(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

from what i gather, gynae will take blood from u before you take glucose drink then after about an hour or two (depend on gynae I suppose), gynae will take blood again. Check whether your body has metabolised the glucose.

Hi Claire
take blood as in draw one tube of blood again or just a drip ofit? Then between the 1-2 hours what should i do??? ha ha sit and wait ah???
so good... can see bb in 3D!!!! my jarren ah...haizzz... "fei zai" ah... 700g in 23 wk 6 days.... but my gyn say his weight is ok. i only put on 1.5kg from last visit (1 mth ago) to tis visit despite i ate a lot of fast food and started to control more last week.

my tummy is 38" base on mon's measurement.

oh u also nd to tk GD test? why lei? got family history like me? i also not sure how much blood they will draw fr us but i thk shd b a tube before and a tube after lei... must ask smiley and mashy. they went for it alr

i try not to tk painkiller cos it's only lk for awhile stop the pain then the pain will come bk again one. my gyn also happy that i decline to tk the painkiller. he say too much is no good.

ya my BIL's gal and SIL's gal both also wear 0-3 months for less than 1 month then gotto upgrade to 3-6 months liao

yest my mum ask me to start buying bb stuff cos worry i will get more pain as days pass then difficult for me to go and shop in yr end.
yah my dad has got mild diabetics....so they said i have to take lor....sigh...draw blood draw blood....sigh....

I think it's good for you to start buying also if not when uterus further expand and jarren goes bigger it may be even more painful isn't it? I think we better buy 6 months onwards ah ha ha and perhaps have just a few 0-3 months ah? hee hee :p
buy 6 mths onwards lk too big lah haha wait really like "sai kong"..... thk just buy few 0-3 mths, then some 3-6 months then shd b able to tahan till bb 3 mths... then e rest later then buy.
Oh ha ha got 3-6 mths one ah ha ha :p me hor never really go and check out yet ha ha :p what's the reasonable pricing for the clothes ah daily wear and normal wear one? maybe should pasar malam go buy ha ha cheaper hor hee hee :p
wah happy for u Etelle,
bb in gd range n so exciting to see ur darling in 3D scan
not sure if john little sale stil on but they sell 3 sets at $8 i thk... v worth buying... buy tis type cheap cheap ones for daily home wear can liao lah.... buy such like 3 sets for $10 or wat type can liao
yeah good one ha ha
3d so fascinating leh ha ha but gynae is still mastering the art of capturing a good 3d scan so after that he start charging hee hee :p $200 epr piece of scan leh....good biz hor hee hee :p
Oh maybe i go john little or all thsoe major stores and see ah got those plain at home wear one or not hor....maybe buy neutral colours and a bit of blue ones so people know it's a boi ha ha :p and then neutral one nxt bb if girl also can wear hee hee :p
ya ya i went metro see, they also got those for bb home wear one..... then now got taka sale right, u can go c c look look ah see whether hv or not
ha ha yah lor...hee hee bring the check list from siewlng and can start buying liaoz ha ha. Hubby was saying that actually having a bb dosen't cost much but spending on the mother is alot hee hee :p
Come to think of it erally alot leh...i have paid for the package liaoz and then i think more than 1k+ spent on the gynae visit and the supplements. then considering my maternity clothes etc...wow alot hor hee hee....so sometimes people said give birth dun need $ how untrue right?
mmm i alway see 0-3 and 3-6 months type lei....

i last nite recompose my checklist liao but hvnt type properly yet.... when free then type properly.... i compare mine with e one from u and siewlng and my fren haha then my hb say "wow... so "ren zhen" " haha
but my list is more design for my use haha but i thk shd abt same one lah the things to buy and have..... ok.. i email u a copy once i updated in soft copy

I'm not sure whether the GD test procedure is the same everywhere. For mine, it's fast overnight. First thing arrive, take urine and blood test. (1 tube). Then take big bottle of sweet drink. 1 hr later, blood test and urine test. Then another hr later, last blood test and urine test. U'll be there abt 2 hrs. Yes, have to wait. nothing to do. Just sit around. Cannot eat and drink in the meantime. I think peeing helps to clear the sugar level. So go pee whenever u need to.
go pee whenever need to but then ah take 3 times urine test then where got so much urine for them to test ha ha :p sometimes pee until single drop also dun have liaoz...hee hee wow blood test again. I have had 2 times liaoz kinda sick of it liaoz was hoping the rest of the term till
delivery no need liaoz.sigh....

thanks ah
hee hee i am also starting to buy soonz hee hee must discuss with lao gong hee hee :p
but wat r the things we need to settle first and wat can wait later? diapers, wet tissues, cotton buds, bb shampoo/powder/bath such things can wait til dec then buy hor....

mmm then now buy wat? clothes/mittens/booties/towels/hankies, milk bottle steriliser, milk bottles, bath mat, changing mat, mattress, bedsheets, all these izzit?
Yup bulma...

As for breast pump hor..think we can buy later, but we "aim" wat we wana buy den get hubby to buy for us after delivery.
Cos my SIL bought avent pump but end up no milk..
now she is passing the pump to me..so betta dun waste $$, wait till u cfm got milk den buy lor.
can't remember whether we've discussed this before, but betw cot, sarong and bouncer, r u going to use all? Was thinking of using all, but heard that sarong can be dangerous, and bb get used to the rocking motion already, next time v difficult to look after (always want to rock)
Don't buy cheap cheap clothes for yr bb. We won't know whether their skins are sensitive. So better buy 100% cotton ones. Also its cooler. Ah bo if bb got rashes, we jia lat leh.... Mai sng sng ah...
Yes once a bb get used to sarong we mummies will be in deep trouble.

Normally during 3-5 mths, bb will get cranky at night during sleep and wakes up very often. We will have to find a comfortable way for our bb to zzz so that they can sleep through without disturbing us every nite. Of course its trial and error lor... That's what happens to my girl. But my mum kept complaining so ended up we buy sarong for her. It is so difficult to bring her out because everytime when comes to napping she will cry when we put her in her pram. We have to carry her and rock till she falls asleep which is quite taxing.

But luckily she wean off herself at 14mths. So we didn't really bring her out for 6 mths after she slept in sarong.....
Think for sarongs/cot/playpen/bouncer its all up to individual babies lah..
Take for example, my niece..she sleeps in sarong since 5 mths old till now 13 mths liao. My cousin nvr rock the sarong juz leave it..or maybe at times juz rock lightly for awhile. So now my niece aldy get used to it..so she sleep in sarong juz like dat, no need to rock.

Environment wise oso same lor..if babies used to noisy hse, whereever she goes oso can sleep..but if those babies are used to quiet place..den its quite difficult to sleep when they are outside or other pples' hse.

So i think is how the "culture" goes, no right or wrong..like wat bbcutie says.."trial & error" lor. See ur baby adapt to which one.
Haha mashy
u steady lah i must ask my boy to cooperate with me ha ha maybe dun pee also ask him to go ear my bladder and force some out ha ha :p

any1 keen to order from www.oldnavy.com it has baby clothings as well as maternity clothings. Do email me if you keen at [email protected]
Hi all

Wow, so many postings today. Got no time to log in till now.

For me, I didnt use sarong for my boy becos he has no problem sleeping at all. But according to my coll, she says the sarong is like MAGIC, once her girl is abit cranky, she will "dump" her in the sarong and swing swing abit, can liao..

I myself will try not to use sarong cos baby will be very addicted to it. Just save it as the very last alternative, until really boh bian and u are gg crazy liao, then put baby in there lor.

Do all of u take the GD test? I didnt for my first pregnancy, and I really hope no need too for this one. I very scared to draw blood again
I didn't take GD test previously also. This time round still not sure. Maybe I chk with gynae later.

Its not necessary to tk GD test unless there is family history of diabete or bb is huge lor. Since yr bb so small, u may skip the test.
Hi feza
let me know asap lor...maybe by Monday??? Hee Hee.

me have to do leh cuz dad got diabetics sigh. i also very scared of blood test and has never done blood test before. Then now pregnant already did twice and then the glucose test would be the 3rd time but they said have to draw 3 tubes so would be like 3rd, 4th, 5th time...sigh
Anyway just to update u girls. I went to see doctor this evening cuz my left leg was bitten by some insect and i have 6-7 50 cents coin big swelling all over. And then i don't even know what insect it is. Gosh
Pain and itchy leh. Sigh. if it's mosquito probably wun have that pain.

Anyway doctor said it's insect bite gave me some allergy medicine and cream to apply. The pain and itch still there leh and then hb forbid to scratch it but the itch is like omg....sigh... anyway be fine...
Morning girls
Whole night while sleeping the itch is still there and the pain too.
Then this morning when i woke up the part is mroe swollen now like a pig's trotters ha ha :p sigh and as i walked can feel the pain leh but still come to work lah Friday already so never mind...sigh
So poor thing. There isn't much we can do anyway as we can't take strong medication or jab to reduce the swollen. Have to lun lor.....

Went for my routine check last evening. I am 21 weeks. BB is doing fine. When the gynae scan my tummy, my bb turn his head and face the screen, so cute, I say hello to the screen...kekekeke...
His growth size is within normal range weighing 418g. Try to scan for his penis but still can't because he hides it....haiz naughty boy.....

I checked with my PD regarding the GD test. He said it is only necessary if the parent has a family history of diabetic or the parent is fat or the bb is big is size. He said so far I looks ok and need not have the test for the time being.
I have put on 3kg since my last visit. So far I have gained 6kg.
Morning everyone!


Oh no....must be painful huh. Try not to scratch if poss coz' may cause it to be inflamed. Better see the doc again if the swelling doesn't subside by Sun or if it gets worse.


Regarding the discussion on sarong, think it's best not to use coz' u have to bring it along everywhere u go, else u have to rock ur bb to sleep all the time. Seen my SIL did it, very very tiring.

Of course if ur bb just wouldn't sleep & that's the only way out, no choice lor.
painful and itchy so big somemore leh ha ha yah will monitor and see how....

As for sarong i think the kids will wean off by itself one lah cuz my nephew alos put on sarong but when he reaches like 1 year and 3mths or what then he dun need sarong also can. Then when he go other people hosue dun ahve sarong he also okie leh...maybe ahve to educate the baby ha ha :p
My girl wean herself off at 14 mths. U know she can wake up and sit upright in the sarong...so dangerous.... My mum saw a few times liao...
I have heard of friends' kids falling off the sarong because once they are abit older, they will sit up by themselves after they wake up. And if there is no one around at that moment, it's dangerous as they may attempt to get out of the sarong or whatsoever.
Yeah. Its very dangerous. Luckily my girl just sit up and stay still because she is timid so she dare not move. We can put mattress below the sarong for safety though it don't help much but at least some cushioning when they fall.

Whenever we put her into the sarong to sleep she always struggle. So ended up we put her in playpen to test water see whether she wants it... And she sleeps so soundly in it. So from then she has been sleeping in playpen.

It really depends on our bb.
hi bbcutie,
i dun have family history of diabetic and i am thin and my bb size is smaller than average but my gynae still ask me to do GD test and surprisingly, I have GD....actually i very surprise too as my carbo intake is not high at all.
GD does not connect to carbo. It is to test for glucose level during preggy. Could it be yr urine test show some sign that's why yr gynae request u to take the test?

My gynae tell me so far my urine test is ok so no need to do the test at this moment.

BTW, what is yr gestation period now? Do u hv genital itch? I heard if we have genital itch, hv to look out. It means our sugar level are high. I dunno how true.
do you realise that our panties turnover is so high becoz of our constant peeing?? i been changing my panties like 3 to 5 times a day coz i feel so uncomfortable....
hi bbcutie,
GD is highly related to carbo....our body not able to produce enough insulin to breakdown glusose and carbo become excess glucose if not breakdown in our body. so with GD, must control carbo intake.
my urine test pass all these while.
so far, luckily no genital itch...hope will not have.
ic... didn't know its carbo related. How is the test like huh? What would happen if we have but left unnoticed huh?

My gynae requested my friend (we were seeing same gynae) to do GD test because she is big size. I have a colleague also get diabetes during her preggy.
Didn't u wear pantiliner? Maybe u can wear pantiliner to ease changing so many panties. Get those thicker type so can absorb in case we leak.

the test is take blood 1st then drink a very sweet drink and then 1hr or 2hr later take blood again and sent to lab for test. if over the limit then tat means our body not able to breakdown glucose effectively and is consider as GD.
