(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

wow yj clever lei.. can correct you somemore haha... so far i no introduce chines character's numbers haha cos jarren ang moh number still prob haha

Jarren can say 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 but when i ask him to count how many items, he dunno how. He has no patience to count. He will anyhow point and mouth rattle 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10... how to build his patience to COUNT item by item ah?

jappooh, jarren also always say 0 as letter O

I think yj imitate her teacher to 'correct' me lah... she ask me look at her mouth n she said the sound haha!

I oni knew tat YJ know chinese character's numbers when i saw her worksheet from CC... and asked her. I nvr intro her to chinese characters.

I am not sure she know 0 or not hehe... nvr 'test' her. But i am sure her CC got teach her, she sometimes can count 30s onwards also... depend on her mood... this quarter they going to teach her decimal place
hi jappooh
i bought the tix for airport express, took this train to Kowloon station. From there, take hotel transfer (bus) to Royal Plaza. The bus stops at various hotels, so you have to look out for Royal Plaza. It's best you check before you board the bus to make sure its the right one.
Hi mummies
thank you for your feedback. Cuz my son cannot le...haha think he cna recognise a few letters only and the phonetical sound also a few nia le...cham

Is he in school yet? Maybe u should consider pre-nursery if u haven't. Anyway he still has time since it's just pre-nursery period for him. C is in nursery already, so if he doesn't know, he'll have a more diff time in school.

My boy learned most of his alphabets & numbers from leapfrog. The rest are thru puzzle games we got for him and in school. He knows mainly the capital letters though & only abt 50% of small letters coz most of the stuff i got for him are for capital letters.
He just started Apple Tree playgroup this year. Is it cnsider pre nursery? Oooh Caeden is entering into formal school 1 year ahead of our kids right even though only 1 month's diff of age.

I also have the leapfrog CD but according to one mummy some of the sounds are pronounce wrongly though.

Dunno leh. Not sure how the Apple Tree playgroup system works. How long is it per day?

Is it? I went thru the DVD with my boy, i find ok ah.

Well, yesterday he played his Thomas alphabet game. It's a set of cards with cutouts for u to fill it with magnetic alphabets. I was surprised when he could read 'rain'. He went 'rrrr... rain'. But i think that's probably just one of the few words he recognised. Coz he can't read other words like bus.
Hi Etelle,

dun get too worry abt that. Elvin currently in childcare and is under the pre-nursery class. The school start to start them phonics and letters. (though Elvin already knw all). Cos the teacher did feedback to me that Elvin knw this liao and colours and shape as well. Most of the things he learn from DVD, Cd and for phonics he learn frm the leapfrog and i ue to send him to zoo phonics for few mths.

According to the teachers, alot of kids in the class dun knw phonics yet.

if i am not wrong Apple Tree will teach phonics also. I actually enroll Elvin to Apple Tree also but later withdraw and send him to cc instead cos end up decide not to get maid loh.

still spotting when i walk too much or after i poo.
I think i'll have to live with it till i give birth. As for gender still not confirmed. Only 12 weeks now. Altho gynae said likely girl, still hard to confirm lah since so early. Think will know at my next appt with her when i'm abt 15 weeks.

Altho C knows his alphabets, he's quite 'behind' in other things like fine motor skills and already kenna 'complained' by teacher. I think diff children learned diff things at a diff pace so don't stress lah. They'll pick it up eventually. Just expose them to these things and let them try and try again.

still spotting? Wat does it cos that? Wow will be nice to have a girl hor. So envy. I dun have any gal lei.. But intend to close shop liao. cant tahan. Recently my MIL complaint so much abt caring for my 2 boys.

I've a polyp.

yah, will be nice if get a gal.
I also cannot tahan boys. Too tiring. Even though my boy already considered not so hyper, he's still quite a handful.
hi mummies
can share which CC you send your kids to? any recommendations? I am planning to do w/o maid and send my girls to CC when my younger reach 18mos.

Any comments on:
(1) Cherie Hearts
(2) Learning Vision
(3) Carpe Diem
(4) Little Skool House?

Tiff is currently on 2 hour playgroup pregramme at SFX kindergarten.

ya i agree boys are more playful..Elvin is super addict to tv. Once hm the disney channel will be on till he sleep. And he like to colouring while watching tv. Very jialut..

Elvin now is at a CC at the hseing estate void deck call Sheffield Kidsworld.
Hi Summer,

yup currently he is on full day. He joined sept last yr (half day class for 2 mths in the toddler class), then covert to full day in nov last yr. This yr he is upgrade to pre-nursery class (N1). Currently i pay $250 mthly after govt subsidy.
YJ in MMI CC. Started from Feb 08, full days.
Currently i pay $609.95 (include GST, after govt subsidy). She jus upgraded to N1 this year.

Wat is Pre-nursey Vs Nursey diff? U meant PG against N?

some school use pre-nursery and nursery instead of N1 and N2.

Pre-nursery = N1
Nursery = N2
Playgroup = Toddler

I heard bad things abt the little skool hse at AMK hub & there's parents who transferred to kinderland yck after their bad experience. So just to let u know in case you're considering that branch.

yah, it's prenursery=n1 and nursery=n2. So C will be going K1 next yr.
hi jappooh
thanks for the info. $250 sounds good for full day.

hi siewlng
Which branch is YJ in? My colleague has good reviews on MMI YCK.

hi Mashy
I am considering little skool house at Thomson. How's Kinderland?
YJ CC in the east of SG hehe!
I read from other forum said MMI not all good de... same for kinderland, not all good...

ic, cos my fren told me her son in kinderland is only PG then nursey then kindergarden only

Well, all I can say is Kinderland pre-school prog is super ex. But the CC side should be better since there's subsidy.

C was in the kinderplay for 1 yr. Ok lah, it's alot on play and they also teach music, alphabets and numbers. They also use some montessori style stuff (according to my MIL when she went thru his portfolio). Overall rather satisfied with his progress there in terms of their curriculum.

One main thing i liked abt Kinderland YCK is that the classrooms are like in pri school (coz the compound was prev a pri sch). They have their indiv classrooms. No 2 classes are at the playground at the same time. So the kids don't mix very much with those from other classes which is good coz viruses spread faster when they mix together.

The thing i don't like is the amt of mosquitoes there. Coz it's surrounded by pte estates, a lot of mosquitoes. Everyday have to apply insect repellent.
Agree, different centres have different standards.

hi mashy
if it's alot of mosquitoes, it's a definite no-no for me. Mosquitoes super love my girls and each time they got bitten, it would result in big hard lumps with pus. You're right, i went to their website and saw that their pre-school courses are more than $1k for a term!

Mosquitoes also love my boy. Also always end up with big lumps and pus.
Now he's already wearing a lot of 'medals'. Wonder if it's coz the mosquitoes nowadays are super 'poisonous'.

Yah, their pre-school is so ex. I'm only paying close to $500 per term now. Half the price.

And some ks parents can send their kids for english kindy class in the morning followed by chinese kindy class in the afternoon! Poor kids.

no, 3hrs daily at paya lebar methodist. It's a kindy, not cc. No subsidy unlike childcare, so will be abit more ex. But never mind, dun wanna put him in childcare again. I seriously think his growth is affected coz of him getting sick in infant care last time. He stopped growing much for a long time before he was 1yr old and i think it's bad for him. That's the time when he should be growing the most. Now he's so small size. So unless your kids are the very strong type, don't put in CC lah. I think most kids are except C. Maybe coz he's a premature boy, so quite sickly and the virus kept attacking his lungs. Now that he goes just 3hrs daily, he's not as sick as before and he recovers faster. But once a while will still catch a superbug lah.

So even though i think childcare is good to teach him a lot of things, i will prefer to keep him at home. Just 3hrs a day is good enough.

BTW, if you're going to send your kids to CC, remember to give all vacc incl chicken pox and flu. Coz they really can catch a lot of germs there.
i think it's still fine for you to put C in 3 hrs nursery class as you are a SAHM. I also dun like the idea of CC but i may need to explore this possibility soon when my maid returns and my mum can't cope with too many kids. Will play by ear.

actually it's not too bad when they go sch. even for 3hrs leh. Coz they'll go from 8am to 11am. Then come home lunch. After lunch, go nap. My boy naps for 3hrs, so by the time he wakes up, it's abt 4pm already. Really waste money if send to CC too. haha. If your kids can take 1 long nap like C, maybe can do that too. Just pack them onto a school bus. One thing is, once they start school, they'll get very tired and will sleep more easily. :p
wah, C can sleep for 3 hours plus his 3 hrs in school... that would also mean you have a lot of spare time to do your own things? Tiff takes long nap at home but not at ah ma's house, too much distraction.
hi all
do u know where can I get Imagination Movers, Dibo, Bunny Town, n Banana DVD/ VCDs?

Now these r yj favor liao... faint... all wu li tou kind... she will laff n laff while watching
aiyo all these characters r from Disney channel... showed at odd hours de... so yj didn't get to watch when she is back from CC, except Dibo... but she suddenly will ask for them... She watched them when she was sick n stay at home in the afternoon or wat
xr also hooked on playhouse disney, that's all she wants to watch now. Even my fil boh bian, when she's home, he has to sacrifice his EPL until she falls asleep. Actually, i prefer mickey clubhouse n winnie the pooh, but they also have these other programmes mixed in. At least non-violent and pretty educational.
Now yj sian abt Mickey Clubhouse n Winnie the pooh le... still watch but not so concentrate as those i mentioned le...
Every evening is YJ TV time loh... we didn't got to watch our own shows haiz... we told her must switch off by 9.30pm, and only allow to on at 8pm

C is on mickeymouse clubhouse now. His interest kept changing. Last mth was little einsteins. Watched non-stop. Previously was crazy over winnie the pooh.

I don't subscribe to starhub, so we just borrow from the library. Once it expires, that's it, no more for him.
that's good. xr gets quite a lot of leeway from my fil, so if hb or i dun drag her into the room to sleep (usually because we're sleeping already), she can watch till midnight

i'm getting quite worried because she seems to be getting addicted. At least she's still interested in colouring and reading, but once the tv is on, she's generally glued.

elvin also keep coughing after he went cc. Now still having running nose. Recently always dun wan to take his meals and wan to eat sweets.

all those cartoon my boy love it and he can sing all the songs. Once he is hm from cc (6pm) he is glued to it till 10 or 11pm. All of us cant switch to other channel liao.

actually dunno how to teach him cos MIL have diff standard.. Today like that tmr anyway.. Sigh
we will ask yj is Pooh Bear the last one, while she watching it... she will blur blur n say yes yes yes... at 9.30pm, we say time to off le... she will make some noise, then we reminded her jus now she said yes yes yes de... mus keep her promise... then we pass her the remote control to off TV... when she did tat, we praise her haha!

After tat, she took abt 1hour struggling b4 actually sleep... in CC, she oni got to nap 1.5hours nia... so we wonder does she got enough sleep each day... she normally wake up at 7.20am

YJ also addicted to TV de, if she at home whole day, she will request for it. So we breakdown into 3x a day... morn after breakfast, 1.5 to 2hours, then afternoon maybe awhile before or after her bath (normally we dun switch on for her tis time)... then evening time another 1.5 to 2hours. Heng is she enjoy reading n coloring... so once awhile we give her new books or coloring paper to read/ color to distract her from TV... some days, my hb will bring her to corridor to play bubbles or water the plant or wash the corridor or bring her out bicycle around neighborhood
xr fell off my bed early this morning abt 430am and fell onto the parquet floor. Feel so guilty coz usually i'll put her on the mattress on the flr to sleep but last night fell asleep with her, so forgot. Thought that such accidents won't happen anymore now that they're older, but still happening. Thankfully there's no bump or bruise, but it was so loud, my maid woke up from her room to see what'd happened
daytime yj is in CC (full day). Evening n weekend my hb n I take care loh... no backup.

Ya, think will close shop... can't afford the time n effort... this year I will be travelling to China frequently. Each trip will last abt 2-3weeks. Actually my job required freq travelling, my boss prefer us to station at tat country in fact (can save air tickets).
So my hb n I got to work around with our biz trips schedules, so either 1 of us in SG to take care of YJ.
I can't move my family to China also... cos this proj only last 1 year... next one may not be in China

wah, that's so siong! Will that affect your marriage since u prob don't even see each other much? That job must be something that u love so much, else u'll probably be thinking of an alternative to stay in Singapore more right?
Haha! ok lah... hb n I not those mus see each other daily kind. We communicate via MSN most of the time... when i oversea, i seldom call home also.

I think my hb more siong loh... he got to take care of YJ, work n cook dinner... plus yj often sick... runny nose... she jus recovered from her minor suspected chicken pox (while I am oversea). Some night, my hb also got night time tel-conf.

This job ah... not bad lah, good exposure, meet alot of diff ppl n biz scenario. This job actually came to me de... I am too lazy to go find new job hehe! N I dunno wat kind of job should i look for? Waiting for next job to come to me... hehe
yj is good listen.. For Elvin cannot lei he wont blur blur one. He will tell u wat will be next show till 12 midnight. Elvin wake up at 815am and only nap 1.5hrs in school also. I think he dun have enough sleep loh. Today his school have CNY celebration but Elvin miss the class cos he having fever last nite and + his running nose and cough so i bring him see doc today. I suspect he pass the virus to the baby cos baby having block nose also..

YJ sometimes also tell me next show title de... but i told her but her pooh bear (her stuff toy tat sleep with her) need to go to bed... ask her to carry pooh to bed hehe! Else i give crab reason said TV need to rest also else will spoilt easily
