(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

violet, i send u liao hehe i wan i wan lei =p

tiffany, what gym? any details?

Re : sterilise bottles
i hve 3 260ml, 2 125ml bottles and 1 "white elephant" mag mag mug hehe

i will sterilise then use n use til left 1 bottle thn will sterlise the other 4 bottles lk dat lor

when outside, i will use hot water to sterilise lor b4 each feed

I will give the swimming a miss. My PILs and parents said nono for baby below 1 year old..

If anyone going for BB gym, I m interested.

Sterlise of bottles:
I am just like Amanda. I will only sterlise early in the morning. Then I just clean after every feed just wash then put inside the bottle hanger then use then wash then the next morning then sterlise again

Babycutie, I am buying some stuffs from the Jshopper. THeir stuffs are good.
My mag mag mug oso white elephant leh...hehehe..
We use tat to feed Jayden water without the handle lor... He still can't grab yet....hahahaha

U bot from jshoppers before? Can purchase thru vpostjapan or not huh?

Managed to change the start date to next Mon.

My PD said, usually they won't call it asthma this soon. Only if 3x Bronchitis in 1 yr. But coz my boy didn't respond to nebulizer treatment and had to use the steroids, so he thinks likely asthma liao. Esp since he has eczema. usually eczema is also a symptom for asthma.
Babycutie, i think someone mentioned thru vpostusa not worth the shipping cost so normally just use their own EMS. I ordered from them couple of time.
hmm u all have problem answering this qn "ur baby boi or girl"?? i just find it weird when pple asking that qn when obviously hmm..will a boi wear pink dress/skirt or vice versa..or think this mummy a psycho or wat..
xr's laughter is contagious....

<u>Frisocrem voucher</u>
I rec'd a 'less $3 voucher' for purchase only at NTUC for Frisocrem 300gm tin.
Voucher valid till 26-Sep, any takers???
Hi gals,

saw the pic at the ringo. I ahve taken alot of pics of Elvin but no time to upload. Everyday can just pop by only.

Mug mug cup:
Look like most of your mug mug cup become white elephant. Mine is fully untilse. Elvin love his mug mug cup. HE can 1 hand hold biscuit another hodl mug mug cup. AFter a bite from the biscuit then drink some water from mug mug.
Does the clothes look exactly the same as shown in pic from the jshopper website?

What abt the material? How much u pay for shipping cost and GST??

Roughly how much will be 1 pcs after including the shipping cost and GST?
How do u get Elvin to hold the handle? my boy likes to drink water but dun want to hold. but he can hold or grab toys.

Re descaling
Hehe, what's tat huh? I think I will sterilise the bottles until he is 1YO. I have 6 bottles, so 1 day just sterilse once.

Re ; solids
I am giving bb carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin n potatoes. Started on apple juice today.What kind of spinach do you give?
Elvin hand coordination so good liao ah. my JH hand still cant coordinated well. n she v lazy too. everytime ask her learn hold bottle she refuse. she rather play with her hand here n there but jus dun wan hole bottle....hmm
Wah yr boi clever leh. Can hold the mug himself.
Mine still can't leh...

U buy the food raw from market and cooked for yr bb? Or u gave ready made ones?
babycutie, till now i din incur GST as i never spent so much at a time.
They are using their own courier service EMS when i order, i change the country to singapore and SG$ and they will automatically cal. the shipping cost..min $16..depend on ur total amount..so roughly abt $45 after 1 set (normally they sell in pack of 2 pcs).
material not bad and wat u see is wat u get..is unlike the CCT fashion..so dun worry.
elvin good lei... my boy is vvvvvv lazy to hold his own bottles or mug one... but he dun like the magmag cos the teat is diff fr AVENT. when he more ready for spout then i let him use again.

i made porridge for my boy using potato and spinach too... i dunno how fine to cut the potato and spinach so i will just chop into cube and put to mixer and mix to puree then mix w the plain porridge let him eat.

sianzzz... mashy, my boy stil bad cough lei... hear alr v heartpain. tml i gotto go bk work liao...
Tks. I had joined the BP. Have to get more than certain amt to get free shipping. My order will total up to more that S$100.... GOSH!!!! Anyway can kept CNY next year...hehe

Ask u hor. My girl is 85cm and around 12kg. Do u thk size 100 top fits her? Will it be just nice or big?

What size u get for yr kids?
My girl oso having bad cough. Her throat is infected. Now the virus transmit to Jayden.... This is the 2nd time Jayden had cough since birth.... Haiz.... And it is thru virus transmission... My mum oso coughing away... Then hor my maid oso started to cough a little....

Sian hor like that???
babycutie...100cm is sufficient...my baby is 8 days away to 6 mth i bought 80/90 cm...80cm is just nice for her ht...she's ard 68cm now..soon she will go into 90cm haha...
i see HK if got nicer clothes since got summer sales now.
Hi Jasminesyn,
my boy also very lazy. At first he refuse to hold the mag mag cup then when i have a winnie the pooh cup and i feed him using that with spoon i find that he wan to hold. So i go and find a winnie the pooh sticker and paste on the mag mag cup. From then onwards he will wan to hold the mag mage cup and before drinking confirm will look at the sticker first.

He usually will hold the handler using two hands just that when he wan to eat biscuit but worry we eat it so he hold his biscuit and cup at the same time. But sometime must be cardful cos if he swing to cup to hard will hit his head. HE head it once after then that ok liao.

So now i bring the mag mag cup wherever i go..Haha.. He dun drink water from bottle still born loh.

so far elvin also dun wan to hold his milk bottle cos everytime he drink milk will be in those half sleep state so cant hold will drop on the fllor.

elvin dunno cough how many thing since birth already..

i m using pampers for nyte and outings.. i find pampers the best.. but too ex to be used at home.. or maybe it s just me being cheapo..
Yujie also the same leh... wan to drink to go to sleep... I am trying to cut this habit. We refuse to give her milk when she wan to sleep. But still scare she is hungry... still trying out period now, no solution yet. We tried to give her pacifier when she half asleep... sometimes dun work

Maybe u wanna try this.

Last night feed, then change/play with her for a short while. Then put her on the bed awake.

You should still feed her if she's hungry, just make sure she's awake after that.
<font color="ff0000">Siewlng</font>
Sorry, may I ask, what's wrong with drinking milk then drift to sleep? Bad habit? My elder boy still will drink milk before sleeping, Annika too.
Nothing n nobody can stop YJ from sleeping one... hehe she can be spoon feed with cereal n sleep, with her mouth open n eyes close.
So hor, when she feed with milk, she will close her eyes n sleep liao...
When she is awake n active, she is not hungry. When given milk, also dun wan to drink...

Supposing, will be bad for their teeth to suck n sleep. Cos got sugar content in milk
Elvin so clever, seems tht his motor skills very fast hor. Keagan sometimes will hold his cup or bottle depending on his mood *hai*, he is a very lazy boy ah.

Then can u change her while she's sleeping? How abt washing up? I'll usually clean my boy's face after feeding. So that ought to wake her up a bit.

When u have your 2nd kid, be sure to pray for an obedient and angel baby.
But I think it's still not too late. My hb was a horrible, hyperactive bb, only changed after his mom started praying for him. Now he's mild like a lamb. Haha.
I started with the heinz puree in jar, add those in porridge or cereal. Now, he can take those buy from mkt, cut small small pieces than dump all in crockpot to cook till soft. The rice my maid put in freezer, realise it gets very soft faster.

Yr elvin really very smart hor, can recognise sticker somemore. Guess, I will try to make the magmag more attractive to make him grab n hold it.
We did change her diaper while she sleep, or abt to sleep, both no response...
Yaloh, forgot to pray for an obedient and angel bb.
Ya, will start praying bery hard from now on...
keagan keep flipping liao...wow... cannot leave him alone liao must put him back into his cot or let him sit in his exersaucer when i go do my things.
Hi Siewlng,
Elvin is the same when he is awake dun wan milk one. When sleepy then drink milk. Sometime during the day feed he will drink then take his nap sometime will wake up after his milk. But during drinking milk confirm eyes close. For the nite, usually after milk is sleeping liao. We will change and wipe him b4 his feed then after milk he sleep. Like that not rite har? WE always do that lei.

Hi gals,
any of your bb will use the leg to lift their butt? Elvin start to do that recently. My MIL say that he is trying to crawl. But he dunno how to use his hands to lift his body yet.. So early learn how to crawl meh? Any advise?

Hi Jasminesym,
winnie hte pooh is elvin fren that is his favourite lei. He can recongise the pooh from the tissue box also. I myself love winnie the pooh so buy alod of that stuff for him now he like it also. When go my granny hse saw the big pooh sticker on the kitchen door he will "talk" to the pooh lei.. So funny lei. He always "talk" to the pooh in my hse also. His bedsheet all that also can put him in the baby cot and he "talk" to the pooh then tired liao just hug his bloster and sleep.
jappooh..mine is doing so..lifting the butt with the legs and hands each time she turns over..then she starts to move backward or forward to get the toys..my mum said this is the sign she is learning to crawl..i doubt so cos she is only 5 month..still along way la

i m also fan of poohbear lei..but i collect more of doraemon stuff haha
It is normal to crawl backwards first and yr mum is right. It is a sign that they are learning to crawl. Feng Kai is alrdy crawling forward, but not on all fours all the time. But more stable now instead of leaping forward intially.

Try to put a toy in front of them and they will try to crawl towards it to grab it. It works for both my gal and boy.

hi ladies,

I am a first time MTB:
going to buy clothings for my BB but heard BB outgrown clothing very fast, can share roughly your BB weight and height/length at 2nd, 3rd, 4th &amp; 5th month?

think at birth 0-1st - 50+cm/ard3.5kg

Thanks in advance for sharing
