(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Good morning girls! My parents going off to bkk again this evening. I'll ask them to help me get the Clarins Oil from DFS coz I hardly go down to town DFS.

Marking for exams almost done, thank goodness...

good morning, gals

today mood no good. yest went to see gyn cfm i hv pubic bone inflammation then gotto do physiotherapy lor.... then so painful last night til i cried 1x in the middle of the nite when i nd to get out of bed to shhshh and anotehr x when i nd to wake up tis morn.

Gyn say is bcos my pubic bone is expanding and Jarren is too heavy so my bones cant cope.
Most probably yr Jarren is too heavy for yr body. Looks like u have to rest early. U may not be able to work till u r due, not even 2 wks before I guess.

U better take care. Don't walk around too often. I can imagine u walking arching yr back as u r trying to hold yr big tummy.... So poor thing...
My advise. Don't eat junk food anymore. Don't take sweet stuff. Just eat moderate amount. Our bb will still be growing inside us.

If we don't control, we will suffer..... Pls take care.
gyn say main reason is my pubic bone is narrow so now our uterus is expanding, my pubic bones is being forcefully to open up to cater to it. dat's why i hv the pain. then nx reason is jarren is getting heavy.

junk food u mean fast food? i since last week seldom tk fast food liao only 2x a week. then i only eat ice cream once a week. drink yakult 3x a week then no more junk food liao.... but my gyn say it's ok to tk fast food lei
try not to have big steps, try to keep both feet together. when you get into the car, sit first, then move both legs in.

try to use a pillow between your legs when you sleep side ways, then do not cross your legs when you sleep. all this should help.
Be strong, all this will be over soon in another few months. when you seeing the threpist?
ah may
seeing therapist 27 oct lor so far away =( but anyway the physio will not help cure the pain. they only hope can help to reduce the pain only. the pain will only slowly go away after i deliver. so i stil got 16 weeks to suffer...(T_T)

This is my third bb and I began to have pelvic joint pain a month ago. I cannot walk for long time, immobilsed if i stand too long and cannot turn without pain in bed. I read up in the internet, and it is due to hormonal changes, that's why our pelvic bone expand, due to the bb's weighton a shifted pelvic bone, we are feeling extreme pain. I brought tt up to my gynae, he advised me not to squat or walk for long. He said there are some pple end up in wheelchair b4 their delivery! Of course, this is only temporary.
So rest, rest and rest lah.
Ok. Then u try to cut down on sweet stuff. BB will grow big if we take too much sweet stuff.

Try to rest more..... do take care....
i also started to hv the pain 3 weeks ago then i tot it will go away so i didnt bother cos th epain is stil endurable. but these few days, the pain is getting more n more terrible. i also cannot turn without pain in bed, cannot get out of bed without pain, cannot walk without pain, cannot stand up without pain .... why pregnancy so terrible one....sob sob... suffering after suffering

thanks, babycutie
halo gals,
long time never to log in :p

hope u rest well if u on mc

BTW, where is the pubic bone n pelvic bone ah?
I feel pressure or abit of pain at lower centre around groin, is that pubic bone?
i thk the pain u having is at the pubic bone lor... cos initially i also tot my bone at centre ard groin area pain then only mon/tues then i realise it's called pubic bone.

i no on mc lah i working ... on mc also same as in opi sit around
try my advise, that what my threpist told me, works for me as the pain reduce over time. Yes, it is like what jasminesym said, due to hormones, which peak about at 5 -6 months and will subside later, but the heavy weight of baby will increase the strain and thus the pain later.
try to take more rest if possible, means on bed. sitting with sufficient back rest or it will also strain your back. the cat posture is good to reduce the strain and thus the pain.
Ah may

Thanks... when i get into the car, i got sit first, then move both legs in. then i got put pillow between my legs when i sleep side ways, n i dun cross my legs when i sleep.

but when i lie on bed, i fl pain lei lk dat wont strain more meh? only when i sit, i dun fl the pain. the cat posture will also help in pubic bone pain? tot yest the antenatal class say cat posture is for backache one
<font color="aa00aa">babycutieK</font>
yaK im hokkienK. But a very terok oneK can onin understand but not really speak

<font color="aa00aa">bulma / feza / mashy / ah mayK</font>
my boss is really gd boss, just that she has to to think of her biz oso ahK every day she see me eat so little she oso will heartpain for meK she noe I cant take those traditional tonic she go n buy those very basic tonic for me cos she worry for my health oso ah..

she oso will share with me wat to look out for, eat wat more healthy, after giving birth whether engage bbsitter better or watK

if anything happen to me during work, she will feel guilty all her life.. thats her character

work 1 day is1 day lahK if my health n stamina really cannot tahan n have to stop worj early then quit lorK after giving birth then see how lor..

<font color="aa00aa">jasminesymK</font>
I work there 1+ yr liao.. nowadays already betterK eversince I preggy I try not to climb so muchK sometimes really cannot avoid lahK cos the stuff all store high highK shop too small liao no space so have to store high high ah.. things in the shop are organized by meK bo bian.. really no space to use liao..

Agree with a ball in front really inconvenientK sometimes I forgot n will knock into my own tummy as wellK very jia lat mum-to-be..

<font color="aa00aa">siewlngK</font>
hee.,.. if I really quit work earlyK I think I will go shopping everyday ahK then my hubby will regret asking me tol quit cos im not the kind can stay at home for long one :p

<font color="aa00aa">oscarK</font>
so sorry to hear about ur frens.. my stuff at most 1-2kgK heavier than that my boss oso dun let me carry.. should be ok lah hor?

<font color="aa00aa">etelle / bulmaK</font>
yap, im entitled to 2 mths paid maternity leaveK that was agreed when I took the job, not 3 mths cos I felt I will loose touch n no point to get back at work if the shop can manage without me for 3 mths

its not a must to take 3 mths maternityK a lot of pple oso never takeK cos they worry will lose touch with job n cant work anymore
so usually they will take 2 mths, then the balance 1 mth they will take as n when they need for bb care, eg chk up lah, injection lah, etc..
<font color="aa00aa">gals...</font>
how many sets of newborn clothings should we standby? newborn clothings last ard 3 mths rite?
depends on how fast yr bb grows. I don't know how many to standby cos mine are hand me down. I change my girl clothing 3 times a day. One in the morning after bath, one in the afternoon after cleaning and one in the evening after cleaning. And I wash everyday so that can recycle quickly. The clothes can last my girl till about 3-4mths.

how come your posting so many K one huh? U use different font?

Haven't u heard, mu qing shi zhui wei da de? In fact going through pregnancy is not an easy task. Some ppl are more fortunate than others. Some can have a very breeze pregnancy throughout while others suffers a lot. Everybody remembers Mother's Day but how many of us take note of Father's Day??
<font color="aa00aa">babycutie...</font>
a lot of K? mayb my BIL change font to his laptop... i dunno... on my screen i see normal words leh..
3 sets a day... meaning i at least have to standby at least 9 sets lor... in case 1 day raining the clothes cant dry on time :p
think then the threpist can check and answer the question. cause for me, althought lie down can feel pain but after that feel better. Yes, sit down sometimes not so painful but after a while, feel very jiat lat when I stand up, sometimes, cannot even stand up.
the cat posture can help to push the ligament back and the public bone will be less strain, that what I was told, but this posture dun work for me, I have to do back push on the wall then effect is better for me.
ah may
ok lah i try the cat posture and the push wall posture lor..... i say pelvic bone, my gyn say pubic bone lei and internet show pubic bone lei... aiya dun care wat bone, anyway that bones is painful lor haha

yr bb will stay w u at yr hse lah after birth? cos for my case, my bb only with me during confinement then after dat will chaffeur btw my mum and my hse, so lk dat ah... i thk i nd to buy more bb clothes cos nd for both hse lei (babycutie, any suggestion how many sets i shd prepare?)
I only dress my girl with T Shirt (0-6mths) and diapers that's all. Then I wrap her up with diaper cloth or blanket (if weather is cold). Dress her this way for the 1st few months.

Then after that we don't wrap her with the cloth liao. Just let her wear T shirt and diapers only.... So easy to change.

Of course it is up to individual to dress up their bb lah....hehehe... If not u can get romper
U send yr boy to yr mum place during daytime, then bring home in the evening after yr work right?

If so, U can get 1 dozen, maybe 9 sets for your mum and 6 sets for u. Have to wash everyday hor. If not, won't be enough..
thanks... ya daytime at my mum's hse, night time at my hse.... wat about mittens and socks? how many sets should i prepare for my mum's hse and mine?

And how many milk bottles i nd to buy for both hse?

Hee hee...my maths poor. 9 + 6 = 15 so its 1 dozen and 3 extra...paiseh

15 sets of mittens and socks. As u chg his clothes, chg his mittens and socks as well. 9 sets for yr mum and 6 sets for u.

Get 4 milk bottles. 2 for each hse. But u got problem for steam steriliser woh... U have to get 2 leh... Unless u let yr mum have the steriliser and u do the convention way (sterilise the bottles with boiling water).
<font color="aa00aa">bulma...</font>
yap... bb will stay with me ah... if i quit after giving birh lah... else engage bbsitter i have to prepare extra sets too

<font color="aa00aa">babycutie...</font>
i dun mind dressing bb in tee n diapers... moreover we dun have aircon in the house n the house is super hot no matter day or nite...

its my hubby going crazy everytime he pass by kiddy palace.. *faint*
We have aircon at home. But I didn't let my girl sleep in aircon which is a good training. Furthermore, my mum can't sleep in aircon room (she got rheumatism).
4 milk bottles enuf ah? but i need to store the milk i pump out lei? izzit got plastic bags for store pump out milk one? so dat i can bring to my mum's place for those i pump at my hse?

i also thinking steriliser may nd to buy 2. haha i was thinking if i buy only 1, let my mum use convention way, i use steriliser ah haha bu xiao nue hahahahahhaa

yr hb will go crazy when pass by kiddy palace means wat? he get excited and wanna buy tis n dat? my hb not excited one. everything also say yr end then buy.
<font color="aa00aa">babycutie...</font>
ya... dun sleep in aircon room better... not too healthy for bb n adults..
too hot then sleep naked lor... hahahaha...

<font color="aa00aa">bulma...</font>
ya... everytime he see those tiny booties ot mittens he will go crazy... he siow one.. kekekeke... i see next time 2nd bb he got so excited or not

k... have to go my mum's place liao.. tok to u gals again
haha 2nd bb wont b so excited liao lah

yest my MIL was saying she is happy if each of his children gve her 2 grandchildren then she will hv 6 grandchildren. then i keep quiet cos i only intend to give her 1 haha i dun wanna preg another time meh

u take care.... keep in touch... and b careful when u work
Yes got plastic storage bag for pump milk. U can get that. If not, u will end up so many bottles.

Furthermore also dunno got so much milk or not.....If not enough, can get yr hb to buy extra..... That's what men r for.....kekekekeke...

Luckily my hb vry kut lat....everytime ask him buy things, he will buy. No matter for bb, for me or for family.....
the storage bag can buy from where?

ya lor sekali end up like my fren, she just give birth 3 weeks ago and she got no milk at all lei
<font color="ff0000">Ivory</font>

Good that your hubby is so excited leh. My hb wasnt at all excited even for my first pregnancy, this one is worse. Everything also say no need to buy.

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>

I dun know about other brands, but for Avent bottles, no need to buy so many. About 3-4 is enough, becos as babies, they dun drink alot. Dun forget, if we latch on, we dun even need that many bottles. As for storing of milk, got various ways like milk bags or glass bottles from the hospital.

Oh dear, I can imagine the discomfort you are having. It is terrible hor. At one point of time, I couldnt stand at all, not even to brush my teeth, but sit or walk okay. My gynae gave me B-Complex and I was alrite. He told me to exercise regularly.

As for baby clothes, I especially like those rompers from MOthercare, that come in a pack of 7 pcs, costing about $21 I think. They are sleeveless.. So when they are abit older say 4 mths old, can let them wear. It's v comfy and durable. As for newborns, just buy those white button tops/tie at the side and diapers, can liao.
thanks for the advices =)

thanks... ya ya pain pain lor... no choice but my gyn say he can only give me panadol for the pain but i say dun wan lor....

i most likely only let bb latch when in hospital, after dat, i will express lor so anyone can help to feed at home else v siong for me...

also is advise from my BIL's wife and SIL, tehy say latch on, u dunno how much milk bb has taken but if feed by bottle, u will know. else end up like BIL's bb, always sleep awhile and hungry every hr cos "he bu bao". she initially is latch on and always latch halfway bb fall asleep and stop drinking. whereas for feed with bottle, can ensure bb finish the bottle of milk b4 let bb sleep and bb sleep longer hours.
U sounds so pathetic....like yr hb those bochap type...

Yr bb dress the same as my bb, just button/tie tops and diapers.....
Since gynae tell u that yr bb will be big. Maybe u can consider 3-6mths tops for a start. It is ok if the top is bigger. If not, afraid the 0-3mths one can't last long for yr boy.
<font color="ff0000">Babycutie</font>

Well, my hb is not really bo chap lah, but he is the steady pom pi pi kind of person, does not get easily excited.
Having said that, he still does his role as a Daddy.

<font color="0000ff">Bulma</font>

I understand that baby's suckling is still the best stimulation of your breasts to produce more milk. If u pump, you got to be really hardworking, if not, ur supply will drop.

Agree with babycutie. My boy came out 8 pounds, already cannot wear newborn clothes. Just buy 3-6mths tops safer.

Do you think expressing milk will lessen the milk supply, esp right from the start when it is not stable yet?
stil can wear lah but will outgrow the clothes faster lor....

luckily the 1 and only set i bought for jarren is 3-6 mths one cos run out of 0-3 mths ... heng ah...

my BIL's wife say she pump every abt 4hrs or only when she fl engorgement. til now she stil got a lot of milk lei
Bulma n Mashy
My friend's boi can only wear 0-3 mths clothing for less than 1 month... hehe

N tat midwife also suggest us to let bb wear like sia kong, big big.... so save $
HI girls
gynae visit was great todya
got a complimentary 3d scan of baby face from gynae
so happy. Cuz he recently got this machine and is able to capture the "angle" shots of baby and it so happen baby stay in a good position and so he snapped it for us. Real coolz leh ha ha can see the side view of baby, nose, eyes hee hee :p so exciting.

Gynae said avergae my bb weight is 500g he didn't do a scan for me on that cuz i only asked him after that. Overall everything is good and fine but only one thing from the last visit to this visit. I have put on 3.2kg...alot of fast food is getting me nowhere very bad ah as of todya no more fast food for me or rather keep it at as alow as maybe once a month or if possible totally none....

you take real good care okie. If really cannot stand the pain take pain killer can help? if not how to bear with it for 16 wks????
Further to that i have to take glucose test on the next next visit which is somewhere in december i think....how does the test goes about ah?
Good news for u oh! Bb's weight is in good range.

Oh, I swam at Downtown East, so was crowded even weekday afternoon

hi siewlng
thanks but gynae was giving me a rough estimate leh dun think he calculated based on my bb size hee hee :p anyway i am sad about my weight increase though *sigh*.
