(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

hi koli
you take care. if your symptoms is so diiferent when having N, it is very likely that this one is a girl
That's what I heard, same gender same symptons. Different gender, mother will exp different symptons. At least for me it's true, no MS at all for my 2 pregnancies and both are girls.

hi Jappooh
You take care too.

congrats1\! bb's name is marsya??? natural delivery? u very daring le i dun dare carry bb or look at bb when first deliver le...haha gross :p
Congrats mimi!!

u mean u didnt carry your bb when they are just born? My gynae pass me Elvin right away and i see liao refuse to let go. Then my gynae say they havent celan up elvin and he need to be cover with towels also..haha.. That time they need to bring me to op cos i have internal tear..Hee.. Till now still cant forget that day.
hey mimi, congrats! you had a natural for 1st birth? why C this time round?
sorry ah... marsya is a girl?

you very funny, how come don't dare to carry baby.. hehe... i would love to... it's such a wonderful feeling when the weight of the baby just 'plonked' onto me

Any mummies have any checklist of items to bring for 2.5yo? I am bringing Tiff to HK with me next week. What medicine to prepare?
oh ya mimi... almost forgot we shared the same gynae. i think c-section is very 'convenient', haha at least for me. you must be very small framed that's why he suggested go C for bb bigger than 2.5kg. Both my girls are big at birth (3.43kg for Tiff) & (3.57kg for Beth), but... both were small as they grow. Beth is now 6.5kg only at almost 8mo! Terrible. Tiff is now only 11kg.
for med u hv to bring for fever(2 types, para and brufen), cough, flu, Diarrhoea, etc. Other items u can bring Thermometer, stroller or baby carrier/sarong, etc. Clothes wise u depend on the weather bah...
If u going Disney, bring a disposable rain coat 'cos one of the river rides u may get wet depends on which part of the 'boat' u r sitting.
hi Violet
you brought your kids to HK before? any other advise? esp on their diet and foodwise.
i think most prob i will bring an umbrella stroller and a baby sling. they don't provide raincoat there?
i brough my kids there last yr in oct... it's a bit windy in HK and maccau is even more windy so will be colder there. Disneyland is warmer and sunny so very good weather for the kids to play. Disneyland dun provide raincoat but won't get very wet oso la... just tat my colli told me to birng so i bring lor :p

I brought umbrella stroller there too
Some MRTs hv lifts within the station and some u will still need to carry it up and down the stairs/escalators.

Air quality wise it is difinitely not as good as few yrs ago.... pollution got worst but still manageable.

Not sure if Tiffiny is toilet trained? Even if she is, it is still good to put her on pull up just in case... finding a toilet not so easy in some parts.

Diet is ok la... FK eat what we eat lor. Overall it's a very pretty fun trip but shack out for us... kekeke...
oooh yeah i also feel c section seems more painful hor...haha mine also big babies le..i got big backside so equals big pelvic haha :p Ethan is 3.7kg and evan is 3.91kg haha..if i got no. 3 maybe hit 4 kg le..haha giant babies hor...

Ethan is no think about 13kg whilst Evan think is 11kg + liaoz haha....but they are both tall lor..so evan is big size but not those fat lor..haha very ke ai one haha

Do share with us your Hk trip hor cuz i also thought of bringing both kids to Hk le...
where did you stay? I am very keen in Langham Place but seems like the Deluxe Room are all sold out. What other alternatives? Royal Plaza good?

Tiff is not toilet trained... fortunately for this case only, haha!

FK eat whatever you eat.. you din bring food to cook there? Mum told me to bring rice to cook porridge and add pork floss for her so that at least she gets a full meal and whether she eats outside or not that's optional. Still thinking if i should cook porridge for her?

Actually my holiday combination is very weird. Supposed to go with hubby and my sis and her bf but because hb's biz trip clashed on that date so he can't go. so decided to bring Tiff there in replacement and did a very 'bo hua' top up for her tix (almost adult fare!).

Will share with you how much weight i lost for the HK trip... haha! Bet i sure be 'lifting weights' most of the time.

Wah! How did Evan grew so well... 11kg?!! That's my tiffy's weight!
i stay in a cheap hotel(Bridal Tea House Hotels Ltd) costs around HK$550/nite. 5mins away fm the hotel is the MTR so very convenient place. But its' really small and only have a small dining area where we take the buffet breakfast every morning. We dun mind la 'cos we go back hotel for sleep nia.

The last nite we stayed at Disneyland hotel and that was a nice stay...

I didn't bring food to prep for FK la, so troublesome. We jus bring along different types of biscuits, in case the kids are hungry during any part of the day. 'Cos once outside we can't expect them to eat as much as we want them to lor. For for that few days, we close 2 eyes la :p Luckily FK still manage to eat quite normally most of the time.

Jul shd be quite hot hor? Not sure if it is dry too? We went in Nov not Oct, just checked the dates of the pics :p It is vvvv dry and we bring a big bottle of moisturer for the whole family.
Bring lip balm too if air is dry there.
bring sweater along too and raincoat...if not, very hard to go anywhere cos HK is not shelther friendly..everywhere is open space with dirty water splashed on you.
Just managed to book hotel at Royal Plaza last night... quite affordable too. About S$140 per night. Do you bring FK back for naps or you will let him sleep in the stroller and you'll be out whole day?

How was the stay @ Disneyland? Is it expensive? Heard that it's like a dead town at night...

Yes, Jul is very hot.

When did you go HK with Tiff? My tiff very prone to flu and cough. Very afraid i come back with a sick child too. I also heard weather has been very bad the last few days. Maybe besides raincoat i should also bring along a portable umbrella.

Where to buy children's raincoat?
we go out all day and back to hotel oni after dinner. We brought them to maccau and the wetland park which is a bit far so can't afford to go back hotel to let fk nap.
So i let fk sleep in the umbreller stroller when he is tired lor :p We tilt the stroller a little and push using 2 wheels, can visualize?

$140 is inclusive of all taxes? that's very good price le. The one I stay is nett price so cannot hiam liao :p

Disneyland hotel i stay in the Seaview side and I pay about $450 nett for one nite. They had a promo last yr on the park entrance if we stay at the hotel.
Stay 1 nite and only need to pay for 1 day park entrance for 2 days play. We didn't want to rush so opt for this promo. After dinner we stay in the hotel room 'cos all shack out fm playing all day :D The TV is playing cartoons 24hrs so kids are not bored lor.
forgot to mention, u can get raincoat at those $2 shops. Hv sizes but even the S will be too big for tiff la. FK share with me lor. I jus carry him and wear the raincoat :p

We spend 6 days there with the 2 kids.... during the trip is ok, once we come back i'm aching all over LOL... think my hb worst off 'cos he is the one to carry the the stroller if there are staircases.

My kids was alrdy down with running nose before the trip, and it got a little worst off when they are there. Gotta buy extra tissue there, 'cos what we bring is not enough :p
Yes i know what you mean. No wonder you feel so shack, tilting the stroller is no joke. I also plan to go Macau and Disneyland. Now wondering if i should bring the normal pram so that i can recline and Tiff can rest better. yup, S$140 is inclusive of all taxes.

Disneyland is S$450? That's very ex.

How long was your trip?
Tiff is now down with flu and cough, hope she gets better by the day we depart next thu and have built up enough immunity to be well enough for her holiday
Wow, 6 days to HK... i thought 5 days is already long... so FK survived with outside food
if u wanna go maccau, hv to plan in advance, we didn't know the queue for the tix is so long.
We tot once we get there we can get tix for the coming ferry trip but no wor... it's fully booked till afternoon. So we end up buying the round trip tixs for the next day.
If u decided to come back earlier than the original ferry timing that u booked u can still queue up at the line for earlier ferry timing in case some passengers did not board the ferry for that timing. We managed to come back earlier with that.

Going to the hotels in maccau are easy 'cos most hotels provide free transport to n fro fm the ferry terminal. Some cabbies will come asking u to take their service for the whole day for a sum of $. But decided we will spend most of the time in the venetican hotel so we didn't opt for that. We jus took a cab fm the hotel to maccau tower then cab again to the ferry terminal.

Try to get seats at the back of the ferry 'cos my fren there told me won't feel seasick easily compared to sitting in front.
violet, thanks for the advice and yes i did have plans to go buy the tix in the morning that we are going over to macau. in that case, i better get the tix in advance then. what can we do at venetican hotel or what can the kids do there?

ok, will take note to try and sit at the back of the ferry.
yea, luckily we have backup plans in place of maccau, else oso dunno what to do for tat day man...

in Venetian hotel, u can go for the gondola ride, they engage Italians and train them to operate the gondolas and sing for u during the ride. Cost per ride is around HK$100 ~ HK$120 per adult i think. Kids one I forgot le...
You can choose either the indoor canel or the outdoor one. Outdoor one may not be open so hv to check.

They also have many street performing artiste going around the place so u can catch some of the shows they put up or take pics with them.
Here's one of it that I uploaded in youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6I9YQNKR-c

Basically it's just a hotel with casino and shopping arcade... we had lunch there and KLKK for a while before we proceed to maccau tower.

There are many hotels u can visit but Venetian is new mah, so we go there.
with Tiff around, also cannot go casino.. can only go there see how Macau looks like. I can't view youtube from office, will view them when home.

By the way, your kids consume distilled water or you boil the tap water?
We boil the water for making milk and any left over we will pour into our bottles when it's cooled. Once outside we will buy bottled mineral water since what we bring out won't be enough to last the whole day.
congrats, mimi

My 1st is natural w assisted then 2nd one is c-sec. I simply enjoy C-sec haha i fl so much less painful and torturing than natural haha anyway, different mummy has different preference.

Stella, Evan weighs same as jarren
jovan weighs 9kg now

i thinking of bringing the kids to cruise later part of the year. Wanna also start jovan off w cruise first :p then next year planning go Taiwan... hb hopes to go japan w his fren but i dun like japan
Hi Violet
Thanks for your advice. Today will be Tiff first lesson at RBN, hope she enjoys it. Keep you updated.

Hi Bulma
You like C-sect ah? Although I have not been thru natural, but I feel C-sect is rather hassle free and 'convenient'. Just open, take out, close. haha! Jovan is also growing very well! All my kids very low CC, like Picanto

I remembered you brought Jarren to cruise before? I think it's a good idea, baby friendly and suitable for Jovan. I am also planning to bring Beth to cruise in Nov.
I brought Tiffany to HK on 5 July...came back last week...we stayed in HK for 7 days because Tiffany was really unwell so we postponed our returning a day later..the weather is really really bad..I don't feel any summer season there at all but one thing good, don't sweat that much becos of the weather hehe.. We intended to go Macau but Tiffany fell sick...aiya..even visited HK doctor. But I did go to H&M to get some kid clothings..still not so bad lor. What a trip for us~
i oso tot of bringing my kids to cruise leh, but my hb dun enjoy cruise de...
we went once b/f kids and he didn't like it 'cos he find that we're confined to a 'small' area and nothing fun to do.

U booked wkday nite classes or u hv someone to bring her there during the day? Hope tiff enjoys her class
will be going taiwan during the national day wkend to visit relatives, very chop chop, fri go, mon nite come back. 4 adults to look after 2 kids, hope it's enuff
wah, all of u talking abt hols. So envious. Doubt we'll be going anywhere this yr. sigh.

There's very few public toilets in HK. U need to go into the small eating outlets to use their toilet. Yah, July is a super hot & rainy period there. Worse than Spore. And there's no shelter. Terrible time to go. Sure get sick.
wich part of TW r u visiting? Me planning a trip to TP, will bring my parents and my 2 kids there during Oct. If u staying in hotel let me know how is it when u r back ok? Tks
u like cruise ah? always hearing u go cruise one hee :p

i only keep saying saying but dun know when wanna go also...cuz sub consciously i want to wait till evan 1 year old then bring him abroad le..the first tie Ethan went abroad was when he 14 mths...

Good ah all these mummies check out the places first then those who go later can benefit

you trying for #2 right? Go holiday relax then try la
I went to Venetian Macau last dec. Very nice place, though very packed with people. You can spend your time shopping and eating, even lazing in the hotel is very relaxing as the rooms all very cozy and big. There is nothing for kids there, so they spent their time running around. They have a very big food court, got all types of food, jerry took chicken rice, beef noodle(pho), porridge...no prob with food la. Can buy bread for breakfast or tea time.
Anyone can recommend diapers that ca last thru the night? Jerry used to use Drypers the whole nite with no leakage, now he will make noise say 'wet wet' at around 3-4am.
I find Mamy Poko not bad, can last thru the nite, maybe u can try.

Btw, is the Nepia promotion still on, as in cut out the label (10) and exchange for NTUC voucher?

Oh yes, I am abit slow in disseminating information here.. I am pregnant with #3, only afew mummies know via sms as I seldom log into this thread these days, busy with work.

Already into my 22nd week, and will be a boy. It's indeed tiring having to cope with 2 energetic kids, plus being pregnant. But will hang in there.
Wow Sunshinekid! Congrats! Good news early in the morning... hee.. .you really pro govt. Can share how you would be coping with 3 kids? You have maid or you will put some in childcare some with mum?
Actually I would love to have 3 kids too but thinking of placing them during the day while i am at work is a nightmare. So when's due date?

So you also let Jerry tool what the adults take? I won't be staying at Macau, all nights would be at HK. But I would make a visit the hotel you mentioned. By the way, for night time, Tiff uses either Pet Pet or Nepia... no leakage.

Tiff is taking the Sun 4pm slot but because her 1st lesson falls on the day she is away for hols, so the makeup class was y'day. She was a bit fearful during the beginning of the lesson. refusing to sit on her chair always clinging onto me. And as usual, timid her wanted to start crying when the voice from the speed reading part was too loud. But teacher Genise was observant and lowered the vloume. Overall, she quite enjoyed the puzzles and others. Find her a little young to take instructions though... hope it gets better each lesson.
Which cruise did you and hubby went to? Try SuperStar Virgo when it returns in Oct. That's a really spacious ship, a lot of space for kids to run about and not so confined.

For the whole of 7 days, Tiffany took adult food? Yes I heard H&M is a must go. I like H&M clothes. I hope the weather has turned for the better now... went to see the 7 days weather forecast seems like weather is ok but still with occasional showers.
i use goon recommended by Stell and I also buy
pampers whenever carrefour has 5% + 5% promo.

COngtrates!!! Very happy for you... I hv no courage to try for #3.... Take good care!

Not sure if the promo is still on, better call them to check, their cutting a bit small for FK's age le so I no longer uses it.
it's common for new kids to be a bit fearful since they are in a new and enclosed environment.
The 2 new kids in FK's class was crying and fussing away half way thru the class and the parents had to bring them out of the class to calm down then back in again.
But dun worry la, they will get used to the routine after a few lessons. For this age, parents need to be there to assist them in the activities lor and sometimes jus to input to them only, depending on what the lessons.

I remember last time we took Virgo, but my hb doesn't like the idea that it's confined to just 1 place. He prefer to 'travel' around the place de lor.
congrats! I am waiting for u to annouced here. Hee..

i will be in 17th wk tomorrow. Still a long way to go.

i use huggies ultra for elvin. Works well for him.

will probably end up staying with my relatives coz no hotels near their place at tien mu. But hb swears by cosmo hotel. very near the taipei station and he says it's big and comfy.

i use huggies ultra. Been very happy with it so far.

Ai yah, no money lah. Now very poor after the accident. Have to wait for insurance payout.

Re: Macau
Love that place. Been there 4 times already. Love their portugese egg tarts very much and ate a few boxes of it when i was there the last time. But so far been there before C, so not sure how it is with a kid. U can go to the beach to play. Their portugese food is very nice too. There's one very famous one at the 'Black Beach', dunno what u call that in english. Have to make reservations or gotta go early to queue. Went there once. Yummy.

The transport in Macau is very cheap. U can easily get ard with a cab or bus. The last time i went, the buses just charged 50c. So cheap!
I like Huggies Ultra too but find it expensive

How long has FK been to RBN?
Probably you should plan to go for 4D/3N cruise to Langkawi/Phuket kind so that he gets to disembark and visit other countries then not so bored.

I am missing the feeling of being pregnany again but miss only I am still very afraid to have no. 3

haha, thought i missed something here when everyone's congratulating you and scrolled back to read. Congrats!!!!!! Hope the govt will announce some incentives for mummies this National day Rally.
there is promotion going on for Huggies Ultra at NTUC.

ya huggies ultra i find ex also but i feel Elvin butt is dry even after 8 hrs didnt change him..I used to let him use huggies dry comfort no leakage for him as well just that i fell his butt not so dry.

Anyway now Elvin only use 1 or 2 pc (if he take afternoon nap) per day. So still ok. When he is awake no diaper for him.
Congrats, Sunshinekid! and I still stay with only child for the time being...Tiffany is very hard to handle.

Summer, Tiffany has been eating adult food ever since she has turned 2 yrs old..but she is a fussy eater so end up only eat sushi/bread everyday in HK. it's good time to shop in HK as SG currency is stronger..buy things there can be cheaper hehe..
Hi all,
Thanks for the congratulatory notes.

Yeah, it's indeed v tough to cope with 3 kids. I can forsee that. I am sure Jasmine will concur with what I have just said. Having said that, I still believe in the saying, chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi. I am sure things will fall into place somehow.

Come next yr, Gareth will be in P1, and Annika will go full day childcare. So my MIL will be at my place to take care of baby, together with maid. It's good that my kids no longer have to travel to my mum's place every morning, but I am sad cos I still very much prefer my mum to take care of my kids. She has done a great job so far.

As for my MIL.. sigh, no comments.

Go for #3 while u are still young. This pregnancy wasnt planned so I was caught by surprise. Nevertheless, kids are great so I welcome them. BUT.. 3 is the max to go. :p

Hi Sunshinekid
So Gareth would be going to a school near your home? Mil will be moving in with you? I don't dare to go for #3 yet coz i cannot imagine sending Tiff to childcare and I don't think my mum can manage so many kids. Have to put on hold first.

My Tiff is also a very difficult and fussy child, most of my energy is spent on her + she's been really cranky lately. I really hope she behaves and sit in her pram most of the time.

Hey, would there be any announcements on incentives this national day?
