(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Sally Cinnamon,
I mean total in 1 day, not in 1 pump.

I also hand expressed in the 1st week when I had bleeding nipple. Now most of the time, I used medela electric pump followed by hand expressed to get out all the milk. Be careful not to squeeze too hard as your breasts will be bruised.


I brought my bb to PD for jab yesterday. He said my boi v gassy, potential colic, so must chk teats(not too slow n fast) and diet.
Wow! That's very good supply hor! So you dun latch on? So each time got average 220ml...
My mum made this fish soup with payaya for me. It is supposed to increase the milk production. Anyone interested in the recipe? So far, I ok with it. But I don't think got sig improvement. Strangely, I think drinking chicken essence in the morning helps. (I hate chicken essence but my mum force me to drink 1 every morning. I noticed that on 2 days which I didn't take it, the expressed vol decreased.) So you can try that too.

Wah, Kudo to Sunshinekid! Do you store you bm in bottles or bags? I got a box of avent bags. but it got quite a few leaking bags. Very heartache to see the milk leaking for the bags, have to transfer them quickly into another bag and esp when the bags are not cheap too!
my confinement also voer liaoz. ON sunday i also ate the catered food leh but selectively lah cuz mil still said some stuff cnanot eat heehee..even my favourite or ni (yam paste) also cannot eat. Sigh. Haha...never mind lah. I also want to drink plain water but i scared ah wait now drink still will water retention leh...after confinement can drink liaoz ah sure???

I pumped again today worse leh ha ha only alittle like 2-3ml hee hee and my nipple sore liaoz. Later will try pump again and see how ha ha pain pain leh..hee hee
hi yong jin foong
really ah...drinking essence of chicken helps ah...Mmmm i did drink leh but that time din pay attention to milk supply. Maybe i down one later and then go and pump see the effect hee hee :p
hi etelle, i'm here. not easy to follow the discussion la.. so many topics...
btw, red date drink helps to boost ss.

btw mommies, my bb ger is into her 4th week. i think she's quite a small bb and eater.
her birth weight is 3.2kg n now she's reaching 4kg. also, if bottle-feed ebm, she takes only 2.5 oz ~3 hrly. giver her more cannot finish. dunno like that will she grow well or not...
Hi All,
Just wondering if you guys got the free Dumex milk powder. If anyone of you not giving your bb Mamex gold 1, can pass to me? Thanks!
The pd said that I can only resume breastfeeding when my bb recovers from her jaundice. Even then, I have to supplement it with formula milk, not full breastmilk. So would appreciate if you can pass me the milk powder that you don't need. THanks!

Estelle, you want to try the fish soup? I don't think it's very difficult to make.
keropi - y u stop bfd when bb has jaundice? i bfd my son thru out lei tho his jaundice lvl higher than norm. now my dd also jaundice on the high side but no one tell me to stop bfd.
Hi Sunshinekid,
i all along pump 4x a day but when i try to increase teh frequently the MS never increase so end up give up still pump 4x a day. I think i need to supply FM to my boy liao he is a big eater. 1 day pump 4x manage to get 1 litre of breastmilk but still not enough for my boy. Sigh..I am not able to lactch my boy cos he will suck till bleed his gum too strong liao. So i never latch him on just pump loh.

Hi Wendy,
my boy drink 3.5 oz every 2 hrly. Every time he will finish and sometimes like not enough so might need to increase again. That why 1 litre of milk also not enough.

My MIL keep telling me to give formula.
Hi wendy,
when bb jaundice is high the doc will ask to stop giving bm cos so substance in the bm will cause bb jaundice to go up.
i thot bm helps to bring jaundice level down not up??

my god, i think i'm going to explode liao. just now, aunt was saying tt she thinks bb likes fm more than bm, n i'm thinking like of course! whenever she's hungry, u juz make fm for her and she can guzzle it all up easily thru the bottle. if she latch on, need to work harder, so take a longer time. now, I latch bb on for 10 min, she'll suck then zzz. aunt ask she finish liao issit, then hint hint to take her away. 10 min of course not finish yet lah! my ms also not tt high, so after 45 min she wake up, then feed fm. thinking to myself i'm not sending my bb to her place when i go back to work if she's such a pro-fm person. now ms starting to stabilise at abt 200ml a day, but the rate aunt is going, think ms is going to stop. can't stand it! when confinement over, i'm so not bringing her over anymore. i sound terrible...keke

day 2 of massage, not as bad, but the tummy area there still v painful during massage. then so funny, susi burp during massage, n she say tt it's bcoz she's expelling the wind from my body.

my session is in the morning, so time a bit tight, esp if gotta eat n feed bb, tho the way things are going, probably dun have to feed liao as time goes by. still can't get over tt, so pissed off at aunt. anyway, tomorrow morning will remove and shower before she comes or else hold her up for the next person a bit paiseh. anyone here did massage with aircon? today switched it on and so much more comfortable, but not sure if it's ok tho susi said she's fine with it. she's really a v nice person
I did my massage with the aircon on as well, Nisah said it's fine. I also read from the Body Wellness website that massaging in an aircon room is ok.

PD only told me that my bb's janudice may take up to 2 months to recover completely if i am breastfeeding but he din tell me to stop. He says as long as bb's body is not yellow, face only... it's ok, not serious.
I tried the method u mentioned for the past 1 mth.. but my MS still so low.. the max is onli 80ml.. very frustrating and tired leh..

thanks for the no..
i tried using hand to express my BM but a few drop comes out onli.. very pathetic.. using pump the milk flow out faster but after 5 min, the MS slow dwn and gradually there's no more milk coming out frm the milk ducts.. den my breasts feel so soft as if i have empty my BM.. I going for my pap smear 2 weeks later, so if my MS still so low maybe can ask my gynae for some pills to increase my BM..
i paid my massage lady the 3x that she came.. actually b4 i delivered i called to book her, she say she will collect the whole sum of $ at the end of the sessions.. so i ask her hw many times shd i do.. she say i nid 6 sessions.. who's noes after the 3rd sessions she suddenly demand me to pay her the 3 sessions, so i paid her.. after tat she say she will come the following wk but nv turned up.. i called and sms her no reply...
so nw my body still aching, and my tummy still look like i'm 5 mths pregnant.. but i heard my relative say Nirvana spa and massage is gd.. so i hesitating to try but gt budget leh..
<font color="aa00aa">Claire</font>,
I also did the massage with aircon. Susi said aircon is better than fan. Mine is a ceiling fan.

<font color="aa00aa">sunshinekid</font>
The powder is called MILDERMA prickly heat dusting powder. Not all medical halls carry this powder. Both my kids have been using this powder since birth and they don't have any nappy rashes at all.
my bb has a lot of phlegm, anyone has the same problem? can be very heartpain to hear her breathe sometimes coz of her phlegm. have been giving her more water, but doesnt seem to be having much of an effect.

have u girls started to take birds nest? some ppl gave birds nest n my mom is asking me to take coz gd for lungs n since i'm bf, bb will also benefit. any idea?
Hi gals,

It has been a long time since I log in. No internet access at my MIL's place lah.

Regarding feeds:
I latch my boy every 1.5-2hrs for the 1st 3 weeks. Subsequently, I supplemented 2 feeds with FM coz' too tiring (hubby help to feed). My boy is quite a big eater. Even on FM (avg abt 100ml), he'll want to be fed again within 2hrs. He likes small, frequent feedings.

Initially, was afraid my BM not enough for him. But was assured he's thriving as he'd gained 1.8kg within 1st mth (4.4kg at 1 mth old).

Here's a recent pic of him:


Realized that most of u give ur bb EBM. I find it quite troublesome, having to pump, store, then thaw. Prefer to latch him, although it's kinda tiring.
susi is a nice person she burped a few times during massage with me. I daren't ask her ha ha find it awkward. And i also on air con during massage but then susi still perspire leh think she used alot of strength lah hor...

slowly follow through lor hee hee sometimes missed reading a few postings also never mind one...

it's been real long time since we last hear from you..hee hee u still can hold your boy's neck when u burp him ah mine ah so chubby hor eveyrtime hold to burp is like squashing his cheeks ha ha
Sorry guess summer has answered your question. Yes. i paid Nisah $300 for 7 session and top up $100 for another 3 session (meaning $400 for 10 session). I have extended another 7 session with nisah... completed 11 session liao and saving another 3 session for stress period.. .he he he.

My hubby has been feeding me essence of chicken since i deliver. I have been drinking Brands till now... also clearing stock as friends/relatives gave me lots of Brands' Chicken esessnce. Yeah, may be it does help to increase milk supply

bb ger
haven't tried the sarong sling yet? I need a bag of rice for trial first..

My bb also doesn't sleep on her own. But right after feeding i will put her down and do my work till she cry for her sleepy pacifier...My problem with my bb is she wants to latch on before she sleeps. She usually fall asleep after 2-5 minutes...If i don't let her, she will be weaning till i let her latch on. Nevertheless, it is my easy way to make her sleep. But it will be a problem for me when i start work, so i may have to opt for a pacifier. Although i don't like the idea of pacifier... any advice?

I am a working mum. I will start work after 2 &amp; half month of maternity leave. Saving 2 weeks for future use. Scheduled to recommence work by mid April. So i have to start training my bb already lor.

Last night my bb slept from 9.40pm up to 5pm.... she has been gradually sleep more and more during night time. So i only have to wake up once to feed her. I really hope she will sleep through the now by next month leh.
my bb likes to spit out leh. does any mummies here have the same problem? I am not sure if she is too full or she doesn't burp enough. sometimes, i have to burp her some many times to make sure that she doesn't spit out? any advice?

I think you have to determine is it she need to latch on before sleep or she wants to be carried. If she wants to latch on, then try the pacifier, but she might not like it. My boi sucks the pacifier until very upset because nothing comes out.kekeke...Try lah, if not, you r going back to work, how to be human pacifier on demand...
Very good leh, so fast bb can sleep for such a long stretch, mine still wakes up every 3 hr, like alarm clock hahaa

bbs regurgitates milk for various reasons. Maybe, u overfeed her? How much is she taking? Another reason is wind in the stomach, check to see whether her stomach sounds hollow or hard. You can apply Ru yi oil for her to get the wind out. Just my 2 cents worth.
hi, i am Koli, new and jus join the forum. hope to meet some mummies here and get some strength in taking care of my 3.5 wks old boy.
i gave birth on Valentine's day. unprepared C sec cos umbilical cord was around Noel's neck.was wondering whether is it normal for 3.5 wks boy to drink 60ml of FM every 2 hours? i tried to stretch his time to 3 hrs in the daytime but night time he gets hungry easily. My PD asked me to feed 90ml when he was 3 wks old but he became colicky, farts a lot and poo after every feed. He will "push" so much that his face turn very red and breathless. this makes me very worried. got to know that Yu Guo medical do massage for infant. brought him there. he feels better after massage but he has to go again today. at times i am really frighten to even look at my boy.(luckily i have my mum around to help)
does anyone have very cranky babies? my boy don like to sleep on the cot. he wants to be carried all the time... please advice
Hi gals,

Today got Isetan Private Sale (only today). If you like to buy Avent, pigeon etc... all got 20% + 3-10% more... So don't miss only today 9am -10pm... BB rocking chair fisherprice $129 today $55 only...
Hi venus ,

My bb also like that... I went to c doc n doc ask me to monitor my bb... If bb contiune to spit or vomite more than 5-10ML after feeding or 1hr later got to go for Ultrasound stomach.
I try feeding her half then burp 1 time n contiune feed then burp 1 more time ... She don't not spit or vomite anymore. Maybe you can try this...
Hope can help.
Hi sunshinekid,

I give all my BM to my dog liao ...hehe Bcos went to c my gynae on tusday, he don't advise me to keep BM for more then 2 days... So i just listen to him lor... But BB doc say can keep for 2months... Did you try to drink your BM , I drunk it last night , it taste like soya bean light..haha No wonder , my girl like to drink bcos a bit sweet... Now i give my girl fresh BM never store liao ... i can c she like it better.
Hi Claire,

Susi also told me air con better than fan.. It is ok to on air con for her cos she scared of heat... Either u on air con or u on the fan for her during massage as she needs to use alot of strength if not will perspire a lot.

Hi Selina,

I gave birth 2 days before u... I m feeding my boy 90-100ml every 3 hrs... So think ur 60ml every 2 hrs is abt there...

Hi gals,

Can advise wat is the diff between the 6 in 1 vaccination and the normal vaccination from polyclinic? which is better? If take 6-in 1 got to jab at 6 wks right but if go polyclinic jab at 4 wks isit? I v confused...
Hi Claire,

My son also a lot of phlegm since birth... Doc gave lidin nose drop for him but i seldom use cos my bb dun like... Thinking of seeing doc during the immuisation to see wat can be done.
Hi Ching Ching ,

My girl 17days old drinking 100ML liao ... Do you think you under feed your son??? Maybe you can ask your doc how much you need to feed by 3 weeks...
I seldom carry by girl n i also don't allow my maid to do so , bcos will spoil her if you keep carry... I only carry her when feeding . Everyday i just leave her on the bed n she just sleep n drink... When she cry i just use my hand to pack her then so sleep... If she cry loud with no reason, i will scold her n she listen then she will keep quite n look at me... I on music to smooth her down n massage her at home... this might help also...Hope can help u
hi mummies, just discovered this thread n feel so relieved that there r so many mummies like me!! i gave birth in early feb.

Baby came down with cough in the second week cos my whole family incl me kena cough. Initially keep using mask when near baby but until now dad n mum still coughing so oredi give up using masks.

Did not establish good ms cos veri bz n everyone coughing n baby doesnt latch on well. Now ms is so low that i feel like giving up...

Oso very stressed when baby keeps crying the whole day, especially when she poos. Many times the poo shoots after i wipe her anus..

Lim, i find it very hard not to carry her when she is wailing so loudly n her face is all red...dun dare to leave her crying more than 10 min

Also need advice on 5-in-1 &amp; 6-in-1. wanted to take 6-in-1 cos fewer injections bt the nurse told me 6-in-1 has higher risk of fever...so in dilemma now...pls advise which is better. thks
jappooh - 2 yrs ago my son's jaundice is so high that he needs to be warded for phototherapy. in fact the kk nurses keep asking me to bfd so that he'll poo n pee frequent n pass out the bilirubin (sp?) on n off we went to polyclinic n even refer to kk for routine jaundice lvl chk. all this while he's total bfd.
He's started to get cranky during the day now, me trying out everything... now trying out pacifier n it seems to work(CROSS MY FINGERS)....

I guess bb really noes when we r angry, everynite my boy will not sleep, try to get him to bed by 9pm but he will not sleep on his own, wans me to carry him... carry him liao saw him sleep so try to put him back in bed n he started to cry so i will tell him in very stern voice n he will sleep after tht...
venus - how r u training your bb to sleep thru the night? can share?

etelle - can share wat's the method to inc ms? me also need to store up for when i'm returning to work. thks.
The burps that Susi made is actually the wind in yr body lah. Hehehehe... because I ask her how come she has so many wind and kept burping when she massage me, and she told me she is actually taking out the wind from me....hahahahahha....

Yr aircon not cold??? I also on aircon for Susi during massage. Don't see any perspire on her leh....

Finally see u in forum. Yr boy has a sharp chin....
Hi babycutie,

>The burps that Susi made is actually the wind in yr body lah. Hehehehe... because I ask her how come she has so many wind and kept burping when she massage me, and she told me she is actually taking out the wind from me

This is just a joke right?
Hi Summer, Venus and ilim,

Thanks for your replies RE: Nisah &amp; Katijah.

Seems that both not doing exactly the same hor.....
Re: Jaundice

Was told by my sil tht if bb got jaundice, we can go to chinese medical hall n tell them bb got jaundice, they will get something for u, have to pound it n add into bb bathe water n no need to add soap. Need to bath a few times then bb jaundice will get better.

It's not a joke leh... Katijah told me the exact thing n she burp even more when massaging for my boy... hehehe... my boy got alot of wind in his stomach... always try to burp him after feed but v difficult leh... can burp him for half an hr, he still wun burp...hai.... wht to do??
Amanda, ya the dumex mamex gold got instruction but i tot give 150ml liek wowowow so much hehe so i only give 120ml lor cos i see my SIL's daughter now alr 10 months on TFM stil drinking only 130ml so i dun dare give til 150ml to jarren

but nowadays day x i give 120-130ml and at nite b4 he zzz, i give 150ml but usually he cant finish one lor
i used the sling twice already.. u still have to use ur arm to support the bb's head.. after a day of carrying my ger, i realised my shoulder as well as my arm are aching from carrying her.. so i tink if u wana use the sling, it's onli for a short while.. if u go out the whole day, it's better to use pram.. it's more relax for u..
Hi selina,
I oso have a cranky bb.. sometimes it's so difficult to get her to slp.. and same as ur bb need ppl to carry her around if nt she will cry n cry non-stop till her whole face so red.. i used pacifier to try to stop her from crying and i tink she's addicted to it coz every nite b4 she slp she nid me to pat her backside as well as suck her pacifier den she can slp.. sometimes in the middle of the nite she can wake up and cry for no reason.. thot she wan milk but end up drink 60ml and feel asleep.. she ended up being colicky, fart alot too.. my aunt say it's due to the wing in her stomach. gave her "jin(1) feng(1) san(3) to relieve her wind and it appear to be quite useful.. maybe u would wan to try.. can get it @ any chinese medical store..

bb pooing after every feed is very normal but jus dun let him get conspitated.. try to feed ur bb wif water an hr b4 each feed.. ur bb "pushing" his poo out maybe be a sign of conspitation.. Did u observe his stool?
i oso hesitating btw the 6-in-1 jab and the 5-in-1 jab.. i called up polyclinic and ask them wat is the difference and the nurse told me the onli difference is 6-in-1 jab is with hepatitis B.. so she advised me if bb gt hep B jab in the hospital after birth, den there is no nid for 6-in-1 jab as it tends to overdose the bb.. but when i called my GP and ask, he say it's ok for bb to tk 6-in-1 jab, but the bb must be 1 and a half mth old den can tk.. den i ask him will overdose the bb, he say no.. so i duno which 1 to believe.. 6-in-1 jab is indeed much better coz bb dun have to suffer the injections so many times..
hi fan, Lim and bb_ger,
thanks for the prompt reply.maybe i am too anxious. very "pek chek" if he cries so much and yet i cant help. (my hubby is not staying with me cos i am doing my confinement at my mum's place.) so every night, it's a torture cos lack of sleep as well as heartache to see him cry. i bought Jin Feng Shan too but i think he is too young to take as for now. my boy sucks pacifier too but he will spit out when he falls asleep.(very short sleep then wakes up again)
as for Colic, i brought him for massage again today, really effective. he is better in the daytime, i hope he will get better at night.

Lim, ur baby drinks so much huh? got burp not? i tried feeding him 90ml before but ended up vomitting all out, scary man...

bb_ger, the stool a bit wet and sticky but no mucous, dunno healthy not.

thanks all for the reply, pls keep in touch
Hi All

I checked with the pd and he said how much a baby should drink is according to the baby's weight. Over-feeding would result in the baby spitting up milk, though the baby may not know what is the meaning of full. So it's not according to the table in the FM can, but according to the weight of the baby. Can't remember how to count, it goes by per kg on how much milk they should take. Also, pd said not to give water.

Hi Sunshinekid, babycutie, jasmine

Does your elder kid shows signs of jealousy ? Mine does on and off, esp when I have to carry baby while I am playing with my elder one and she will then tell me she will go find the maid to play with.
Hi Feb Mummies,
I am looking for a massage lady after i give birth and wondering if anyone of u have used a massage lady that is good that you can recommend to me. Please help as i am very lost as there r so many massage ladies around and i hope not to pay $$ on someone who massage dun work coz the massage r rather expensive. Please advise. Thanks so much in advance.
ching ching - how old is your bb? my 1mo ger is drinking 2.5oz/70ml only. 3 hrly. give more she cannot finish.

lenny - how much milk a bb needs per day is bb's weight x 150 ml

eg. my ger is ~4kg, so she needs 4x150ml = 600ml milk per day. assuming 8 feeds per day - each feed is 600ml/8= 75ml

so, she's not underfed. but the bbs here all can drink alot more. r they all sleeping thru the night already?
btw, i'm bfd n bottlefeed ebm.
