(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

they haven actually take it back la.. but they comtemplating.. now the manager is trying his best to let me keep my position.. i seriously dun wan that position la very stress to take care of 3 teenagers and the management side of things.. have to think of budget, daily sales and all that crap..

i dunno why elly keep falling sick ley after i went back to work and her brochitis episode she s always sick.. very caeden you know.. when mashy was at work you everytime hear C is sick but now she s back being SAHM he s no longer sick..


hahah, yah, i think maybe elly is just like caeden. hehe, didn't want u to work. :p

yah, ever since i decided to stay back at home, he's no longer sick.
maybe it's mummy power near him, got a protective shield over him. hahaha.
the reason i went back to work is coz my parents have officially retire la so to support them i need to go back to work lor.. so elly no mummy power near her.. now she skinny already.. my MIL commented that day then i say what i can do your son ask me to go back and work.. i very bad right..
the diapers valid for the shop n save promo are:
Fitti basic/jumbo
Huggies dry comfort
huggies dry
mamy poko diapers
mamy poko pants
pampers bb dry
pampers easy up pants
petpet diapers

limited to 4 packs per customer per transaction.
Currently I'm using a part-time helper whom I find pretty good. I'm helping her to look for more assignments. She stays in Hougang. Should you be interested, pls pm me. Thanks...
mashy: yah..i read it in one of the threads coz I was wondering gt disc for drypers anot.. but dun haf.. Haiz..

fishia: how much does she charge ar?
feza: i tink u dun tink too much la.. I agree with smiley.. even if they take the position back..still fight to keep your current salary.. Den you can haf a more relaxing job wif a higher pay.. Haha.. When u feel more relaxed..den u can take care of elly better.. Take care!
she charges $10/hr... but I pay her add'l $5 ever since i shifted because it's quite a distance for her to come to my new place.
She prefers to have a fixed schedule like at least 3-hour per week. She just stopped for a household who frequently call her up to cancel duty for the week as she finds it disturbing to her income. I pay her during every visit.

Basically, you just need to tell her what you want her to do. For my case, her main duty is to vacuum and mop the floor, wash toilets and ironing. Other ad hoc stuff will be clean kitchen top/cabinet, windows, fan, change bed sheet etc. She's friendly and easy-going lah...
tks for e info will go dw tis wkend to get more detail...kiasu hor but best to knw more detail before register.

i stay nxt to the blue blk. u leh ard tat area? Punggol estate is new hence lots of young parents.

wow! look like there's a few of us here stay'g at PG? Hmmm..wonder did we ever meet before...chances will be high if you gals offen go punggol plaza makan.

Oh BTW... jus come back fr shop n save and brought e L' size mamy poko diapers @ $15 (usual price is abt $16.9) gd vaule. L' size is running out soon.
TCL, i stay at the blue cluster blocks there... weekend usally hv early breakfast at pp. other than that seldom go pp makan. wkend lunch and dinner is either when go gai gai eat le cm home or cook at home to makan or sm x order delivery hehe

mahsy, the shop and save dun hv pampers active ah? if hv, i wanna buy for j. then izzit all sizes or only at least M or wat cos i realised most bb diapers sale usually NB and S not included one lei

feza, nice to meet you today
u look good... bronchitis usually tk few months for kiddo to really recover... the last round j also bronchitis and keep fall sick for 7 months continuously...
actually now is about time to look out and enrol for Jan/Feb intake. Some sch already have waiting list for that period's intake... good luck
haha nice to meet you too man.. when i saw your hubby i was like hey i know that person then i think oh it s bulma but cannot call you bulma right.. so keep calling jesline jesline.. aiyo i forget to rub your tummy so pass the baby dust to me ley.. thanks huh say i look good..

bout brochitis, just monitor and always on high alert lor no choice.. but my mum more vigilant in taking care of elly la so i should nt have any worries...
hello mummies
N fell again. was in school for meeting, phone rang, mum asked maid to take care then go take phome call. just FIVE min, he fell. guess what? the maid still sitting there when N fell. mum was so upset and worried. called me, i rushed home and really give the maid a good one. shhe told my mum i was so fierce that she tot i was going to hit her.
Rushed N to KK at night cos his right face badly bruised and swollen. hit his cheek bone so to play safe, i asked for an x ray.
was so angry that almost lost control and nearly wanted to slap maid hard in the face.
think it's really time to sit down with hubby. i want to be a SAHM!
omg koli....
did the x-ray show anything unusual? did yr mum see how it happened? think maybe can consider changing the maid if she is so careless over taking care of N.

oh gosh! that's terrible! Where did he fell from? He went climbing ard? Maybe u should try to child proof your house more so as to min just accidents.
hi mummies
thanks for your concern.
the x ray showed that the check bone is alright but doc said quita bad fall.he tripped over the wires at the danger zone (which i instructed the maid not to let him go there. )
he hit the metal handle of the drawer then hit the floor. haiz... my mym's place is child proof liao. that area i also tell her to block. she let him in. i also duuno y?
she got very very bad scoldings from every one. i heart pain.
not that u not enough mu ai.i think u r the steady steady one. not like me. my hubby siad i am a kancheong spider. hee hee
a little something for all to try.. bout baby's personality..


this is elly's personality traits..
What can you expect for your baby? She will be very dependable and responsible; the type that likes to make her parents happy. You can expect her to be able to handle stress and pressure well. She will not be the one you have to worry about. She is sensitive, friendly and caring. She doesnt like to stand out or draw attention. She is not likely to take a leadership position. She prefers to be the one that works in the background. In her attempt to be likable, she may cave in to peer pressure in her teens. However, she is not rebellious and cares about making her parents happy as much as she does her friends.

As an adult, she will likely go to college and pursue a stable job. She is not the type that will flip flop around in her career choices. She will pick something she thinks she will do well at and stick with it. Possible careers are laboratory technician, computer programmer, physical therapist, paralegal, or dental hygienist.

reading it reminds me of someone.. HER DADDY..

do it and cut and paste k we share share..
feza, i tried and like not v accurate for j but who knows... mayb later part of his life, he really lk dat hehe

here's his results :-
What can you expect for your baby? He will be very popular. He will not have any problems making friends. He is fun, optimistic, and full of energy. He may not be the most organized person but he thinks well on his feet. He likes to see everyone get along and may meddle in other peoples relationships in his attempt to keep the peace. He is outgoing and not afraid of meeting new people. In school, he is likely to be in the drama club, on a sports team, or involved in the yearbook committee. He enjoys socializing and he may be everyones best bud and confidant. He likes to give out advice even though his advice is not always the best. Even though he is very popular, he is very insecure. He likes to be praised by others and will seek out people that give his attention.

He will likely pursue a career working with people. He would be miserable if he had to work in a cubicle with nobody to talk to. He may be indecisive when picking a career. He may try more than one job before he settles on one he likes. Career choices may include waiter, journalist, teacher, health professional, stockbroker, or sales representative.
Hi babybubbles,

this is Elvin one:
What can you expect for your baby? He will be very dependable and responsible; the type that likes to make his parents proud. You can expect him to be able to handle stress and pressure well. He will not be the one you have to worry about. He is sensitive, friendly and caring. He doesnt like to stand out or draw attention. He is not likely to take a leadership position. He prefers to be the one that works in the background. In his attempt to be likable, he may cave in to peer pressure in his teens. However, he is not rebellious and cares about making his parents happy as much as he does his friends.

As an adult, he will likely go to college and pursue a stable job. He is not the type that will flip flop around in his career choices. He will pick something he thinks he will do well at and stick with it. Possible careers are laboratory technician, computer programmer, physical therapist, or mechanic/machinist, or join the armed forces.

So alike to elly lei..Ask like his daddy..haha
hi feza,
mine is the same as Jaren.
maybe they can work together. i think to of them can entertain thenselves.hee hee
What can you expect for your baby? He will be very popular. He will not have any problems making friends. He is fun, optimistic, and full of energy. He may not be the most organized person but he thinks well on his feet. He likes to see everyone get along and may meddle in other peoples relationships in his attempt to keep the peace. He is outgoing and not afraid of meeting new people. In school, he is likely to be in the drama club, on a sports team, or involved in the yearbook committee. He enjoys socializing and he may be everyones best bud and confidant. He likes to give out advice even though his advice is not always the best. Even though he is very popular, he is very insecure. He likes to be praised by others and will seek out people that give his attention.

He will likely pursue a career working with people. He would be miserable if he had to work in a cubicle with nobody to talk to. He may be indecisive when picking a career. He may try more than one job before he settles on one he likes. Career choices may include waiter, journalist, teacher, health professional, stockbroker, or sales representative.
first day back at school! Wah, after 1 mth of not teaching, now throat already a bit dry and sore. Sigh.

xr didnt sleep well last nite. Just kept crying out and sounded like she was having nightmares. Her daddy carried her for a while then she suddenly jerked her hands and legs out, hb also got a shock. This morning when bringing her over to il's place, she was still sleeping. Poor thing, and hb also, this morning got headache. Lucky he auto take care of her or else this morning i'll be panda eyes liao.

Here're xr's results:
What can you expect for your baby? She will be very dependable and responsible; the type that likes to make her parents happy. You can expect her to be able to handle stress and pressure well. She will not be the one you have to worry about. She is sensitive, friendly and caring. She doesnt like to stand out or draw attention. She is not likely to take a leadership position. She prefers to be the one that works in the background. In her attempt to be likable, she may cave in to peer pressure in her teens. However, she is not rebellious and cares about making her parents happy as much as she does her friends.

As an adult, she will likely go to college and pursue a stable job. She is not the type that will flip flop around in her career choices. She will pick something she thinks she will do well at and stick with it. Possible careers are laboratory technician, computer programmer, physical therapist, paralegal, or dental hygienist.

identical to elly's
tis is Xinru's one...

What can you expect for your baby? She will be very dependable and responsible; the type that likes to make her parents happy. You can expect her to be able to handle stress and pressure well. She will not be the one you have to worry about. She is sensitive, friendly and caring. She doesnt like to stand out or draw attention. She is not likely to take a leadership position. She prefers to be the one that works in the background. In her attempt to be likable, she may cave in to peer pressure in her teens. However, she is not rebellious and cares about making her parents happy as much as she does her friends.

As an adult, she will likely go to college and pursue a stable job. She is not the type that will flip flop around in her career choices. She will pick something she thinks she will do well at and stick with it. Possible careers are laboratory technician, computer programmer, physical therapist, paralegal, or dental hygienist.
Hi mummies,
Anyone knows where can i get music & movement classes like kindermusik? My boy loves singing, he can start doing that the moment he wakes up.
Thought want to send him for music classes since he is interested.
Jasminesym: Hi, u may want to try gymboree! I thought of letting my boy go there too. He loves dancing too, backside, hand n head shaking non-stop when he hears music, especially those loud n fast type!
Hey, my girl's very similar to a few leh.

here it is
What can you expect for your baby? She will be very popular. She will not have any problems making friends. She is fun, optimistic, and full of energy. She may not be the most organized person but she thinks well on her feet. She likes to see everyone get along and may meddle in other peoples relationships in her attempt to keep the peace. She is outgoing and not afraid of meeting new people. In school, she is likely to be in the drama club, on a sports team, or involved in the yearbook committee. She enjoys gossiping and takes pride in the fact that people trust her to tell her their secrets. She likes to give out advice even though her advice is not always the best. Even though she is very popular, she is very insecure. She likes to be praised by others and will seek out people that give her attention.

She will likely pursue a career working with people. She would be miserable if she had to work in a cubicle with nobody to talk to. She may be indecisive when picking a career. She may try more than one job before she settles on one she likes. Career choices may include waiter, journalist, teacher, nurse/health professional, flight attendant, or sales representative.

Hubby's first reaction: "Teacher again?" hahaha
quite like the Mummy lah.
JH's one

What can you expect for your baby? She will be very popular. She will not have any problems making friends. She is fun, optimistic, and full of energy. She may not be the most organized person but she thinks well on her feet. She likes to see everyone get along and may meddle in other peoples relationships in her attempt to keep the peace. She is outgoing and not afraid of meeting new people. In school, she is likely to be in the drama club, on a sports team, or involved in the yearbook committee. She enjoys gossiping and takes pride in the fact that people trust her to tell her their secrets. She likes to give out advice even though her advice is not always the best. Even though she is very popular, she is very insecure. She likes to be praised by others and will seek out people that give her attention.

She will likely pursue a career working with people. She would be miserable if she had to work in a cubicle with nobody to talk to. She may be indecisive when picking a career. She may try more than one job before she settles on one she likes. Career choices may include waiter, journalist, teacher, nurse/health professional, flight attendant, or sales representative.

haha...diff from other gals here...same as boy boy one. well...seems quite accurate for her.
wah haha
dunno if this describes Caryn or myself :p

What can you expect for your baby? She will be very popular. She will not have any problems making friends. She is fun, optimistic, and full of energy. She may not be the most organized person but she thinks well on her feet. She likes to see everyone get along and may meddle in other peoples relationships in her attempt to keep the peace. She is outgoing and not afraid of meeting new people. In school, she is likely to be in the drama club, on a sports team, or involved in the yearbook committee. She enjoys gossiping and takes pride in the fact that people trust her to tell her their secrets. She likes to give out advice even though her advice is not always the best. Even though she is very popular, she is very insecure. She likes to be praised by others and will seek out people that give her attention.

She will likely pursue a career working with people. She would be miserable if she had to work in a cubicle with nobody to talk to. She may be indecisive when picking a career. She may try more than one job before she settles on one she likes. Career choices may include waiter, journalist, teacher, nurse/health professional, flight attendant, or sales representative.

...looks like she's like Jaren, Noel, JH & Sabrina!

update: C is 80cm tall & 10.5kg

...bbut paed is concerned tt her lang devt is very slow
she needs a review in 4-6mths to see if she's say'g more words; if not must chk on her hearing liao =sigh=

koli: poor noel...giv mummy such a scare!
Hmm... maybe J become like Jay Chou? haha! Cool cool n popular pop stars leh? muhaha! (Think Bulomum, cannot take it anymore haha!)

YJ's, Same as most of the girls.
I hope it comes true! haha! But I told Bulma, YJ's life will be boring... unlike J's haha!
Sad thing abt she cannot be a leader haiz, wasted my effort to give her non-ang moh name muhaha! Cos I told my hb famous ppl (leader) dun use ang-moh name wan haha! (Guess who I meant? haha!)

What can you expect for your baby? She will be very dependable and responsible; the type that likes to make her parents happy. You can expect her to be able to handle stress and pressure well. She will not be the one you have to worry about. She is sensitive, friendly and caring. She doesnt like to stand out or draw attention. She is not likely to take a leadership position. She prefers to be the one that works in the background. In her attempt to be likable, she may cave in to peer pressure in her teens. However, she is not rebellious and cares about making her parents happy as much as she does her friends.

As an adult, she will likely go to college and pursue a stable job. She is not the type that will flip flop around in her career choices. She will pick something she thinks she will do well at and stick with it. Possible careers are laboratory technician, computer programmer, physical therapist, paralegal, or dental hygienist.
aiya this kind of personality test is for fun one lah.. how can a whole bunch of bb oni be categorised into abt 3 types. ahhaha.. play play lah.. Who knows, yj might become a ming ren leh..eheheh..

anyway, j really become more friendly liao wat.. he also din stick to you all the time now rite. that is great..isnt it?
your c very tall leh.. r did his hearing test when he was few days old. dont worry lah.. i heard some mummies say that their kid din really talk till abt 2 yo.
nvrmind la, YJ become PM's wife oso good...

hi carla,
tot all new born suppose to do a hearing test within 4mths after they are born? Most would hv done within the 1st few days in the hospital alrdy... if c hv not done so maybe shd do now instead of waiting?
This is her result but oso not quite accurate.

What can you expect for your baby? She will be very popular. She will not have any problems making friends. She is fun, optimistic, and full of energy. She may not be the most organized person but she thinks well on her feet. She likes to see everyone get along and may meddle in other peoples relationships in her attempt to keep the peace. She is outgoing and not afraid of meeting new people. In school, she is likely to be in the drama club, on a sports team, or involved in the yearbook committee. She enjoys gossiping and takes pride in the fact that people trust her to tell her their secrets. She likes to give out advice even though her advice is not always the best. Even though she is very popular, she is very insecure. She likes to be praised by others and will seek out people that give her attention.

She will likely pursue a career working with people. She would be miserable if she had to work in a cubicle with nobody to talk to. She may be indecisive when picking a career. She may try more than one job before she settles on one she likes. Career choices may include waiter, journalist, teacher, nurse/health professional, flight attendant, or sales representative.
Haha I know lah is for fun oni...
Doesn't matter ming ren or not lah, as Violet said, wait become PM's wife... haha lagi better... hmm become CEO? aiyo, I morning come in no mood to work, become BBLL...

Yaya agreed, J more friendly liao... although tat day he bad mood, still got ying chou XR leh haha!
Mummies..please help. Haiz..I'm super worried and getting more and more frustrated as time passes.. Bcoz my boy keeps on having fever so frequently.. Wat can I do to build up his immune system? LAst week fever..today fever again. Wat shld I do?
tomato - other than fever no other symproms is it?
is he lethargic and having poor appetite?
feed him water to make him urintate more often, hope it can help to regulate his temp.
take care

give him drinks like barley or waterchestnut drink but let him drink b4 12noon. Heard from old folks that if drink it after 12 noon will be heaty.

dun let eat heaty stuff like biscuits, mango, lychees.

you take care also hor
hi tomato,

could it be teething prob? this period bb con't teething til it complete full set and every bb face dif prob wen teething. Best keep him out of crowded places before he fully recover. You can try give him porridge water to reduce heaty and dilute e milk for him. if you still worry best to check with doc' bcos he still very young better don't any how give him food lor. take care ya

have u checked with the pd to find out the prob? Coz fever is just a symptom and if there's no other symptoms, it's diff for the PD to diagnose it as well. Check his overall condition, is he cranky, how's his appetite, is he pulling his ears, does he have diarrhoea or watery stools. It's common for bb to have fever, but it's important that u find out what causes it coz like in the case of ear infection, it could be quite dangerous.

I've pumped my boy with cod liver oil and multivits every night. ANd he's doing very well now.
U can ask the rest of the gals here. At one pt i was going crazy with him getting sick all the time and I understand your frustrations when u said abt how the fever kept recurring.

BTW, teething doesn't cause fever. So pls don't attribute the fever to teething.
