(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Forgot to tell you... that cook book bought by my colleague, title is "The Chinese Pregnancy & Confinement Cookbook", author is Ng Siong Mui. She bought it from MPH.

My HB said the receipt taste like Zhi Cha style... quite yummy oh

And the medicine tat my TCM doc prescribed to me for cooking Black Chicken are: Hong Zhao, Dong Cong Chao, dang sen, yu zhu, huai san n guo qi. If u interested, I can scan the write up by my doc, so u can bring to medical hall to buy... cos got its portion

hi sunshinekid
i will most probably order on monday night. so try to get it done by the day okie? Thanks. remember to agree to my terms and conditions before you order through me ah. You can find them in the previous msgs that i post,
Hi girls
I experienced the worst time of my pregnancy veyr early this morning 5am. I was having leg cramp on ym left calve. Gosh it was so intense that i asked my hubby to soothe for me. He did manage to soothe but once i move my calve alittle the pain came back and this carries on for as long as i could remember....i think about 5-6 times or if not more.

Then hubby asked me to stand up and upon standing up immediately the pain goes off. But i didn't dare sleep.....i dunw ant to experience the pain again so i sit up to sleep...poor me....i dun want to experience it again it's terrifying.

Actually my husband and I prefer gals cos closer to parents mah. But my mother in law was very happy. We will definitely try for a baby gal.
congrats on yr boi boi..... me n hb also prefer gal but mine is also boi... nvm lah so long bb healthy =)

yr gyn no tell u weight? mine, my gyn say my bb bit big but EDD remains lei he only say if bb continue to b big nd to c-sec or induce early.

then r u ok now or not? my god, must b v pain. i so far kena hit by bad calve cramp once also but probably not as bad as u
Hi ladies,
Went for my detailed this morning. Everything was fine. <font color="0000ff">He</font> weigh 306g and is normal size according to the sonographer.

So you are having a BOY!!! Yeah.... good for you! So you have 1 boy and 1 girl, can really close shop if you want to.. Heheheh


Yes, I will get it done by Monday. Okay, your T&amp;C are quite standard actually. Thanks for the efforts.

I went to Dune Design this PM. Quite disappointed I couldnt get much stuff because the sizes are too big even though I tried on their smallest, whc is 8 for Singapore. And alot of the designs I like, they ran out of the smallest. And even though there are many other nice designs, the SA didnt bring out for me to try cos she knows I will look like a lampshade wearing those.. ie, too BIG!

Hiazzz... we have our woes too, being too petite. Let's hope I have better luck at BloomingChic.


Yeah, actually alot of pple tell me girls are better, closer to parents. And I am really very thankful I have a girl this time round.
Bulma &amp; Jasjas
Thanks for the concern. Well the pain is painful very painful. I ws in tears leh ha ha asking hubby to "jiu wo" ha ha :p he just keep massaging and trying to beng my foot towards my nose. Must have been hard on him. Gosh. Tonight is another night scared to sleep hee hee :p

u send me an email? Did u? I dun think i receive le.....what's it about???

ETELLE not EStelle hee hee :p
Most of the bb's genders all lou xiang already

went to causeway pt yesterday to do some clothes shopping, and realised only have 2 shops there, spring and kiddy palace. In the end got 1 top and 2 bottoms for about $120. And that was after discount. Wah, really not cheap to buy mat clothes. But dun like the kiddy palace clothes, quality and workmanship not as gd as spring.
Yeah. In fact, no matter the 2nd one is a boy or girl, I will close shop after that. Cos I ever discuss with hubby, if 2nd one is a girl, how about trying for a boy. He said 2 is enough. 3 might be a financial burden because we are hiring a maid to take care of the kids which is not cheap either (Maid levy + Maid pay + Misc cost).

Are u gg to stop at 2 also?
Hi babycutie
actually i do agree that it's a financial burden ah to have more ...sometimes i always think to myself how come our parents can still bring up so many like my family my dad has 4 children in all.....we still have our 3 meals, our allowances and all that...but now we are earnign far more than our parents how come we cna only have 2 hor....maybe we do too much calculation?
Standard of living have rises. Nowadays parents sent their kids for enrichment courses and nursery classes which is not cheap before they attend kindergarten at age 5 years old.

Also education modules have changed. The modules the kids study nowadays are not as simple as what we have learnt during our time when we are at their age.

For example. I have a friend whose her friend is a housewife. She did not let her child attend any courses before her kindergarten. Ended up she is the only one that falls far far behind other kids who have attended nursery and other enrichment course before attending kindergarten. And guess what? All other kids laugh at her child and ended up her child has to sit beside the teacher during class. Also the kid tells the mum that she don't like to go to school and don't want to go to school.

Take my girl for example. I have enrol her in a brain stimulation class which will start next saturday. Perhaps u have heard of shichida method before. And guess how much it cost? As she is attending weekend class (75mins/week @ 10 classes per term), it cost $780. And we as parents have to attend class also which is $190/pax. Both parents attending will cost $250. See...before she attend class, already $1000 gone liao.....

So how to have more..... tio bo?
Kindergarten eductaion perhaps is essential for them to prepare them for what lies ahead in primary school. But for me i am not really in approval of sending them to enrichment clases or what before the age of 4...i still think kids should have their good share of fun childhood times. I think it all lies in the parents' thinking yah?

I have friends whose children only attended kindergarten and not extra classes but they are able to cope and handle quite well in school as well. So i do think enrihcment classes will help but are we applying stress and pressure to our child too early??

My 2 cents worth of comment
u got all your stuff from Spring then huh? Is the outlet big? Bigger than suntec's?? More variety. I live in the west and do not want to travel all the way down to causeway point and in the end to be disappointed so must check it out first hee hee :p
If u r comparing Spring @ Causeway point and Suntec. They carry almost the same items.

I do agree with you on the enrichment classes. Its up to individual parents anyway. The courses that I enrol my girl to attend is not an enrichment course. Its a brain stimuation course that will help to stimulate the child to use their right brain to remember things. Hopefully this will help her when she goes to school in the future.

My husband has a colleague who send his son to attend this course when he was 6 months old. Now at about 18 months old, he can talk very well in full sentence. For eg. when his diapers is wet, he will say, wo yao huan niao pian. Which I think is very amazing for a 18 mths old lor....

And my girl at 15 gg 16 mths still baby talking... dunno what she is blabbering about....
Understand u bot swimwear from motherhood maternity. I do not know what size to get since the size chart did not mentioned sizes for swimwear.

I am 152cm and now weigh 53kg. My waist(with tummy)is 34inch, Hip is 37inch and bust is 35inch. A "S" size would be sufficient for me right?
Etelle and ladies who have cramps,
if u have cramps. pls make sure don't apply any medication or cream. My ma said jus massage it downwards towards the feet. If not next time have ugly veins lines.
Maybe don't over walk too much coz the weight is straining on the calfs of the legs.
So all of you now koe the gender.
I will get to know only this coming wed.
Hi Etelle,
If u get cramps, try to flex ur legs inwards towards u. It will loosen the muscle tensions. Then if possible get ur hubby to quickly massage ur legs to relieve the pain. It works for me.

Try to sleep with legs elevated. U can put a pillow under ur legs before u sleep. It helps to circulate the blood &amp; prevent cramps.
Hi Wenyl &amp; Oscar
Thanks for your advices.

I have started to put a pillow in between my legs when i'm sleeping on the sides. I didn't have cramp for yesterday. Thank God. I wun want to experience the cramp again. Sigh.

So boy or girl do you prefer? Excited huh getting to know the gender soonz hee hee :p
Hey ladies.. morning...

I also went for my scan on Sat... and its a baby GIRL!!!! so happy...

the doctor there say baby's dimension are all within the range.. not very big and not very small.. everything just nice and i was phew.. so glad that the baby is growing fine....

But they din tell me any things liao leh... got to wait till 15 when i see my gynae then ask him everything liao...
My synographer didn't tell me the weight leh! My detailed scan not with my gynae's clinic, was in another clinic appointed by gynae.

But looking at report, everything is normal within range... phew!

I will check with my gynae on 10 Oct, next Mon
siewlng: hehe.. we both same.. no dimension given and got to wait see gynae then know..

u know what.. i saw my little girl puttin her hand into her mouth.. so cute...
Hi all mtb,
May I join this forum. My EDD is 28 Feb.Not sure of baby gender...going for detailed scan tmr. So excited!!!
Ask u gals ah, can bring how many pple to see detailed scan huh? Mine will at ADC, KKH.
Hello everyone,
it's monday again. I will be doing my detail scan this thursday. A bit very excited.

But since last weekend, I suffer from heat rash leh, on my tummy and breast, very very itchy, need to be in super cool room otherwise will itch and whole area turn red. So did not go swimming last sunday.
Hi May,
ya my detailed scan tmr. Do u know baby gender already? Hope time can pass quickly, cant wait to see bb!!
My skin at side of bum v itchy... controlling not to scratch too much.
Hi Hipee,
welcome. Not sure but the room is quite cramp leh, think you can bring one person in only.
I already know, most likely to be boi, will confirm one more time on Thur.

ya, better control the itch, else skin looks terrible, I have tried using stretch mark oil and yesterday doc gave me camomile lotion for the rashes. Ususally itch is due to dry skin, unless like me become rashes.
babycutie gave u the answer liao
actually, that's the only maternity store n outlet i've been to so far, wanted to go suntec and look see yesterday, but no time to go. Finishing up marking...

changed my detail scan to this sat. The nurse was like, can change, but no earlier than this sat. Think it must be from 20 wks onwards then can do the scan, isit?

gong xi! girl girl to doll up

Hubby n i were talking abt bb's education, and saying must train up to be scholar otherwise in sg very difficult to go far in public sector. Both of us civil servants, so can see the difference betw scholars and non-scholars advancement. At this point of time, dun noe if will send bb to enrichment classes, but i think if want bb to talk maturely, it's impt for the adults to treat them in an adult manner. Like talk to them properly, and try to have conversation with them. After all, bbs learn a lot by imitation
hi ladies,

the thread move so fast have a hard time catching up..

so far i m enjoying my 2nd trimester w/out much hassle.. but i have a complain.. for e.g today morning, i had breakfast with mum and while waiting for the bus, there's this auntie that kept looking at my face then my stomach.. i think in her mind, i must be some teenager who got pregnant.. i really feel like going up to her and tell her that i m happily married and my pregnancy is no accident.. i know i look young but i hate being judged like that..
So long your conscience is clear why bother about that aunty? Don't bother so much lah...so long u r happy....right?
Sounds like u want yr child to join the public sector...hehehe....
But its good that we worry about their education. Because its very competitive these days. Education level has changed too. What kids studies in Primary 1 now is not the same as what we have studied back then.

Congrats on having a gal.
Now u can start buying those sweet little pieces of clothings for her. Shopping for bb gals are more fun than for boys.


It's good to think far ahead but no point dwelling too deep into that coz' things change very fast. So long as we bring them up to be of good character, it's good enough to last them thru' their lifetime. Whether they excel in private or public sector, or if they are scholars or not, you can't force it too much. Else will make u very kiasu &amp; add unnecessary pressure on ur child.

To me, I want my child to have a memorable childhood, a childhood that's filled with lotsa fun. Coz' they only have those few years to enjoy. Once they start Pri 1, it's all abt studies &amp; work.


Don't bother with those aunties lah. Let them think what they want to. U can't stop ppl from judging u. Isn't it good to look young?

Ah May,

I'm also beginning to have itchiness around my tummy. Dare not scratch too hard. Think my skin becoming too dry. Must be more conscientious in applying cream. Sometimes itch is more unbearable than pain.
Hi gals

Do KKH have annenatal packages like how to take care new born babies or how to prepare yourself during giving birth? If not, can we sign up in pte hospitals?

BTW, hv been using oxycover for my pimples, not sure it is safe to use?
hi hipee
welcome to the forum. ya thk the KKH ADC can only allow 1 more person to company u.

Ah May
i also begin to fl itchy these few days then i keep applying moisturiser lor and control myself dun scratch unless it's really unbearable then i scratch a bit lk dat... could it be we r again at the expanding period so the strech cause the itch huh?

thanks for guiding me to the AMK shop. i bought a pants fr that AMK shop. actually not much variety. as i alr got many tops so i only target at pants. i thk i seen tis shop at bencoolen there as well and i bought a pair of 3/4 pants there abt 1-2 mths ago.

anyone experience the groin that area the bones pain when u walk? i hv been experiencing it for abt 2-3 weeks alr.
KKH has antenatal class..... i just started my class last tues.... u also can chose to sign w other hospital but more x lor it's cheaper to sign w hospital u gg to deliver.

not sure abt the oxycover lei
Hi Bulma

Tks. Then I will call KKH and sign up with them. Hope there are still classess available. Btw, how much did you pay for the package?

Can try Mt Alvernia too. Cheaper if you are delivering there as well, as compared to a non-Mt.Alvernia patient. Think it's about $126 for 6 lessons or something.

I heard KKH's antenatal courses are more comprehensive and covers more areas. Can call up to check.
Vonvon and bulma,
yes, I started with just itch, but now I think is rash, according to the doc I saw on Sun, he thinks it might be allergy react to something which I still cannot figure out. I try not to scratch, but hor, sometimes so itchy, I do it subconsciencely leh (especially during the night when I sleeping), now, have some marks on all over my belly. like bleeding in the skin.
tks on KKH ADC. Do u know if they allow us to video the detail scan? thot of bringing video cam leh.

ya i experience bone pain at pelvic area.

I also experience pelvic or the end of spine pain. started yesterday when i exercise. Think i overstretched. Now, whenever i turn on the bed or stand up fr siting position, the spine ( tail end) is painful and i hv to move slowly.
the pain in the groin area, I think the same as mine, need to rest more, cause only by resting and proper posture will be better. For example, now I sit straight, back lean against the back of the chair so the pressure on the lower back is less. try the hot shower on your back during bathing or use a heat pat on your lower back for a short period of time, will help.

u have to see whether it's heat rash or due to expansion leh. Coz remember i got heat rash just last week? For heat rash, treatment is entirely opposite. Gotta keep the area dry. So gotta powder myself and no moisturiser coz it makes it worse.
I still use the clarins oil, but after that will apply the calamine lotion, so that whole area like harden. think is heat rash cause when I feel hot, will itch very badly. on thur and fri thought is due to expansion keep apply moisturiser and don't work.
but you mean now cannot apply moisturiser at all?

but I cannot stand powder smell leh, will merlion if I apply. :p

Welcome on board!

I have some sharp pains at pelvic bonds, I suspect bb's head is resting there. Cos I saw it twice, she is at tat position. 1x during gynae's scan, 1x during detailed scan... same as Fan's bb, rest so comfortably at tat position, no big change. So my HB asked bb to move dun press against mummy's bone, she obey n move away, so no more pain liao.

Your bb bery cute leh...
My bb only turned n nodded her head during scan, n gripping her hands together (haha, getting ready for Gong Xi Fa Chai, EDD on CNY)

Ah May,
Maybe u wan to try Pigeon's pressed powder... no smell n not powdery..
