(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Gosh!! Yr bb has got separation anxiety. BB will grow out of this milestone but dunno when lor. So be prepare to lun for few years. Its best that dun let bb see you. If not, that's it.

Could it be because we carry them too much? I read from the other thread that usually this happens when the maternal mother take care of the bb herself when they are born.

I hope that Jayden will be like his sis. No separation anxiety at all.....
my gal gal no separation anxiety lei..at least not fr me la..cos i don think she knows i m the mummy...she isn't excited when she sees me..
gek sim..she prefers my sis who is baby-sitting her
aiyo separation anxiety i hope if i go back to work elly dun have it man.. if not die so now practising her to get not so close to me.. and another thing, i scared that i am the one who will experience separation anxiety when i m not with her... hahaha...
cutie > maternal mother is who? me ah? haha i also dunno lei but he last x not soooooooooo jialut.. it was since 1x i due to bo pian-ness gotto leave him alone at my mil's hse for 2 hrs then since then, he bcom super clingy.

i seldom carry him one. usually if got place let him sit, i let him sit. got place let him lie on, i let him lie on.. unless he cranky then bo pian i carry him
for me, both babies different reaction but I think no separation anxiety.
Sam will be super happy to see me when I am back, jumpy and laughing but not cranky when I go off since I always tell him to be a good boy wait for mummy to come back.
For Ray, he like no reaction cause when I back and call him, he will like "cannot see" me. then I need to carry him and talk to him till he smile at me, especially so when I come home late. Else he will be very cranky later when he see me free in the house and when I carry him, he will turn away from me and don't face me. :p
Re: separation anxiety
Haha... yujie no separation anxiety when is out of my house gate... she got separation anxiety at home... jialat leh
She totally ignore us when she is outside
ah may
my girl rxn like your Ray
When i put my hands out to carry her, she'll turn away or like dun see me. But when I carry her (with or w/.o her consent
) she'll be ok to stay there.
gathering @ CP KFC on 29-Jul

I hope you dun mind I get Tan Leng Leng to join us. I think u all shd be bery familiar with her as she as done so many BPs in the forum. She oso stay SK so I get her to come to know more mummies lor.
My boi also no seperation anxiety leh. Can see us, can dun see us 1. He will smile when he see my parents & brother....jia lut.

Every morning when I leave him with my dad, he will smile at him...dun care even when we goes off.....sob
I think when baby grows bigger probably near to toddler, they will start to develop the real separation anxiety. And I afraid i am not the target but my mother who is taking care of her most of the time.

btw, when can we introduce straw to bb?
I also dun know if ethan has got separation anxiety. At home when i just go out of his sight he will cry for me. Even when i tell him where i am going and wave to him from there he also cannot leh. Jia lat. But thankfully he is okie if my hubby is around. he not only super clingy to me. ....
my Ray is purposely din see me cause I think he is angry I am home late. then have to talk to him, explain mummy busy in sch that why come home so late then he is okay. cause if I also ignore him, I tried once, he cry the whole house down till I carry and talk to him. hb and maid and play with him also no use cause the moment they stop, he cry again. and can see the crying not real :p
Ethan one not really consider lah. For him is as long as there is someone around can liao rite? If like that then not consider. He just want company lah..and must be within in sight. Thk all bb are like that. Jayden is oso like that.

Maternal Mother = qing shen ma ma...so its u lor...

Jayden oso no reaction leh. See us or din see us also the same to him. As long as there is someone around playing with him, no matter who the person is, he is ok.
Hi Violet,

U gals will be meeting at 12 noon @ CP KFC right?
Am I welcome to join in? Just like to get to widen my social circle. wondering if this is the first gathering for mummies staying in SK/PG. I will be coming alone & not bringing my baby...scared he gets restless & "over-excited" when he sees so many people around...hehe
hey gals, i also very tempted to cancel my kopi session with my gfs and meet up with mummies since I have to go for my dental appt at CP at 1pm. Maybe can pop by. By the way, KFC will have so many seats for so many of us or not huh?
all are welcome lah haha if u all wanna pop by, just pop by KFC.

Summer, not sure lei but KFC has the biggest space and least customers and their table arrangements least congested in CP mah hahahaha v bad hor me
Bulma, ya loh.. bad leh.. say KFC got the least customers. Are you gals going there for lunch or 'renting' their space only
Was wondering to eat Finger Lickin' Good Chicken with our lil' rascals! Haha!
Bulma, ya loh.. bad leh.. say KFC got the least customers. Are you gals going there for lunch or 'renting' their space only
Was wondering how to eat Finger Lickin' Good Chicken with our lil' rascals! Haha!
hahahhahaha we lunching there mah.. they cant chase us lah hehe

o ya i wont be in opi tomolo, mon-wed. only back on thurs so wont be able to login
KFC is my hb's favourite hahaha.... still deciding whether to bring keagan or leave him at home wif hb...

Bulma me chg the font color of the blog liao how?? is it better??
just come la, all are welcome!

The other time when I still hving ML, me and a gp of mummies gather at BK for the whole afternoon. Just hog 1 corner for 3-4hrs.
But it was wkday lunch la.

I will bring the pram and lock feng kai inside while i eat. Let him see me eat n drool kekeke!
Gathering tis sat:
hehe i wun be bringin stroller leh.. cause very ma fan to take transport.. i bring her in carrier... then will eat those easy to eat food.... hehe

Butterfly: of course u are welcome la... hehe bring ur bb along k... hehe then all our bb make new frens... hehe

Summer: cancel and come join us la... hehe we so many ppl... bring Tiffany out to see see us la....

violet: i am ok with u askin her to join us....

separation anxiety:
hehe my xin ru also no separation anxiety one leh... hehe she can be sittin at the bumbo seat at the infant care then i say bye bye to her and walk away she ok one... but when she see us pickin her up she will be very happy and will talk to us... hehe

Safety 1st bouncin baby play place:
i went to get one at kiddy palace today le... its on nett price liao.. so no further discount... on top of tat i still buy a bumbo seat cause tis morning her teacher told us tat Xin Ru love sittin in tat and no need to play anything... just let her see the world and she is ok and she ask us to invest one.. hehe so we got her lor....

As for the safety 1st thing, xinru is able to have infront half of her feed on the ground leh... but my mom say been hang on the seat is uncomfortable so ask us to put a pillow below... so we put lor.. hehe
Gathering tis sat at Compass Point KFC at 12noon.....Mummies who have replied:

Tan Leng Leng
Ah May - to be confirm
Summer - still tinkin :p
Yvonne (ling79) - To be confirm

Anyone i have missed out?? Anyway, those who keen to meet up, can just popped out tis sat k.. hehe
how big is xinru amanda? giselle seems so small when she is sitting in the exersaucer...couldn't reach the toys...

stella, we should get safety first to pay us for helping them to promote this product la
Vs: Xinru turning 6months this 8 June liao le... hehe we put at the lowest height then she manage to have 1/2 of her feet on the ground.. hehe then as for the toys she can reach also... hehe
Can... so hopefully we can see u and Giselle tomolo ya....

hehe seems like the gathering group is gettin bigger le.. hehe sikali got to change place.. hehe

Anyway, tomolo's gathering is confirmed liao.... See u mummies and babies at 12noon....
okie Amanda, I try to cancel see can bo.. keke.

that day brought my gal to polyclinic for her jab and her weight was 6.6kg then y'day brought her to the PD her weight 6.3kg. Ask PD why the big difference and he say because they may be using a different kind of scale. Is that true? Coz the difference is so big. Anyway her weight is 25th percentile while her height is 75% percentile... aiyo, unbalance.

PD also prescribed her with Pure Fish Oil supplement coz he say Omega3 will aid in her eczema condition. Have mummies with eczema babies tried that before?

He recommend Neslac rice cereal to start with which has no milk addedm since my gal may be allergic to cow's milk.

I oso xin yang yang want to join u all leh. Cause wld like my boi interact with other bbies. But dunno if can cope with bb alone & dunno how to go CP...hahahaha
Bam: u livin at AMK rite? hmmm have 86 at ur house there?? 86 is the direct bus to CP.. hehe u bring Cayden out alone before?? if u scare cannot handle then bring ur hubby along lor... hehe :p

irene: u say KFC ur hubby favourite huh.. hehe bring him along la.. then can leave Keagan w him... hehe
Hi gals
I have been so busy lately so hardly have time to log in here to chat.. but hor.. I still join in those sprees leh.. damn bad.

Regarding the gathering tomorrow, I will join in provided my flu is ok. I dun want to spread to everyone else lah. Also, I got to see if I have transport to CP or not. Got to bring 2 kids out, very ley chey.

KFC is also my hubby's favourite leh. I told him I m having a gathering there, and for once, he didnt give me that kind of look.. cos it's KFC mah.
Sunshinekid: how u feelin?? better anot??
hehe bring 2 kid out ley cheh huh... ur hubby favourite also rite... ask him come along lor... hehe.... :p
My nose also bleeding leh, cos I blow my nose too much these few days. Yah, KFC is too heaty for me. :p

I will try to make him come along. Because with 2 kids, how to eat KFC? Need to use hands leh. Anyway, I may just be dropping by to say hello and to see u, hahaha.. May not sit down to chit-chat.
Dun think hb going cos he need to go 'bai bai' so i will bring Keagan there. Unless he's going later then will ask him to join me.

Lai yee come chit chat for awhile lah so long never see u already
think we can make shift for one another la..then can eat liao..
i am blowing my nose almost every morning sunshine..nose dropping soon..haha
Hey Mummies.. i wun be able to access net liao.. got to run outside liao le.. hehe so hor anything u all msg me k... shall see u gals and bb tomolo at 12....
summer and Vs,

heard that ..u can apply some alcohol like XO ..small amount to the head to make hair grow...my SIL try it and it work.
professor..i heard this too..and recently my mum heard somebody mentioned using cucumber slice to rub on the scalp...
i don dare to try any of the methods cos Giselle's skin is rather sensitive...i shall wait n see how..i am one botak baby myself last time
hi etelle..
help me update... ZJ is 8.5kg, 70cm as at 6mth 1wk...

wat does percentile mean ah? Dr say he 75%.. mean he heavy than most bb his age?
haha.....there is another way...when moon cake season ,buy a pamelo cut it to half and use it to cover bb head for few second.i wife personaly try it to my sis bb and it work.

But dont try on bb boy cos he will hv 'green hat'.
feza no phone and probably no access to web till nite. She came my office for interview jus now.

And u soooo bz now har? MIA for so long.
ivory, means yr boy "zhao zhong" lah haha same as mine lor 75th percentile.. yrs heavier than mine lei mine 6 months 2 weeks 8.3kg but yrs tall tall lei envy meh.. mine only 66cm

see u gals tomolo unless my bb's cough didnt get better else i will appear .... my mum say today he cough whole day... haizzz... past 1 week he alr better and only morn cough... sianzzz... now he sleeping also coughing away while sleeping. given him medi, hope he will b fine so can go mk frens w all yr little darlings
so far i hvnt met many bbies lei v itch to meet meh esp bb gals hehe

then ethan also zhao zhong lor....but then maybe not hor cuz he was born heavier than others mah so his weight gain consider to be regular leh...hmmmmmm
