(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

true, hard to tune back to working life.

Agree, Tiff's getting away with her pacifier
So any action plans on how to teach C to poo in his potty?


his teacher suggested leaving his pants at his knees when he poos, so i'll try that and see if it works.

I'm so naggy nowadays, kept telling him to pee & poo in the potty. Kept asking him if it's right to poo in his diaper etc. sigh.

I'm glad to say that he's now off diapers for his nap & at home.
So now the thing is the poo poo prob. sigh. I can't be bothered to wake him up at night to make him pee. So will wait till he's fully ready and he wakes up with a dry diaper. So far his diaper is still pretty full in the morning.
Haha the #3 thought come across my mind everytime when someone mention they are pregnant. But yet when i give it a serious thought, i be hesitating.So well, no definite YES for a #3 though, it's still just lingering in my mind, no action done haha
you le? anytime soon for #3

i also dun want to tune back to working life le...haha i told my hb that as long as he can let me be a sahm i will be one. I getting lazy to wake up early reporting for work and the reporting part...hee hee
Same as you, the thought of having #3 crossed my mind too when I hear someone pregnant or giving birth. I like babies! My hubby is eveready for #3 but I am not too keen yet. Coz I don't know how to settle CC issues if I have 3. Thought of getting it over and done with but think again it's not so easy.
long time no come in... A bit shock to know Claire expecting number 3. wow, congrats.

about the toilet training, my sam is much faster than ray by 1 month, ray have some many accidents till I almost wanted to leave him alone then suddenly he just do it.
but no strength to try at night... haha.... wake up twice a night.... I will be zombie in the morning when I go to work. maybe will try in June holidays.
yeah lor a part of me want to quickly get it over with and bring up the kids at one shot but yet the other part of me is pulling me back le...haha,
Re: Pacifier
Aiyo my boy is a addict to pacifier too but tht will onli be at nite, when he's in school he dun even need pacifier at all cos no one in his school uses it.
If i were a SAHM i would quickly give birth to #3 coz I know my kids can be taken care of by myself. I would love to stay at home if i have #3 coz sending 3 to CCs can cost a huge bomb so I rather stay home and nurture them myself
but provided my hubby can afford lah!
thanks gals
Still dunno gender yet, but everything is fine with #3 so far.

After going sahm, will send xr and yr to the YWCA near my place for halfday. Should still work out to be less than MMI last time. then afternoons will be sibling bonding time
dun tempt me...haha hb leave the decision to me though as to have #3 or not...haha i not young le leh...32 this year le...by the time give birth #3 i be 33 le...mai siao siao...
Not tempting you lah... really if you are home to take care of them yourself and you have desire for more than 2, why not? why wait?
haha! And 32 is still young to have kids.

I went Prudential last Oct, the hotel is very convenient and condition is good. But my room was double so it comes with a king size bed. You can try and send them an email to enquire... usually they will respond.
Hi Summer,

U tink the hotel is child friendly? Also, do you tink tat the king size bed is enuf for 2 adults and 2kids?

I asked already..they replied saying they got king bed (6ft X 6ft), 2 singles(6ft X 3ft)..so is like the same..

Duno wat kinda bedding configurations to take lehz..
hi tomatolander
if you are bringing prams/strollers then you would have to consider this hotel. Coz i don't find any lift there and if you are returning to the hotel via the Jordan MTR station you have to take flights of escalators. But if you are coming back via walking/taxi, you have to go up 4-5 steps to get to the lobby then 1 more escalator up.

I think King size is better coz at least 2 of the kids are safely 'giap' between you and hubby so no worries of them falling off the bed. Since 3ft x 2 is equals to 6ft which means no difference in size, i had rather u take a king size bed. I am imagining for my home's kig size bed, to accommodate 2A + 2C still can but maybe not that comfortable loh.

I can recommend Royal Plaza Hotel for travelling with kids, 2 super single for twin config.

I will be bringing one stroller.. But izzit difficult to navigate up the stairs? I can't reli find picts of the main entrance of this hotel.. Veri hard to gauge lehz..

Wat're the pros and cons?
- convenient location, linked to MTR and walking distance to night markets plus small eateries around the hotel which open till after midnight even on weekdays.
- clean, modern and value for money
- got bath tub

- no lifts to get to the hotel lift, have to take at least 1 escalator up. But the steps from the main entrance that I was telling you is only a short flight. It's only that small flight you need to hurdle.

Ok it's like that... the hotel is on i think 3rd or 4th storey within a shopping mall and the shopping mall is connected to the MTR. If you take MTR home late and the escaltors have stopped, you can exit from another MTR entrance to enter the hotel from the lobby which only involves that little flight of stairs. I dunno if I am confusing you
I have J when I am 34 le, hehehe. No worries one lah. My advice is decide how many you want, then faster finish and close shop. Now, my kids are in 2 camp, one the computer crazy, other still play thomas. Difficult to engage all the kids in 1 activity.

When you know this is going to be your last child, somehow, you just want to take the time and let him enjoy....my older 2 at his age already drinking milk fr cup and no more tutu. My J is still very bb till now.
Re : Work
Agree with Mashy and Etelle that it will b difficult to go back to full time work. I am thankful that I don't need to get up early and come back home dog tired, then still gotta put the kids to sleep like b4. For me to start all over again will be very difficult. Most likely will start some small business while maintaining the household when the kids don't need me anymore. Best is I 'fa da' le then got free flow income, no need to work at all, hahaha
Hi Summer,

Tks for ur advice.. I have decided to stay at the Prudential hotel coz got real good deal and my hubby say the stroller/stairs part is ok (he will carry mah)..

Cant wait to go man!

Re: Kids and Work
I reli salute all mummies whom either have 3 or expecting the 3rd one.. I'm already veri tired with just my 2 kids plus have to work even thou my age still considered young.. But of coz..best like wat jasminesym says.. FA DA liao no need to work PLUS got maid..can be tai tai.. hahaha..
hi gals,
what toothpaste are your kids using now? i just try out normal kids toothpaste with JH but she swallow it despit me telling her the toothpaste cant be eaten. try twice and both times she swallow. how? is it means i cant change her to normal kids toothpaste yet? still need continue with First Teeth? but recently i heard that all first teeth toothpaste being recall in singapore for melamine testing by AVA. now still pending for the result and meanwhile no first teeth available here. i wanna change as jh teeth is blacken by chinese med and first teeth unable to cleanse her teeth le....

i just bought the Oral B kiddy toothpaste for C to try. Some of the other mummies i know are using kodomo.

Just give a little bit of the toothpaste will do.
I'm using Kodomo for Keagan, beginning he will swallow despite me telling cannot so i show him how to do it for a few times after that he will follow me.
Hello mummies,

I'm back from my HK trip.. Got good and bad things to share.. Especially my horrible experience with SIA this time round.. Erghh..

On my flight to hong kong..they actuali LOST my luggage! Erghh.. So angry and disappointed with them coz it's SIA we're talking here.. After I lodged a report, there are nothing we can do except wait for their calls and updates. However, after waiting till like 7pm (I rch ard 1pm), there are still no calls from them! So I have to call them instead! Then they told me tat they found my luggage at the lost and found counter in Singapore! Hw can tat be when I have already checked in my luggage? After that den I realised the lady who checked me in, did not issue me any luggage tag, and smhw, smwhere, they lost my luggage! Erghh.. In the end I have to go and buy clothes for ourselves to tide us over.. And they onli manage to send the luggage to us after midnight! So frustrating!

Ok, when I thought that all was well after the luggage hiccup.. The rest of the trip went fine.. So when I thot ok..finali we're going home.. THEN on the flight back to Singapore, they DAMAGED MY STROLLER!!! Erghh!! I seriously duno wat's wrong with them! One of the handles was bent, one of the wheels missing!, the canopy cover was torn and covered with black stains and dust! And tis happen even when I onli check it in when I was at the boarding gate!!! My god! I was appalled by evting tat happen! Lagi best is the crew didn noe wat to do and sent me to the transfer counter.. And it's the WRONG counter..In the end I have to lug the broken stroller from one place to another.. Can you all imagine how boiling my blood has become??

When I reach the lost and found counter, I merely told them wat happen.. Ok..I was a tad agitated already.. But imagine wat they reply? "WE'RE JUST TRYING TO HELP" Wat de!!

SIA standards dropped so much since the last time I used them.. Reli terribly angry and disappointed with them lor..

In the end, they just compensate me for the stroller and now I'm still waiting for the ourcome for the baggage claim.. Erghh.. I regret I didn reli make the time to go and buy travel insurance.. Reli taught me a lesson man..

Big HAIZ........................

so sorry to hear wat has happen to you mus be very very frustating especially on a holiday trip.

Well i would say all along SIA ground staff wasn't that helpful and friendly, especially now there are more n more china ppl working there n as for the crew that u tok to might be quite new to the job so she dunno where to direct you to, usually for faulty stroller, crew would refer you to the ground staff as they handle luggage n cargo matters.
ilim..u from SIA? Haha.. Actuali I'm veri surprised at the crew's lack of knowledge of their own SOPs and the customer service. I reli would expect more from SIA.. Best airline lehz.. Tis experience is so much different from last times.. I even find the pilot who normali do the introduction and blah blah..talking too softly..like mumbling lidat.. Cant even hear wat he saying.. Haiz..
hi tomatolander
wah, didn't know you had not only 1 but 2 bad experience with SIA. Losing luggage is quite a scary thing esp when you are travelling with 2 kids! Cannot imagine what would happen if they really can't find your luggage. The condition of your stroller really sounds very bad. Next time you go overseas, just have to go online and buy a family plan for travel insurance. Very convenient.

How was Prudential Hotel? Were your kids cooperative during the trip?

ai yoh, so sorry to hear abt your bad experiences with SIA. They're probably giving all the more expensive experienced staff no pay leave now, so u're getting all the 2nd rate cheapo staff attending to u. Travel insurance is essential. Nowadays, it's very easy, can just apply online.

I agree wif u tht the crew nowadays do lack of product n company knowledge as most of them r graduates and they jus go join SIA for a yr or 2 to see the world then resign thus not taking the job seriously.

Me been wif the company so long oredi really can see the standard really drop alot cos of all these ppl (not against graduates) but jus dun like them for not treating thier job seriously...
i always vomit blood when working wif them, correct them they oso dun care.

Hi summer,

The only consolation is that they damaged my stroller after my trip and not before.. I cant imagine if it's before.. Erghh.. Anyway, Prudential hotel is fine.. Got stairs and escalators but in whole still manageable.. King size bed ok for all 4 of us..


Didn noe can get travel insurance online.. Haiz.. Too bad la.. Reli find their service standards dropped so much..


Jus wondering, if I made a claim for those items like clothings tat I have brought.. And they're onli willing to pay 70% for my whole claim, is tat reasonable? They says they have no liability to compensate me for the baggage delay..so will onli compensate me for the necessities tat I brought there..

By the way hoh..the Customer service manager replied my email and says that she will arrange for 2 plush toys for my kids (veri BIG hoh?) to be delivered to me but up till now I still haven receive.. Not tat I 'gian' the toys but see how slow they are to just send someting so simple? And the fact is..I oso duno when they plan to send.. Duhz..
agree that SQ quite ''off' nowadays. we went for perth trip last dec, then had a problem with ticketing coz i didn't bring correct cc. fine, so cancel and reissue, and they said theý'd refund in 2-3 mths.
in the end they refund infant ticket for #2 which was less than $200. the 3 tickets for hb, xinru and myself totalling $2600, till mid-march still no sign. Finally had to send email to enquire (customer service phone no such option). Only then then they said due to technical glitch in the system, refund not done. So if I never check, they will also never refund?? So they said will do the refund in 4 wks. This wkend is 4th week liao,it'd better be done! a bit too much to wait for more than 4 months for what's a pretty simple SOP!

haha.. But my baggage onli delayed lehz..not lost or smting even more serious.. So dun wana waste my time and effort AND ANGER on them la.. The more I talk to them, the more angry I get.. Forget it la.. I sianz liao.. Juz accept watever they wana compensate me with and close the case.. Go one trip still muz go thru all these trouble.. Sianz man..

Congrats on ur boy! Good liao..nw got boy and gals.. Wah..SQ reli getting worse man.. Izzit their cash turnover not good..so as long as they can delay the refund they will delay.. Haha.. U can feedback to them and see wat they say abt it la.. 4mths liao and not a small amt lehz..

congrats once again!

Re: Toilet training
Very happy to say that C had pood in his potty for the last 2 days by himself without any prompting or making him sit in the potty for a long time. He just went to the potty when i was very busy with other things and after that he proudly announced that he had poo poo in the potty.
that's really good news! 1 more milestone crossed

dunno leh, going to call up my cc bank on monday to check if it's through. then now SIA also got problems with their pilots, last time economy bad they also have a lot of staffing problems. Hope they work it out. SG national carrier leh, cannot do until so lao kui mah.

70% is pretty gd hehehe.... 100% will be better but dun think they will do tht.

But do rmm to call them if they take too long cos i know ground staff very bo chap one.



Anyway whenever it comes to issues wif pilots, it will take very long cos their union very strong as they are not NTUC union so the union will sure fight for the best for the pilots not like uus cabin crew we r under NTUC union so every thing oso can so very fast so it's gd but certain benefits r not to us staff but to the company lor
she give us motivation to try for one more hor haha
u can have your boy while i get my girl for our 3rd one
hee hee..
Ya, i was very motivated when i see Claire expecting boy for #3! But then hor... scarly i #3 also girl, haha! I still have no courage to try lah, you try lah... maybe your #3 girl ;)
haha actually i want 3 kids in all if possible la. 3 kids sounds good. A girl is definitely a bonus le! Haha but if it's a boy i dun mind la...only more chaotic nia haha

got chance ah....haha 50-50 hor...let us slowly think about it bah...after all it's not only about the gender...haha it's about the life long commitment hor...

So funny lei, we seems to be doing case studies to see if we should try for no. 3. I would ideally love to have 4 kids... my hubby hope to have a boy whom he can 'pom pom' with haha! He is very envious when I pom pom with my girls, always say i very shiok got 2 girls with me
But ya lah, let us slowly think over this question. For me, it's more of the CC issue with 3 kids coz i really dun wish to have a maid for a long time.
