(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hi gals

I've separation anxiety... Haha, not my boy but me! Couldn't sleep last night after I woke up at 2am to tend to his cries. Finally at 4.30am, went to change him coz his diapers leak (think he's outgrowing his NB diapers) and woke him. After that, happily brought him to sleep with me on the bed. Finally can sleep after that. hehe...

He peed after I bf him at night leh. So wondering whether what Mrs Wong said is really true.
mashy dun despair.. i worse right.. 3 weeks only no supply liao.. leaky breast but not enough to pump out for elly to drink.. sometimes i just let her suckle on me.. more for bonding than for milk..
bulma - so wat did your gynae say bout the on and off bleeding? im stil partial breastfeeding...and i once a blue moon will hav a little red discharge also leh... the bubbles u mentioned coming fr the 'V' area, i also hav..think its air...
girls, i've problem to latch my baby on leh.. tat's why i only can give him ebm.. and my quantity is so pathetic..
finally finishing confinement, but hb's gone off to office to finish his work. then we're giving nuo mi fan instead of cakes, so relatives have loaned their maids to stay over tonight. tho have extra ppl in the house, still feel lonely. then bb is sleeping, but always scared of when she'll wake up, and will i have enuff bm for her to sleep well for the next 2-3 hrs? have asked my parents to come over but they initially said they also busy (getting the house ready for a guest tomoro), but when i told them hb is at office, they said they'll come over later. so that's why i'm spouting my life story out here
in between company...

the pants brand is SKEYNDOR. susi said expressions selling for 399.
worth it to invest the money??? $298 leh ha ha a bit not bear to part with the money but if it works miracles then no harm trying hor....Must use the shaping foam also ah...maybe i should buy ah to regain my hips...how long have to wear each day? and then hor wear this no need to wear shorts? go out cna wear???
bubble meaning wat???

light red staining on and off could be due to womb still healing. Cuz i went gynae check yesterday and gynae told me cuz he did pap smear for me even though i have light stanining and told me it's womb healing so no cause for alarm. So no worries for you too
Nothing is magical lah. Jus go do exercise is most practical solution to our "fat" lah!

I witness my yoga teacher, age of 40+, 3 kids. Perfect figures... but u will say she practise everyday. But 1 of my classmate, age of late 50, look like 40+, good figure also hor... practise yoga for more than 10 yrs.

Of course, beside doing yoga, we can do clutches, swim...

I will start next week when my girl start going to nanny's place for half a day... hehe... looking forward. I have came out with things to do for the coming weeks till end of my Maternity leaves. (MUST get back to "normal" b4 go back to work, both mentally n physically. Else colleagues will say I like Ah Soh) Including work... else will be "blank" when back to office.
I am also lucky to get a good nanny for my girl. But I didn't bring her to see tat nanny leh... dunno they got "yuan" or not haha!
Why I say good leh, bcos after talking to her n her sisters (3 nannies under same roof), find tat she is not the traditional housewife jus look after kids. But with the heart for children, love kids... also with knowledge to train bb's habit. She insisted cannot carry bb to sleep nor use yaolan (but jus pat them to sleep), must call bb by their names (so that they know their own name next time), with daily schedules (but not leave them alone, eat n sleep)...etc
Hope my bb will be well "trained" under them! hehe! Then I will be xin lang liao!
Thanks for the advise!
Heng ah! Today my girl poo liao! Quite alot!
Both myself n HB so happy, else we will bring her to PD liao!
But hor, my girl previously on 2X FM a day, she poo on alternate day one... (hehe, I save alot of $ ah). This round I think not normal loh.
Hmm... can it be due to I change FM from Enfa to Mamex? I jus switch 2 days ago. Cos Mamex was FOC from my gynae n cheaper in long run.
hi every1
post late again cos my boy 1 month today... received 5 k of red packet (he is richer than me)
my boy colic prob improved when he used the colic drop. he only wakes up for milk then sleep bk again
bulma, thanks for all e sms advices.
Siew Leng, my cousin baby on full BM but poo some x once every 6 days she say normal leh...
hmmm drink more water la
Good lor since you've found a nanny. Hey, can check. What do we need to supply the nanny? My nanny request for bb cot for bb to sleep and the other necessities i.e. bottles, streliser etc. So this weekend, me and hubby going to shop for these as we only have one set only. Do you need to do the same?

Have you read TODAY newspaper today? A sad news of bb who passed away at Singapore Expo. I really sympathise the parents. I hope they will be alright
I am not sure of Mamex leh. I gave away to my friend who fed her bb Mamex. Both my kids are on Enfalac A+ since bb and they don't hv poo problem so I just stick to it. It is not advisable to switch FM if bb is drinking one product well.

It would be better if u can give water in between feeds.

Sorry to ask agn. Where did u attend the yoga class? How much u pay? Hv u heard of inneryoga @ cityhall?
i didnt read TODAY lei.. how come the bb pass away? wat happen? how old is the bb?

u gg to register the course w fei yue?

no prob lah we all here share and encourage one another one lah hope yr boy gets better n better... then both mummy and bb dun nd suffer

bubbles lor.. hmm i dunno how to explain... lk sudenly will hv a bubble pop out of the vaginal lk dat... dunno wat's dat. forget to ask gyn on tues. 28 mar gg see gyn again then i ask hehe

i m a bad mummy. dun hv separation anxiety one. last nite i leave my boy sleep in my mum's hse while i go home. i also no fl anything. somemore stil v happy do mask and do tis do dat hahahaha then morn wk up stil wish i could leave bb there every day and nite how nice hahahhaa but cant lah my hb will scold me meh... he last nite separation anxiety haha he keep say dunno wat is jarren doin now? dunno tis dunno dat.. aiyo buay tahan him.. then tis morn early early wanna faster go my mum's hse to see jarren liao.. while i dilly dally drag myself then he keep push me and ask me faster lah =p
oooh what happened to the bb? How come pass away in expo?? due to?? never read TODAY newspaper leh...

so you were the one who PM me ah hee hee :p alright have rpelied you liaoz...if you keen let me know k..by the way the design is bear print...

yah i know takes time but then cnanot fit into my jeans and all very demoralising one leh
yoga and all me not keen in exercise leh...swimming i also not very good only like to soak in water...

i also leh...i abit lah hee hee i love ethan alot but don't have separation anxiety leh...hee hee that day left him in mum's hosue for half a day while i go movie with hubby hee hee and shopped for a while. I think have to learn to let go and have couple time lah...holding on to close ah...not healthy lah....think this way in the end your partner be the one who complete life's journey with you so dun be super attached to our children but must be close to our partner
i read the new. the baby had cario failure. The mother was breaset feeding him when he suddenly stopped suckling and turned pale. Then she called for help and a nurse responded and tried to resucitate while the others called ambulance. Then the ambulance arrived and wanted to send the bay to nearby changi hospital but the barrier at expo was stucked and a 5 min journey become 10-15. Baby pronounced dead on arrival. he was only 1 mth old leh :'(
sad isn't it. I believe the bb was delivered in Feb too since the bb just one month old. The mother must be very devastated.
My nanny only asked me to bring clothings (abt 4sets), hankie (6pcs), towel (1), bottle (1 big for milk, 1 small for water), milk powder, diaper, bb wipe, nappy cream, bb bath/shapmpoo, Ru yi oil, lotion, pillow (if using), photo-copy of birth cert (in case need to see doc, she will bring)

Ya, I give water between, b4 feeds. Now she can drink more water liao, not like previously dun like... Heng ah!

My yoga class is at Elias CC, cheap cheap one with all the ah soh, cost me abt $60 for 10 lessons. Near my place, so more motivated to go... dun need to travel so far away. But at CC one, the pace is abit slow lah, I think is good.

I attended one at studio one, bery xiong leh, they thought we super can bend here n there. Ask us to follow the instructor's position. In the end, I pain pain here n there after the lesson.

My teacher teaches at many CC, she is patient n good leh. She will explain the purpose of different position. I follow her whenever she goes (with her more than 3 yrs liao), I was from the other CC follow her to Elias CC one.

inneryoga @ cityhall, heard of the name only, dunno they service. TrueYoga, so of us here went for the trial b4... u can ask them, my friend told me bery dao dun entertain her when she jus want to see see only.

I learn Hatha Yoga

Ya I think I will attend module4, interested with communication with bb through signing.U also? U got discount or not? (hehe, under your co. one)
Oh dear.... Can imagine the parents grieving for their son..... He didn't get to see the world yet... Feel sorry for the parents.....
Hatha yoga tat I learnt is the most basis/ slowest one, jus physical exercise. I haven't so chim yet lah, will not wan to learn the spiritual one...

Btw, the other time, I went to this resort in Indonesia, also teach us Hatha Yoga, so hor it is very easy to pick up.

But if u wan to sweat it out n slim faster got to choose Power Yoga... hahaha... bery xiong oh
hi all
Why we need to pap smear test ah?

I opposite leh, after birth, my HB n I like tag team leh... we help each other as much as possible... of course alot of diff in styles n ways of handling the bb, wo kan bo shu yan lah... but jus close 1 eye loh. Jus rememeber, men cannot multi-tasks like women... n they r not so detailed (in general lah).
My ex-colleague (a man) also reminded me, after married, cannot be loh soh to your HB... so hor, I see anything not to my std, I jus say once n full stop. So hor, no chance to argue liao...
pap smear to make sure we don't have any "illness" at the v area after delivery i think.... Don't know i did mine liaoz on wedneday...gynae say do do lor hee hee :p i also agree we shouldn't nag to our hubby hor if not very soon they fins us old yellow face hag ha ha :p but sometimes very hard to control hor hee hee :p
Claire/ Ivory
can go to www.skeyndor.com to search for information under body and then choose slimming shorts for the pros of slimming shorts and how to effectviely use it
so that we can put our money to good use
anyone know where to get firming cream? what's recommended??? i think other than wearing the slimming pants i also have to apply firmming cream if not tummy wobbly leh hee hee....though edfinitely much better after massage hee hee but still wobbly abit..
Black eye liao....ethan sleeping since 9pm till now 12.30pm. His feeding time should be 1030pm but it seems he is sleeping away. Hee Hee i am on night shift. So hubby sleeping now and me awake waiting for ethan to wake up for his milk.
siewlng, i also say once only and full stop then if he nx round stil same, i will just keep quiet and then do everything myself. he knows i m tis type of person. not loh soh one. my hb is v nice one lei loving hb and daddy but when he tired or things just didnt go the way he want, he can b v stubborn even tho he not right. so when he again and again lk dat, i will just br bb to sleep study room and wont let him touch bb at all til he willing to compromise or change.

our biggest prob was he dun wk up middle of nite to help feed bb cos he wanna sleep. i v tired also nd rest mah day time tk care nite time also tk care. everyday sleep less than 5 hrs. i really appreciate it if he could help to do 1 feed in middle of nite even tho not everyday but on days when he nx day work later shift on nx day not working lor. recently he change much better (got help to tk care bb 1x in middle of nite) after few incidents of i dun let him touch bb for few days cos he alway dun help to tk care bb at night and ignoring him and asking bb call him "uncle" instead of "daddy".

etelle, u can go and zzz also mah ethan wk up then u wk up to feed him lor... i also lk dat.. else how to tahan? i everyday also day and nite shift lei my hb suka good mood will wk up feed once else he will just sleep.

i so far hvnt apply any firming gel. jialut i sooooooooo lazy... dun wan wear slimming pants, lazy exercise, lazy apply cream... lk dat i how to lose weight..sob sob...
Nanny said she got rocker but dun use... bb will sleep on their bed, n 1 nanny will jaga, so dun need cot. Dun need sterliser, they will boil water.
Best is no extra $ when take solid food. Cos they will cook 1 big pot of porridge for all kids
Is it those stiff elastic (material like those Triumph tummy tuckers) abdominal girdle with hooks at the back? How much you buy from Khatijah?

RE: Slimming pants
recently saw an ad the papers about this slimming pants, buy one get one free at $39 (I think). available at Watsons and/or Guardian, and some other places...sorry, me din really pay much attention to details. dunno if good or not, you gals can check it out!
so sad abt the SIDS bb. Think his mother will sure kenna from her ILs/family members for bringing the bb out b4 1mth. U know lah, the elders will talk abt cannot bring bb out b4 1mth. The Sp Expo also, lift 1 barrier also take so long.

My boy can sleep thru the night liao leh. Unless i wake him up, he'll sleep like a pig. Maybe u should train your boy to sleep thru the night esp since he's on FM. I gave my boy 6 feeds of 120ml each time (once he only take half) and then leave him to sleep thru. But i bu gan sin, brought him to my bed at 4am to sleep with me (while he's sleeping). Hehe.

Maybe u can get your hb to do the last feed while u go and sleep first lor.

THat's what I do. My hb takes the last feed, then i go and sleep first and do night duty.
RE: Slimming pants
Amendment to my earlier post.

Finally found it in last Sat's papers....dunno if it's useful for post natal slimming?

California Beauty Slim 'n Lift Silhouette by Kenqo
Promo 2 pairs (1 nude and 1 black at same size)for $79. Available at Seiyu Bugis Junction, Watsons selected stores and OG.
my hb alway say ask me feed the last feed of the nite then he go sleep first since i nd to pump milk.... then he will wk up the middle of nite feed but who knows middle of nite he alway dun wk up lor.. so angry but now he ok liao will try to wk up middle of nite as agree liao

my bb sm days can sleep fr 12am+ til 5am+ then good lor but sm nite he will wk up every 2 hrs... dunno why lei i alr slowly training him since few wks bk

yr boy drk so little only 6 feeds of 120ml a day.. my boy 8-9feeds of 120ml a day lei

Gd that he zi dong wake up now.

It's what written on the formula tin leh. You mean you don't follow it? Anyway, we're supposed to add 10ml to his feed every week to catch up on his weight. So next week will give him 130ml per feed.

ya it's elastic 1 but not very stiff lah, the 1st one was given free n if u need a smaller size in future can buy from her at $10.


So envy, ur boi can sleep through the nite, my boi will wake up automatically at 7plus everyday then will fuss till 9plus or 10plus then zzz throughout this time have to carry him hais....dunno how to tahan and nite time wake up twice for feeds. luckily this few nites hb ard can help me or i will breakdown liao...
I read abt the history of Yoga, like very spiritual kind, scared not very appropriate for me, I m a Christian leh.... I am contemplating pilates or Yoga, not keen on Aerobics, I scared I lao liao, cannot follow the steps.
I also Christian. I only take yoga as exercise.
Pilates more xiong, need equipment to do wan. Yoga can practise at home or when go oversea trip wu liao time can do.
Same here, aerobics, i scare cannot follow...
Really ah? I am staying in Bedok area, know where got good yoga ard here?
You can remove the mittens if your bb doesn't rub the face kind. My boi v impatient, bathe him yesterday got 1 scratch liao on the face. They are at the stage where they will use hands to feel things, some books say keeping mittens on will hinder their gross motor skills. Sometimes u may even find them staring and studying their hands. U must remember to keep his nails short all the time. As for booties, keep them on for a while esp at night when he sleeps.
My girl seldom rub face... I cut her nails liao n apply J&J bb oil. Can or not? wat happen if she eat?
Bedok got many CC leh can logon the PA web to check
<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
I also share your sentiments leh. Recently also have cold war with hubby becos everytime he says he wanna wake up in the middle of the nite to help me, in the end, also didn't. I got really fed up with him. Yes, even though he has to work the next day, but still, can get up to tend to baby while i go kitchen to warm up the milk right. Yet, he will sleep like a pig, don't know pretend not to hear or really so sound asleep till cannot hear. I also have to pump milk before i sleep at about 11+pm, yet sometimes my bb dun get up to drink milk till later. By then, he wld have been sound asleep. I get really fed up. At times like this, I will ask myself why on earth I bear him 2 kids :p

Also, my older son is very sticky to me, will ask for me and not my hubby. So 2 kids also need me, I very buay tahan at times.

U are staying at Punggol right? Can meet up and go Punggol Plaza leh. :p Last Thurs, I brot my gal there to Northern Hope clinic to see the PD cos she had stuff nose. Wah.. didnt know it's such a "posh" clinic, it's a specialist medical centre. Anyway, the PD is really nice!!! So gentle and keeps saying "Sayang sayang". He is a Malay. I may go to him next time if baby is sick.

Can give me the no. for the clinic, me staying in punggol too n wan to find a gd pd for my son in future n he's turning 1mth soon need to bring him for his vaccine so need to chk out the price 1st.
