(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

hi vonvon78,

fish not so fast yet, wait till ard 7mths & abv. Now can give carrot potato, spinach, sweet corn, peas.

For me ikan billis, fish & meat wait till after 7mths.

ethan also bo gay hee hee :p

updated....coming friday will update the chart up again
i tried the apple cidar vinegar today. 1 tablespoon with 1 tablespoon honey. I quite like it taste like lime juice le hee hee :p opefully it help me detox. I like a couple of days never shit le....
Vs, I heard from my MIL that you should boil the ikan bilis 1st, then use the water to cook the porridge. In this way, all the nutrients are retained and don't have to worry abt bb choking.

Would like to find out whether it is ok to stop using the steriliser to sterilise the milk bottles when our baby turns 6 mths...i've not been descaling my Avent steriliser for quite some time...too lazy...think it's becoming inefficient liao. I've started feeding my baby solid food....i simply wash the spoon and bowl with lukewarm water after feeding. Not sure if can boil them as they are melamine ware, don't know how resilient they are to strong heat.
morning mummies....

Teething: Xin Ru gum hor got all the shape of the tooth leh.. but still bo gay also... hehe

Apple cidar vinegar: i drink tat without mixin any other things leh.. but din really LS.. just normal motion... my mom tell me tat one can drink liao slim down like bluff me one... haha

buterfly: from Xin ru birth till now, we basically just boil her bottle in the morning then till next mornin le... no sterlise tablet at all.. hehe as for her plate and spoon, we just use tap water to wash then ok liao lor... hehe
We also boil the bottles every morning only. Subsequently after every feed, we just washed with normal tap water.

As for utensils, we washed with normal tap water.

I heard from 1 year old can stop sterilising. But we will boil our girl's bottles thou she is already 2 year old.
hey..i tried apple cider week before last also...just a small teaspoon mixed with manuka..guess what? i got gastric for 2 days thereafter..had it on empty stomach in the first plc..so gals..be careful..make sure u don't take on empty stomach..it's too acidic but good in the sense it cleanse the system
<font color="ff0000">Vs</font>
Aiyo.. Cannot take with an empty stomach lah. It is way too acidic, will burn a hole in your stomach if taken long term in such a manner.

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Hope you have good results from this ACV regime! I have not been taking, very lazy and keep forgetting. And these days, I eat alot of fattening foods during weekends. Sigh. Think I am putting on weight too.
i always got this constipation prob ma..tot apple cider will help.
but recently i bought this aloe vera whole leave juice for my mum n she said she visits loo everyday...smoothly.. :p
What is aloe vera whole leave juice? Nvr heard of leh. How does it taste like?

I know dragon fruit can aid bowel movement also.
sunshinekid: u got put on weight meh??? u also skinny leh....

bbcutie: me drink liao no help... i drink pure ACV without anything also like tat leh... hehe
normally i drink at nite after dinner... i use those drink soup that kind of fat spoon 2spoon to about 1 cup of water leh... no diff leh... :p

Vs: hehe u also very kiang leh... no poo also must take after food mah... hehe
err..if u drink it on it's own it will taste like water fr sewage ( long kau chui)..haha..that's what my sis described as..
i add 2 tablespoon to fruit juice or honey drink ..
aloe vera whole leaf juice is extracted fr the whole leaf lor..my fren recommended cos she is super vain..she said it helps to clear her complexion also..i wanna trying out mah..but mum also guinea pig first
Butterfly...i will steam sterilise or boil the milk bottle once a week now..last time it's every day..
my concern is there might be milk dried up turning into biofilm/solid n stuck somewhere and cannot be seen thru naked eyes
i drank it yesterday only once but still no sign of pooing le....sigh....

i sterilise my son's bottles after use leh. Which means one bottle is used only one time and after that will sterilise all in the steriliser.....
babycutie..buay tahan u...haha
but when u mixed with fruit juice or other drinks no odd taste liao ma...anyway just 2 tablespoons..

stella..i checked with PD before..he told me no need to sterilise after each use..cos i used to do that..then i noticed my gal's stomach became so sensitive..if i din sterilise after each..she will poo watery..
Can show pic of the drink u mentioned?

Being clean is good, but too clean is also a problem. If our bb stomach become so sensitive, then can only eat organic food leh. Next time will be so troublesome if want to bring them overseas.

Somehow or rather it is better to have some bacteria so that their body and get use to it and create antibodies to fight it.
hmm... i oso sterlize after every use.
Meaning I will sterilize about 4-6 bottles at one go. Since I need to use them for each pump session.
So far my gal is ok. She is not a fussy eater and nvr develop sensitive stomach leh. I sterilize up till she is 1yo.
Actually I know no need to be so clean la, but since equipment is there just use lor. After Feng Kai turn 1yo, I will give it away liao.
Me only sterilise all the bottles once a day n wash it wif normal tap water after every feed. I agree wif bbcutie got to let bb have some bacteris in their body n let the antibodies to go fight it.
How many milk bottles does yr bb have?
Seems like most of u have quite a lot of bottles leh.

For me, very simple, 1 milk bottle, 1 mag mag bottle for water. And will wash the bottle after every feed and reuse agn on the next feed.
cutie..quite similar la..but the bottle is translucent green in color..

i have 6-8 bottles in total..cos last time i sterilised after each feed..
the most important is to wash ur hand clean n wipe dry before making milk..rinse the bottle with hot water after washing with normal tap water..
I also like u leh. Wash n sterlise each bottle after used.
Hmm... think I will sterlise after 1 day usage... hehe!
Cos I seen nanny did teh tarik for yujie's milk when she was about 3month old. Nanny used a normal cup n her milk bottle. But YJ didn't LS leh... hehe! So hor, is a double standard for YJ's stomach... At home, bery clean. At nanny's place, not so clean...
i no dun have to be so clean but like violet say since buy the steriliser might as well used it. I have 6 avent 260ml bottle and 2 125ml and 1 mag mag so every feed will be a "sterilised" bottle

Cuz when at my mum's or at my in law's i will just used hot water to 'kill" the bacteia after each feed lor...got steriliser ue..dun have use other method lor hee hee :p
yesterday ethan last feed at 1230am the he woke up at 5am for milk but drank only 40ml and went to sleep then 830 he cry again then milk 80 ml then he went to sleep then 1130am he drank 180ml. So how to like make him go abck to sleep without drinking the milk since he dun sem to want to drink but more of trying to et back to sleep. Put in pacifier no use le....he keep making noise....

My mum oso make milk into a cup and pour into the milk bottle leh. She did this when she mixes cereal with milk.

She will mix water with cereal in a cup, pour into the milk bottle, then add some more water and milk powder to top up to the needed amt.

So far Jayden is ok. No LS. We are not very clean also lah...hehehe

We only sterilise his pacifier and "bao lian teng" once in a morning together with the bottles.
gals...need to use the liquid bb detergent to wash the bottle after each feed? i everytime use the detergent leh so if dun sterilise ok boh?
hi all,

I send the bb swimming lessons email to u all liao.
And I would like to arrange to attend the free trial lesson on <font color="ff0000">01-Oct 4pm</font> since some is 'pang tang' due the 7th mth. Maximum 6 to a class.

Anyone interested to join me pls email me the following, I need to send to them by 2nd wk Sep latest :

1) BB's DOB
2) BB's Name
3) Mummy's name
4) Mummy's contact no.

I will close after we have reached the maximum no. of bbies. If you cannot make it on the same day, can contact them at 6463-5554 to arrange for a separate trial lesson.
yeah...so far i dun use bb detergent all the time unless the bottles really dirty/smelly..

i have 6 120ml bottles and 1 avent magic cup but now bb uses the cup more often to drink water/milk but i dun sterilise all the time also..sometime just rinse with hot water.

i suppose the toys they put in the mouth dirtier but bb still okie leh.
I dun use bb liquid detergent at all. I used the normal detergent we used for washing our utensils..hehe

Thk better to sterilise once a day lah. We oso washed with detergent after every feed leh.

We did not use bb liquid detergent to wash both our kids bottles.

Even their clothings we also use normal washing detergent (PERSIL). We did not use bb detergent for baby clothings.

So far so good lor.....

Thk when we r young, our parents oso dun use bb detergent to wash our bottles and clothes....
Hi gals,
i ma thinking of stop sterilizing the bottle after this wk. Usually my MIL dun sterilizer now only i do during the weekends so i find can go without it liao. Ususally b4 use will rise with hot water. I have 2 bottles and 1 mag mag cup.
Hi Mashy,

how is bb now? So fast say is asthma already? I thought can only confirm it asthma when bb turn 5 yrs old?

So how? Can u delay your job starting date?
Sterlise of bottles:
wow seems like u all usin sterlising things to wash bb bottle.. hehe i tink i super lazy liao leh.. hehe i only boil in the morning once then after every feed just wash then put inside the pot then use then wash then the next morning then boil again liao.. hehe

mashy: asthma?? confirm liao ah?? now their lungs still not very good rite, maybe grow up will be ok leh... so fast confirm asthma...

Cereal: u know hor we let Xin ru start her cereal in the infant care yesterday leh.. then hor her teacher says they give her 4 scoop and she finish all... then 1 and 1/2 hr later wan drink milk liao... was surprised tat she eat so much cereal.. cause at home i only give her 1 scoop mix w FM... hehe

bbcutie: i only have 1 big and 1 small bottle.. one for milk, 1 for water....
