(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hi All,
I have delivered on 17 Feb 06. Wanted to update earlier but was so busy and the other day when I finally got some time, the server got some problem and I couldn't post any message.
My gynae said my plancenta weakening so he burst my water bag at 1015am at gleneagles medical centre and I took a cab down to Mt A for delivery. At 11:30am, I am on drip and by 1pm, strong contraction already. I tahan until 3+pm.I wanted to do without eidural but the pain was just too much so I asked the nurce to measure my dilation before I decided if I want epi. But the nurse said 1hr ago, I was abt 3cm and refuse to measure me again and since this is my 1st delivery, it will take another 7hr. So I decided to take epi. But guess what, the moment the injected the epi, I felt the "crowning" already and when the nurse measure me, I already 9cm! I was so pissed off! Waste my money! Very fast, it went to 10cm and I started to push but becos my gynae not here yet, I had to "pause" to wait for him. tsk..tsk... finally, I delivered at 1729hr. I vomitted the moment the labor is over and was too sick to look at the baby.
Was on full breastfeed. My bb, Ashley got jaundice and was admitted for phototreatment on the 5th day. My breast was very engorgedso I went out and got an electric pump. I spent so much time expressing milk and massaging my breast to release the "trapped" milk. Collected over 200ml+! Very impressed myself! Hehe!
I usualy get about 100ml every 3hr. But my bb jaundice went up again so the pd asked me to stop breastfeeding for a wk for the level to go down.

My freezer already filled with my expressed milk so I giving my previous breastmilk to my dog. My mum not supportive of breastfeeding so it was quite difficult for me. Everyday, she will nag at me for spending time expressing my milk and not resting enough.
I really think confinement is worse than labor. Can't wait for it to be over. counting down to freedom day, i.e next fri.

Now my boi is a bit cranky also. He starts to cry and cry and wants to be carried and seem alittle difficult to pacfiy. It takes a while to pacify him to sleep. My mother was suggesting i used yao lan leh. And alot of elders are also asking me to use. I am contemplating to use for a couple of reasons:
1. My boy likes to sleep on one side and i scared his face will be imbalance
2. His head is very sharp and hoping to round it
3. His cranky nowdays and takes a long while to pacify. According to elders sleeping in yao lan he can sleep longer.

I was thinking even if he get used to it also alright cuz we normally bring him to in alws house, mother's house and our own home. Even if go shopping or what also wun take a long time so should be fine.....

I have long given him but then he doesn't really like it spit it out when he's done with it.

Breast Milk
I express one day once and sometimes 2 days once and sometimes 3 days once and the milk still remains at 10-20ml per express. Don't know leh lazy to pump . Sigh. But very pressurised leh, eveyrwhere u go sure got people ask you whether got breastfeed or not...want to say no also difficult but i partial still alright lah...

Wednesday would be the last day my mum is with me. I got to brace up and take over liaoz. Hope all those mummies who are single handlely taking care one will give me some support hee hee :p
Hi keropi,

My bb also jaundice from birth till now
Today went for check up and blood , urine test for bb make sure she is alright. Lucky her liver & kidney all ok...
Did you doc ask bb go for this test.. My doc ask me not to stop BF ,bcos is very good for new born BB... I only need to sun her more now.

Hi gals,
I so long never update liao... very busy with my girl... Fully taking care of her day & night... very tried... Too 'LOVE' her till 'bu sir teh' give my maid take care....hehe
Confinement really very sian agreed with KEROPI is worse than labour...haha
I start to bath normal heater now hehe cannot tahan the heat liao ...

My freezer filled with my expressed milk , anyone like to have it for your bb ..if you don't mind... Bcos i also dun noe what to do with so much milk ..hehe
<font color="ff0000">Lim</font>
The frozen bm can be kept for 3 mths leh, so who knows, you can still give it to your gal when ur ss drops next time.. Just a suggestion.

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Hi, long time no hear from u. So u are busy with Ethan huh. Aiyo.. he is also one difficult bb is it? My gal is only difficult at nite.. day time super angel. At nite will refuse to sleep till like 12midnite, damn sian, we can't do anything. If only she sleeps at the same time as my older son at 9pm, wahhh.. then shiok for me liao, can shake legs. :p

Regarding yao lan, try to use it as the last resort lor. Those who use it really think it's "Magic", cos my fren told me she put her dotter inside and then yao 3 times.. the bb slept liao.. Hahah.. Magic right? I am sure you can handle your boy lah.. Good luck!

If got bm, feed lor.. if dun have, dun give yourself the pressure too. We are born without bm, but look at us, we are doing fine, arent we?

Gals, anyone ordered from Kyo Cake House or Choz? I still havent decide where to order from. :p
<font color="0000ff">Lim</font>
If no one wants to take your bm hor.. you can use it to wash your face, like how Zoe Tay suggested.. but I find her very hao lian :p
Hi babycutie, sunshinekid

How are yuo coping with 2 kids now ? I find it difficult to strike a balance at times .. when I am expressing my milk, my eldest gal would ask me to read a story. Furthermore she has caught a flu. I dun let them sleep in the same room.
Saw someone recommend Katijah in another thread but din know that she's Nisah's sis ah.......Nisah more experienced lor........ Venus and Ah May used Nisah. When your sis due? I've not decided on my massage lady yet. Am deciding between Nisah, Susi or maybe Katijah 'cos their charges are reasonable. My EDD in mid Apr.

My sis due in july... my sis deciding leh cos nisah got 15yrs experience mah but on the othe hand katijah package v attractive.

anyway do nisah do bb massage cos katijah did n my total package was 350 for 7days plus 2 days bb massage, jamu(to drink)n a girdle...
me have not spoken to Nisah yet, but Venus posted she paid $300 for 7 days (can top up $100 for another 3 days). Maybe Venus can answer....Venus, you there? I'm also waiting for AhMay's reply on her opinion on Susi and Nisah, since she has tried both of them. But seems that AhMay is really busy with her twins, have not seen her log in.
Re : cranky bb and yao lan
my boy very cranky since many weeks ago i stil refuse to give yao lan.... i try not to even thk of it though many pple ard me all ask me to introduce yao lan to my boy... i scare will hv difficulty get him off the habit... also if he used to yao lan then sleep then if br him out, we will also hv prob get him to sleep

Re : Kyo cake house
i ordered fr kyo for my boy's "man yue" ... i like the sponge cake and the nuo mi fan v nice... ang ku kueh my mum they all also say nice but i dun eat ang ku kueh so i dunno
<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
Thanks for the info that you got from BFSG. Very useful.
Okay, so Kyo is nice ah. Do they do delivery for you or u got to pick it up?

<font color="aa00aa">Lenny</font>
My boy goes to childcare for half a day in the morning and he will be at my mum's plc till evening, then will come back to my house. It is very tiring when the older one wants ur attention while u are attending to the baby. Just got to be very patient to explain to them, and also get other members in the family to help out.

For my son, he always comes and disturb me when I am expressing milk, feeding baby etc. He will be very cranky when he does not get my attention. No choice, got to get maid or hubby to distract him, till I am done with the chores on hand. Be very careful abt the older child's feelings too. Don't brush him/her off or use an irritating voice to talk to them, or else they will think that "my mummy don't love me anymore".

My son can be very disturbing at times, for eg, when I am expressing milk, he will want to come into the room. If I lock the door, he will bang till the roof falls. :p And he will want to help me to pump milk too!

One thing, my son will get my 100% attention at nite, before he sleeps, because that is our quality time spent together reading books and having pillow-talk. I will not want to change this routine. He will come and hug me and want me to read to him, pat him to sleep. I am still doing that, then in this way, he will think that he is still special in mummy's eyes, and not feel abandoned now that mei mei is here.

I have heard from pple that when 2 kids are crying, always attend to the older one first becos they have got feelings. You won't want them to feel neglected. Get someone else to attend to the baby instead.
i used choz. I bought 4 different packages. The lovely duet, angel face, wonders of life and economy pack. Their packaging is nice and it's tasty too the cakes the glutinuous rice and the ang ku kueh hee hee
I also ordered chocolates form one jyo for colleagues ha ha...so nice leh hee hee the packaging lah...

I am trying not to think of yao lan but if really cannot i also bo bianz ha ha have to use lor hee hee. Bulma i not that determined as you leh or maybe i am just a lazy mum who doesn't persevere...

ur breast milk alot ah ha ha ...my son pathetically got little only i try to pump a bit lor and let him at least have some lor...but also lazy leh....can share one meh BM?? hee hee

My mother leaving liaoz leh...scared scared leh....
Indeed its not easy to manage 2 kids, wait till u hv 3! The 2 older ones will quarrel or fight, then they will come to u to complain when u r feeding the baby or pumping milk. I hv no time to rest as i hv to coach my P2 girl in her sch work n fetch my K2 boy for golf lesson n help him with homework n spelling....Its really stressful tho I hv a maid, some things u still need to attend to it personally.

thx, will try ro find out more from venus... seems tht nisah package quite reasonable too.


Can check wif u, wht r the things tht r included in nisah's package?
I have tried ur method of storing my BM until it reaches the amount my ger drinks. But the problem is i dun have enuf bottles to store the different time of expression of my BM.. and each time onli can manage to pump around 10-20ml.. my ger drinking 100ml of FM, so i believe that 100ml of FM is nt equal to 100ml of BM rite? she has to drink more than 100ml of BM to be full. If that the case, den i have to store all the BM for about a week b4 can mix them together for jus 1 feed.. pathetic leh.. another problem is that sometimes after pumping out my BM, the nxt round i cant express anything out liao.. so 1 day sometimes onli have 20ml..

I thinking of trying fenugreek but i tink i oso allegic to pollen.. hw about the nursing teas frm Mons in Mind? have u try that? me order a trial pack.. hopefully can help me increase my BM..

ya.. i same as u.. i 1 week never pump out my BM breasts still soft soft 1.. no sign of engorgement.. breasts feel the same.. no leakage of BM as well.. but press my nipples still have some milk.. even notice that my breasts have shrink to the pre-pregnancy size..

anyone using clarins 'tonic body treatment oil'? it states that can help prevent SM during pregnancy but wat abt the SM that remain on our body after birth? Can the oil reduces that as well? I very stress by the ugly sight of the SM on my tummy and buttocks now.. hoping to find a product that is reali useful for removing those ugly lines..
can i have katijah/nisah no? my massage lady never turn up for the 4th session no matter how i contact her.. she like suddenly MIA.. so i have to stop my massage after the 3rd session.. have called susie before but she charge per session is $75.. abit ex for me..
but one tink is tat my confinement ending in anoter 4 more days.. after confinement still can do the massage anot?
hehe...so long no come in liao...finally tomolo my end of confinement.... Phew!!

Breastfeeding: hehe i only manage to bf my gal like 2-3weeks like tat then give up liao...too tired for me...and think too long no latch her then she also refusin liao... my milk supply also super low... max is 40ml only..then 2 days no pump breast very tender and no engorgement..so give up bf..will be goin back to wired bra soon..hehe

Cranky baby: my gal sleeps on both playpen and yao lan...nite time will sleep at playpen but day time sleep yao lan..she no need to rock one..not necessary sleep yao lan will haf to rock..cause yao lan is like u huggin her mah..so will fall asleep very fast and she will sleep till feedin time then wake up for both..only at time she wake up a while then sleep again..dun make it a habit to rock her then she wun wan to get rocked often liao..i also encounter sleepless nite, whole nite..her eyes will open soooo big and will make those fussy sounds..carry also cannot lie down also dun wan then in the end gotta carry her and walk ard then she song song close her eyes...

Pacificer: i tried to give her but she will keep turnin her head left and right and rejet it.. then at times she will take but wun take for long..

etelle: My Xinru same as ur Ethan.. sleep on one side..she like to sleep on her right..then my auntie say flat flat liao..u tried to get him those pillow that has a circle hole so he wun keep turning to one side...i tried tat and it helps a lot..as for pointed head rite,stroke his head in circular motion..tat helps too..

BBcutie: if frequent change nappy or pampers wun get rashes at buttock lor..hehe now tryin to put my gal on cotton nappy liao..but she urines a lot leh... within 1/2 an hour her nappy 75% wet le...
<font color="ff0000">BB_ger</font>
If you are afraid that Fenugreek has pollen, there is another product called Nettle which is suppose to increase breast milk too. This can be purchasee from GNC, think not very expensive. But frankly, we all have to express a minimum no. of times a day before we can see an increase in bm leh.. Cannot 1 day once, or 2 days once...
thanks for ur info.. will go check out Nettle.. My BM is no matter how many days i express oso the same amount.. so cant reali see much of the increase..

can't stand you! so qing song can get 400ml per day! On good days, I can only get 100ml per day!


You not latching and only pump once or skipping days, no wonder lah... Bulma also had to latch on to get her kind of supply leh.

Recently, no matter how long I latch, my boy will still be hungry.
Latch for a few hrs until finally give FM. Poor boy, must be starving. Then he started crying at my breasts too. Cry, suck, cry, suck like torturing him to latch him on. But give him breasts, he still take it... Today, e finally went to sleep just now withouht FM. He hasn't been able to do that for a while liao...

My boy 2mths liao, don't think he's even 4kg.
Hello gals,

Long time nvr chat, very bo eng with my gal..Finally, confinemt over liao...

My gal at times quite cranky esp when she wana poo, her loud crying voice like thunder man!!! During nite time, she nvr sleep on yao lan, let her sleep on playpen or bed lor. As for pacifier, she oni sucks awhile but most of the time she rejects.

Bulma, so envy!! still got 400ML...me so cham, oni 20-30ML nia, gave up breastfeeding since 3rd wk of confinemt. Breasts so far no engorgemt at all..and no more supply liao.

Mashy, u sure caeden weighs less than 4kg??? cannot be lah. My gal went PD ydae to get her Hep injection, she weighs 4.2kg and 55cm at 5 wks old.
i heard ah even throughout the day u pumped alot of times and milk supply same u still have to cont'd cuz it will trick your body into believing u need more milk and then supply will come leh. That's what i heard lah...

yeah lor only pumped once a day and i expect 100ml..if i cn pump just enough for one feed i be super happy leh hee hee :p

your confinement over ah...for me hor..we all fe only 28 days ah then in the end our confinement also 28 days nia right hee hee :p are you going to totally break free form confinement or u still probably sticking to it??? like the food to eat, can drink plain water....

i think maybe you estimate wrongly caeden's weight. My boy at 15 days weigh 4.23kg and then i think he should be 4.5kg now...

Katijah's no 98001394, as for nisah i dun haf her no. have to check wif venus. anyway if u going to call katijah, jus says irene from punggol pass u her no.

You must latch on then have supply... Now i need to pump every 2-3hr. 2 breast around 250ML. I don't noe can share a not but i give some to my sis daughter to drink also... Some ppls don't mind

My confinemt ends on last sunday (based on lunar calendar), can go out liao but then my mum insisted me to eat confinemt food till 40th day.

I am from April thread. Anyone knows what TMC provides for bb upon discharge? I do not know if I have to pack mittens, booties, shirt or things like that. Can anyone advise?

Is there also complimentary parking coupon for hubby?
Etelle, hi, I am fm Mar thread. Read dat u ordered Choz. I used them for my wedding. Happy wif the quality &amp; service. Is their glutinous rice &amp; ang ku kueh really nice? Thinking of using them for full month again.
Thanx for the feedback!
I think you need to be check how much is your ms. Dun let your bb latch all the time, as he will not have a good feed and he will be hungry all the time. Feed at least 1 1/2 hrs interval. If really you pump out not substantial for 1 feed, then gotta supplement liao. Dun be too hang up abt bm lah....
seems like after giving birth, the big topic is bf
well, susi came for 1st massage session today, and my aunt again fed my bb fm the entire day coz she said she dun want bb to accidentally take in any of the oil. i tell her susi never touch my chest, she also still feed bb fm. in the end, i just express out my bm n put in the fridge. pek chek man. can imagin that she'll be doing that for the next 9 sessions also.

tried out the medela mini electric today. less tiring than the isis, but dun feel as empty as manual. but bb still best. miss hugging her. whole day, i only held her once, n that was when she woke up abt 2 hrs after her fm feed n aunt saw i was awake so boh bian let me latch her on. wish the older generation wd be more encouraging of bf. even my mom, gran n fil all say she never eat enuff, must give fm...n tt's when she's sleepig after a feed! can't seem to understand that bf bbs sleep 2 hrs betw feeds is ok.

re: susi's massage
it's super painful! wah lau, when she did the back, i already halfway there liao, then do the front, i really want to cry. also, i had c sec so i thot my tummy would be spared, but she actually massaged on the area itself! really hope it gets better as the sessions go along. tomor must ask her if the scar will become 'caterpillar' or not with her kind of massage.she was saying must massage then will become not pain. also mentioned i have a lot of water-retention even after 3 wks, n asked me to try as far as poss nt to handle any water. btw, will she remove the binder when she comes the next day or i remove before she comes? then coz it's day after day, does it mean really no shower at all for 10 days? those with susi b4, pls advise?

our girls have the same name. my dad chose it for her. apparently it means happy and joyful person in chinese. well, she likes to smile to herself

i'll still have to makan cf fd til 40 days, but i think i'm going to drink my plain water once cf ends! tak boleh tahan already. can't wait for next fri when bb n i will be able to 'legally' step out of the house.

my bb sleeps yao lan during the day, then nite time, she sleeps on mattress. started off on the cot, then to make nursing easier, she now sleeps on the bed with me
have the same prob as some of u, she's more wakeful at nite than during the day. last nite, think she had a nightmare, woke up cryign v badly, but not wet, dirty or hungry. her dad soothed her for a little while, then she went back ot zzz.
Hi Sunshinekid, jasmine

Thanks. It's definitely not easy managing 2 kids, can't imagine 3 kids. My two year old has been acting up alot, turning the whole house upside down and in a mess.

I am extending my CL stay for another 2 weeks.

Hi bb ger

I bought more bottles and more sealing disc to store the BM in bottles and the sealing disc to cover. I have 2 sterilisers for 12 bottles.
I also had 20 ml in the first week, but gradually in the second week it improved, but not immediate. Have to drink more fluid, every hour would be best. haev you tried using your hands to squeeze milk instead of pump ? Apparently for me, hand expression works better and give me more BM at a shorter time.

re: the tonic oil, I used it during pregnancy, did have a little bit of SM appearing at 39 weeks and I was induced at passed 40 weeks. Afger the massage by Rohaya, I noticed that few SM disappeared. Her massage is very good and she's very professional and on time.

There are drugs (to be prescribed by doc) to increase BM, but should be used as a last resort.
Nisah's no is 97253602, she is doing my massage now... am into my 5th session alrdy. She charge $300 for 7 sessions or $400 for 10 sessions. So far so good. Did u pay your previous massage lady?

Hospital will dress your bb in their "I'm a Thomson Baby" top and receiving blanket plus mittens. No booties will be provided. Besides that, they will also provide you with a diaper bag with a lot of samples (including glucose, milk, nipple cream, breast pads, etc).

As for parking coupon, i guess if your hubby is staying overnight as a companion, they will provide 2 each day. Not complimentary, but $2 per entry. It's advisable to use it in the day coz the night parking there is by per entry ($3 i think). Hope the above info helps. Meanwhile, have a safe delivery.
Indeed taking care of 2 and more kids ain't easy.
We will be sending our girl to a half day child care soon. At least can occupy her morning and when she comes back in the afternoon, it will be her nap time.

Otherwise she will be running around the house and we cannot look upon her 24hrs.

What time is yr massage with Susi? Mine is usually around 3pm or 12pm. I will leave the bind on till the next day around 10am then remove it and had a quick shower with Da Feng Ai.

U can leave the bind on till 2/3hr before yr next massage (if u can tahan the bind). Take a quick shower to wash off the dried herbs she apply on your tummy before binding.

i think he's really less than 4kg. 2 weeks ago, he's only 3.15kg. He didn;t regain his birth wt at 4 weeks, only 2.75kg then.

He's dehydrated coz tried to feed him bm whole day and now giving more FM. How come so difficult?
Hi Summer,
does nisah do bb massage in the package? the binder given free or only free loan during the massage period? Did you drink/eat any jamu? Heard taste quite horrible.
Per per
i used choz and yes the glutinuous rice is nice and the ang gu kueh according to my family is nice too. So no qualms about using them

definitely painful one mah. Like Susi always says it is not she that gives the pain but it's becuz we have been pregnant for 9 mths and there are "problem" areas and so only after we deliver then we realised. I also endured 10 session of pain espcially the tummy. When she massaged i almost want to like slapped her hands off but i tahan hee hee.

so u be taking confinement food for 40 days ah. Me hor dun think so leh would be feasting liaoz ha ha i cannot tahan liaoz hee hee actually quite alright lah confinement food for me plainly is heaty lor other than that taste normal lah hee hee....

i didnt take anything. still have MS but very very little. think morning after shower sometimes got drip. but looks like my girl will be on total FM very soon. last time also tried to pump 3-4hrly hoping (like many said) the more frequent, the mroe MS but then still see so little so gave up. i more than one mth liao so i heard once MS decrease, cannot increase again so i think hopeless for me now.

wah bulma can go up to 400ml per day. so envious!

feza, can still try. but dont stress. and dont despair if cannot. jia you!
is the free binder given by Katijah the binder cloth used throughout your massage and after that you get to keep it? Does she also use lemon grass oil like Nisah? Nisah will loan her own binder cloth for the whole duration.

Hmmm....me wonder how old Nisah and Katijah are? If Nisah has 10 more years of experience, does that mean she's about 10 years older than Katijah? Dunno if Katijah has greater strength ('cos she's younger?)

What does your sis think? Does she participate in this forum as well?
no i din drink any jamu. when she do the binding for me, she din put any herbs as all... i think not that effective... so far only lose 1 inch off my waist. Also, becoz i had a c-section... the pressure she put on my tummy is light. The bind is on loan and last day have to use own bind. For my case, i bought a girdle while i was @ TMC... so am gonna use that.

The cloth binder is on loan but on top of tht she will give u another girdle to wear.. as for katijah's age, she's abt 40plus n she used to work in hospital but nv ask her much on tht. I find tht her strength is jus nice but she will apply more strength on ur tummy area lor.

She will used herbs to apply but i request her not to cos i got very bad rashes so she used olive oil instead n she will apply cellulite cream on ur tummy.

Nope, my i dun think my sis participate in the forum, she too busy, everytime have to work OT... n when she got time, she will rest.
<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
Hi, like wat Jasmine said, don't be too overly concern about feeding ur baby with BM lah. Ultimately, bb's health is most important. You have already tried ur best and if BM is not enough, it's really okay. It's better to feed FM rather than baby not growing on par right? *hugs* Yes, there is some medicine for increasing BM. YOu may want to ask your GP to write you a prescription, but this is only to be eaten on a short term basis. Alternatively, you may want to try something natural, like Nettle which is a herb. Can be bought from GNC.

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
When does ur confinement end? Today is it? We had our gal's full mth celebration last wkend, so officially, my confinement also ended. Hhaahha...if not, I won't be able to eat the buffet catered that day leh. I am sick, having cough and sorethroat and no voice. Think must be the heaty food + no plain water during this mth. Cannot tahan man!!!! Now I realise that water is still the best. Nothing can ever replace it.

Regarding Nappy rash:
My gal has those red red dots above her vaginal area, and also the buttock. Put Desitin Creamy oredi, but still no gd. How ah. I remember Babycutie recommended a powder? Can tell me more about it?

<font color="ff0000">Lenny</font>
I hope you are coping well with 2 kids. I sure can understand how u feel. My son will also sometimes makes me so frustrated, but hang in there. It's just a phase. Btw, I really salute you. How do you hand express so much bm out?? I can't do it. Milk will be spraying all over the place. Very wasted leh. Also, i have been massaging my breasts to enhance the flow. Now my both breasts are sort of bruised.
Hi mummies,

Any one on BF got idea abt wat we can n cannot eat? food like cabbage, beans even spicy food cause restlessness n gassy bbs. Now, v conscious abt my diet.....
Btw, how long do u bf on each side. I do min 15mins each, Izit long?
Hi Sunshinekid

I hold the avent bottle beneath my nipple and squeeze the aerola. Yes, sometimes the milk sprays out in diff directions and you roughly know where the ducts are , so hold the bottle tilted so that when it sprays, it will hit the rims of the bottle and fall back into the bottle :p

How much milk are you able to express out using the pump ? My breasts looked "scratched" from the hand expression that I did in the first week.

<font color="ff0000">Jasmine</font>

I am not really conscious about my diet, even though I should be.. hahaah.. As far as I know, no alcohol and raw foods. Other things, I am not sure. How long on each breast really depends. Some babies are very good at suckling thus 1 breast is enough to feed them, and they will be quite fast too, say, 10 mins. Some babies who are more sleepy can take a longer time, as long as 1 hr. This is what I cannot tahan, let the baby suckle as long as she wants (ideally). This means I cannot do anything at all!

<font color="ff0000">Lenny</font>

I am using the Avent Manual pump. My average is about 900ml now. Initially in order to establish milk supply, I pump 7 times a day. This is too tiring. Besides, I am due to return to work in early April. I won't be able to find time to pump 7 times a day. I reckon at most is 4 times. So now I am "training" my breasts to tahan without feeling too engorged by reducing to only 4 times.
