(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

her actual c section date is 12 July but as she experience contraction and dilation so everything brought forward....hee

Jovan is a cutie pie...so nice to see new born hor hee

1. koli- N
nite - 10 hrs
nap- 2x 2 hours each

2. summer - Tiff
nite - 10hrs
nap - 1x 2-3hrs

3. Wendy - Daphne
nite - ~10 hrs
nap - 1x1hr + 1x2-3hrs

4. Amanda - Xinru
nite - 10-10.5hrs
nap - Weekday: morning 1-1.5hrs/afternoon - 2 hrs
Weekends: morning 2 hrs/afternoon 1.5-2hrs

5. Jsim - Sabrina
nite - 11 - 11.5hrs
nap - 1x 1.5-2hrs

6. Etelle - Ethan
nite - 10 - 11hrs
nap - 2x 1.5-2hrs each
tomatolander: then why dun send him to cc leh??? then u not so jia lat mah... hehe.. tis is what i feel la.. hehe...
We put her into the infant care when she was 2 months and 3/4 week.. so for bb wise stil ok la... cause she still gong gong mah..dunno anything so wun say like wan to look for ppl.. the only problem is she cannot sleep well lor... for me wise, haha big problem la... actualli before we actualli send her there i already very qing xu hua liao..i wil like cry and cry when the tot of sendin her there... then everyday i will cheong to pick her..then when she see me, she smile then my tears will fall cause i felt gulity lor... but when i start to work and more stress at work then i feel better liao.. cause got distraction mah... then ok lioa lor...
it's always tough in the beginning la... but once u got use to it then ok liao...

Baby Jovan: yeah man.. look like Jarren.. when i saw bulma's sms i was like jarren lookalike... haha i even told bulma the lips is both her son's trademark... hehe

etelle: ya... so nice to see NB...waiting to see ur little one.... hehe
i got so many preggies ard me... hehe just my office here got 3 preggy liao... hehe...

Venus: the first 2nd baby is Bulma's Jovan... the next one expecting is Summer, then Etelle, Clarie and vonvon.... tink is like tat... maybe the next one is u... :p
Morning mummies!
Long time no post, but I have been faithfully reading.. Heheh

Thanks to Violet for downloanding the 2 pics. yah yah, Violet's hands always v fast one. Aiyo, Jovan really looks like Jarren hor, esp his lips, their trademark. Did Bulma say how's her C-section experience? Cant wait to hear from her.
According to Bulma said last evening, she said less pain then her 1st delivery, tat was nature birth... haha! She dun look tired at least.
aiyo, i know everyone sure wan't wait to see jovan mah.... hee...

yea, last evening she say no pain, but this morning start to complain painful liao 'cos the strong pain killer wearing off le.... I told her to inform her gynae she got low pain threshold...

She will be discharged on Thu.
congrats! jovan is so adorable, like gor gor

1. koli- N
nite - 10 hrs
nap- 2x 2 hours each

2. summer - Tiff
nite - 10hrs
nap - 1x 2-3hrs

3. Wendy - Daphne
nite - ~10 hrs
nap - 1x1hr + 1x2-3hrs

4. Amanda - Xinru
nite - 10-10.5hrs
nap - Weekday: morning 1-1.5hrs/afternoon - 2 hrs
Weekends: morning 2 hrs/afternoon 1.5-2hrs

5. Jsim - Sabrina
nite - 11 - 11.5hrs
nap - 1x 1.5-2hrs

6. Etelle - Ethan
nite - 10 - 11hrs
nap - 2x 1.5-2hrs each

7. Claire - Xin Ru
nite - 9 - 10hrs
nap - 2x 1.5-2hrs or 1x 3 hrs (depends on her environment)

This morning felt so guilty, had to bring xr to mil's place before work, then when we let her down, she refused and kept clinging on to me. then because we stopped by the side of the rd so must go off, then i no time just pass her to my maid to carry and she was still protesting when we drove off. So heartpain, times like this i really wish i didnt have to go off to work. Last nite she also woke up and started crying really badly, try and comfort her also cannot, cry until she vomitted. totally no idea what happened. thankfully she did settle down and went back to sleep for the rest of the nite. poor baby, hb n i see already feel so helpless.
Etelle/Summer/Claire & Von Von...
Wow... congrats! I can't wait to get pregnant too!!

Bb Jovan is so cute......
haha cannot wait to see mine ah think mine though EDD is 2 dec but think end november or what will deliver le...hee
i also excited to see my NB haha :p

jia you la! You also love kid one can jia you le! hee :p
congrats BULMA!! jovan look so like jarren.. their lips both look same man.. surely will pout like jarren one..

hahaha LY i realise i typed the same thing as you..
Bulma: Congrats! Jovan is so cute! I love to see newborns.. Hee.. Cant wait to see more NB soon!

Amanda: I didn let him go CC bcoz mainly I thot it would be gd to let them go together so they wun feel distant frm each other esp when their age is so close.. Another reason will be I dun wana incur more costs by placing him in CC den still having to pay my MIL for lking after my gal.. So thot it wld be gd to let them go together at the same time.. Den kor kor can lk after mei mei or vice versa.. Hee..

But I feel veri worried abt putting them in CC.. My mil yest juz say 'Feng Liang Hua' like 1st day of cc I bring them alone ar? Can anot? In a veri sacastic way.. I wish she can juz shut up la.. Is she who dun wana look after them juz bcoz she wana go back to work.. So dun pretend she concerned or look down on me being nt able to lk after them lor.. I can gif birth to them means I can LOOK after them lor.. Erghh!
the more u r bothered by her remarks then the more she feel shiok wat... dun care her remarks la. Just show her u can do it. Let her say wat she wan lor, she sees no reaction fm u she will oso feel bo liao and stop lor.
etelle: ya lor... i very eager to see ur little one..hehe.... when u go shen tat time u must keep me updated leh... hehe...

claire: how u and bb?? long time no hear u update... when's ur EDD huh???

Venus: Jia you!!! hehe.... waiting to hear ur news ya...

tomatolander: even if put ard the same time but different group also leh.. and tat will be more worse leh... can see yet cannot get close to gor gor... tis is how i feel lah.. as least one early one late either one of them will have like know frens liao so not so bad... but cost wise i agree w u lor.. like payin 2 side...
dun be bother by what she say lor.... haha the more u wan to fight back the more she will say....
hmm..next time when we become in-laws don't think we would wanna babysit our grandchildren..we know how tough is it..

tomato, don't blame her if she is not willing to help...if she helps , treat it as bonus..if she is nasty just shut your ears, why would you wanna let others affect your life and cause your unhappiness? Unless you wanna concede defeat.

It takes two hands to clap..if u don't reciprocate, think she will stop eventually..

Stay cool and concentrate on making your family and yourself happy
Violet/Amanda/Vs: Yah..I kept quiet lor.. Nv say anyting.. Towards her I learn to shut my mouth and dun reply liao.. Explain to her or tok too much oso no use one.. So onli cm here and complain nia.. HEe.. But I will defintely prove to her I can do it..

Amanda: I checked le..they will still be in the same toddler group for a few mths.. So lucky lor.. Bt one ting my boy is more protective of his sis.. But my gal dun bother one.. Haha.. So mayb my boy will miss my gal but my gal wun.. But still..if got frenz to play with, I think all forget liao la..
yah, during sch hols I seldom online, now back in school already, can go back online. haha ;)

my edd 12/12, hope will be then or later, then no need to lugi the ML. Or else dec hols will also be counted as part of ML liao. next wk gng for checkup, hopefully bb will cooperate and let us see whether boy or girl

xr starting to throw tantrums. Now when she not happy, she'll just lie down on the floor and make those complaining noises. Also showing some separation anxiety but other than that she's growing well.
yeah.... i'm gg to stock up le

re: toilet
- hi mummies, jus wondering if any of u r intending to toilet train your bbs?
Got this article from a friend....

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
How To Teach Your Children Gratitude
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Many parents tend to place greater emphasis on academic achievements over character development. I have friends and relatives with children who do very well in school, highly
competitive and assertive. Unfortunately many of them lack the heart of gratitude for what they have and receive.

Gratitude is a quality that is often undervalued. However it is one quality that will help one to have a better chance to do well in career and in life. When our children become too
competitive and results-oriented, they tend to be self-centered and less considerate for others.

Qualities like gratitude, appreciation and contentment make us gracious. They also help us to be at ease with ourselves and the people around us. Without gratitude, we become complacent and often do not appreciate the blessing we receive from nature and other people. We tend to take many good things in life for granted, including the kindness from
people who love us.

By teaching our children gratitude, they learn to appreciate the things they have and the peop le who care about them.
They will become more understanding and will treat others with greater respect. All these are necessary for one to win more friends and build better relationship with people.

People with gratitude then to be more caring and they usually have a kind heart. They are also happier and more appreciative. In addition, they are more grateful to their parents and truly understand the virtue of filial piety.

Teaching Gratitude

Children learn best by observing their parents and their care givers. Hence it is important that parents set good examples to their children consistently in their daily life.

Here are some of things that we do with our own children. You may like to practice them with your family:

Make it a habit to say always thank you to others where they
do something nice for you. For example, thanks a stranger who gives up the seats to you when traveling on the bus or train, thanks the sales person who serve you in the store.

Act responsibly and do something good for others. For example, help a needy person to cross the street.

Tell your children how grateful and proud you are of your children for the good things they do for you. For example, I always say thanks to my elder child whenever she helps to take care of our younger one.

Get your children to draw a thank you card for their teacher or a get-well card for their friends who are ill.

Always remind your child to call home if they need to come home late. When we reach home from my parents' place after visiting them, I always get my child to call their grandparents to inform them that we have reached home
safe and sound. (our parents love the kids very much)

Cultivate a Grateful Spirit

When we show appreciati on and gratitude to others, they usually reciprocate with similar gesture. However at time, that may not happen instantly. Hence we need too teach our children that they do not necessary see the results of their efforts that they have put it immediately. Explain that it is normal to wait before they can see the fruits of their labor and that rewards are sweeter if they wait and work for it.

Children who grow up in an appreciative and kind
environment are more likely to become responsible and appreciative adults. They are also happier, reconciled and contented and at peace with themselves and others.
can buy some more la, can keep mah....

I intend to start once I get the training pants I ordered thru a BP. But if FK show signs that he is not ready then I will stop and try again later.
wendy: hmmm xr only know how to tell me she wan to pass motion and when her diaper is full... wee wee she still dunno so maybe wait till she know how to tell me she wan to wee wee then train her... hehe....
amanda - at least xr knows how to tell u... D like very slow in talking lei... anyway i was asking cos recently, when we took off her diaper outside the toilet before she goes in, she'll squat, look down and passed urine! yesterday even more funny, she passed motion... -_- have let her tried sitting on the potty but she got off real quick lei...
thank, all

jovan and me r ok but cos tis round got a toddler J ard, fl easily pekchek lor haha and stil nd to BF .. lagi sian
toilet train
some people asked me to start now some people said later...also dun know when is a good time...ethan will point to his diaper when he pee or poo. Sometimes he tell me he poo but actually he pee...dun know when to start le...

i was thinking if want to toilet train them ah maybe must let them make friend with the potty first haha dun only pee time let them sit for a momment treat i as a chair for them as and when ask them sit maybe then they develop a god relationship with the potty then toilet training be easier haha dun know if i am right...
think its like that one la u just got back only maybe not used to it yet...give urself some time la..u must hang in there le...haha u will share with me how it is like and how to handle when its my turn le..jia you!
hi bulma take care huh....

etelle - make friends with potty? i scared D play with potty as if it's a toy! my son did and that time my mum quickly go and keep it. my son till 2.5yo then fully train le... so troublesome.

i was thinking jus go cold turkey on them. no diaper AT ALL... let them learn thru 'actual lessons'... can?
Wendy, Etelle,
I share same thou with Amanda. Will wait till he knws how to express himself then start. No point start liao, then he still duno how to express himself then stress ourselves. Later make him scare of potty lagi worst. For cold turkey, no diaper at all, i will start only aft he turns 2 and still show no sign of potty. By then he shd able to understand wat is right n wat is wrong.

Etelle, personally i feel only when potty time then let him sit better le. If he sits on potty as n when he likes, scare will become a toy to him. For my gal, i dont use potty chair for her, i bring her to toilet for business instead. :p
congrats! agreed with the rest that J2 looks like J1. hee hee must take care of yourself!

re:potty train
errr... i don think so fast for N cos he tried sitting on the potty but never poo, took him out then he poo. but lately he has got a habit to run to one corner to force out his poo poo.

i tender my resignation today! so happy. at least i feel less stress. wil be a half day SAHM. finally can bring N back everyday to zzz.
will study and try out as property agent in no time.my own time!
re: potty train
hmm initially when she say she wan to poo, i bring her sit on the potty hor.. she really poo la... but i realise she bleed when she sit on the potty to poo leh.. few times liao... but when she poo on the diaper she no bleed... tat's one of the reason why i dun tink i wan to start now...see her poo got blood i heartpain... gotta check w the PD on our next visit....
By the way, anyone encounter tis case??? she is not constipation cause she drank a lot of water in a day....
There was once my hb told me tat xr went to take the potty from the toilet and wear it on her head!!! i dunno to laugh or what... hehe

Bulma: i tink it's tough cause moreover u area a c-section case... wound, J and newborn..so tends to be a bit pek cheh lor... dun stress urself too much k... jia you!!!

koli: tot u applied long leave?? how come become tender resignation??? hehe but also good lor.. can look after N urself le...
potty train: I think it's best to 'shun qi zi ran' la.. I was also fretting how to toilet train my son last time but to my surprise, he actualli learnt qt fast.. So I thot it's best to wait till they understd what's going to pee and poo and where to do it..den they will auto go toilet for their 'business' instead of anywhere..

C noe hw to say 'shh shh' le..and always wana take off her diaper when she says tat.. Guess she's toilet training herself.. Hee.. But I always tell them got diaper on den u 'shh shh' in the diaper la.. Nv wear diaper den muz tell Mummy.. My boy nw will rush to the toilet himself when he wana shh/poo.. Dun even need to tell me le.. Hee..

Bulma: I didn see Jarren's bb pict b4..so I duno hw alike they look like.. Bt baby J is cute! Take care and relax! Evting will be fine!

Koli: U resigned ar? I thot u onli taking 1 yr no-pay leave? Why suddenly wana quit and be property agent? Hee..
tomatolander n amanda

re:poo with blood
wah must really go see PD. i never heard of this leh.

i am tired of teaching and N is very very sticky everyday. so happen my good friend recruiting me and the time is flexible so i gave it a try lor.
my hubby said first 6 months he will give be 3k per month to overcome my financial part so i try lor. hee hee
<font color="ff0000">Koli</font>
You are so lucky!! S$3,000 as spending money u mean? Lucky woman. Good lah, you have the courage to resign and stay at home. I do not have. Scared no money and scared I will abuse the kids, ahahah.. cos I do not have much patience.

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
Jia You! Hang in there. I went through that before, having a toddler nagging behind my back, while I was pumping milk, asking me Mummy what are u doing, come and play with me, stop feeding mei mei, why are u always in the room... etc etc etc....But I was luckier, Gareth was 3+ YO oredi. Just have to keep cool, try not to vent ur anger on Jarren. Poor thing lah, he needs alot of time to cope with someone fighting for attention with him.
koli: i dunno whether is it when she sit on the potty then over stretch her anus then bleed leh.. then when on diaper she ok... ya.. must check w PD liao....
ur hb give u 3K a month ah... so good.. if my hb can give me 1.5K a month to be a SAHM i dun mind... hehe....
ha ha he gave me $$ for normal spending cos he knows hard to start a new job. hee hee...
just tired. clearing my child care leave soon
haha ur wish come true ah....wow 3k is alot le haha if only for ur own spending good mah
hee since he can afford it u can consider being full time sahm all the way le...
ya..koli..since he can give you 3k/month, there's no need to work at all in fact, just let the maid take care of noel while you can play with him everyday..or go shopping..
what is your hubby doing by the way?
haha yeah lor 3k a month is more than the average person's monthly salary le..think even mroe than ur own salary as a teacher right..buay pai ah...hee :p
Dumex FM having clearance offer!
They jus called me... they r phasing out current formulae. So those who had BP b4, can order again...
ya j1 wan attention and i can see him fighting for attention too ... and i get pekchek not mainly bcos of j1 wan attention, he all the while lk dat mah... but is i feel my mum and hb got "discount" their attention and patience and love on j1 ... sometime i see him walk to them and "oarh arh arh" talking to them, they just ignore him and continue look at j2. or j1 wanna go stroke j2, he will kena asked not to touch didi just bcos he 1st day wanna sayang j2 but cos dunno how to control strength yet then abit hard then j2 cry and scream loudly (thk is xia dao)... then i tell them gotto teach and guide j1 to sayang didi lor but still til today they stil rather stop j1 fr getting anywhere near j2. i fl v pekchek lor.. then when j1 making noise to get attention, my ma will say "u huh mk so much noise! wait didi wk up... u v disturbing, go oink oink lah" or she will say "u v noisy.. wait i beat u huh" then i will SCOLD my mum lor

nowadays i try to express milk when j1 is sleeping or my ma feeding him so as to shorten the time he see me walk into bedroom and no come out play w him. sm x my breast engorged also mk me v pekchek but i also ren lor

when free then i d/l photo in ringo...

Baby is still a baby lor, just like when J1 was a baby, all attention was on him. But now got didi, attention will definitely reduce abit on J1 cos J2 needs attention too. But dont always scold J1 lor, else he will feel neglected. If J1 did something right, rem to praise him or give him a hug. He will feel good too. Like that he will not keep make noise just to get yr attention. He will realise that when he do the correct thing, he will get ur praise n hug instead

U can let J1 play inside the room while u express? Like that dont need to wait for J1 sleep then express? Engorgement very painful one le.

Dont stress urself k.
