(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hi all,
so many posting.

I don't have a measuring tape leh. Think will try to get one later. must start but I think my tummy super big, cause now everyone see me ask when is the due date. I have put on quite some weight, now about 64kg liao. :p

Gynae called earlier to say that the 3D scan best done from 26-28 wks, so will just go for detailed scan on 15th oct instead of 3D on 8th. That means will only see bb in 2 wks instead of 1...
Hi Etelle,
my sonographer say 90% boy then my gynae say confirm boy. I didnt see where the hands during the scan and forget to ask gynae to scan and see where is the hands loh.

I take fast food 4x or more per week lei. cos no home cook food so always eat out endup dunno wat to eat will take fast food loh.

I am 161cm and weigh 53kg before pregnant. Now 56.5kg liao have gain 3.5kg.

Hi Ivory,
Happy Birthday!!
Hi Etelle,
If u dun mind, I would like to add my orders in. Now, I will consolidate my items & send u an email. I tried to place order yesterday but when they prompt me on the shipping method, I got lost there. I entered my S'pore address as I don't know VPOST USA address. And I realised sthing is not right.

Btw, I realised few mummies have ordered the pink crochet tankini. Just wanna know anyone bot their S size? My tummy waistline is 35" now. Can fit or should I take their M? Worried their ang moh size is large for us asians leh.
Hi Wenyl
I got your order list. Pls see my reply. Well actually u can apply for a vpost account then they will give you an ID and the address leh
Then u can order liaoz. May want to try

Alot of them bought size S. Well i am measuring 38 now for my tummy and i am wearing S for their size and think for the next 2 months still can wear. I find M big but some will take M cuz they want to wear looser and all the way until full term
Morning girls
Very fast thursday liaoz one more day and weekend is here hee hee
Wow week by week goes by so fast ha ha and we are advancing in weeks in no time we are taking turn for delivery hee hee
good morn gals

i also no provide any infor haha (pai seh lah) so dun nd to thank me

u same as me lei i also eat at least 4x fast food a week haha so long as mum no cook, i will eat fast food too
yest i do the pregnancy ticker then i email my hb, he say wow 18 more weeks see jarren liao... like so fast..... hope really time will fly then quickly deliver hehe
ask u girls. Did u monitor yr tummy before and after food? Usually in the morning when I wake up my tummy is not so big. But after taking breakfast, my tummy will look bigger. By the end of the day, it is like a balloon liao.....

Wait for me!! I am still browsing through. Was looking at those shorts but alot of them already run out of S sizes. I am measuring 31 inches now so you think their S will be big for me?

When are u ordering ah?


Your boy boy name called Jarren ah? Nice Nice
No lah, since he is ur first child, you must appreciate the peace and freedom now, and quality time spent with hubby. And sleep more, eat more!!! After baby is out, no more time to sleep and munch on junk foods leh. No more... Darling, I want to eat steak. Let's eat tonight hor?? heeheheh
my tummy also biggest at night haha

ya, my boi boi's name is Jarren heehee thanks....

shd stil can "Darling, I want to eat steak tonight" lah cos my mum taking care of my boi for us hehe

dun like to fl pregnant so i wan time to pass faster and quickly bb mature and deliver heehee
bUL: Thanks..
i saw one swimwear not bad leh.. the price is in what currency and jia lat... how to gauge the size huh... hehe
morn gals,
went for my detail scan yesterday..mine is a boy n sonographer say 90% confirm. i'm so happy, tink mummy's instinct quite accurate. can go for shopping spree liao.. my hb very happy n 1st thing he wan to buy for our boy is a toy..keke..
but i need to scan again for bb's spine on sat coz yesterday's position can't c clearly.

both sonographer n gyn also din say my boy's weight only say he is medium size.

btw, ivory, i am 20.6 weeks yesterday... tks for the update.
the currency is in US$.... as for size, u can check against the size chart... but thk leave it to etelle to advise u cos she expert haha she went classroom will b bk abt 11am

congratssssssssss.... yr hb so excited haha... my hb no say wanna buy anything for our boy yet lei

KKH dun tell us weight one lor only say small, avg or big haha my boi is on the bit big side =p
i will b a P/T nite mummy and weekend mummy.... when my hb dun nd to work late at night on weekday, we will bring bb home to tk care and let my mum rest... but weekend definitely will br home and tk care lor
bul: oh okie.. cause when i go into the size chart, there are 3 type of brand.. motherhood and mini maternity their size i tink is the same.. only the pea in a pod tat one is diff.. hmm its okie lah.. later ask etelle... thanks ya..
Dinner last nite was good... all of us qi chui ba sher... noisy ah! A group of preggie in a table... haha
Vonvon n Fan shared their scan photos... interesting...
ic...then u hv to prepare for sleepless nites liao. My mum take care of my girl and I get a maid to help out. Luckily I hv my mum and maid to help with night feedings. Otherwise, I would hv become panda long time ago.......
Congrats Steph on having a boi.

Neither the sonographer nor my gynae said anything abt bb's weight & size. When I asked, the sonographer just said bb's size is ok. So I suppose average & nothing to worry.

KKH will only alert us if bb is above or below average.


I might also b interested in getting something from maternity mall. But not sure what size to get too.


Pls advise us, ya?
Can't also remember the payment mode, etc. Pls help refresh.
siewlng: wow.. hmm sounds nice... hehe i think last nite all babies actualli covering up their ears cause the mummies are all so noisy.. hehe :p

i had a terrible backache last nite and now... cause yesterday travel from Bukit Merah to my house.. sat on the bus for 90 mins to and fro.. wow.. now cannot sit properly...

Yup...like siewlng mentioned, dinner was good & we were a noisy bunch of preggies. Nice to catch up once in a while. Maybe u can join us if we have the next gathering?

U not bringing baby home ah? Poor thing leh, like wat Babycutie said, he will be close to Ah Ma. But I do know alot of people to do lah, because sometimes, our working hours and distance really forbid us to bring baby home every night.
thanks for the advice =) i will also try and see lah if really cant cope at nite will downgrade to b just a weekend mum.... but my hb prefer to br bb home every nite lor he fl v irresponsible to leave bb w my mum on weekday and tk care only on weekend.
vonvon: hmmm ya lor.. cause yesterday i was not in the office.. was on course.. so was at Bukit Merah.. my course end at 645 some more.. wow.. cannot tahan.. so tired...so any plannin of next gatherin? hehe near to X'mas?? haha by tat time our tummy will be as big as balloon liao.. :p

Bul: hehe.. my hubby also like tat.. he say if wan to give my auntie to take care he wan baby to be home every nite.. then i tell him then at nite if baby cry u got to wake up and let me sleep lor.. hehe :p
My mom scare my baby will not be close to her cause she cannot take care of my baby.. haizz actualli say ok liao... give birth liao my mummy will take care.. but who knows.. my parents recently sign divorce paper.. so end up my mom got to work to feed herself.. then cannot take care of my baby liao.. sob sob...

I'm also PLANNING to bring home my bb every nite & on weekends. Not sure if I can tahan though but will definitely try coz' I want to be close to my bb.


I have swimwear liao. Looking at tops now.
Sad to hear that your parents are going through a divource.. Take care yah.

The capris are quite nice.. too bad alot of S sizes are gone.
amanda, bulma, vonvon,

my hb dunno wat toy to buy yet only say wanna buy lots of toys for our boi.. keke..

so u gals shopping at maternity mall now.. i shall take a look to c if i need anything
sunshinekid: hmmm kind of feelin neutral liao.. i tink it better for them to end tis way rather than everyday u say me i say u.. haizz sick of it liao...

hehe lucky me not size s one.. :p *oops* hehe
I want to get some stuff from maternity mall too. How can I provide u the info huh? How do I know my correct size huh? Can u remember the exchange rate the last time u buy huh?
once i have enough orders then i will proceed to order so pls let me have your order asap okie
wow your wasit measure 31 inches or which part measures 31 inches??

website is www.maternitymall.com under motherhood maternity
amanda use the motherhood maternity. By the way i am only ordering for motherhood maternity so if u want others sorrie

you ahve to email me with the category, page no, price and the product code...
as for exchnage rate i think 1.73 around there lah...As for sizing follow the sizing chart should be very accurate....
if you're a size m or L you have lotsa choices leh
....but some of my friends who are smaller in size than me aloso buy M so depends on individual preference some like it real loose.
hi all, sorry to intrude here ..hee

im from Jan06 thread and had a question to ask your...

any of u bought tat pink crotchet 2pc swimwear from maternity mall? i wore it last week for a swim and then realised the bottom gota b on my tummy. had tried to push it below tummy but then it becomes loose at the bums and thighs, wait expose the unnecessary...
haha how do ur wear it?
