(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

how come, cheers3344, u taking papaya? The eldery n chinese physician all told me not to take any type of fruits except apple leh.

U really lucky. So u bf ur bb at nights too?? I ve been trying to take lots of red date tea... but mommy said red date tea heaty for women after c section... so ask me to take more fibre as well... water minimium. Haiz.

So far, ve increased my intake on food such as pig's stomach, fish bone soup n fish meat. Both breasts got colustum coming when I used pump. But not much to b sucked into the bottle. Then my gal really notty.. she sucks a bit and then fell asleep. Haiz.

Hi Cheers,
I used to feed my gal with papaya, carrot n pumpkin (cooked w/porridge)when she was 6 mths onwards & can se her palm n sole of her feet turned yellowish. PD said dun take often as it takes 1 week plus for the color to fade, but it's juz coloring, nthg to do w/jaundice. but am told papaya is one of the forbidden fruit during confinement besides cucumber, or any thg that is starchy or contains "ni" (as in milk). Did u ask ur gynae Y milk color is so orangy? Myths aside, think gynae's or PD's answer is the best
Evon, try to latch her on more to get the supply.. or pump it out... dun give up... we are all here to support each other..
my girl will cry if she has not enuff milk also.. so i try to pump it out before her feed so that i'm sure she got enuff. she currently is drinking ard 50-60ml of milk for every 3 hrs also..

Tracy, thanks for explaining..

smurfy, i dun wake her up purposely to feed her.. i feed by demand..

cheers3344, i use the manual avent isis pump... can get ard 60ml every 3hrsly.. my milk is whitish and a bit off white color.. not orange leh...

my gal still have a bit of jaundice... still need to sun her every morning and observe.. her weight went up already..
hey mummies,

how does the format of your bb's name (which includes dialect, hanyu pinyin, english and chinese) in the birth cert looks like?
hihi.. how's everyone doing?? me rather busy these days with nixon.. he's getting naughtier each day.. wanna carry in arms now.. even wanna sleep in my arms.. gosh!!! no choice but bought the sarong cradle for him.. cos i cant carry him for long hours as wrists still hurt.. his first trip to Malaysia yesterday but sleep most of the time during the journey..

I'm going back to work next month.. hmm.. my mum wouldnt wanna look after Nix for me.. going to find someone else.. if not, have to quit my job and look after him..

these days very tired looking after him as he wake up from his sleep quite frequent and wanna carry and feed once he wakes up.. worst thing is he couldnt finished his milk most of the time.. neither i increase the quantity nor shorten the timing.. dunno wat's wrong with him.. and he keep wanting pacifier when going to bed.. i'm going to make him quit his pacifier.. or else i have to wake up so many times to pick up his pacifier for him everynite.. so tiring..

Nix is learning to lift his head from the floor.. think he managing it well.. can slightly support his head when i put him in sit down position.. thinking of getting a carrier when bring him out
Irene, Hunniepot,

"Ow" and "Foo" are dialect surnames right?

If so, then you have use dialect names but not hanyu pinyin.

The name in bracket is her name in chinese characters issit?

Hi jumbo,
your son is so cute, I am sure you will miss him when you go back to workforce

Oh no, no one told me cannot eat papaya. I have been taking it throughout my pregnancy as it prevents constipation for me. My CL also says can eat all fruits except oranges. How about bananas? She said ok too but someone told me not to eat. So confused. So limitied fruits to eat. MY CL seems to ok all foods, including chicken.My bowel movements is much worse after delivery. Going to ask PD tomorrow about my orange milk when I bring baby to see him. Now thinking should get the Avent manual pump coz a lot of mummies seem to be quite satisfied with it. Is it tiring to pump using that? Achy wrists?
I guess there's advt & disadvt to expressingg a lot of bm..for me, my prob is i'm ving engoregment & have 2 express at an interval of 3 hrs..so it's really tiring 2 do so thruout e night & day..as I'm alt between manual & auto..sighh..now my nippple even hv blisters now..hv been wearing my breast shield 2 air it..but best is not to pump so it can dry but then able will kena enggorgement..:p ladies..any solution?

RE: To increase BM
Mabbe this might help some of u..for massage my breast b4 pumping..didn't really use warm cloth though..just clean them for hygienic purposes, then I'll pump while pressing on my breast to encourage more milk flow. I'll pump for 3 rounds on each breast until i feel tt my breast r lighter..of cos drinking more fluid helps as well
Ow is dialect, but the Xue En is not... If you look at the pink color sheet that the hospital gave you, there's examples on how to write the names.
The name in bracket is the hanyu pinyin... the chinese name got another column for it
Hi Cheers,
Think Jilian juz mentioned abt the adverse effect of banana too, so play safe, maybe ask gynae got anythg to hlp relieve consti? chicken 1st 2 wks try not to take. Me used Avent pump last time round, tis time round the same, okie except the manual part, hands bound to ache ;p
Hey..didn't know can eat so many fruits..i only hv been eating apple since my delivery..& even banana i'm unable to eat cos the folks were saying tt it's liang..& definitely no oranges :p
Hey gals, wonder if you have babies that can sleep like 5 or more hrs at one go in the day? Mine is about 10 days old and hasn't woke up since 1130h this morn after I fed her. She had been real cranky the past few days and not slept well. Is she catching up on sleep?
hi all....congratulation for those mommies has pop.....

kindly update my column...thank... my bb gal born on 4th April at 0516am. 2.3kg(very small hor) Her name : Yu En
According to my BF booklet, bb must have 8-10 feeds per day. So if your gal sleeps too much, think u have to wake her up for her feed.

Mine is Har Jing Kai Jayden. We did not use the hanyu pinying name. Hee...coz for Jayden's name, it's the same spelling for dialect and hanyu pinying
Hi gals, re names, juz realise my gal's is juz Ng Raeanne, followed by the Chinese character, so no hanyu pinyin. Tink my boy will be the same -Ng Elgin, then Chinese character.
shylyn : hi me is march mummy. Y not u get milk liner to store your milk in the freezer. they dun take up space n u can really store a lot of bag. let me know if u need any cos i got spare. can post to u some to try out. i tie it with cable tie.

cheer3344 : dun get the manual pump. get electric one cos can pump more n less tiring. i bought the avent ISSI uno, it is single electric pump but also comes with manual parts so can be use as manual n electric pump. avent is good cos it coems with a cover to cap the funner. Y not check with march mummy cos some gals has given up BF n intend to sell their pump.
Hunnie & Mrs Ho: your princess are so adorable!!
Wow, time flies indeed, Hunnie you can go shopping liao!!!!
Yup, tomolo my turn, thank u! Will sms u :p
mrs ho and hunniepot, both of ur girls so sweet leh.. hunniepot, finally confinement's going over soon huh.. but still need to take care huh..

about breastmilk, i nvr pump for more than a month but my bm still flowing.. everytime i squeeze my nips, the milk flow.. wondering if i can start feeding my baby on bm.. am afraid the quantity not enough.. will my bm quantity increase if i pump everyday now ?

Think you can start to stimulate your breasts.. since you still have flow.. even if a little bit also keep pumping.. think the MS shld come back ..
my flow just totally cleared last week.. it lasted for 7 weeks.. i wanted to bf my bb since birth but cos of low quantity, got discourage from my grandma and mum.. keep asking dun pump.. no point pumping.. everytime i pump, i will try to squeeze it to let it flow faster and making my skin irritated cos of the friction..

Anyone heard of Glenn Doman using flash card? I'm reading his book and thinking of trying to DIY my own flash card.. had read some thread about the flash card, it isn't cheap in the market..
but you already have a Christian name for him? Thought it's already your dateline to register his BC today?

My gal's name is Tan Yuan Ning Gladys. Only 'Tan' is dialect I suppose, hubby n I dunno how to translate Yuan Ning to dialect, so we just left it like that.


TMC offered bananas, papayas and watermelons with confinement meals when I was staying there. Cannot eat oranges? Oh dear, I have been eating them to ease my constipation.


Ya...time flies....esp when we r looking after our princess n watching them grow day by day. dun u find tht time passes very fast everyday?
<font color="blue">cheers3344,</font>
to ur queries
Re: Constipation after delivery
Gynae told hb to get me fibregel. So far, I took only one a day. Yesterday managed to get my stools better after second time. You can try that.
Try not to take bananas, papaya as these two may cause bb to ve jaundice if u breastfeeding.
Take apple only instead. The chinese physician i used to see, just adviced my hb two days ago when he went to see him. Eat more veggies but no cabbage and xiao bei cai (cooling veggies; if u re c section not more than 10 days).

<font color="blue">Irene,</font>
I tried pumping but apparently it seems like mayb i m not used to drinking red date tea and so liquid intake too little n only several drops of milk though pumping for at least 10 minutes each breast.
What about you? How long do you pump? I wanted to give on demand as well, but my little girl really stubborn. She hungry, means she hungry lor. Haiz.

Here's a foto of her smiling.

The pink color slip didn't have examples ley..


ya, got english name but no chinese name. Today suppose to be the last day. Was quite busy for past 2 weeks and thought we are given 1 month to register birth. And my hubby not gan cheong to look for a geomancer. I guess I would have to have a delayed registration. Dunno got penalty or not.

Did you put your bb's chinese characters in the birth certificate?
Hi mummies
i'm back

Here's my story:
11 Apr: Had brown discharge in the am.

12 Apr: Had brown discharge again, went for my gynae appointment. Doc looked at me and asked nothing yet?? Told him about the discharge and he said i'm showing signs of early labour liao, so can check-in. I told him i'll check-in after lunch. He told me to eat something light. Had a bowl of noodle soup.

3.30pm: Checked in with HB direct to the labour room. Nurse got me changed and cleared my bowels. Strapped me on CTG to monitor.

7.00pm: Doc came, broke my waterbage and put me on drip. I told doc if i can tahan him breaking my waterbag, i should be able to tahan w/out epi hor? He said yes. That kindof gave me the confidence. Hee! Hee!

Contractions started coming in fast, every 2 min. Xiao!

8.00pm: Asked nurse for 1st pain relief - laughing gas.

9.00pm: Nurse asked me if i need jab. She said if later jab no use, i said ok. Dilated 5cm liao.

9.30pm: Nurse asked me if i needed the epi. I decided to take the chance. Nope! Cheong!

11.30pm: Dilated to 7cm liao. HB fell asleep. I no longer felt contractions but the urge to push. The laughing gas at this point certainly did not work for me. Hee!

13 April
12.30am: Nurse came and told me not to push yet cause not time and will drain out my energy. I told her the shitting urge too strong. HB woke up and corrected my breathing technique. Hey, laughing gas does work when used correctly.

1.30am: 10cm dilated. Nurse said she muz see crowning before she will call the doc. She said everytime the urge to push come, push.

2.30am: Doc came, Matthias pop out. This little guy was staring at the doc doing my stitches right until the end.
Re: Expressing Milk
Luckily, my bb sucks well. So i got no problems with bb latching. Only problem is this little fellow wakes up a lot at night. Everytime i carry him, he will automatically tilt his head to my breast. Not sure whether he's looking for comfort or wish to drink. Sometimes i see him cry so much, i juz allow him to latch for comfort.

I'm looking to buy breast pump. Any advise and suggestion. I was given a manual pigeon one, but i find it tiring to pump manually.
We won't be looking for a geomancer for her name. Already had her name in mind, and a few days ago, came across this website that calculates the strokes in the name. Luckily, it's a good name. But, of course, it's just in general, not based on individual's eight characters.

Hi mothers
Ask u a question, when u latch the bb on, do u let her wear the mittens n ve her hands tied up together in her body? Or let her hands freely to touch the breast and nipple?

When I was in hospital, the lacation consultant nv tell me tat but a staff nurse did. So a little confused.

My gal struggles a lot.

Any advice?
If her struggling is disturbing her feeds that I suppose you might want to wrap her up. Or if her hands keep on scratching her face while feeding. I don't think there is a correct method or only one way of doing anything. Just go with what is right. After all the wearing of mittens is to prevent her from scratching herself. If she doesn't do that when she's not wearing mittens, I don't see why she has to wear them in the first place.
smurfy, chenoa, i also use the website as reference. In my opinion, pretty accurate.

Evon, i make sure my bb wears his mittens all the time cause he is very active. He likes to clutch his whole hand and put it in his mouth. But when BF, he will put his hand on my bra, kind of like holding it even with his mittens on.
For me, i m not certain if bb rejecting my nipples becoz my nipples too big after she got used to NUK teats tat milk would flow naturally one n so for my nipples she has to suck at least few times b4 got milk? Think she oso found it tiring sucking on my aerola as her cheeks re tired too...
My gal likes to take long deep breathes occassionally. Is tix normal?
Yup that's the problem with using teats vs mom's nipple.
Cos with teats babies have an easier time sucking to get the milk out. Not only that, the method of sucking milk from a teat is different from the method of sucking milk out from a nipple. Hence nipple confusion sometimes. If they too used to teats then they might reject the nipple cos they get frustrated and tired as they have to make more effort before they can get satisfied.

When you say take long breathes, you mean when she's breastfeeding?
Evon, I pump ard 5min for each breast and then alternately change... till nothing come out from both breasts..
today can hit 90ml already. you continue to pump, to simulate the milk to come in.. and another thing to take note is that, when you are pumping, dun feel stress.. if you feel stress then you will not get the let down..

smurfy, dun have? i thot got some examples on how to place the christian name, hunyu pinyin and dialect??
I write the chinese character on my own.. ugly handwritting.. but never mind.. kekeke

Daphne, my girl also.. everytime i carry her or whoever carry her, she will head toward the breast... but i think not too good for him to latch for comfort, cause he will get used to it. I'm using the manual avent isis pump... so far so good for me.. dun really feel tiring... by the way, how long your pumping session last?
err.. tat name website.. how to calculate ah.. my chinese sucks.. so can someone help to explain how to count the stroke?
irene, i juz tried the pigeon manual pump yesterday. in the end, i gave up after like 30ml over an hour. i was perspiring all over. hee! Not sure whether method wrong or not. Anyway, i thinking of getting electric pump.

I kind of regretted getting medela electric mini.. though it is quite good.. read alot of comments that the motor is not for frequent use.. thats why the warranty is 3 mths only.. should have gotten the ameda pump.. any mommies bought this and have any comments on it?


I find that time passes very fast now while looking after my baby.. time seemed to crawl when I was waiting for her to pop


My baby will have to wear mittens all the time.. cos she has the tendency to scratch her face and like Daphne's boy.. she likes to put her whole fist into her mouth

Re: breastfeeding

Even though I didnt have much flow during the first few days to almost 1 week.. I still die die latch my baby on for almost all feeds including night feeds.. except times when I was out.. must persevere.. my baby has put on about 600g in the past 1 week (was very tiring.. TBF and esp with her growth spurt.. demanding for milk almost every hour) now the tiredness is all worth it hehe
My midwife friend and the doctor I went to also said that we should not supplement our babies with FM esp when they are undergoing growth spurt.. let bb suckle as much as they want to.. cos this is nature's way of telling our body to produce more milk on demand..

Personally I find that the nuk teats are shaped most like our nipples and areola.. unlike pigeon &amp; Avent teats.. my girl has no problem latching on when she uses nuk.. but I had alot of problems with her latch on when she was using pigeon or Avent
Daphne, maybe milk supply havent really come in? If go for electric pump, heard tat medala and ameda dual pump not bad
thanks for explaining..

hunniepot is right, by letting the bb suckles will tell our body to produce more milk... i latched her on last night and she feeds on both sides thou more on the left side.. this morning i wake up, can pump out 90ml liaoz..
tonight will continue to latch her on... rather than go and prepare fm for her...
me got the ameda pump but haven't use yet. you see, my gal gal still dun wanna come out leh...

Ameda pump motor is comparable to the medela PIS one, more durable than the medela dual electric. Some March mummies are using Ameda, eg. Apple - can check with her.

hi gals,
thanks.. will look into the website.

I am using Ameda pump, so far so good..but personally feel that no need to waste $ on a dual pump. Currently using it as a single pump tho it has 2 funnels. Ameda doesn't have single pump right?

Anyone using Avent manual pump? thot of getting one for outdoor use. Electric pump more troublesome.
