(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

i also tell tiff that when she refused to go and sleep. will tell her Barney or Dora needs to sleep or go to bed le when she wants to watch another disc and it works well.

Siewlng & Summer,

look like gals more ting hua.. Elvin will say spolit liao buy..I say no $ he can go my wallet and take my credit card and say pay by that. (He saw me sign card when by things). If tell him those cartoon need to sleep he say can change another one so this one can sleep. HE have alot of disc. Sometime we have no choice wanted him to off the tv in the living rm end up he on the disc in his rm.
Haha, Elvin is smart leh... know how to counteract your reason... hmm if 1 fine day like tat ah... i need to think of another way le

Sometimes when i realli flare up, i off the TV straight n let YJ cry. But the after maths cham liao...

There is no bookshelf, toys n TV in yj room de... we only allow her to bring the books n toys in then must put back b4 sleep... of course sometimes she didn't lah

i usually just let C cry. Heheh, i'm a heng xin mother. For me, i feel should let him know who is the boss lor. I'm the boss, and i decide if he gets to watch more.

So at night, it's my tv time, there's no negotiations. I get to watch my shows. He will have to go and play his toys or read his books.
mashy, siewlng,

if all along is me take care of elvin then this wont happen. cos during day time is my MIL who took care of him. So alot of things i cant say. Sometime she allow elvin to watch sometime when she in bad mood she cane him loh.. I find it wrong but cant say much. As my in laws are staying with me.

My boy is super stick to my MIl one. wat to do? She look after him since young.
So fierce ah haha! I sian to hear YJ crying loh, oredi so tired from work... so usually i let her watch TV while i can do my thing like wash up the dishes, bath or cooking...

I feel is safer when she watch TV, won't move around... yj usually sit on sofa n stick to TV liao.

I oni got to watch my TV program sometimes after she sleeps... anyway i am ok lah not TV addict anymore. Program I watch r not drama series de... so dun need to follow the story hehe!

I think i watch more TV when oversea, on TV while doing work in hotel haha!

hhaaa, C gets to watch his cartoon during lunch time and when i'm preparing dinner. So alot of tv time already. no need for more at night. Guess that's the difference between SAHM and FTWM. Coz i'm at home, so i manage his schedule whereas since YJ is in CC, she probably doesn't get to watch tv at all in the day so at night make up for it.

yah, if IL take care, really can't control. But like that hopefully Elvin will be guai guai next time. There're cases of kids going astray due to overindulgent grandparents who look after them so u still need to keep a close eye on them. Better not regret when they grow up and u can't control them anymore. When it's time to interfere, u should make your stand coz ultimately it's your children. Nothing breaks a mother's heart more than a child going astray.

I ever heard of the silliest defence from a grandma when the kid steals. She said coz the shop tempt him by putting the stuff on the shelf. So it's not his fault to steal.

But so far my cousins who were looked after by my grandma when they were young all turned out ok. Maybe coz they had 1 big group, they played with each other and invented a lot of games to play. So not a lot time was spent in front of the tv. They'll be downstairs at the playground or playing other games at home.

ya cant control too much. But i will tell my MIL not to let him watch those violent one. Playhouse disney still ok. At least he learn sometimg from that..My MIL is those will cane him type lar.. But also duepnd on mood. So...

SAHM & FTWM is diff loh. Unless my MIL say dun wan to take care of my kids liao then i can be a SAHM. If not hard to say that also..

It's really tough to be squashed in between esp when you're staying with them. I'm real glad i'm not in your situation coz with my kind of temper sure everyday war zone.

The only reason why my parents can stay with us amicably is coz they don't meddle with my affairs. If not i think we probably can't stay together for long.
TV progammes
Ethan got influence from my nephew 5 years old and now he do enjoy watching Power Ranger, Ben 10. He is not addicted but enjoys when the program is on. I am afraid that he gets violent after that. But i will tell him u cannot fight people or beat people...he will reply i can fight monster only.

Actually i feel i can do all the controlling and the teaching at home. But i cannot refrain you from getting contact with "violent show" and kids who enjoys such stuff as well.

Any advise out there from mummies?

I let C watch Mystery Martin during the hols and he learnt the concept of monster. Now he'll wake up at night and cry that there's monster and he's scared. Dunno if that's a good thing to teach him what's monster. Previously he'll just wake up crying but never say why.
Ethan is not afraid of monster le. What i am worried is will he tun violent and start acting violent or not? But i cannot be harbouring him from kids who watch violent cartoon or are violent right. There are all kind of kids around.
my hb let jh watch ben10 n violent cartoon n i alws nag non stop. esp when i oversea working,. i come hm jh tell me she watch ben10 daily....faint. jh is a violent gal le. she will use her finger make the gun pattern n shoot shoot shoot. shoot bird shoot ppl shoot even ant. sometime our adult show also violent mah then i will say violent show violent show n change channel. so now jh v smart...she see the show got ppl fighting or take knife or what she will shout b4 me...violent show violent show...
YJ has not or watch minimum violent cartoon ... she is on Disney channel most of the time, else is VCD/ DVD cartoon. We dun have much chance to switch to other channels.

The most violent cartoon YJ watch is my hb's favor Gundum cartoon loh...

YJ timid de, watch TV, see ppl fighting or scolding or kan jong music, will keep making noise ask us to switch channels. But she not scare of Monster, 1 of her stuff toy is a Blue color monster haha!
haha, my concern for yj is she watch too much silly cartoon... wait become silly girl...
Now she oredi bery drama liao...
Happy niu year!

wanna ask if any mums switched cc for their kiddoes, or switched from halfday to fullday?
I'm changing xr's from MMI to learning vision (lv), and also from halfday to fullday and I'm not sure if she'll go through the same drama as when we first put her into school. I've brought her to the new school already, but she's never been in school for the fullday before. Any thoughts?
Gong Xi Fa Cai to everyone!

Yes, you are right. We cannot stop our kiddos from learning all the undesirable behaviour from other kids, we just need to continually tell them cannot use violence, cannot say vulgar lang, etc. It is going to be a on-going process till they grow up. Like my older kids, they are exposed to peer influence to speak four letter word, online chat. etc. we need to be constantly b close to them and educate them what is right and wrong......

I think the transition will be much easier as she is familiar with the friends and environment le. My boy also started with halfday then fullday. He will ask me how come i took so long to pick him, but no fuss. If you can, pick her earlier like 4plus, then next day 5plus, etc so she can adjust even more easily.
hi Claire
Which MMI was XR in and why do you want to switch her? Now which LV are you switching her to? Sorry ah... MMI (YCK) and LV (Novena) are in my shortlist.

hi smiley
I heard my SIL's friends have good comments on Cambridge... which one are you sending her to?
thanks for your advice...yeah u know i used to be blaming my nephew for imparting al the wrong things to my son then at the end of the day i realised that even if he doesn't the other people around him in school or learning centers he go to will also do the same...so most importantly is we have to constantly educate our child hor...

when are u sending tiffany in? thought ur maid can take care of her???

Keagan oso like Ben 10 and he can tell me it is his fav show, my sis even bought the Ben 10 watch for him which he will wear it at least once a day.

He now oso like to fight so haf to keep telling him cannot beat other ppl can pretend to fight monster onli.
I jus change Keagan to Mindchamps at Tampines pt, like their curriculum and most CC dun haf enrichment prog in the afternoon n Micdchamps haf so i no need to enrol him for other enrichment class. But their charges quite high, monthly before subsidy is 1280 but for working mum will be 980 per mth.
hi summer,
jh in admiral hill preschool under cambridge group in sembawang. actually i think it depends on the branch de cos each cc is own by different owner and they only take cambridge franchise.
I'm switching her from MMI (West coast) to LV(Biopolis). Reason is purely financial coz I find the std of curriculum is pretty equal. 2mth at LV costs less than 1mth at MMI...with 2 kids going to be in cc eventually, I cannot tahan carrying on in MMI.
I have a maid but I am planning to do w/o one so have to plan for childcare. My maid may go home anytime so i have to be kiasu now.

$980 after subsidy each month is very ex, does it include the enrichment classes?

yes you're right, dependent on branch... that's what i heard too.

i share your sentiments, with 2 kids... CC x 2. Very taxing. Anyway, i think Learning Vision is also a good school.
oooh i see....yeah early planning is better than caught you by surprise hor....

bulma's kids in LV le...i think hor cc hor really is depends on branch one le and not the school's name. Cuz franchise out one...just like the MMI in jurong west....heard many -tive feedback about it though it's branded.

u very rich le...haha keagan's school fee is very very ex le..haha
the 980 is inclusive of the enrichment classes so quite worth it and every day they haf diff enrichment class.

me not rich lah, if u calculate CC per mth cheapest 300 plus and plus if u put him for 5 enrichment classes it comes up to the same price or even higher n now it is all in one for me so consider ok liao, plus Mindchamps r really gd lor.
anyone has thought about how too celebrate their birthday this year? Was thinking of McDonalds birthday, but the branches near my place all fully booked already. Headache.
YJ's bday is over... no celebration except 1 at her CC... I was too busy at work till I didn't turn up her bday party at CC... only manage to get my hb pass teacher the bday cake nia.
Hi Claire,

Elvin birthday is over also. He celebrate his birthday with his frens at CC. Me and hubby was there as well. Bought him a cake, ribena drink and goodies bag for his frens. He is very happy. At hm we just sing song and cut cake with immed family members.
Hi Mummies
Long time didnt come into this thread liao..kKekekek.. Been so busy with everyone and everything.

Gavin is a difficult baby to take care.. All day long dun need to sleep much. He will sleep as long as you carry him, but as soon as u put him down, his eyes will open super big. Really taxing on the caregivers, whc is ME and my MIL. I am taking 16 wks off (co. policy), so will only be gg back to work around 25th Feb. Well, then good luck to my MIL lioa.. hehehehe..

Havent been coming into this thread, so cant really catch up with everyone lioa.. but at times, I do kaypoh and come in to peep.

Annika's bday party was on Sat. Ordered a Swensen's bday cake for her.. Well, our first time and also our last time!! the cake was super hard, brot out our choppers and cleavers liao, still took nearly 30 mins to cut our guests their 1st piece of icecream cake. Wonder if there's any special way of cutting the ice-cream cake whc we are not aware of? Hee.e.. Anyway, the bday gal did enjoy herself, oblivious to the commotion.

Wah, Keagan's sch fees is super ex! I am thinking of switching Annika from Carpa Diem to Pat Schoolhouse... but thinkg Pats is also pretty ex. My reason is that Carpe Diem kept asking us to sign her up for enrichment classes.. I am thinkg, if we dun, so what do the students do? Free play? Or just left at the corner for some building block activities? If I sign her up for these extra programmes, then the cost that we pay is definitely comparable to Pats or other more exp CC.

Ur 2 boys so cute... yah, like wat Siew Lay say, like lookg for gold, haahahaha.. :p
haha... think they tot ground got what things cos I want to take pic of them so i say STOP then both suddenly stop and look down :p difficult to take pic w 2 of them together cos jovan is super active. Cant sit or stand for a moment. Jarren not that co-operative also
Jerry's birthday also over. Did not celebrate in CC as they want us to provide a 3kg cake for 60 kids (whole sch)! So meaningless right? So we took him on his favourite MRT (Thomas the train) ride and bought Thomas the train cake from Polar to celebrate at home. Simple affair.

Ya, I ordered the cinamoroll cake from Swensens for the elder girl's party. We took out to defrost but also very hard to cut. we waited very long as we cannot cut thru but the outsides were melting. Btw, they screwed up our order, pix was not the one chosen despite the correct code given.
<font size="+2">Happy Birthday to all Feb 06 kiddos!</font>

Though seldom post, I have been lurking around. Hee

Daphne is now in full day cc with gor gor.
thanks for the ideas mummies. Will be having a bbq at il's place on friday evening. Then will get a small cake for her N1 class on monday.
Jasmine &amp; SiewLng,

wow need to provide a 3kg cake? We sotong order the worng size of cake. We order 2 0.5kg cake (mickey mouse cake). 1 to celebrate at hm 1 to celebrate in cc. The day b4 Elvin birthday then i knw that is was 0.5kg and not 1kg cake for cc. Think the 0.5kg is too small so we bring both of his cake and tell the teacher that cos elvin love those 2 picture so we bought 2 cake..haha.

But end up the teacher only cut 1 cake and we bring back the other one. The cake was given to his classmate (N1 class) and all the teachers. The teacher say each small pc of cake will do cos the kids just have their snack.

The teachers are quite nice. My boy classmate sang him birthday song and the teacher paly piano for him. He is so happy.
lai yee

For ice cream cake u must thaw it for at least 1hr to 1&amp;1/2 hr depending onhow big the cake is before u can cut, jus remove all the dry ice from the box n leave the cake inside the box(covered) this way u can prevent melting on the outside of the cake cos inside the box will still be cold and inside the cake will get soft.

For kids at the CC if there's no enrichment classes it's their free time to play and i find most CC will let the kids watch TV prog. And like wat u said if u sign them up for enrichment classes the charges is equivalent to those ex CC so i chg him to Mindchamps cos every afternnon after their nap is enrichment classes.
i have one question to ask. For next year the kids be in Nursery. Which session would u prefer to put ur child if u have a choice.


PLs indicate ur preference and why (if any). Thanks.
lai yee
i had the same bad experience as you during Ethan's first birthday with ice cream cake form swensen...haha so now i dun order ice cream cake le. I also brought out chopper and had the strong men take turns to "hack" a piece of cake each for the guest =p

stella - i will go for earlier class cos my ger needs to nap.
she'll b more fussy and cranky when pass nap time if she struggle to keep awake &amp; wants to play with kor kor
but she is in full day cc now.

birthday cake - so far i'm very happy with POLAR &amp; ECREATIVE.
