(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB


i would choose the 1145-0245 cos my boy is a late sleeper and usually he can dun nap during that time.

Actually i enrol Elvin to Apple Tree for that timing. but b4 the start of class i withdraw him cos decide to send him to cc. Now in cc is whole day so he took his nap in school as well.


From my experience in enrolling my boy in school, the morn session is very popular & snapped up very quickly. It's the afternoon session that will usually have spots left after registration. Some kids do change from morning to afternoon after the 1st week coz they can't wake up. But it's easier to change this way than for afternoon to change to morning.

If your boy doesn't need to take afternoon nap, by all means go for afternoon session. My boy must sleep in the afternoon, so I enrol him for the morning session.

So if you're going for morning session, u can start looking for schools already coz some of the registration starts in March. Better find out when are the registration dates and u can quickly go and put down his name.
i will choose 830-1130am. what time ethan wake up daily? if he wake up early then morning session better.
1145-245pm one like need to feed lunch so early. then clash with nap time.
actually i already register him in the church kindergarten but the principal told me that she can take me in now if i opt for afternoon session. And when the registration close for those exisiting students and church members and got slot she will give me priority to move to the morning lor.

Then i come home and think think think whetehr want AM or PM le.

Ethan wakes up at about 830am each day and sleeps at 10pm. So if morning then we opt for transport think he by 730am has to wait for bus le..

where as for PM hor i also scared he feels lethargis cuz his nap time is usually around 3pm....Hmmm...

dilemma le...
i will chose 0830-1130am cos i feel the noon time kids may get lethargic and hungry... and usually kids energy gets lower as time of the day pass. My personal opinion

go for morning. My boy also wakes up at 830am in the morning if i don't ka chiao him. I also had to drag him out of bed for morning class. But at least I know he'll be full of energy when he goes to school rather than feel tired in the afternoon.

All the principals prefer pp register for afternoon coz it's usually empty. Whether she'll remember to move u to morning or not, that's another thing. There'll definitely be slots for morning if u are the first few there. I don't think it'll be so full unless they have only 1 class.
they have 2 classes in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. I think i am the first few cuz registration to public only starts on the 24th. I will have to call her and check with her and ask her to move me to mornign slot lor.

I also think maybe morning is better cuz that timing he is more alert and full of energy but comes to late noon eh probably be restless and want to Zzzz le...

think just hav to train him to wake up early..
can train de. wake up at 7am is not too early. jh wake up at 615am lor. she sleep at 10pm sometimes too....manageable..
like us, she oni get to sleep late over weekend so weekend we dun ka jiao her wake up...let her sleep till she happy.
wow JH wakes up at 615am ah...haha okie okie so manageable one la..i scared ethan wake him up too early wait he make a fuss or wait he put on a struggle with me...haha i try one of these days....but that also means no more late sleeping for me :'( lazy sahm hor..
I prefer the 8.30-11.30am slot as they are very fresh in the early morning to absorb everything in sch. Just nice after school come back, take lunch and nap. Train ethan to sleep early like 8pm+ so he can wake up early. As long as 1 day he sleeps around 10-11hrs, should be alright. After kids sleep le, u can have time for yourself and hb. ya, but no more sleeping late for you.
Hi Smiley


I'm thinking of sending my kid there but feel that the pricing is abit too expensive compared to others. Not sure about the quality too as it is one of the franchise of CAmbridge Child Dev centre... Also whether is it worth switching cos I'm worried that my kid having prob in re-adjusting the environment. The current CC which my kid is located have dengue cases last year and tends to get lots of insect bites at the end of the day ...
hi atch,
hmm...as admiral hill is newly set up so in some ways still need improvements. the teachers there are friendlier than the previous cc my gal attend. management more approachable too. so far my gal no prob in adjusting to this cc...v smooth transition. and also she love to go school. as for the teaching wise, i think cant compare with montessori method which is individual base. in cambridge every kid in the class learn together and at the same pace and speed even u slower or faster. got pros and cons. in semb not much gd cc ard. i must admit admiral hill fee is a bit steep as compare with other cc but for N1 class, gym class is inclusive and for N2 class, gym & swimming class is inclusive. save time for working mums like me.

so far, no regrets in transfering my gal there even though the fees more steep and the location more out of the way.

i can only say it really depends on what you want for your kid. if u have VERY HIGH expectation in their teaching then u may want to consider... but if you want your kid to be happy in school then should be fine. They have different outdoor activities daily... eg.. strolling in the garden seeing the peacocks, frogs, rabbits... tricycle/car riding, waterplay, sandplay and PE session. There's no TV there also.
Hi Smiley,

Nice to hear that your girl is adapting so well in the new enviroment. I agreed that there isn't many gd cc arnd Sembawang nor woodlands ...

The current cc which my kid is attending also have gym and monthly outing and yet at a lower fee...
I must say that they are pretty gd for my expection just that the enviro got lots of mosquito and insects bites which worries me..... So far does your girl got any mosquito or insect bites from sch since the plc is pretty ulu and sourrounded by greenery.

BTW, did you notice that there are quite a number of foreigner from china seem to be staying there ... not sure the club rented out the plc as hostel as well ????
hi everyone,
long time no log in.i gave birth to my girl on 14th Feb morning. she will be celebrating her bd with gor gor from next year onwards.
my wound is very raw and painful
hope to get over the confinement soon
congrats koli!

Wow, valentine's kid! Next time very ex for her to celebrate her birthday in a restaurant. hahah. Your boy also Valentine's kid ah?
wah, so qiao, both of them born on Valentines ;) GOng xi! Next year their birthday will be double ang pao, falls during CNY.

Your wound? U mean you had csec or referring to episiotomy?
hi claire
C sect wound. very painful. my pain threshold not very good. my girl is a 37 weeker.doc decided to take her out earlier cos of my contraction.so happen last sat was V day, gynae made it special for us and Noel. he is so happy to se his mei mei. keep kissing her non stop.
but i am suffering from baby blues. i keep crying everyday. My mum takes care of N so i think i miss him so much cos i see him everyday, suddenly the schedule got disrupted, so not used to it.
anyway, going back to work again cos expense getting higher..
ya next yr no celebrating cos its 1st day CNY.noone will come lah
hi koli
hang in there, ok? If Noel understands that he needs to behave more gently around you and mei mei, then maybe he can stay at home with you? But with your mum around to jaga, if she's willing. As for the csec wound, did your gynae give you painkillers? If cannot tahan, just take them coz it does help. Binder will also help a lot. Try and take it easy since got csec. Jia you!
hi koli
congrats! what's meimei's name?

i was told walking helps a lot in wound recovery and i personally think it does. but do walk with a binder on, helps to support the wound. don't worry, confinement would be over soon. Noel don't have to be away from you everyday. You can have mum bring him over on certain days of the week and he can have some time with mei mei too. I used to have my older one with me on alt days during my confinement. Stay happy, you need to produce HAPPY MILK! haha!
Seems that feb 06 mummies are all geared up to send kiddos to N1. i still worry whether Noel can cope not so sending him next year instead.(N2)
in N2, they will distribute readers back and more focus to get them ready for K1. anyway i dun have enough manpower to carry out mission for me.

Thanks mummies for the encouragement.

wound still pain but i will persevere.
ask gynae to ligate for me he don want to. now i got to wait for 6 months to get it done cos my mum wants my wound to heal.
dun get it done, very fast number 3 will come. my crazy hubby lost his mind after his stroke. wants 3 kids yet cant take care.

My girl's name is Nevaeh Sim (pronounced as Nuh Vay)

Now, i bring Noel's back only on fri to sleep with me. sat nite hubby will bring him to my mum's place cos i send him to Berries for enrichment on sun. After confinement, i will shift to my mum's place to stay from sun-thu then bring noel back on weekends. Mei mei will stay with grandma till she reaches 6th month. cant cope with 2.
2 years time, we were thinking of buying a 5 room flat, my parents sell theirs and stay with us so we can work better and they wun get disrupted. daddy can get to see them everyday also. thinking of renting out our place. one more kid, big headache.

Try not to let the 2 kids stay apart for too long, coz they won't grow close to each other this way.

I'm going to have #2 in July and I'm going to try to cope with 2. Not that i've any choice. But I guess coz I've no choice, so I will just have to try harder.
i agree with what u say. dun stay together they wun be close. that is y i m shifting to my mum's place while hubby think of a way to get a flat in 2 yrs time.
how r u coping with ur pregnancy?5 months very fast pass, very fast u will have 1 more member in the family. u scan alreadi?

tiring lor. like today, my boy decided to poo at his dismissal time. So I had to clean his butt in the toilet. So tiring to squat and now spotting already. sigh.

Yah, scanned, but still can't find out if boy or gal.
So have to wait 1 more month for detailed scan.
wah summer not bad leh so hope to hear gd news from u again hehehe....

thx koli.

we keep our fingers crossed ok hehehe...
ilim and mashy,
So envy..

Mine both boys but i also close shop liao.

I knw is boy when i am only 12wks preg. So no chance of having gal.
Hi Mummies,

Do you all know where I can get a lightweight stroller for travelling? I tried the Toys R Us one but my kids are too heavy for it.. Nw I headache over where to get it sia..

And can any1 spare me a checklist for going overseas ar? TKs!

I saw the bb hypermart store at kaki bukit selling lightweight strollers for $38 on sat. It's on the ground floor clearance section.
Hi everyone,

It has been a really long time since I last login. Life has been hectic with 2 kids (with NO maid!!). Had a really quick glance thru' the thread....seems like quite a few of you have 2nd one, or expecting 2nd one, & even have no. 3!!! Wow......so many changes....

My M&Ms are growing up fine. Marcus had a bad fall in cc. He broke his front tooth and had to undergo g.a to hv it extracted. He was so traumatised by the fall & the pain that he refused to eat or drink till doc had to put him on drip during the surgery. After that incident, he became withdrawn....hardly talk much & refuse his milk (drink other stuff except milk). He used to be a heavy milk drinker (like 8 bottles a day). Now hv to force him to drink every morning & night.

Lost quite a bit of wt then but now he's better (back to his 17.5kg wt).....activeness back to normal but not his usual milk intake. Still hv to force him to drink (like having to use the cane to threaten him). The sad thing is that he has to remain toothless till age 7 (may be earlier or later, it depends). Just hope no one makes fun of him.

As for my Megan, she's becoming very active. In fact, I'm surprised at how active she is. Used to think that gals r quieter but doesn't seem like it for my gal. She's a chilli padi!! Can be quite fierce at times. She's now 14 mths & weighing 10.5kg.

Will upload some pics for all of you to view another day. In the meantime, I hope I can come in here more oftern & catch up with you gals.
Hi Mashy,

Congrats on #2!!

He doesn't really take cheese. Didn't train him to eat cheese coz' it never occurred to me that he might not want to drink milk someday....milk was like his life...to the extent that we'd to dilute his milk as he's drinking too much (milk was like drugs to him then). He still drinks but after much persuasion or force (which I guess might not be good in long term).

Just hope he'll get over it soon & revert to his old self.

How r u? How's caeden?


Maybe try other stuff like mixing with milo or giving him fresh milk? Coz it might backfire if u keep forcing him.

It's like my boy when he refused his meds. When we don't force him, now he's happily taking them. Previously had to swaddle him (yes, like a baby) and force it down his throat.
Hi mashy,

Tks.. the stroller can take ur boy's wt? Any idea wat's the max weight for this? Does it have a canopy or can it recline?

Aiyo..duno nw stil gt promo anot hoh.. Taka baby fair coming..duno if they carry tat brand?

yes. but my boy quite light lah. He's only 12kg now. Not sure leh, maybe 18kg? Mine doesn't have canopy, i know others have but will have to pay a bit more. No, it can't recline, that's why it's light & cheap.

I also dunno, but i think u should be able to get it at that price this time if u look hard enough. We happened to see it in the newspaper ads. Maybe can go and see see at the taka fair?
hi tomatolander
poor boy, hope he gets over it soon. can be very heartache to see our kids become withdrawn. re stroller, i actually got my umbrella stroller from Toys'R'Us coz my girls are lightweight. Tiff only 12kg at 3yo! I know Mothercare has very good stroller and it can take the weight of a 7yo. I borrowed from my SIL when i went HK last year and i can see that it can take the weight of her 4YO and 7YO. But costly, about S$158 and pink in color.
