(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

So envious that your kids are toilet trained. Mine is still in diapers full time. sigh. He still won't tell me when he wants to poo or pee. He will go to the potty by himself only if i strip him. How ah? Any advice?


haha, i'm just speculating since lately there's been so much talk abt this. And they have even posted a forum topic in Reach (Feedback Unit). So they're pretty serious abt increasing the incentives. Just don't know how long they'll take.
Tiff also on diapers full time lah. She will say she want to urine on training pants but when she sits on the potty nothing comes out. She will shi shi when she is out for the potty a few minutes later. I feel cannot force, just have to let nature takes it course and try again a few weeks later see if they are ready.
Hopefully the govt will do something about the incentives.
finally u announced! congrats congrats! it's always a pc of good news with anyone pregnant
kids are blessings....

toilet train ah..u say he will pee when u strip him then let him go diaperless lor then put the potty in sight?so whenever he wants pee the potty is within reach. Reward system le does it work?

Tif also attend right brain training ah...haha violet can be the ambassador liaoz...do remember to tell me about HK le...i seriously thinking of gng....
MIL lives at Lor Ah soo and I stay at Punggol. So she will come here everyday. She is a nurse, and will retire end of this yr. Hope she knows how to take care of kids and babies, cos she has never done that before. My hubby and his sister were being fostered out when they were young.
It's nice of yr MIL to be over at yr place, family support is very impt, eps now u r going to hv 3... Me dun dare to think of it yet.

Have u enrolled Gareth in any sch yet? My gal is under Phase 2C and i will go on the last day hopefully not many ppl liao, chop chop register and go off

FK attending since Jan 08, oni fuss a bit during the 1st 2 lessons and during the times when i get my hb to attend the class with him instead of me :p
He is too sticky to me so I used the opportunity to tell my hb to BOND with him(then i can go shopping with my gal mah :D).

Me bringing kids go sentosa next wkend... considered a short holiday lor :p My gal has been pestering us to bring her to sentosa so we decided to celebrate her birthday there. Is a surprise to her and we havn't told her yet.

Think I'll try talk to my hb on the cruise again later :p

Thanks claire, I will check out that hotel
Congrats! Planned preg? Hehehe... Do take care, don't work too hard.

Are you going to HK or venetian Macau? You can buy raincoat from market those children's clothing store or kids' accessories store where they sell winnie the pooh, strawberry shortcake stuff. Jerry survived on adult food then. Actually, they are 2.5yo already, many are already eating adult food, just make sure not too oily. Bring some biscuit, cereal/cornflake with milk. HK should be no problem for your gal, asian food also.
i didn't know there is a hp family there... LOL
Different divisions will hv different plans for their employees, our side oni hv 1 big event at beginning of fiscal yr.
Me jus happened to book the hotel stay for next wkend, maybe we will bump into each other somehow. My no. no change la, u can call me ya?

Now that Jasminesym mentioned milk. I brought along his FM and check in with the lugguage. Oni brought 2 feeds' worth with me in the carry on bags we brought onto the plane. Brought along some packet milo and fresh milk.
Yes, I watched the show on Violet's kids and I was so amazed and impressed I had to sign Tiff up... haha! Recommended my SIL to watch on youtube and she was equally tempted just that the classes for 4yo and 6yo are full.

Good thing your mil is willing to come over and help on a daily basis and she will return to her home everyday, lesser conflicts. My MIL is likely to move in with us very soon... but not to take care of the kids, my mum will still look after them... super xian.

I am planning to go HK and Macau. I think i will most prob get raincoat there then. My gal eats very little when comes to outside food, she will only nimble and 'play'. And when she is hungry she will not say but start to fuss and cry. Home-cooked porridge/rice is the only meal that she can complete. I am ok with her taking outside food but that will be like snacking after she had her stomach filled with her proper meal. So most likely I would have to cook her porridge in the hotel.

Yes, you reminded me. I think I will go get some mini packet milo to bring there as well.
what happened? Hope u get enough rest from the delivery.... my 1st delivery was emergency C-sect so i dun feel any labour pain at all. Can hear all the clinking sound of the equipment and feel them tugging or pulling on my tummy when they are cleaning up. Later my hb told me the operating table is like a buture's table, So i became jus a piece of meat they cut up :D
Violet/ Sally
C section sounds scary ha ha....butcher cutting meat ah....ee.....but many people find it easier le...no labour pain no need push or what...

after a while u will forget and can have baby no. 3 le
Hi Sally

How come you went thru C section huh? As in you didnt dilate or what? U went thru the labour pain oredi?

Hey Violet,
Can send me the video of your kids? I wanna sign Annika up too. :p

Whc school are you enrolling Xuan? I will be sending Gareth to Mee Toh, also Phase 2C, sigh. Will also chop chop go on the first day and hopefully can secure a place there, so stressful!!!
I'll be sending Xuan to SK pri sch, high chance 'cos still hv 151 places left, but still keep my fingers cross.
The after sch care that i'll be enrolling her works closely with SK pri sch so I dun hv to worry about logistics after sch at all. They will fetch to n fro sch if the child has any after sch activities.
Mee Toh is a very popular sch, and I heard every yr has ballotting, hope u succeed in enrolling Gareth there

I hv PM u the links le, happy viewing....

depends on individual la, personally i prefer natural 'cos i find the healing is faster and lesser pain after delivery

Wow! I'm impressed! Your 2 kids are so advanced for their age. Hahah, maybe i should send my boy so that he can catch up with his age group. As of now, he's so slow he's even slower than some kids 6 mths younger than him. Where is this held? Is it once a week & how much?
yeah lor impressive hor...haha especially her girl...xiao chao ren le...haha she can do the sotry chain so well...
tks mashy....
fk oni started the prog from jan 08, before that my hb just do flash cards with him on n off...
The class is once a wk in bishan and u can find the course details here : http://www.rightbrain-networkz.com

Her teacher did tell me she can do the story chain thing but we nvr try it out at home so when the teachers showed me, i was quite amazed that she can really do it :p
i think Xuan is really gifted. I guess reading to her at a young age does help. Now when i want to read to tiff, she will want to grab my book. I tried it on Beth and i think she is a better listener at her young age.
I saw your youtube videos of Venetian, how did you manage to take video in the casino?!
yeah lor that one is impressive le...haha

guess hor we can let them attend all courses but it's still up to the kid to want to be keen and absorbed bah....
i propose go slow and nature and shui yi lor..if tiff can absorb and enjoy good...if not it's okie too...hee after all childhood is more about fun and enjoyment bah..my 2 cents worth ah..
tks summer...
ya, i think reading helps leh, Xuan fm young loves to hv me read to her. Can bring me 10 bks to read at one go de. Read until I can memorize all the stories man. FK oso kena the reading 'virus' lately liao.

Agree with stella lor.... go with the pace of the kids. If they prefer it slower then so be it. Sometimes we can push them a little but too much may achieve adverse results lor. I wan my kids to be stress free for as long as they can

In venetian, there is a place where the escalator leads down to the casino and it's a very big open space on 2nd level. We can see the casino fm there lor. So I jus zooooom all the way and take a video, keke. But oni a small part of the casino :p

The last i know is 2yo classes all full le, but since u not working maybe got chance to get day time classed on wkdays. Hope u can find a class suitable for Caeden.
Hi Jasmine, need to enquire about engaging maid.
I went to Nation maid agency last week, they are charging $500 agent fees and only provide one replacement within 6 months.
I am looking for fili maid, you have any recommendation?

C also loves books. We'll read about 5 books - 6 books at night to him and the rest of the time, he'll help himself to the books. Hahah, now we can also memorise the stories already. Lately, he has started to talk and has been reading some words (not sure from memory or really reading) from his books.

I agree that have to follow their pace, can't force it upon them. It's just like when i try to get him to talk, no matter what I did, he simply refused. But at his own timing, he is slowly starting to open his golden mouth. I just hope to expose him to more things. If he learns something from it, good. If not, then just take it as an activity.
u can test him by jus pointing to the words randomly and not while reading to him. If u r reading the storyline most kids can recall the next word fm memory.
Exposure is good in a way.... let them explore and hopefully they can tell where their interest lies.
I put my gal to swimming class 'cos I find it's good to know how to swim but she didn't like it so we pulled her out. Let her learn in sch next time bah, heard it's compulsory fm Pri 3 onwards. hopefully with frens around she will be more interested to learn.
violet, i think it s not by hp but the agency he is attach to.. yea will give you a call maybe we can catch up..

sally, congrats on marsya..

the other new preggy mum congrats!!
hi violet
Thanks for the link. Yah lor, Xuan and FK are really impressive. I dun think it's entirely to do with the Right Brain learning, they are smart by nature, the course merely enhanced their intellectual capabilities further.
will do.... hope to see u and yr hb and Elly

Tks Claire, LY n Stella

I believe any kid's potential can be brought out if the right methods/motivations are used. We're lucky that our kids happened to be receptive to how we guide them along their learning paths....
Wow, your kids really impressive leh, esp your girl. Agree with Stella, go with the pace and interest of the kid. I think Xuan loves to read, with the right motivation from you, she is able to go to a much higher level. If I use the same method on my 2 older ones, I think I can see them being very stressed and wouldn't like it. I think this method gotta start when they are very young, now they are too old to attend.
mil had a real scare yesterday. She was looking after xr and then went toilet for a while. when she came out, xr was missing so she immediately looked outside. she lives on the ground flr of condo next to the pool. She saw xr playing in the pool! When she told us, we also heart drop. Thank god nothing happened. Now she'll lock the door whenever she's in the house. the funny thing is, xr took off her pampers and skirt on her own, put at the side and got her swimming float from dunno where before going in. All this in the time it took for mil to do her business. And yet when we want to bathe her, it takes us ages to coax her to remove her clothes...
tks jasminesym

yep, right brain stimulation has to start when they are younger.

this is y i feel learning to swim is impt :p 'cos i nvr know when my kids will be near water when they are older and out with frens. We can teach them all the water safty facts but kids r kids.... when accident happens it is always good that they at least know how to float or tread water.

xr is very jing hor, do all these within such a short time. And she is smart too to at least take her float

Sometimes when fk is fussing over bathing, we jus tell him we let him play water then ok liao. He will cheong to the bathroom.
my fil teaching her to swim when he gets back from work every evening, and i think he always gets her to wear the float. really grateful for the lessons she's had so far.
will try out the tips on getting her to bathe. bb no choice in bathing, but will scream when we take her out. with xr, takes ages to get her into the tub, and once she's in, she doesnt want to get out :S

wah, that's so scary! I'll be so freaked out by it.

As much as i want my boy to learn swimming, he's still not ready to take instructions.
So far he has learnt to hold his breath in the water. But kicking wise, still can't.
yr fil very good leh.... and fortunately he teaches xr to wear float, imagine if she jus went in w/o the float... now i think of it oso feels quite scary!

I jus let fk stand n bath le, no longer using tub. To get fk out of bathroom oso a bit difficult last time, then I start to condition him first.
Like tell him after he pour away the water we must go out, or after the boat goes 1 last round then we must go out. Get him to consent first then let him pour the water away. Usualy works.... I also make it fun when I wrap him up in the towel so to him is another kind of play when wrapping up thus more willing to get out of the bathroom.
i no intend to let fk learn at this age yet, it's more for my gal. But since she not ready I leave it la.
The instructress assessed her height and build tat time to see if she is ready to learn proper swimming strokes. Around 5-6yo is ok for gals.... boys i think is around 4-5yo.
Dunno izzit 'cos it will affect their physical development or what 'cos the kids are still growing. Hopefully fk will be ready to learn when he is 4-5yo bah.
That was very scary indeed! Thank God she is alright, I can't imagine what will happen if your mil is any less vigilant or even any min late. I think all kids should learn how to swim, look at all the drowning cases because they cannot swim. I don't even allow my kids to go swimming without me ot my hubby, I can't trust anyone with their lives if I can help it. Must tell your mil to put double lock.
u r so right le..i also cannot trust others with theri lives except for my self and hb le...

you know that day i brought ethan to the pool ah. then i saw 2 teachers brought say like 20 little toddlers to the pool le. Though its quite shallow but i still feel 2 teachers are not adequate to ahndle 20+ students age 2+-5 le...

and one of the teacher is seriously overwight kind her movement and all very slow...even though they may feel the children will listen to them but hor when playing time what if one push the other how are they gonna save and etc...

anyway scary le...i would never allow my kids to go swimming without me in their toddler years...with CC also cannot haha call me protective but thats me :p
charm lo.. just now my gal's cc called me and said suspected jx kena chicken pox... mil going to bring her back now. worse is, my hb is going abroad this weekend...
hope it's a false alarm, if really kena maybe not a bad thing too. Better have it when they are younger, the healing will be faster and better.


actually getting chicken pox when young is not so good leh. It will increase your chances of getting shingles when you're old.

So better get a chicken pox vacc to lower your chances.
