(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hi Bulma,

Congrats!!! Jovan looks so adorable. I agree with the rest. He does look a lot like Jarren.

Must rest well & take care. Try not to get fret up with J1 coz' he will feel the diff & will get jealous one. Then he might demand even more attention thereafter. Stay cool, gal!

no lah i no scold j1.... it's my ma increase in her frequency in scolding j1.

jade, i go let him in b4 then he keep disturb then jump here n there on bed then hit the wall or cabinet so eventually kena lock out lor tha's why i will express only when he go sleep or eating when dun nd my attention and he is attended to.

other than express milk, 90% of my time are on j1. i stil read book to him, company him watch vcd or TV, play toys w him, when i eating, he will sit on high chair nx to me playing w his bowl and spoon... basically is lk when he awake, he where, i where... i where, he where haha i fl i lk bochap j2 cos anyway j2 got a lot attention fr my ma or hb and anyway, he zzz most of the x

but... gals,,, dun nd to worry about me
i "tian shen ming" hard haha i ll b able to pull thru one lah... i stil got smile and laugh everyday despite the frustrationssssss haha

recently seldom login cos my notebook in "hospital" and also trying to cope and work out a better schedule so can satisfy everyone in the house to mk life easier for everyone
aiyo J1 very poor thing leh get scolded but it's for a while lah. i think ur hubby n mum love J1 just thAT their attention is more on J2 now. but i can see u love J1 very much!


he is giving me till my job pick up lah. u all think he so good ah. he asked me to do sales rather than other job of course he has to support me. wishful thinking ah he let me rest... ha ha wendy knows how stingy is my hubby hor wendy?
yeah u r one strong lady i believe u can do it just need time to iron the timing out then things be fine once a schedule is created......
bulma - u very good lei... but think must try to educate your ma and hb.. cos if he realised he got scolding bcos of didi very easy develop negative feelings one...

we did it the hard way (now come to think of it, poor meimei) we did not stop my son from touching meimei. and prob bcos he was young at 2yo, he sometimes accidentlally scratch or pinch or even purposely do that. so, when meimei cry we explain 'see, like that meimei pain pain... can u be more gentle' and gradually he learnt to control his actions.

good luck n take care.

koli - no la... seems like he's not stingy on u at all lei...
all the best in your new venture!

What u are gg through, i can fully understand cos I went thru tat before. Jus hv to manage Jarren's feelings properly becos after all, he is still so young, he cannot vocalise his thoughts yet, and yes, hes doesnt know his strength, so on so forth. Even when Gareth was already 3YO+ when Annika was born, he didnt know how to handle her too. We always make him feel important by asking him to do things, say thanks to him and praise him when he does them right etc..

Wah how u tahan till Jarren sleeping then u express milk??? How u time urself? Engorgement no joke leh. ACtually can lah, u can have Jarren w you while u express milk, maybe get hb to be around in the room, then while u express milk, he reads/plays w Jarren?

YOu be very careful with your wound hor.. U had C-section after all, so pls dun exert too much.

You will manage with 2 kids somehow!! Mothers instinct! Good luck!!
wendy, yrs was 2yo.. j1 only 17MO haha so worse.. cant communicate... he also will scratch or press j2 hard...usually started with not purposely one then kena "scold" by mum or hb.. he bcom purposely press or beat j2 then kena more scolding lor.. i tell mum and hb to guide his hands to teach him stroke and sayng didi and not scold him when he trying to sayang didi... or keep didi away from j1 mah

sunshine, c-sec i must b careful for how long huh? fl v handicapped haha cos everyone ask me b careful, dun bend, dun tis dun dat then end up i get pekchek at times haha i stil bend lor w a toddler around, how to avoid tis n dat... bo pian one lah

egorgement also bo pian.. bear w the pain lor rather then wait j1 see me walk into room w pump, he wanna follow then cannot then cry and then throw tantrum then kena scolding again.. I NEED PEACE AT HOME hahaha hb work how to b ard in the room to entertain j1? then i let him in, he keep cm disturb me wanna snatch my pump also

koli, yr hb v nice le and he must b high income earner meh to be able to gv u $3k monthly to spend... envy.. yr "salary" higher than mine haha then smmore no deduct CPF hahha u better treasure lah dun grumble liao
bulma: hmmm ur mom and hb huh.. abit bad huh.... i tink mainly because they felt tat NB very fragile la... so need a lot more of care and attention.... then when Jarren just get close only will like scold him lor....
actualli if i am a kid i will also react like Jarren lor.. the more u wanna me to stay away from didi then more i wan to go and disturb him... :p

C-section: better stay handicapped for a least 1-1.5 months la... hehe walk slowly... when u sit down, stand up time be careful.... hehe... tell u before i very kia si one... hehe..
hi Bulma! Congrats on your new addition to the family! Seeing your postings makes me worry more about what i have been worrying coz my Tiff is almost the same as your Jarren. Where he's there, i'm there. When i'm there, he's there... my hubby says she's like a boomerang... will always swing back to me after a very short while she is away from me. She is very extreme, her daddy can't feed her milk... she will bring the bottle to me to pass it to her! faintz!

Seems like the preggies mummies with 1 boy is having another. Well, I am one mummy with 1 girl having another. So it's gonna be 2 girls for me! Now will wait for Claire's
summer: Congratulations.... hehe another pretty girl on the way liao... hehe...
i tink i miss ur postin on bb things at Tampines hor.. hehe... tat time i see like not much leh... mostly is clothing....

Sally: u been busy ah... so long no see u on the forum... tink Sarah has ur gene... tall and slim kind la.. hehe dun worry... if she is healty n growin is ok...
I would love to have another girl but hubby yearns for a boi to bathe and play ball games with him... heehee. he is missing out a lot with Tiff coz i can bathe with Tiff and he can't
But i am glad he dotes on her. He say can try for no. 3 again... omg!

Your gal really petite, i tot mine was at 8.8kg. But i think it's ok as long as they are healthy, it's just in the genes. They can never grow fat or big.
summer, yours is gal ah ... congrats.. i wan gal also bo...

and u dun worry so much lah by the time yr no 2 out, tiff alr almost 2YO le .. situation shd b better than me haha dun think so much lah now alr preg, think so much worry so much also gotto go thru watever coming
so just try your best to handle and manage it lor.. i also lk dat
watever, it's a new family member to everyone in the family mah so everyone in family is trying to adapt to the new member so abit tough lor but can pull thru one lah

amanda, c-sec less pain than natural hehe i 2nd day alr walking around glen E le... then 3rd day more painful cos the strong painkiller no more effect le... but i stil walkabout
then 4th day onwards, i walk normally le... now i also walk about at home... then help tk care j1 and j2... but i try to lessen th efrequency of bending... but sm x impossible stil gotto bend lor to change diaper for jo or carry him up fr bassinet when mum is busy w j1 or cooking

although i pek chek w mum and hb but it's mainly the way they treat j1 lah i fl they shd b more sensitive w j1's flg ... other than that, they also, though not GREAT but also good helper lor.. just dat sm x must tell them do tis do dat then they do... then fl they abit bo auto mode haha
hi sally,
long time no chat....
FK same pattern as sarah, will say 'thank q' sometimes when he gives us things or when we pass him things.... still dun understand the concept yet lor...

Another gal to doll up

Yr hb good ar, still think of 3rd one.
My gal is also like that, she will say "xie xie" when she pass us things or when we pass her things.

I will also feel 'xin tong' if my mum or hb neglects tiff when no.2 arrives so i can understand how you feel. that's why you have to be patient and explain to them. i alrdy started to tell my sis not to tell tiff things like "mummy love mei mei dun love you" coz that's not going to help her coz i heard her saying that. These things are only said in during our mother's time
<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
Regarding how long u have to be careful, no one can tell u lah. Just make sure you don't have many "big actions" (da dong zuo) for the meantime. I know urs is alot worse cos Jarren is still so young, of course he cant understand. Pls lah, Gareth at 4.5YO now still is very very violent to Annika! HE simply cannot control his strength. INitially wanna kiss mei mei, then he planted such a violent kiss on her that she cried. Natually kanna scolding from all of us. But.. just dun scold too much, teach. IF not, he must be thinking, I love didi by kissing him you all still scold me" Hiazzz.. He will feel damn dejected and sad. Slowly....

At this age, they won't know the meaning of gentle, Heheheh.

Aiyooo Jarren like my boy leh, always wanna snatch my breast pump. Some more tat time, Gareth was in the room with me, he actually topple and spilt 1 whole bottle of my precious breast milk, and tat was 240ml.. Hahaa. So angry but cant scold him, cos he innocent mah, accidents how to prevent.

<font color="ff0000">Summer</font>
Wow.. 2 girls are good!! Girls are good .. more filial to mummy! Don't be disappointed
I agree it's good to have girls lah, but a mixture of boys and girls would be great. You and Violet steady lah, one boi one girl... so clever! heehee...
summer, yalor .. then yest time up for j1 to go sleep.. then my mum watching tv.. i keep say ma, bring j1 to sleep lei then i also can go pump milk.. she keep nod head but big bkside no move
then i waited 10 mins... i say in a harsher tone ask her move her bkside to br j1 to sleep so i can pump milk cos breast pain... then she say why i must alws wait for j1 to sleep then pump, wanna pump go pump lor... i say i told her b4 mah if i dun wait and just go pump, then j1 wll cry then wana follow then she will pekchek and scold him again... tio bo? then she just laugh then u know wat? she go and tell j1... "u see? mama xian u "fan" wan u faster go sleep else she cant do wat she want... u see how "ma fan" u r" wah piang! i immediately shout at my mum how can she say such thing???? i say anyway it's his nap time liao then bcos she wanna watch tv then keep delay .. then she like dat say will mk j1 sad that mama bcom like dat to him... then i ask her CAN SHE BE MORE SENSITIVE W J1 bo? i really v angry lor then she say bk "u all nowadays pple v ma fan.. tis canot say that cannot say... u all young time we also say tis say dat then u all also lk dat grow up mah"... then she vent on j1... keep lk push his bk to mk him move and say "quick lah go inside bedroom lah go drk milk and sleep then everyone has peace" ... yest i so angry lor
neverthless, i keep remind myself to b thankful i stil hv mum around to help me when i go work... and try my best to appreciate her efforts lah

but just sm x i cant tahan then i end up snap at her. usually when i snap is when i ren wu ke ren haha i usually alws in my mind remind myself to cool down first no matter how unhappy i m... e most i scold and get angry in my heart and mind only.. wont scold my mum...

haha, only those without boys will say wanna have boys. Boys are very problematic, cause the most troubles ard. Did u watch Sat night's 'Bu shi wo bu ting hua'? All the prob kids are boys! Girls are better...
congrats, i also want another girl. hehe

That time when xr arrived, my ils also said the same thing to my nephew, but sometimes they do it purposely to make him jealous or because he doesnt want to call them/let them carry which is awful. I warned hb already the 2nd one must not do the same thing to xr otherwise dun bring her over there liao. Now they do the same thing to xr when her baby cousins are around. sometimes really cannot stand the way they behave, so if i really pekchek, just take her and go out for a walk, let them go and stay at home and do whatever they want.
Can imagine how sad J1 is. But the consolation is your mum is willing to help you. We are from diff generations so it's very diff to convey to them what we think is not appropriate.

Both bois and girls have their own set of problems lah... it depends on individuals loh. My gal is a chilli padi and sometimes too hot to handle... haha!

The benefit of having another girl is so they can share clothes. I just did some spring cleaning and some clothes which my gal din have a chance to wear and have outgrown can now go to meimei.
haha same as me...want girl then got boy...hee one of each give us a taste of what is like taking care of different gender individuals hor...haha my hb said can try for #3 but what if kena another BOY haha ...would i "pengz" hee :p

u just take care of yourself okie....
My hb told me to try VBAC this round, so if #3 still girl at least still can try for #4! Giving birth is easy, the aftermath is frightening.
My cousin same as you... want girl but got another boi but she's also afraid to try for #3 coz she scared kenna boy again. One thing abt having the same gender is lack of motivation to buy new clothes coz i am too used to buying girly stuff so like no "xing xian gan" plus jie jie's clothes can 'recycle'.
Wow wow mummies,
Seem like so many of feb mummies here looking forward to nos. 2 hor . Make me want to get pregnant again leh, especially when I recall the days when bb thrilling kick inside me..kee kee gee gee
....I want to get pregnant again!!!...hee hee..guess better let nature take its own course. Having another baby is a whole new set of challenges coping with pregnant as well as looking after a toddler is nerver an easy job.

My girl kena fever and still have not recover fr fever. See her so uncomfortable very poor thing. She whole day so moody and feeling restless. Her cry makes me want to cry too. wishing her fast recovery.
Sally: u sure or not.. u opposite... hehe u were the mummy in guitar mah..hehe... if u opp then i dunno what liao... :p

Summer: hehe.... ur hubby loved kids ya... still wan to try till have a boy ah...hehe.... girl also can play ball mah..haha... xr always play ball w her daddy... hehe... :p
but u still young... can try for #3 lor...but maybe keep a long interval...
jia you! Hang in there, all these will pass, just relax. Adjustment is always tough for everyone...Mayb, u can store the pump somewhere in the room, so u can disappear without j1's knowledge.
We love kids, planned to have 4 kids when we got married. But after my C-sect I was told by my gynae only max 3 kids. Anyway, looking at the high costs of raising kids... i think 3 kids is the max for me.
no worries leh. boy or girl also same lah. it's how u nurture and bring them up. gal also good, look as pretty as u can liao!

your mum might be insensitive but she still there for u and help u. if it is my mum, i don think after scolding her she will do things for me.
last sat my cousin remarried so i have to bring N for the banquet,asked my mum to help change N cos i have to put on make up, she din want to help cos she not keen for me to bring him there cos it is my hubby side. my hubby flew to NZ liao so i bo bian ask my mum to help. she din move then i told her again she said she not free. angry liao, i told her stop being so childish la y jealous over this. she angry then she said i should bring N home, she don want to take care liao. she told N, see mummy don wan to change u, she don love u. who knows N cried and ran to me hugging me then she said N "bo eng" not filial towards her. she seow eh.

re:tiff with hubby

damned low morale. my hubby cousin wedding, my hubby US uncle and family flew in. did i told u all about my hubby US cousin b4? i think she has a crush wif my hubby(till now!)
she always wana stay close to him leh. when we were 4 months married, she came to SIN and asked my hubby to bring her to Bintan. of course i must follow right? worst. in Bintan, she asked my hubby to go snokeling with her. hubby went, i fed upnude tan at the beach (that time my figure dammed solid... errr now cannot nude tan liao)then one Ang mo came over, sat down to talk to me. hubby came back from snokeling, was very angry with me. kept me in the hotel room that was when N was made. hee hee
when we went honeymoon in US, we stayed with her parents for few nights cos we waiting for another cousin to fly in from spain. she had a room in her house she din want to stay, slept with us in the living room. 3 of us sleeping, sian right?
this time, his ABC cousin came again. my hubby went to fetch her i din know. when i found out, i very angry.(hubby claimed that my wedding cousin asked him to fetch last min) he showed me the sms that the wedding cousin sent him but i still angry lor. din want to fetch him to the airport nor want to talk to him. this time i really out to make him miserable. why i am sooooooooooo angry was during the wedding, the ABC cousin can still say telll me that my hubby told her that he will try to come back a day earlier so that they can meet before she goes. walau hot man! i told my friends if this time my hubby does so, i will go clubbing the entire night!
angry cos dunno y got so many xiao ren around. his kpo and big mouth aunt(the same one that created trouble during N birthday)was getting a ride from us from the airport after fetching his uncle. my hubby said maybe can try for scond one, i said not time yet then his aunt retorted that she encouraged my hubby to find someone to give birth to 2nd one. walau... this kinda of aunt? so angry leh!
my hubby knows that i am angry. he said Aug he will be flying to Japan for meeting. maybe i can fly over to meet him there so he can bring me go shopping. ( heehee knows shopping solves all prob but still angry with his family. so many brainless people)
Summer/Etelle: Wow..u all still want the 3rd one? Pei fu pei fu.. Hee.. But boy or gal oso the same one la.. As long as the kids are guai guai can liao.. Better den having a boy but he's bad later in life or girl who's very rebellious.. For me as long as the kids grow up healthy..can feed and fend for themselves..got place to stay can liao.. Dun be like gangsters lidat or Diao Er Lang Dang and live off me.. Den I will be most glad.. Hee..

Bulma: Jia you jia you! U can do it de.. Tat time when I had my gal..my boy was onli 10mths old.. Bt I oso struggled thru.. So u can do it too!

Koli: Wah..ur hb so gd gif u so much spending $$ hoh.. Almost can be my whole household spending income liao.. Haha.. Aiya..u dare to nude tan ar? GOsh.. Ur hb bring u shopping to coax u veri gd liao la.. Dun always argue wif him mah.. As for the gal..she's cousin and u already got the 'GEM'..so why worry so much over bo liao ppl.. Bt the aunt oso veri bad hoh..bt I can onli say is those old fashion tinking la.. She tink lidat u will be scared mah.. Anyway..dun worry la.. Mayb ur 2nd one will be Made in Japan? Haha.. Like N is Made in USA.. Haha..
N is made in Bintan not USA ha ha cheap skate.
find that my relation with hubby always got people disturb leh. haiz... my mum in law ok liao now aunt.
yest i called my mum in law to have a good talk cos she has some family prob. haiz... din know i can get so close to her.

think she is trying her best to change. at least now she sided me. she told me to ignore other factors. must take care of N and no matter what we must stay happy. hee hee cant imagine this comes from her.
Koli: opps..sori read wrongly.. Hee.. Hmmm..gd tat u even bother to call ur MIL to tok to her.. If me I still cant be bothered.. I duno la.. Coz I cant forget sm tings she did and said.. SO I will nv tink tat she's a gd person.. Anyway..dun wana tok abt her la..
Hi Mummies, The following are some tips on potty training - when to start. It was on babycenter.com site. Find it helpful so copy it here for all to view.

Believe it or not, potty training can be a doddle - if you pick the right moment to start. Here's how to tell when your toddler's ready to say bye-bye to nappies:

Potty training: is my child ready?
You don't have to wait until you've checked off every item to start training; rather, look for a general trend toward independence and an understanding of what it means to go to the bathroom like a grown-up.

Your child may be ready to start potty training if she:
Has regular, soft, formed bowel movements
Can pull her pants up and down
Imitates others' bathroom habits (likes to watch you go to the bathroom, wants to wear underwear, and so on)
Makes a physical demonstration when she's having a bowel movement (such as grunting, squatting, or telling you)
Has words for stool and urine
Can follow simple instructions (such as "Give me the toy.")
Understands the physical signals that mean she has to go and can tell you before it happens
Dislikes the feeling of being in a dirty nappy
Has "dry" periods of at least three or four hours (this shows her bladder muscles are developed enough to hold her urine in and store it)
Isn't negative about everything
Understands the value of putting things where they belong
Demonstrates a desire for independence
Can walk and sit down
Wah Koli, you must have turned your hubby so on with that nude tanning that you both made N... haha, what a romantic way to make a baby
As for that ABC cousin, probably they are more liberal that's why their actions seems inappropriate and makes you feel uneasy. Anyway, if you feel she has a crush on ur hubby... chances are she does cos i always believe in woman instinct. Details like this can't escape our eyes, we are always very sensitive. As long as your hubby still loves and cares about you, that's the most impt. How i wished i could go on a shopping trip to Japan too.
i can understand the feeling toward MIL bcos I too have some unpleasant experience with mil. Our conflict started aft I given birth. Its really not easy to forget the issue as it has hurt my feeling so much during that period but to make thing easy for my hubby and respect her as elderly. Over the time I learnt to forgive and forget. My effort paid off nw we respect each other and she love my kid a lot. Every now and then she will bring my kid out.

Bulma, Koli, tomatolander
Relax! and be patient Im sure ur mother and mil will appreciate you one day.

All Mummies,
The following are some tips on potty training - when to start. It was on babycenter.com site. Find it helpful so copy it here for all to view.

Believe it or not, potty training can be a doddle - if you pick the right moment to start. Here's how to tell when your toddler's ready to say bye-bye to nappies:

Potty training: is my child ready?
You don't have to wait until you've checked off every item to start training; rather, look for a general trend toward independence and an understanding of what it means to go to the bathroom like a grown-up.

Your child may be ready to start potty training if she:
Has regular, soft, formed bowel movements
Can pull her pants up and down
Imitates others' bathroom habits (likes to watch you go to the bathroom, wants to wear underwear, and so on)
Makes a physical demonstration when she's having a bowel movement (such as grunting, squatting, or telling you)
Has words for stool and urine
Can follow simple instructions (such as "Give me the toy.")
Understands the physical signals that mean she has to go and can tell you before it happens
Dislikes the feeling of being in a dirty nappy
Has "dry" periods of at least three or four hours (this shows her bladder muscles are developed enough to hold her urine in and store it)
Isn't negative about everything
Understands the value of putting things where they belong
Demonstrates a desire for independence
Can walk and sit down
u like me lor love kids but for me max is 3 la..4 i feel too many for me...hee and financially not easy le...dun want to be very old le then still have to work and raise kids le...hee :p

think my kiddo can perform some of the conditions listed.....but hor still not sure if he is ready for potty train le...

i have been having sleepless nights for 5 days at least le....i can lie in bed and all the way til a couple hours later then drift to sleep without knowing....terribles...any one got good remedy? no milk pls...i dun drink warm milk...
how abt reading? but must choose those boring boring type

Not quite the same boat, can sleep ok, but will wake up a few times in the nite and recently been dreaming a lot. xr also not sleeping well, will make sounds at nite. think she's beginning to dream (or to react to her dreams).
milo can meh? my hb said milo is energy drink he said wait i more energetic...

yeah think they now start to dream and also react to it some days middle of the night ethan can make those like ngeh ngeh sound bt fall back to sleep again on his own..
warm bath helps. i used to have warm baths when i pregnant with N. cant sleep too but must b careful cos bathroom can be slippery.

haiz... MIL issues never end one lah. even she treats me nice now i will still treat her nice back but i will still mental prepare for the worst to happen lor.
(cross my fingers)

the reason is i am very close to the ABC cousin's parents. My ABC uncle and auntie treats me very well. i love them a lot just like my own auntie n uncle.ABC auntie will make long distance call to me very often to ask about N. haiz... dunno y they have this kinda of daughter.
my hubby ABC cousin can just get to know a guy on flight then that one n become boy girl friend then broke off the next month. haiz... she so shui bian that is y i am worry.

errr... japan trip dun be too happy cos my huby later might say got work to do must come back to SIN etc... duno really will bring me not. moreover think he wants to bring me there to make 2nd bb. scare leh...
recently I read story book to YJ to make her sleep... I can read n read n fall asleep myself leh haha! U can try tis method...
I repeat the same story over n over again until she sleep
you should be happy that your hb intend to make 2nd bb with you. see, he even bother to bring you there to make a baby. FYI, both my babies are local products loh... wahaha!!!

I like more kids coz i grew up with 3 other siblings and we are rather close till now. I enjoy the kinship and the togetherness with a big family. I have also been having disturbed sleep these nights, keep waking up at night. And yes, also partly because Tiff would wake up in the middle of the night to cry.
Etelle: Why cant slp? Anyting worrying u? Eat sm crackers/snacks? Eat full full u can slp?

Summer: Last time I oso like u..wan more kids bcoz I thot more 're nao' but nw after having 2kids..I veri scared liao.. Prob bcoz both my kids age are veri near.. Bt even if when they're older and I can haf another one..I oso will tink agn coz it means repeating the whole ting all over again.. So hb and I decided to stop at 2.. Last time hb say will like 4..nw 2 he say scared liao.. Haha..

Koli: Juz go lor.. At least can go shopping and relax mah.. Got 2nd one anot juz up to fate la.. Re: MIL
Evtime I cross my fingers..she immediately turns 'evil' agn.. Haha..
Re: Reading books

Mummies..does ur kids guai guai sit there/lie down listen to u read books? Mine ar..duno is dun like or nt used to it.. If dun like den jia lat liao.. Dun like to study..


yah, my boy will guai guai sit on my lap while i read to him. maybe yours not used to it? Do u have a book shelf for him? I've one at home where i store all his books and he's free to pick it up and read them himself. Nowadays, whenever he's bored, he'll head for that shelf and pick out books to 'read'. Then at night, I'll sit him on my lap with one of his stuff toys so that I'll read to them.

We also visit the library often to borrow books.
