(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hi mummies,
I'm from the Apr MTB thread. I'm looking for a confinement lady in apr jus wondering any of u mummies here hav any recommendation for 1?

hi Bulma, my baby's born at gestation 34+ weeks.. pre-term baby.. he was staying at hospital for 10 days till to immature and jaundice.. but his weigh was good for delivery.. was weighed 3235g..

I'm taking care of the baby myself but with the help of my mum..

these few days, my baby no poo poo and my mum wanna give him some honey to make his body "cooler" but my hubby quite concern abt my mum's method and keep asking me is it an old wives' tale.. can anyone advise why my baby no stool for days liao? and my baby has hiccup problem during sleep... thought belch him after feeding but he will still hiccup when he's sleeping and he simply bo-chap.. keke..
<font color="ff0000">Lenny</font>
Where can we buy the ab binder that you have posted? Online via Changi General Hosp? It's quite cheap, I don't mind investing in one just to try out. MY weight is back to normal, but somehow, the tummy area is so flabby.

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
I think the increase in BM is only temperary, even if you have cut down on the no. of times of pumping. The bm is oredi accumulated in your breasts, so even if u cut down on pumping, the milk has to be pumped out, and thus each express may yield more milk. But I am sure given time, your breasts will get the signal not to produce so much, hence ss will definitely drop.

<font color="ff0000">Wendy</font>
My boy really wakes up for milk leh, not just for comfort or what. And he does not take water, he knows that it's not milk so will spit out and wail! When he was before 2YO, he wakes up 2 times a nite, and it's not towards the early morning, it's like 1/2am or 3/4 am, which is when we are in our deepest sleep. So it has been very agonising for us. It's only after 2YO that he wakes up at 6/7 am for tat bottle of milk, which is really fine with us cos we need to wake up for work anyway.

I will endeavour to train my gal not to wake up for milk, but I think not so soon. She is only 5 wks old

My pd told me tht bb shd not b given honey at this time but i cun rmm y, he did mention y though. Is ur bb having FM, usually FM r too heaty need to give bb some water, my boi only poopoo once n it's on alternate day. If u r worried bring ur bb go c pd lor.
<font color="0000ff">Jumbo</font>
Wow, your baby is so heavy even though only at 34wks +. My gal was born at 38wks yet not as heavy. Heheheh. it's a blessing in disguise for you, imagine you carry your baby till full term... wah.. cannot imagine the weight.

Cannot give honey water lah. Your baby will not be able to digest as their system is still weak. End up you may have other problems. I think hiccups is really common, not to worry. We adults find it very disturbing but to babies, it's as normal as breathing.
if i'm not wrong some substance in honey may trigger allergic reactions in v young children. but if forgot when to introduce.

sunshine kid
my son still wakes at odd hrs! SIGH

hey, my bb ger also 5 weeks. but some theory say we can start early like 10 days old wor...
mayb we can synchro our trgs n compare results, share methods?
Honey water can produce phlegm. Do not give at such young age.

Wow! Yr bb wg quite heavy at 34wks+ woh... My boy was only 2810g when I give birth to him at 36wk+.
ya, my gynea also said i've giant baby.. and he's the largest size at the nursery.. keke..

i had try feeding him plain water but he will taste it first, make sure not plain water then drink.. headache lor.. he doesn't like plain water.. but he will take if he's thirsty.. he's mostly feed on fm cos my bm's very limited.. not enough for him.. dunno how to increase my bm.. and cos i'm taking care of the baby myself, i will take rest and pump bm whenever i can.. but i rest more than i pump bm.. keke..

about the honey.. dunno leh.. my mum has fed him few time and still ok leh.. dunno leh.. think will try not to let him have it..

here's the pic of my baby boy, Nixon..
hi mashy brainz.. thanks for the link.. had visit them already.. sometime it is difficult to go against old folks' rule.. but well, i will try not to let nixon have it anymore.. thanks girl..
hi all,

RE; abdominal support binder
Worth a try....if can use for slimming purposes, can get one for my mommy. kekeke

Lenny, 27 inches is after your post-natal massage? So, how many inches you loss immediately after delivery and after massage?

RE: Nursing Bra size
After delivery, did your breasts up 1-2 cup size? While shopping for nursing bras, an auntie sales lady says if the cup size fits me nicely now (I'm currently at 35 weeks), likely will not change much. But antenatal class says to buy 1-2 size larger......how's your experience? 'cos right now, find that the cheaper nursing bras do not have cup size options. I can find one that cups nicely, with allowance to slim down at the underbust, but if I take a larger size for larger cup, the underbust will be too loose.
Re: nite feed
It is better to start training bb against nite feed as soon as possible. Before they get into a habit...I will start when she goes to nanny's place... say abt age 2 month.

As I mentioned, my method will be by feeding her water instead of milk. Many of my experienced mums told me so, this method worked for them.

My sis's friend is a nanny, train her grandson when he was NB. N was successful leh.
god's child
i never breast feed liaoz leh....about 1 wk liaoz...and i never latch on baby so couldn't be cracked nipple leh...Mmm yah no pain lah just like a little pressure only...

bbcutie/ sunshinekid
i also interested in the binder. My tummy is 37 inches now leh wasitline rather....what size should i buy ah??? L??

Lenny any advise??

bb must poo at least once a day right? ur baby only poos eveyr alternate day ah???
train bb as in no need nite feed ah?Seems impossible leh bb so young so poor thing dun let bb drink right?? form the last feed say 11am to next morning 7am it's about 8 hrs...bb can stand meh...then if by 7am then feed ah he would be gulping down and not good right?
I agree with Etelle, think its better when they r after 4 mths, on solids liao, then we can mix cereal in the last feed. So young now, better to feed on demand right?
My bb sleeps in a separate room. I use baby monitor to ensure i can hear her when she wakes up or cries. So far so good.

I was told to train bb to sleep on her own, if not she will want to sleep with us everyday.

I still feed bb with milk during nite leh... water can sustain meh? Will you continue given your girl BM when you start work?

How to express BM during work ahh? I am thinking that if we need to express every 4 hours, how do we get pump sterilised? Does this mean i have to have more than 1 pump? Experienced mum, pls advice.
Re : teats

my girl didn't like avent teats,so i changed to NUK and she can now drink better. With avent teats, she kept pushing it away and vomitting. Not sure if it is the hole problem or the teat was too hard for her to suck
hi everyone,
thanks for those who had added mi in MSN. i received liao. so sory, today read all u wrote so late, very busy leh... tired. now is almost 4am, can u all imagine>my boy just fallen asleep n it's in my arms.... he cried and stop n cried from 9pm till now... si bei shack... tomorrow morning, i am bringing him to KK to see doc... think he colicky s well s gotten frightened leh...cham leh... he jerked every few minutes n once put him down he cries like mad...
n also very mad with my in laws leh... kept telling me this cant do that cant do... crossed !#@%*!!!! yet i dun wan to be nasty to them....
wah... jumbo ur baby really very big... i 38 wks my boy oni 3110g leh....
dun think can sleep tonight...
<font color="ff0000">Etelle/bbcutie</font>
Wanna combine order for the ab binder? Then can share the delivery cost. i havent go and find out how much is the del cost yet. Btw, don't know if polyclinics sell or not hor? My MIL is a nurse at Toa Payoh Polyclinic. Can ask her to go and see if her pharmacy sells. She gets 10% off for staff.

<font color="ff0000">Siewlng</font>
I have also heard that feeding water will help, but I m not sure when is the best time to start.

<font color="ff0000">Venus</font>
It's quite difficult to pump every 4 hrs after we return to work, so most likely u can only pump during lunchtime. Now we shld start training our breasts not to be pumped so much.
Now I only pump 4 times a day: Once in the am at 6am, once at 12pm (lunchtime), once in the evening and once before I sleep. This shld be my schedule when I return to work.

To get pump sterilised, can buy those sterilising tabs from pharmacy. Think it's this brand called Boots. Just need a large container, fill up with water and throw 1 tab in. But the water will have a strong chlorine smell.

Ya, my boi only poo on alternate day leh, read somewhere says it's normal to poo once every 2 to 3 days as long as it's soft stool but me still worried leh.
Sunshinekid, Etelle, n Jas
I think practically I will start after I go back to work so I can sleep well at nite lah...
Water can work lah, so many experienced mum told me liao lah. BB is smarter than us lah, they will pu hui wat they lack of one, like if they sleep too much, they will drink more in next feed/ will shorter interval to drink again
Hi Chenoa, babycutie

I didn't measure my waist actually, just knew that I bought a pair of Giordano shorts in size 27 right after the last massage and was able to fit in , a little loose though.

Re:the size, I feel that the tighter the better, and because it is made of elastic material and velcro-fasten type. They have a size chart on the box but I threw away the box.
Hi babycutie, Etelle

For size S, when I fasten it on the velcro patch, it's "half-way" already, meaning it can accomodate another 2 inches from what I see. Sorry I thew away the box if not I can read the size chart to you. To play safe, get a size M and you can tighten it further to the max by pulling it.
Hi gals

Just came back from Mrs Wong and the verdict is out. My MS is super low. Advised to give full FM and just latch 10mins on each side for 'fun'.
Feel very very sad. But no choice lor. Bb's welfare comes first. So will express during the day to give him whatever antibodies left.

Moody... Regret doing total latch on during the earlier days. Should have expressed and gotten a better pump. I think that's what caused my MS to dip to this horrible stage. He was just drinking 5ml when we did the test!
hi all,
being reading the posting when I have time but din post anything for sometime.
welcome to those new who are new, think quite a number of you.

RE: nite feed
actually depends on how comfortable you are with not feeding baby thru the nite. some ppl do it with baby before one month celebration and some after. most common method is to feed water and use pacifer. I intend to train my babies starting from April, cannot take it if I have to feed them thru the nite and work the next day. :p

Re: Ab binder
I have been wearing one after giving birth since mine is c-section. but dun think it is very effective, cause is soft, be prepare the hold is not strong type. I intend to get the woacoal corset binder Lenny recommended. but it is out of stock.

RE :pumping bm at work
I asked my colleagues on how they do it. one use an ice box and put the ebm and pump inside. so just continue to use without sterilising. I intend to do that as well. :p
what happen? I thought total latch on was a better way? Dun be too sad. can still drink papaya soup to salvage the situation?
Yesterday I forgot to tell u tat, i experienced the same as u at 1st. My girl like always not full latch on latch on... she become tired also, wan to sleep but still hungry. So in the end she didn't eat n sleep well

finally I decided to pump out n feed her supplement with FM. So she can sleep longer n good interval. N I can measured how much she drank. Slowly my MS increase when I am not so tired n allow longer time for me to accumulate
This fri is the lat day of my confinement! So happy. but also a bit scared cos my mum going home and i'll be alone with my bb from next wk onwards till I go back to work in May.
I already start to stretch the BM expression interval. don't think I can express so often when I am alone. Still have to cook and do housework etc... Now, only express 4X a day. My milk supply down. Think also becos I din express completely. Now, no more letdown and have to spend more time expressing.
Nuk teats fit avent bottles???cuz recently i just bought 3pcs of 260ml avent bottles leh if cnanot then i cham liaoz....

sunshinekid/ bbcutie
we cnanot order on our own is it? the delivery fee very high ah???

I went to gynae today for my pap smear test. had light staining but gynae said cuz womb is healing thus explan the staining but he said it's still alright to do papa smear test
saved one trip. Then regarding the tail bone pain could be caused during delivery. he said it will heal on its own. Then i asked him when menses will come he said it could take up to 3 months and for breastfeeding mummies up to 1 year depends....i also took my 2nd dose of hep b jab...
dun b sad abt it. dun blame yrself lah all of us also only wan best for our darling mah... give FM is also ok. nowadays FM got all the necessary stuff a bb need.

i wanna feed jarren TFM but my hb dun allow, he say since i stil hv BM wan me to giv until i naturaly no more BM. it's so tiring to express BM so i m trying to mk my MS low so dat i can stop feeding BM to jarren. Also, cos stil got BM then breasts so big, ugly and heavy.. look like old auntie's breasts, I HATE IT!!!!

good luck to u haha life is hell alone w bb without helpers... welcome to the "club of hell".. hhaha

yr bb so giantic... u and hb v big size ah? my boy born wk 37 only 2.7+kg

etelle/god's child
for me is i keep fl lk sm x got bubbles out fr vaginal lk dat sm x when i sit lei

now we all know tk care bb not easy haha now we r all suffering. i regret got myself into tis situation meh haha bcom no freedom, no rest, so tired, and also i fl after got bb bcom relationship w hb not as good as b4 cos will tend to argue due to difference in opinions re take care of bb and also argue abt who to wk up to feed bb at nite haha last x i hear pple say afetr got bb, relationship w hb will improve further but to me, i fl otherwise lor tho i fl my relationship w hb is stil good but sm how i fl we argue and quarrel more often now all bcos of bb issues.

Re : binder
it's a must to put binder ah? our flabby tummy wont return to normal w/o binder izzit?

Re : my bb recently v "hui kah" (flower leg)
everyday wan gai gai... he will sleep then wk up in morn then after i bath him, he will refuse to sleep no matter how tired he is.. he will keep cry cry cry til eyes also swollen and no voice...til i cant tahan his crying... then e moment i br him out, he will quiet but i gotto keep walk around else he will cry again... faint meh... now everyday also got gai gai time for him... mk me wanna cry meh sometime so hot or so tired i wanna stay at home also cant. mon br him go town shopping, tues br him my mum's hse, today br him go nearby shopping again. haizz any of yr bb lk dat or not?
Thanks for your comforting words.

Ah May
Apparently not. Cannot just do latch on. Have to express out after that.

Really ah. How much did you have before u started using the Avent Duo? And how much u increased after that? Mrs Wong told me to just express whatever I have to give, maybe can still last another 2mths before I totally dry up. Told me no point renting those pumps for me coz will never be able to increase my supply to 1 feed.

You have BM, better cherish it. Anyway, Mrs Wong said that the antibodies in the BM can help your bb thru the hand foot mouth epidemic now. So better continue until at least the epidemic is over.
I dunno abt shipping cost leh. Think we can buy individually lor. But dunno what's the delivery charge leh.

Avent can use Nuk teats. U hv to buy the premium choice teats.

I also sm x got the feeling of bubbles coming out from V leh. But not sitting down lor. Its when I am walking or standing....Very funny hor.... Too much wind inside???

I don't bring my boy out so no gai gai problem. But nowadays he don't like to lie down flat. Hv to carry him 45deg and he will kuai kuai. So now getting a rocker for him since he likes this position.
mashy - have u seen a lactation consultant? the latch may not b totally correct n hence bb not drawing milk from u.
btw, u can try red date drink to inc ss.
This will be a trying period for you and yr hb. U definitely will hv differences in caring for your darling, esp this is yr 1st born. But be more tolerant with each other and compromise on the best way to take care of bb. I always remember this person telling me; your bb will only go thru each phase once, so cherish every moment, good or bad. Before you know it, they are all grown up liao. So now I go ahead and carry bb all the time, now I want to carry my 2 older kids and sayang them also cannot, because they are too heavy hehehe...

Its ok lah. A lot of us grow up on FM, also healthy and clever one, dun let that affect u. Happy mum, happy bb!
yeah lor i was so stressed out intitally becuz every1 wants me to BF. In the end i pumped out but only little milk but i am happy that at least Ethan has drank breast milk before...so never mind lah my ethan drink so little only i also satisfied liaoz...yours got more leh...FM also good mah ha ha like Bulma said baby attempt to hold milk bottle one leh hee hee :p much more intelligent right

i don't know about delivery charge leh...hee hee cuz i never register myself....any1 tried??
mashy, dun worry, i also got no breast milk, faster than u ah... mine 2 weeks after delivery no more liao... dun be sad k?
Pump washing, my sis taught me use hot water to rinse the pump. So hor now I dun need to wash pump after each expressing... hehe...

Hi all
my girl on EBM 7X + 1FM no poo for 4days is it normal?
hi bulma,

yr point is same as me and my wife but luckiely we never quarrel,she also complain no more '2 people world' cant as free as previous time.i think this is jz a matter of time ,when we get use to hv another person in our life later,we sure enjoy it more.
siewIng - if can try to rinse once with warm soapy water cos bm is oily. otherwise overtime the 'fats' will accumulate on the pump parts n shorten the usage life.

no, mine got hook. anyway me jus bought another 1 for her. L got no more effect so got the M from her.


dun get to upset, mine bb 3wks liao n my ms still very low but me still trying now try to pump out as much as i can to let him have BM.
at least u still have 2 more mths of bm supply, bb can still get your antibodies.

wah, i dun noe if it's the way i carry bb, now my right thumb always feels funny when i wake up like dislocated or what. v stiff, then got the 'diak diak' sound when i rotate it.

last day of confinement!!
jas and professor
ya mayb it's really matter of getting used to it... but some x fl v sianz .. alr tired of taking care of bb yet stil nd to quarrel/argue w hb ... sm days i separate rooms sleep w hb cos "angry" hehe

ya... my boy alway put his hand like holding milk bottle lk dat when i feed him haha got few times, he hold the bottle himself... no drop one lei steady lah so drk FM is ok one hahahha

Re : sterilise pump
i sterilise pump after every pump lei... u mean just run thru warm water can liao? anyway i only pump 2x a day lah it's ok to sterilise after each pump hehe not tedious at all =p
Hi gals,

Re Increase BM
I remember someone tell me drink chicken essence can increase BM, think its true leh. Yesterday, I can pump out double the amt leh. Last Fri, my hb treat me to Shark's fins then, tat nite bm also increase leh. My hb says tat is too ex to increase bm, he rather let bb drink fm, hahahaha....

Its <font color="0000ff">NOT</font> normal that yr girl did not poo for 4 days when u feed her 7x of BM and 1x of FM.
Did u let her drink water?

If she still don't poo today, better bring her to PD.
