(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB


my ger also nowadays attempting to do somersaults. but she smart leh only do try to do it when she is on her mattress. playpen or foam cover. if on the floor hor.. she will not do that at all.


your kids messed up ur house everytime they walk rd the house? sab likes to open my cupboard and take out our clothes. In the end i close the room doors cuz keep having to put back the clothes. so pek chek leh. If not she will open my hubby's cd rack and take out the cd cover and throw onto the floor wor...haiz...headache leh

wow all of your babies doing someersaults ah....scary hor freefall backwards....must be very attentive then....

yeah yesterday ethan also 2 hr+ also dun want to sleep then hb fell asleep instead then i ignore him then hor after that he sleep le but all in all 2.5 hrs also but that's cuz in the PM nap he nap till 7pm so that explains lor...
Ya lor. But he will do free fall when there is mattress only. then somersault hor, cos he sees jie jie doing so he follows. Then i always tell my gal, she better behave else didi will follow too.

last time my boy also will open drawer n mess up the clothes inside. But now wont liao. I usually also close all the rooms door unless got someone inside.
When ZY sleep hor, i dont allow him to walk around or play one le. I will lie beside him if he attempt to stand up, i will carry him down to mattress again. So after 2-3 attempts failed, he will guai guai n lie down to sleep. usually will sleep within half an hr. U can try lor, then u dont need to catch J every nite, very tiring one le.
but ethan hor even we pin him down with each attept of him coming up ah eh can do many many times b si xin one le haha :p
When ZY started to sleep mattress also like that le, bu si xin... But i also bu fang qi. hehe... so now he knows our style lor.
think u're already doing a good job by spk'g of di di anytime u can. get'g him to feel yr tum is also a gd idea, esp when di di kicks!
all i can suggest is maybe get a bk abt baby's new arrival (fr library free!) to read to him to prep him for all the great changes

sad to say u might expect him to act up more once bb arrvs! many bks i'v read all attribute toddlers misbehaviour or regression (get'g clingy, or stop being pottytraind, or wanting to nurse/act like a baby etc) to major changes - cld be a shft to new hse, new baby or even a death...

so like all teh mummys say, better to be more patient with him cuz it jus might =touch wood= get worse.
i also tend to be more impatient with C when i'm tired, hb also. so maybe yr hb is kind to chip in & help, but like jade sez, after a hard day @ wk, its up to him to really control cuz smtimes tiredness gets the better of all of us.

wah, but his freefall v scary hor? C jus somersaults on the bed & smtimes tries it on sofa, so i always remind her to watch the edge. think with 12-24MO, must jus be v patient & remind ourselves they are jus exploring & test'g boundaries, not doing thgs on purpose to annoy us

haha my kiddo also like to 'display' all her toys on teh floor - all the way fr kitchen to living room/dining room to bedroom! think she's hansel & gretal find'g her way home haha
but i make it a pt to get her to pick ethg up once i see teh mess (lucky thg she is stil quite cooperatv =touch wood= dunno how long this wil last!)
i also find she does this when she's bored & i'm not giving her much attn cuz i'm mark'g or doing chores

yr ZY v good...my C stil slps in her crib cuz i know if she slps on bed i'l hv prob keeep'g her there! she takes abt 30min or so to fall aslp & always toss 360d, smtimes stand & beg to come out of crib. yday she tried to lift her leg out...only a matter of time b4 she climbs out liao!
I also like u, both myself n hb lied down n act sleeping, then YJ walk out of the bedroom wonder in the dark living room awhile will come back n lied down on her mattress liao. Toss abit then sleep liao haha! I totally no or less attempts to pin Yj down... cos she will gu yi dun wan to sleep one... I think for YJ is ignore is the best haha!

Sometimes, she will go mess up the toys in the living room... then see nobody play with her... she will again walk back. Sometimes, she will "sing" herself to sleep haha! N tap tap her own thigh... imitate us doing tat to her.

Haha! I and hb sometimes also like your hb pek chey after trying to make YJ sleep but she refused. So now hor, everytime I wan to make Yj sleep, I will keep physco myself, she won't so easy sleep wan lah... if she does, then is a bonus to me loh! haha! Mus ah Q abit, so no expectation better then "too high" expectation... then make myself pek chey...

Hmm... I also realise sometimes when I or hb not around at nite to make YJ sleep, she more guai to go to sleep leh... think now she know if papa n mama around she can be noti... if oni 1 she will slightly behave leh. Even in the car, my hb drive her alone, she is ok. If I am in the car next to her, she will be noti, make noise n throw books. Maybe u take turn to make J sleep? hehe get your hb take 1st half or wat, drain J's energy 1st. Then u take 2nd half to pat him to sleep?

Yj also like to pull all her clothings out from the 4-tiers drawers... usually I let her pull n throw on floor loh... until the drawers r empty, no fun liao, she walk away... sometimes, I divert her attention with some other things loh... The rest of the cupboards, I lock them loh... oni a few tat r "safe" I leave it, n purposely put some empty containers/ cup inside for YJ to pick up when she open them haha!

wah, YJ so brave can wake into the dark living room. My boy is a little chicken. When we switch off the living room lights, he'll run to the rooms with lights and lets out a chuckle like 'phew, i'm safe'. hahaha. He's very odd. scared of the things that most children aren't afraid of like the sea, the toy train or any mechanical toy that moves. weird. But he loves bursting balloons, swings (sit on it himself while we push him), doing somersaults with his daddy and putting his head in the swimming pool to blow bubbles.

C is still sleeping in his cot. We had a super slim mattress on the floor which is very uncomfortable. So when he fusses, we'll put him on the mattress. He'll roll abt but will feel uncomfy. When we put him back on his own mattress, he'll then keep quiet. haha, think he appreciates his own mattress after a little 'torture'. My hb and i take turns too. So my hb will make him sleep at night while I do night duty in case he wakes up (which is pretty often).

C can finally drink from the cup. He skipped the spout and straw stage coz he couldn't do it at all. So end up i fed up, just fed him using the cup and surprisingly he could do it!
its viral fever. dun worry will recover. just that u have to monitor her fever, dun go too high.

it's a bit tedious for u now but few years time, u will enjoy liao. i am planning for one in 4 years time oc my mum don want to take care liao and i dun trust maid. by then i have to start all over again...

hee hee stop scolding her liao lah. she knew her mistakes liao. at times maids need some scolding it not they very ya ya papaya.

N cannot go playgroup also cos he sleeps till 12 pm everyday. haiz... piglet.

i think ur hubby cares but dunnno bhow to handle J. but dun keep beating J cos dun see they young young thought they gong gong, they know things going on around them. next time J might look upon ur hubby as the disciplinary figure then always afraid of ur hubby. but ur hubby still better then mine. mine always says love N love N but never help to take care. at night N will always z at 2 am, hubby will go z himself.

N also like free fall. like J, he dun care what or who is behind. just fall. then he will scream and jump on our bed. yest hubby z at 11am, N jumping and screaming on the bed, stretching my hubby's cheeks, poking his eyes and dick his nose, my hubby no response. sleep like dead log. N finds it amusing, always do that to my hubby then he self entertain, laughing by himself. yest he nearly fell of the bed, pulled my hubby's hair, hubby said "ouch" the went back to sleep.
think it's normal for J n N to do that.
when i preggy that time, old people asked me dun eat chocolate if not very active, i neber eat, N also so active.

N also chicken. switch off lights he will not go out liao... good also kekeke...

N also plays with CD but once he closed the drawers and hit his fingers, he cried liao he dun open. he called my maid to open for him. my hubby brought him down to open letter box. once he got hold of the letters, he tear. *faint*
jade, we got try your method. whenever j stand up wanna run about on mattress, we will pin him down again n again... but he will do it non-stop ...

every x we put him to sleep, it's alws totally lights off lei... aiya v "kek xin"

yest we so tired til we put him bk to playpen to sleep then he slept awhile, wk up to cry lk siao tapo for almost an hr... wah piang! v tiring lei

i totaly cannot b a sahm cos i cant stand whole day keep with j... i bcom v lack of patience

etelle, j after 2.5hrs stil v energetic and wanna run abt and play and scream... i did see him rub his eyes and yawns when he playing by himself but he just dun wanna sleep

bochap, j will also walk abt in the dark. he dun care one lei fall, fall lor then cry then stand up all over again... v pek chek lor

JSim, yes.. j also messed the hse wherever he walks... irritating.. he will purposely pull thinsg out or take things to throw wherever he walks to...

dun you all feel now that i m not working and staying at home, i bcom more pi qi bao zhao and lack patience w j haha everyday got chnace to come in is complaint complaint complaint.. vent vent vent....
Did anyone watched Jump - comic martial arts performance?
I went to watch with my hb this afternoon and it was a very very entertaining show....
The incorporate martial arts into their performance and is so hilarious. Not sure why they only show for 2 days in Singapore when it's a sell out in some countries.
A show worth your time if they are showing again in future. Today is their last day.
hooooo siiiiii hoooooo siiiii.....
calm calm....

When FK mess up, I will ask him to pick up and keep. If he 'pretend' nvr hear me and walk away, I will go and pull him back and point to him. Sometimes he guai guai keep, sometimes he jus dun keep i oso bo bian lor.
hehe! J testing your tolerance level loh... jus let him be... walk n cry until he total pengz... (keke! I bery heng xin wan...) else how to drain the energy? N also wasted my effort/ energy... I oni go "rescue" when YJ realli battery low loh haha!
I think hor, now they getting more energy liao leh. YJ can tong for 8hours no sleep then low batt leh...nap 1x per day for 2hours nia.

Hmm... YJ not realli scare of dark, maybe she is used to it since NB. N whenever in dark room, I will keep talking to her, to let her know I am with her.
Also my house is corridor unit, got some lighting outside. My living room not so dark loh... bedrooms r dark at nite.
YJ dun like toys tat make noise n move also... she will watch for awhile then make noise ask us to switch off... if we ignore her, she will cry haha!
bochap, ya i also feel he testing our tolerance level. but he's like alws full of energy lei... j hor now can nite x zzz 7-8hrs only then day x whole day zzz 1 hr only... then refuse to zzz at all... also full of energy lei
Hi mummmies, you're right. Guess my gal had viral fever. Fever subsided by day 4 and rashes start to develop. She is ok now just that this morning she had blood all around her mouth (the area where the pacifier covers) and it stained my bedsheet. No wonder she was crying and groaning the whole night. Is it her gums bleeding? I can't see too much from her mouth. Would teething cause gums to bleed?
Since there is bleeding maybe u give a call to the PD to see if there is a need to bring her down to the clinic? Or maybe ask the PD wat u shd check for b/f deciding if u need to bring her down?
my mum said she probably bit her tongue but i'm quite doubtful that she would bite her tongue during her sleep. Anyway, she is well and playing now. Think prob i will call the PD just to be safe.

I will be going for my detailed scan on Wed, am quite excited about it. By then, gender would be revealed
Hey mummies.. How everyone is doing well...

BB nite sleep:
normally ard 8+, i will prepare plain water and ask xr go to the bedroom.. then i will rest w her on the bed and she will drink 1/2 bottle of her water... then at times when she watch tv, she will stand up and jump jump or dance holdin my hand.. then later she tired lioa she will drink the other half and slowly she will drift to sleep... but when she wan to go down the bed, i will pin her down like what jade do lor.. hehe and she will cry loud but i dun bother.. just pat her a while then she go to bed lioa... haha...
i tink somehow she know the routine liao.. reach home wash her hand and wipe her face, play toys and watch tv, drink water and get ready to sleep...so not much of a problem puttin her to sleep...
tis is always my job... hubby will be outside watchin tv... but i dun mind la..cause i can rest also mah... hehe...

Bulma: ur hb so fierce one ah... hehe kan bu chu leh.... i tink ur hb tired after work then still have to like make J sleep so he man zhang lor... but poor thing leh J... ask ur hubby relax a bit lor... tat time i tink i told u all xr also mai koon then after a period of time she ok liao... tink they just tryin to be notti lor...tryin to see whehter they can skip sleepin or sleep later a not..hehe...

Messing the house:
hmmm my room's door except masterbedroom will always be close.. (my mom and the study room) casue she will run to the computer room and wan to play the computer so i never let that room door open... as for masterbedroom, she will run in but she wun open the cupboard to take the things out.. i will scold her... hehe then certain drawer some she kana before so she dun dare to open liao... hehe
Living room wise, those that she will open i will buy those things to latch them up so she cannot open...
we cannot stop them then put something to prevent them from opening lor.. hehe

siewlng: haha.. i like the way u describe YJ - battery... haha so funny u....

summer: hope Tiffany is ok liao...

wow... 2 more days... hehe hope ur bb co-operates w u... so we can know the gender liao... hehe...
yes, very excited. hope all's well.

detailed scan should be able to show gender
By the way, the Tampines Metro sale... any bb products to buy at good discount?

ya lor..so scary at times. Cant imagine if they just do it on the floor without any padding..faint leh.


usually when i damn tired, i just closed all the rooms doors and even the kitchen door. Then i will sit on my sofa and see what tricks she is up to lor.


at least your C hor will help clear up..sab only know how to mess up. when i ask her to pick up, she will pick lah then purposely throw onto the floor again. Then hor give me her famous cheeky smile. haiz..


yours is sing to herself and sleep ah..sab is sing out aloud when she wake up the very first minute leh. Like announce to everyone that she is awake lor esp after her afternoon nap. my girl also nap at most 2 hours in the afternoon leh.
If in the kitchen, sab will open the lower two tier drawer where there are only cloth, clear plastic bags and clean sponge lor. She will empty everything in these 2 drawers. So i purposely take pictures of it and told her "Mummy got evidence of you messing up the house" Can show her when she is bigger. hahaha


the surprising thing is that no matter what sab throw onto the floor or swing things ard hor, it will nv hit her lor. It always hit the ppl ard like me or hubby. Imgaine her opening my cupboard one day and throw the tin of campbell soup onto the floor, she nv kanna leh. Dunno how she do it also. Letters ah.. we only give her those pamplets. those impt letters are off limit to her. hehehe


i think now cuz u preg lah. somemore abt to give birth liao tot can rest for few days but then u see j like that u feel pekchek lah. u try dun flare up, if not ur little baby will also be very bad tempered leh. sometimes close one eye lor.
How many hours J sleep? Sometimes, when they dun have enuf sleep, they are even harder to pacify and their behaviour will b very edgy.There are books on how to put your child to sleep, try them and see what works for your child. Most kids will fight sleep, but that does not mean they dun need the sleep if they are not sleeping. Dun make sleeping routine to be unpleasant, if not, he will fight it even more. Have a regular routine, so he know it is time to sleep, do what he likes to unwind, like read a book, sing some songs... then lights out then dun talk to him liao, if he make noise want to go out, tell him firmly sleep, then ignore him. The more you respond, the more noise he makes. Jus my two cents worth.
ur dd very smart leh, dun hurt herself. N is not very good in his coordination. walk a bit will also fall.

anyone watched transformers yet? very nice show!

hows ur gal now? what did pd say?

maybe u should let ur mum take care of J and get more rest now. u pek chek often later u delivery earlier. must take care of urself.

comes to think of it. being active is better than not active right? but u talk about zzz 7-8 hours a day, i find a bit too little? how long does ur toddler zzz?

1. koli- N
nite - 10 hrs
nap- 2x 2 hours each.
i din call PD but she's ok now. Your big auntie come already?

1. koli- N
nite - 10 hrs
nap- 2x 2 hours each

2. summer - Tiff
nite - 10hrs
nap - 1x 2-3hrs
koli - i'm also waiting for a chance to catch both transformers n harry potter...

1. koli- N
nite - 10 hrs
nap- 2x 2 hours each

2. summer - Tiff
nite - 10hrs
nap - 1x 2-3hrs

3. Wendy - Daphne
nite - ~10 hrs
nap - 1x1hr + 1x2-3hrs

Anybody got any recommendations for any gynae in KKH or Thomson Medical?

Re: Sleep
I thought I was the only one facing this problem but seems like most mummies here are too.. My kids have much difficulty going to slp at night too.. So tiring for me and it make me lose my temper at them evtime..onli to regret when I see them slping.. Reli slp like angels but awake like devils.. Haiz.. Onli can switch off the lights and pretend to be aslp.. But smtimes reli fall aslp without knowing they slp liao anot.. Haha.. Me too jia lat..

My kids like to jump frm my bed to the mattress on the floor too.. Aiyo.. Recently B discovered a new game and threw all my pillows and bolsters onto the mattress.. Den both of them will jump onto the pile together.. Migod! But I scared they might knock against the edge of my bedside table nia..

Smtimes I see them eat ar..reli veri headache man.. One eat veri fast..one eat veri slow.. Den they play wif food when they full liao.. Den food all over the place.. Reli feel so xin ku to look after both of them smtimes.. Haiz.. Smtimes in my anger I will wonder why did I go and give birth to them and make myself suffer onli.. Haha.. EVen my hb tink we OWE them in our last lifetimes.. Duhz..

By the way..brought C for her MMR jab yest.. Her wt nw is 12kg and ht is 80.1cm..
1. koli- N
nite - 10 hrs
nap- 2x 2 hours each

2. summer - Tiff
nite - 10hrs
nap - 1x 2-3hrs

3. Wendy - Daphne
nite - ~10 hrs
nap - 1x1hr + 1x2-3hrs

4. Amanda - Xinru
nite - 10-10.5hrs
nap - Weekday: morning 1-1.5hrs/afternoon - 2 hrs
Weekends: morning 2 hrs/afternoon 1.5-2hrs

tomatolander: wow... Cheryl is 12 kg ah... hehe...
how old is ur elder one liao?? still haven reach cc age ah???
haha... children are like tat lor... my mom also always say like she own us like tat in the past life... it's the same as ur parents and u mah..hehe dun stress urself too much ya...

bbger: not too sure leh.. tat time i wanna order the Dermalogical items also dun scare to order.. :p
Local no sell ah???
wow, C is a big girl, 12kg!

Just went for my work review and thank goodness so far so good. Actually, quite fortunate lah, boss not too demanding otherwise I think i peng liao.

As for sleeping, at nite xr must have all lights off otherwise she'll never get to sleep. Sometimes dark she'll also wriggle off the bed onto the floor and just walk around my bedroom. aiyoh, i want to zz also must keep 1 eye open just in case she go and open drawers or play with the fan or worse, go into the toilet coz it cannot lock from outside. But recently she managed to learn the word stop (hehe, i see her go near the toilet then i sing the 'stop in the name of love' then she laugh laugh and stop there) so just need to remind her regularly.

she seems to be scared of sudden noises, like the other day she was at the closed door then suddenly my maid knocked and she ran to the bed and pat her chest like pa pa, then she laugh. sometimes dunno if real one or bluff.
bb-ger, think u can call up HSA to check with them 62130838, think online purchase of such cosmetic product for personal use they usually don regulate unless u are selling it .
why dun u tap on the spree in the forum then hor order lor....should be fine one le for eprsonal use fine...
Hi Everyone

It has been awhile since i last chat on this forum. Work kinda took all my free time away. The last 6 months have been very hectic for me and life has been really tiring....well, what's new?

I thought i drop in to say hi everyone and i must have missed lots of interesting conversations/topics. I think i should plan for my 2nd baby and slow down my working pace a little bit.. ha ha.

Anyway, i hope to catch up with everyone and see how babies are growing as mine is definitely changing everyday
Venus: so long din see u appearing on the forum... nice to hear from u...

Just saw Corrine pic.. she so chubby and adorable... she like din change much hor... hehe.... ya ya.. slow down ur work and plan for number 2... Our forum's 1st 2nd baby is out yesterday... hehe....

bbger: oh... i tink join spree one better lor.. hehe...

she cheeky lah. But she will walked like a drunkard esp when she is abt to sleep eg b4 naptime and bedtime. so funny.

my bro watched it and he said it's very nice leh. Haiz, it has been so long since I last went to the movies. With my girl ard very difficult to do that lor. So in the end hubby will always DVD and we watch at home at our own liesure.

1. koli- N
nite - 10 hrs
nap- 2x 2 hours each

2. summer - Tiff
nite - 10hrs
nap - 1x 2-3hrs

3. Wendy - Daphne
nite - ~10 hrs
nap - 1x1hr + 1x2-3hrs

4. Amanda - Xinru
nite - 10-10.5hrs
nap - Weekday: morning 1-1.5hrs/afternoon - 2 hrs
Weekends: morning 2 hrs/afternoon 1.5-2hrs

5. Jsim - Sabrina
nite - 11 - 11.5hrs
nap - 1x 1.5-2hrs
Amanda: My boy already reach CC age le.. He's 26mths liao le.. Hey..can share with me how u feel on ur gal's first few days of infant care? I'm now super worried abt them going to CC.. Haiz..

Claire: Yah..she super FAT la.. Hee.. I scared next time she overwt.. Den I headache..
transformers is really nice.first time i see such an action movie, so exciting from beginning till the end.
i am buying the code 1 DVD when it is out. collecting the transformers toy for N. heehee... my hubby said i seow. used to like transformers when i was young. i sold my macross robot toy at ebay several years ago for $1.2k leh. hee hee

my big auntie came leh. what a relief!cannot afford to get pregnant leh. hubby flying very often. going NZ this weekend. end of the month to Thai. yeah! i have the car for the whole week.

ur mum said u n hubby owe the kids in the past? mine worst! when i was pregnant, i go see feng shui for my new house plus N's name. when N out, i gave the feng shui master his eight characters, he said N is out to torture us ah... walau eh... worst right? dunno what i did to him in the past. anyway any one believe in san shi jin? (3 life -ex life, now and after life?)
i went to read my san shi jin, the nun said that i am a man in my previous life. i used to be a pirate(bad) one,burnt the temple and killed the monks. evil right? my mum is also a pirate. she is a good pirate. snatch to help her villagers that is y pay back i become her daughter.
the scary part is i will have 4 kids this life. hee hee hope not true! 4 i can die.
either i pass 49 or i die at 85... this part is scary. my mum always ask me to pray more often. after my confinement, i go on vegetarian for 49 days. full day vegetarian. now i see vegetarian food , i want to vomit

where is the 1st 2nd baby forum? So which mother is currently pregnant with 2nd baby apart from Bulma?

dear all,

Bulma has delivered on 02-Jul to Baby Jovan thru c-sect.
Jovan weighs 2.695kg n is 48cm in length. Both mummy and baby are well... In fact bulma has alrdy started walking around today

Here's 2 pics of Baby Jovan :

i also want to wait till the DVD out then buy. Then can see countless times.

Dun believe so much on the san shi jing lah. Too much thinking into it will cause you more anxiety. Why not use that energy to live life to the fullest?

Congrats to Bulma. Your boy is so cute. Looks like you ya? Take care and congrats once again.
