myself now able to maintain and slight increase in milk amt.

However, my CL prefers to feed FM at night so that bb can sleep longer. So now my problem is how to start storing the extra milk bottles that I may have soon....and when to let bb have them.

Rena, is 1 wk good enough for us to learn to cope with bb before CL leaves?

Des, would u consider ordering those packed lunch, think is tingkat (not sure the rite word)

My breasts have been feeling so painful for the past few days. Today I finally do coldpress with a towel and it immediately relieved half of my discomfort. Is this due to engorgement?

Anyone using chinese wine for ya confinement food? I feel giddy when my MIL increased the chinese wine in food yesterday. I am already stress enough to express milk at least 8 times a day. Sometimes it gets so painful that I have to wake up in the middle of the night to express milk. If my girl is not born premature, I think I will give up after one month!!!!
i am in week 37 now. You are right, last tri not so itchy. But the scars are all there...a bit like bruise color and its all over my arms, legs and body. Hoping that it will clear up after delivery and return me clear skin...

tks for the advise. my hubby dun mind going in with me or not , he is more concern that my heartbeat and blood pressure went up when i hear those metal thingy
i guess food is not allow for both after operation. i better ask gynae what is the drip for then.
Hi Babe
The paper states that "Many infants have a daily fussy period in the late afternoon or evening. Crying may increase during the next month, including a possible peak of approximately three hours per day at six weeks of age."

Why dont you latch on instead of pumping? Nowadays I hardly pump.. think my MS has increased quite abit since I convert to direct latch on now..


Thanks for the well wishes too! B4 you know it.. your gal's 1st month will come very soon
Thanks for the information on Master Chen.

I am looking for lunch tingkat too. Will need it when the CL leaves since I will be taking care of bb alone.

whao, your bb full month celebration over liao! great, so now no need to do confinement already issit?

Over finally.. the best part is that I can shower like normal already.. And I can finally go out somemore!
Dont worry.. your turn will come soon!
I latch on most of the time too, some time I wonder if my boy drink enough a not.

My boy has been drink from one side only for each session. Each time, he will latch on for 15 to 20 minutes and I got to nurse him every hour. No time for anything else and I was really stress.

Today, he started to latch on for a good half an hour on one side also, but he get hungry only after 2 or 3 hours. I was quite happy about it.

If only someone invent something that will measure the amount of milk they drink from our breast, he will be rich.

I was really stress from my mil and my husband. They kept telling me that I got no milk and asked me to feed my boy with bottle and formula milk. TMC teaches us to spoon feed our baby instead of using the bottle at the beginning but my confinement lady told me that she never heard of such things in her 20 years experience. My mil & husband believes her and I got really stress out.

I was locked out for ard 2hrs. I remembered seeing my gynae come in at 15:15h and when I was awake, the clock showed was around 17:10h. By ard, 20 minutes I was up.

But bb was already wheeled to upstairs... unlike Epidural, where you can get to see ur bb's face out of your stomach.

Re: Article on infants crying in late afternoons and evening
Where you found tix article huh?

So far, my gal gal is keeping awake after bath and then in the late afternoon after 4pm.

You are welcome. Hope Armanda has a great time.

I'm feeling stressed.. both parents cant seem to give us figures on how many ppl coming... Sigh.


So good that ur boy boy can get bm thru' latching. I do fully agree with u on the guy who can invert that to measure how much bm taken from latching.

Dun worry abt ur mil or hb. Read that 2~3h hungry for our bbs at tix age, is rite timing.

The spoon feed thing.. I got tix medela's spoon from GlenE but didn't use when I was home... if only I use it, think bb would still noe how to latch onto my breasts.... Sigh.. anyway, Draik, there is. Here is the link "http://www.medela.com/NewFiles/pdfs/SoftFeeder_Ins.pdf" GlenE sold at 65. I nv saw it at superstores though.
Hi mommies,

I saw someone writing about rashes. I just developed rashes about less than a week ago. But it got very serious very fast. Now practically my whole body is covered with rashes that are very very itchy. How to combat this? My gynae said it's hormonal and the lotion and pills that he gave me are not effective at all.

How soon after you give birth that the rash will go away? It's driving me crazy as I can't stop scratching and I cannot sleep at night. My Edd is tomorrow. But if baby not out, I might have to induce in the next few days depending on what my gynae advises.

Re: Baby photos
Your babies are all so cute!!!!

Re: 1st month celebrations
I can't believe time flies so fast. Your babies 1 month old already!
Hi all,
Glad all are doing well ; )

Hi Hunniepot, Congrats to Amanda (heehee, we share the same name)

Hi Koalarie,

Re breast milk:
I started pumping milk after discharge, 3 hrly, wake up at 4am to pump, total, 7x a day. very tiring. On the fifth day after delivery, I pump for quite long, nipple sore, gathered less than 100ml. But breast felt so hard despite pumping out. Whole nite I could not sleep. On Sat, I called Parentcraft in TMC, they asked me to see them. it was actually due to blocked milk duct! Alm,ost half of the milk ducts were blocked hence my problem was mroe serious than engorgement. The mill duct below my armpits begun to form, so my armpit became lumpy. When I pressed on them, it hurt! Susan did treatment on me, hot towel, firm massage (no joke, I almost asked for epidural, she really pressed so hard!!!) Followed by pumping milk, this procedure repeated 4 rounds, finally my breast felt soft again. It cost ard $50.

When I went home, each time I pump milk, I asked hb to help to do the FIRM massage on me together with hot towel. On last Tue, I went back for review, Mrs Wong did for me. She did a lot of massage followed by pumping milk. She also taught me technique on how to massage my breasts. The cost was less than $50, guess weekend is more expensive. Mrs wong said I have very lumpy breast, it's not easy but must perservere. Now the lumps under my armpit are gone. There are not suppose to be there in the first place. But due to blocked milk duct, milk has no way to go so went backward.

I'm using PIS advance, still pump 7x a day. 4am 8am 11am 2pm 5pm 8pm & 11pm. It's very tiring. But think of the goodness, everything would be worthwhile. And I dun direct latch my bb as she always fall asleep during direct latch. I have CL so I let her bottle feed my girl with my EBM. She is on TBM. Ytd was my 13 days after delivery and total EBM was 1075ml. Since my supply is more than demand, I started freezing my BM.

Besides, it's good to drink hot drink, soup before we pump, it will increase milk flow.

I've chekced with Mrs Wong, for those who didn't deliver in TMC, can they seek help from Parentcraft, she said sure.
The tel no is 6251-4090. U will need to make appt.

Mrs Wong said I may need to go back for monthly housekeeping.

So far, my supply is still increasing each day. When it's stabilize, I shall reduce to 6x a day.

Mrs Wong and team are very knwoledgeable on such things, mummies with problems can always seek help from them, just like what I have done ; )

HAve a nice day!
halo mommies!
M back! So many postings to read but can't sit long, so juz skim & scan ;p
BBlim, my gal's name is Raeanne (Ray-Ann)

Thnx Hunnie for helping me update. My BB is like merlion, threw out milk, be it bf or fm, now better, tis delivery, lochia only a few days, now abit brownish after I bf BB, tink cos I lost 1 litre of bld during the op (womb overstretchd cannot contract on the very day)
Hi Jasminetea, kindly hlp me update BB's particular
Elgin Ng, DOB 18 Apr 06, wgt: 3190gm
Hi Chenoa, here's my particulars:
Juzmaine, Yishun, AMK, AMK
Hi Jasminetea,
can put in my girl in your table:
born: 8 apr,1052hrs @ Glen E (early delivery @ week 37)
size: 2,345g
name: Ying Ham (dialect name)

Now into my 3rd week of confinement.... didnt really start on BM my girl, dunno whether is it coz of stress. now my girl on total formula. so envy you all have the supply to give to you bb... me din engage CL so me basically 24/7 to feed her... my mil helps to do the washing of the cloth nappy n cook the meals for me... but now slowly switch her to diaper/pampers

my girl has same problem as shylyn, BB's rashes... can anyone advise....
This is a photo of my son, Dylan.
Daphne, don't you think Dylan and your son look quite alike?

Jillian, you prob have PUPP, a pregnancy-induced skin disorder. I had that when I was 20 weeks pregnant and it would last throughout till delivery. I had lots of scars from scratching all over my body, esp my breasts and stomach. Usually it affects about 2% of pregnant women, particularly in their last trim, which is in your case. I'm one of the unlucky ones who got it so early. The creams I was prescribed provided little relief too. The only solution is the delivery of the placenta. meanwhile, you can try using Calamine lotion or handaplast Anti-itch gel to see if they help.Dun worry, you are nearly there already. Bear with it for a while more and just think of your baby you will be holding soon in your arms and with the delivery of your little one, your itch will go away.

For those of you whose babies tend to sleep on just 1 side.. perhaps you might want to consider getting the sleep positioner (see pic below)? I got it from robinsons.. find it pretty useful.. my baby tends to sleep on her right side.. now we are forcing her to sleep on her left or centre


Does any mummy here suffering from giddiness especially after standing from sitting or lying positions?

I felt giddy recently whenever I get up and the next thing I knew was that I was lying on the floor while getting up from bed to make FM for my bb =(
Aiyoo lemontree

Soun very bad.. must take care of yourself.. can it be due to low blood pressure? I used to black out whenever I get up from a lying down position too fast.. went to see a cardiologist.. and he told me to get up slowly from the bed slowly.. to ensure that there isnt a sudden change of blood pressure
hi all,

for those who on direct latch, how often do u still express out your milk.. cuz my bb feeds every 3hrs, me thinking whether to express in-between just to store.. but tt'll means there will only be an hour of recovery time for e milk to fill e breast.. and me dun really enjoy e process of having a machine latch to u, i finally understand how a cow feels.. so me only doing morning once..

any advise?

rashes : jillian, i have e same problem, my gynae actually gave me a medicated lotion and QV cream to apply, me worried e medicated lotion is not so good for bb, so did not use tt time, i just use e QV cream and after 2-3 days, all is ok.. u can buy QV cream from watson or guardian, only $10++.. if e rashes super bad, good to c your gynae for advise..
Hi all

wow, was busy yesterday celebrating Jayden's first month so didn't log in till now. Have so much to catch up.

Re: Crankiness
Jayden is cranky during 3-7am in the morning. Really had a hard time coaxing him to sleep. When we lie him on the bed, he will wake up immediately. So basically, have to carry him throughout the night. My hb, mum and I have turned into pandas liao. Going to get a sarong soon and hopefully he will be able to sleep soundly in that.

Here's Jayden in his new haircut

Hi gals,

I'm back! Have'nt catch up with all the postings yet...let me just give a brief update.

Was scheduled for induction on 21 Apr morning, but contractions came at around 3.20am regular 10 min intervals. Dunno that it's contraction pain, so tahan till 4.30am before alerting hubby to help me monitor the freq. together. After 3 more contractions, around 4.50am, hubby suggests we go hospital liao.

Was in absolute pain when contractions came. Breathing techniques were useless, I was also constantly having the urge to go toilet and squat. Admitted to delivery suite immediately and nurse checked cervix, 2.5cm dilated but also very constipated. Given enema and administered epidural. (cannot bear the contraction pain...laughing gas cannot make mme laugh at all...) Instant relief. Gynae arrive at 7.30am to burst waterbag and check dilation....about 4-5cm. He says expect delivery before noon.

Nurse check cervix at 9.50am, fully dilated liao and called gynae. Waited for more than an hour before gynae came. Gynae did an episotomy 'cos baby head was in transverse position and more difficult to push out. During pushing, no feeling at all 'cos my lower body was very numb.....so just exhale till out of breath with every "push". Baby delivered 11.30am. Total labour: 8 hrs.

Baby Gal: Yann Yen
DOB/ time: 21 Apr 06 / 11.30am

BTW, Winnie also delivered on 21 Apr morning at 8plus.

Now, I got a problem......got lumps under armpits like Mandy. I've tried massaging the lumps, and got some milk flow out, but not much and still very hard. Going to get massage lady to help me tomorrow.

Milk flow still establishing. Really envy Winnie, her BM came on the 2nd day while my poor gal was still suckling with just a few drips of colostrum.....she didn't pee for more than 24hrs leh.....so have to give supplement for her to urine.

Still struggling to latch her on correctly. I take about 20mins to get her into position leh.....by which time, both of us really exhausted liao...and I had to breastfeed in aircon room leh...cos otherwise, perspiration keep dripping, esp. after our struggle to get the correct latch on. I'm such a lousy mummy!

Milestones: (since discharge yesterday)
1st time clean butts: Hubby and I did it together after she passed watery, smelly stools during night feed yesterday. (Was initially worried that she haven't poo or pee for almost 24 hours again, then she did it! Hurrah!)

1st time bath: I bathed her today by myself!
<font size="+1">This is our homea place where we belong</font>
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="aa00aa">Name</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">Home</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">IL Home</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">Maternal Home</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pebbles</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Bt Panjang</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>Daphne</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Potong Pasir </TD></TR><TR><TD>Des</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Yishun</TD><TD>AMK </TD></TR><TR><TD>bblim</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>AMK</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Ho</TD><TD>Sembawang</TD><TD>Mal (M'sia)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juzmaine</TD><TD>Yishun</TD><TD>AMK</TD><TD>AMK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Winnie</TD><TD>AMK</TD><TD>(with in laws)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chenoa</TD><TD>Bishan</TD><TD>(with in laws)</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irene06</TD><TD>Toa Payoh</TD><TD>Yishun</TD><TD>Toa Payoh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hunnipot</TD><TD>Toa Payoh</TD><TD>Toa Payoh</TD><TD>Jurong East </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasminetea</TD><TD>Hougang</TD><TD>Toa Payoh</TD><TD>Bt Merah </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jumbo</TD><TD>Upp Bt Timah</TD><TD>(with in laws)</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Preciousbabe</TD><TD>Dover</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shylyn</TD><TD>J. West</TD><TD>C'wealth</TD><TD>J. West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lemontree</TD><TD>Tanah Merah</TD><TD>Tg Pagar</TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jilian</TD><TD>Marine Parade</TD><TD>Bt Timah</TD><TD>Penang (M'sia) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sggal</TD><TD>Katong</TD><TD>Ipoh (M'sia)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tracy</TD><TD>Eunos</TD><TD>Dover</TD><TD>Eunos </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rach</TD><TD>Pasir Ris</TD><TD>Tampines</TD><TD>Bt Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koalarie</TD><TD>Seng Kang</TD><TD>Ubi</TD><TD>Teban Gardens </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="ff0000">update: 24-04-06, 13:40</font>
Hi ladies,

anyone order cakes from melrose? They just called me that the price has increase $1 per cake. Prices on the website are not updated.
Hi tracy, happened to see your post on melrose. i ordered from them the marble cake just 3 days ago. yes, there's a $1 increase in all their cakes. i don't find the cakes yummy at all.

I really salute u....I was in your shoes, with lumps in my armpit. After the massage, I din dare to go back to parentcraft centre after my first visit.
Want to check with u regarding ur procedure with ur pump. Do u attach both pumps to the breasts and how long to u pump? Do u pause in between?

I also direct latch my bb on all the time.. havent pump out my milk for a long time.. you do it once a day? Also thinking of pumping for storage.. but am afraid there isnt much milk available for direct latch on after that.. How much can you express out right after feeding? How many times you feed a day? 8 times? My baby only drinks about 5 to 6 times a day.. dont know whether this is normal or not?
cheers and kyla,
Thanks for relating your experiences. I'm currently only getting calamine lotion from my gynae. I feel it's not that effective but I'm also scared of using a stronger lotion as I'm also not too sure if it'll affect baby. But yes like you said, a few days more and hopefully the itch will quickly go away after delivery.
U mean for e Parentcraft session is charged as a per session basis &amp; not for a few session? How much does it cost? Initially I wanted to use their service as my bb doesn't know how to bf directly frm my breast. He doesn't really know how to suckle..guess it's nipple confusion. But then again, i'm thinking whether to just express my bm &amp; give to him in a bottle instead of forcing him to suckle from my breast.
Full month cakes

Heard good reviews on Melrose cakes esp the marble and walnut cakes, so tot of ordering from them too. but Missy, you don't find them nice at all? Any other feedbacks or other recommendations on where to get yummy cakes?



I am also in the same situation as cheers, but worse. I got it since pregnant and it got worse as the pregnancy progress. Went to see specialist, also not use cos steriod cream will harm BB. So only can bathe cold water, keep the skin moisture and clean to prepare super itchiness.

Now, i am using this pure aloe vera gel from Unity/Guardian pham. The brand is Jorubi. $19+ for a 120ml tube. It helps to curb the itch but the battle scars are there...Now just waiting for delivery, hoping it will clear up.
