(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB


I'm also scared if I get 3 boys, hahaha. I've many friends with 3 boys.

I've a feeling i'll get a 2nd boy. So feeling a little 'want/don't want' thing now. A bit torn. But think eventually will try lah. Maybe later part of this yr lor. Trying for a baby is a painful ordeal for me so not sure I'll want 3.

violet: haha... cause at least something on the actual day mah.. but end up anything also dun have... hehe... :p

etelle: Congratulations...... neve mind lor... try one more... hehe if my second one is girl then i booked ur 2nd bb... hehe...

mashy: if the 2nd one boy also not bad mah... cause can share share things...

2nd baby: hmmm if my second bb is a girl also good.. haha cause i bought too many clothing for XR liao.. so hope there is jie ban ren...hehe
Congrats!!!Dun feel disappointed lah, healthy bb is the most important.

Ya, can share things...everything oso can share then no need to spend too much $$ on clothes especially. I spend a lot on clothes coz almost all the clothes Nicholas had not suitable for Nicole. But some can let her wear at hm, I buy mostly for gai gai...

Recently, I dun know why Nicole always wakes up very often in the nite. My hb always not enough sleep le, I really wan to help him but I need to wake up early to work le...Izzit due to the MMR and pneumococal jab huh....she feels uneasy??
Yvonne: haha ya lor... XR's home clothing all those white, yellow... seldom in girl colour... but her goin out clothing all girly except for 1-2 jumper.. hehe

It is because of weather??? for my case, xr no post effect after all those jab...
I dun think is due to the weather leh..She sleeps in the air-conditioned room, so should be cooling. I am afraid that she starts teething again. That time she oso teething when we were in KL and she was soooo cranky. I called my helper to apply teething gel on her gum today, whether teething or no teething.
Hey etelle, so good ah so fast can see the gender le. How come your detailed scan so soon, next week? Mine is next month.
Good la, ethan got brother to play with. if not, one want to play little pony, the other want to play pokemon, you will be bo eng. Now, they can discuss their pokemon and cars on their own, u can relax.
mine next mth type wrongly hee :p

haha yeah lor they can discuss the same stuff together hee :p

I am not evry disappointed la hee dun worry for m..i still love my baby
hee it's a blessing to have a child an added bonus to have the gender u prfer

my ger is a dumex baby. now she is on dumex mail gold step 3
i agree that certain cartoons are not suitable for kids esp those fighting type. quite violent at times.


that time my ger also like that. I only know confirmed is a ger when i was ard 5 months pregnant


congrats on prince no 2 ya. Jia you for no 3 lor. hehehe


you trying also ah? me want to wait another year then try for baby no 2.


maybe weather leh? nowadays whether not very good
JSim: haha... no la..me also around 2 years time also.. gotta wait for hubby to finish his studies then try to conceive.... hehe...
amanda, j no more fever le buttttttttttttt starts to hv cough *faint*... but i cant on leave anymore lah so bk to work... even my mum's hse dusty due to upgrading also bo pian lor gotto leave him there. just pray hard his cough wont further develop to bcom worse.

mashy, not say preg easy can go for no 3 hehe i fl preg is one process but the taking care of the kid is the real long process - constant worrying, being alert, thinking of the watever development and future (such as go ccc, playgroup, school, etc) of the kid is the headache and burden haha.... also, of course, depend on whether the family can cope w how many kids financially and also got help or not lor... haha personal tots lor :p

amanda, i agreed with u lei i also fl tv on background is ok lah so long the kiddo did not keep stare at the tv. j also play play walk walk then watch tv when he hear music or saw commercials he like. i no restrict my mum not to on tv or wat lor

etelle, ta po chabo also our kid lah ... initially i also disappointed haha but keep tell myself also my kid lah nvm lah haha but i do save a lot for no 2... so far only buy 2 clothes for him (1 for him to discharge fr hospital, 1 for his full month) 2 milk bottles, handkerchiefs, ehhh thk dun hv le hehe

yvonne, mayb nicole teething lor... my mum keep say j teething also but i see nothing on his gum... he also suka suka wk up to cry in middle of nite... cry v loud type lei carry him he also contnue to cry.. but when he cry, he knows is papa or mama carry haha if is mama, he will lie on my shoulder and cry.. if is papa, he will struggle and wan mama to carry... sang nuo jing hor haha

btw, fyi, when j took pneu jab, he's ok but when he took MMR jab, he cranky for 1-2 days
mommies, i decide to let daphne take full cream milk powder... nespray 1+ ... when she's off breastmilk...

btw, germs in my house AGAIN!
- hb running nose + sore throat
- son running nose
- ger running nose + cought + fever


yah yah, taking care is another prob. Like my C is becoming a little monster.

Etelle's Ethan is so guai. No worries lah.
He'll be a good kor kor.
Ya, she is teething now. Yesterday my helper told me that Nicole has 3 molar teeth coming out when she tried to apply the teething gel for her. She must be feeling very uncomfortable and painful. Luckily her appetite is still good. I gave her the Leftose (to stop the swollen) and paracetamol to ease the pain.

Ya, taking care of them is tough. Nicholas will be gg to P1 next year, I am gonna to have headaches...Whenever I tot of coaching him on his study, I feel so sianzzzz. Anyway, I had decided for him to go to after-school care. At least the ppl can guide him on his schoolwork. Btw, I am going to enrol him to Mee Toh. Hopfully, there is no ballot. Even got ballot, hope that he can get through...
Mummies..how are all of you? I tink the fever virus are attacking all on Sat.. Haiz.. My boy woke up middle of the night trembling and crying with fever.. And my girl having ulcer.. Endless lehz.. Haiz..

Etelle: Congrats on ur 2nd boy.. Haha.. Last time ppl always wana haf more boys the better..nw is wan girl.. It's ok la..boy or ger as long as guai and healthy can le..

3rd one: Tat day my hb and I was juz discussing.. We both dun mind having the 3rd one.. Juz tat financially wise is not favourable for us to have the 3rd one.. And nobody to help us look after.. So cannot haf le.. Bt I tink 2 is enough headache for me now la.. Hee..
Hi Mummies
yeah i am alright with boy or girl la...both are my darlings le..when you have children ah u love ur children gender not too bi an issue la

Yesterday went gynae cuz left side of tummy cramp then gynae said due to constipation so no cause for worry. Then eysterday night got spotting....actually dun want to seek gynae attention cuz by this morning no more le but after the girls advice think better go and seek advice. In the end gynae said i got polyp growing inside the V area but no cause for alarm he said cause by hormones and will usually drop off b itself...and he said will continue staining for another 1-2 wks :'(
Hope you are alrite. Anyting that is growing inside the body while u are pregnant sounds scary. But I am sure u are in safe hands. Take care hor.

Mee Toh is a good school. Did you do Parent Volunteer? I heard even those who stay opposite the school has difficulties entering. I also like you, when I think of coaching Gareth in his studies, I wanna faint. As it is, coaching him in his K1 studies is oredi so tough.
I had read abt the vacancy availability for different phases. After phase 2A2, 50% of the balance will be allocate for phase 2B and the other 50% for phase 2C. So just pray hard and try our luck. Actually I wanted to send him to my old school but is in AMK which is a bit far for us.
U shld check your email, the email address that you signed up when u register with this forum.

Oh... actually is Mee Toh good ah? I have not heard abt this school before, till I shift to Punggol.
Hi hi,
I seldom post here but will come in to read the postings occassionally.

So how many mummies here expecting #2? I'm now 10wks pregnant.

Can i find out if your child still wakes up in the middle of the nite? mine still most of the nites leh. at least once. dunno is it because he sleeps in his own room so will cry out for attention.

now that i'm expecting i find it extremely tired...
For your infor

<table border=1><tr><td>S/N</TD><TD>Mummy</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby #</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Delivery Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Bulma</TD><TD>25/7/07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Dr Cathryn Chan</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Summer</TD><TD>22/11/07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Claire</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>2/12/2007</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Dr Hk Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>VonVon</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Fishia</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
fishia: COngratulations!!!! hehe another preggy liao.... take good care ya.... :

Wakin up
Hmmm my girl dun wake up in the middle of the nite unless she din take her last feed at 11+....
he wake up to drink milk or what??? already sleepin in another room ah.... alone??
my EDD is 14 Jan. Gynae is Dr Lee Keen Whye at Glen E.

Yeah. He sleeps alone in his own room. sometimes abt 3am will cry out for me. Then i'll have to go over and pat him to sleep. He just recovered from flu and cough not long ago. Since then he's been wanting milk at 5-6 plus. sigh... before that he only drinks at abt 8.

dunno if he enjoys seeing me making the milk and he getting involve in it or he really needs it. very tiring.
Hi all ,

i m looking for this doctor , Dr Lee Seow Lang , from CHYE CHILDREN CLINIC ... previous add of her clinic is at Toa payoh Blk 54 , but she moved already ... any one know where is she now ? pls email / PM me : [email protected]

u need to current members to 'recommend' u then still hv to pay for annual fee... something like dat. U can call the huay guan to check directlty.
I am planning to let Nicole sleep in a separate room by next year. Gonna renovate the room 1st around end of this year. She is still sleeping in my room. Most probably will call my helper to sleep with her since Nicole is so close to her.
congrats, fishia

wow.. your son alr can sleep alone in own room ah... hmm.. how to train ah? i also wondering when to let j sleep himself in own room

yvonne, nicole so close to yr helper, u no worry ah? hehe or jealous? hehe
Thanks.. Congrats to you too. 1 more mth to go

I started him on sleeping alone when i shifted house few months ago. For 2 weeks I sleep with him to let him get used to the room. During day time I keep telling him that this is his room and he's gonna play and sleep there. And that is mummy's room and mummy sleeps there. Soon he's well adjusted. just that he doesn't sleep thru every nite. that's the headache.

well, when he sleeps with us, he doesn't sleep thru every nite too. But it was easier. We just need to call out from our bed sometimes and he'll sleep.

i wonder when can they truely sleep on their own.
Hi yvonne,
u stay at punggol? my plc just opt of mee toh and i heard e sch is gd due to the art culture.

Btw Mee Toh is not a new sch, they almost close down due to low enrolment when they are at the ex location (forget the actual plc but locate at mature estate area). Luck changes when they shift to punggol, now over demand.

Violet is rite, u nid current memeber to reco and there's a fee too. Are you thinking of register your kid to one of their sch?

sleep on their own,
hmmm...i don't think i can make it to let my ger sleep on her own leh....can't stop worrying....mi sure wake up non-stop checking on her. Acutally i do enjoy having her sleep beside me. she look so sweet when Zzz...
hi everyone
back in school today to bring my 19 problem pupils to Science centre.
when i come back will log in again.
no computer at home cos my hubby brought to US. sian he is back today n i am going back to school next week. very very sian
N is better but still a bit cough. thanks to i_bless_u. think u r the one who suggested kao cho sua. i bought Hou ning from Eu yan san. although very ex but very very EFFECTIVE for cough n phelgm(1 day medication =$60) after 7 doses, he is cleared from phelgm and cough)

von von
congrats! must take care of yourself. hee hee

N got 3 naps a day that y he seow, sleep at 2am everyday.

night feeds
i wonder how many of u still got night feeding? N still wants milk every night. 3am,6am leh. every 3 hours. his lucky number is 3!
TCL, you stay at the blue blocks cluster of ponggol?

thanks, fishia

aiyo nowadays i so deprive of sleep... keep wake up to shhshh til so pekchek... almost every nite cry cos so tired...i alr stop drinking water from 8pm onwards, dunno why stil so much shhshh.. every nite gotto wk up 4-5x

then deprive sleep = tired = temper no good

j's cough like getting worse... so sianz... tis morning he keep coughing haizzzz

yesterday i first time teach j to "Self-feed", ie i put food on his spoon and guide his hand to bring the food to his mouth but afetr few attempts, he dun wanna do it again... no choice... patience patience patience... cant expect miracle
bbger: why the sudden interest in the hokkien huay guan?? hehe

Yvonne: icic... i still intend to let xr sleep beside us cause used to see her when i sleep liao.. hehe

Koli: good to hear that Noel is recoverin.... the Hou ning and kao cho sua both very good... it works very well on XR...

I still give XR her last feed ard 11+.. dun dare to try not to feed her... if not later she wake up in the middle of the nite then sian liao... hehe...

Bulma: bear w a bit more k... ur discomfort will be changed to joy soon... Jia yOu! Jia You!!
Ya ya... patience patience is the word....

Tell u all something funny...hehe...
Last nite XR took a quotation of the window grille.. then i tell her tis is the quotation for doin the window grille and it gonna cost $XXX and i ask her 'do u have money to give mummy??' and she knock her head and when i ask her 'where is ur money??' and she go and take barney to give me.... cause she tot money is barney as they sound alike... :p

tis mornning when i was preparing to go work, i heard XR bell bell ringing sound then i stand at the door there and listen to her.. and she ta ta a few words and keep callin papa... call until so sweet leh... i so jealous then went inside the room then ask her call me instead and she k k go and lie down on the bed and secretly smilin there..... then finally she call me 1 time then wan me to carry liao.. then i faster run away... haha
I stay about just 1Km away from Mee Toh. I had also look at the achievement of the school which is very good. It has been a very good school even before it was moved to Punggol.
Etelle: Take care of urself and dun worry too much ba.. Most impt is bb is ok can le..

Mee Toh: It has all along been a gd sch I tink.. I thot the reason for the sch shifting there is because last time ppl dun like to choose Sengkang or Punggol due to location. But as long as you put a 'Ming Xiao' there..den ppl will choose there regardless of the location coz ppl can stay anywhere juz bcoz they wana get their children in a gd sch.. Haha.. I duno hw true is tat la.. Haha.. And Sengkang/Punggol haf many young families.. Tat's the reason for the plentiful of childcares there..
Hi Tomato/TCL/Yvonne
Aiyo,then I am super suaku lor. I havent heard of this school Mee Toh till I shifted to Punggol. Wondering if need to do PV since Gareth will be attending Pri 1 in Year 2009.

This XR very very sweet hor. Annika these days will call papapapapapapa.. many times, but dun think she is calling her daddy, cos we didnt teach her to call Papa, but rather, Daddy. Frankly, Annika's "achievement" is nothing to shout about :p She cant really talk much.
sunshinekid: I tink you might want to ask the school now. Because some voluteering work start as early as when the child is 3yrs old.. Tat's wat I heard la.. Esp when the sch is a well-known one..

I wonder a few more years down the road..will we be discussing abt our kiddos attending pri sch and homework? hahaha..
hi girls,

update on myself and elly:

me: since going back to work last few months now i m always super tired.. go home sleep liao no time to even touch my laptop.. i m working in a toy shop so those wan to buy toys pls buy from me.. i m at imm.. hahaha (free publicity for my company).. now time to whine.. the bosses promoted me after a colleague quit her position.. but after a month she s now calling the boss saying that she wans to come back and work coz she s now facing problems at home.. and the position i m holding now is being jeopadised becoz of selfish ppl.. somemore she s a frd i know since 8 years ago.. i m now very upset coz for one i never expect them to give me that position but after giving it to me they re thinking of taking it away.. i feel so used.. i told them that if they insist they wan her back i wan to go back to the 1st outlet i went for training coz that outlet is office hours but downside is no chance of a promotion.. ok enough whining..

elly: she s now walking more steadily and always being sick.. last nyte she has fever.. after giving her meds it went down but middle of the nyte it went up again.. up till now she still haven take her MMR coz have to keep delaying coz she is always sick.. other than that she s now crazy over elmo.. everything is elmo elmo elmo.. when she grow up i m gonna tease and say her first crush is elmo.. other than that nothing much la..

re: bout school,

i m still thinking bout it la.. my opinion is that whatever school you put your child into do not make a difference coz all have the same syllabus just that school enviroment might be different.. good environment and good teachers are the one moulding the child..and parents play an impt role also.. came from a good school but i did nt do well.. my hubby came from a neighbourhood primary school but a good secondary school so he excels better.. so it all depends on the child..

elly also keep calling daddy daddy.. now her favourite word is nenek (grandma) already la.. i think she s now very attached to my mum.. everything also my mother dun wan me already i very sad you know.. even at nyte she wans to sleep with my mum not us anymore.. i m the one who have separation anxiety.. daytime at work no anxiety but at nyte when you wan to bond with her she simply refuse you.. it s so sad..
hi Feza,
ur coy is so bad le. how can after promote u le want to take it back one. aiyo...maybe u tell them take back the position is ok but the pay increment must remains...at least u no lugi like tat.

jh also not yet taken mmr. i plan to delay till she 20mo then take but my mum n hb scared leh. they says take her take faster better in case kena measles then worse. so maybe i bring her jab this sunday if she no fall sick. these few days she like not much appetite to eat leh n v cranky. dunno isit due to teething so she dun wanna eat much. feed her can take 1hr and still cant finish her meal. so sianz

jh also oni know how to call papa...tats all. hahaha
hi Feza
Long time no "see"!
Yj also sick n sick, have not taken her MMR... will see tis coming 2Jul, next appointment with PD, she is "qualify" to take or not...

hmm, nowadays, YJ quite "demanding" leh... will ask us to "take", "go" n "up" (to be carried)... bossy girl? haha!
hi feza, ya yr coy so bad....

just for sharing
i read in supernanny book... she says whole day on tv as background for the kiddo (even they no watch) is no good cos will cretae noise and also general confusion. kids who watch telly round the clock aren't getting healthy exercise, they arent using their imaginations and not interacting with each other. they are getting only mindless stimulation that will wind them up, shorten their attention spams and give them all sorts of ideas that you would rather they didnt hv.
MMR: Cheryl haven taken hers too.. Was supposed to but b4 her appt she gt diarrorea so I delayed it till next mth..

Haiz.. My mensus is late for 2 days le.. I'm so scared tat will kana the 3rd one.. HAIZ..
sunshinekid: she sweet but very notti leh.. lately huh keep throwin tanturms for nothing... so pek cheh...
sometime i tink dunno she alright or not leh... haha... tis moment she cry and fuss next min before her tears dry, she laugh liao....

feza: hehe... last nite was just thinkin long time no hear from u liao.. and tis morning u appear... hehe....
ur company very bad leh.... since ur fren left liao and u being promote they should just leave it liao mah... u mean u have to go back to ur oen position ah.... u try to convince them that u can do a better job then ur fren lor.... at least they dun have a chance to out u back to square 1....
Why elly keep fallin sick?? she teethin a lot at a time is it???
U take good care ya....

tomatolander: opps..... hehe....
shop n save having 20% off all diapers! Go grab now!

long time no c. How come the co can like that? promote already cannot take back one lah. Like that very bad for your CV too leh. Like kenna demoted. Think u should talk to your boss abt that.
