(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

hi wendy, my boy is 3.5 weeks old. wah... 75 ml enough huh? today i tried 90 ml... he managed to finish... went to buy sarong sling, learning how to use... hope it's useful.
hi Summer, my PD, Dr Yeo from Kidz clinic at Glens told me, even baby is FM feed, no need to give water. i dun believe. i think it's better to give unless you are BFg. BF has more water content so no need water.
Bulma, if u r feeding about 8 feeds a day, according to my PD she said it's ok? quite confusing hor? dunno whether correct amount or not. too little worry they cant grow well, too much scare over weight... haiz...
Hi Lenny,

Yes, my 2 older ones complained now mummy got no time for them already. Its really difficult to juggle all the 3.....me seems to be having signs of post natal blues.....
the massage getting better, but tummy area there still too painful. she's pushing the uterus back into place? anyway, she's pushing something n it's really difficult for both her n myself, wonder if other moms make as many faces during massage
sometimes try to control also difficult, wonder if labour pain feels like tt? no wonder susi say someone joke n say put epi first then massage can or not

I think if bb is on any fm, need to give water coz fm is thicker than bm. scared bb get constipated. anyway, the older generation always say must givve more water, gd for bb. since they giving her fm, then ok la, give water.

My girl still dun understand yet so its still ok. Just that recently she wanted to be carried more frequently. She can't express herself verbally yet.

My boy gets cranky too leh. He's not able to sleep more than 3 hrs without waking up & crying for milk. I've to feed him every 1.5-2 hrs.

I find that he doesn't really sleep very well. He'll make a lot of grunting noises, stretches a lot a lot. After drinking milk, if he does that, he'll regurgitate milk out, esp if he's being fed fm.

I give him 2-3 fm feeds a day, rest all direct latch or EBM. He demands to be fed abt 12 times a day & he drinks on the avg 95ml. So means he drinks abt 1140ml a day!!!


How do u make ur gal sleep thru huh? How much r u feeding per 4-5hrly tat can last thru?? It's really very tiring having to wake up every 2hrs. By the time I finish feeding him, put him to bed, clean up (if bottle feed), I can only catch abt an hr of sleep. Very siong leh. Do share some tips leh.

Regarding the massage, anyone has contact for baby massages?? If it really helps in making him sleep better, I would like to try it out.
the person who said must put epidural first then can massage is Bulma ha ha ha :p Yeah it's painful and i always make funny faces also ha ha twitching my face here and there think susi used to these hysterical experssions liaoz ha ha

i thought susi everytime come my house before that ate alot so burped so loud didn't know it's expelling wind. Amazing hor...like sucking the wind from our body and releasing it through her burp...hee hee my air con strong but i dun dare on too strong cuz that time i on cold cold then when she doing the bind for me i was shivering from head to toe....and she said i am gng to fall sick liaoz so i tune in down lower just cooling lor....

The milk tin also got record like how much is the weight then the amount to feed leh. I followed the weight guide but ignore the age cuz my bb is heavier at birth mah so cannot follow the age one... Ooh thought they said FM not water one???

most of the mummies here are using Susi and we find her very good and friendly and really doing her job. Must get the right masseur if not anyhow push wait uterus end up in the wrong place. U can contact Susi at 90072875. Her package is $500 for 10 session + 2 free hot masks.
ur baby really drinks a lot of milk leh. please take note. my baby got stomach upset when i fed him with 90 ml of milk from last thursday onwards. symptoms= struggling when drinking milk, stretch till face very red while drinking, appear breathless while drinking,cant burp as well as regurgitate a lot or vomit up all the milk. at the end of the feed, he still cries a lot. if ur baby appear above symptoms please take note.
Fan and bb_ger
think the 6-in-1 and 5-in-1 jabs ah i also not so sure. But i opting for the 6-in-1 jab cuz ah lesser visits to clinics and fewer jabs
But i don't know if i want to opt for chicken pox and hep a leh... it's differnt cost. Think if i opt for all jabs ah at my pd there is $710 (after discount) expensive or not ah?
Today first night handle baby mum went back liaoz. Baby very cooperative sleep soundly but poor me couldn't sleep stress.....sigh.Is air con 27 degree alright for baby ah? I let him wear long sleeve and long pants then he like hot leh.

Me oso on aircon at 27 degree but nv let bb wear long pants n long sleeve, i jus wrap him n cover him wif blanket but he oso kick his blanket away... tink he feel too warm wif the blanket on... hehehee
Hi Etelle

Two diff pds told me the same thing - dun give water. FM also contain 90% water, breastmilk contains more water.

Hi Selina

Wehn the baby regurgitates milk, you may want to cut down on the milk intake as the pd told me that the stomach is still not mature and when baby takes in too much, baby will spit out or regurgitate the excess. My gal was drinking 120ml becayuse when we fed her 90ml, she kept crying for more, and I noticed she will regurgitate a while later and brought her to the PD. PD said that the amt of milk should be according to the weight of my baby. At 2 weeks old, my gal weighs 4.1 kg, and pd said gie about 90ml is sufficient. Adding water is adding bulk to it, occupying space in their small tummy area.
Hi Jasmine

How old are your 2 elder ones ? Can they play together ? My gal is 2.5 years old, and yesterday someone delivered baby's gift to us, and she wanted it. I know she's showing signs of posessiveness from her actions and words, i hope this is a passing phase that she will get adjusted to.

Hi babycutie

How old is your gal now ? It's hard to strike a balance, or to look after two together at the same time.
selina, ya i also scare my son overweight cos i see his "shuang xia ba" v serious lk dat haha

i also trying out the sarong sling i borrowed from fren. my son sm x ok sm x simply dun wan... but i realise it's not totally hands free hor... when sling bb, we stil nd a hand to support his head throughout. can also b quite sng... i fl if go out walk awhile use the sling ok but if gg out longer x then pram is stil better

claire, ya the one who say must put epi or even GA then massage is ME hehe so painful mah i cant tk it.. i also mk a lot of monkey faces whenever she massage HAHAHA

etelle, 27 degree ok ah.. i also on 26/27degree during day time and my boy wear sleeveless and shorts.

Re : blocked nose
does u all babies have blocked nose huh esppppppp when drinking milk? is this normal?

Re : bb fair @ expo
anyone gg?
bbcutie, jayden so cute...he seem to be enjoying his bath but my jarren dun enjoy... nowadays seldom cry when pom pom liao but must quick quick lor else he will bu nai fan and cry again
Hi Bulma

Just now I called the breastfeeding mothers support hotline and the lady who answered the phone told me better not. Am confused, cos one of my friends called perviously and was told that it's ok to perm and color but must wait 3 hrs to passed before giving BM . So when I asked the lady again, she said she will have to check with the others.

I am in coming to 3rd week of confinement , guess it's ok to go perm and color ya ?

Hi babycutie

How old is baby jayden now ? Looks like he enjoys bath time
Hi Bulma

RE: blocked nose, you can try using a cotton bud to clean the nostrils, esp the sides of the nostrils that may have trapped mucus in there. There's a thing for clearing mucus too that you can get from kiddy palace, under a few brands such as pigeon, baby 1st etc. looks like a bulb where u squueze. If it's really bad, the pd can prescribed a nose drop for nasal congestion.
i think ethan also has blocked nose. I can see sticky mucus in his nose but like stick on to his nose difficult to take out leh. Can just leave it alone???

ethan also got double chin liaoz....ha ha..Mmmm ethan do spit out milk also leh...but then if i give him only 90ml he sure not enough one...now i feed him about 120-130 sometimes he can finish sometimes cannot. Then when he spit out alittle bit lah not 10ml so much maybe 5ml or less...but not all the time ..
Hi Etelle

The sticky mucus could be because of the sput out of the milk. Use the cotton bud and roll it in the inside of his nostrils, esp the sides, to clear it, should be able to clear some of it.
You can also use a normal cotton pad and twist it and roll it in the nostril to clear it.
Hi Lenny,

My 2 older ones are 6 and 8 yr old. They quarrel very frequently and are at the age where they defy your instructions, so its difficult to bw shouting at them and the bb is crying at the same time.....
Its normal for your daughter to be jealous, just spend some quality time each day alone with her, think she will pass this phase in no time.

Are u attending City Harvest ?

Re : milk intake

I checked with 2 PDs and they say 90ml every 2-3hrs is more than enuf for my 5 wks old boi. Besides, his birth wgt has jumped fr 2.8 - 4.3kg, so I am pretty happy. I think each bb is different, so if he is thriving well without spitting too much milk out or appears hungry after feeding, its ok lor.
hey mommies,
r u still having discharge/lochia?
i still have this SLIGHT brownish discharge every now n then. not totally clear. it's been more than 2 weeks. very troublesome n have to keep a pantyliner on else gotta wash panty.
why huh?
Hi ilim thanks. will try that out. just read this online. use a cotton ball to wipe the area with mixture a teaspoon of baking soda with a cup of water. hopefully it will go away. they look aweful.
Hi Jasmine

I am attending FCBC. Does your kids get along well with your maid ? Can your maid help out ?

Hi Wendy

For my first delivery, the lochia lasted 50+ days including the brown discharge till it's cleared... it will turn yellowish in the end. Dun worry it's normal
thks all for the replies.
cos for my 1st delivery e'thing cleared up by 4th weeks. my period has always been light pre-preg n i was total bfd. so i thought it shd b faster.
the brown discharge that i'm having now seems to go on n on la tho vv light, n i'm also total bfd!
anyway, will wait n see.
wau.. the price of the injection like very expensove leh.. the polyclinic quote me the 5-in-1 jab onli like $294.70.. the GP at my hse there for 6-in-1 is like $110 per injections and total there is 3 injections so total is onli abt $300 plus.. hw cum urs so expensive? does it include other injection as well?
Hi gals,

Anyone encounter lochia finished then 1 wk later..1st menses came??
My lochia finished at 3rd wk of confinemt then 1 wk later, menses came...anyone experiences this?
My flow as compared to pre-preg...is much heavier.
i tink ur boy stool is the healthy kind of stool.. u gt feed ur boy BM? if have, den the stool will be more watery than normal but it's ok, dun nid to wori coz BM contains alot of fluids.. my mum gave my ger jin feng san when she is around 2-3 weeks old.. a teeny weeny bit will do.. i tink it reali does help her to expel all the wind inside her coz she fart alot after eating the jin feng san..
jas: i tink i same as u leh... my lochia went away after 3 weeks like tat then got like few days of clear days then today find out tat my menses came leh....

bb ger: hehe thank u... everyone say tat too.. when they compare my bb photo w xinru, they say zap out one... hehe.... Shayna's hair like mygal one like tat leh... infront not much but bedind like a lot... Xinru's hair at the back very long liao... :p
talkin abt the jab thingy.. i let my pd do all the injections for Xinru... cost a little more than Polyclinics... cant remember exactly how much liao le...
Hi Jas

According to what I read, the menses will come around 5th or 6th week postpartum. If you're on total bfg, it will prob be delayed.
