(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

baby cutie,
but the physician in Yu Guo told me that if i let him sleep on the right most of the time, he must have twisted head next time leh...
i quite worried leh... haiz... dunno whether next time still wanna give birth not.if i dun give birth, the things that people bought for me only use once very wasteful leh... but give brith again like very scary...
so u are the one who smiled at me is it? hee hee... ur husband so good leh, accompany u. u going on Tues 14? i full month that day and bringing my boy Noel there for massage. going in the morn maybe can see u... this time round my husband going to school in the afternoon so i pester him to go.
nowadays i let him cry a bit longer b4 i feed him again but heartpain a bit. at night give water? later no nutrients how??? now growing phase better not.... must endure to 4 months then can sleep better cos they on cereal lia, can sleep longer.
whao... this year is the worst year for me cos my baby so small and i am going to shift house soon....
dunno y when it comes to night time, i get very depressed and scared to be alone with my baby... then i am going back to work soon, very worried that no one helps to take care of my baby... maybe i want to exend unpaid leave till oct... any one can advise me?

can ah... email me at [email protected]
U can also join us (most of us lah) in msn... but nowaday we all busy no time go online at same time.

Were u at Yu Guo Sun? I was there Sun morning with my HB again. I saw 1 person with NB bb, is tat u? hehe! 14 Feb, I will be there, I guess either afternoon or evening. Sms me lah...

My girl also like to sleep 1 side leh, but now she is learning to turn n lift up her head, so she get angry if we put her on those round hole pillow. Also dunno how to correct her.

My sis told me, she did alot of research n studies on bb behavior (together with her SAHM friends), actually bb has memories... so hor if we kept on repeating the same routine everyday they will rememeber. I think this is wat happen to my girl now, so she remember her daily routine. Dun think she is so clever yet... hehe!
I somehow believe this theory, as my sis's son (age2) saw me latch on to my girl, my sis reminded the son, he was like tat b4, the son start to smile smile n tell my sis mei mei drinking milk ah.
<font color="ff0000">Morning mummies!</font>
So busy these days so havent been logging in.

Re: Babies sleeping thru at the nite
Is it appropriate that babies sleep thru the nite at this young age? I think they should start at about 3MO at least right? But pls, whoever has techniques to make bb sleep through, pls share. I wanna train when my gal is of the right age. U know my son ah... he was still waking up for milk 1-2 times a nite at 2YO!!!! This is the most unaccepted behaviour, but we really got no choice. He will cry and cry, and will not stop till he has his milk. So u see, his intake of milk for 1 day is alot. For my gal, I really hope she can sleep through leh. If not, it's really tiring.

<font color="ff0000">Jasmine</font>
It's a matter of time that you have to start using the big bottle lah, and I think it's okay. Should not introduce too much wind.

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Sorry lah, I am one of the guilty ones of not replying ur sms almost immediately. But at least I reply within a day right.. Hehehehe. :p Take care yah, it's always very fun and nice chatting with you, be it over MSN or via sms.

<font color="ff0000">Siewlng</font>
Wah,you really do alot of research on babies. I must qing jiao you next time. Even though I am a mother of 2 now, sometimes I must admit I am also at a loss when my gal is cranky. Becos after all, each baby is different. My gal also loves to bathe. She will be very quiet, will open eyes big big and look around. When she is awake and we don't bathe her, she will make noise, as if telling us to "Bathe me quick, I feel so dirty"!!

By the way, my gal total EBM and she has been using teat no. 2 since 4 wks old. She has no problem with that.
ya gg se my gyn tomolo... see wat he say... bust since sat nite til now, (cross finger) no bleding or spotting. dunno izzit ended liao?

Ivory ah, not i dun wanna imm reply yr sms, sm x really bo hand meh... gotto carry my boy then he now so heavy, i must carry 2 hands and i sit down cant stop him fr wailing, goto sand up and pace around in my hse so even got sms or pple call me, i also no reply or answer one lor until settled him

chenoa, gerber brands shd b ok cos my fren has been using it and she likes it. i using pigeon disposable.

Re : talk to bb
my hb and me also will sm x chat w bb. sm x bb will respond, sm x he just look blankly at us

Re : sterilised bottles
u all mean after we sterilised the bottles, we nd to keep them in those like lock &amp; lock container ah when not using yet? then i better go buy 1 big one to put those sterilised bottles and teats, etc....

Re: sarong sling
u all using sarong sling on bb? i find it useful when br bb out alone for short while like for a walk or downstair makan. even if br bb out shopping w hb, we br stroller but also will br the sling so dat can sling bb when he cry and wanna b carried or nd to pat him to zzz

Re : baby fair
went the bb fair and fl bit disappointed cos mostly are the insurance and spa.... i subscribe the mother and bb magazine

hvnt been to the taka bb fair.. will go tomolo either b4 my gyn check up or after...
U r not alone leh. My girl at 21 mths also sometimes wakes up for milk. But it is usually 5am+.

She don't drink much milk leh. My mum said she only drink milk once or twice a day nia. And each time only 6Oz (175ml).
When r u gg back to work? Who will be taking care of Jarren when u go bk to work?

What is Jarren wt now huh? I find that using sarong sling to carry bb will ended up with aching shoulder leh. Maybe a harness is better?
Yr sis is a SAHM? Dun think as a FTWM we will have so much time doing research for bb behaviour leh. Is there any book on this area? Maybe we can get one as our dictionary.

I went to Clementi Bookstore and bought Understanding Child Development by Rosalind Charlesworth. The book that Jappooh recommended has a lot of words and really needs time to read which we don't really hv so much time. So I get the above book which is more simple to understand.
U have given birth oredi right? If yes, then diahorrea cld be something that you have eaten, or other reasons leh. If u have not delivered, then frequent loose stools cld mean labour soon.
Hi babycuite,
yup that book have alot of words. So the book u bought good? Have good info must share with us hor.

Hi mummies,
any one know how to reduce the bm?
hi all,
i am quite worried about some issues, maybe can give advices on the following..
my boy is one month old, poo 7 times d day, small amount and a bit wet is it normal?
my mum said maybe milk powder not suitable, so when i am going to change new powder, must mix a bit of old to new one?
he poo till his anus red how?
The info on the book is almost the same as Laura E Berk just that it is more simpler.

U 1 2 reduce BM? Maybe u can try cabbage. It can suppress milk production.

What FM is yr boy taking? How long has he been taking? Since when does he poo so frequently? Looks like the FM is not suitable for yr boy. It sounds like diarhoea to me. U should change the FM.

U do not need to mix the powder.
I also do the same thing - give bb gripe water to reduce wind. so far so good leh.

My gal tends to sleep for 5-7hours a nite, so she only wakes up once for feeding. She has been consistently waking up around 5-6am. I guess first is to get my bb to differentiate day vs night. Light up the room when it is morning and off the light when it is night. Then during the day, i put her to sleep elsewhere like my room or living room on the rocker. But at night, she will be sleeping in her cot - so that she knows at night she will be sleeping in her bed. During evening, get hubby to play with her till 9 something..... then go to bed.

I also find bathing her twice a day also help to freshen her up.

Like today, she woke up at 5.45am for feeding but only drank 50ml, then went to sleep till 10am today.
thanks cutie n Venus for prompt reply.
ya i going to chane to dumex gold. my mum insist that i mix the milk powder so i jus follow her instruction lor. maybe for a few feeds. ya a bit wet poo poo for 4 days already but he never cry leh... only want people to carry him. now...i let him sleep yao lan... better liao.. i just apply MSN messager, can all of u add me in so we can chat at times? [email protected]
Hi mommies

Very tired this few days my boi needs to be carried then can sleep n mus be un deep sleep then can put him down or he will wake up again n cry... hai... plus he poo on alternate day n poo until he cry n anus red red but stool still soft
n tink he got colic, every evening sure cry n very difficult to make him sleep....hai.... dunno how to make him feel better.
my boy same case too leh... night time cry non stop... i let him sleep yao lan. his anus red too dunno can use zinc oxide not.
Hi Jasmine

Re: wind in the stomach, there are colic drops to help that. for regurgitation of milk, could be overfeeding. How much is your baby drinking ? also, pd told me that the intestine is on the left side, so after burping, lie the baby facing the baby's right side so that the intestine is not "pressed" on.

I'm using Avent bottles too, if you are giving 90 ml use the 125 ml bottle as the 240ml bottles will leave too much air in between the gap.
Hi Sunshinekid, babycutie

Have you tried the corset yet ? If you find it too tight, an ab binder would work too, and also ab binder can be "adjusted". I'm alternating between the corset and ab binder and it does help flatten the tummy if worn regularly.

Do you let your baby and your elder kid sleep together in the same room as you ? Would the cry of the baby wake the sibling up ? So far , my maid and nanny is sleeping with my baby gal in the room, while my elder one sleeps with us.
There are many books abt bb development in library n on web, but my sis has her own version of dictionary... she note down all info in a small little notebook. N carry it everywhere she goes. She also recorded all the behaviors of her babies. As every bb has diff pattern. So it is unique. She refer to it as n when.
So now I follow her also record my bb feeding, poo n habits in a notebook.
I let my girl sleep at her own leh, let her get use to it... we take turn "camp" with her. So tat we can sleep better at our own room.
Lai Yee
hee hee you are not obligated to reply my sms immediately mah ha ha having bb at home our time revolves around them sometimes it's hard to find time to do our own things. I am thnkful my mum came over to stay and helping me baby sit all the way till ethan older and i can better handle which is then probably will consider whether to be full time mum or not...

i am not using binder or girdle leh was wondering whetehr gradually tummy will slim down or not on its own ah? Or definitely have to wear something ah??? Then for panties do we have to wear high wasit one in the meanwhile while tummy is big??

my baby also like that leh fall deep sleep ah in our arms but then ah once put down then wake up liaoz....so we introduce yao lan then ah in the end better liaoz...though we still have to time to time rock the yao lan but then at least dun have to carry around and pat pat. Also his crying has reduce tremendously after yao lan is introduce...so a good thing lah..it's all about trial and error.

my boy seem to have problems with the teats leh. Or if not it owuld be he is too impatient ah. Cuz everytime during feeding time once he suck and the milk flow is slow he will wail loudly and then hor continue to drink...it takes about 30-1 hr for him to finish his 130ml of milk leh. He is using avent bottle teat size 2....how come ah any one advise???

1st gotta make sure the cap is not too tight.Also, my PD teach me to test the teats, the flow of the FM must be in countless droplets, not one drop pause then another drop, that will be too slow liao. Avent teat size 2 shd be fine for bm, but i poke a bigger hole as my boi very impatient.
Thanks for the reply. My boi drinking 90ml, dun think its too much leh. The colic drops is called Infacol drops, I think. I didn't want to give him any medication unless necessary. When he is drinking milk but he wants to sleep, he will cry. when finish drinking, he gets angry when you try to burp him and he will struggle until you give up. Maybe tat's why we cant give him a good burp. But even if you burped him, he still can burp and fart a few more times....hehehe
haha, ppl like me want to increase bm, u want to reduce...i think u gradually reduce the number of latch on/expressing each day n the supply will slow down. cannot stop suddenly or else will get engorged.
Hi jamsine
thanks for your reply. My son is feeding on FM and then using avent teat size 2 but seems still too small for him he very impatient. How you poke the hole ah using what??? But avent teats dun drip out one leh have to suck then the milk will drip one leh.....sigh
Hi babycuite,

thanks i will try the cabbage.

Hi Claire,
everyone have there problem at 1st i worry my MS not enough but now need to reduce cos i wont be able to pump milk once go back office and i have a attachment in mid Apr also can pump so i need to slowly reduce now.

Last time i use to pump 4x per day and now i pump 3x per day but hor now 3x per day i get more milk than last time. When i pump 4x per day i get total of 1000ml and now i get 1200ml in 3 pump. so need to slowly reduce loh. need to slowly give my boy formula also so that he can switch after i get back to work.

I dun latch my boy nowadays.
<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
I feel pai seh mah. :p So your mum will stay at your place till when Ethan is older ah.. So gd. An extra pair of hands is always useful.

Wow, your Ethan is drinking 130ml oredi. That's alot leh, and he is 1 day younger than my gal. If you wanna punch hole, can try this brand call Farlin, it is a teat puncher. Can try Kids Mall or Kiddy Palace.

<font color="ff0000">Jappooh</font>
hahahah.. u really want to reduce BM ah. I wanna increase leh. Yes, you shld gradually cut down on the no. of pumping.. cannot suddenly stop, if not you will kana infection.

<font color="ff0000">Lenny</font>
All 4 of us are sleeping in the same room. No, my gal's cries does not wake my son up. Somehow, he will stir but will fall back to sleep pretty easily.

I have not been to town to get the girdle/corset yet. Will take a look when I have the chance to go town.
I meant carry her around the house, talk to her like chit chat to a friend like tat. I was told it will help BB to develop their brains when u talk more to them. N also help to bring forward their ability to talk.
As mentioned to u, your case likely due to bottle cap too tight. Cos no drip of milk, meaning it has vaccum inside the bottle, milk cannot flow well. Hehe my engrg explanation.

Also, check whether Ethan "latch" well to the teat or not? Cos Avent teat like our nipple, they should have their mouth open wide n lips fan chu lai when drink. Cos my girl has this problem, she like to drink the bottle with her lower lip folded in. Then she dun get good flow of milk... n start erh erh n cry... then I use finger pull her lip out. Then she is ok again
Hi Jasmine

I have tried the infacol drops, it's ok to give once or twice, also, when your baby cries for milk, pd advised not to let the baby cry too long and bettter to "time" it before the baby "roars" :p else the baby will "consume" more wind if the cries are longer.

RE:burping, someimes my gal would cry whilst I was trying to burp, so I just hold her in a seating positon first, and at times she will burp out on her own. She also farts when I am feeding her.

Hi Etelle

Not sure if not wearing binder would help the tummy reduce, I guess overtime the uterus is supposed to shrink, but the flabbiness of the skin which looks like a deflated balloon would require firming up. I find that the binder helps to make it look much less saggy .
I hv not buy the corset yet. Am still considering whether to get or not leh. Do u eat lesser with corset/girdle on? If that's the case, then surely our tummy will be smaller but once we don't wear it, we will binge again and tummy will protrude again. The best way is evercise and toning. I heard javanese massage helps in reducing tummy but its painful.

Both my kids sleeps with my mum and maid in a room. Our room has no space for our girl. When my boy cries in the middle of the night, my mum will carry him to sleep on the sofa in the living room.

Infacol is back to the counter again? Few months back, I could not get it over the shelf and have to change to Dentinox as an alternative. And I still find Infacol more effective.
Do u always carry yr girl around the house? Don't do that too often if not once u put her down she will cry because she use to be carried liao.

I only carry my boy when he crys.

Wah hv to thk of so many fei hua to say.....hm.... maybe I should introduce him to our house hor....kekekeke.... sometimes i run out of words, I read storybook or rhymes to him.
Hi Babycutie

Yes, exercising is the best way to tone and my gynae was tellig me to do crunches, but I have no time to do exercise. The corset is wired and sometimes the wire may be alittle too stiff for the skin, so I alternate between the ab binder and corset. I dun think I eat much lesser with the binder, so far my weight has been stabled for the last 2 weeks.
My boy also likes to be carry to fall asleep and has to be in deep sleep. We hv not gv him yao lan yet. He falls asleep in our arms quite fast so still can tong a bit..... Until such time when he takes longer to fall asleep and gets cranky when put him down then we will use that.

We get an electronic sarong cradle so that we do not need to shake the yao lan when it stops.
hi all mummies, i'm new to this thread.. i'm supposed to be april mum-to-be but my baby cant wait to see the world and had delivered on 23 Feb 2006.. would wanna know more feb mummies to share about baby care..

aiyo, my boi can take 1/2 an hr to 1hr 4 he gets into deep sleep leh...then he will wake up after 10 to 30mins of sleep, if i'm lucky he will sleep until his nx feed. Then evening will cry n cry...

aiyo, my boi can take 1/2 an hr to 1hr 4 he gets into deep sleep leh...then he will wake up after 10 to 30mins of sleep, if i'm lucky he will sleep until his nx feed. Then evening will cry n cry...
hihi.. jumbo, welcome welcome... wow yr bb so is born which wk? lk v early hor so how's yr bb coping now? everything healthy?

babe, diarrhoe then u better tell yr gyn... could b u gg to deliver... b4 i gg to deliver, i keep poo poo also lei

selina, i add u in msn liao... see u =)

ilim, yr bb how many wks liao... keep crying i think is a phrase every bb will go thru lk dat... my boy also lk dat when he btw wk 2 to wk 6/7 lk dat... now better but stil cranky but not as bad as that period lor... so persevere, will get over one cos it's the adapting period

ya if sling too long will shoulder tired... so i only use the sling if i gg out short while only... i find it v useful and convenient lor

re: anus red red
my boy anus also bit red red why huh? aply nappy cream got use? i apply alot one lei

re : reduce BM
i also wanna reduce gradually lei cos when start work, i dun wanna give BM liao so wanna start gradually reduce but dunno how... e more i wanna reduce, e more BM i hv *faint*... i pump 2x aday end up i can get 500ml a day.. last x i pump 3-4x a day can only get 400ml lk dat... why huh? tot pump lesser will reduce MS?

re : talk to bb
i also talk to bb one lei like chat chat lk dat lor bb will e e eh eh lk dat to me also .. sm x will smile... but most time is just stare blankly at his stupid mummy hehe
hi babycutie

it looks similar exvept yours is four panels whereas mine is three panels , also velcro type. I got it from Rohayah.
re: reduce bm
besides pumping less, mayb u can try not to empty the breast too. once the breast 'sense' that there's still milk in the breast it'll prob prod less. but in the process u'll prob feel some slight discomfort of engorgement cos u did not fully empty the breast. hth.

sunshine kid - my 2yo son also v bad sleeping habit. will wake to look for me/hb, n needs us to soother him bk to sleep. or drink water fr the bottle. he needs to suckle.
have u start to sleep-train ur bb? like u i hope my bb ger can sleep thru.
Anyone still feel alittle pressure on their vagina when sitting on the toilet bowl?? I have leh. Not pain or suan but like pressure like that lor..is it normal??

Also now i got light red stain leh Just alittle only ...before that lochia ended with light yellowish dishcrage...could it be it's my menses now? But only little bit leh..
Etelle - juz dropped by to see and like you, i hav tat kinda feeling!!! im from Jan MTB and my baby is now 2mths old. its like a stinging feeling as though its first day of menses... i think its rather common so long as it doesn't hurt... and i also got a little pinke discharge juz now when it had stopped for so long... my gynae said sometimes the bleeding could be due to a cracked nipple as in bb sucked too hard or we pumped too long...

hi everyboby,

haha now i only know that take care a bb is not easy....wake up midnight to feed ,change and make bb sleep back.it need a lot of patience and energy.

my boy also poo poo few time a day,taking BM too.

me also using Avent teat2 for BM and teat1 for water.

for the problem bb sleep at day and wake at night,
one of my old aunty advice to hang bb cloth upside down to dry it.mayb can try hope it help.
