(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

got to consider bone mass also..some r bone heavier cos of the frame la..as long as PD din say anything then ok..last time my niece super overweight the PD told my sis to give less feed to slow down the wt gain..so funny
bulma u must come leh...Stella doesn't wan my gal to be the daughter-in-law..i m thinking of snatching ur boy fr carol..haha

haha didnt know my shortie boy also got pple wanna snatch hohoho

i most probably gg lah he just now morn cough cough for an hour plus then like no cough for awhile liao... so hopefully again only bk to morn cough
violet, thot u know i started working liao? Busy like mad...helping my clients to find their houses they want also not that easy lei...

U gals hv any lobangs, pls refer to me ok..i'll give commission!

Violet, lately really got to intro a bit more formula liao. My bm really really can't pump out much. So sad.
ya, i know u started on the property agent thing but din expect u to MIA mah.
U so bz now, maybe stress affected the MS lor. Dun be sad la, like I always say la, got give is good enough alrdy. Some more this is no. 3 liao, really not easy lor. I alrdy very pei fu u to hv 3 kids!
U working liao ah... No wonder din see u in MSN nowadays hor....hehehe

Talking abt chao zhong, my boy already chao long long ago liao leh. He was 95 percentile when he was 4 mths.... So we all call him SUMO ...hahaha

BTW, girls, how's the gathering? Got take any pics?
Hi gals

Finally back online after so long.

Caeden's got bronchitis.
Today went to get the nebulizer. Sigh... hopefully he recovers soon. Wanna try asking the HR whether can delay my start date.

Your stuff is with me. Humpty said u told her to pass to me. But didn't get your msg on that. Maybe u wanna come over and collect from me? Just to let u know I'm going to work soon, so pm me ok?
Hi mashy
coz humpty told me u tot 4.30pm is too late too so i tot u won't b collecting from her today. ok, i come pack up from you when i come back on wed. I contact you again. Thanks!
Hi Amanda, Violet, Valerie,Bulma, Leng Leng

It was nice meeting up with u gals n ur cute darlings at CP this afternoon. It was a pity that Le Le did not get to interact with all the cuties...did not bring him along cos' worried that he will spread his flu bug to ur babies. He has been down with this flu since Thursday...having diffulty sleeping cos' of blocked nose...hopefully it will clear soon, else got to bring him see doctor...

here's a photo of le le sitting in the bumbo seat....he doesn't seem to like it...can sit there at the most 15 mins...think it will become a white elephant soon...sigh...
I have received photos from the following mummies for the contest. Mindy, violet, Butterfly, Ivory, Irene, Etelle, genevive. Those who have not pay up pls do so those who have not submitted but wish to join pls hurry. Dateline 2 august
butterfly123, I also bought the bumbo after hearing so many good comments. But my boy also didnt seem to like it... sigh, mine already white elephant. Now my husband will wear it on his head and make my son laugh.. maybe still useful la.
butterfly: nice to see u today also.. hehe tink LeLe look like u rite... hehe

VS: wow u very fast.. hehe nice meetin u today also.. u leave so fast la.. din managed to see a some other mummies... hehe

Mashy: wat happen?? Caeden better liao mah??

bbcutie: today's gatherin was great.. hehe but only VS manage to take pic la.. cause she was the only one w more ppl to handle her Giselle... hehe
The gatherin was good.. hehe got 4 gal gal and 5 ah boi.. Gal gal got Tiffany, Annika, Xin Ru and Giselle.. then ah boi got Ryan, Jerry, Jarren, Keagan, Feng Kai... all of them so cute... oh ya still got Leng leng with her hubby and 2 kiddy...

Genevieve / Butterfly: my gal love bumbo seat leh.. hehe also dunno why she like it so much...
This pic dun look like Xin Ru leh...hehehhee

Maybe next time we can arrange gathering near town.

I have not let Jayden try the bumbo seat. Dunno whether his thigh can fit or not leh...

Also dunno caught the virus from who. Probably his daddy coz he has also been coughing.

Depressing...Now just keeping him at home and hopefully he can recover quickly.

Don't know yet. Going to ask tom.


Anyone ever experienced one of those days/periods where u r just super suay? Well, I think I'm going thru this period.

Besides having to cope with Caeden's illness, today I broke the crockpot while making porridge for him and making a mess of the kitchen and spilled my precious BM.
I think now if I walk on the street, I'll probably trip and fall.
Lately really suay. Internet also down last 2 days. Sianzzzz.
<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
Aiyoo... don't think in such a way lah. Maybe u are overly worried abt Caeden, that's why did not pay attention while cooking, thus breaking the pot.

Take care yah. Look to the brighter side of things, and you will be much much happier!
<font color="ff0000">Vs</font>
You left so early! I think i might have bumped into you outside KFC, as they gals told me u just left when i arrived.

Wahh...u so sexy and chio ah.. Not at all ah soh leh.. hehehehe..
wah, look like a lot of fun
Too bad sat are taken up by piano lessons, so cannot make it out on sats. Who's the baby in the navy blue romper?

XR's been having difficulty passing motion the last few days. It's strange coz she's still on bm and 1 bowl of porridge a day. Thing is, she's always done it 2x a day, then suddenly she went 2 days w/o and the 3rd day, maid said she was straining and had to use baby oil. Then next day again nothing, and day after use oil again. today again nothing...hope she's not too heaty or something.

feeling really tired. Wkend supposed to be restful but with teaching on sat and going to my parents and then my grandparents on sun, hardly get to rest properly. then tomor it's back to another week of school. Thank god for Nday holiday otherwise I think I'll peng san.
Hope Caeden is better now... and hope you managed to delay your start date too.
It's understandable that the mummy is always the most worried one when bb is not well. But must take care of yourself and dun fall sick too ok? You need to be well in order to nurse Caeden back to health.

Hi Val,
Thanks for posting the pictures. It's a lot of fun that day.

Feng Kai oso fm poo once a day to once every 4-5 days. Some more he is still TBF except that recently I feed 1 cereal in the evening but still mix with BM.
BTW, can u tell me what is the bb oil used for?
mashy brainz,
My friend taught me this. Very good for babies' cough. Use 1 big carrot and 12 red dates, boil with 3 bowls of water until left 1 bowl of water. Cool and let baby drink.
No need finish the potion, a few slips will do.Stop immediately after cough seems better.
My neighbour tried and say the son's cough got better after 2 days.
sorry tat i left early..my nephew is super naughty, if i din leave i will probably need to slap him infront of everybody liao. i could have taken more picts..

Mashy, don't worry too much. i was sleepless for few nites when my gal gal kena cough virus also..visited the PD twice and the cough only subsided after 2 weeks. still abit of phlegm
now.. take care and hope caeden recovers fast.
me thinking of subscribing to magazine leh. Yong parent? Motherhood? Mother and Baby? which one good ah? or got other better ones?

the young parent subscription for this month the free gift is the disney thermo flas and the porridge flask le..hee hee
may want to consider subscribing.
Stella can help me update the chart.
Keagan's wt: 7.2kg
ht: 67cm
Thx. Oh n i feel tht Mother n Baby is good, young parent alot of ad, motherhood more for preggy mum.
bb oil used to put inside bb backside to help the poo come out :s

This sunday got 2 birthday parties: one for my grandfather and one for my nephew, lunch and dinner...and both from same caterer. hope they order different dishes.
bbcutie: hehe maybe its blurred.. tat's why din look like her.. hehe

mashy: dun tink in tat way la... things will not be smooth all the times... dun worry ya.. better things are on the way...

Etelle: i am goin to subscribe Mother and Baby... personally i feel the article more easy and attratcive... waitin for a better gift then i subscribe.. hehe tis month is disney thermo flask and porridge flask ah.. hmmm later i go see see then see same item as mine a not.. if different then i subscribe... hehe

<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>Mummy's Nick</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>BB Dob</TD><TD>Birth Wt</TD><TD>Wt/ Ht</TD><TD>Type of Diaper</TD><TD>Type of FM</TD><TD>Caregiver</TD><TD>Address (Area) </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Mashy</TD><TD>Caeden</TD><TD>1-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.8kg</TD><TD>7.1kg/ 65cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Bulma</TD><TD>Jarren</TD><TD>12-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.77kg</TD><TD>8.3kg/ 66cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Butterfly123</TD><TD>Yong Le</TD><TD>12-Jan-2006</TD><TD>1.9 kg</TD><TD>6.8kg, 62cm</TD><TD>NTUC/Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol 21 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Ah May</TD><TD>Sam/Ray</TD><TD>13-Jan-2006</TD><TD>1.9kg/2.3kg</TD><TD>6.4kg,5.8kg/60cm</TD><TD>NTUC/ Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma/Maid</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Bochap</TD><TD>Yu Jie</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.77kg</TD><TD>7.35kg/ 62.8cm</TD><TD>Nepia/Huggies/Pet Pet</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Ivory</TD><TD>Zi Jie</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.96kg</TD><TD>8.5kg/70cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Sally Cinnamon</TD><TD>Sarah</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.5kg</TD><TD>5.3kg/ 62cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Smiley</TD><TD>Jia Hui</TD><TD>24-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.45kg</TD><TD>7kg/ 65cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>BM &amp; Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Ling79</TD><TD>Nicole Tan</TD><TD>25-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.63kg</TD><TD>7kg/ 65cm</TD><TD>PP/ Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Gingerale</TD><TD>Annalisa</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>3.32kg/ 50cm</TD><TD>Mamo poko/Pureen/PP</TD><TD>Friso Gold</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>VonVon78</TD><TD>Marcus</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.65kg</TD><TD>6.6kg/66cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma (Fm 5th June)</TD><TD>Bedok Reservoir </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Venus</TD><TD>Corrine</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>3.32kg</TD><TD>8.4 kg/65cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko/Drypers/PetPet/PP</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Jurong East </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>BB Ger</TD><TD>Shayna</TD><TD>29-Jan-06</TD><TD>3.2kg</TD><TD>7kg/ 68cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Bukit Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>ihave3cats</TD><TD>Ashton Tan Wai Lok</TD><TD>1-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.5kg</TD><TD>8kg/70cm</TD><TD>MamyPoko</TD><TD>Isomil</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>China, Shanghai </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Babycutie</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>1-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.81kg</TD><TD>8.5kg/ 65cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>Yishun </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Jasminesym</TD><TD>Jerry</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.8kg</TD><TD>5.8kg</TD><TD>Nappy/Nepia</TD><TD>BM &amp; Enfalac A+</TD><TD>SAHM/ Maid</TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>oscarsem</TD><TD>Tavis</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.2kg</TD><TD>8.3kg/66cm</TD><TD>PP/Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Ronella</TD><TD>Sivan Kyle</TD><TD>3-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.4kg</TD><TD>7.4kg / 65</TD><TD>Nepia / Pampers</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Grandma/ SAHM</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Jasjas</TD><TD>Chloe Choo</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.89kg</TD><TD>7.1kg/ 68cm</TD><TD>Pet Pet</TD><TD>Friso 1 Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Redhill </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD>Elvin</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.86kg</TD><TD>6.95kg/ 63cm</TD><TD>Nepia/Pet Pet</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>C2202 Cecilia</TD><TD>Clara Ooi</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.3 kg</TD><TD>8.2 kgs / 60cm</TD><TD>Huggies</TD><TD>Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Clementi </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Carebear (Carol)</TD><TD>Amelia</TD><TD>5-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>4.43kg/ 57cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Ashley</TD><TD>Elizabeth</TD><TD>5-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.09kg</TD><TD>7.5kg</TD><TD>Nepia/ Fuzzi Bunz</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD>Annika Chui</TD><TD>7-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.46kg</TD><TD>7.3kg/ 64cm</TD><TD>Drypers/ Nepia</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>Ethan Luah</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.67kg</TD><TD>8.53kg/ 70 cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>Xin Ru</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.81kg</TD><TD>6.7kg/66cm</TD><TD>Drypers/PP</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Infant Care</TD><TD>Sengkang West </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Fen (Eleanor)</TD><TD>Elie Tan</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.58kg</TD><TD>8.2kg/65cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>mtanlove</TD><TD>Amos Jaw</TD><TD>9-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.51kg</TD><TD>6.5kg/ 62cm</TD><TD>PetPet/Mamy Poko/ PP</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Violet Blaze</TD><TD>Lee Feng Kai</TD><TD>9-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.38kg</TD><TD>6.5kg/62cm</TD><TD>Pampers/ Drypers/ Nepia</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>Maid/ Childcare</TD><TD>Sengkang </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>Daphne</TD><TD>10-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.35kg</TD><TD>6.49kg/ 60cm</TD><TD>Nepia/PP</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>tiffanys_mum</TD><TD>Tiffany Lam</TD><TD>10-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.86Kg</TD><TD>6.5Kg / 66cm</TD><TD>Huggies Comfort</TD><TD>Friso Gold / BM</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Kaki Bukit </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>Fan</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>12-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.34kg</TD><TD>7.33kg/ 66cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Tanjong Pagar </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Bamwicca</TD><TD>Cayden Cheo</TD><TD>12-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.13kg</TD><TD>6.8kg/66.5cm</TD><TD>Fitti/Huggies/MammyPoko</TD><TD>Similac/BM</TD><TD>Grandparents</TD><TD>AMK </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>elfstar</TD><TD>Jordan</TD><TD>14-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.53kg</TD><TD>9kg/ 70cm</TD><TD>PP/ Huggies</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>UK </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>Koli Selina</TD><TD>Noel</TD><TD>14-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.11kg</TD><TD>7kg/63cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>Bedok Reservoir </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>Annissasim</TD><TD>Anya Sim Ke Yu</TD><TD>15-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.545kg</TD><TD>6.47kg/63.5cm</TD><TD>Bumwear/PP</TD><TD>BM/Similac</TD><TD>Maid</TD><TD>Clementi </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>Claire</TD><TD>Tan Xin Ru</TD><TD>16-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.26kg</TD><TD>7.2kg/65cm</TD><TD>Pet Pet/ Sealer</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>West Coast </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>Summer</TD><TD>Tiffany</TD><TD>16-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.430kg</TD><TD>6.2kg / 64cm</TD><TD>Pet Pet/Mamy Poko</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>39</TD><TD>Mummyo</TD><TD>Ian Hon</TD><TD>17-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.98kg</TD><TD>7.85kg/63.4cm</TD><TD>Huggies</TD><TD>BM &amp; Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Kota Kinabalu MY </TD></TR><TR><TD>40</TD><TD>LIM</TD><TD>Chloe Lim</TD><TD>20-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.03kg</TD><TD>6.22kg/ 64cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>41</TD><TD>JH81</TD><TD>Lim Zheng Yu</TD><TD>20-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.11kg</TD><TD>6.7kg/67cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>S26</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>42</TD><TD>ilim</TD><TD>Keagan Wong</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.17kg</TD><TD>7.2kg/ 67cm</TD><TD>Japanese Brand</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>43</TD><TD>Feza</TD><TD>Aida Ellyanna</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.17kg</TD><TD>6.75kg/55cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Marsilling </TD></TR><TR><TD>44</TD><TD>Professor</TD><TD>Alston choo</TD><TD>22-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.14kg</TD><TD>8.6kg 71cm</TD><TD>Huggies</TD><TD>Dutch lady</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Malaysia </TD></TR><TR><TD>45</TD><TD>bulomum</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>22-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.9kg</TD><TD>6.8kg/ 61cm</TD><TD>PP/Nepia</TD><TD>S26</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>46</TD><TD>Mindy</TD><TD>Reyes</TD><TD>24-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.75kg</TD><TD>7.85kg/61cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Kranji </TD></TR><TR><TD>47</TD><TD>VS(junior)</TD><TD>Giselle Teh </TD><TD>24-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.00kg</TD><TD>7.4kg </TD><TD>Fitti/Pampers Dry</TD><TD>Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Nanny (sis)</TD><TD>Bishan/Hougang </TD></TR><TR><TD>48</TD><TD>mommyhome</TD><TD>Ian</TD><TD>25-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.88kg</TD><TD>8.2kg/ 65cm</TD><TD>PP/ Pet Pet</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Bukit Merah </TD></TR><TR><TD>49</TD><TD>hipee</TD><TD>Lisa</TD><TD>25-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>4+kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Fitti</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>50</TD><TD>Mrs Ho</TD><TD>Ho Yu En</TD><TD>4-Apr-2006</TD><TD>2.3kg</TD><TD>5.6kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Mamypoko/Fitti</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi gals

My boy have diahorrea yesterday for 4 times. Just give him med. Is he teething too? Do I have to chg to soya formula then?
Stella: thanks for the update...

Gathering on sat - referrin to my earlier post on the gatherin.. hehe sorry ya.. make a mistake in one the the bb boi name.. hehe should be Cayden and not Jerry... paiseh.... :p
violet..i just checked with my fren..threadfin $25-$30/kg..fresh one
i told him $60/kg he kena shocked leh..he said very fresh one only $30 how can be $60
stella!!!!!!!! really ah!!!!! disney themal ah... but i dun wanna subscribe young parents lei but i wan the disney thermal lei
my hb dun allow me to buy cos he fl too xxxxxxx

mashy, my boy also kena liao lor sianzzz... he's given the asthma inhaler so gotto buy the chamber and mask as prop to help him w the inhaler.
Hi gals

Really suay leh. And it's not just me. Today, just found out that the multi-chopper that i use to blend Caeden's food is broken. How? My hb dropped it last night. Jia lut right?
bulma..jarren looked fine on sat leh..but the chamber thing is effective..i used it on giselle for 5 days to clear the phlegm n wheeze..
mashy..stay calm..u n ur hubby must be too worried that's y
Hi gals,

Been a really long time since I'd time to login.

Need some advise. Just started Marcus on plain porridge a week ago. What should I add into his porridge next? Fish? Vege? What kind of vege? I dun know what to add &amp; when to add leh.

Had skipped the cereal coz' he seem to have increased number of poos (not diarrhoea though) when he takes cereal.

Has everyone switched to follow-on formula for ur babies after bb turn 6 mths? Started to mix 2 scoops of stage 1 &amp; 1 scoop of follow-on FM. However, found that the nutritional value of follow-on formula seems to be not as good as stage 1 FM leh.


Poor thing. Don't worry. I'm sure things will turn out fine from now onwards.
I put a piece of pork, in the porridge to boil.
And added pototoe, pumpkin, spinach...etc
Else, u can put fish in to cook, like threadfin (gor fish).
Yujie cannot take fish till 8th month old, cos she got sensitive skin n nose.

Yes, nutritional value for Step 2 is less than Step1, tat explain y Step2 is cheaper in price mah! I have started Step2, when I finished my Step1 (my PD told me so, dun need to mix, she say is a old folk's way...). Hmm... maybe bb know less nutritional value leh, cos recently, yujie drink more than her Step 1 time.

Hi all
I am thinking to give Dumex Step2 nite (with cereal inside), anybody tried? Is it effective to cut nite feed? As it suppose to make bb full at last feed.
so far 10 entries for the baby contest. Those who have not signed up but keen pls do so. those submitted to date is
mindy, etelle, violet, mummyo, butterfly123,bbcutie,ivory,bulma,irene and genevive.

Closing date for submission and reg fee payment is 2 August.....
my bb also have sensitive skin and nose but we still give fish porridge for 1 wk+ already. SO far so gd. Touchwood..

when elvin is teething he dun have diahorrea. Elvin 3rd tooth spout out after 1wk when we spot the white spot on his upper gum. For his 2 lower teeth we didnt take note cos he was not really cranky so we do not knw he is teething until we feel the gum sharp when we clean his gum. I think the upper tooth really give him problem cos he is cranky this time.
wow so much variety of veg into Yujie's porridge ah, me jus started 2 days ago wif pumpkin n potato n his poo poo smell of potato hehehe....

Elvin so fast got 3 tooth liao ah, Keagan still bo gay leh. Hopefully will be so soon or i headache ah if he starts to get cranky.
my first time changing xr diaper after she started solids and was so surprised to see that it's hard hard now, no longer watery as when she was on full bm

Hi Claire,
when bb on solid need to give more water. If not poo poo might get hard.

so far we add potato and carrot in the porridge..
