(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

what's ur daily program for caeden ah? can share? haha i feel i whole day free and easy with ethan and impromptu program one le...hee :p

that time ethan fever ah 4-5 days then fully subside and well again le. Think have to find out the reason lor...your son fever for last week recover le then this week kena again?


N also has fever on and off. my PD said some bb's immune still not strong. but if N has fever continously, he is worried about dengue or kidney problem. u might wanna bring him for check? i think maybe ur boy boy is same as N. need not worry too much.

i think i am going to lose my job soon. so frustrated. some of the teachers in my school are abusing their power and some some "higher Rank" teachers really think they are good teachers since they have higher rank. i wrote an email to the head to state the situation and i think what is right and what is wrong.. haiz... just frustrated cos they are not doing anything that wil benefit the pupils in school leh.
hmmm... told my hubby i will lose my job soon, he said i purposely do that so i can be a SAHM. kekeke.....
As Mashy said fever is just a symptom... can be cause by many different reason...e.g ear infection, throat infection, flu virus...etc
N maybe diff fever got diff causes?
Most importantly must dui zhen shai yao, solve the root cause...dun any how eat leh... else sometimes can be too liang for bb to take leh...
Dear Mummies..

Hmmm..yest tried to post but tink SMH doing maintainence..

Wendy: Last wk he onli haf fever.. Bt tis time round he's like having sore throat lidat.. His voice like 'Lao Ah Peh'.. Sounds funny bt duno wat to give him to soothe his throat lehz..

Jsim: Cannot take barley in the afternn ar? I didn noe abt it.. Hmmm..mayb I can ask the TCM shop ppl..

Mashy: Yah..can I noe wat multivits u giving ur boy? I also wana boost his immune system.. I got gif cod liver oil smtimes bt I oso forgot at times.. By the time go hm smtimes too tired liao..

TCL: Yah..i tink his fever came back agn bcoz I bought him to Vivo last Sun.. Den he play until sweaty sweaty den go inside aircon.. Den I forgot to change his shirt for him.. Onli wipe him dry.. Haiz.. Me a bad mummy..

Etelle: Yah..but he's fine today liao.. So I tink it recurred bcoz he haven reli recovered fully frm the last round..

Koli: I tink he same like N lor.. Haiz.. So headache.. Den my hb say he so worried blah blah blah.. Make me feel worried and stressed at the same time.. Duno hw to make him stronger.. Reli feel like at a loss lidat..

Haha.. Gd la..u be SAHM la.. Can see tat u qt eager to bcm one.. Haha..

Thanks all mummies for ur advise.. My boy is better today liao le.. Fever subsided yest.. Hopefully it wun come back.. Gonna pump cod liver oil into him every night frm nw onwards.. They going to CC soon le.. Reli dun wan anyting to happen to them.. Haiz..
siewlng: yah..i tink it's a throat infection tis time round.. wat can I give him to soothe his throat yet reduce phlegm ar? Yest he vomit his milk out then alot of phlegm..
tomatolander: u take care ya....

Mummies who let bb attend bb gym hor... what do they do there huh?? and what is the difference of bb gym and playground??? my fren keen to bring her son...

i'm now giving life solutions children's multi vits from vitakids.


previously gave animal parade but coz life solutions has a lower level of vit a (which cod liver oil has plenty of), i decided to give him life solutions instead. Dun want to give him overdose of vit a. it's got orange taste and my boy loves it. in fact, he hated the cod liver oil, so i mix the oil with the multivits to feed him. some may say that artificial supps are not as good as the real thing. But i guess as any concerned parents whose kids kept falling sick, u'll do anything to get them back in health again.

now my schedule is very hay wire coz just came back from bintan hols. but next week, i'm going to start him in a 1.5hr playgroup daily in the morning.
So it'll be more fixed. Also bought 2 books from a mummy in a BP on activities to do with toddlers, hopefully it'll help me in planning the schedule for him.


in bb gym, they'll sing songs and dance ard depending on diff gyms. advise to go for trials coz each bb may like diff things. they've pp there to set up stuff to let the children play too.
I agreed with Smiley, sorethroat the fastest way is antibiotics. Phlegm I still trying to find solution, my girl has stopped her phlegmy cough, but on n off still can hear the phlegm sound inside... I will bring her to TCM doc tomorrow n check...

Previously when she had phlegmy cough, she was give Ventolin, then she is ok... tis round dun seem to be fully cleared...

fyi... Vitakid having sales 25% for Animal parade vit...

BTW, I read somewhere said is better to give VitC in the morning... n Vit C help for better absorb of Cod Liver oil... therefore, I am giving both Vit C n Cod Liver Oil daily.
playgroup where??oooh is the BP still on? i wany yo find some books or what on activities for toddlers of this age one le....sometimes feel that currently they are neither hre nor there a bit hard to plan also...

it's over liao.

the books that we were getting were:
1. Sing me a story! Tell me a song! Creative Thematic Activities for Teachers of Young Children by Hilda L. Jackman ($21)
2. Moving & Learning Series by Rae Pica

I bought book 1 coz book 2 is very expensive altho it comes with a CD. One of the ladies works at NIE so can get quite good rates for book 1.

Joining a playgroup by Babies Resort. It moved near my place, so decided to send him there.
smiley/siewlng: I dun reli like the idea of antibiotitcs so I'm still observing.. Seems like his phlegm have lessen so probably will just give him the 'Zi Ke Tang' ie. TCM drink for stopping cough and reducing phlegm..

mashy: can i noe how much u pay for either animal parade or life solutions?

By the way mummies..how can we balance a child's diet? Bt the ting is I'm not a SAHM so it's very difficult for me to monitor what food they eat..except during the night.. Haiz..

Yest night was Cheryl's turn.. She got fever.. Haiz.. And to my horror..I discovered that my MIL gave my son an overdose of his medicine and my gal a "underdose" of her medicine.. Although I keep on stressing to her the amt.. I feel like banging the wall.. Hw I wish I can take leave to look after them till they are fully well again.. Haiz..
tomatolander: wow... u dun sound very well leh.. u relax a little bit k...

Metro Tampines Closing Down Sale is on today... Do and go grab some stuff....
hi all... i started on leave le... forced to be on leave to "dai cang" haha cos tues morn again had labor contraction and pain but after that it went off again so gynae say just stay at home and wait lah dun go work le but stay at home soooooooo super hot and boring then j also keep clingy til me and mum buay tahan .... so sianzzz everyday wu suo shi shi then at my mum's hse no wireless so when j sleep, i cant use pc cos he sleep in my room then when he awake, i cant use cos he keep disturb and wan me to give him attention... si beh sianzzz ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

now everyday keep sweat sweat lk pig lk dat buay tahan... one day shower/bath at least 5x til my mum say "pls lah bath liao also sweat bath for wat? waste water" but i buay tahan mah i wish i can just soak in a pail of water meh then she dun allow me to on living room aircon cos she say waste money also... i say i pay her bill tis month lah she also dun let me .. haiz sianzz.. then hb dun wan me alone at home cos i any x will go into pain and labor so insist i at my mum's hse. pek chekkkkkkkkkkkkk ahhhhhhhhhhh

bulomum/bochap : yes i can see j is more friendly now hehe i also happy lei hope he will continue lk tis then at least mayb ll b easier when he goes cc in aug... really worried for him...
ren yi ren la...how come ur mum dun let you on air con so weird haha :p for me also le at home ah feel the whole house like hot hot one ...so i try to stay in the room with air con on lor....but j when at ur mum hse also will cling to u ah..like that u also diff to do things hor...no wonder no see u online...

okie thanks for the infor
mashy: thanks..will go check it out if I go Vivo..

Amanda: yah..will do. Thanks. Tampines too far for me le.. I wana buy Avent teats.. Anybody going? Hee..

Bulma: Take care ya.. nw can enjoy aircon better enjoy..wise later confinement jialat liao.. Hope the weather turn fine for u during ur confinement..
tomatolander, for a quick guide u can follow the Healthy Diet Pyramid to plan..it also helps u to understand the basic food groups. I always tell others to eat a variety cos diff food contains diff nutrients.

u can follow the guidelines here, the info is very useful for mothers.

if ur kids are attended by CC, u can check if they are recipients of healthy eating award ( by HPB) here;

By the way, i am not giving my gal any supplement other than Cod liver oil which she has stopped too for quite sometimes.I prefer her to get the nutrients naturally from food as the bioavailability and absorption is higher. By encouraging them to take a variety, it reduces the likelihood of fussy eater
She is quite strong now, even when i caught a flu she didn't get it.
bulomom, violet
hehe i think height takes after her daddy cuz he's 1.9+m...he's worried tt she might grow up to be freakishly tall haha
but paed said she's abt 60th percentile - so stil quite average thnk gdness!

yups, C had her hear'g test when she was born. but wil need foll-up test if she doesnt say proper words @ 18mths...lucky the last few days she's try'g to imitate more, think she senses tt her mummy quite worried haha

me too! i dose C with vits & DHA evry morn if not nite time sure forget. i hv her eat b/fast & giv her her 2 spoonfuls after tt.
read tt milk reduces iron absorptn, but tt vit C helps; so bcuz she has cereal (iron fortified) + milk, i thot her multivit wil help

glad to hear tt he's feel'g better
think all the mummies had it covered when it came to fever & its causes.
cuz i'm 1st time mummy & kiasu, i read up alot of bks & mags. dunno where i read but sugar wil also lower kiddo's immunity.
also drinkg milk fr bottle when bb is lying dwn flat (not head on pillow) wil also increase risk of ear infection cuz of sm inner ear thg.
okok good tat she is starting to speak more

These 2 days I am working from home, gal is coughing and her cc had 7 cases of HFMD so I tot beter keep her away from cc for these 2 days and plus the wkend, hopefully the cc manage to stop the spread of the HFMD....

falling sick
FK seldom fall sick so i didn't start him on any supplement yet. I 2nd val's view as in to take absorb fm natural sources if there is no need to give supplement.

I realised that even when my gal falls sick, FK doesn't get it fm her though they continue to play(fight rather) together.
forgot to add, my gal however is on supplements -cod liver oil and vit C.
Since she went cc she has been falling sick soooo often until about 4yo. From 4yo to 5yo, her immune system is getting stronger and does not fall sick as often. Even when she is sick she gets well faster than before.
Val: Thanks for the website.. It's helpful to me by making me remember the pyramid of food.. Hee.. I just bought a bottle of multi-vits for them.. It's the robot type one.. Bought at the pharmacy at SGH.. Anybody tried it? Is it ok?

Carla: Good tat C is learning to spk more.. I was abit more worried abt my boy.. He seems to spk veri little words.. Dun reli noe hw to talk in 4 words sentences yet..

Violet: My kids going to CC in Aug le.. So trying to boost their immune system higher.. I'm nt so worried abt my ger.. More for my boy.. Haiz..
Ur N reminded me of S.. She fell last week too, and ended up with a huge bump on her forehead.... n my MIL was scolding n blaming us for it coz she was wearing the full-suit pyjamas with covered socks.. so while trying to run, she slipped and fell face dwn.... we panic and rush her to KKH... the consultant ask us to do a x-ray scan to play safe after noticing her huge bump.... so the angry part begin: the radiologist who did the scan was an indian guy and he simply have NO PATIENCE.. he jus grabbed my ger's leg and hands up when trying to shift her postition.. and push her head down when she was struggling... my poor S, was being treated like an object... by the way, u went KKH too rite???
etelle, i pm buay tahan then on the living room aircon at my mum's hse haha she keep quiet then say "so hot meh?" i say "ya lor" haha then she say "ok lah on llah u preg, temp higher than normal pple".. then i say "wow mama, u suddenly so understanding, wat motive?" haha then she laughed.. she say "bo lah buay tahan u, so xian ren"... hehe

ya at my mum's hse, j also clingy to me and wan attention even when my mum is ard... eg : when he wk up... he see me and my mum... he insist wan me carry him out of the playpen dun wan my mum.. my mum carry, he will scream and beat my mum... then he knows i am ard, he also wont sleep long lor.. e most 30mins then will wk up le... my mum say all these wont happen when she is alone w him... haiz....
my gal's vit C supplement jus finished and I went to buy Delrosa or her jus now.
When I get to Guardian then realised they hving promo now, 3 bottles for $17.60, usual price is $8.80 ea bottle. So saves about $3 per bottle. I will give my boy and gal la, since got 3 bottles now.

aiyo, hear the way u describe how she's treated can feel she's so poor thing leh, hope she is ok le?

today i work fm home FK oso very clingy. When i closed the bedroom door to attend a conf call FK was crying outside... sob sob....
But sleep wise he is ok la, take longer time to make him go to bed but will sleep the usual length of time.
Now u at yr mum's place like not really get to rest leh, the gynae give u mc is to let u rest mah...
i also let ethan wear those full suit with toes covered kind nd i find it quite dangerous also le cuz they tend to walk fast or run then if slip and fell the end result is terribles...so how's shayna now? huh how come the radilogist so rough one....

haha luckily ur mother understanding if not become roasted liaoz how weather hot le these few days dun on air con cannot the heat will make one very pek chek one at least for me..
i agree with koli & her paed/violetB cuz our kiddo's immune system stil sm'what immature.
i know its a real headache now when they're get'g sick all teh time, but the silver lining is that they are build'g up their defenses now.
good news is that they'll be protectd fr these when they are in Pri sch & wont get sick so easily

<font color="0000ff">this is fr the dumex website:
Fortunately, newborns are generally protected by the antibodies they receive through the placenta before birth and from their mother's breast milk after birth. This type of protection is known as passive immunity because it is "borrowed" from another source. It gradually disappears during the first 6 to 8 months of life, while their bodies step up the process of producing antibodies, until they reach adult concentrations at 12 to 14 years of age.</font>

when did he start to spk?
actually i wasnt too worried b4 but this silly paed make me kancheong...
told me tt delayd speech has 3 causes - hear'g probs, autism & low IQ
we cross'd out the oth 2 cuz she's quite sociable & develp'g ok mentally; but my hubby has loud voice, so dunno if tt harm her hear'g cuz he slings her all the time hehe
so her ear very close to his mouth leh...

bulma & oth preggie moms
wah, realli pei fu ni tt u guys r gonna hv #2 so soon...cant see myself juggling a newborn & toddler! i'm such a coward!
anyway, i guess clingyness is normal cuz they know smthg's abt to change.
read this @babycenter & i like the idea of prep'g a pressie & say'g tt baby gave it to them
not make them feel so left out mah

<font color="0000ff">How can I make my older child feel involved in the arrival of his new sibling?

Whether or not your child actually attends the birth, chances are that the day his new brother or sister arrives will be a memorable one. To make sure those memories err on the positive, prepare your child ahead of time for what's to come.

Take him on a tour of the hospital or birthing center. Many hospitals now offer introductory programs especially designed for new sisters and brothers to be. They'll show your child a room like the one you'll be staying in, talk with your child about his or her fears and concerns about the new arrival, and visit the nursery so everyone can see what a real baby looks like.

While at the hospital, keep your child posted as much as possible on your progress if your labor drags on. He'll need to know that everything's okay.

To ease the first meeting, which can be pretty awkward for children already nervous about the changes this little creature will bring give him a present from the baby. Prop a picture of him by your bed and make sure he sees it. Snap a new photo of him with the baby and do whatever else you can to reassure him that he'll still be at the center of your lives.</font>
bb ger,

i feel kkh is like that ley.. they no patience one.. everything to them is chop chop they wan to finish coz to many patients at children's A&E liao.. the full suit pj i will only let elly wear right before she go sleep coz if not she walk walk then sure fall one coz she s not a steady walker yet..


you take care ok.. lucky your mum give in to you liao..
Hi Mummies,
These few days very busy....busy monitoring the spree I joined, hehe. Aiyooo, really spend a lot on spree this week. Think really must ban myself from looking at the spree liao...but somx xin yang yang...

Got contraction huh.....I think you gg for labour very soon. Baby engaged liao bo? If bb engaged, think the dilation will come very soon liao loh, anyway u will still go for C-sect, right? But actually 2nd birth much more easy le. U take good rest, keep us inform....
I had make an aptment to visit my gynae on Monday. Going for my PAP SMEAR test...very shang nao jing le, dun noe wan to go for the IUD. Anyone can give me some advise?
bb ger
how's ur gal now. aiyo heart pain right?
my N still bruised on his face and also one eye. haiz... everyday i see the bruises, everyday i scold my maid.
ya went to kk. Missed my menses again as usual so the radiologist din allow me to go in. my dad went in instead. mine was a lady radiologist. She is also quite impatient(according to my dad) N cried like mad. came out of the room still got tear drops on his face. dunno y these people like that. cant wait.
yest i went to tampines mall to buy things, saw one toddler about the same age as N, fell on the escalator. i so hard pain. he injured the knees. wah... was behind him. quickly carried him up. poor thing. the mummy din even know. still looking around. dun understand y the mum don look after the toddler.
Re: vits
animal multi vit- wild berries really very sweet leh. i dilute it and give to N. N loves it so much but cannot drink everyday. i did so and N started coughing. stopped all vitamins at the moment cos my mum scolds.
but after the kao cho sua, N stopped coughing liao. phelgm also gone. told my hubby then he suan me. he said "of course will recover lah, N eating $ leh."(hehe... in total he took about $540 -9 doses of kao co sua)

N also clingy. he also wants me not my mum when i reach home. but lately i find him very selfish and hot tempered. he dun wan to share his toys with my nephews and nieces. he scratches me very often till i bleed. think he is too pampered leh. any babies like that?

where u sending ur boy for play group?
i dun think i can send N. he falls sick so easily. i just bought a set of books from Raffles education called World of learning. quite good. i just applied 1 year leave today. waiting for reply.
think no point keep scolding the maid la....dun wait she go MOM complain about you le...since the matter is over let it be lor if really find her no good then change lor...relax relax okie...

so this childcare offers 1.5 hours of playgroup program daily ah...mmm me only thinkging of sending ethan for PG when he turn 3 years old le but was thinking ah whether he can cope without our presence or not so still thinking necessary to send him in earlier to mingle or not.

yah. u can look for 1 like this too. It doesn't really free up a lot of your time since it's just 1.5hrs but it's still a good breather. Also thought it's good for him to play with other kids and perhaps learn some things that we can't teach alone like social skills, negotiating, conflict management etc. It's also good to ease him into a social group in case u need to send him to childcare for a while after u give birth. Like that he won't think that you're 'abandoning' him after u have didi but he is now a big boy and can go to school.
talking abt falls, just heard from hb that xr had a bad fall this morning, now got big baluku on her forehead. Feel kinda guilty coz I was too impatient to bring her down to mil's place so left her at home with him and now this happens. everytime this kind of thing will happen, really very sim tia.

good, hope your leave is approved. I'm thinking of taking the rest of next yr after my ML as leave to take care of both children. But I dunno if i can tahan a toddler and a baby 24/7.
what you say is very true le...wun want him to have the feeling of being abandon le....what's the fee like u paid ah for PG?

haha have to try then know whether we can handle toddler and baby or not. No try never know mah...whose with XR?

it's $250 per month. I feel it's quite ok lor. Little skool hse better, $320 3hrs daily and can get $50 subsidy. Too bad full hse already. wanna be on waiting list also cannot. only left with afternoon slots but my boy's nap time is in afternoon.

Re: falls
my boy also had a fall on our hol at bintan. got a bruise on his cheek and his gums bled too. Heart pain but that's part of growing up. Esp with boys.
koli, no point kept scolding ur maid...it might build up resentment and she may do anything out of anger..
I believe even we ourselves cannot guarantee 100% safety of our kids when they are under our care. And for maid, if they are so good, they wouldn't have to work as maid drawing that pathetic pay.
ya nowadays weather hot hot til buay tahan.... i cham.. my own hse living room no aircon, dunno cnfinement time how :p

carla, i dunno how to involve j abt arrival of jo. only alws ask him "di di where?" then br his hand to my tummy and stroke lk dat only lor

violet, ya i at my mum's hse lk more tiring than at work haha but wat to do? my hb dun wan me alone at home. i fl i keep ren ren ren w j's
"nonsense" til i fl lk v "Wei qu" hhaa then sm x bcom unhappy cos no where to vent.. i cant br myself to scream at him or beat him cos i fl he also dunno... and scream beat le i heartpain, he also continue lk dat so like no point. then at night stil nd to ren hb's impatience w j.

last nite he beat j's bkside til his bkside red red, scold him loudly and beat his palm just bcos j refuse to sleep. j usually sleeps at 8pm then last night refuse to sleep even at 11pm then keep cry and scream and mk noise... so kena fr hb

tis morn i tell hb thk j starting his terrible two lah u b more patient w him ay sai bo? then he also heartpain keep say dunno j pain or not. i say beat til bkside red red where will not pain.

i say hb every x br j home, also kena beat or scold by him, lk dat j where will love to cm home... haizzz... then hb say he will try to be patient lor but really difficult mah cos so tired then j stil so "misbehave".
wow bulma, just becos J dun wanna sleep will kena from ur hb ah. aiyo, he so fierce one ah.
JH everyday also late sleeper. she normally sleep at 1130pm one le...we also no beat her :p
got once she 1am also not yet sleep ah n both me n hb already Zzzzzz le...heehee then my hb wake up find Jh still playing on our bed but no disturb us lah. hmm...he also no scold ah, he just put her to yao lan and rock her sleep.
my hb dun like me to scold JH cos he says must use ai the jiao yu but hor i still sometime buey tahan will scold her. but my hb nvr scold her b4, he reason with her. he Sooooo patience.
My gal's been having fever since wed afternoon, can be as high as 38.7. Everytime after taking her paracetamol, her fever will subside. But in 4-6 hours later, her fever will return. My mum just told me her last med taken was at 12noon and her temp was 38. Other than that, no other symptons only fever for the past 3 days. Is is viral fever or what is it? Can anyone advise?
same as ethan that time lor with medicine subside then without then the fever come again but think need anti biotics le and then hor this kinf of fever need 4-5 days then will recover one.....

how's your gal behaving? is she playing as if not sick? if so, then it's infant roseola. Just need to control the fever. Will be over in 3-5days. Then after that the rashes will come and it's not itchy. Right now she's contagious, so don't go anywhere crowded.
if J can't sleep then just let he be or a while and try again 15mins later lor...
At least yr hb still will feel xin tong lor, tell him no matter wat must control a bit la...

viral fever takes a few days to fully subside, if she is well and playing as normal then shd be ok la. If she looks lethargic or mei jing shen then better see a doc... high fever may oso trigger vomiting, jus watch out lor
for us ah ethan usually take about 30-1 hr to fall asleep one le..then hb and me will lie down with him all the way till he tired then he drift to sleep lor. Then once in a blue moon he ill veyr late ike 12mn or so then wanna sleep but hb and me just lie down and sleep and no one play with him bored then he will soon sleep le..

beat him scold him in the end make urself more pek chek and the kiddo more cranky also le...so ask ur hb to control control if not when #2 come out then #2 cry #1 dun wannt sleep then how?? Have to mentally prepare himself le...
we also lie down w him all the way ah then yest lie down w j on bed 2.5hrs, he also refuse to sleep then keep disturb us... tk things throw us or screaming and shouting while walking around, play free fall...

nowadays j like to free fall bkward. he will purposely stand up straight then fall bkward w/o looking wat's behind... he kena window grille when at my mum's hse when he free fall fr sofa then also nearly fell fr sofa b4. luckily i "hop" him in time... then last nite he refused to sleep, he keep "play with the free fall" til my hb vvv angry w him cos worry he concussion and also bcos of his freefall, his head hit my cheekbone, hit my forehead and got once nearly hit the wall but again luckily i nearby and "hop" him... sang nuo jing... how ah? yr kiddos lk dat too?

i keep tell hb to be more patient lor but he alws say try try then he really got try lah not say dun hv but after some time, he will cannot tahan again and lose patience again lor

summer, ya viral fever takes few days... take care ah
ZY also nowadays like to play free fall n somersault le. Got to tell him cannot repeatedly lor.
For your hubby hor, he might be tired aft work then somemore J not behaving rite so he pek chek. Maybe when J sleeptime, either one of you take turns to accompany him lor. Then another one can rest n do own things. This is what i n my hubby have been doing.
used to be i m the only one company j to zzz but eer since i preg and he start sleep on mattress cos he will keep run about and nd to catch him, my hb also company to put j to zzz. Mayb after i shen and wound ok le, things ll get better cos i can catch j myself then hb dun nd to lie down to wait for j to zz tgther

ya lah i thk my hb fl waste so much x waiting for j to zz so he pek chek... cos when j is abl eto zz within 1hr, my hb is ok one... but longer than that, he strats to get pek chek.

ZY also lk to free fall ah!!! aiyo... i keep repeatedly tell j lor but he stil nv learn one lei
